The 2015 Nagaoka Eichi High School Presents Open Lecture for Non-Native Speakers of Japanese JLPT(Japanese-Language Proficienct Test) Open Lecture Guidelines for Applicants English Address ながおか え い ち こうとうがっこう 長岡 英 智 高等 学校 AE AE AE AE がいこくじんこうかいこう ざ AE ながおかえきまえがくしゅう AE じ AE 長岡駅前 学習 センター内 AE E AE AE AE AE AE AE E AE む しつ 外国人公開講座事務室 AE AE AE E ながおか し とのまち 〒940-0064 TEL 長 岡 市 殿 町 1-5-1 0258-88-0777 ない FAX 0258-88-0777 AE ■ Outline Purpose Non-native speakers who live in Japan is having wide needs. To respond these needs, we will suport to improve in your Japanese and pass the JLPT( Japanese-Lenguage Proficiency Test). We try to be realized that non-native speakers learn Japanese easily at school. So we offer the open lectures to pass the JLPT for non-native speakers of Japanese. Qualification ・Living in Japan ・Having school education at your country for 12 years ・Having finished the secondary education ・Over 18 years old ・Having ability to speak everyday conversation in Japanese. Open term First term(April~June)・Second term( September ~ November ) Fixed number 10 ( each class ) Place Nagaoka Eichi High School Center 3F ( It is near the Nagaoka station ) ■Guidelines for Applicants necessary (1)an application form documents (2)an aduplicate copy of a tuition transfer form for April or Octorber way to You will mail the necessary documents or bring them to our school center. applicate ( FAX is OK ) ほくえつ ぎんこう bank name:北 越 銀 行 AE AE AE AE ほんてん AE AE え い ぎょう ぶ 本店 営 業 部 AE AE AE AE E E AE E ふ つう bank number:(普 通 )2104776 AE paid into AE AE がっこうほうじん えい ち がくいん bank account name:学 校 法 人 英 智 学 院 AE AE AE AE AE AE AE AE AE AE ながおか AE AE えい ち こうとうがっこう 長岡 英智 高等学校 AE AE AE AE AE AE AE AE AE E ※Please paid your name into. All bank charges must be paid by you. First term: 2014, March 31st ( Tue ) P deadline P Second term:2014, August 31st ( Mon ) P P The day class & The night class :8,964 yen ( once a month ) tuition The individual guidance :13,446 yen ( once a month ) 700 yen + tax( for Jan.2015 ) cost ※It cost is Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Official Practice Workbook ながおか し とのまち 〒940-0064 長 岡 市 殿 町 1-5-1 ながおかえい ち こうとうがっこう apply to 長岡英智高等学校 AE E む しつ EAE 務室 AE E AE EAE AE EAE AE な が お か え き ま え が く しゅう EA AE ない 長 岡 駅 前 学 習 センター内 AE EAE AE E E AE AE E E A AE がいこくじんこうかいこう ざ AE AE じ 外国人公開講座事 E AE AE E E AE AE E E AE AE E E AE EA ■Schedule(each class are twice a week ) ※N3~N1 examinees attend individeal guidance only. Class Name Time 10:3012:00 The Day Class 13:0014:30 18:0019:30 The Night Class 19:4021:10 Individual Guidance Mon Tue N5 examinees N4 examinees Wed Thu Fri N5 examinees N4 examinees N5 N5 examinees examinees N4 N4 examinees exainees ※ decide to adjust schedule with examinee and teacher. ■What is the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test? The JLPT is a test for non-native apeakers of Japanese which evaluates andcertifies their Japanese-language proficiency. In now, many people took the test in 64 countries and areas worldwide. It is the largest Japanese-language test in the world. The JLPT is offered in five levels. If you see more details, please visit the official JLPT website at for more information and updates. ながおか え い ち こうとうがっこう 長岡 英 智 高等 学校 な が お か え き ま え がくしゅう 長岡駅前 学習 センター The 2015 Application form to join the JLPT Open Lecture For the principal of Nagaoka Eichi high shool Date ( / / ) Lecture name JLPT( Japanese-Language Ptoficiency Test) Open Lecture Term First term ・ Second term ※Please circle the correct one. The day class ・ The night class ・ Individual gudance ※Please circle the correct one. Class name Level N5 ・ N4 ・ N3 ・ N2 ・ N1 ※Please circle the correct one. (kana reading) Name (alphabet) Sex ( Language spoken 1st Date of birth year Educational qualification 2nd month M or F ) 3rd Age( day 1. Matriculation (中学校卒業) 2. Higer Secondary (高等学校、専門学校、短期大学卒業) 3. Guraduate(大学卒業) 4. Post Graduate (大学院卒業) 5. Professional (博士号) 6. Others (その他) ) ※Please circle the correct one. 〒( )-( ) Adress Tel(mobile) ( )- ( )-( )
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