Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America * Holy Sacred Metropolis of Atlanta 1 2 1 7 Tr i n i t y Wo o d s L a n e M a i t l a n d F L 3 2 7 5 1 Church phone: 407-331-4687 • Fax: 407-331-4898 m a i l @ h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg • w w w. h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg R e v e r e n d P r o t o p r e s b y t e r C o n s t a n t i n e S i m e o n i d i s , P r o i s t a m e n o s ~ f r c @ h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg R e v e r e n d P r o t o p r e s b y t e r D e m e t r i o s S i m e o n i d i s , L i t u rg i c a l A s s i s t a n t ~ f r d @ h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg Vo l u m e 2 0 1 5 N u m b e r 3 WHAT’S INSIDE March 2015 Pascha Glendi ...................................2 Ministry Contacts ............................3 Sunday of Orthodoxy ...................4-10 Pascha Flower Arrangements ........... 11 Pascha Books &Pascha Card.............12 Holy Week Liturgical Schedule ......13 Our Ministries..................................14 Youth .........................................15-16 Philoptochos.............................17-18 Stewardship ...............................19-22 Palm Sunday Luncheon ....................23 Talent Show ..................................24 Our 2015 Sponsors.....................25-26 Calendar .........................................27 Today marks the crowning of our salvation and the revelation of the mystery before all ages. For the Son of God becomes the son of the Virgin, and Gabriel proclaims the grace. Wherefore, we also cry out with him, “Hail, O full of grace, the Lord is with you.” Come join us to celebrate the traditional… HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ANNUAL FAMILY PASCHA GLENDI & PICNIC APRIL 12, 2015 Agape Service 11 am ~ 12 pm Picnic in the pavilion ~ Food will be served at 1 pm Appetizers, Lunch, and Dessert! Entertainment! Dancing! Bring your family and friends! 16 years - Adult $25.00, 8-15 years $15.00, Children 7 & under free Your RSVP is kindly requested by April 5, 2015 Reservations are made on a first-purchase, first-service basis! _________________________________________________ Name _________________________________ Phone ________________ Please reserve_______adult seat(s) at $25 per guest $________________ Please reserve_______teen seat(s) at $15 per guest $________________ Please reserve_______child seat(s) at $ 0 per guest $________________ Please reserve_______table(s) of ten Total amount enclosed: $________________ Tickets will be held at the door. Include names of all adults, teens & children on the back of this form. Make check payable to: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Memo: Pascha Glendi Mail form & payment to: Holy Trinity, 1217 Trinity Woods Lane, Maitland, FL 32751 For further information call 407-331-4687 or mail@htgocorlando.org. CHURCH Reverend Protopresbyter Constantine Simeonidis, Proistamenos Reverend Protopresbyter Demetrios Simeonidis, Liturgical Assistant Proto Psalti: Pantelis Xikis Sexton: Fotios Fotakidis Choir Director: Stacey Norton LITURGICAL SERVICES Sunday Services: Orthros: 8:15 am Weekday Services: Orthros: 9:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am CHURCH FRONT OFFICE CONFERENCE & RECEPTION CENTER Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Church & Office Administration: Flora Milios Accountant: Eileen Dodd Assistant Bookkeeper: Joyce Yarbrough Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Events Coordinator: Elaine Simeonidis PARISH COUNCIL Protopresbyter: Rev. Father Constantine Simeonidis Members: President: Mrs. Maria Haun Dr. Sophia Cordoba, Mr. George Kassianides, Mr. Alex Vidas, Mrs. Lisa Elliott, Mrs. Gina Gjurich, Vice President: Mrs. Aris Harrelson Mr. John Masterjohn & Mrs. Dora Francis Secretary: Mr. Nick Panagakis Treasurer: Mrs. Anne Logas Assistant Treasurer: Mr. Michael Sorich & Mr. Sebastian Filutowski PARISH COMMITTEES PARISH MINISTRIES Bible Study: Father Demetrios Simeonidis Bereavement Group: Chris Rothenberger Building and Grounds Chairs: Mike Pampoukis & Dean Bolaris CBC: Flora Milios & Katerina Papaioanou Members: Joe Territo, Pantelis Xikis & John Richtmyer Gift Shop & Bookstore: Peter Pullman Architectural Review Board: John Dragash Philoptochos: Mary Mantzaris Finance Committee: Alex Vastardis & Dimitri Katsihtis Meals for Moms: Niki Tringas Greek Fest: Spiro Kokolis, Lynn Taylor & John Masterjohn Prayer Armada: Melissa Georgiadis & Linda Martin Hall Rental: Gina Gjurich, Aris Harrelson & Andy Tringas Society of Wisdom:Mary Mantzaris & Matina Pullman Stewardship Committee: John Masterjohn Pre-Marital Seminar: John & Jeana Dragash Tables Extraordinaire: Catherine Kassianides, Joyce Yarbrough & Chef George Paterakis Welcoming Committee: Rosie Papagiannakis EDUCATION, CULTURE, AND YOUTH DIAKONIA COMMITTEE Chairman: Dora Francis Advisor: Jeana Dragash Members: Anna Bolaris, Georgette Khoury, Eve Montero, Alex Vastardis & Andy Tringas Adult Spiritual Enrichment: Deacon Chris Burdette, Jeana Dragash & Pamela Filutowski Altar Servers: Timmy Johnson Asteria Dance Troupe: Stacey McMahon Astrapi: Tonya Curts Catechetical School: Presbytera Elaine Simeonidis, Maria Haun & Irene Sorich Children’s Play Group: AVAILABLE Filarakia: George Saad & Gina Avgeropoulos GOYA Advisors: Katerina Papaioanou & Sebastian Filutowski Hellenic Dance Troupe: Staci Lagoutaris HOPE/JOY Advisor: Aspacia Lindstrom Jr. Hellenic Dance Troupe: Venetta Jones Little Aegean Dance Troupe: Loucenda Teter & Effie Hill Mission Ministry: AVAILABLE St. John Oratorical Festival: Tina & Elena Scuro Youth Choir: Stacey Norton Hellenic Academy Principal: Tina Stoumbos & Nicholas Kontaridis Auxiliary Groups Orthodox Christian Fellowship at UCF * AHEPA * Daughters of Penelope The Sunday Of Orthodoxy Introduction The Sunday of Orthodoxy is the first Sunday of Great Lent. The dominant theme of this Sunday since 843 has been that of the victory of the icons. In that year the iconoclastic controversy, which had raged on and off since 726, was finally laid to rest, and icons and their veneration were restored on the first Sunday in Lent. Ever since, this Sunday has been commemorated as the "Triumph of Orthodoxy." Icon of the The Sunday of Orthodoxy used with permission and provided by: ΕΚΔΟΣΗ και ΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ , ΓΑΛΑΚΤΙΩΝΟΣ ΓΚΑΜΙΛΗ http://www.toubis.gr Historical Background The Seventh Ecumenical Council dealt predominantly with the controversy regarding icons and their place in Orthodox worship. It was convened in Nicaea in 787 by Empress Irene at the request of Tarasios, Patriarch of Constantinople. The Council was attended by 367 bishops. Almost a century before this, the iconoclastic controversy had once more shaken the foundations of both Church and State in the Byzantine empire. Excessive religious respect and the ascribed miracles to icons by some members of society, approached the point of worship (due only to God) and idolatry. This instigated excesses at the other extreme by which icons were completely taken out of the liturgical life of the Church by the Iconoclasts. The Iconophiles, on the other-hand, believed that icons served to preserve the doctrinal teachings of the Church; they considered icons to be man's dynamic way of expressing the divine through art and beauty. The Council decided on a doctrine by which icons should be venerated but not worshipped. In answering the Empress' invitation to the Council, Pope Hadrian replied with a letter in which he also held the position of extending veneration to icons but not worship, the last befitting only God. The decree of the Council for restoring icons to churches added an important clause which still stands at the foundation of the rationale for using and venerating icons in the Orthodox Church to this very day: "We define that the holy icons, whether in colour, mosaic, or some other material, should be exhibited in the holy churches of God, on the sacred vessels and liturgical vestments, on the walls, furnishings, and in houses and along the roads, namely the icons of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, that of our Lady the Theotokos, those of the venerable angels and those of all saintly people. Whenever these representations are contemplated, they will cause those who look at them to commemorate and love their prototype. We define also that they should be kissed and that they are an object of veneration and honour (timitiki proskynisis), but not of real worship (latreia), which is reserved for Him Who is the subject of our faith and is proper for the divine nature. The veneration accorded to an icon is in effect transmitted to the prototype; he who venerates the icon, venerated in it the reality for which it stands". An Endemousa (Regional) Synod was called in Constantinople in 843. Under Empress Theodora. The veneration of icons was solemnly proclaimed at the Hagia Sophia Cathedral. The Empress, her son Michael III, Patriarch Methodios, and monks and clergy came in procession and restored the icons in their rightful place. The day was called "Triumph of Orthodoxy." Since that time, this event is commemorated yearly with a special service on the first Sunday of Lent, the "Sunday of Orthodoxy". Orthodox teaching about icons, as defined at the Seventh Ecumenical Council of 787, is embodied in the texts sung on this Sunday. From Vespers: “Inspired by your Spirit, Lord, the prophets foretold your birth as a child incarnate of the Virgin. Nothing can contain or hold you; before the morning star you shone forth eternally from the spiritual womb of the Father. Yet you were to become like us and be seen by those on earth. At the prayers of those your prophets in your mercy reckon us fit to see your light, "for we praise your resurrection, holy and beyond speech. Infinite, Lord, as divine, in the last times you willed to become incarnate and so finite; for when you took on flesh you made all its properties your own. So we depict the form of your outward appearance and pay it relative respect, and so are moved to love you; and through it we receive the grace of healing, following the divine traditions of the apostles.” “The grace of truth has shone out, the things once foreshadowed now are revealed in perfection. See, the Church is decked with the embodied image of Christ, as with beauty not of this world, fulfilling the tent of witness, holding fast the Orthodox faith. For if we cling to the icon of him whom we worship, we shall not go astray. May those who do not so believe be covered with shame. For the image of him who became human is our glory: we venerate it, but do not worship it as God. Kissing it, we who believe cry out: O God, save your people, and bless your heritage.” “We have moved forward from unbelief to true faith, and have been enlightened by the light of knowledge. Let us then clap our hands like the psalmist, and offer praise and thanksgiving to God. And let us honor and venerate the holy icons of Christ, of his most pure Mother, and of all the saints, depicted on walls, panels and sacred vessels, setting aside the unbelievers' ungodly teaching. For the veneration given to the icon passes over, as Basil says, to its prototype. At the intercession of your spotless Mother, O Christ, and of all the saints, we pray you to grant us your great mercy. We venerate your icon, good Lord, asking forgiveness of our sins, O Christ our God. For you freely willed in the flesh to ascend the cross, to rescue from slavery to the enemy those whom you had formed. So we cry to you with thanksgiving: You have filled all things with joy, our Savior, by coming to save the world.” The name of this Sunday reflects the great significance which icons possess for the Orthodox Church. They are not optional devotional extras, but an integral part of Orthodox faith and devotion. They are held to be a necessary consequence of Christian faith in the incarnation of the Word of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, in Jesus Christ. They have a sacramental character, making present to the believer the person or event depicted on them. So the interior of Orthodox churches is often covered with icons painted on walls and domed roofs, and there is always an icon screen, or iconostasis, separating the sanctuary from the nave, often with several rows of icons. No Orthodox home is complete without an icon corner (iconostasion), where the family prays. Icons are venerated by burning lamps and candles in front of them, by the use of incense and by kissing. But there is a clear doctrinal distinction between the veneration paid to icons and the worship due to God. The former is not only relative, it is in fact paid to the person represented by the icon. This distinction safeguards the veneration of icons from any charge of idolatry. The theme of the victory of the icons, by its emphasis on the incarnation, points us to the basic Christian truth that the one whose death and resurrection we celebrate at Easter was none other than the Word of God who became human in Jesus Christ. Before the Triumph of Orthodoxy came to be celebrated on the first Sunday of Lent, there was on this day a commemoration of Moses, Aaron, Samuel and the prophets. Traces of this more ancient observance can still be seen in the choice of the Epistle reading at the Liturgy and in the Alleluia verse appointed before the Gospel: “Moses and Aaron among His priests, and Samuel among them that call upon His Name.” Icon Of The Feast The icon of the Sunday of Orthodoxy commemorates the “restoration” of icons in the churches and to their use in Orthodox worship. The focal point of the icon is an icon itself, the Virgin Hodegetria, a popular depiction of the Theotokos as “Directress,” or literally “She who shows the way to God.” The icon is carried by two angels. (1) ! The icon of the Virgin Hodegetria, depicting the Theotokos as the "Directress", is processed amongst the people and held on high by two angels. To the left of the icon is the Empress Theodora and her son Michael III. (2) To the right of the icon are the Patriarchs Methodios and Tarasios. (3) The icon is surrounded by numerous saints who struggled against the Iconoclastic heresy. Emperess Theodora, who proclaimed the veneration of icons, is depicted to the right of the icon. Theodora's son Michael III. ! To the left of the icon are Patriarch Methodios (left), Bishop Michael of Synnadon (center), and Patriarch Tarasios. The icon also represents the triumphant procession that was made on Sunday, March 11, 843, from the Church of the Theotokos in Blachernai to Hagia Sophia, where a Liturgy was celebrated to mark the restoration of icons. Orthodox Christian Commemoration Of The Sunday Of Orthodoxy The Sunday of Orthodoxy is commemorated with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, which is preceded by the Matins service. A Great Vespers is conducted on Saturday evening. The hymns of the Triodion for this day are added to the usual prayers and hymns of the weekly commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ. Scripture readings for the Sunday of Orthodoxy are: At the Orthros (Matins): The prescribed weekly Gospel reading. At the Divine Liturgy: Hebrews 11:24-26,32-40; John 1:43-51. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a service is conducted in commemoration of the affirmations of the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787 and the restoration of the use of icons in 843. Orthodox faithful carry icons in a procession, while the clergy offer petitions for the people, civil authorities, and those who have reposed in the faith. Following is a reading of excerpts from the Affirmation of Faith of the Seventh Ecumenical Council and the singing of the Great Prokeimenon. It is becoming a common practice that the Procession of the Icons is conducted as part of a Pan-Orthodox Vespers service on the evening of the Sunday of Orthodoxy. This is a service when Orthodox Christians of the various jurisdictions in America come together for worship and in a united affirmation of the Truth of the Orthodox Faith. On the Saturday before this Sunday, the third of three Saturdays of the Souls are held. This is a special commemoration when the Church offers a Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service for the departed faithful. This is considered a universal commemoration of the dead. Through the memorial services, the Church is commending to God all who have departed and who are now awaiting the Last Judgment. This specific Saturday is a special commemoration of the Great Martyr Theodore of Tyre and the miracle of the kolyva. In 361, Julian the Apostate was doing his utmost to restore pagan customs. Knowing that the Christians were accustomed to sanctify the first week of Lent by fasting and prayer, the wily tyrant told the Prefect of Constantinople to have all of the food set out for sale in the markets sprinkled with the blood of animals sacrificed to the gods, so that no one in the city would escape the contagion of idolatry. However, the Lord did not abandon His chosen people, but sent His servant Theodore to outwit the tyrant. Appearing in a vision to Patriarch Eudoxius (360-364), the holy Martyr informed him of what was happening and told him to instruct the Christians not to buy food from the markets but instead to eat kolyva made from grains of boiled wheat. Thus, thanks to the intervention of the holy Martyr Theodore, the Christian people were preserved from the stain of idolatry. The Church has commemorated this miracle ever since on the first Saturday of Great Lent, in order to remind the faithful that fasting and temperance have the power to cleanse all the stains of sin. Hymns Of The Feast Apolytikion (Tone Two) O Christ our God, begging forgiveness of our sins, we venerate your pure image O Good One. Of Your own will You condescended to ascend upon the Cross in the flesh and delivered those you created from the bondage of the enemy. Wherefore, thankfully we cry out: When You came to save the world You filled all things with joy, O our Savior. Listen » Kontakion (Plagal Fourth Tone) The undepictable Word of the Father became depictable when He took flesh of you, O Theotokos; and when He had restored the defiled image to its ancient state, He suffused it with divine beauty. As for us, confessing our salvation, we record it in deed and word. References The Lenten Triodion. translated by Mother Mary and Kallistos Ware (South Canaan, PA: St. Tikhon’s Seminary Press, 1994), pp. 51-52, 299-313. Schmemann, Alexander. Great Lent: Journey to Pascha (Crestwood, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1969), pp. 73-75. Barrois, Georges. Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship (Crestwood, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1977), pp. 61-62. Farley, Donna. Seasons of Grace: Reflections on the Orthodox Church Year (Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press, 2002), pp. 100-102 PA S C H A F L O W E R S Pascha Flower Arrangements for Pascha Services SALUTATIONS OF THE THEOTOKOS (5 Arrangements) $50 Each February 27, 2015 ~ Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Davatelis March 6, 2015 ~ March 13, 2015 ~ March 20, 2015 ~ March 27, 2015 ~ SUNDAY OF THE HOLY CROSS ~ Daffodils $450 PALM STRIPS FOR CROSSES ~ $102 PALM FRONDS ~ $153 SATURDAY OF LAZARUS (NARTHEX ARRANGEMENT) & PALM SUNDAY-ICON OF CHRIST COMING INTO JERUSALEM (NARTHEX) $50 BRIDEGROOM (SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY IN NARTHEX ) $50 ~ BRIDEGROOM (SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY ON SOLEA) $50 HOLY MONDAY, HOLY TUESDAY AND HOLY WEDNESDAY ~ TWO ARRANGEMENTS ON EACH SIDE OF ICON STAND $25 EACH ~ Anonymous MYSTICAL SUPPER (WEDNESDAY NIGHT & THURSDAY MORNING IN NARTHEX ) $50 MYSTICAL SUPPER (WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY) ON SOLEA $50 CRUCIFIXION IN NARTHEX ON THURSDAY AND HOLY FRIDAY $50 CROSS ON SOLEA (ROSE WREATH ON CHRIST’S HEAD) $50 ~ Mrs. Bess Francisco CROSS ON SOLEA ~ CARNATION WREATH AT CHRIST’S FEET $50 ~ Miss Jennie & Evelyn Logas FLOWERS FOR THE KOUVOUKLION ~ $500 EASTER LILIES FOR THE SOLEA AND NARTHEX ~ $450 RESURRECTION (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY) WHITE & BRIGHT COLORS-ON SOLEA $50 RESURRECTION (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY) IN NARTHEX $50 Please contact the Front Office to donate towards an arrangement. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: PHILOPTOCHOS AND IN THE MEMO: PASCHA FLOWERS LENTEN BOOKS Please visit the Bookstore and purchase a copy of these books for your Lenten journey. The Akathist Hymn The Archangel was sent from heaven to say “Hail” to the Theotokos The Akathist Hymn is a book of hymns for the Salutations of the Theotokos. The book is used each Friday during lent for 5 consecutive weeks and the Akathist Hymn will be on March 27, 2015. This book is sold for $15. Holy Week Book The Holy Week Book is a great guide and reference for all the Holy Week worship services beginning on April 5, 2015, with the Bridegroom Service at 7 pm. This is a great gift for one who attends the celebrated services during Holy Week. Both books have been published by the Blessed Father George Papadeas and printed by Patmos Press. This book is sold for $30. S P R I N G PA R I S H A S S E M B LY March 29, 2015 The Spring Parish Assembly will be held on March 29, 2015, Please note date change. If you have any questions please feel free to call the Front Office. PA S C H A C A R D F O R M Name: (Name as you would like it on the Easter card) Please print clearly. Suggested donation: $20 Please make check out to: Holy Trinity GOYA All proceeds from our Pascha card will go to GOYA scholarships to pay for St. Stephens Camp at the Diakonia Center this summer. Cash: ___________ Check: ___________ GOYAn: _______________ WIETEYK GLRI E TE UK R GOI R CT AH L OSD CO HX E DCUHLUER C H H O LH YOTLRYI N WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR HOLY WEEK 2015 Palm Sunday - April 5, 2015 8:15 AM 9:30 AM 7:00 PM Matins (Morning Worship) Divine Liturgy and Distribution of Palms Matins (Bridegroom) Holy Monday - April 6, 2015 7:00 PM Matins (Bridegroom) Holy Tuesday - April 7, 2015 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Presanctified Divine Liturgy Matins (Bridegroom) Holy Wednesday - April 8, 2015 3:00 PM 7:00 PM Holy Unction Orthros of Holy Thursday & Anointing of Holy Unction Holy Thursday - April 9, 2015 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil (The Mystical Supper) Matins (Crucifixion) Holy Friday - April 10, 2015 9:00 AM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM Royal Hours Vespers (Descent from the Cross) Matins (Lamentations) Holy Saturday - April 11, 2015 10:00 AM 11:30 PM 11:45 PM Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil Matins (Pannychida) Resurrection Service Holy Pascha - April 12, 2015 12:30 AM 11:00 AM Orthros & Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Agape Service (Great for Children) followed by our Pascha Glendi and Easter Egg Hunt OUR MINISTRIES A/C FUND There will be a second tray passed each Sunday for the Church’s Air Conditioning Fund. Please give generously. As of December 31, 2014 we have collected $57,266.91. ADULT SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT The Adult Spiritual Enrichment class is learning about the Feasts of the Church this semester. All adults are welcome. Please join us in the Aegean Hall after Holy Communion. CATECHISM Parents, please remember to bring healthy individual snacks for our students. On Sunday, March 1, 2015 is Orthodoxy Sunday. Parents please remember to bring your favorite icon to church for the procession. COFFEE FELLOWSHIP Holy Trinity continues to provide coffee for the Sunday Coffee Fellowship. Please consider sponsoring a coffee hour to commemorate an anniversary, memorial, birthday, etc. Please understand that the coffee social does not begin until after Divine Liturgy. The Agape Ballroom will be unlocked after the final dismissal prayer is given by the Priest. DANCE TROUPES Dance classes will begin this month after Catechism classes. We have made changes to our dance program to accommodate its increasing growth. This year we are excited to announce a few new divisions as well as an adult learning division. Please see the list in this monthly bulletin. We look forward to seeing you all in March! FOOD & CLOTHING DRIVE While you are grocery shopping, remember those less fortunate than yourself. Show your appreciation for the good things in your life by picking up one or two items per week for someone in need. Two receiving baskets have been permanently placed in the Narthex to receive your contributions, which will be forwarded to local families in need. If you have clothes to bring to church for the homeless, please bring them during office hours, Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm. GOYA There will be a GOYA meeting on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Please meet in the GOYA room after catechism class. Seniors, please read the section for AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope for scholarship information. Please stop by the table in the foyer and place your family name in the Pascha card that will be distributed to the parish. A donation of $20 will benefit the GOYA events in the future. GREAT COMPLINE The Great Compline service will be held on Mondays in March at 6 pm. If you wish to have the Holy Sacrament of Confession, please remain in the back pews after service. HELLENIC ACADEMY We will hold class on Wednesday, March 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2015. If you have any questions about the Greek language classes, please call Mrs. Tina Stoumbos at 407-401-8890. PAN-ORTHODOX FEEDINGS The monthly pan-Orthodox feeding of the homeless will take place on Friday, March 27th, at St. George Orthodox Church. Those planning to cook should arrive at noon, and those planning to set-up or serve should arrive at 4 pm and stay until 6 pm. PAN-ORTHODOX SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY Vespers will be held on Sunday, March 1, 2015 at St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church at 5 pm. Please join us for this event. PARISH ASSEMBLY The spring Parish Assembly will be held on Sunday, March 29th, in the Agape Ballroom. PRESANCTIFIED DIVINE LITURGY The Presanctified Divine Liturgy will be held on Wednesdays, in March, at 6 pm. They will be followed by a Lenten supper and the Life of Saints series. If you wish to have the Holy Sacrament of Confession, please call the Front Office to schedule an appointment before the service. SOCIETY OF WISDOM Our next luncheon will be held on Thursday, March 19th, at 11:30 am in the Aegean Hall. Join us for good fellowship and an informative lecture by Father Demetrios about Holy and Great Lent. For further information, contact Mrs. Mary Mantzaris @ 407-322-6958 and Mrs. Matina Pullman @ 407-695-6942. STEWARDSHIP Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God. Becoming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Please remember to return your 2015 Stewardship Commitment card. If you would like to join the Stewardship Committee, please contact Mr. John Masterjohn or Mr. Sebastian Filutowski. AHEPA & DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE GRADUATING SENIORS: The Orlando AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope have scholarships for you! We have Chapter, District and National Scholarships that you could be eligible for even if you are not a member of our organization. Please visit our websites AHEPA. org or Daughters of Penelope.org or to request Chapter applications contact Jim Sirks, 407-275-5842 jssirks@ bellsouth.net or Stella Sirks 407-275-5842 ssirks@aol. com. Deadlines begin April 1st, so don’t delay, Apply TODAY! For questions concerning the luminaries please contact our chairman, Julia Nikitas or stop by our table in the church hall from the first Sunday of Lent until Palm Sunday which will be the last day to purchase them . PHILOPTOCHOS “KINDNESS, LOVE AND PATIENCE” PHILOPTOCHOS CALENDAR MARCH 3rd Tuesday – Philoptochos General Meeting – Aegean Hall – 7:00 P.M. 4th Wednesday – Philoptochos to sponsor the Lenten Dinner 8th Sunday – Sell Palm Sunday Lunch Tickets 15th Sunday - Veneration of the Cross Tray for Hellenic College/Operational Expenses Sale of Loukoumathes – Philoptochos Fundraiser for the Diakonia Center Sell Palm Sunday Lunch Tickets 22nd Sunday - Narthex Duty – If you would like to volunteer to serve in the Narthex, please see Dena Holt or Mary Mantzaris. Philoptochos Membership – Through Philoptochos, we fully exercise our Christianity. Whether our time, talents and treasure allow us to give as active members, or as supporting members, we can each play our part in providing the good works that benefit those whom Philoptochos serves. It is through this love, support and dedication of our members that allows Philoptochos to continue our important mission of commitments to Holy Trinity, our community and the many outreach programs. “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do”. James 2:18. Now is the time to renew your membership. If you have not joined Philoptochos, please do so, we need your support. Dues are $30.00. As of January 31, 2015, the following have paid their dues: Tina Andre Jeanine Ballinger Anna Bolaris Helen Christakos Stella Cokias Amanda Cranias Helen Davatelis Callie Elliott Maria Flood Georgia Fotakidis Dora Francis Bess Francisco Cornelia Georgantis Maria Georgo Sandra Gionis Vivian Gjurich Penny Harbilas Aris Harrelson Lola Haynes Dena Holt Jeanine Kasotakis Ted Caras Emanuel Davatelis Crist Francisco Christina Kotsonis Elena Kirastoulis Roula Law Diane Levine Jennifer McCloud Florence McMahon Doina Magda Tula Maniatis Mary Mantzaris Lydia Masterjohn Evangelia Mastorides Elaine Miliotes Julia Nikitas Stacy Norton Rosie Papagiannakis Susan Pfeil Marika Polygalaktos Bea Pond Catherine Psarakis Matina Pullman Patricia Reardon Associate members George Kotsonis Bill Yarbrough Chris Miliotis Richard Wemple Mary Samitas Pres. Olympia Simeonidis Stella Sirks Mary Stavros Tina Stoumbos Sophia Stratis Despina Tenekedes Anne Thomas Drucilia Tiliakos Maria Toscas Antoinette Tsiotis Lula Vastardis Peggy Vergos Bea Wagner Lillian Wemple Judith Wirnowski Luz Xikis Joyce Yarbrough PHILOPTOCHOS If you have paid your dues and are not listed, please see Stella Sirks, Treasurer, or any Board Member. PACE Center for Girls – The mission of this organization is to provide girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. – For our Easter Charity Program, the Philoptochos and the Daughters of Penelope have joined together in collecting various items for the Pace Center. Items needed are toiletries, school supplies, nail polish, make-up, bottled water, hair supplies/accessories, shampoo, conditioner, art supplies, perfumes, sweaters, sneakers, flip-flops, socks, small to medium stuffed animals, jewelry, etc. Baskets to accommodate these items can be found outside the Gift Shop in the foyer of the Church hall. The campaign will continue through Lent. Please be generous so these girls can receive a great Easter gift. “Sports 4 the Kids” Philoptochos has taken on a new charity which provides homeless and disadvantaged kids in Central Florida an opportunity to participate in sports. This organization will accept useable sports equipment such as cleats & shoes, helmets & apparel, shin guards & pads, bats & gloves, lacrosse sticks, tennis rackets, golf clubs and balls. Please let a Philoptochos Board member know if you have any of this equipment. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church – Recently you were sent a letter regarding the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church destroyed in the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. The Church is being resurrected on hallowed ground bearing witness to the victory of Christ over evil, death and destruction. An appeal has been made to each of us in our Chapter to consider an offering to this campaign. Please make checks payable to Holy Trinity Philoptochos. Thank you for your support. Sunshine Committee – This is a major part of our ministry. We knit healing shawls to present to those who are ill with prayers for a quick recovery. If you like to knit, we can use your expertise. Contact any Board member if you are interested in participating in this ministry. “It’s All Greek to Me” – The third reprint of our cookbook is now available for sale. The cookbooks are $16.00. We also have aprons with the “It’s Greek to Me” logo at $16.00. Purchase both items at $30.00. Please see any Board member to purchase these items. Cookbooks and aprons are also available for sale in the Gift shop. Remember, cookbook/aprons make great gifts. “It’s All Greek to Me, Two” We are preparing a sequel to our cookbook. This is an important fundraiser for Philoptochos and we hope you will contribute your favorite recipes, including Lenten recipes. Recipe forms are available in the Narthex. Submit your recipes to Luz Xikis, Mary Mantzaris or any Board member. Help us ensure our community cookbook will be a success. Baptismal Items - Planning a baptism, Philoptochos is selling the items you need for your baptism. We have decorated candles and the necessary items such as sheet, towels, oil, soap, etc., all in one package or sold separately. If you are interested, please see Luz Xikis or any Board member. Decorated candles for Easter – Philoptochos is selling decorated Easter candles for your children or godchildren. If you are interested, please see Luz Xikis or any Board member. USO Phone Home Project – We are still collecting old cell phones to benefit our soldiers. The funds received from the phones are turned over to the USO for our soldiers to “phone home”. Bring your phones to Church and deposit them in the container located just outside the Gift Shop. Hunger Knows No Holiday – While you are grocery shopping, continue to remember those less fortunate. Show your appreciation for the good things in your life by picking up one item per week for someone in need and deposit it into the collection baskets located in the Narthex. Thank you for your generosity. Ephraim Project Feeding – Volunteers are needed to help with the Pan Orthodox feedings of the homeless at St. George Church. Help is needed to serve food. 2 0 1 5 S T E WA R D S H I P “You are a Member of the Body of Christ” 2015 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Confidential Stewardship Commitment Card – Side A Family Name: ___________________________________ Existing stewards need only indicate changes to the following information: Address: ___________________________ City: ___________________________State: FL Zip: _____________ Home Telephone: _________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________ In gratitude for God’s blessings I/we make the following commitment to the ministries of Holy Trinity: £ $75 monthly £ $100 monthly £ $150 monthly £ $200 monthly £ Weekly Come and see God work through your talents, skills and experience, as well as your financial support. Your offering to Christ and His Church can do as much as you empower it to do. We give to Christ and His Church not according to our means but according to our love for Him. CONFIDENTIAL: May not be Distributed or Reproduced / For Authorized Parish Personnel Only I/We would like to offer my/our time & talents to the ministries of Holy Trinity Church in the following areas: Please check Bible Study Youth Work Real Estate Management Teaching Catechetical School Medical Greek Language School Church Choir Church Camp Visitation of Elderly/Infirm Cooking - Events or Outreach Youth Ministry Scouting Finance Nursery Computer - general Legal Ushering - Welcome Computer - Web Site Mgt Mechanical - Plumbing Reader (in liturgy) Parish Newsletter Construction Other Gardening Office Work --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY RESOURCES The Holy Trinity operating budget for the calendar year 2015 will be $803,705. Our Stewardship giving should support all the Parish Ministries and the entire operating budget. Our Stewardship GOAL is $500,000 for 2015 We should not depend on special affairs to meet our budget, for this is our direct responsibility. Stewardship places the responsibility on us, for we are the recipients of God’s gifts and play an active role in perpetuating His work of salvation. The expenses of our Parish are vital to our Church for: •Keeping in Touch With You •Maintaining our Buildings •Those Who Serve Us •Worship and Education •National Ministries Commitment. The quality of our service as a Parish, Metropolis, and Archdiocese depends directly on the level of your generous giving. HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 2015 Stewardship Pledged Families Amount Pledged Year 2 0 1 5 S T E WA R D S H I P Stephanos and Kathy Anamisis Sophie and Vivian Argeros John and Lana Argyrakis Jason and Kathryn Ashford James and Beatrice Athanas George and Ifigenia Avgeropoulos John and Jeanine Ballinger Spiro and Kelly Bartzokis Jose and Simone Behar Jane Bennett Dean and Anna Bolaris Michael and Keti Booker Deacon Chris & Deaconesa Amy Burdette Jim and Barbara Caldwell Peter and Elizabeth Carellas Alan and Vasiliki Chaddon Irene Christ Chris and Helen Christakos Stella Cokias John and Sophia Cordoba johnny Cordoba John Cranias Michael and Amber Crikis Emanuel and Helen Davatelis Nicholas and Svetlana Davatelis Danae Dewitt George Dimas Teddy Dimas Thomas and Laura Dimitriadis John and Jeana Dragash Marisa Dragash William and Wassiliki Dunstone Georges and Monica El-Gharib Emanuel and Callie Elliott Lisa Elliott George and Marlene Evans George Everett and Anna Lillios Argeros Filosofos Sevaste Filosofos Sebastian Filutowski Joseph and Maria Flood Fotios and Georgia Fotakidis George and Vivian Fotieo Vivian Fotieo Gary and Dora Francis Bess Francisco Crist Francisco John and Kathleen Francisco Nicholas Francisco Jacob and Sarah Gabbard Peter and Maha Gadah Harry M. Gayes Georgette George Paul Georgelos Alexander and Jacqueline Gianareas Xrisanthi Giannas Paul and Mary Gianoukos Dean Gionis George and Sandra Gionis Maria Georgo Andy and Gina Gjurich Vivian Gjurich Theodoros and Ourania Grammenos Kent and Maria Gritton Sophia Gritton Tiffany Gritton John and Penny Harbilas Elaine Harbilas Ken and Aris Harrelson Casey Harrelson Maria Haun Tom and Lola Haynes Joyce Heitman Basem and Aida Hilal Iman and Martha Hilal Louie and May Hilal Eric and Effie Hill Jonathan and Harriet Holder Thomas and Kostantina Holt Angela Hughes Barbara Hughes Mike and Dawn Hughes Michael Ibrahim Denny and Fay Johnson Edward and Venetta Jones Louis and Tina Kantounis Theodoros and Drosoula Karamanis Thomas and Jaqueline Karastamatis George and Catherine Kassianides Demetri and Maren Katsihtis Valerie Kenski John and Maria Kevgas Joseph and Georgette Khoury Elena Kirastoulis Caleb and Christina Kizelewicz Sadie Klotz George and Tara Knecht Savvas and Adela Konstantinidis Nicholas Kontaridis George and Christina Kotsonis James and Connie Kouchalakos Costa and Cecilia Kourtis George Kousiry Dionysios Koutsoulieris Jennifer Kyriakakis Leonardo and Amanda LaCommare Michael and Diane Levine Stephen and Jennifer Lipofsky Evelyn P. Logas Jennie Logas Louis and Alexandra Logas Phil and Anne Logas Mark and Athena Longwell Robert and Eleni Longwell Aristides and Mary Lucos Stephen and Katrina Mackrides Victoria Malias James and Anna Mallous Pete and Tula Maniatis Emanuel and Millicent Manos Mary Mantzaris John and Lydia Masterjohn Evangelia Mastorides Anastasia McMahon David and Flo McMahon Marina Milios Peter Milios Stasia Milios Steve and Flora Milios Chris and Elaine Miliotes George and Leanne Miliotes Anastasia Milner Dawn Mina Jose and Eve Montero Robert and Tina Morrell Ted and Diane Moshos Nancy Lee Mary Newman Cletus and Anastasia Norton Gerasimos and Elisavet Pampoukis Vasiliki Pampoukis Helen Panagakis 2 0 1 5 S T E WA R D S H I P Nicholas and Heather Panagakis Themistoklis and Ioanna Papadatos Nick and Rosie Papagiannakis George and Katerina Papaioanou Alexis Pappas Christina Pappas Harry and Jaqueline Pappas Mary E. Pappas Stephanie Pappas William and Joyce Patsio Pandelis Perdikes Stephanie Peroulakis John Petrakis Debbie Efremidis Plevin Kostas and Marika Polygalaktos Gary and Bea Pond Peter and Matina Pullman Mark and Effie Psarakis John and Hester Rallis John and Stephanie Raptis Patricia Reardon John and Elizabeth Richtmyer David and Katherine Rinkacs John and Bessie Rollas Larry and Christine Rothenberger James and Patricia Sanders Mrs. Doris T. Sanidas Vincent and Tina Scuro Father Demetrios & Presbytera Olympia Simeonidis Father Constantine and Presbytera Elaine Simeonidis Todd Sirks James and Stella Sirks Rocky and Constance Sisson Michael and Irene Sorich Mary Stavros Sophia C. Stratis Chryssie Tavrides Nicholas and Despina Tenekedes Joseph and Angela Territo Linda Theodorakis Anne Thomas Mike and Dru Tiliakos Mrs. Nicholas J. Toscas Andrew and Niki Tringas James and Anna Tsikouras Emmanuel and Marina Tzenevrakis Sam and Anastasia Vallas Alex and Amy Vastardis William and Lula Vastardis Peter and Peggy Vergos Alex and Tonya Vidas Alfred Dean Vonetes Dean and Mary Ann Vonetes Bea Wagner Richard and Judith Wirnowski Pantelis and Luz Xikis William and Joyce Yarbrough Heidi Zuppas 196 Stewards Pledged $250,450 Over half way there!! 2015 2 0 1 5 S T E WA R D S H I P AT W O R K VA C AT I O N B I B L E SCHOOL ~ EACH YEAR IN JUNE WE HOLD OUR ANNUAL VBS PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON April 5, 2015 Sponsored by the Philoptochos Cost $ 12 Adults BAKED FISH PLAKI RICE PILAF SALAD DESSERT BEVERAGE $ 7 Children 4 - 10 FISH STICKS GREEK FRENCH FRIES GREEN BEANS DESSERT BEVERAGE 3 and under FREE Make your reservations now at the table in the foyer! There will be a limited number of tickets sold at the door. Holy Trinity’s Got Talent April 26, 2015 T GOT TALENT? he Hellenic Dance Program is looking for participants for our first annual Holy Trinity’s Got Talent Show. Can you play a musical instrument, sing, act, dance, do stand up comedy, magic, gymnastics, poetry, or have any special talent you’d like to present? If so, please consider joining us for this fun event! Let’s see how talented Holy Trinity really is! All ages are encouraged to participate. All proceeds go to support our Hellenic Dance Program. DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS MARCH 29, 2015 Luncheon and Talent show: $10 adults $8 children Registration Fee:$20 per entry For more information on how to enter, please contact Venetta Jones at herrra40@hotmail.com or call 407-913-7583. F E B R U A RY S A C R A M E N T S BAPTISM: Mario & George Hatzivlassiou ~ February 8, 2015 Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Louis Papaefstathiou Polixeni Tsiolis ~ February 14, 2015 ~ Sponsored by Stelios Tsiolis HOLY MATRIMONY: Mark Kiczulo and Stephanie Sorich ~ February 21, 2015 ~ Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Jay Yamamoto FUNERAL: Agalaia “Gail” Givoglu ~ February 7, 2015 OUR SPONSORS The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society “The Right Hand of the Church” Committed to helping the unfortunate... Become a member today! ... CKET TO YOUR TI ...THE RANEAN MEDITER PHONE: 407.351.8660 FAX: 407.351.8661 WEB: opaorlando.com EMAIL: info@opaorlando.com 9101 International Drive Suite 2240 | Orlando, FL 32819 Please call us for all your real estate needs. Over 14 years experience in the Orlando area. Ranked Top 10 in Central Florida and Top 100 in the state of Florida. Amy & Alex Vastardis, P.A. Coldwell Banker 407-567-1451 www.thevastardisteam.com Alex.Vastardis@Floridamoves.com OUR SPONSORS Atlas_Church Banner_Logos.indd 1 9/28/13 Katerina A. Backus, MD, FAAP, CAQSM Pediatric Sports Medicine 2501 North Orange Avenue, Suite 514, Orlando, FL 32804 (p) 407-303-5687 | (f ) 407-303-0806 Katerina.Backus.MD@FLHosp.org www.LittleMonkeyBones.com Practicing at the Walt Disney Pavilion at Florida Hospital for Children. 10:15 PM 1 22 29 † Sunday of St. † Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt SPRING PARISH ASSEMBLY Catechism Adult Catechism Hellenic Dance John Climacus Catechism Adult Catechism Hellenic Dance Holy Cross Catechism Adult Catechism Hellenic Dance 15 8 † Sunday of the Gregory of Palamas Youth Sunday Catechism Adult Catechism Hellenic Dance † Sunday of St. Vespers at St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church 5 pm Orthodoxy Hellenic Dance † Sunday of Sunday [Kυρ] 9 Great Compline 6pm 30 Great Compline 6pm 23 Parish Council Meeting 7 pm Great Compline 6pm 16 Great Compline 6pm Great Compline 6pm 2 Monday [Δευτ] 31 24 17 AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope Meeting 7:00 pm 10 3 25 Hellenic Academy 4:30-6:30 pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy 6pm &Catechism Lenten Supper OFFICE CLOSED Hellenic Academy 4:30-6:30 pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy 6pm &Choir & Missions Lenten Supper 18 CBC Meeting 10:30 am Hellenic Academy 4:30-6:30 pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy 6pm &Dance Troupe Lenten Supper 11 Hellenic Academy 4:30-6:30 pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy 6pm &Philoptochos Lenten Supper 4 Wednesday [Τετ] 2015 Tuesday [Τρ] Philoptochos 7 pm March Orthros 9:30 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am † Weekday and Weekend Liturgy Orthros 8:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am † Sunday Liturgy 27 20 13 Feeding of the Homeless at 4-6 pm GOYA Fun Night Akathist Hymn 6 pm Salutations to the Theotokos 6 pm Salutations to the Theotokos 6 pm Salutations to the Theotokos 6 pm 6 Friday [Παρ] Liturgy Schedule Bible Study 10:30 am 26 Bible Study 10:30 am Society of Wisdom11:30 am 19 Bible Study 10:30 am 12 Bible Study 10:30 am 5 Thursday [Πεμ] Μάρτιος 28 21 14 7 Saturday [Σαβ] Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Orlando 1217 Trinity Woods Lane Maitland, FL 32751 Return Service Requested
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