Liturgical Ministers March 7 – March 8 Holy Name Saturday 5 pm St. Peter Sunday 10:00 am Sunday 8:30 am Immaculate Conception Saturday 5:05 pm Sunday 8:30 am St. Francis Sunday 10:30 am Lector Kathy Wenthold Gary McIntyre John Chapman Lorraine Pipho Deanna Joebgen Rick Fink Eucharistic Ministers LeRoy Soppe Jamie Hoey Lisa Carey Ken & Julie Balk Carolyn Breuer Sue Massman MaryAnn Woodson Tom Matt Connie Rochford Clem Schemmel Jane Tucker Jim Duffy Cathy Schmitz Gary Schmitz Veryl Burghardt Pat Burghardt Sean Singewald Mike Yauk Gifts Ryan Hoey Family Joe & Carolyn Breuer Jay & Ann Dibble Betty Alfultis Pat Duffy Ushers Greeters Servers Money Counters Dan Meyer LeRoy Soppe Ryan Hoey Family Molly & Samantha Wenthold Cindy Einck Marcia Soppe Joe Breuer Leon Soppe Bruce & Philip Kleve Mike & Judy Roach Betty & Albert Matt Katelyn & Madelyn Tyler Natalie Fettkether Aaron Chapman Carolyn Breuer Bernice Holthaus Mike Miller Joel & Nancy Meyer Pat Duffy Lon & Barb Tisue Jane Tucker Millie Rader Carolyn Cahoy Jordan Miller Elizabeth Miller Natalie Miller Randy & Denise Henning Mike Carey Ray Gavin Chad Ingles Mike McFadden Isiah Brandt Jenna Brandt Morgan Brandt Kameryn Ingels Lauren Fink Morry Holthaus Clem Schemmel S/K Michelson MaryJo White Please remember in your Masses and prayers people from our cluster who are sick or ailing, we pray that all will have firm faith and improved health: From Immaculate Conception: Juliana Blaylock, Dennis Bumgardner, Michelle Heidemann, Margaret Kuethe, Terri Kuethe, Pat Loomer, Noreen Miller, Peggy Pagel, Don & Pauline Rader, Francis Reicks, Fr. Jude Rochford OFM, Rhonda Rochford, Rita Schmitz, and Mark Smith. From St. Francis of Assisi: Olivia Everett, Rita Manderfield. From Holy Name: Donna Bodensteiner, Keith Franzen, Hayden Grimm, Jill Krambeer, Kathy Langreck, Jessica McDanel, Roger Michael, Marilyn Miller, Raelonna Patrick, Betty Scott, Roland Steinlage, Sue Ungerer, Carl Wagner Jr., Linda Walz and Tom Trewin. From St. Peter: Michelle Bridge, Ellen Kneeland, Viola Lerch, Julia Martin, & Ken Wagner, Jr. Rest in Peace: We pray for those in our parishes who have died and for our families who have lost loved ones. For Eva Rochford granddaughter of Bill & Rhonda Rochford. Happenings Around Our Area Wednesday, March 4, West Union Community Blood Drive, 12:30 – 6:00 pm, Dance Pavilion/ Fairgrounds, West Union, Iowa Friday, March 6, Cod Fish Fry 4:30 - 8:00 pm, Our Lady of Seven Dolors, Festina, Iowa Wednesday, March 11, Spaghetti Dinner at De Sales School in Ossian, 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Homemade sauce, lettuce salad, garlic bread, & assorted homemade desserts. Adults: $8 in advance and $8.50 at the door. Kids age 5-12: $4, and preschoolers are free. Friday, March 13, KC LENTEN FISH FRY, 4:30 - 8:00 pm at Holy Name Parish Center. Advance sales $9.00, at the door $9.50. Children’s tickets at the door, Preschool – Free, Under 12 years $4.00. February 28, 2015 - Second Sunday Of Lent St. Joseph the Worker Cluster - The Catholic parishes of Immaculate Conception, Sumner, St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette, Holy Name, West Union, and St. Peter, Clermont. Masses & Intentions 3/2/15 - Monday 9:00 am, HN Deceased Members of Lloyd Albers Family MISSION STATEMENT: Celebrating parish identity as we work to become one family of God and strive to serve in the name of Christ. A 3/3/15 - Tuesday 7:30 am, IC Word & Communion L 9:00 am, HN Therese Kaiser V Pastor: Fr. Jim Brokman Rectory & Church Office: 1-888-578-5366 or 563-578-5366 Sacramental Priest: Fr. Dale Rausch, 3/4/15- Wednesday 9:00 am, HN No Mass I 563-422-3184 & 1-800-469-3184 E A L I V E I All bulletin information directed to: by 5 pm Tuesday evening N Saturday and Sunday Mass & Reconciliation Times N 3/5/15 – Thursday 7:00 pm, SP Special Intention C C 3/6/15 – Friday 7:30 am, IC Fr. John Purtell R MASS TIMES on Saturdays: 7:30 am, Immaculate Conception, Sumner 5:00 pm, Holy Name, West Union / Confession 4:00 - 4:45 pm 5:05 pm, Immaculate Conception, Sumner / Confession 4:20 - 4:45 pm MASS TIMES on Sundays: 8:30 am, Immaculate Conception, Sumner / Confession 8:00 - 8:20 am 8:30 am, Saint Peter, Clermont 10:00 am, Holy Name, West Union 10:30 am, St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette / Confession 10:10 - 10:25 am 8:00 am, SFA Fr. John Barnes 9:00 am, HN Catholic Daughters Living & Deceased 3/7/15 – Saturday 7:30 am, IC Jim Rochford 5:00 pm, HN The Dessel Family 5:05 pm, IC Grant Schellhorn 3/8/15 – Sunday 8:30 am, SP Special Intention 8:30 am, IC For the People 10:00 am, HN Paul Wagner (RS) 10:30 am, SFA Kraig Kime H I S T I H R I S T Sunday, March 1, 3:00 pm at Immaculate Conception In Sumner Agnus Dei Ministry’s “A Musical Journey with Christ” Holy Name, West Union St. Peter, Clermont Immaculate Conception, Sumner Baptismal congratulations to Lynston Marie Heins who was baptized last Sunday at Holy Name. Lynston is the daughter of Derek and Jill. We welcome this new member to Holy Name Parish. Soup will be served after our Thursday Lenten service: Sacred Heart - February 28, St. Theresa March 12, and St. Ann - March 26. Thanks to all of our splendid volunteers who helped make our annual Fish Fry another great success. We served 343, 62 of those being carryouts. Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who delivered Meals on Wheels during the month of February: Rick Fink, Marty and Rudy Kraus, Michael McFadden, Anne Sellers and Bill Prochaska. Thursday, March 5, Cluster Liturgy Meeting, 7 pm at St. Francis, Fayette. Thursday, March 5, Cluster Liturgy Meeting, 7 pm at St. Francis, Fayette. Thursday, March 5, Cluster Liturgy Meeting, 7 pm at St. Francis, Fayette. Wednesday, March 11, New alter server’s training class following Faith Formation class. Wednesday, March 25, Altar Server Training 2:30 pm. This is for all youth 2nd grade on up. It is for all altar servers, new and old. A snack and a light supper will be served before class. Wednesday, March 25, Refresher class for all alter servers following Faith Formation class. Saturday, March 14, Fayette Fireman Annual Spaghetti Supper 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the fire station. Free will offering. Thank you to Holy Name Parish from the Fayette County Food Shelf for donating $130 and 86 pounds of food during the months of January and February. Your sacrifices make a great difference in the lives of those we serve. Thanks to those who helped paint the annex and install the new chair rail on the wall. It looks great! Tuesday, March 3, CDA meeting at Holy Name Parish Center. Rosary 1:15 pm, 1:30 pm meeting. Plan for Dessert Night on May 3. Sunday March 1, St. Ann's Circle will host coffee and rolls after Mass. A Rosary meeting will also be held at this time. Sacrificial Giving 2/22/15 Total: $2,046.75 Adult Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Music Thursday, March 5, Cluster Liturgy Meeting, 7 pm at St. Francis, Fayette. Friday, March 6, The World Day of prayer will be celebrated in West Union at the United Methodist Church at 2:00 pm. All are invited to attend. This year the women of the WDP Committee of The Bahamas call us to consider Jesus’ words to the disciples after washing their feet: “Do you understand what I have done for you?” Wednesday, March 11, Faith Formation will be conducting shadow Stations of the Cross. Afternoon session will begin at 3:00 pm and evening session at 7:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. Friday, March 13, KC LENTEN FISH FRY, 4:30 - 8:00 pm at Holy Name Parish Center. We are now searching for a new Secretary / Bookkeeper for Holy Name Parish. If you think you might be interested in this position please contact Fr. Jim or Bernice Holthaus for a job description. We hope to have the job filled by April 1. Thanks to all who are helping to cover the bases during this time. Anyone from the cluster is welcome to apply. “Project Giving Hope” - March is Paper Month. Suggested items are: Paper towels, napkins, kleenex, bath tissue, etc. Sacrificial Giving 2/22/15 Total: $1,852.37 Adult Envelopes Youth Offertory Rent 1,634.00 11.49 131.88 75.00 Crisis Pregnancy Center- # 1-800-395-HELP and Iowa website: www. 1,926.00 14.00 106.75 500.00 Stewardship Quote Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. St. Paul reminds us that God Himself “did not spare His own Son.” Are my gifts to the Lord—of my resources, of my time, of myself—also sacrificial? Pope’s intentions for March Universal: Scientists - That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person. Evangelization: Contribution of women - That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. Valley Ecumenical Lenten Service Schedule The services will be held on the following Wednesday evenings at 7:30 with fellowship to follow. March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 Illyria Community St. Paul Methodist - Elgin St. Peter's - Clermont Church of the Savior - Clermont Sunday, March 8 Cluster Communal Reconciliation Service 2:00 pm St. Peter’s , Clermont Divine Mercy is doing a new ministry and is asking for the parish assistance in providing a meal once a week for Fr. Brokman. The dates that are available are March 10, 17, 24, and 31. Please contact Nancy Meyer at 563-578-8402 to reserve a date and get additional information “His Hands Food Pantry” March is Canned Meat Items/Potato Items. Suggested items are: Tuna, chicken, boxed potatoes, instant potatoes etc. St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette St. Francis: Prayer Chain: if you wish to be a recipient or prayer partner please contact Anne Seller at 563-425-4116 or Pat Burghardt at 563-578-8258 or email “Project Giving Hope” - March is Paper Month. Suggested items are: Paper towels, napkins, kleenex, bath tissue, etc. or monetary donations placed in the envelopes found at the entrance of church are all welcome. Sacrificial Giving 2/22/15 Total: $702.86 Sacrificial Giving 2/22/15 Total: $4,922.00 Adult Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Fish Fry 1,171.00 15.00 70.00 3,666.00 Sumner Ministerial Annual Waffle & Sausage Breakfast Thursday, March 12 4:00 - 7:00 pm Sumner American Legion Free Will Offering Adult Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Read about these stories and more in the March 1 issue of The Witness: Saturday, March 7, 5-7 pm Pancake & Sausage Supper to benefit the Fayette County Food Shelf, Fayette Waucoma Events Center, Waucoma, Iowa Opening Prayer O God, who have commanded us to listen to your beloved Son, be pleased, we pray, to nourish us inwardly by your word, that, with spiritual sight made pure, we may rejoice to behold your glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 619.00 4.00 79.86 John Allen, an internationally known journalist who covers the Catholic Church, speaks at Mt. Mercy University in Cedar Rapids St. Francis Catholic School in Marshalltown dedicates its new school building Catechumens and candidates participate in the Rite of Election at three sites in the archdiocese Catholic Schools superintendent responds to Iowa Department of Public Health's release of Immunization Program audit data from all K-12 schools in state Thursday, March 12, St. Joseph the Worker Cluster Pastoral Council meeting at St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette, 7:00 pm. Please contact Marty Kraus 563-4254059 if there is anything you would like placed on the agenda. NOTE: All recorders/secretaries of the Councils/ committees (Faith Formation, Stewardship, Liturgy, Social Justice) PLEASE e-mail reports of your last meetings to Marty Kraus, before Monday, March 9. These need to be sent out to the members of the Cluster Pastoral Council for review before the meeting.
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