March 1, 2015 Prelude Procession of Cross and Light 2nd Sunday in Lent 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Worship Liturgical Color: Purple In Communion Eliot The cross symbolizes Christ crucified and risen and the light symbolizes the presence of God. Let us prepare our hearts and minds for worship. *Call to Worship (11:00) What Wondrous Love Is This Folk Hymn *Greeting and Opening Prayer Welcome to the second step on our Lenten Journey. We come with great hope and expectation as we walk the way of Christ. Today’s journey will demand much of us. We have encountered the wilderness. Now we are moving rapidly toward Jerusalem. Along the way we will witness astonishing acts of mercy and justice. Lord, be with us on the journey and guide our steps. Amen. *Hymn 159 Lift High the Cross Organ Interlude Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Choral Prayer Response (11:00) Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed Watts/Wilson Children’s Sermon Take Up Your Cross Courtney Worrell The Receiving of God’s Tithes and Our Offering Offertory Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross Hebble *Doxology Page 95 *Sharing of the Peace *Hymn 338 Where He Leads Me Anthem (11:00) Behold The Lamb Larson Scripture Lesson Mark 8:31-38 NT 44 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon Cross Bearers Rev. Ulmer The Sacrament of Holy Communion Page 12 *Hymn 424 Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone *Benediction *Choral Benediction (11:00) What Wondrous Love Is This Folk Hymn *Postlude O Worship the King Ritter *The congregation stands For those needing assistance we have hearing devices. Please see an usher to obtain one. A nursery is available for children ages 4 and under. Welcome to Carteret Street United Methodist Church. Visitors and members are encouraged to record your presence on the attached form. The Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of all who will be serving the community on the Great Day of Service by Priscilla and John Kimball. Special gifts were received for the West Street fund in memory of Betty Eberlein by Ed Howle, Merle and Dick Hoagland, Joy and Wally Cole, Sally and Duncan Fordham, Christine Jones, Verna Scott, Gail and Dick Clarke; Garland Cole by Kay Crosby, Christine Jones, Verna Scott, Gail and Dick Clarke. Special gifts were received for Operation Christmas Child in memory of Betty Eberlein by Connie and Hugh Folk. We extend our sympathy to the family of Irby Bazemore on his death February 25, 2015 in Beaufort, SC. OUR STEWARDSHIP I will be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it with my prayers, my presence, my gifts, my service and my witness. OUR PRAYERS As the bulletin was prepared: Trident Gray Wilson Home Illein Allan, Chuck Chapman, Ruth Dickinson, Lad Howell, Susan Hums, Christine Jones, Velma Kelley, Bill MacKinnon, Mac McFee, Margey Pfeiffer Bay View Jim Neighbors, Hazel Stanley Franke at Seaside Floyd Hill Morningside Art Foulger, Joanne Hosek, Dorothy Schafer National Health Care Doris Gray, Bert Mumma Summit Place Claudia Hoffmeyer The Bloom at Belfair Lillian Erlandsen Methodist Oaks Martha Smith Anderson Oaks Barbara Shepherd OUR PRESENCE Sunday School 94 Worship 278 Ash Wednesday 137 OUR GIFTS Needed Each Week $ 11,518.85 Received Last Sunday $ 7,914.00 Budget Needs Y-T-D $ 92,150.80 Received Y-T-D $100,928.74 Received This Week (West St.) $ 385.00 OUR SERVICE Ushers 9am Gibbes McDowell, Joan Suda, Jerry Weir, Cliff Wimberly 11am Donnie Beer, Bud Martin, Pat and Randy Kohn Greeters 9am Peggy and Perry DuRant 11am Brenda Harlan Acolytes 9am Lily and Noah Nappier 11am Court Martin and William Davidson Crucifer 9am Logan Chappell 11am Zoe Klauck Nursery 03/01 Deb Higdon, Joan Easty 03/08 Priscilla and Nick Frank Fellowship 03/01 Tennessee Thomas 03/08 Bob Howell Class Liturgist 03/01 Courtney Worrell 03/08 Dick Clarke March 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March 29 March 30 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 2015 Lenten Calendar Service followed by Lunch - Gary Ayers Service followed by Lunch - Dick Clarke Service followed by Lunch - Deb Higdon Service followed by Lunch - Frank Hamilton Holy Week 9am & 11am Traditional Palm Sunday Worship, Procession of the Palms, 6:00pm Easter Cantata presented by the Chancel Choir. A reception to follow. 12noon Lenten Worship Service followed by Lunch - Courtney Worrell 7:00pm Maundy Thursday, The Living Dramatization of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper 11:30am Reenactment of Journey to Golgatha with Youth to Carry Cross 10:30am Easter Egg Hunt, at the Parsonage, 110 Stuart Town Road 9am & 11am Traditional Easter Sunday Worship with Adorning of the Altar The Chancel Choir will sing at 9:00am and 11:00am. The children will sing at 11:00am. Living Cross in front of the Church (Please bring flowers to place upon the cross) 10am Easter Breakfast in Fellowship Hall (No Sunday School) 12noon 12noon 12noon 12noon Lenten Lenten Lenten Lenten Worship Worship Worship Worship Easter Lilies It is that time of year to decorate our sanctuary with beautiful Easter lilies in memory or in honor of loved ones. If you would like to order an Easter Lily, please sign up on the attached form. The cost of each lily is $12.00 and your order is due by Thursday, March 12, 2015. Getting Ready for Sunday: A Bible Study on the Lectionary Friday, March 6th - 4:30pm 17 Royal Pines Boulevard, Lady’s Island March study scriptures are Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22. Please bring a side dish to share. We study from 4:30 - 5:30pm and then eat together at 5:30pm. Please call Margey and Terry Pfeiffer, 525-1761 if you plan to attend by March 3rd. March 4, 2015 Wednesday Niter Dinner Registration 5:30 - 6:00pm Menu: Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread and Dessert Name__________________________ Adults_________Children__________ Prayer Concerns _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Information for the Minister _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Items for The Carteret Connection _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Easter Cantata Palm Sunday - March 29th, 6:00pm Name_____________________________ I Will Bring_________________________ Easter Lilies In memory of:___________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ In honor of:_____________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Given by:_______________________ _______________________________ $12.00 Each—Payment must accompany your order Stingrays Hockey Game, March 15th, Meet at the church at 1:00pm UMYF Youth please turn in your $10 for the game by March 8th. Also, bring money for dinner after the game. Family Affair (children 5th grade and under and their families) The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. If you plan to attend please let us know by March 8th. The UMYF will take the bus. Family Affair will need to drive their own vehicles or carpool with someone. A Stephen Ministries Church Carteret Street United Methodist Church Welcomes You Visitors Name__________________________ Address________________________ City/State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Phone (home)___________________ Phone (cell)_____________________ E-mail _________________________ Please circle all that apply: First time visitor Repeat visitor New to area Visiting with family/friends Would like more information about CSUMC Interested in Sunday School Would like a call from minister Would like to join CSUMC Add to mailing list Add to email list Members Name__________________________ Please let us know of address, phone or email changes. Address________________________ City/State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Phone (home)___________________ Phone (cell)_____________________ E-mail _________________________ Please complete both sides, detach and place in offering plate. THIS WEEK AT CARTERET STREET Sunday, March 1 9:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Confirmation Class 4:30pm Children’s Choir 6:00pm UMYF Monday, March 2 12 Noon Lent Worship 1:00pm Carillon Choir 5:30pm Beginner Tai Chi 6:00pm Tai Chi 7:00pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, March 3 8:00am Carteret Street Striders 6:00pm Project Captain’s Meeting 6:00pm Cub Scouts Wednesday, March 4 5:30pm Wednesday Niter 7:00pm Chancel Choir Thursday, March 5 8:00am Carteret Street Striders 11:30am Seekers Book Club 4:30pm Sandwich Ministry 5:30pm Beginner Tai Chi 6:00pm Tai Chi 6:00pm SPRC Friday, March 6 3:30pm Confirmation Retreat 4:30pm Bible Study Carteret Street United Methodist Church HELP of Beaufort Food Pantry On the first Sunday of every month, please bring peanut butter & jelly. Other pantry items needed during the month are boxed dry cereal, boxed macaroni & cheese, canned meats, soups & vegetables, flour, grits, rice, mayonnaise & sugar. UMW Closet Sale Please save your gently used clothing for men, women, and children for the UMW Closet Sale on May 1st and 2nd. Items may be brought to the church or if you have room to store them at home, please bring on Monday, April 27th. Hangers are available in the Fellowship Hall. Donations of costume jewelry are also being taken. If you have questions, call Sally Fordham at 812-3311. Easter Egg Candy Needed We need donations of individually wrapped candy that will fit in the Easter eggs for the children’s Easter Egg Hunt. Donations can be brought to the church office. We do not need plastic eggs. Gray Blades The Gray Blades will meet on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 for their annual oyster roast at the Parris Island Rod and Gun Club. Proof of insurance, car registration, and driver’s license are needed to enter the gate. Seeker’s Book Club, 11:30am The group will meet on March 5th at 11;30am at Royal Pines Country Club. Hostess is June Stevenson. The book is The Summer Girls by Mary Alice Monroe. Confirmation Class Retreat Our Confirmation Class Retreat will be Friday, March 6 - 7th at Epworth-By-The-Sea. Epworth is a United Methodist Retreat Center in St. Simons Island, GA. We will learn more about Methodist history and even visit Christ Church where John Wesley once preached. West Street Update Initial Cost, September 2010 Amount Borrowed Debt as of 06/01/2014 Amount Contributed and Paid on Principal Since 06/01/2014 Mortgage Payments Made since 06/01/2014 Amount Owed as of 02/08/2015 $273,750.00 $216,000.00 $ 96,976.52 $ 33,962.51 $ 10,438.06 $ 52,575.95 We continue to need your help to retire this debt. All money contributed to the West Street Fund is applied to the principal. Please make your check payable to CSUMC and designate West Street Fund. Carteret Street United Methodist Church 408 Carteret Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 843-524-3841 - Church Staff KAY T. CROSBY, Choir Director CYNTHIA CHAPMAN, Organist ELLEN FABIAN, Secretary KENT EASTY, Business Manager TINA ASHMORE, Nursery Supervisor JOHN PERRY, Custodian KAREN WILSON, Coordinator of Food Ministries ALICE WILLIAMS, Youth Director BEN B. BARNES, Pastor Emeritus SUSAN ULMER, Pastor Monday Lenten Worship Service - March 2nd at 12 Noon Gary Ayers will be our preacher. A lunch will follow the service in the Fellowship Hall. 5:30pm Wednesday Niter, March 4th Dinner and Art Night Menu: Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread and Dessert The cost for the meal is $5 for adults, $3 for age 12 and under, families not to exceed $15. If you are not on the permanent reservation list please sign up for dinner on the attached form. Come take a look at the various kinds of art offered by our talented Carteret Street Church family. If you are going to display your art, please have it at the church by 3:00pm. 6th Annual Great Day of Service, March 14, 2015 For the 6th time CSUMC will journey into the Beaufort community with the compassion of Jesus Christ. Registration forms were due on February 25, however if you would like to sign up please call David Williams, Coordinator, 524-9246 or the church office, 524-3841. Project Captain’s Meeting March 3rd, 6pm Fellowship Hall Project Captains will find out who volunteered for their group, send out letters and make final plans for our Great Day of Service. Easter Cantata: The Easter Story by Tom Fettke & Thomas Grassi The Chancel Choir invites you to join them in worship as they present their Easter Cantata on Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 6:00pm. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Volunteers are needed to help provide refreshments. We need cookies, sandwiches, chips, dips, and other treats. Please fill out the attached form if you would like to bring something.
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