PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, March 3, 2OLS - 5:OO P.M. Morning Workshop 9:15 A.M. 1018 Second Avenue South - North Myrtle Beach, SC 1. CALLTO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. COMMUNICATIONS 4. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES February L7,2OI5 5. 6. 7. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS - "Consent ltems" NEW BUSINESS - "Official Public Hearing ltems" A. ANNEXATION & ZONING DESIGNATION ANZ-15-O1: A petition to annex two (2) lots (Parcels A and B) identified as TMS No. 143-00-01-012. The two lots, totaling approximately 28.O4 acres, are separated by Carolina Bays Parkway (Frontage Road) a.k.a. as Bourne Trail/ West Pelican Road located on the west side, and adjacent to, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. 8. AD]OURNMENT Respectfully submitted, &cLz Aaron C. Rucker, AICP Principal Planner CI'fY OF NORTH MYR'TL,E BEACII PI-ANNING COMMISSION MEEI'ING 1018 Second Avenue South Tuesday. February 17, 201 5 5:00 P.M. MINUTES Ty Bellamy, Vice Chairman Rob Kayton Flarvey Eisner Katrina.Tones H.G, Worley Iìarry Brutorl Juddie Bacot Planning Department 1. Aaron Rucker Sean Hoelscher Merideth Smith CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bellamy called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: The Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum present. 3. COMMUNICAI'IONS : None 4. APPROVAL as presenled. OF'fHE MINUTES: Miriutes of the February 3,2015 meeting were approved 5. OLD BI.JSINESS: None 6, NEW BUSINESS- Consent Itens 7. NEW BUSINESS- Official Public Hearing Items A. MAJOR PLANNED DEVELOPMBNT DISTRICT AMENDMENT MJPDDl5-02: A Major PDD Amendment request to the Parkway Group Planned Development District to allow changes to the previously approved residential tracts known as Seashore Farms and L.L. Chestnut. The proposal involves all of the Seashore Farms tract and a portion of the I-.L. Chestnut tract. 1 STAFF REPORT Aaron Rucker presented the report for the staff. He presented an overview of the approved Parkway PDD tracts with a map showing the proposed changes includir-rg the road changes. They explained tl-re changes to the neighborhoods and the future traffic circle. Because the densities are less it is possible that the traffic roundabout is not necessary. Commissioner Eisner asked if this approval was contingent uport the approval of the proposed loop. Mr. Wood stated that the current traffic study for the PDD is being updated. The Commission may amend the Development Agreement to t'eflect this update concerning the trafhc Circle. There was no public comment. Chairman Bellamy closed comment and called for a motion. The rnotion to recommend approval of the Major Planned Development District Amendnent to the Parkway Group Planned Development District MJPDD-15-02 with the stipr-rlation that the proposed roundabout be done according to the traffic study was made by Mr. Kayton and seconded by Ms. Bacot. Motion passed 7-0. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Being no fnrther business the meeting adjourned Respecthrlly at 6:08 p.m subrnitted, 1 qY-õu^"LLt/-¿ç-1/,1/L Merideth Smith, City Clerk NOI.E: BE ADVISED TIIAT TI]ESE MINUTES REPRESENT A SUMMARY OF TFIE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT A FULL TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING. 2 Staft Report to Planning Commission - Tuesday, March 3, 2015 N & ZONING DESIGNATION ANZ-15-O1: A petition to annex two (2) lots identified as TMS No. 143-00-01-012. The two lots, totaling uppro*irãtely eparated by Carolina Bays Parkway (Frontage Road) a.k.a. as Bourne Trail/ Backoround: christian Academy Inc., the owner, has petitioned the city of North Myrge Beach for annexation of +/- 28'.o4 acres of property adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and S.C' Highway 31 (a'k'a. Carolina Bays Parkway). These parcels, and portions thereof, are currently unincorporated within Horry County. A request ior n-+ zonini (Resort Residéntial District) has also.been filed with the City of North uyrtte Beach and will bJheara concurrengy. The property owner is simultaneously requesting R-4 (Resort Residential District) zoning. Beach and is zoned CFA (Commercial Forest Ag rate boundary of the City of North Myrile re) under noiry County jurisdiction. The subject property is vacant and unimproved. Surrounding land uses are vacant. Plannino Commission Action: As per the Zoning ordinance Section 23-4, Amendments, the planning commission shall prepare a report and make recommendations on any proposed amendmenf to the North Myrge Beach Zoning Ordinance, including the Zoning Map,'stating its findings and its evaluation of the request. In making its report, the Commission shall consider the following factors: a) The relationship of the request to the Com prehensive Plan: The Future Land lJse map contained in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan IJpdate recommends Inland Low Residential as a land use class for the subject area. The principal permitted uses noted in the Compliance Index include: single- family, parks, religious usesl farms and farming, timber, The recommended zoning district alternatives include R-7 b) Whether the request violates or supports the plan: Chapter 7, Section 3, "Land IJse Elementr" of the 2010 Comprehensive plan tJpdate identifies the future land use classification as follows Inland Low Density Residentiat is íntended to allow incorporation of prop erty west of the waterway at densities typicat of inland development. Primarily single -family lots half-acre in size or larger, small farms, and farm related uses; such as pro duce stands and mobile homes on individual lots, but not large mobile home parks, are compatible uses for this designation. The proposed K:\PLANNING\Planning Commission\2o15\March 3\ANz-15-01 Christian Academy Inc\ANZ-15-01 Christian Academy Staff Report FINAL,docx Page 1 of 3 staff Report to pranning commission - Tuesday, March 3,2ors c) Whether the uses permitted by the proposed change would be appropriate in the area concerned: The purpose of the R-4 zoning district "rs to provide for the orderly development of certain areas within the community where both year-round and seasonal or resort housing may be developed and where, becau se of proximity to the ocean, such ,,mixed development" would promote year-round use of public facilities, and permit housing choices in response to market demands, but not at the expense of ocean vísibility and access by the community.,, Permitted uses include sin gle-family detached, semidetached, patio homes, two-famity (duplex), multiplex (triplex and quadruplex), townhouse developments, m ultifam ily, including garden mid-and high-rise apartments, , zero lot line single -family detached developm ents, boarding house, resort a cco m m odati o n, h otel s, motels, inns, and lodges, accessory uses customarily incidental to dwellings and hotels, motels, inns, lodges, and resort accommodations, and parking lots, d) Whether adequate public school facilities, roads and other public services exist or can be provided to serve the needs of the development likely to take place as a result of such change, and the consequen ce of such change: the interim or permanently. e) Whether the proposed change is in accord with any existing providing public water supply and san itary sewer to the area: or proposed plans for As a matter of policy, no request to change the text of the ordinance or the map shall be acted upon favorably except: (a)where necessary to implement the comprehensive pran, or (b)To correct an original mistake or manifest error in t'he rógulations or map, or (c)To recognize substantial change or changing conditions õr circumstances in a particular locality, or (d)To recognize changes in technology, the style of living, or manner of doing business. This petition for annexation and zoning designation is presented to the planning Commission for a recommendation that will be forwarded to City Council at their next meeting, scheduled for March L6, 2015. Should the Planning Commission desire to forward-'a positive recommendation to City Council, one of the aforementioned reasons should be includeä in the report. K:\PI-ANNING\Planning Commission\2o15\March 3\ANz-15-01 Christian Academy Inc\ANZ-15-01 Christian Academy Staff Report FINAL,docx Page 2 of 3 Staff Repoft to Planning Commission - Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Staff Review: Planning and Development Planning Division The applicant proposes the zoning classification of R-4 (Resort Residential District), Despite this zoning classification being inconsistent with the Inland Low Residential land use classification as shown on the Future Land Use Map and subsequent recommended alternative zoning district, deviations from the compliance index's recommended zoning districts are allowed in situations where a particular locality has substantially changed- or changing conditions or circumstances have occurred. Staff also notes the access issues discussed above. Zoning Division zoning has no issue with the proposed petition for annexation and zoning. Publíc Works The City Engineer has no issue with the proposed petition for annexation and zoning. Public Safety At the time of report completion, no comments from the Fire Marshall have been received; however, any comments will be presented prior to the public hearing, Legal The City Attorney has reviewed and indicated that there are no legal issues regarding the proposed petition for annexation and zoning. Alternative Motions: 1) I move that the Planning Commission forward the annexation and zoning petition ANZ-15-01 to the Mayor and City Council with a recommendation of approvã¡. 2) I move that the Planning Commission forward the annexation and zoning petition ANZ-15-01 to the Mayor and City Council with a recommendation of denial. OR 3) I move (an alternate motion). K:\PI-ANNING\Planning Commission\2o15\March 3\ANz-15-01 Christian Academy Inc\ANZ-15-01 Christian Academy Staff Report FINAL.docx Page 3 of 3 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File Number: zSubmittal Date Notice Published: Prooertv Posted Council District: Plannina Commission: City Council Action: First Readinq: Second Readinq PETITION FOR ANNEXATION & ZONING (Please Print or Type) Today's Date: February 6, 2015 PETITIONER IN FORMATION Petitioner's Last Nanre: I'liddle Flrst: Parker Jr, Ronnie - (Christian Academy lnc) M M r. E Miss rs. E Ms. Property Owner: U Contract Purchaser: Autho¡ized Agent: Other:- I Street Address: Telephone: Facsimile: 291 Ronald McNair Blvd ( 843 ) 241-0018 () Post Office Box: City: State: Myrtle Beach SC n ! E-mail: ZTP:. 29579 SUBJECT PROPERTY INFORMATION Provide below the exact street address (name, number) and plat map reference for which you propose annexation and zoning. PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE DEED AND RECENT SURVEY PLAT DELINEATING THE SUB]ECT PROPERTY Reference: Nanìe: Parcel Subdivision: Block: Numbe(s): Lots #(s): M ¡¡n Section: Total Area of Subject Property: +-28 (check one): ! Square Feet or M Acres population What is the approximate of tlre alea to be annexed? If Jurisdictional Wetlands ðre plesent, please attach ¿ letter from the US Army COE. ø NA Stleet Address: 90 A&B SC HWy Beach Section: Plat Tax Map Numbe(s): 143-00-01-012 Cullent County Zoning Classlfication: CFA Proposed NIvIB Zoning Classification: R4 cERTIFICATION & SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER(S) OR AUTHORIZED AcENT(S) annexation? M yes E tt¡o IF No, SUBIvIIT THE FoLLoWING Does the petitioner'(s) own all of the property ploposed for A. Plat showing lot numbers of each Pursr¡arrt parcel. B. Petition signed by all property owtìers. ITEMS: C. Þlailing acldl'ess of each property owner. to Section 5-3-150, Code of Laws of Sot¡th Carolina, 1976, as arnerxletl, tlre untlersignetl respectfully petitiotr tlre Mayor atttl Cotlltcil of the City of North Myrtle Beach, Soutl¡ Carolirra, to consitler tlris request for annexatiorr arrd zolriug of our pro¡rerty which lies inrnretliately adjacerrt or a<ljoining the estalllislretl corporate houndary. t{ SiEtature of 1018 Second Avenue Date South North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582-3100 Telephone: 843,280.5565 Facsimile: 843.280.5581 )2:01:10 PM, 1oF 5, EXEMPT, BALLERY )EEDS v. SKrppER, HoRRy couNty, sc REcTSTRAR oF TMS Numb€r correct 1430001012 Pleasc Retum To: The Bellamy Lew Firm 1000 29th Arænue, P.O. Box 357 ltiyrtle Beach, South Carollna 29578 Attn: JWK No Tltle Examln¡tlon Pcrformed ln Conncc'tlon wlth thl¡ lnttrumcnt STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HORRY DEED TO REAL ESTATE THIS DEED is made the day hereinbelow stated, by and between ICW lnvestments, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, hereinafter called GRANTOR, which express¡on shall include his, her or their heirs and ass¡gns, and/or ¡ts successors and ass¡gns, wherever the context so requires, or admits, of the one part, and Ghristian Academy, lnc., a South Carolina non-prof¡t corporat¡on, whose address is PO 9ox2250, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577, hereinafter called GRANTEE, which expression shall include his, her or their heirs and ass¡gns, and/or its successors and ass¡gns, forever, wherever the context so requires or admits, of the other part; and in this agreement, the singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall include the singular, and one gender shall include all genders. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of Five and No/î00 Dollars ($5.00¡, paid to GRANTOR, by GRANTEE, in the State aforesaid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, subject to any matters and reservations set forth herein or on any exhibits attached hereto, has bargained, sold and released, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said GRANTEE, the following described property, located in Horry County, South Carolina, towit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO TMS #: 143-00{1{12 TÆ( NOTICE ADDRESS: PO Box 2250, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 12:01 :10 PM, 2 OE 5, )EEDS EXEMPT, BALLERY V. SKIPPER, HORRY COUNTY, SC REGISTRÀR OF The within conveyance is also subject to all restrictions and easements of record and/or easements upon the ground. TOGETHER with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances to said premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singularthe said premises before mentioned unto said GRANTEE. AND the said GRANTORdoes hereby bind itself, its heirs, successors and assigns, to wanant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said GRANTEE, as hereinabove provided, against itself and its heirs, successors and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR, by and through itg duly authorized officer(s), has caused these presents to be signed and sealed th¡sâ?1ay of December in the year 2011. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: GRANTOR ICW lnvestments, By: (#1 witness s,gn here) as #2 øfness/ Ronnel S. Jr., Manager 12:01:10 PM, 3 oF 5' EXEMPT, BALLERY )EEDS v. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SKTPPER, HORRY coUNTY REGISTRAR OF ) ) COUNTY OF HORRY , sc ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) l, the undersigned notary, do hereby certify that the above subscribed officers of the Corporate Grantor, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and seal tnis tay of December ,2011. of South Carolina My Commission Expires (Seal) eÁlq ]2:01:10 PM, 4 OF 5, )EEDS EXEMPT, BALLERY V. SKIPPER, HORRY COUNTY, SC REGTSTRÀR OF EXHIBIT -A' ALL AND SINGULAR, all those certa¡n pieces, parcels or tracts of land lying, being and situate in Little River Township, County of Horry, state of South Carolina, wt'rlcfr is shown as Parcel A, containing 1.48 acres more or less, and Parcel B, containing 26.56 acres more or less, on that certain plat prepared by DDC Engineers, lnc., prepaied for parker Properties, lnc., which said plat is dated Ma¡ h 31, 2OOã and which iir*äV is recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Horry County, in Plat Book 18g, at Page é6, reference to said plat being made as forming a part of these presents. Being the identical property conveyed to ICW lnvestments, LLC by deed of Cap Care Group, lnc. dated March , and recorded in Deed Book 3073 at Page 103 of the records of Hôrry County, South Carolina. 02:01 :10 PM, 5 OF 5, EXEMPT, BALLERY V. sKrppER/ HORRY COUNTY, SC REGTSTRAR OF DEEDS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLTNA couNTY oF HORRY ) AFF|DAVIT ) PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned, who belng duly sworn, deposes and sa¡æ: 1. I have read the informatlon on thls affidavit and I understand such informatlon. ?: Ilt" elopçrty being transfened is located atLittle River.Tglvnslip, Number 143'00-01'012, was transfened by IGW lnvestments, LLc to 3. HorryCounty,, bearing Horry County Tax Map christiaíe"aãeäi, t"". óä ñérø"rþjzoli. Check one of the following: The deed is subjec{ to the deed recordlng fee as a transfer for consideration paid or to be paid in money or mone/s worth. subloct to the deed recodlng fee as a transfer betweEn a corporation, a partnership, orother entity and a stockholdar, padner, or owner of the entity, ór b a transfer to a trust or as a distribution tä a trust Uånãnõiãry. (a) (b) (cl X exemptfromthedeedrecordingfeebecause(Seelnformationsectionofafüdavit): Less than $100 1-Value (lf exempt, pleases sklp items 4 - 7, and go to ltem g of this affidavlt). 4. Check one of the followlng if elther item 3(a) or item 3(b) above has been checked (See lnformation section of this afrldavit.): (a) . The fee is computed on the consideration paid or to be pald in money or money's worth in the amount of $ (b) (c) on the fair market value of the realty which is The fee is computed on the fair market value of the realiy as established for property tax lhe fee is computad purposes which ls: 5' Check Yes or . X No to the following: A lien or encumbrance existed on the land, tenemant, or realty bebre the transfer and remained on the land, tenement, or malty after the transfer. lf Yes,'the amount of the outstánding balance of this lien or encumbrance is: 6. The deed recordlng fee is computed as follor,vs: Place the amount listed in ltem 4 above Place the amount listed ln item 5 above here: (lf no amount is listed, place zero here Subtract Line 6(b) from Line 6(a) and ptace (a) (b) (c) 7, is: here: $ The deed recording foe due is based on the amount listed on Line 6(c) above and the deed recording fee due $0.00, 8' As required by Code Section '12-24-70,I state that I am a responsible person who was connected with the transactionas: GMNTOR. 9. I understand that a person requlred to furnish his affidavit who wilfully fumishes a false or fraudulent afüdavit ls guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. tcw Sr¡rorn to bobre me Ûris day of December ,2011 -3P7| My Commission Expires: t s??003ÀPf l5 Plt È Þ_ g6 l: l6 REGISIRÂR OF OEEDS I ,f /^ ,/ -ffi SEE ogfAL'A' LæAT'OI,I MAP - ì,IOT 70 SCALE Ðþw ffi DEIA.Å'A P,Aß2rc.ß2 ãrcE[ ffi PAæEÀ'A' l4a AoFES N/F caMÀ f\Dü87FEq, ¡8, dW TþÊ ffi D8N.tug ltt*l-oo-oÆxt De4,re.570 Þ.E?3ß,rc.12t(:Wt) u&f tt/F I HAI-æFrA C. æT/F¡'E fluÍg ll4g-Oñl-Ort D.A.ß37, re,7/U p I I ,, n,ffi I ffi æ12¡R9 Psæfrp , DErAL'A' N/F CAML f\DIJSTEEq A'ê Tltßr1$ær-Ots DB /UA, PO,579 o.B 23sd PAP2|(ææ7) I I I I I f È+ ìvF s e ,l Ìl ð .þt{ì, YhrSO¡l WICFD îßr&rcotrt2 D.eß54PA,W PB.B2 , PCt,t7O P.&ßZ Pd132 PArcA.'B' 26.æ ACRE9 I t*^ 8ffi ffi E@EO Fa&æg /*^ { = q L L b q FEFEFEIVCES í SNVEI I T TRAëÍ I1O. A-'fq, PBOPOAED C4FCT-I\IA BAYg PAã<WAY F, L Pño.E4T l,þ. SIP-CSL¡ lOOg) I c. FOlrTE 3, (SEC¡ì,GN7Æ FoF f,E æI'IH CARO¿NA DEPAñ¡TGNr OF ¡NAÍVEFOF¡A?þT,., ET g,FVET 7EC¡ñ¡OLOOY. ¡\C. DA|EÞ 4/2ê/2@. 2 HALæNTA C. AC{,Fü\IE E AÃrf COtrg WATERWAY, DISFOSÁL AFEAg DATEÐ MAY 8/8/æ@. a N, FEI4SED SEPI' OF EI\¡Gü\€EE OFFICEOF c¡fAÆ-Esro I'|OffiY t\ A ËX'I LA9¡ hEVI5EÞ '9í'1 Affil æa, E-rcl|rc OVEF¡EAD 5. Pt,Áf æOK t{tz PAOE 170. A ñ-Af æOK þZ ß2 PAGE /./ 7¡€DstñCf Elrt(*\EËA ¿ sotfTH cÁFcx-f{A AtLAJvnc NtRAæasTN_ wafEÐItay sETtlÆiÉ', va sÎ ffi mÆE M sfLE ñvER TO gI WNYAH BAY, æ I,AIÐMÀtfi ^fþ EIVCÀGÊñü\rc (fiÊ44I À,lAFf' - SICE79 ^toRFq-K 7 AtÐ Ð. U. 9, "ry/ î\ \\ Tìß*143441-0¡' D.E 1&t7,rc,74 æ Êrvd¡¡EEnSl AOOt¡gnCt'l ,AP OF TrE NIRÀæASrNUffI-E HYÊA SOU'H CAfiOI-NA TO WNYA,I EAY, g'IH caFol-Í\¿Â goFFr¡ro GËoRGEIot'lv co!ôltEst caJva¡- PRtsÀ, aJÐ sFot_ U. a\\ N/F LEC€ND o o A'O ITÐEFCìFOI.iD rcHI+-WAY o FF - FOô.l FFE FO('\D NF - FO'{ FEJBAF FO{,f\Þ frE - ¡FOA' REE/AF SET o ôl,v .or P"- rcWÊErcI-€ - Gfrr ÁfvcHoF WM. WATEN *E¡EN @ o X VII - VALVE MAñ(T I CENNFrcATE OF OWNEÆHIP AAID DEDIC.ATION TIIE UÍÐEFSIOAED I€BESY Aff¡þt/l.EæE TIIAî I AT' O¡IÉ OWERfs) oF ft€ Pqæeñtf gþlrwÀJ9 DESCFEED l€nEor{ AtÐ T|llÁT I (WE) tÆÆBy 'Ê)'¡'E î'#' (PI-AN OT DEVÈ-.JFAÆNr ÆA T|AT I (VIE) TEæBY DEÐICATE T,D,CATED O¡I SAf) PLAT. ADOPI / PLÀD WfiH Mf @LE) FÆE æT#'ENî N-L IfEìß ÁÉ' SPÉCFICAU-T gIOt.IfI' æ gEE D€îAL'B' NOTES r'ffiMEIø zæs^@ffi I tÊ19 FFOPEFÍY 2 ?T49 ÞOCT,ilÆNT FEPNESÊ'V'I' oF RÈcûÐ. S s/B'ÆCt 10 .Ar¿ EASE¡VEN7g,A,ì¡D FESTRCTIOôßt oFÊ@Ë). A Æg,R(E'( OF AN ÞßfiTþ PArcEL ffiTy 19LæA7:ÈÐN ZOîES'X'A OAF-ftr Ae glowv o , t_ooo a¡stR4t{cE f@O RATE r¡ap MtÆEiBS 45ó6.t@ 57&1 AtÐ 57*1 DA|ÊD 8/23/*, 4 ìIO 7:/;|r.E æffij PÈñFOATED ëI 7]Iß OIF'CE a t}fg â. TAX MAF PþæE- rf['Æt. OOæñfAlE A!,@ûþE sySIEÀ, (rggd AJ\D At¿ Dßrr¡t\rcElt AnE ,VOT OtD ExS'A¡¡CEe GO(¡\Þ DgfAr\rCEq, 7, æ tl{{rv AOBEÈr A PEÀEIE B q.FVEYAI' t4siH-E ErvcFoÀctilÆNtst ,4 CLASÉ' ÁÀ90 TOÍAL TRACr AæA' 2l3.o4 ,þMdtItAL g ACÈ3 GRAPHIC SCALE æPt*t tþ. t7227 I // (NEm) hcb = 100 lL ffiAW¡'NG MAP OF PARC¡ELS'A'AND "B'CONTA'N/NG 28.04 AC'RES MJMBER LITTLE RTVER TOWNS¡íIP, HORBY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLNA / / rcø PAÑÉã PFæEA¡F€. IIþ, P, O, æ.o%E æX æ1t7 ¡ø1rcNI tE 27262 APPROVED FOR RECORDING r* ¿lrçl¡'- ' I D0c No. PAEPAÆD / ,/ ./ ù çù* Jû""*- BOUNDARY SUHVEY 1 / ,/ ,/ Ptut rc. æ.o22 Cof{sl¿7zìrC E¡,cf\EBg SUH/EYOB9, Ft-Atú\Bq L,A¡@SCllP€,44C¡ttæ-7S Ar@ ErVyÀO^[,tE¡{rÆJgr.9 f298 FFOFËSSTC|.JiAL DfùVE I¡|ÈIIE æACH @I'IH CANøJNA Æ77 Ptio|'Ê (84) æ2-32Ø FAX| ß¿KÐ æ2-32t LETTER OF AGENCY TO: The City of North Myrtle Beach RE: TMS ParcelNumber 143-00-01-012 Parcel Location: SC Highway 90 Parcel A & B Parcel Size: *-28.0 acres Property Owner: Christian Academy Inc 291 Ronald McNair Blvd Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 With regards to the above referenced parcel, I hereby appoint the person(s) shown below as Authorized Agent to act on my behalf for the purpose of filing such application for annexation and rezoning, as he/she shall deem necessary and proper. Authorized Agent's Agent: Address: Robert S. Guyton and DDC Engineers, Inc Robert S. Guyton 4605 B Oleander Drive, Suite 202 Myrtle Beach, 5C29577 (843)-83e-2100 DDC Engineers,Inc 1 298 Professional Drive Myrtle Beach, 5C29577 (843)-692-3200 o Signature of Date V L (. îo a' l ANZ-15-01 Christian Academy lnc Existing Land Use Map WATER LILLY RD 9AY5 PK'{ Legend Subject Area PK'{ Horry County Jurisdiction ABAlS ú o C a 2015 Existing Land Use CAROL\N Amusement PELTCAN RD zffl ! -{ Commercial Common Open Space 1r I ! ouptex cori course Hotel / Motel ! ! ! Subject Area DR tnoustrial / Warehouse vobite Home Muttifamity Patio Home ! erivate Parking Lot Public Parking Lot ! euOtic, Social, Cultural RV / Campground Single Family ! Town House Vacant Created by Dawn E. Snider on 2-26-15 \r 0 250 500 1,000 Feet ANZ-15-01 Christian Academy lnc Comprehensive Plan Map Legend Subject Area C¡ty L¡m¡t Boundries Future Land Use GENERAL COMMERCIAL nreu DENStry REsIDENTIAL ! HIGHWAY ORIENTED COMMERCIAL l---l ! rr.¡uHo r-ow RESTDENTTAL uurreocoMMERctAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL nesounce pRorEcroN ! ! AND coNsERVATroN senvrceeND PRoDUcroN Subject Area Created by Dawn E. Snider on 2-27-15 -/ LOW 0 300 600 1,200 Feet Current Proposed ANZ-15-01 Christian Academy lnc Zoning Map Legend E E Subject Area City Limit Boundries BC CP GC HC SubjectArea LI SubjectArea NC oc PDD R-1 R-14 ,r'.,,r.,,', A.1Z R-2 R-24 R-3 R-4 RC Created by Dawn E. Snider on 2-27-15 0 295 590 1,180 Feet
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