ADAR – NISSAN 5775 The Center of Our Jewish Community 1 MARCH - APRIL 2015 2014-2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD Temple President: JASON CHALIK Vice President of Administration: CRAIG PACKER Vice President of Membership: KAREN SHIEKMAN Vice President of Education and Youth: KIM LIEBERMAN Vice President of Ritual: GIGI GREENE Vice President of Ways and Means: GARY ELZWEIG Treasurer: KATIE GILDEN Financial Secretary: JONATHAN STREISFELD Recording Secretary: CARA POLLACK AAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS BEVERLY BACHRACH LINDA GENDLER HEATHER GILBERT CHARISMA GOODMAN BRYAN HARR ADRIENNE KALTMAN MICHAEL KRASNER ROB RICKEL BARBARA SHUB HOWARD TALENFELD DANIEL WEINGER WALTER WITTE AAA SENIOR STAFF HOWARD NEEDLEMAN Senior Rabbi MARK GOLDMAN Cantor DVIR WEISS Executive Director STACEY KATZ Early Childhood Director SIMONA SKLASH Religious School Director JOSH SIMON Youth Director AAA FOUNDING RABBI EMERITUS DR. SHELDON J. HARR CONTENTS Rabbi Howard Needleman - Reflections ...................................................... 3 Cantor Mark Goldman .................................................................................... 5 Jason Chalik, Temple President ..................................................................... 6 Disney Shabbat - May 1 ................................................................................. 6 A Gala Purim Celebration - A Very “Frozen” Shabbat ............................... 7 Rabbi Emeritus Sheldon Harr ............................................................................ 8 Sustaining Members .......................................................................................... 8 Our B’nai Mitzvah Kids ..................................................................................... 9 Have Your College Kids Connect With TKAE .................................................. 9 From The Inside: Dvir Weiss ............................................................................ 10 Adult Jewish Learning ....................................................................................10 - Passover II - March 5 - 800 Years of Polish Jewish History - March 12 - Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Early Years - March 19 Purim 5K Run With The Rabbi® - March 15 .................................................... 11 Stacey Katz, Early Childhood Director ......................................................... 12 It’s a PJ Havdallah! March 7 ........................................................................12 Passover - A Celebration of Freedom - April 3 ........................................... 13 Simona Sklash, Religious School Director ................................................... 14 Shabbat Dinner With The Clergy - March 20 and April 24 ........................ 14 Afternoon Movie: Fork Over Knives - March 25 ........................................... 15 Afternoon Movie: Sister of Mine - April 29 ..................................................... 15 Stories From the Holocaust - April 15 and 22 ................................................ 15 Member Spotlight - The Liss Family ............................................................... 16 BART Shabbat - March 13 .............................................................................. 16 YELL Shabbat - Friday, May 8 ......................................................................... 17 Josh Simon, Youth Director ........................................................................... 18 First Ever TKAE Cheesecake Bake Off - May 18............................................ 18 Shabbat Nefesh: Healing Body and Soul - March 20 ................................. 19 Yoga - Every Wednesday .............................................................................. 19 Sisterhood: Debby Argilo-Cohen................................................................... 20 Sisterhood Calendar ....................................................................................... 20 WRJ / TKAE Sisterhood Seder - March 17 ..................................................... 21 Temple Friends: Jeffrey Weinstein .................................................................. 22 Temple Friends Calendar ............................................................................... 22 The Jewish Community in Cuba By Yosl and Doreen Broder - March 1... 23 Temple Friends Special Presentation by On Your Toes Ballet & Dance .... 23 Yizkor Memorial Service - April 10 .................................................................. 23 Shabbat On The Beach and Dinner ............................................................ 24 March of the Living Shabbat - April 24 ......................................................... 24 TKAE Social Action Calendar ......................................................................... 25 Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El 40th Anniversary Commemoration - May 15 ... 25 JCC Maccabi Games & Art Festival - Aug. 8-14 ......................................... 25 Advertisers........................................................................................................ 26 Contributor Acknowledgments ..................................................................... 28 New Members ................................................................................................. 29 Become a Temple Ambassador .................................................................. 29 In Memoriam .................................................................................................. 29 All In The Family ............................................................................................... 29 March - April 2015 Events Calendars ............................................................ 30 Purim Is Coming - Order Gifts Through Sisterhood ....................................... 32 2 RABBI'S REFLECTIONS RABBI HOWARD NEEDLEMAN THE DEEPER MEANING OF 40 It Is One of the Holy Numbers In the Torah I n the Bible, next to the number seven, the number 40 occurs most frequently as a holy or special number. I know that we tend to think of 18 as the luckiest of Jewish numbers, but that’s gematria, the assigning of numeric values to Hebrew letters, and adding up them up to find its sum total. And while there is something special about Chai being 18, it doesn’t appear with any intrinsic significance in our Bible as a number. 40 years as a punishment for their lack of faith to enable one generation to come and another to rise before being able to enter into the Promised Land. Forty years represents a lifetime. Our faith tells us that the 40th year is the height of a person’s life. This year marks the 40th anniversary of Temple Kol Ami (our Emanu-El lineage is much older), and so we recognize that this is a significant moment in our history, a special milestone, a holy birthday, a transitional period in our counting of Jewish time. However, there are special or holy numbers in Judaism and our literature. Seven is holy as a number of days of creation, the counting of weeks in the Omer from Passover to Shavuot, and years of the shmita to arrive at our sabbatical of the land. Our 40th anniversary in the counting of Jewish years is holier that our 7th, 13th, 18th, or 36th anniversaries because this is the time of our Jewish rebirth. According to Jewish law, when a person becomes ritually impure, he or she must go to a ritual bath, a Mikveh to be cleansed. The Talmud tells us that a Mikveh must be filled with at least 40 measures of water, and a person, must completely submerse in it from head to toe. After being submersed and saying the appropriate blessings, a person leaves the Mikveh ritually clean and pure – almost reborn (just think of the power of the water of the Mikveh during the ritual of conversion to Judaism). Yet standing next to seven as a special number, 40 is no less holy in our religious history. Forty occurs right after creation, and is, in fact, a second creation. It rained for 40 days during the flood of Noah, and 40 days passed between the appearance of the mountain tops and the opening of the windows in the ark to create the world anew. Moses ascended to the top of the mountain to receive the gift of Torah for 40 days and 40 nights during the theophany at Sinai. It is no accident, that in the story of Noah, the rain poured for 40 days, and engulfed the entire world with water. The rabbis tell us that just as a person leaves a Mikveh pure and clean and reborn, so The 12 scouts were sent into the land of Canaan and traversed the land for 40 days before returning with their report. And the people of Israel wandered in the desert for CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 3 Reflections study Mishnah, at 13 to study the commandments, at 15 to study Talmud, at 18 for marriage, at 20 to pursue a career, at 30 the peak of achievement, and at 40 for wisdom and understanding. CONTINUED too when the waters of the flood subsided, the world and humanity were likewise renewed. The number 40 has the power to raise up something or someone’s spiritual state. Just as 40 measures of water purifies a person, and 40 days of rain purified the world, so too did the 40 days Moses spent being on Mt. Sinai purify effect on us as a nation. When we first arrived at Mt. Sinai, we were still in a spiritual state of slavery, but after 40 days at the mountain surrounded by God’s protective presence, we emerged renewed as God’s chosen people with a path before us. For us, 40 is certainly a time of wisdom and understanding. Forty years asks us to reflect of where we’ve come from, where we are, and where we are going. I know at times it feels like the rains never end here during the summer months, but it doesn’t last for 40 days no matter what we may feel. I doubt that any of us have the leisure to sit at the foot of a mountain for 40 days in contemplation and feel reborn. However, each one of us have arrived at this momentous occasion of our 40th anniversary together and celebrate our time of renewal, our time of a new beginning of a chapter in our history, our time for wisdom and understanding to know who we are and to help us plan for the next 40 years of blessings. Towards the end of the Torah in the Book of Deuteronomy just before the people are about to enter into the Promised Land, Moses tells the Jewish people that he had led them 40 years in the wilderness, but that God had not given them a heart to know, or eyes to see, or ears to hear, until this day that they are about to cross over the Jordan River and enter the Land of Israel. B’shalom, It took the people of Israel 40 years to gain understanding, and so too it is with us according to our rabbis. In the Mishna Pirkei Avot it says: “At the age of five (one is ready) to study Bible, at 10 to For us, 40 is certainly a time of wisdom and understanding. Forty years asks us to reflect of where we’ve come from, where we are, and where we are going. 4 We Have a Responsibility to the Next Generation W ith the recent conversion of our local movie theatre to the new style of lounger seats complete with full service menu, we’ve found ourselves much more likely to see a movie on the big screen than merely wait until it’s on the telly. Two movies that really spoke to my heart were The Imitation Game and Unbroken. The Imitation Game tells the true story of Alan Turing who broke the Nazi Enigma code, shortening the war by years, only to be tortured in Great Britain in the 1950s for being gay. Unbroken is the incredible life story of Olympian and war hero Louis “Louie” Zamperini who after surviving a near-fatal plane crash in WWII was caught by the Japanese Navy and sent to a horrifying prisoner-of-war camp where he too was tortured and beaten. The most touching part for me of each of these movies was the very end. MARK GOLDMAN CANTOR Each of us has a responsibility to the next generation to be open minded, visionary, and Alan Touring received a royal pardon in 2012, with talk of a knighthood. Louis Zamperini embraced and forgave many of his captors. In 1998, Zamperini ran a leg in the Olympic Torch relay for the Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, not far from the POW camp where he had been held. These aren’t mere moments in time, each of these experiences and many others catalogue the potential for personal and cultural growth that has been evident throughout our history. Each of us has a responsibility to the next generation to be open minded, visionary, and seekers of truth and justice for all. seekers of truth and justice for all. Cantor Mark Goldman Co-Senior Clergy 5 We Must Look to History So We Don’t Repeat It JASON CHALIK TEMPLE PRESIDENT “Those who don’t know history, are destined to repeat it.” - Edmund Burke W hile thinking about the theme for this month, history, I could not help but think of Edmund Burke’s quote. This quote has been on my mind as I watch the events that have unfolded in Europe. Radical Islamic terrorists have targeted Jews in Paris. Iranians have threatened to build nuclear weapons, with the hopes of wiping Israel off of the map. Finally Saudi Arabia, the country that finances a vast array of radical Islamic groups, has a new leader, with close ties to radical Islam. In my mind, the alarm bells have been sounded. Jews are under attack. Anti-semitism is on the rise. And we should remember the holocaust as not to repeat history. So, as a temple, as a Jewish community, how do we respond? I would argue that we respond with a strong voice. Our temple will be a strong voice for Israel. We will attend the AIPAC policy conference in Washington D.C. this March, to proclaim never again. We will ensure that the leaders of our country understand that we will not sit idly by, as our people are terrorized. The United States must support Israel like never before. We also must collaborate with a number of organizations that support Israel. Finally, we must educate ourselves and most importantly our children, about the holocaust and honor those survivors who are still with us. “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” - Robert F. Kennedy Jason B. Chalik Jason B. Chalik President Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El “FIRST FRIDAY” SHABBAT PRESENTS A FRIDAY SHABBAT FOR OUR LITTLE ONES, PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS AN D OUR YOUNG AT HEART. Join us for a celebration of Shabbat through the songs, music and the magic of Disney. May 1 • 6:30pm enjoy amazing MUSIC & PRAYERS And Featuring Our Very Own ALL-STAR SINGERS Ava Landman, Tracy Kahn, and Sydney Shiekman Come dressed as your favorite Disney character or just as yourself! Complimentary Spaghetti & Ice Cream Oneg to follow the service Please RSVP to for Spaghetti and Oneg by April 28 6 The Center of Our Jewish Community A Gala Purim Celebration FRIDAY • MARCH 6 • 6:30 P.M. • POOLSIDE Miracles and Wonders A Very FROZEN Purim Spiel With Music From The Movie Frozen FEATURING OUR 3RD AND 4TH GRADERS Followed by The After Purim Blowout Party and Complimentary Dinner Must RSVP For the Complimentary Dinner by Tuesday, March 3, to WEAR YOUR EXCITING AND FUNNY PURIM COSTUMES! Music • Hors d’oeuvres • Dinner • Hamantaschen • Ice Cream Bar Costume Contest! • • • TRADITIONAL SERVICE IN THE RECEPTION ROOM INCLUDING MEGILLA READING AND KADDISH AT 5:30 PM 7 TKAE’s History Guides Us Toward a Future I f nothing else, the histories of our now-combined Temples (Kol Ami and Emanu-El) are interesting and informative. They provide us with pathways to make decisions about the present, which in the future will ultimately become our history. DR. SHELDON J. HARR FOUNDING RABBI EMERITUS It concerns me, therefore, that so many within our Temple family don’t know the history of our Temple(s). As Michael Crichton wrote: “…if you didn’t know history, you didn’t know anything. You were a leaf that didn’t know it was part of a tree.” The history of our Temple is truly interesting and informative. While only a remaining relatively few current members remember the following people, places and things, I’d like to share some of those with you. They may kindle within you the fire of memory, no matter what the year(s). Emanu-El on Andrews Avenue, the Plantation Fire House, 400 S. Nob Hill Road, Jerry and Esme Bauman, Ben and Sadie Scribner, Phil Fagelson, Dieke Auditorium, Kelev, Erev Rosh HaShanah 1978, Buildings and Building Funds 700 Religious School students, Early Childhood Program, The Day School, rabbi(s) and cantor(s)… oh, the list can go on and on, from our earliest years, until and through today! In fact, Fern wrote a limited booklet on our Temple’s history. My retirement bucket list includes an expansion of her reports. Since the theme of this month’s bulletin is “History,” I would ask that each of us contribute a memory, in writing and/ or a photo of your relationship to our Temple, which I will dutifully collect and catalogue. Write and share with me your personal special memory or photo which relates to the history of our Temple and your part in it. Confucious said: “Study the past if you want to define the future.” This is not bad advice at all. Rabbi Dr. Sheldon J. Harr Founding Senior Rabbi Emeritus Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Sustaining Members RABBI’S CIRCLE Bill and Susan Matz Arthur and Sandy Phillips COVENANT CLUB Bob and Susan Schneider Steve and Diane Michaels Lee and Claire Hager Walter and Cheryl Katz Danny and Jodi Katz TZEDAKAH CIRCLE James and Stacy Gale Jesse Diner and Adele Stone GOLDEN CHAI Matt and Paula Carr Stanley and Pearl Goodman Saul and Beth Kravec Robert and Marlene Uchin Ira and Penny Vernon Gregg and Abby Wilentz Scott and Linda Zakheim Jason and Debi Chalik Calvin and Lori Helitzer Gary Elzweig Barry and Irene Stark Paul and Minette Brown Alan and Lauren Cohn Michael and Kim Dagen Gerry and Debra Damsky Alan Delamater and Julie Long Bonnie Eletz Dale and Elaine Farkas Lewis and Jane Fishman Joseph and Shelly Goldberg Mark Goldman and Aaron Taber Warren and Laura Greenberg David and Gigi Greene Andrew Guttman and Debra Zelman Robert and Alycia Holzman Marshall and Donna Kaplan Robert and Bevly Kempler Norman and Diane Kronstadt Mathhue and Elise Lerner Kenny and Linda Levine Charles and Beth Lieber Michael and Lori Lombardi Peter and Susan Moore Steven and Leah Nachman BENEFACTOR Phil and Leslie Biegelsen Leon and Elaine Cohn Richard and Harriet Greene Steve and Adrienne Kaltman Stewart and Michele Lapayowker Barry and Kim Lerner Richard and Shelley Lundy Craig and Shari Packer Walter and Mildred Padow David and Harriet Sharaf Allen and Jane Sklaver Herb and Norma Sonnenklar Kenneth and Mara Wurtenberger GUARDIAN Gerry and Debra Damsky Richard and Robin Abramowitz Marty and Linda Ardman Jeffrey Brezner and Sandra Block-Brezner Eugene and Doreen Broder Rabbi and Beth Needleman Charles and Joyce Pearlman Brian and Lisa Pearlman Robert and Stacy Philipson David and Cara Pollack Wayne and Jennifer Pollak Vincent and Deborah Lila Press Stewart and Karen Robins Stanley and Donna Schachne Paul and Fern Schneider Ronald and Gloria Schwartz John and Karen Shiekman David and Molly Siegel Helen Spinrad Joe and Risha Stern Brad and Diane Weinbrum Dvir and Sharon Weiss Ronald and Eva Weissberger Steve and Melanie Weschler Hal and Francine Wiener Jay and Marilyn Wilde Sylvia Yohalem JAN. 23, 2015 8 OUR B’NAI MITZVAH KIDS MADISON RING - SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 5:30 P.M Madison has been attending Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El since she was two years old. She is in seventh grade at Indian Ridge Middle School. Madison is a member of the Perpetual Motion Dance Company at Meg Segreto Dance Center and has been dancing since she was three years old. Madison enjoys spending time with her family, shopping and hanging out with her friends. For her Mitzvah Project, Madison is collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste for children who are taken to SafePlace. SafePlace provides shelter for these children who are removed from their own families because of abuse, abandonment or neglect. Madison received the Golden Kippah Award, and is continuing her education with the TKAE confirmation class. BEAU SIMON - SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 10:15 A.M. Beau Simon loves to play football and tennis, His favorite subject in school is language arts. He would like to go to Yale and study to be a plastic surgeon. PHILIP SHERRITON - SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 5:30 P.M. Philip is a12 year old seventh grader at University School of NSU. He is an avid athlete in all sports. He enjoys fishing and anything to do with the outdoors. He has two older sisters, Olivia and Jenna and an older brother Josh. For his Bar Mitzvah project, he has been collecting slightly used sports equipment, which he plans to donate to inner city elementary schools. JEREMY SEGAUL - SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 10:15 A.M. Jeremy has been part of TKAE since he was two years old. He is a seventh grader at Tequesta Middle School in Weston. Jeremy enjoys playing the clarinet, reading (especially Stephen King books), bicycling, listening to music, and computer gaming. He loves boating with his cousins in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. Jeremy’s best kept secret is that he can do many different dialects and people impersonations. For his Mitzvah project, Jeremy is forming a team for the I Care I Cure walk/run on March 8 at BB&T Center in Sunrise. He hopes to raise lots of money to help fund research for a better, gentler cure for childhood cancer. EVAN BASS - SATURDAY, MAY 2, 10:15 A.M. Evan has been attending TKAE Hebrew School since his early elementary school years. He enjoys playing soccer and lacrosse as well as playing jazz on his saxophone. Evan rarely loses an argument with his parents since becoming a member of the Indian Ridge Middle School debate team. His Bar Mitzvah project involves collecting gently used toys, books and clothing for No More Tears, a foundation which rescues victims of domestic violence and assists their return to productive lives. Evan is excited to further explore his Jewish roots and traditions when touring Israel this summer with his family. KIDS IN COLLEGE? TEMPLE KOL AMI EMANU-EL CARES ABOUT STAYING CONNECTED! The TKAE College Committee is forging on-going relationships with our congregation’s adult-age children who are in college or beginning a new career. Please update your child’s contact information at, or call Lisa at the Temple office so that we may keep them connected. You also can serve on the College Committee and help us develop more ideas and initiatives for keeping connected with our college-age children. 9 FROM THE INSIDE We Must Stand Firm Against Terrorism T he recent terror attacks that took place at Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket in France are anti-Semitic hate crimes that remind us of some of the worst times in Jewish history. Anti-Semitism may be the world’s oldest form of hatred. Even today all around Europe, Jewish people experience hostility at different levels and some on a daily basis. The Jews and the State of Israel are still the center of terror, hate crimes and political arguments. DVIR WEISS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The anti-Semitism that we experience today is the same as the past; however, how we overcome it is different. A TKAE ADULT JEWISH LEARNING EXPERIENCE Jews across Europe are experiencing the element of fear from the global rise in anti-Semitism. Given Jewish history, we must do our utmost to stand against it. How is this “new” anti-Semitism, different from the old? The anti-Semitism that we experience today is the same as the past; however, how we overcome it is different. We need to resist it and to stand against it. I believe no one should need to live in fear, and history will not and cannot repeat itself. Anti-Semitism has existed throughout the history of our Jewish people. Today it is on the rise as the dangers of fundamental Islam grow and spread. We need to stand strong as a community. As we study our old and new enemies and work on increasing security, we need to raise our heads and support our synagogues and Jewish organizations. We must keep promoting our democratic values, our education to tolerance, acceptance and compassion. B’shalom, Dvir Weiss Executive Director We have a strong Jewish state, a homeland for all Jews. We have the power to stand united and we MUST learn from the past. ADULT JEWISH LEARNING MARCH • APRIL 2015 LUNCH AND LEARN • VISITING SCHOLARS SERIES WITH DR. LEON WEISSBERG Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. • LECTURE & DISCUSSION AT 1 P.M. Complimentary lunch when you RSVP to by 10 a.m. the prior day. THURSDAY, MARCH 5: PASSOVER II Discover the literary structure and development of the 10 plagues, their purpose and the actual events of 3300 years ago. THURSDAY, MARCH 12: 800 YEARS OF POLISH JEWISH HISTORY A review of how Jews came to Poland, lived, thrived, built major institutions and became part and parcel of Polish society to the point where Poland had the largest Jewish community in the world prior to the Holocaust. THURSDAY, MARCH 19: ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT - THE EARLY YEARS A review of the 50 years (1898 to 1948) leading to the creation of the State of Israel and the attempts by both sides to create an independent nation in a post-Ottoman Empire Middle East world. TO RSVP TO ANY OF THE ABOVE ADULT EDUCATION OPTIONS OR TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT: LISA AT (954) 472-1988 • LPEARLMAN@TKAE.ORG 10 SECOND ANNUAL • SUNDAY MARCH 15, 2015 at Plantation Central Park ® Register Now for 03.15.15 5K RUN WITH THE RABBI® Plantation Central Park • 9151 NW 2nd St. 5K RUN/WALK SUNDAY, MARCH 15 6:30 -7:30 AM: Packet Pickup & Late Registration 8:00 AM: Run/Walk Start 9:30 AM: Medal Presentation at Central Park EARLY PACKET PICKUP AND REGISTRATION Runners Depot 2233 S. University Drive, Davie, FL • Friday, March 13, 3 PM to 6 PM • Saturday, March 14, 11 AM to 4 PM ENTRY FEES Adult Entry Fee: $36 ea. School Age Child: $18 ea. Ema / Bubbe with Stroller: $50 ea. RACE REGISTRATION & SPONSORSHIP There is a reduced entry fee for local runners that register for this event via: MEDALS AWARDED FOR: Top Three Overall Finishers for Men's and Women's Division. Top Three Overall Purim Costumes. Top Three Finishers for Boy's and Girl's 8 & under, 9-10, 11-12, & 13-14 Divisions. Top Three Finishers for Men's and Women's in each Age Division 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 & Over All Participants Will Receive: Finishers Medal, Sponsors’ Goodies Snack and Water TEMPLE KOL AMI EMANU-EL 8200 PETERS ROAD • PLANTATION, FLORIDA • 33324 954.472.1988 • WWW.TKAE.ORG 11 EARLY CHILDHOOD Authentic Jewish Experiences Shape Our Lives G STACEY KATZ EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTOR The ultimate goal of a Jewish pre-school is to build Jewish identities for our next generation. rowing up, I heard many stories from relatives and various people I came across about their struggles and triumphs as they escaped Nazi-occupied Europe. Just recently I had the opportunity to go on a March of the Living trip with my daughter and more than 70 11th and 12th graders from Broward County. This educational program gives adults and students from all over world the opportunity to study the Holocaust and Jewish history by looking at the roots of prejudice, intolerance and hate. The trip entailed a week in Poland visiting many concentration camps including Auschwitz and Birkenau followed by a week in Israel. A major component of the trip is traveling with Holocaust survivors and learning first-hand about their experiences. The March of the Living brought the knowledge I learned in textbooks and from hearing stories to life. In addition to learning a profound lesson in Jewish history, I gained an enduring attachment to Judaism and to Israel. As an early childhood director, my goal is to instill the importance of being Jewish, and to teach Jewish values so that our history will not be forgotten. With each new generation, our ancestors and survivors are growing older and slowly diminishing. The stories that I heard and experienced will not be the same for our young children. In addition to instilling a Jewish identity, Jewish early childhood programs act as a gateway for additional Jewish education and involvement in synagogue and Jewish life. The ultimate goal of a Jewish pre-school is to build Jewish identities for our next generation. Experiencing authentic, engaging and meaningful Jewish experiences will help with our children’s understanding of Judaism. Each morning our students sing the Shema and the Hatikvah as an affirmation to Judaism and a declaration of their faith. Each month we teach a different Jewish value, learn about Jewish holidays and engage in meaningful Jewish experiences. The Jewish education these students are receiving also has a direct impact on their families. An awareness of the Jewish calendar is being developed and rituals learned in school are being practiced at home. Our children’s personal stories are built by themselves, as well as by our teachers and our programs. We are already part of their history. It is both an honor and a responsibility that we team with the best partners we can ask for – the students’ families and this congregation – to shape the next generation. L’Shalom, Stacey Katz Director, Early Childhood Education It’s a PJ Havdallah! Say good-bye to Shabbat with Havdallah* and cozy up to the new week! • • • Feel free to come dressed in your favorite pajamas. Saturday • March 7 • 4 - 4:30 P.M. Enjoy Wonderful Singing, Stories & a craft with Rabbi Needleman & YOUR EARLY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS! HAVDALLAH SERVICE WITH A PIZZA DINNER & ART PROJECT • $10 / CHILD • RSVP BY MARCH 5 * HAVDALLAH IS A CEREMONY MARKING THE END OF SHABBAT. 12 A Celebration of Freedom Join Your Temple Family for the First Night of Passover 5-Star catering courtesy of VIP $45 Adults $35 Children 12 and under RSVP by March 30 to (954) 472 1988 or visit FRIDAY • APRIL 3 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT SERVICE This event is open to the entire community. Bring the whole family, all of your friends and your neighbors to enjoy this wonderful experience! MINGLE WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS LIGHT HORS D’OEUVRES 7 p.m. SEDER BEGINS Plagued by work or stress? Ready for a fun and upbeat Exodus from the daily grind to a promised land of 3,000 years of beautiful tradition? Come to our fun and relaxed Seder! Enjoy some fresh-picked parsley from our organic garden, traditions old and new, some Hebrew, some English, some song and some really good times. We can’t wait to celebrate Pesach with you! All Are Welcome! The Center of Our Jewish Community FACEBOOK.COM/TKAEFL 8200 PETERS ROAD • PLANTATION, FLORIDA • 33324 13 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Jewish Education’s Roots Are In the Home T he history of Jewish education goes back to biblical times. One of the basic duties of Jewish parents is to provide for the instruction of their children. The obligation to teach one’s children is set forth in the first paragraph of the “Shema” prayer. Rabbis in those days indicated that children should not be kept from their lessons by other home chores and duties. SIMONA SKLASH RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DIRECTOR …the Talmud stressed the importance of education by stating that children should begin school at six years of age… Moving along in time, the Talmud stressed the importance of education by stating that children should begin school at six years of age and attributed the institution of formal Jewish education to the first century sage Joshua Ben Gamla, who instituted schools in every town and made education obligatory from age of six or seven. How amazing it is that Ben Gamla schools are opening in our present time all over the United States and in South Florida as well. The Jewish education was altered post World War II as a result of social and economic changes. Dense urban Jewish neighborhoods were built and suburbs blossomed. The new afternoon school was the Congregational School that was held a couple of times a week. There was a vast growth of day schools as well, especially in the cities, as Jews became prosperous enough to maintain them. The equalization of young male and female Jewish education also found expression in the universality of the Bat Mitzvah for girls at age 12 or 13. Over the past few decades Jewish education experienced a huge transformation in American Jewish S HABBAT DINNER WITH THE CLERGY MARCH 20 & APRIL 24 • 6 PM Join & Enjoy a Wonderful Shabbat Dinner with Rabbi Howie Needleman and Cantor Mark Goldman To register, call 954.472.1988 14 schooling. Learning became an inseparable aspect from the life of the synagogue and central to everything the synagogue does. Educators strived to ensure that students enjoy rich experiences in school, and work hard to mix formal and informal teachings elements so as to make school time more enjoyable. American Jewish communities created an array of educational options for kids as young as preschool all the way through adulthood. Jewish studies flourished on hundreds of college campuses. Presently we continue to acknowledge and value the foundation of our ancestors, stressing the importance of Jewish education. As a teacher and director at TKAE Religious School for the past 25 years, I am proud to say that our school’s Jewish education aims to influence not only what students know and what they can achieve, but also who they are. We strive to enable our young generation to draw on the culture resources of the Jewish tradition in order to create personally meaningful Jewish experiences. B’Shalom, Simona Sklash TKAE Religious School Director Afternoon At The Movies March 25 • 1 PM Afternoon At The Movies APRIL 29 1 PM “I saw it, I loved it, and I need all of you to see it too. This could be the Hail Mary of medicine” - Dr. Oz Sister of Mine “Forks Over Knives is one of the most eye opening, enlightening films I’ve ever seen.” - Ariana Grande Like all young ultra-orthodox girls, Ruchi, the favorite daughter of a Jerusalem family, dreams of becoming a wife and mother. But the young man who has been chosen for her is not in any sense her equal. Ruchi’s younger sister, who has Down’s syndrome, asks searching and uncomfortable questions about the match, underlining for Ruchi the extreme limitations on her freedom. Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El is pleased to present the award-winning documentary, Forks Over Knives, which has received RAVE reviews and has been seen by millions of people worldwide. Medical Experts and entertainment critics alike, call this the “most influential documentary of our time”. Forks Over Knives has helped ignite a food-as-medicine revolution. Myra Atlas, nutritionist and Food For Life Instructor, will lead a discussion following the movie. ”It’s a great film.” - Dr. Sanjay Ghupta STORIES FROM THE HOLOCAUST FROM TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH TKAE Scholar in Residence Series With Arnon Ben Shlomo Wednesdays, April 15 and 22, at 1 p.m. A TKAE ADULT JEWI LEARNI SH N EXPERI G ENCE Arnon Ben Shlomo will share his experiences interviewing survivors of the holocaust. In part two of this series Arnon will share more of his experiences interviewing those who fought for Israel during the Yom Kippur war, as well as the reaction of those interviewees during the screening of the movie in Jerusalem. Both programs will include excerpts from the films that Arnon has produced. Complimentary lunch will be served at 12.30 p.m. for those who attend. RSVP to two days prior to each presentation. Arnon Ben Shlomo has a master’s in Jewish education. He taught at Brandeis University and ran the Hebrew department at the Hebrew College in Boston. A native of Haifa, Israel, and a member of the IDF in an armored unit, he fought in the Yom Kippur war in Sinai and is a renowned interviewer of Holocaust survivors. 15 TKAE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT T H E T E M P L E KO L A M I E M A N U - E L C O M M U N I T Y THE LISS FAMILY They Have Been Members of Our Temple Since 1999 T he Liss family has been members of our Temple since 1999. Geri and Jonathan first came to our Temple when their oldest daughter, Nicole, was ready for preschool at 18 months. The minute they walked into the Early Childhood building, they felt an immediate love for the school and all the staff involved. The Liss family are, from left, Sara, Geri, Emma, Jonathan and Nicole. TKAE has provided and continues to provide the Liss family with a feeling of family, home, love and Nicole and Sara continued their Judaic studies at the religious school and both became a Bat Mitzvah at TKAE with beautiful affairs that followed in our own reception room. Emma continues her Judaic studies in our Gesher program. The Jewish and Judaic teachings the girls have received continue to be heard at their table during all holidays, chanting the stories and songs they all learned in pre-school and religious school. Geri is now a member of the TKAE Board of Education and the TKAE Gesher Committee. She even plays on the TKAE kickball team. While Geri and Jonathan are both attorneys, Geri decided to move away from the practice of law, become a stay-at-home mom and launch an Internet business. Jonathan continues to practice law at his own firm, Bernstein Chackman Liss, as a trial attorney. He has tried more than 80 jury trials in South Florida. In his spare time he plays a mean guitar, and tortures himself by watching his beloved New York Mets. The Liss girls are all avid dancers and the family is very busy with dance competitions. Emma is learning classical piano as well. Any free time is spent catching up with family and friends. TKAE has provided and continues to provide the Liss family with a feeling of family, home, love and friendship. Participate In BART Shabbat – A Unique Worship Experience! SHABBAT B.A.R.T. friendship. They always felt that the early childhood staff was an extension of the family. Just a few years later their second daughter, Sara, entered the pre-school, followed five years later by their third daughter, Emma. The three girls had a special three-in-one baby naming in 2007 performed by Rabbi Treiser. During the past eight summers, the three girls and Geri take off to to spend eight weeks at Camp Kinder Ring, a camp in upstate New York. FRIDAY • MARCH 13 • 7:30 P.M. Join six other congregations and their rabbis, cantors, soloists and musicians for an uplifting, engaging, and inspiring service of unity, friendship, great music, and prayer! GALA ONEG TO FOLLOW. HELD AT: TEMPLE BAT YAM 5151 Northeast 14th Terrace • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 PARTICIPATING CONGREGATIONS: Bat Yam - Fort Lauderdale • Dor Dorim - Weston • Temple Solel - Hollywood Kol Tikvah - Parkland • Temple Beth El - Hollywood • Temple Beth Orr - Coral Springs • Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El 16 T A ABB SH FRIDAY MAY 8 • 7:30 PM We welcome members of our cutting-edge teen YELL (Youth, Engagement, Leadership and Learning) program as they lead us in shabbat services and talk about their experiences as young Jewish adults. The service will include video excerpts from the 2015 New York and Bahamian Cruise YELL trips. We’ll bless our graduating 12th graders as we welcome incoming 10th graders to the 2015/16 YELL experience! THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY IS INVITED! COLLEGE COLOR ONEG FOLLOWS NOT PICTURED: MATTHEW VOELTZ 17 YOUTH PROGRAM NFTY Has a Rich History Shaping Jewish Lives W hile Kol Ami Emanu-El celebrates its 40th anniversary another Jewish institution is also celebrating a milestone. NFTY, the North American Federation of Temple Youth, is in the midst of a yearlong celebration of 75 years of creating a Reform Jewish environment for our youth. JOSH SIMON YOUTH DIRECTOR NFTY originally named the National Federation of Temple Youth was founded in January of 1939 by the Union of Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) at the urging of Temple Sisterhoods. Today there are more than 750 congregations with NFTY affiliated youth groups in North America serving over 10,000 6th to 12th graders. Throughout the years NFTY has been a part of hundreds of thousands if not millions of Jewish teens’ lives. I bet that many of you reading this article have your own NFTY memories. I know that I have mine! In fact my experiences not only as an advisor, but also as a participant during high school led me to a career path that I would have never guessed years ago. NFTY pulled me in 23 years ago and has never let go. I’m not the only one who has lived and died N-F-T-Y. As I prepared this article I asked on a NFTY Alumni Facebook page for help in naming celebrities who were part of NFTY growing up. The responses included Melissa Rauch, who plays Bernadette on “The Big Bang Theory”, Seth Green, Jon Fishman from PHISH, actress Ginnifer Goodwin, ambassador Dan Shapiro and maybe the biggest name – Adam Sandler. Now, I have to First Ever TKAE Cheesecake Bake Off be 100 percent honest – the posting of Sandler’s name, who is arguably the biggest name on the list, was met by discussion about whether he really ever took part in NFTY. Some say it is just a legend others say they know he went to URJ Camp and assume he was in NFTY. If he was, it makes you wonder if maybe he had the initial idea for his famous Chanukah song while attending a NFTY Kallah. As part of its 75th anniversary celebration NFTY is collecting those memories. A special website has been created to help reconnect NFTY alums as well as to help share stories of your time in youth group. The website is a place to reconnect and reunite with friends from your days in youth group that you may have lost contact with. Here at Kol Ami Emanu-El we have been a part of NFTY since its founding in the late 1970s. While the faces and the fashions of the individual teens may have changed the spirit and excitement of teens being Jewish remains. None of us know what the next 40 or 75 years will bring but I believe that NFTY as well as KAFTY will be here and hopefully just as strong or stronger in forming the Reform Jewish identity of our future leaders. Josh Simon TKAE Youth Director SAVE THE DATE! MONDAY • MAY 18 First Ever TKAE Cheesecake Bake Off to Benefit TKAE Youth Programs and Camp Jenny IT’S TRADITION TO EAT DAIRY ON SHAVUOT Come celebrate with us as taste cheesecakes from restaurants and home kitchens. Professional and amateur categories for cheesecakes and other desserts. SILENT AUCTION! Taste Every Dessert and Vote For Your Favorite! 18 Shabbat Nefesh Healing of the body. Healing of the soul. FRIDAY • MARCH 20 • 7:30 PM Together with our clergy, we welcome Adina Sharfstein - guitar and vocals Renee Miska - flute Andrew Reid - keyboard Join us for an inspiring and moving service of spiritual growth and renewal. This service includes healing flute chakras, nigunim, chants, as well as a guided meditation. YOGA AT TKAE EVERY WEDNESDAY 9:30 & 10:45 A.M. CHAIR YOGA @ 10:45 A.M. Y O GA WITH M E L AN I E Stretch your body and feel more alive every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. with regular yoga. Contact TKAE at 954.472.1988 for more information. Enjoy the many healthful benefits of a yoga practice without lying on a mat. This one-hour “NOT JUST CHAIR” active yoga class offers less strain with the familiar and beneficial poses adapted to sitting and standing. Props such as straps and blocks may be used to enhance poses. TKAE members: $5 • Non-members: $10 19 SISTERHOOD Judaism Is a Religion of Action and Rituals That Validate Our Beliefs A s I write my first article of my second sisterhood presidency it is Mitzvah Day and the synagogue is buzzing with activity. One of the things that I personally love about the Reform Judaism is Tikkun Olam – being partners with God in making the world a better place. DEBBY ARGILO-COHEN PRESIDENT OF SISTERHOOD Judaism is a religion of action. The first ritual that I incorporated into my life was Shabbat. As a product of a mixed marriage, my journey through and to Judaism is a winding road, with twists and turns and even some bumps along the way. Growing up, Passover was as big and anticipated celebration as Christmas. In terms of religion, it felt like I grew up with everything and nothing. After college I decided to explore my Jewish roots and studied at Boston University Hillel. My first class was an introduction to Judaism. I was surprised to learn that some of my upbringing echoed Jewish values – the idea of annual traditions; volunteering and social action; and a love of family and friends. I studied at BU Hillel10 years ago and I am grateful to Rabbi Ruth Sohn who welcomed me and taught me so much. Judaism is a religion of action. The first ritual that I incorporated into my life was Shabbat. My personal celebration started slowly – initially it was making a conscious decision to stop working on Friday by 6 p.m. (I was 25 years old building my own software development consulting company). When I met Jerry we started attending Friday night services. As we got more comfortable with the rituals, we started hosting Shabbat dinners at our home, lighting candles and saying the blessings. Those dinners included friends and lively conversations ranging from Torah, Talmud, moral dilemmas, and life in general. My friends and I shared our pregnancies and, of course, stories about our children. Today, I still have very, very close friends from Boston that shared many Friday nights with us. As my life changed so did Shabbat. I no longer cook elaborate dinners – but Shabbat has continued to play a central role in our house. Throughout high school, when Matthew wanted to be with friends, I had one rule: He had to be home to light candles and then he was allowed to go out with his friends. There were some Friday nights when the “Camp Coleman” kids would be hanging out at my house. I ordered pizza for the kids and called them all into the kitchen to light candles. Of course, all those teenagers moaned at the idea, but all of those teenagers also helped say the blessings. I encourage all of you to make Shabbat your own. It is a wonderful way to let go of the stress from the week and start the weekend. I know personally that initially it might feel strange, but embracing Shabbat has enhanced my life and I have been blessed in making some many wonderful friends who have celebrated simchas and have been there to support me in times of sorrow. The rest as they say “is history.” Join me for Shabbat services on Friday nights at TKAE. Shabbat Shalom, Debby Argilo-Cohen President of Sisterhood SISTERHOOD CALENDAR Friday, March 6, and Sunday, March 8 Purim Basket pickup at our Gala Purim celebration on Friday, March 6, and at the Religious School on Sunday. Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 p.m. Women’s Seder - Come join us for a very special, spiritual and intergenerational event only at TKAE. Thursday, April 23, 5:30 p.m. Movie Showing, 7:30 p.m. Discussion Come for “The Book Thief” movie at Neesa Warlen’s home, or just join us for the discussion about the book. 20 WRJ/Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Sisterhood Enjoy an evening of song, dance and prayer in a community of women! TUESDAY • MARCH 17 • 8200 PETERS ROAD • PLANTATION 6:30 pm SEATING Seder starts at 7 pm One hundred girls and women ages 10 to 100 will usher in the spirit of Passover at Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El. Everyone in the community is invited to this multi-generational event. Guitarists and vocalists Adina Sharfstein and Hope Bristol will lead the musical portion of the Seder. Young women from the TKAE congregation will also sing and perform readings, including Brooklyn Armstrong, Cara Axelrod, Taylor Axelrod, Samantha Harris, Jessi Kaplan, Ariana Milian, and Sydney Shiekman. Bring your family’s favorite Passover side dish to share on the buffet table. We will provide a chicken entrée. Price: Adults - $18 • Young Women (Ages 10-17) - $9 • Register online at or call Aly Kapit at 954-472-1988 no later than Friday, March 13 21 TEMPLE FRIENDS Senior Group’s Origins Began With the Formation of Temple Kol Ami In researching the history of the Senior Group I discovered that the Senior Group was formed around the time the Temple was growing in its infancy stage: 1976-1978. The group was formed because the older members (age 55 plus) realized that the greatest majority of people joining the Temple had children and were in their late 20s and 30s. They wanted their own demographic group. Jeffrey Weinstein TEMPLE FRIENDS PRESIDENT From the very beginning, their primary mission was to serve the Temple and provide a kindred group of friends around their own age and interests. There has never been a division between young and middle age and older. The Seniors have always been a fully supportive and active part of our Temple Our very first president was Jeanette Greenbaum. She and her husband, Adolph, were founding members of the Temple and were stalwarts in all that the Temple did. Ben and Sadie Scribner, Sig and Doris Sessier, Sam and Ethel Scott, Rita and Marc Helfer, Ida and Ed Stone, Gene and Diane Kirshner, and Ben and Bea Cohen, among many others, including the leaders of today were all quite essential to the early growth and development of the Plantation Jewish Congregation / Temple Kol Ami EmanuEl. The name of our Senior Group has changed. They were originally the “Bubbes and Zaydes”. They then became simply the “BZ’s”, since not everyone in that auxiliary was a Bubbe or a Zayde! Someone suggested just called it “Seniorhood”, but there was a great objection to disregarding the name “BZ”. And so in the spirit of compromise it became the BZ Seniorhood. It went from there to Senior Friends to what is now known as Temple Friends. No matter what the name, our Seniors (that is a lot of us these days) have been vital to the growth, development, support and activity of our Temple. B’Shalom, President of Temple Friends P.S. Special thanks to Fern Harr for providing the historical recollection. TEMPLE FRIENDS CALENDAR Sunday, March 1, 10:30 a.m. The Jewish Experience In Cuba - Yosl and Doreen Broder Tuesday, March 17, 2 p.m. Board Meeting Sunday April 12, 10:30 a.m. Program: On your Toes Dance Academy Sunday April 19, 9 a.m. Program: Bus trip to Miami Museum of Science and Planetarium - $17. Lunch separate. Tuesday, April 21, 2 p.m. Board Meeting Sunday, May 3 Lunch and installation of new officers at 12:30 p.m Program - David & Shira singing and dancing couple Sunday, May 17, 10 a.m. BBQ and take a foster child to the Marlin’s baseball game Tuesday, May 19, 2 p.m Board Meeting 22 The Jewish Community in Cuba BY YOSL & DOREEN BRODER SUNDAY • MARCH 1 • 10:30 AM JOIN TEMPLE FRIENDS FOR BRUNCH Guests $5 • Temple Friends - Complimentary • • • Yosl and Doreen Broder will show 300 pictures and talk about their trip to the Cuban Jewish community in November 2014. RSVP by Wednesday, February 25, by calling the Temple Office at (954) 472-1988. Please contact Jeffrey Weinstein with any questions at (954) 638-0270. A Special Dance Presentation For Temple Friends Yizkor Memorial Service 10:15 a.m. Friday April 10 SUNDAY • APRIL 12 • 10:30 AM BRUNCH: COMPLIMENTARY FOR TEMPLE FRIENDS $5 FOR NON-MEMBERS RSVP By Thursday, April 9, to TKAE Office: 954.472.1988 23 SHABBAT ON THE BEACH AND DINNER FRIDAY • APRIL 17 • 6:30 PM Ft. Lauderdale Beach Park • 1100 Seabreeze Boulevard OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY • INVITE YOUR FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS Join Rabbi Needleman, Cantor Mark, Dvir, Simona and Stacey for a beautiful, spiritual seaside service. Dinner Courtesy of VIP Food Truck. Picnic tables, restrooms, playground, basketball, volleyball & plenty of sand. $8 per person • RSVP by April 13 to the Temple MARCH OF THE LIVING SHABBAT FROM TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH COMMEMORATING THE SHOAH FRIDAY • APRIL 24 • 7:30 PM The entire community is invited to join us as we hear from adults and children who have participated in a “March of the Living”. Relive their experiences during this two week journey from the gas chambers to modern Israel. We will video conference with members of our community who are on the 2015 march. Participate in the lighting of 100 memorial candles as Cantor Goldman chants the El Malai Rachamim. Transition from the depths of depravity as we celebrate the miracle that is Israel through music, prayer, and inspirational words by Rabbi Needleman. BLUE & WHITE ONEG WITH ISRAELI DANCING FOLLOWS 24 TKAE Social ction For Information, Contact Josh Simon at 954.472.1988 or by email: SERVING FOOD AT THE BROWARD PARTNERSHIP FOR THE HOMELESS SOCIAL ACTION At Kol Ami Emanu-El, we volunteer and care about many different organizations and causes. We also share a common vision of tikkun olam, making the world a better place! We are passionate and care about the poor, the homeless, our seniors and children who need our help and those suffering from illness. We invite you to join us as we work to improve the world. Serving Food at the Broward Partnership for the Homeless Volunteers (age 16 and older) from TKAE will be serving meals to about 200 clients on the third Sunday of every month. MARCH 15 • APRIL 19 • MAY 17 VISITING THE FOSTER CHILDREN AT CHILDREN’S HARBOR Want to cheer up young spirit? TKAE visits twice a year with children who are residents at Children’s Harbor and throws a pizza party, or some sort of social activity. Appropriate for 3rd grade and above with parent supervision. APRIL 12 FOOD DELIVERY THROUGH JFS Volunteers deliver a bag of kosher groceries monthly to about 175 JFS clients all over Broward. 75% of them are holocaust survivors. MARCH 17 • APRIL 21 • MAY 19 PREPARING AND SERVING MEALS AT RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE TKAE provides volunteers throughout the year during which time we cook and serve meals to the families who are staying at the Ronald McDonald House. If you can’t help serve the food but would like to help: Make a donation to help cover the cost of a meal. MARCH 15 • MAY 17 TH 0 ANNIVERSARY 4 JCC MACCABI GAMES® & ART FEST 2015 COMMEMORATION SHABBAT SERVICE OF CELEBRATION & RECOGNITION AUGUST 9-14, 2015 The JCC Maccabi Games® are an Olympic-style sporting competition held each summer in North America and is the second largest organized sports program for Jewish teenagers in the world. Friday • May 15 • 6 P.M. Annual Meeting With canapés Hors d’oeuvres • • • 7:30 P.M. Service • • • 8:30 P.M. Gala Oneg BECOME PART OF OUR FAMILY: • Host Family: House athletes ages 12-16 • Volunteer • Coach • Sponsor • Participate In the Art Fest Visit: Call: 954.501.2015 25 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ADVERTISING (Cost Is For Three or Six Editions of the 8200) 3 Editions 6 Editions Business Card $500 $750 Horizontal (4.25” x 2.75”) Quarter Page $700 $1,000 Vertical (4.25 ”x 5.5”) Half Page $950 $1,250 Horizontal (8.5”x 5.5”) Full Page $1,500 $2,000 (8.5” x 11”) Inside / Back Cover $3,500 $5,000 EMAIL AKAPIT@TKAE.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION Dr. Michele J. Lapayowker I am pleased to announce the opening of my new office in Plantation to care for you • Adolescent Counseling & “First Exams” • Well Women Exams, Including pap smear & breast exams • Contraception Planning • Basic Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling • Menstral Problems and Management • Perimenopause, Menopause and Hormone Evaluation & Management Bennett Medical Plaza Dr. Michele J. Lapayowker Board Certified, Gynecology 201 NW 82 nd Avenue | Suite 104 | Plantation, FL 33324 954-472-2201 26 MorseLife, a recognized leader in senior care, provides services that address your health, social and physical needs throughout your later adult years. Memory Care Assisted Living Now Leasing for Early 2015 561-687-5756 • 561-568-4011 Short-Term Rehabilitation | Long-Term Care | Independent & Assisted Living | Memory Care Assisted Living | Home Health Care Meals-on-Wheels | Care Management | Aphasia Center Neighbor2Neighbor | MorseLife Honors | Palm Beach PACE Marilyn & Stanley M. Katz Seniors Campus 4847 Fred Gladstone Drive West Palm Beach, FL Security For A Loved One. Peace Of Mind For You. 7420 NW 5th Street, Suite 108, Plantation, FL 33317 954-791-6510 Dr. Ronnie, Marissa and Caleb Caponera Offering Invisalign®, clear braces, and traditional metal braces for children, teenagers, and adults Affordable Monthly Payments • Before & After School Appointments Most Insurances Accepted CALL TODAY TO SETUP A FREE CONSULTATION 27 WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS YOUR THOUGHTFUL CONTRIBUTIONS CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY MUSIC FUND Lila K. Press................................... in appreciation of my children & grandson, Trevor Walt & Cindy Schneider.......................................... in appreciation of Cantor Goldman Joseph & Risha Stern............................................................ in memory of Min Broner Joseph & Risha Stern....................................................... in memory of Blanche Stern The Dagen memory of Herbert Hirsch Lois Lang.............................................................................. in memory of Dorris Lang Judith memory of Leon Koppelman Linda & Kenny memory of Ronald Tieman Hal & Francine Wiener....................................................... in memory of Joshua Stein Jane & Lew memory of Ronald Tieman Diane & Walter memory of Alice Victor Hart Barbara & Richard memory of Ronald Tieman Mara & Kenny memory of Ronald Tieman Heather & Randall Gilbert ........................................ in honor of Reese’ Baby Naming Rick & Shelley Lundy......................................................... in memory of Joshua Stein The Feinstein Family................................................... in honor of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah Kathy & Mitch Stein................................................. in loving memory of Josh T. Stein Joseph & Risha Stern.................................................. in honor of Dr. Leon Weissberg Sophie Herman................................................................ In honor of Cantor Goldman Fern & Paul Schneider........................... in honor of the conversion of Kerli Schneider Jay & Marilyn honor of Adam Feinstein’s Bar Mitzvah Ira memory of Bernard Vernon Nancy & Stuart Feiner............................................... in memory of Dr. Brian Susskind Lynda & Joel Wilentz.................................................... in honor of Anna’s Bat Mitzvah DARRELL SCOTT FAGELSON RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Ron Shnider....................................................... in memory of Beatrice M. Josephson Ron Shnider.............................................................. in memory of Max D. Josephson Heather & Derek Van Beber............................... in memory of Beatrice M. Josephson Heather & Derek Van Beber...................................... in memory of Max D. Josephson HANNAH “HONEY” SCHWARTZ SENIOR FUND Diane & Walter Hart...................................................... in memory of Edward A. Stone ELIZABETH SHOSHANNA HARR YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Elana Schramm & Jake wishing Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Fern Harr Elana Schramm & Jake Bursteen..... in honor of Jordan & Kerli Schneider’s Wedding Maxine & Bob memory of Ronald Tieman Sandra Block-Brezner & Jeff memory of Frances & Murray Brezner Linda Pevar........................................................................ in memory of Joshua Stein Lois & Michael Linder....................................In honor of Jana & Tanya’s Engagement Ellen & Ted Sobo......................................................... in memory of Kelsi Leah Young Jane & Lew memory of Elsie Deutscher Walter & Susan Witte......................................................... in memory of William Witte Rabbi Sheldon & Fern memory of Ronald Tieman Carole Friedman.......................................................... in memory of Helene Stolzberg Bruce & Julia Goldner............................................... in memory of Dr. Brian Susskind GEMILUT HASADIM FUND Rick & Shelley memory of Ronald Tieman GENERAL FUND Irving Cohen ............................................................... In memory of Deborah Gordon Dr. Richard & Harriet Greene........................................In honor of the engagement of Jessica Greene and Josh Cohen Dr. Richard & Harriet Greene............................................. in memory of David Michel Leonard memory of Zack Polikoff Sonnie & Bernie Salles...................................................... in memory of Harry Hirshey Lila K. Press & memory of Mildred Kornblau Stephen Levine................................................................... in memory of Betty Levine Pamela & Michael memory of Sidney & Lois Eisenberg Robert & Bevly memory of Allison Mofatt Robert & Bevly Kempler.................................. in memory of Elaine Matthews Strange Abby, Gregg, Jacob, Anna & Jonah Wilentz......................... in memory of Max Berger Adam & Tara Feiner............................................................... in memory of Paul Marks KOL AMI EMANU-EL HUNGER RELIEF FUND Susan Daniel .......................................................................... In memory of Tillie Weil Sheldon memory of Sofia Seltzer Bruce & Julia Goldner............................................................... in memory of Eva Egri Monica Wilner.................................................... in memory of Eric & Kitty Wasserman Simona memory of Bella Schor Lynn Davis........................................................................... in memory of Oscar Davis Jaime & Sara Rejtman...................................................... in memory of Max Zaidman Jaime & Sara Rejtman............................................ in memory of Jessica Oszerowicz Jaime & Sara Rejtman........................................................ in memory of Shlomo Levi Cheryl Taylor........................................................................... in memory of Al Rotman Honey memory of Max Goldiner Diane & John Golden....................................... in honor of Carmen & Sheldon Seltzer RABBI HARR DISCRETIONARY FUND Kathy & Mitch Stein................................................. in loving memory of Josh T. Stein Lynda & Joel Wilentz.................................................... in honor of Anna’s Bat Mitzvah Ilene Barret....................................................................... in memory of Michael Barett David & Sandra memory of Bela Farkas Ellen & Marty Fishman.............................................................. in honor of Rabbi Harr Rabbi Sheldon & Fern honor of Louis & Patty Beck Lloyd & Susan Silverman.............................................. in memory of Mollie Steinberg Diane & Walter memory of Walter M. Hart Sr. Rabbi Sheldon & Fern Harr....................................... in memory of Dr. Brian Susskind MARTIN & CORALIE B. HAGER EARLY LEARNING CENTER FUND Lee & Claire Hager...................................... in honor of the Teachers & Administration at TKAE’s Early Childhood THE MATZ FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Minette & Paul Brown................................................ in memory of Dr. Brian Susskind MONA ALBERT EARLY CHILDHOOD SCHOLARSHIP FUND Denis & Linda Trupkin............................................................ in memory of Josh Stein RABBI NEEDLEMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Sophie Herman.............................................................. in honor of Rabbi Needleman Lynda & Joel Wilentz.................................................... in honor of Anna’s Bat Mitzvah Walt & Cindy appreciation of Rabbi Needleman Linda, Scott, Josh & Rachel Zakheim........................... in memory of Sidney Zakheim The Feinstein Family................................................... in honor of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah Heather & Randall Gilbert ........................................ in honor of Reese’ Baby Naming Sandy memory of Sadie Shechtman Kayla Hersh............................................................... in memory of Fanny Herscovitch Irwin memory of Ida Hirtz Linda Pevar........................................ in honor of Stanley & Pearl Goodman’s lifetime of humanitarian work for our community Ira memory of Bernard Vernon ORGANIC GARDEN PROJECT Gerry & Debbie Damsky............................................ in memory of Dr. Brian Susskind PRAYERBOOK DEDICATION FUND Monica Wilner.................................................... in memory of Eric & Kitty Wasserman Jan honor of the Special Birthdays of Mr. & Mrs. Leo Weiss YOUTH GROUP FUND Barbara & Joel Metter.................................................... in memory of Samuel Sender Lesley & Phil Dubs............................................. in memory of Howard & Renee Dubs GiGi & David Greene......................... in honor of Jordan & Kerli Schneider’s Wedding Ronald & Vicki memory of David J. Susman Walt & Cindy Schneider............................................... in memory of Edward Feldstein Rochelle & Marshall memory of Ronald Tieman Alec & Brandon Messeroff.......................................... in memory of Jerome Messeroff AS OFJAN. 23, 2015 28 WELCOME NEW TKAE MEMBERS Ronald & Vicki Simon Eric, Rebecca, Eliot & Ethan Kay David, Sivan & Lavi Alon Janis Goldberg Lois Lang Shalom, Natalie and Eden Mor Jonathan Ozner Howard, Marcia, Mark and Samuel Yelen Thank You For Joining The Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Family AS OF FEB. 4, 2015 IN MEMORIAM HELP WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Volunteers for the Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El’s Sincere condolences are extended to our bereaved congregants and families of the late: New Member Ambassador Program are needed to Joshua Stein Son of Mitch and Kathy Stein Brother of Megan Steinberg (Seth) help new member families become involved in the wonderful events and programs that sustain the Mary Gerber life of TKAE’s vibrant Jewish community. Mother of Mindy Orlinsky Z”L (Mark) Grandmother of Lee and Remi Orlinksy Whether you have been a member for 30 years Ronald Tieman or 30 days, you can make a difference in the Husband of Estelle Tieman Father of Hope Tieman Bristol (John) and Deborah Tieman Grandfather of Jordan & Carly continued growth of TKAE’s congregation by becoming a New Member Ambassador. PLEASE EMAIL AMBASSADOR@TKAE.ORG OR TALK TO CHARISMA GOODMAN AS OF FEB. 4, 2015 Family Happenings… GiGi and David Greene are excited to announce the engagement of their daughter Jessica Ryan to Joshua Ari Cohen. The wedding will be held in April 2016. Alan and Dora Lee Rosendorf are pleased to announce the arrival of their new granddaughter, Emma Rose Hurvitz, daughter of Kimberly and Steve Hurvitz. Kimberly, our daughter, and her husband live in Arlington, VA. Emma Rose was born on September 15, 2014. Emma Rose Hurvitz was born Dec. 10, 2014. Ruth and Glenn Zagoria are excited to announce the birth of their first grandchild, Ethan Oliver, on December 10, 2014. Proud parents are Lee and Jennifer Zagoria. Joshua Ari Cohen and Jessica Ryan Greene. Mazel Tov to Adina Sharfstein on being honored by FAU as Holocaust Educator of the Year. 29 Please send births, engagement and wedding announcements for the May/June 8200 to by March 30, 2015. 30 8 1 29 No EC and Gesher No Religious School No Religious School SPRING BREAK 22 SPRING BREAK 30 23 RS – 6:30 p.m. Mommy & Me Class – 9:30 a.m. 3 24 17 10 31 No RS, EC and Gesher SPRING BREAK Women’s Seder – 6:30 p.m. seating RS – 6:30 p.m. Mommy & Me Class – 9:30 a.m. RS – 6:30 p.m. Mommy & Me Class – 9:30 a.m. RS – 6:30 p.m. Mommy & Me (M&M) Class – 9:30 a.m. Serve at Broward Partnership for the Homeless – 10:30 a.m. 16 9 2 Tuesday Temple Friends Board Meeting – 2 p.m. Monday Religious School begins at 10:30 a.m. 5K Purim Run With The Rabbi – 8 a.m. start 15 Religious School – 9 a.m. Purim basket pick-up at Religious School Temple Friends Lunch 10:30 a.m. – The Jewish Community in Cuba with Yosl and Doreen Broder Religious School (RS) – 9 a.m. Sunday 4 No EC and Gesher Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. No Gesher Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. 26 Exec. Bd. Meeting: 6 p.m. Gen. Bd. Meeting: 7 p.m. 19 Lunch & Learn with Leon Weissberg - 12:30 p.m. 12 Lunch & Learn with Leon Weissberg - 12:30 p.m. Sisterhood Board Meeting – 7:30 p.m. SPRING BREAK Movie: Forks Over Knives with Myra Atlas – 1 p.m. No EC and Gesher 5 Lunch & Learn with Leon Weissberg - 12:30 p.m. Thursday SPRING BREAK 25 18 Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. 11 Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. Wednesday 6 13 No EC and Gesher SPRING BREAK No EC and Gesher 27 20 Shabbat Nefesh – 7:30 p.m. Healing the Body and Healing the Soul BART Shabbat: 7:30 p.m. Temple Bat Yam th 5151 NE 14 Terrace Fort Lauderdale Purim basket pick-up 6:30 p.m.: A Gala Purim rd Celebration featuring 3 th and 4 graders 5:30 p.m.: Purim Service, Megilla reading and Kaddish Friday SPRING BREAK Bar Mitzvah of Philip Sherriton – 5:30 p.m. Bar Mitzvah of Beau Simon – 10:15 a.m. Early Childhood PJ Havdallah 4-5:30 p.m. 7 28 21 14 Bat Mitzvah of Madison Ring – 5:30 p.m. Saturday March 2015 31 5 7 EVENTS Religious School – 9 a.m. 26 Temple Friends – bus trip, 9 a.m. Broward Partnership for the Homeless: 10:30 a.m. Religious School – 9 a.m. 19 28 Last day of Tues. RS: 6:30 p.m. M&M Class – 9:30 a.m. Wednesday 1 9 2 23 16 30 Sisterhood: “The Book Thief” movie 5:30 p.m.; book discussion 7:30 p.m. Nessa Warlen’s home Yom Ha’atzmaut Yom Hashoah Exec. Bd. Meeting: 6 p.m. Gen. Bd. Meeting: 7 p.m. PASSOVER No Gesher Thursday YELL Shabbat – 7:30 p.m. We welcome members of our cutting-edge teen YELL program as they lead us in Shabbat services and talk about their experienes as young Jewish adults. 29 Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. Movie: Sister of Mine: 1 p.m. at TKAE Stories from the Holocaust and Israel with film producer Arnon Ben Shlomo: 1 p.m. 22 Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. Stories from the Holocaust and Israel with Arnon Ben Shlomo: 1 p.m. 15 Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. 8 PASSOVER Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. Yoga – 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. FRIDAY, MAY 1, 6:30 p.m. Disney Shabbat Enjoy music and prayers, and TKAE’s Disney All-Star Singers 27 RS: 6:30 p.m. Temple Friends Board Meeting – 2 p.m. M&M Class – 9:30 a.m . 21 RS: 6:30 p.m. 14 M&M Class – 9:30 a.m. M&M Class – 9:30 a.m. No RS PASSOVER Visit foster children at Children’s Harbor: 2 p.m. 20 13 6 Tuesday YELL Holocaust Memorial Trip 5:30 – 9 p.m. PASSOVER Monday Temple Friends Lunch: 10:30 a.m. Religious School – 9 a.m. 12 No Religious School (RS) PASSOVER Sunday 3 10 24 17 Bar Mitzvah of Jeremy Segaul – 10:15 a.m. Camp Coleman Fundraiser – 6:30 p.m. PASSOVER Saturday TKAE 40th ANNVERSARY COMMEMORATION Friday, May 15 6 p.m.: Annual meeting 7:30 p.m.: Service 8:30 p.m.: Gala Oneg March of the Living Shabbat – 7:30 p.m. Commemorating the Shoah Beach Shabbat – 6:30 p.m. Fort Lauderdale Beach Park, 1100 Seabreeze Blvd. Yizkor Memorial Service – 10:15 a.m. PASSOVER A Passover Celebration of Freedom – 5:30 p.m. Shabbat Service, 6 p.m. Social and 7 p.m. Seder EC dismissed at 12 p.m. EREV PASSOVER Friday 25 18 11 4 April 2015 Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El 8200 Peters Road Plantation, FL 33324 954-472-1988 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Ft. Lauderdale, FL PERMIT NO. 1985 PURIM IS COMING! O R D E R T O D AY! Everyone is invited to send Mischloach Manot baskets to their temple family, friends and loved ones. Emails were sent to all temple members with instructions on how to purchase baskets at Giving and receiving baskets is a mitzvah and all proceeds benefit our temple. A A A Send a Purim Gift To your child’s teacher, our wonderful TKAE staff and clergy, as well as to your Temple friends and family. THIS YEAR WE HAVE GONE VIRTUAL Purchase Mischloach Manot Gift Baskets At: WWW.TKAE.HAPPYPURIM.COM BASKET PICK UP ON MARCH 6 AT SERVICES & MARCH 8 AT RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IF YOU LOST OR DID NOT RECEIVE AN EMAIL WITH LOGIN INFORMATION PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO: TKAESISTERHOOD@GMAIL.COM If you do not have access to a computer and want to send Mischloach Manot gift baskets, call Elise Bloch at 954.257.1324 32
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