The Gopher Dairy Club The Showbox Reporter Cassie Olson 2014 Spring Edition Meet the 2014-2015 Executive Team In This Issue: Meet the Executive Team Page 1 Minnesota Royal 2014 Page 1 Kelsey Mussman Owatonna, MN President Nick Reps Utica, MN Vice President Rebecca Groos Howard Lake, MN Treasurer Michael Schmitt Rice, MN Secretary Cassie Olson Black River Falls, WI Reporter Andrew Hetke Ladysmith, WI Officer at Large Great Success at Regional ADSA Page 2 State FFA Dairy Judging Contest Recap Page 2 Annual Club Banquet Deemed a Success Page 3 Dates to Remember Page 4 Minnesota Royal 2014- A Winning Event Gopher Dairy Club was very excited to have a successful showing in this year’s Minnesota Royal activities. Seniors Craig Betcher and Kelsey Petit represented the club throughout the week as royalty candidates. The club actively participated in and had excellent results in skits, milkmaid contest, animal calling, ag olympics, The Royal Run and stock the trailer events. On Thursday evening, members attended a long-time favorite event: the Johnny Holmes Band concert. The week’s cumulative successes came together on Monday evening, when it was announced that Gopher Dairy Club placed second among St. Paul Campus organizations and Greeks! Congratulations to all of our members on a very succesfful 2014 MN Royal! The Showbox | 1 Gopher Dairy Club Well-Represented at 2014 Regional ADSA-SAD By Wyatt Smith, Regional ADSA Co-Chairperson The Buckeye Dairy Club welcomed area schools to Ohio State University for the 2014 Midwest Regional American Dairy Science Association - Student Affiliate Division Conference. This year’s conference was held in Columbus from January 31st to February 2nd. Over 50 members of the Gopher Dairy Club represented the University of Minnesota at the annual conference. Saturday morning and early afternoon consisted of educational seminars at Ohio State University’s campus. Students were broken into small groups and were rotated between breakout sessions. In these sessions, colligates learned about the history of Select Sires Inc., positive social media coverage, mastitis management, genomics from the American Jersey Cattle Association, graduate school versus entering the industry right out of college, and a presentation of specialty ice cream – value added products. events. At the banquet on Saturday night, the Gopher Dairy Club received recognition for our yearbook. The Topline received top honors and second place for our online website. In addition, the University of Minnesota’s very own Kelsey Mussman was elected to serve as the Midwest Region Secretary – Treasurer. The night was ended with a fun dance and social The members of the Gopher Dairy Club returned to the St. Paul campus with new knowledge and many new connections. We thank the Ohio State University for hosting a great conference and we as a club look forward to next year’s Regional ADSA-SAD to be held in Wisconsin Dells, WI hosted by the University of Wisconsin – Platteville. State FFA Dairy Judging Contest It is always a sure sign of spring when St. Paul Campus becomes a sea of blue corduroy jackets during the annual state FFA convention. With this comes the responsibility of planning and hosting the FFA State Dairy Judging contest. The incredible amount of help from Gopher Dairy Club members made for another successful contest. The contest was held April 28, 2014 at the Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds with nearly 220 participants and 54 teams. As a team, participants answered questions about dairy cattle and filled out worksheets based on DHIA records. Individually contestants then judged two classes of heifers and four classes of cows. Additionally, participants rank a sire selection class and placed a pedigree class. Members then have to give two sets of reasons. Winning the contest was the team from Caledonia, who will represent Minnesota at the National The Showbox | 2 FFA Convention held in October. Second and third went to Norwood-Young America and Lewiston-Altura respectively. Individually the top five individuals were Aaron Houdek of Caledonia placing first, followed by Simon Johnson of KMS, Jacob Hornberg of Winona, Jennifer Oelfke of Norwood-Young America, and Marcus Irrthum of Kenyon-Wanamingo. Thank you to Doug Petzel and Tyler Otte for officiating the contest. The contest went very smoothly thanks to the tremendous participation by the GDC club members before, during, and after the contest. Thanks to all that helped especially in transporting cattle to and from the coliseum. A special thank you to my co-chair Nick Reps for all of his hard work and dedication into helping put on yet another great contest. We look forward to many more successful contests in the future. Annual Club Banquet Deemed a Success By Greta Tank, Club Banquet Co-Chairperson The 30th Annual University of Minnesota Gopher Dairy Club Recognition Banquet was held on February 23, 2014 and brought together more than 200 students, parents, alumni, faculty and those in the dairy industry to celebrate the achievements of members. The banquet was held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Minneapolis and showcased club events and achievements over the past year. We were pleased to have a welcome from Dr. Mike White, Head of the Department of Animal Science, and remarks from Dr. Brian Buhr, Interim Dean, College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences. MarJenna McWilliam, the 60th Princess Kay of the Milky Way, joined us for the event and shared her passion for the dairy industry and encouraged us to continue to promote the livelihood we love. The featured speaker was Dr. David Selner, Executive Director, National Dairy Shrine, Denmark, Wis. In his remarks, Dr. Selner encouraged attendees to consider seven characteristics he believes dairy industry leaders possess. Those characteristics are mentoring, goal setting, optimism, passion, history, education, and responsibility. The Distinguished Service Award was presented to Glen and Lois Nelson, Milltown, Wis. for their contributions to the Gopher Dairy Club. The Nelsons, who are registered Ayrshire breeders, have hosted the University of Minnesota dairy judging teams at their farm for more than 40 years. Ken Herbranson of Clitherall, Minn., received the Golden Graduate Award, an award presented to a University of Minnesota alumnus who has made honorable contributions to the dairy industry. Ken serves as chairperson of the Dairy Producer board of directors for the Minnesota Division of the Midwest Dairy Association. The Gopher Dairy Club also had the opportunity to recognize several exceptional new club members. Ethan Dado of Amery, Wis., received the 2014 Douglas Siem Memorial Scholarship of $2,000. In addition, 10 new student $1,500 scholarships were awarded to the following students: Kayla Brown, of Hastings; Annie Culbertson of Pine Island; Jeni Haler of Waconia; Johanna Knorr of Pelican Rapids; Andrew Krause of Buffalo; Nicole Krumrie of New Hope; Audrey Lane of Prior Lake; Kirstin Lawstuen of Lanesboro; Trevor Otte of Randolph; Crystal Siemers-Peterman of Cleveland, Wis. Member Andrew Hetke (right), presents Glen and Lois Nelson with the Distinguished Service Award In addition, current members were recognized for their impressive contributions to our club. Jenn Janek received the Outstanding Senior Award. The R.W. Touchberry Award was given to Michael Schmidt, and Katie Schmidt received the Outstanding Rookie Award as a sophomore. The dairy cattle judging teams did outstanding again this year, representing the University of Minnesota at the national level. Each year, two seniors can be nominated, per agricultural university, for the Student Recognition Program of National Dairy Shrine and the 2014 nominees are Erin Daninger and Tyler Otte. The Midwest Dairy Association sponsored the Senior Judging Team awards and Genex/ CRI sponsored the National Dairy Shrine Student Recognition Program awards. Another remarkable team to note is the Dairy Management Challenge Team coached by Marcia Endres. Team members include: Jeff Borst, Tyler Otte, Laura Rosenhammer, and Ben Thorpe with awards presented by MN Select Sires. The banquet provides an excellent opportunity for members and attendees to reflect on the accomplishments, memories, and dairy industry promotion achieved over the last year by the Gopher Dairy Club. Thank you to alumni, faculty, and the many supporters of the Gopher Dairy Club who help to maintain its reputation of one of the largest and most successful student organizations at the University of Minnesota. The Showbox | 3 Gopher Dairy Club Haecker Hall 1364 Eckles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Contact Info: 612.624.2277 Congratulations to Past and Present Members! Engagements William Coyne & Jennifer Janak recently announced their engagement. Weddings Emily Krekelberg & Clayton Wilmes will be tying the knot on Saturday, May 31, 2014. Emilie Lane & Tyler Evink will be joined together on Saturday, July 5th, 2014. The Showbox | 4 Dates to Remember National ADSA Kansas City, MO July 19-22 Food Animal Networking Evening October 16
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