2/23/2015 Session 22 Subject: Land Law For English Language Based Bachelor of Law Program (ELBBL) Lecturer: Dr. Phalthy Hap 2015 1 Outline • Stamp duty • Tax on unused land • Land taxation 2 1 2/23/2015 Stamp Duty (1) • Stamp duty started via the Sub-decree on Granting House Ownership to the Cambodian Citizens on April 22, 1998. (SD25, Art. 7) • Stamp duty in 1998 = 10% of the proceeds of y or donee has the obligation g to the sale ((buyer pay stamp duty) 3 Stamp Duty (2) • In 1991: Law on Stamp Duty became available. (Art. 2) • Stamp duty was charged for the transfer of ownership = 6% of the proceeds of the sale ((beneficiaryy or owner of the house,, land residential land has the duty to pay stamp duty (SD20, Art. 8)) 4 2 2/23/2015 Stamp Duty (3) • In 1995: Law on Financial Management for 1995 was firstly available for the stamp duty. (Art. 2) • Stamp duty was charged for the transfer of p y or transfer ownershipp over immovable pproperty of the possession over the land which is has no buildings = 4% of the proceeds of the sale (FinL 1995, Art. 40)) 5 Stamp Duty (4) • In 2013: Law on Financial Management for 2013 was amended the status of the stamp duty. (Art. 12) • Stamp duty was amended as below: Transfer of ownership or possession over immovable property such as building or/and land or share of immovable property in company (FinL 2013, Art. 12)) 6 3 2/23/2015 Stamp Duty (5) • Summary of stamp duty: 10% 6% 4% 1989 1991 1995-Now 7 Summary of Stamp Duty after Fin.L 2013 Type of stamp duty Calculation Sale l Proceeds d x 4% Succession (Proceeds - 200,000,000 riel) x 4% Donation (Proceeds - 100,000,000 riel ) x 4% 10% 6% 4% 1989 1991 1995-Now 8 4 2/23/2015 Statistics of Formal Land Transactions (1) • Formal land transactions from 1995-June 2001: 2500 2010 2000 1500 1871 1642 1483 1456 1413 1320 1156 1062 1000 759 777 500 327 310 210 0 1995 1996 1997 Residential Land 1998 1999 2000 2001* Agricultural Land (* Data collected as of June 30, 2001) 9 Statistics of Formal Land Transactions (2) • Subsequent land registration No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Certificates transferred Sale transactions Land parcel mergers Complementary land registration Donation Succession Land parcel division Pledged certificates Income from stamp duty (riel) As of May 2012 21,671 171 275 31 0 2,122 5,029 227,921,889,060 10 5 2/23/2015 Tax on Unused Land (1) • Dec. 31, 1994: Law on Financial Management for 1995 stipulated ti l t d tax t on un-used d land. l d (Art. (A t 26-36) 26 36) • Tax rate of un-used land = 2% of land price. (Art. 31) • Tax on un-used land is paid by owner. (Art. 29) • Feb. 25, 1995: Notification on the Provisions on Taxes and Imposts Collected by Taxation Unit, tax on unused land = (land size – 1,200 m2) x land price per square meter x 2% (following FinL 1995, Art. 30) 11 Tax on Unused Land (2) • July 25, 1995: Sub-decree on the Establishment of U Unused d Land L d Evaluation E l ti Committee. C itt (Following FinL 1995, Art. 28) • June 6, 2007: Notification on the Management of the Collection of Tax on Unused Land, tax on unused land price p per square q meter x 2% = land size x land p (following FinL 2007, Art. 3) 12 6 2/23/2015 Tax on Unused Land (3) • Outputs Year Tax on unused land (million riel) 2007 11,978.54 2008 11,377.26 (General Dept. of Taxation, “Tax Income Situation for 2008” (Jan. 6 2009)) 13 Tax on Immovable Property (1) • Following Law on Financial Management for 2010, the ttax on immovable i bl property t has h been b i imposed d from f 2011. (FinL 2010, Art. 13) • Tax on immovable property is applied over land, houses, buildings and other construction in the geography of capital/provinces determined. determined (FinL 2010, Art. 13) • The tax on agricultural land is exempted. (FinL 2010, Art. 14) 14 7 2/23/2015 Tax on Immovable Property (2) • July 19, 2010: Proclamation on the Collection of Tax on Immovable I bl Property P t stating t ti th the the th detailed d t il d off immovable property. • Tax rate on immovable property = 0.1% of the total land price. (FinL 2010, Art. 13) • Tax calculation = [(land price x 80%)-$25,000] x 0.1% 15 Thank you!!! Questions and Answers Contact: hphalthy@yahoo com hphalthy@yahoo.com www.phalthy.wordpress.com 16 8
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