KSR College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchengode – 637 215 Department of Business Administration (MBA) National Level Management Meet FACHMANN JUNIOR‘15 Chief Patrons Dr. K. Kaliannan Principal/KSRCE Dr. P. Senthilkumar Vice Principal/KSRCE Patron Dr. K. Moorthy Director/MBA Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: National Level Management Meet – FACHMANN JUNIOR’15– Reg. KSR College of Engineering proudly invites the participants from your college for the National Level Management Meet to be Convenor Dr. S. M. Uvaneswaran HOD/MBA Co-Convenors Mrs. T. Vijayalakshmi Ms. S. Kalaivani Ms. T. Mohanapriya Organizing Committee Faculty Members Dr. V. M. Senthilkumar Mr. A. S. Kumar Mr. K. Jothilingam Dr. P. Raja Dr. N.S. Santhi Mrs. S. P. Sreekala Mr. K. Selvaraju Mr. S. Vignish Students Coordinator Mr. C. Mohamed Nazeel Mr. Gurumoorthy.M Ms. S. Jaiyasree Mr. Nivas. A Mr. Manikandan. A Ms. Anitha. L Ms. Sangeetha Sri. A.S held on 27th February, 2015. It is a fun based innovative and knowledge sharing meet. The main objective is to provide a unique opportunity for the students to exhibit their talents in the fields of personality building and management. We enclosed the programme details and poster to be displayed on the notice board, for the attention of the students. Looking forward your positive response and cooperation to make the meet a grand success. Thanking you, With Regards Dr. S. M. UVANESWARAN (HOD-MBA) K.S.R. College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchengode Department Of Business Administration (MBA) FACHMANN JUNIOR ‘15 (Exclusively for Final Year UG Students) National Level Management Meet – 2015 27.02.2015 General rules and regulations for the participants: 1. Registrations can be made on or before 23.02.2015 to the mail id mbaksrce@gmail.com . Spot registrations are permissible and the registration will be closed by 9.30 am. 2. Registration fee is Rs. 100/- per participant( includes refreshment, lunch) and the spot payment is encouraged 3. Preliminary round starts @10.00 am. 4. An individual can participate only in one event. 5. There is no restriction on maximum participants per college. 6. The participants must come with their college ID card/ Bonafide certificate.. 7. Good discipline and professional dress code is expected from the participants. 8. Final presentation will be permitted (on stage) for short listed teams only. 9. Decision of the jury will be the final. 10. Usage of mobile phones or any other electronic devices during the convention of the events are strictly prohibited. 11. Teams have to be present at scheduled time for preliminary round and finals, delay or absence will result in disqualification. 12. Certificates will be issued only at the time of valedictory function. 13. No accommodation will be provided. ADZAP - Rules Each team comprises of a maximum of five members. Written test will be conducted in the preliminary round. The participating team should develop their product to be advertised in round 2. They should bring the properties needed to exhibit their advertisement in round 2. Materials will be provided to the team in round 3 on the spot. Different forms of expression like short skits, jingles, slogans, banners or any other innovative form (care to be taken that they are not offensive or vulgar). More weightage will be given to humor, creativity, theme and marketing skills. Business Quiz - Rules Number of teams per college is limited to three. Each team will have a maximum of two participants. The decisions by the judges will be the final. Written test will be conducted for scrutinizing the team. Talent Show (Short-film, Songs, Dance, etc.,) Rules for Short Film Duration of the film should not be less than 3minutes and should not exceed 10 minutes. Short films may be presented by individuals or by teams not exceeding 2 members No violence, No harassment, No vulgar. Multimedia is permitted without any editing work on the pictures. Prohibition of downloaded videos, the film is their own work and not copied from others. The film should be in MPEG / AVI format. Final screening on stages for shortlisted film only. Rules for other talents Individual or group participation (Members not exceeding 4 participants). Expose any talents. There should be no combination of boys and girls in dance alone and required material should be arranged by the participants. The participants should bring their songs (If any) in the pen drive / CD. MEMÓRIAS - Rules Number of teams per college is limited to four. Each team will have a maximum of four participants. The decisions by the judges will be the final. Written test will be conducted for scrutinizing the team. For More Details ADZAP Dr. N.S.Shanthi 9500466527 Business Quiz Ms. T. Mohanapriya 9578618691 Talent Show Mr. A.S. Kumar 9894042673 Memórias Ms. S.Kalaivani 9994778583 KSR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (AUTONOMOUS), TIRUCHENGODE – 637 215 Department of Business Administration (MBA) NATIONAL LEVEL MANAGEMENT MEET FACHMANN JUNIOR‘15 Registration Form Name of the College : Address for Communication: S.NO. Contact Number : E-Mail ID : EVENT NAME 1 ADZAP 2 BUSINESS QUIZ 3 TALENT SHOW 4 MEMÓRIAS NAME OF THE PARTICIPANTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Photocopies can be used for multiple registrations and mail to mbaksrce@gmail.com) Head of the Department
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