ORPINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH SIGNPOST March & April 2015 LOVE HAS WON I asked Jesus: How much do you love me? This much He said. Then stretched out his arms and died contents From our Minister From David From our Gift Aid Steward Easter celebrations Mens Prayer Breakfast Sundays Flower Ministry Connected Church Girls Brigade Home Mission Holiday At Home 2015 Inheritance Jonathan Newman Walk of Witness Tearing Down Crosses! Theology Cafe Church Family Meeting Change4Life (Parish Nurse) Election Forum Job Vacancy Dedication BMS Birthdays Womens Friendship Group The Man with a Cross Boys Brigade You Are Special Reunion Kairos Training Blind Club Page 1 2 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 12 13 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 24 24 24 From our Minister I love Easter! Coming as it does in the season of Spring, it seems as if nature itself sings out the truth of Christ’s resurrection. I hope that you’ll take the opportunity to both worship and witness to the truth without which our Faith would be in vain. You can see more details of what’s going on at OBC here in Signpost. As this magazine comes out I will have taken a survey on a Sunday morning in church. If you couldn’t be with us but would like to take part in the survey please tell me or the church office. It’s intended to be anonymous so there’s no need for embarrassment but to help us all think about our discipleship. As Discipleship Explored is our teaching series at the moment and the Great Commission from Matthew 28:19 our Church Text for the year it all seems to fit together well. “Where are you in your relationship with God?” one of the questions asks: going forward / static / going backward. It’s my springtime dream that we can encourage one another so that we can say ‘going forward’. One thing that helps me grow is genuine Christian friendship. Sometimes, particularly in a suburban culture, there is too little of real friendship. People have lots of acquaintances but few ‘friends at midnight’. Here at OBC it would be great to encourage friendship through hospitality and openness to one another, even more than we have already. This Easter I commit myself again to being your friend and pastor. We have something to share that is universe-transforming! LO V E HAS WON SIGNPOST 1 From David, our Children & Family Worker Dates for your diary: The children’s OK Bible Group for the next Couple of months are: 4�� & 11�� March, 15�� April and 6�� May 2015. We would love to see this group grow in number, so any child at primary school is most welcome to come along. We have a great time learning and sharing together. Our current memory verse in Kidzone is “Do for other people the same things you want them to do for you.” Matthew 7 v 12 NCV. We continue our financial support towards Andrew and Janet’s baby; we are collecting five pence pieces, sticking them onto an A3 picture of a pram and are about a quarter full now! We are supporting Project Ruth each week and our beautifully coloured totalizer is heading towards a hundred pounds since last September. We have also come up with other ideas like a cake sale to boost the funds and help our children understand other people’s needs around the world. Thank you for your continued prayerful support as I visit Blenheim and Tubbenden fortnightly to lead their assemblies. Recently I had the pleasure of Year 5 coming to our church for a visit from Holy Innocents. I hear that the children had a wonderful time learning about our church even if their focus was on the biscuits!!. Recently, I was asked to lead a Year 3 RE Lesson at Tubbenden together with Mary Yates on “What a minister does at Orpington Baptist Church”. As you can see from the photos we had lots of items for the children to look at and they asked lots of interesting questions. Next term is just as busy SIGNPOST 2 with Easter assemblies and a school visit from Blenheim to our church. Please continue to pray for these children that they might see our church in an appealing way and get to know Jesus through what I say. SAF EG G DBS checks: UARDIN if you have recently received a letter from me and you haven’t got around to completing DBS process, please can I encourage you to do so in the next few weeks. SIGNPOST 3 From our Gift Aid Steward On 5 January I pushed the ‘Send’ button on my computer: four days later the church account received nearly £13,000. The modern-day counterparts of Zacchaeus the tax gatherer in the Gift Aid department of HM Revenue and Customs can be very efficient! This process happens four times a year, and the annual amount for OBC from gift aid came to £46,400. That is a considerable part of our church budget, and includes giving to the building fund, the BMS birthday scheme and Zambia. Every time I press the button I am quietly amazed, and very thankful for the generous spirit of giving from our fellowship that makes this possible. At George Balmer’s induction service, nearly 35 years ago, I remember a senior figure from the Baptist Union warning us, in a friendly way (as they do), that building up a church would mean an increase of giving, and that George had come from a church that had an annual budget of £60,000. I could not imagine a church having that amount of money then, and I still find it hard to grasp the sums appearing each week on the OBC bulletin – current needs £3,750 a week! Looking ahead £,4000 a week! Where does it all go? (Ivor asked me to do a piece for Signpost this time round but I am not sure that he had this in mind!) The older members of the fellowship will remind us that we always used to pay the minister’s stipend, look after the manse, contribute to Home Mission, pay for lighting and electricity, maintain the church buildings and so on. These costs have gone up a bit, year by year, but the big difference now is that we pay salaries to a much bigger team: there has been a change in expectations and voluntary capacity in churches over the years. The proof of the pudding is in the eating: we are an active, busy church with a fellowship covering a wide age range, and we want to continue our progress in being Outward Looking, Bible-based and Contemporary. We have to think ahead to some expensive roof work that needs doing. The church is not really about buildings as such, but it would be difficult without them. As OBC we reach out to a number of different parts of the world with our resources. Giving a water supply to needy people in Africa is something SIGNPOST 4 we did at Christmas. 35 years ago churches did not collaborate together as happily as they do today in Orpington, and I do not suppose that we would have envisaged the need for a local food bank back then either. Archbishop Justin Welby invited the staff of a food bank to think of each needy client as if they were Jesus Christ, echoing the words of Matthew 25:40 ‘whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’. It can be very helpful to think of ourselves as accounting to Jesus for the way we spend his money, and we are most grateful to Ivor, Anita, Stuart for the way they manage the OBC finances. Alan Moss Gift Aid Steward Congratulations to Genevieve, Karen and all the Sanctuary Cafe volunteers on being given the Community Award at the recent Orpington 1�� Ceremony. Congratulations also to our members Tony & Eniko Benfield on being given the Service Sector Award for their Compassion Homecare business at the Orpington 1�� ceremony. SIGNPOST 5 LOVE HAS WON Palm Sunday 29 March 10.30 & 6.30 Maundy Thursday 2 April 8.00pm Jon Newman live in concert Good Friday 3 April 10.30am Walk of Witness along the High Street Easter Sunday 5 April 10.30 & 6.30 “ I asked Jesus: How much do you love me? This much He said. Then stretched out his arms and died “ Prayer This is how God showed his love to us: He sent his one and only Son into the world so that we could have life through him. 1 JOHN 4 : 9 Men’s Prayer Breakfast Sat 21 March 9.00am Sanctuary Cafe SIGNPOST 6 MARCH 1 8 15 22 29 APRIL 5 12 19 26 3 May 2015 10.30 Discipleship Explored 6.30 Worship with Communion 10.30 All-age Service with Parade LOGY THEO 6.00 Theology Cafe: Bibletrack 10.30 Mothering Sunday Worship : with Communion 6.30 Prayer & Praise Service 10.30 Discipleship Explored 3.30 Golden Service with Tea 10.30 Palm Sunday Worship 6.30 Worship led by Inspire Gospel Group 10.30 Easter Sunday 6.30 10.30 Easter informal Communion: Sharing Your Faith (with Lindsay Hamon) Discipleship Explored 6.00 Theology Cafe: Bibletrack 10.30 Worship with Communion 6.00 General Election Forum: What Would Jesus Vote 10.30 6.30 Worship led by Rev Adrian Judd,(from Crofton Baptist Church) Worship led by Danny Brown 10.30 Discipleship Explored 6.30 Worship with Communion and Skype chat with Andrew & Janet (and baby!) Sweet in Kenya SIGNPOST 7 Café LOVE HAS WON LOGY THEO Café Date Donated by MARCH Helen Mellor 1 8 Doris Case Remembering Arranged by Her father Charles Pattisson and mother Pat Meade Her brother and sister in law Wendy Jean Ainsworth Her husband Reg 15 John & Julie Iddiols Family members Viv Cox Her mother Dorothy Ofori Thanks to God for health and family 22 Dave & Jenny Golding Their Wedding Anniversary Marilyn Crisp 29 APRIL Jean Brayton Her husband Philip’s birthday 5 Marg & Martyn Travers Marg’s dad Pam Reynolds 19 May & Henry Knock, Brian & Linda Viv Cox Mick Cater 26 Ade Sodipe & Adetoun Biyibi Karen Marilyn Her father’s birthday Wedding of Helen & Nick 12 Melanie Warren Fran Her mum Penny Team Dolly Her mother in law Audrey Her son John Linda Her father Sheila Their mother Fran If you would like to donate to the flower ministry for any special occasion you wish to remember please contact Penny on 01689 871102 or 07738 514694 or email penny.toghill@ntlworld.com SIGNPOST 8 Aasma’s Story from our Connected Church partner Sahaara Aasma, now 35, remembers growing up in Daulatpur, near the India – Bangladesh border. After her father died, her mother was unable to support her and so at 16 she was given to be married. Her husband was abusive and suffering with alcoholism. Unable to read or write, and with a husband who did not provide for her, she would often go to bed hungry. Eventually Aasma found a job as a maid in the hope she would be able to support her three children. Unfortunately, the job did not pay enough to make ends meet but a friend told her about jobs in Mumbai that paid good money. 28 and full of hope, Aasma came to Mumbai, leaving her children with her mother. Imagining that she would continue working as a maid, she was confused and disorientated when she was taken to the red light district in Turbhe and sold to a pimp. When Aasma refused to do the work the pimp was asking of her, she was repeatedly beaten, and all her food was withdrawn. After a month of this treatment, and thinking of the need to provide for her family, she submitted to the pimp’s demands and started prostitution work. Desperate for support, she responded to Sahaara workers and began to visit Sahaara’s drop-in centre. She initially only came for the medical programme, but once she had built a trusting relationships with the Sahaara team, began attending cell meetings. Aasma often talked of leaving Turbhe and going back to be with her family but the hold her pimp had on her made her think this was not ever going to be possible. When she became pregnant the Sahaara team managed to transfer her to a home for vulnerable mothers in a town two hours’ drive away from where she was working in Turbhe. As is sadly often the case in these broken situations, Aasma’s pimp found where she was staying and convinced her to come back and be with him. SIGNPOST 9 The Sahaara team continues to be in touch with Aasma. Although not yet the ending we long for, Aasma is on a journey of restoration. There is a very real hope that she will receive the encouragement and guidance provided by the project team to leave prostitution work. We know that restoration is something that can only truly come from God, and so we place Aasma into His hands each day. Please pray for the work of Sahaara and for Aasma and others like her. Over the next few weeks at Brigade we will be practicing hard for our Annual Display, which is to be held at the Church on Saturday 21�� March at 6pm arrival ready for a 6.30pm start. Please come and enjoy an evening watching some of the things we get up to on a Tuesday evening, show your encouragement & support to the girls & staff, & celebrate the fantastic outreach that Brigade offers children & young people in our area. On the 1�� weekend in January, 3 of our Brigaders went on a Young Leader’s training weekend. They met with others from the District to learn & improve the skills needed for leadership, communication, team work, preparation, planning & delivery, GB context & faith issues (I learnt quite a lot myself!) We look forward to seeing them put these new found skills into practice in our Company. NOT FORGOTTEN - On the 14�� April it will be a year since over 250 girls that were kidnapped from a boarding school in Chibok, Nigeria. 219 girls are still missing, 6 of them are GB members. We have been making ‘Cards of Hope’ to show that we have not forgotten them. The cards are going to be given to a member of the UK Government by a group of GB members on the 1st year anniversary, requesting that the Government does all it can to ensure these girls/young women are returned to their families. For more info/prayer points www.gbworldwide.org or www.opendoors.org. How blessed we are to be part of a worldwide organisation that aims to show girls God’s love for them and help them to become followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray & give thanks for the work of Brigades at OBC. Lt Sonia Mulley WE WILL REMEMBER THEM SIGNPOST 10 Home Mission is part of the work we support as a Baptist Church. We have a special link with Penny Marsh but there are many other projects operating with Home Mission funding all over the country. Here is a story of another local project: H�������� P��� B������ C����� by the pastor, Darren Street. [Jesus] said to Simon,”Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch”. Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets”. When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. Luke 5:4-6 NIV This passage of scripture has been brought to us several times from various people. A small group of fishermen are disheartened by the lack of results from a hard night’s work. Tired and exhausted they had all but given up when Jesus prompts them to go out and try again. When I first started having conversations with Hayesford Park Baptist Church about becoming their minister, the church felt very much like that group of fishermen. They had been through some difficult times and were ready to call it a day. But like those first disciples, they heard a call from the Lord to try again. And much like those first disciples, even though it made no sense to them, the church stepped out in faith to try again. In terms of the number of people worshipping on a Sunday morning, we are a small church of only around 30 people. However, this has grown from around 20 this time last year so this is encouraging growth. Of course we would say that church growth is not measured by the number of people attending a service but by the number of people entering the kingdom. Nevertheless, numbers are important and many small churches feel restricted because of their size. Many of us try to emulate larger churches in the hope that this will attract people. But one of the key things for us has been to embrace who we are and all that is good about being a small church. So we have embraced the informality and we study the bible together using discussion over coffee and croissants. This gives the services a house group feel which visitors have found more accessible. The informal approach also provides opportunities to pray for each other and we have seen some significant answers to prayer, especially in the area of healing. We have had several examples of significant physical healing. But more than this, God has been healing the church. The church is more united than it has been in the past. I’m told that in recent years people have left as soon as the service is over, now they stay and we can’t get people to leave. People share each other’s burdens and pray with each other. The result of all this is that we have new people SIGNPOST 11 attending and, as I write, we are in the process of welcoming some of them into membership. Outside of the Sunday service we have several midweek activities. One is our weekly painting group. This was originally started by Age Concern in 2000 to provide a friendly meeting place for older people to enjoy being creative and enjoy time together. In 2002 Diana Knights, one of our deacons took over as leader and the group is now run as a regular church activity It produces some stunning paintings and, as well as sharing a love of painting, it has provided opportunities to share the love of Jesus. Over the years about six of the group have been baptised and become church members. At the moment only a few actually attend church but we do have opportunities to invite them to our activities and we are praying that some of these new members will respond. Messy Church continues to be one of our most popular events attracting around 70 children each month with their parents. We get to share something of the gospel through crafts, video, songs and fun. We also have a popular toddler group which is growing. To help build relationships with parents and carers we started organising meals out at a local pub. This has led to deeper relationships and people asking us to pray for them. We are also having more meaningful conversations about faith so we are thinking of running an Alpha course or similar this year. We have much to praise God for, but perhaps what I am most proud of is that a church who have been through hardship and brokenness, are now helping others through difficulties and hardships. We have walked with several people through some very tough situations. Through this, people who felt like giving up have experienced the love of their Father God. And we as a church have experienced his love for us and have heard his call to let the nets down once again. We have already seen God do so much that we would not have believed a year ago, but we believe this is only a taste of what is to come. We give thanks to all those who give so generously to Home Mission. Your support has been invaluable and we are truly seeing God moving in tremendous ways among us. Please pray: • For Diana Knights as she leads the painting group • For deepening relationships with the children and parents who come to Messy Church and the toddler group • For plans to run an Alpha course this year • For the whole church as they seek to follow God’s leading for the future. www.hayesfordparkbaptistchurch.org.uk SIGNPOST 12 HOLIDAY AT HOME You Are Special We're delighted to announce that Holiday at Home will take place on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st August! Put the date in your diary now, more info to follow soon. Why not start thinking about friends or neighbours you could invite? We'd also love to hear from anyone interested in helping - no experience necessary! See Jo Lewis or Helen Evans for more information, or contact the Church Office. INHERITANCE A RIDING LIGHTS PASSION PLAY FOR 2015 On a dusty road leading to Jerusalem, a woman stumbles towards her judgement. Just weeks later, Jesus will take the same road, leading to the cross. In Capernaum, the town they both call home, they are rejected. In the temple where they worship, they are condemned. The synagogue leader plots to destroy them both. Inheritance weaves the strands of the biblical Passion into a dramatic new narrative. It evokes the community where Jesus lived, the people who knew him best, the powers that brought him to execution. And, in the shadow of the cross, it makes space for some of the women who Jesus stands alongside, sharing in their suffering. Echoing through time, it FRIDAY 13 MARCH 7.30pm renews our expectations of the kingdom of heaven and who St John’s URC might share its inheritance. Lynwood Grove, Orpington Written by Bridget Foreman, Inheritance is a communal TICKETS £10 experience of theatre and worship. The performance (£5 children/students) provides an opportunity to reflect on Christ’s Passion and, 07734 396 360 space for the audience to make their own response at the 01689 638 792 foot of the Cross. lesleyclare@talktalk.net SIGNPOST 13 TASTER (This is a New Day) available:itunes, amazon deezer, spotify... Refreshments available With all profit to Project Ruth, Romania 10.00am Short act of Worship at the Methodist Church 10.30am Leaving Orpington Methodist Church (in Sevenoaks Road) then walking along Orpington High Street LOVE HAS WON SIGNPOST 14 Tearing down crosses! Update on China, Nigeria, Syria & Iraq Imagine the authorities arriving at OBC and smashing the cross above the main door because they do not like this symbol of Christ to be illuminated so boldly to commuters and passers by. This is what is happening in the coastal province of Zhejiang in China. The main target of the authorities is Wenzhou, known as China’s ‘Jerusalem’ because 1 million of its 8 million inhabitants are Christian and the 2000 churches often display illuminated crosses that light up the skyline. How much good fruit is being harvested in this country, not much more than 100 years after Hudson Taylor and others were planting the seed corn! Persecution is rising, though, with the new President Xi Jinping. The persecuted church and the poor church (most Christians worldwide are poor) show great zeal and courage and resilience but they cannot do it on their own. They need the whole worldwide church to awaken fully to help in every way through prayer, material and financial support, nudging our own government into action to stand up for human rights especially in this election year. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the pain and violence of this world. For the first time since World War 2 the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people has exceeded 50 million, many of them Christians in Nigeria, Kenya, Iraq and Syria. They have no choice but to trek to places of sanctuary, arriving in very basic refugee camps, deprived of all they and we take for granted in normal life, sometimes traumatised by the violence of experiencing husbands and sons killed, children abducted, wives and daughters mistreated. Thank you for signing the petition (25,000 signatures in all nationally) presented to the Nigerian High Commission calling upon the Nigerian government to be more effective in protecting Christian communities from Boko Haram, jihadist violence. Thank you for all who have prayed for the schoolgirls abducted in Chibok in north eastern Nigeria last April and for their parents who are exhausted with anxiety. The girls have been named; 185 from Christian families, 15 from muslim families. Thank you for the messages of support (more can still be sent on the Open Doors website at www.opendoorsuk.org/writetonigeria) delivered recently to them. May they read and believe in the messages of hope, that they are bound in love and concern with the worldwide body of Christ, they know that others unknown to them have sleepless nights, that no one will rest until God in His mercy brings back their SIGNPOST 15 children. 4 of the around 200 schoolgirls abducted escaped recently from a jihadist camp in Cameroon, assisted by a fellow prisoner, a teenage boy. They walked for 3 weeks to reach safety in a Nigerian village. May God protect those pastors who stay and serve their remaining communities in conflict torn parts of Nigeria and Syria/Iraq and those who support them with emergency aid, training and trauma support. May they have the courage to hold unswervingly to their faith in Christ. Please pray For thousands of families receiving provision in Syria and Iraq by and through Christian churches, some with monies raised in the UK and Ireland. For local Christians who have opened their homes to refugees. For Christian refugees in Kenya who have fled in the face of violent attacks from Al Shabaab and those who mourn loved ones. For strength and wisdom to the scattered believers who meet in secret in places like Morocco, rural Algeria and the Maldives. For secret food distribution work in North Korea this winter. Give thanks for the election of Joko Widodo as President of Indonesia, a country where religious intolerance has long been an issue. A former entrepreneur and governor of Jakarta, Joko and his deputy governor, Basuki Tjahaya Purnama, a Chinese Christian, made reforms in economic growth, health, education and good governance such as reforming the appointment of public officials so that it is by merit. Christians will now have a chance to enter government. Pray that Joko’s election will be a step forward towards religious freedom for Christians and all religious groups. Heavenly Father Thank you that you never change. You are our rock, fortress and deliverer to all those who call upon your name (Ps 18.2) We lift up to You our persecuted brothers and sisters. Thank You that You are the God of all comfort, able to heal, strengthen and sustain. May they and we not be defeated by pain but continue to put our trust in You and be salt and light in our communities whatever the circumstances. May they not be oppressed or bowed down but lift their heads high (Ps 3.3) Be with them, may they find rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Ps 91.1) (RI prayer shield Nov/Dec 2014 and Jan 2015) Peter Johnson SIGNPOST 16 Sundays 8 March & 12 April GY O L O THE C af é 6.00pm BIBLE TRACK ● All are welcome to our series called ‘Bible Track’’, helping us to get to grips with the Bible’s teaching in a deeper way. ● Presented on DVD by tutors from the Theological Centre at Holy Trinity, Brompton ● With opportunity for small group discussion following the one hour presentation. “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path”Psalm 119:105 uch with what’s to of t ou e r ’ u yo el fe es Do you sometim come to the next en Th C? B O at g in n pe ap h OBC CHURCH FAMILY MEETING Wednesday 18 March 2015 OPEN TO ALL (not just Church Members!) 7.45pm for 8.00 start WORSHIP - DISCUSSION - INFORMATION - DECISIONS - SHARING Not yet a Member? Everyone who comes to OBC is an important part of our Church Family. But if you’d like to take your commitment to God’s work at OBC a step further and be involved in decision-making by becoming a Church Member (which will give you a vote at our Church Family Meetings) please ask Martyn for more details about hooking-up with OBC. Don’t wait to be asked! Belonging to OBC SIGNPOST 17 Smart stew & dumplings Tried and test ed by our Parish Nu rse & fiancé Serves 4 Stew: 2 tsp vegetable oil 280g lean braising steak, cut into chunks 450ml reduced-salt beef or vegetable stock 2 onions, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed Dumplings: 2 large carrots, cut into chunks 100g self-raising flour 2 celery sticks, sliced 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley 1 bay leaf 50g reduced fat spread 250g closed cup mushrooms, halved freshly ground black pepper 1. Heat the vegetable oil in a large casserole dish or saucepan. Add the beef and cook for 2-3 minutes over a high heat until it's browned. 2. Pour the stock into the pan, adding the onions, garlic, carrots, celery, bay leaf and mushrooms. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat. Cover and cook over a low heat for 1½ hours. Check often and add a little more water if needed. 3. To make the dumplings, sift the flour into a bowl with the parsley and some black pepper. Add the reduced-fat spread to the flour, then rub in with your fingertips until the mixture looks like fine crumbs. Add just enough cold water (about 2 tbsp) to make a soft dough. Knead the dough lightly for a moment, then form into 12 small dumplings. 4. Add the dumplings to the stew, letting them sit on the surface. Cover and cook for another 25-30 minutes, until the dumplings are light and fluffy. 5. Serve the stew with plenty of fresh or frozen vegetables to help towards your 5 a day. SIGNPOST 18 JOB VACANCY S�����: M� 9:41 Q������������� ������: M���� 6:8 We are looking for someone to be our conscience on Fair trade. Someone who will remind us regularly, and help us all to act justly in our consumer practises. In the past we have had a focus on Fairtrade fortnight and run Fairtrade sales at harvest and Christmas. We have had the occasional article in Signpost and occasional talks to small groups like Womens Friendship and Brigades but you can make this job whatever you feel is right for you. No previous experience required. All you need is a passion for God and for fair play. If you think this is you, please speak to Alison Dennis or any other member of the Mission Exec Martyn Travers, Marg Travers, Danny Brown, Bernard Rouget, Peter Johnson. SIGNPOST 19 On Sunday February 15th we rejoiced with Zitha and Zwe Moyo as they brought their baby son Nqobizwe Zach Tafi to a service of Thanksgiving and Dedication. As a church we promised to support them as a family and pray that Nqobizwe will come to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. THINKING ABOUT If you'd like to explore the meaning of Baptism speak to Martyn or Danny Share a smile… Happy Birthday to those who celebrate in MARCH Sandie Allen Jeff Thurgood Steve Humphrey John Iddiols Karen Sumner Sue Cooke Tim Tang Sheila Goldsmith Viv Cox Dorothy Ofori Emily Sumner Doug Collins Joyce Wright APRIL Linda Moss Marg Travers Ray Dyal Alison Chisnell Henry Donald Paul Cooke www.bmsworldmission.org/birthday MAKE YOUR BIRTHDAY COUNT! If you would like to give the gift of life on your birthday, talk to Fran Morris. Anyone can join, including children. On their birthday, members receive a BMS birthday card with a gift envelope which they use to make a donation. They then hand the gift envelope back to Fran (or Vera Brewer if Fran isn’t available) who’ll see that it reaches the BMS. SIGNPOST 20 All ladies are invited to come to We will be pleased to see you at Womens Friendship 2pm to 3pm each Monday afternoon - followed by tea. More information from the Welcome Desk or Pauline Hollands, Helen Stockman and Brenda Cross. MARCH 2 9 16 23 30 TBC Musical Introduction Bible Study Churches in Orpington Jon Newman David Jermyn Phil Waller APRIL 6 13 20 27 Smile International Bible Study Travelling with Norman Ken Newell David Jermyn Norman Wilson Lindsay Hamon will be at OBC again on Easter Sunday for the evening Communion service. Come and be inspired again by his work and teaching Good works are the fruit, not the root, of salvation SIGNPOST 21 This session we have 14 boys on a Monday night come along to The Junior Section. The Company as a whole has the lowest numbers for many years. Other Companies in the Battalion such as the 4�� Hextable are thriving with 30+ Junior Section members so we are hoping that our numbers will pick up. Please encourage new members to join, it is normally word of mouth in the school playground that brings new recruits. We are looking forward to our Figure Marching, Bible Quiz and Team Games Competition on 14�� March at the 13�� HQ, St Mary Cray. The boys will be tested on Acts Chapter 9 in the Bible Quiz. We will be putting in a lot of practice during the next couple of weeks towards this event. After this we have our Annual Display at Kemnal Manor Senior School on 16�� May. It is always hard to think of an item, but each year we seem to be blessed with a fresh performance to entertain our supporters. Usually I spend the early part of the year searching You Tube or Google for ideas using keywords such as funny sketch, skit, gang show, best talent act etc. Out of these searches in recent years have come our synchronised swimming and midget dancing items. Once the idea is found we adapt it to suit our numbers and abilities. I cannot remember having to repeat an item in 20 or so years even though as each display passes we have no idea what the next one will bring. We hope that you will put the date of our annual display on your calendar and come along to support this youth work which is part of your OBC family. On the 12�� June we are taking 8 boys to camp at Carroty Wood, Tonbridge for the weekend. Camp is a chance for our boys to build friendships with other SIGNPOST 22 boys from BB companies across the Battalion. They have the chance to take part in new activities such as high ropes and abseiling as well as the usual swimming, football, cricket and other sports we would play on a Monday night. I am confident that the boys who come will have a great time, and I know that the only reason that Graham, Andrew and myself take the boys is to give them the fun and experiences we had on camps in our youth!. It is also a chance for the boys to share in Christian fellowship and for the most part boys of the Brigade are more likely to make a commitment to Christ on camp than at any other meeting. We also are the 3 camp Chefs so keep them well fed with Michelin Star food! Highlights of the programme so far this year have included a science evening where the boys were challenged to make balloon kebabs without popping them along with learning about gravity and the earth’s atmosphere with our resident scientist Captain Humphrey. We have been to Quazar and Drusilla’s Zoo on outings, had a go on the band instruments and made some good things to eat. We have also had many themed evenings including senses, colours, USA, Romans, David and Goliath, sports, winter and food. Finally I would like to advertise the vacancy of football coach from this September. This is not a weekly commitment and would be best if two people would be interested to practice and play matches once or twice a month during the football season. Thanks to Mike Hagues for his many years of service as our current football coach who is retiring at the end of the current season. Garrick Beal Leader in Charge SIGNPOST 23 You Are Special with High Tea, Golden Service, Craft and Games ‘NEVER TOO OLD’ FORUM Saturday 14 March 2015 9.30am - 1.00pm Orpington Baptist Church An opportunity for those involved in ministry to the elderly to come together to be inspired and encouraged in their work, to learn from others and share ideas together: ● Running a Community Lunch ● Running a Holiday at Home for the Elderly ● Befriending people and helping them to access community and non-church support Light refreshments provided : Free : All Welcome Orpington Club for the Blind and partially sighted*, which has been in existence for over 65 years, is currently looking for volunteers to assist with the running of the Club. In particular Secretary, Treasurer and Transport arranger with the voluntary drivers. The Club has up to 25 members and meets at Orpington Baptist Church approximately every other Saturday afternoon, between 3pm and 5pm. The meeting takes the form of a social event with afternoon tea, followed by entertainment suitable for the members who have sight impairment. For further information, please contact Mrs Jenny Golding - Tel: 01689 857277 *"The Provision Of Facilities For Recreation In The Interests Of Social Welfare For All Blind Persons In The Orpington Area In Order That Their Conditions Of Life Might Be Improved." SIGNPOST 24 Orpington Baptist Church Station Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 0RZ Orpington Baptist Church @OrpingtonBC Church Office: 01689 877265 (Mrs Jo Lewis & Mrs Pam Reynolds) Email: office@orpingtonbaptist.org.uk Website: www.orpingtonbaptist.org.uk Minister Rev Martyn Travers 01689 873 092 mptravers@aol.com Youth Pastor Children & Families Worker Rev Danny Brown David Jones 07888 399 714 07946 345717 dannywbrown@me.com daviddjones@aol.com Worship Co-ordinator Jon Newman 07838 177 649 gsgmusic@hotmail.com Parish Nurse (Wednesdays) Helen Evans 07763 830 112 parishnurse@orpingtonbaptist.org.uk Church Treasurer: Mr Ivor Reveley Tel: 01689 815344 Email: revivor@aol.com TEXT-A-PRAYER 07891 259 195 and someone will pray for you SIGNPOST is the bi-monthly newsletter for people who come to OBC. Its aim is to keep everyone informed about our Church life and the needs of the world around us, near and far. SIGNPOST is also available as eSignpost SAVES PAPER SAVES ADMIN TIME SAVES MONEY AND e-Signpost is sent out before the paper copies are printed, so you get it early! If you’d like to receive e-Signpost via your computer (so you can just print out relevant pages if required) please send your email address to Jo and Pam at the office: office@orpingtonbaptist.org.uk May/Jun 2015 deadline: Wednesday 22 April 2015 I’d be grateful if all items are emailed to me on or before that date please* (Paper copies available Sunday 3 May) marg15456@aol.com *To ensure your article is read by all with eager anticipation please try to keep it to a maximum of 700 words. Thanks! Marg Travers 01689 873092 If you don’t have a computer Ekua Stephen has kindly offered to type your article for you. Please give it to Ekua (not the Church Office)at least two days before deadline. Ÿ OBC meets together for worship on Sundays at 10.30am and 6.30pm. During the morning service there are groups for babies through to young people. Ÿ We usually celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday evening and 3rd Sunday morning of each month. Ÿ For more information about our weekly programme please look at our Sunday bulletin or the OBC website: www.orpingtonbaptist.org.uk
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