
Thursday-to-Thursday Weekly Newsletter February 12 to February 19, 2015
Today is February 12th. This Sunday is February 15th.
The sermon title for this week is: I Resolve: To Chase Transfiguration
Scripture Readings: 2 Kings 2:1-12; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9
The Altar Flowers this week are given by Bob & Bev Lawrence in memory of Aunt Doris.
Our worship participants for this Sunday are as follows:
PASTOR: Jason Perkowski
KEY BOARD MINISTRY TEAM: Dolly Bankert & Berniece Dougherty
PRAISE LEADERS: Phil Buchanan & Faith Singers
ACOLYTE: Addie Schroeder
LITURGIST: Rob Woodward
JUNIOR CHURCH: Steve/Wendy Schroeder
GREETERS: Edith Ramsey & Dottie Sheaffer
USHERS: Tim Patschke & Don Campbell
CLEAN TEAM (Feb 15 – Feb 21): Linda Eckman, Brian Grimm, & Tina Grimm
Remember: if you are unable to serve this week, you are responsible for finding a substitute and for
informing the church office. We cannot be responsible for finding a substitute. Thank you!
Our worship participants for next Sunday are as follows:
PASTOR: Jason Perkowski
KEY BOARD MINISTRY TEAM: Dolly Bankert, Berniece Dougherty, & Dennis Meck, Jr
PRAISE LEADERS: Phil Buchanan & Faith Singers
ACOLYTE: Addie Schroeder
LITURGIST: Terry Kofroth
PRE-K & K SUNDAY SCHOOL: Jennifer Rhodes
GREETERS: Charles & Donna Parmer
USHERS: Mark Compton & Brandon Dubbs
CLEAN TEAM (Feb 22 – Feb 28): Debi Eckenrod, Doug Eckenrod, & Don Campbell
Family of Betty Pfautz – she passed away last week
Shirley Herr – infected finger & recovering from kidney failure
Jack Rollins – Just had a relapse of cancer
Diane Klos – Back pain
Premie Twin Girls –Patschke’s relatives
Bill Heinaman’s Sister, Ethel – Back at Luther Acres
Betty Waughtel – healing from a fall
Laura Gehman – Breathing problems
Mary Shenk – Breathing problems
Rob Woodward’s coworker, Chris
Cory Helder – School trip to Costa Rica and residency applications
Newborn baby Lincoln—continued healing
Howard Eckman – severe back and leg pain
Rev. Brian Judy – brain tumor
Sandy Patschke – healing of ear & eye
Donna Parmer – ongoing medical conditions
Ella Buchanan’s coworker’s 4 year old daughter diagnosed with diabetes
Linda Philbin – multi-focal motor neuropathy and treatments
Terry Kofroth - healing of spinal pain & hand
Willow – 7 year old with brain disorder
Quintin Reitzel (Charlotte Garfield’s brother) –continued treatment
Tom & Marie Chapman – travelling mercies
Jennifer Henry –healing
Jennifer Henry’s cousin, Tiffany – cancer
Eileen Williams – healing for muscles
Viola Korn (Conestoga View)
Sheri – Carl and Marilyn Jones’ daughter’s kidneys & liver
Tina Grimm’s Daughter – pregnancy
Brian Grimm’s son Nick in army
Udobo School in Durban, South Africa
Those who have lost loved ones and are dealing with grief
Those with cancer
Persons in Nursing Homes
Members of AA
Those struggling with mental health
Those struggling with finances
Bishop Johnson, the EPAUMC Staff, and Superintendents
Faithful fulfillment of our Vision / Goals to be a community center
Those responding to calls to ministry
Immigration Reform
Victims of sexual abuse
Ed Weber and the United Campus Ministry at Millersville University
Our Military and Government Officials
Newly elected leaders and the transition
Governmental Budgets
Peace, justice, mercy and humility for all struggling with race relations and fear
Enemies – we are called to love all
The church’s response to those who have different views on sexuality
People, Leaders, and soldiers in war torn regions and the needed peace
Noah Boughter
Brian Nelson recovery from surgeries
Those seeking work
Those who are healing after successful surgeries/ illnesses
Sunday School & Small Group teachers
Birth of Buchanan’s daughter Shannon’s baby, John
Many successes and opportunities for our students: Brian Nelson and Tim Martin
Thursday, February 12
AA meeting, 10:00 AM
Piano Lessons, 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Faith Singers, 7:00 PM
Sunday, February 15
Sunday School, 9:00 AM – Adults, Youth, and Children
Worship, 10:30 AM
Youth Group at Gretna Glen - meet at Faith UMC, 3:30 – 7:00 PM
Monday, February 16
Piano Lessons, 5:00 to 7:30 PM
Tuesday, February 17
Piano Lessons, 3:00 to 8:00 PM
Wednesday, February 18
Weight Watchers, 9:30 AM
Piano Lessons, 8:30 to 9:00 AM & 2:00 to 5:30 PM
Joint Ash Wednesday Service at Emmanuel UMC, Brownstown 7:00 PM
NO Bible Studies
Thursday, February 19
AA meeting, 10:00 AM
Piano Lessons, 3:30 to 5:30 PM
Faith Singers, 7:00 PM
Friday, February 20
Sunday, February 22
Wednesday, February 25
Saturday, March 7
Sunday, March 15
Sunday, March 29
Family Game Night at Faith UMC, 6:00 PM
Birthday celebration for Bernie Dougherty, 11:30 AM
Easter Services planning meeting at Long Memorial, 12:15 PM
Begin Lenten Bible Study with Pastor Jason, 7:00 PM
Tools for Ministry Workshop at Evangelical UMC in New Holland,
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM – Deadline for registration is March 2nd.
Faith UMC 30th anniversary celebration
One Great Hour of Sharing
Palm Sunday, Egg Hunt, & Care Packages for Millersville students
THANKYOU for your generous support of LUMINA’s Souper Bowl Sunday. Together we
collected 80 items for the Central PA Food Bank and were able to donate $225.00 to LUMINA for
their SuperCupboard Ministry.
FAITH UMC GAME NIGHT FOR ALL AGES: Join us for game night on February 20th at
6pm! Bring along your favorite game and invite all your friends and family! We will order in pizza
- $2 per slice. Ice cream sundaes (with all the toppings) will be provided for dessert!!
WISH LIST: SHOEBOXES. Many of you donated shoeboxes and other items for making care
packages for college students at Millersville University last November. It was so well received that
we will be repeating this project on March 29th as part of the special children’s activities on Palm
Sunday. Watch for more information regarding this project and the Egg Hunt. Please start collecting
empty shoeboxes now.
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE: Faith UMC, Long Memorial UMC, and Emmanuel UMC will be
holding a joint service at Emmanuel UMC, Brownstown on February 18th at 7:00 PM. Please
contact the office if you would like transportation to the service.
TOOLS FOR MINISTRY will be held at New Holland: Evangelical UMC, 276 W. Main Street,
New Holland, on March 7. There will be something for everyone: SPRC Chairs, Trustees, those
into music and young adult ministry, etc. Click here for the brochure, which contains the
descriptions of all workshops and the registration form. There are also brochures in the hall. Please
note that there has been a change that is reflected in the document now available for
download from the District Website. This change is as follows: SE04 is being offered in the
second session. It had previously been listed as being offered in the first session (which was
incorrect). Pastor Jason would like 5 people to attend with him. The deadline for registration
is March 2nd.
A NEW LENTEN BIBLE STUDY (for men and women) will begin on February 25th. Pastor
Jason will be leading a study on Final Words from the Cross by Adam Hamilton at 7:00 PM on
Wednesdays. See Pastor Jason to get a copy of the book. Each week you will read just one chapter
in preparation for the discussion. We would encourage each member of the church to join us for this
Bible study and for Sunday School in order to deepen your knowledge of scripture and how to
apply its lessons to life. Note: There will be NO Bible Studies on February 18th. Please join us at
Emmanuel UMC for an Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 PM.
THE SHEPHERDING COMMITTEE has a sign-up sheet in the hall for people who are willing
to provide meals, transportation, or visits to people who are in need or homebound. If you have a
need that the church can fulfill, please contact Lorraine Smith or Pastor Jason.
DO YOU ENJOY PLAYING SPORTS? We are trying to see what kind of interest the church has
in forming sports teams--volleyball, softball, etc. It would be a great way to reach out to friends &
the community! Sign up in the hallway for sports you may be interested in playing when the
weather gets a bit nicer outside!
FAITH UMC COFFEE MUGS - Feel free to buy Faith UMC mugs for $5 each (see Carol or
Katherine). For each one that is purchased, we'll be able to distribute one to a guest who visits our
church! Pastor Jason has been “mug”ging visitors with a follow up visit and a Faith UMC mug
filled with cookies, candy, devotionals, & and information about our church.
CLOTHING BOX: We now have a clothing box at the end of the church parking lot. You can
donate items there which will be sold at a modest price and/or given away to those in need in the
community. Please consider donating lightly used clothing to help support this cause. A financial
donation will be given back to Faith UMC based on the amount of clothing collected. We received
almost $30 for the end of 2014. All proceeds will be used for community ministries. So, please give
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Friday March 6, 2015 at 6:30 PM at Lititz Mennonite Church,
Front & N. Water St, Lititz. Featured speaker: Nathan Fry, Pastor of Trinity E.C. Church – “Keep
on Praying.” Special Music by: Lititz Moravian Trombone Choir & St. James Folk Group. All are
welcome! A free will offering will be taken in support of Warwick Release Time Program. IS A WEBSITE OR PHONE NUMBER THAT YOU CAN CALL TO SEEK
ASSISTANCE FOR SOCIAL SERVICES like job training, employment, food pantries, help for
aging parents, addiction prevention programs for teenage children, affordable housing options,
support groups, etc.. If you, a friend, or a loved one needs help please dial 211 on your phone (like
you would 911 for emergencies) to talk to an operator who can connect you with local resources.
You can also call 211 to find opportunities where you can volunteer to serve in your community.
NEFFSVILLE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL is an outreach program of Long Memorial United
Methodist Church, 2660 Lititz Pike, Lancaster. It offers classes for 2 ½ to 5 year olds. They will be
having an Open House for their current families as well as those of you who would like more
information and want to talk to their current preschool families on Saturday, February 28, 2015
from 10am-2pm. Their Open Registration for Fall 2015-16 begins that day, February 28, 2015.
Visit their website at You may request more information or
set up an appointment to visit the school by contacting the director, Carol Zartman, at 560-5575.
FULFILLING OUR COVENANT: Thank you for your support of this capital campaign. We are making
great progress in paying off our loan for upgrading the Sewer and raising funds for our Expansion Fund.
Remember, that all of your gifts for the capital campaign should be sent to:
Eastern PA Conference,
The United Methodist Church,
P.O. Box 188,
Kensington, CT 06037-0188.
Pre-addressed envelopes are available on the Information Table in the hallway. Checks should be made out
to Fulfilling Our Covenant with Manheim Township: Faith UMC in the memo line. ALL GIFTS for the
Sewer Project Loan and the Expansion Fund should be mailed to Fulfilling Our Covenant—not given
directly to Faith UMC. If you have not made a pledge to the campaign and would like to contribute,
please contact Pastor Jason for more details about how to get involved.
Campaign Progress: You have contributed about $33,944 toward the capital campaign through September
2014. $24,444 goes to our sewer and expansion program here at Faith UMC and $9500 went toward the
Pension Plan. We received $7,613 in the last quarter of 2014. Thank you for your generous gifts. Keep up
the faithful giving as we work toward our goal of paying off our loan and building onto the church.
Pension Plan: We have paid in full our $9,500 commitment to support the Pension Plan for pastors who
were serving before 1982. The EPA Conference has received pledges in excess of $3million.
Sewer Loan Fund: We have already paid $18,491 toward the principal (and $2873 toward interest) on the
$60,000 loan since Fall 2013, and are on track to pay off the loan within 3 years. This is a 10 year 4.25%
interest loan. We also have a few thousand dollars in reserve as cash flow to pay the bill in case there are
quarters with lower amounts of gifts toward the loan.
Expansion Fund: We have almost $174,277 invested in the Mid-Atlantic Foundation for our facilities
expansion. This has grown from the initial investment of $153,498 in August 2013.
General Budget: Our income from regular gifts to the church from members and regular attenders in 2014
was $111,186.43. Additional income from fundraisers and designated donations brought our total income
up to $133,451.27--which enabled us to cover all our expenses for 2014. Thank you for meeting (or in
some cases exceeding) the pledges that you made at the beginning of the year. Please continue to give
generously in 2015 as these gifts go toward local and global ministries and allow us to plan for expanding
our ministries, facilities, and outreach to the community. Copies of the 2015 budget are available by
request. Thanks for your offerings to God’s ministries.
For more information on any of the following announcements please go to and click on the events tab.
Requesting church members interested in sending notes to soldiers. From District Lay Leader, Sue
Grimm Mattox. My son, Sgt. Tyler McCoy, is stationed in South Korea. He will be stationed in South Korea for 12
months. Tyler is a member of Ross Street UMC. I've developed a "Calendar of Friends" that will give Tyler mail
every day of the month. If you are interested in participating please send your name, address, and phone number to
Sue Grimm Mattox, or USP 204 E. New St. Lancaster PA 17602. P.S. If you have members of
your church serving in the military I would be happy to help you develop your own "Calendar of Friends" for those
members. This is an easy outreach for those serving in the military, whether stateside or around the world. Let
these men and women know that they are appreciated.
St. John’s UMC, 3001 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise will begin its second year of “Classic Rock” Services
at 7 p.m. Saturday, February 21, 2015. The service will feature the songs of The Byrds with the message based on
“Turn! Turn! Turn! Everyone is welcome.
Tools for Ministry will be held at New Holland: Evangelical UMC, 276 W. Main Street, New Holland, on March
7. As in past years, there will be something for everyone: SPRC Chairs, Trustees, those into music and young
adult ministry, etc. Click here for the brochure, which contains the descriptions of all workshops and the
registration form. Pastor Jason would like 5 people to attend with him. Registration deadline is March
March 21 Faith-Sharing Event, “Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore,” New Hanover UMC, 2211
Swamp Pike, Gilbertsville, PA 19525. Registration and breakfast, 8:30 am. Training, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Cost: $10
per person including all materials and meals. 0.5 CEUs will be issued to participants. The EPA Conference
welcomes Thom and Joani Schultz, co-authors of Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore: And How 4 Acts
of Love Will Make Your Church Irresistible, as keynote presenters at the 2015 Faith-Sharing Event. For more
information, click here. To register, click here. For a flyer (which also contains a paper registration), click here.
There will be a Volunteers in Mission UMCOR Training Academy in the Northeast Jurisdiction for
the first time in more than 10 years, and you are invited! This event will be March 18-21, 2015, in
West River, MD. These Academies offer high-caliber training and education on mission and disaster response from
the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) staff. United Methodists from the 10 annual conferences and
more than 15 states that make up the Northeastern Jurisdiction will gather to share in learning, ministry planning,
prayer, and fellowship. Click the following links to learn more and to register now. (Note: lower bunks go to the first
85 who register. Event participation is capped at 140 people.) Get more information or register now!
March 24, “When There’s Conflict In the Church: Knowing What To Do When It Comes Your Way,”
8:30 am to 3:00 pm at Hopewell UMC, 852 Hopewell Rd, Downingtown PA 19335. Tel: 610-269-1545. This workshop is limited to 60 participants. Conflict is a normal part of church
life. How we handle it determines how healthy such conflict can be for a church’s growth in discipleship and
disciple-making. This Seminar will equip you with the tools necessary to appropriately assess and intervene in
conflict situations, thereby releasing you and your church to utilize your renewed energies on impacting your
communities in witness for Christ. You will identify your “default” style for dealing with conflict and gain
confidence in disengaging from “conflict paralysis.” We will also utilize some of the participants’ church conflict
scenarios as part of our learning process. The workshop presenter is The Rev. David Woolverton, Senior Pastor of
St. Mark’s UMC, Mount Joy. Register on-line. The cost for the workshop is $35 and includes continental breakfast
(starting at8:30 am), lunch, and materials. For questions, contact David Woolverton at Please plan to arrive at Hopewell UMC around 8:30 am to avoid their preschool
drop off at 9:00.
Tackling the Tough Stuff: March 28, 2015 8:30 am, to 5 pm. This CPYU training seminar will equip you to
help children and teens navigate some of the most pervasive and difficult problems thrown at them by the world
today. Center for Parent and Youth Understanding President Walt Mueller and Associate Staff Marv Penner will
help you unpack and respond to the tough stuff in kids’ lives, including the push to focus on one’s self, the growing
problem of self-injury, the pervasiveness of pornography, depression, and suicide. You will leave with practical
hope-filled strategies for equipping kids to hear and follow God’s voice in the midst of a world that bombards them
with tough stuff. The meeting will be held at Memorial Hall on the Campus of the Milton Hershey School, Hershey,
PA. For more information see the poster on the Faith UMC bulletin board in the hall. Register online at or call 1-800-807-CPYU.
Conversations on Intercultural Communication. The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference UMC will conduct 7
conference-wide trainings that will expose participants to information and engage them in conversations designed
to create an awareness for developing intercultural competency. The objective of this day-long training is to
introduce, influence, impact and instill new ways of thinking, speaking and relating in matters of race, culture,
diversity and inclusion. Every appointed clergy person is expected to attend and to bring at least two lay people
from their church. Cost is $25 per person, which includes food and materials. The SW District will host this training
on May 2 at Lancaster: First, 29 E. Walnut Street, Lancaster, at 9:00 am. Participants may attend any of the
sessions, however. For a brochure with more information, all the dates please click here or see the bulletin board in
the hall. See Jason if you are willing to attend.
Faith United Methodist Church:
Words of faith and life from Bishop Peggy A. Johnson.
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church:
The United Methodist Church:
The World Methodist Council:
LUMINA (Lancaster United Methodist Inner-City Alliance:
Members and Friends in Prison
Dennis Spangler, Box A, Bellefonte, PA 16823
Our Military Members
Please keep these persons in prayer. We encourage you to write letters or send cards to these men to
thank them for their service. If you have an armed forces member you would like to include on this
list, or you would like to make a correction, please contact the church office at 717-560-0321 or
email with the subject line “Soldier.”
Armed Forces Members in the States:
Col. Gregory Patschke
8509 Estrelita Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89128
SFC Theron Boughter
2290 New St.
East Petersburg, PA 17520
Armed Forces Members Overseas:
Sgt. Tim Kuster
570 Red Cliff Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
SSG Scott F. Eckenrod
APO AE 09306
Submissions To Faith-A-Gram will be accepted until Wednesday night. Articles received later
will not be included in that week’s e-newsletter. Please Note that not all submissions will be
accepted. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject submissions. To submit something, place it
in the Office mailbox or email with the subject line “Faith-a-Gram
Please Note: We are still accepting email addresses for the Faith-a-Gram email list. If you know of
someone who is interested in it, please leave a message at the church office (717-560-0321). If you
do NOT wish to receive this e-newsletter any longer, please send an email to with the subject “Unsubscribe”. Thank you!
Faith UMC Office Contact Information:
1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, PA 17543
Office Administrator: Carol Kennedy
Phone: 717-560-0321
Pastor: Jason Perkowski
Phone: 717-333-9238
Office Hours: Mondays: 9 am – 1 pm
Wednesdays: 9 am – 11 am & 2 pm – 4 pm
Thursdays: 1 pm – 5 pm