SUNDAY | MARCH 1, 2015 | JUMADA AL ULA 10, 1436 AH P21 The world’s thinnest convertible laptop VOL. 34 NO. 107 | PAGES 32 | BAISAS 200 P32 Broken strings can’t stop Ed Sheeran! P27 ǡϐ Chief Executive Officer DR IBRAHIM BIN AHMED AL KINDI Editor-in-Chief ABDULLAH BIN SALIM AL SHUEILI Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising PO Box 974, Postal Code 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman FOLLOW US ON: OMANI NATIONAL IN INDIA POLICE CUSTODY BEARING THE BRUNT OMAN 7.8 per cent rise in tourist arrivals MUSCAT: The Sultanate’s participation in ITB Berlin 2015, which kicks off on Wednesday reflects positively on the tourism sector in the country, as the figures show that the number of tourists visiting Oman in 2014 stood at 59,400 compared to 55,126 in 2013, an increase by 7.8 per cent. Over 180 countries and 10,000 exhibitors, representing institutions and companies dealing in tourism will take part in this year’s edition. REPORT ON P2 CRIME: Alleged misbehaviour with American woman in Mumbai R A K SINGH NEW DELHI/MUMBAI REGION UN envoy in Syria to seek Aleppo truce DAMASCUS: A UN envoy arrived in the Syrian capital yesterday for talks with the regime to try to finalise a deal to freeze fighting in the war-ravaged second city of Aleppo. Staffan de Mistura visited Damascus as the army and pro-regime fighters regained territory in southern Syria. De Mistura “hopes to set in motion as soon as possible his project” to halt fighting in Aleppo for six weeks, said a member of his delegation who spoke on condition of anonymity. The envoy has met government officials and opposition chiefs. REPORT ON P13 NEPAL POLICE TEARGAS CHARTER PROTESTERS P7 ARUN JAITLEY PRESENTS BUDGET OF PROMISE P10 PUTIN PLEDGES TO NAIL NEMTSOV KILLERS P14 WEATHER TODAY MUSCAT MAX: 230C MIN: 170C SALALAH MAX: 280C MIN: 200C FAJR: 05:14 DHUHR: 12:24 ASR: 15:45 MAGHRIB: 18:14 ISHA: 19:25 NIZWA MAX: 260C MIN: 150C SUNRISE 06.29 AM PRAYER TIMINGS Picture courtesy: ESO Reckless holidaymakers and picnickers are emerging as a major threat to the environment and the perfect harmony of the ecosystem will be in question if they are not checked, according to the Environment Society of Oman (ESO). Oman’s rich turtle population is bearing the brunt of littering and irresponsible behaviour of people at the turtle sites. The number of turtles has gone down drastically. REPORT ON P3 Sultanate’s ratings affirm confidence in economy INSIDESTORIES SCAN THE CODE TO LIKE OUR NEW FACEBOOK PAGE MUSCAT: The Sultanate maintained its advanced position in credit ratings published by a number of international rating agencies which monitor the economic developments in various countries around the world. Moody’s credit rating maintained the Sultanate’s rating at +A, an advanced level equal to the rating earned by some advanced European countries with stable outlook. The rating reflects the sound financial position of the Sultanate’s government and forecasts of continuous economic growth. The agency’s report, which was published at the end of 2014 said that the rating took into consideration the efforts made by the government to diversify sources of national economy through various economic activities and reduce reliance on oil and gas revenues. Moody’s report also pointed out that the non-oil sector has major contribution to the growth of the national economy due to the government’s constant focus on investment in infrastructure. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects that the growth of the Omani economy will take an upward trajectory starting from 3.6 per cent from 2014 to 2018. Standard & Poor’s Agency affirmed that the Sultanate’s foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on long and short term at A/A-1 with stable outlook. FULL REPORT P4 Setback to UN-backed talks in Yemen ADEN: Separatists from southern Yemen suspended their participation in UN-sponsored talks on the future of the crisis-hit country as nine soldiers were wounded yesterday in a clash with the fighters. The violence coincided with a drone strike that killed three suspected Al Qaeda militants in southern Yemen, tribal sources said. An official in the southern province of Lahij said that separatists opened fire on an army convoy and clashes broke out leaving nine soldiers wounded. Tensions in Yemen have soared since the Huthis overran the presidential palace in the capital in February and placed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi. Hadi escaped last week to Aden, where he has been reconsolidating his grip on power. SEE ALSO P13 Freezing cold in Jabal Akhdhar, Jabal Shams VINOD NAIR MUSCAT Feb. 28: The residents and visitors to Jabal Shams and Jabal al Akhdhar have reported extremely freezing temperatures. Photos of early morning hailstorms were also supplied to the Observer from Jabal Shams last morning. A resort official in Alila Jabal Akhdhar said that “it was not raining at that point of time in the evening yesterday but it was freezing cold out there.” TURN TO P4 Feb 28: A 41-year-old Omani has been arrested by the Mumbai police along with a Saudi national for allegedly molesting a 52-year-old American woman at a five-star hotel in southern part of the metropolis. Following their arrests, Omani citizen Hassan Darwish and 24-year-old Saudi national Fahad al Ghatani were produced in a metropolitan court which remanded the duo to police custody till March 2 for carrying out investigation into the case and gathering evidence against the two. A Mumbai police official of Colaba police station, which arrested the two accused, told the Observer over phone that the incident occurred during wee hours of Thursday at a five star hotel Taj in South Mumbai, where the US national, a prominent business honcho, We still have no clear picture about how Fahad and Hassan know each other, or how long they have been in Mumbai, because they don’t understand English and we are finding it difficult to take their statement — A SENIOR OFFICIAL Colaba Police Station had been staying for the last few days. The official said while Fahad was arrested on the spot, Hassan was arrested from Mumbai international airport, minutes before he was to take a flight. Quoting from the statement of the victim, on the basis of which the duo were arrested, the police said Fahad had “grabbed the woman for over 20 minutes and didn’t let her go.” The victim told the police that she was a resident of Florida in the US and owned a big business firm there and had visited India on business purpose. She said she had met Hassan at the hotel lobby, where she struck friendship with him and exchanged their mobile numbers. The police said the two kept in touch on phone, while on Thursday, at around 12.45 am, the woman invited Hassan to her room. She told the police that the two chatted and watched television, while most of the time Hassan was busy talking to somebody on phone. The woman told the police that she went to a washroom at about 1.20 am, but when she returned, she saw another person in the room. TURN TO P4 2 MEETING ON EDUCATION S U N DAY l M A R C H 1 l 2 0 1 5 Dr Madeeha bint Ahmed al Shaibaniyah, Minister of Education presided over a joint meeting between the ministry of education and the Majlis Ash’shura Education and Scientific Research Committee. Seven working papers were presented and discussed during the meeting on the basis of the topics proposed by the Majlis Ash’shura educational panel. OMAN Sultanate to take part in Berlin tourism exhibition STARTS WEDNESDAY: Pavilions of Tourism Ministry, Oman Air MUSCAT: The Sultanate, represented by the Ministry of Tourism, will take part in the Leading Travel Trade Show, ITB Berlin 2015, which will kick-off this Wednesday and lasts for five days under the theme of “One World, One Industry and One Trade Show”. The Sultanate’s delegation to the event will be led by Ahmed bin Nasser al Mehrzi, Minister of Tourism. The minister said that the ministry is keen to take part annually in this event as it is the biggest exhibition specialised in the travel and tourism industry worldwide. In a statement to Oman News Agency (ONA), he said that over 180 countries and 10,000 exhibitors, representing the authorities, institutions and companies of world tourism industry will take part in this year’s edition. He said that the event will include meetings, activities and official gatherings between senior officials, decision-maker, investors and those interested in world tourism industry. “We plan to continue the Sultanate’s tourism promotion plans and promote these plans in cooperation with the respective authorities” he said. He pointed out that the event avails a number of opportunities for the Sultanate to showcase Omani tourism and highlight the new projects, attractive offers and promising opportunities in the tourism sector in the Sultanate, and promoting them to allure the tourism markets that contribute in the sustainable tourism development. As for the Sultanate’s pavilion in ITB Berlin 2015, he explained that the Sultanate will take part through two pavilions. The main pavilion is under the supervision of the Ministry of Tourism and comprises the institutions and companies of the tourism sector, while the second pavilion is allocated for Oman Air, the Sultanate’s national carrier. He explained that 36 Omani institutions and companies will take part in this event, including two SMEs in the tourism sector. — ONA TRADITIONAL HORSE GAMES FESTIVAL We plan to continue the Sultanate’s tourism promotion plans and promote these plans in cooperation with the respective authorities AHMED BIN NASSER AL MEHRZI Minister of Tourism The Oman Equestrian Federation in cooperation with the Al Asail Equestrian Club organised the 5th Traditional Horse Games Festival under the auspices of Dr Abdalla bin Nasser al Harasi, Chairman, Public Authority for Radio and TV at the traditional horse games field in the Wilayat of Jaalan Bani Bu Ali. Global health meet begins today MUSCAT: His Highness Sayyid Shihab bin Tareq al Said, Adviser to His Majesty, will inaugurate The 7th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Community on Sunday. The conference is organised by the Ministry of Health and the Arab Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS). The conference will be attended by over 300 professionals. ACCESS is one of the largest non-profit Arab American human development services agency in the US. The Center provides a variety of social, economic, health and educational services through eight centres and more than 100 programmes. For the first time since its inception, the conference will be held outside the US. Oman was chosen for the seventh session after its successful organisation of 6th session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean in 2013, as well as its greater role in public health and primary healthcare. His Highness Sayyid Shihab bin Tareq al Said, Adviser to His Majesty, will inaugurate the 7th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Community on Sunday In addition, the strategic location of Oman, its enriched cultural heritage, active medical development, and focused health vision 2050, made it the ideal host for this conference. The conference has been developed to address the public health issues identified by the Regional Office of the East Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization. The agenda of the conference will focus on capacity building in social Certificates of deposit tender results MUSCAT: Certificates of deposit tender was held at the Central Bank of Oman this week. The total amount allotted for issue No 906 was RO 335.4 million. The bulletin issued by the CBO stated that the average interest rate of these certificates was 0.13 per cent whilst the maximum accepted interest rate was 0.13 per cent. The tenor of these certificates is 28 days, so their maturity date is on March 25. The certificates of deposit issued to licensed banks by the CBO as a monetary policy instrument aimed at absorbing excess liquidity and maintaining stability of the interest rate and the money market in general. — ONA Seminar on impact of WTO rules on Gulf industries DOHA: The Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC) will organise a training course titled “WTO Rules and their Impact on the Industrial Sector in the GCC Countries” at the Organization’s headquarters in Doha from May 25 till May 28, 2015. GOIC organises this course to build capacities of workers in the industrial sector in GCC countries. Participants will get to know the rules and regulations of WTO and their repercussions on industries and services in GCC countries. It will also be a suitable opportunity for the private sector and officials from institutions to understand and use WTO rules and mechanisms to exchange opinions and expertise. This course targets representatives of the private sector and of institutions in charge of specifications and standards, in addition to parties interested in WTO rules. — ONA determinants of health, genetics and chronic disease, the effects of climate change on public health, and quality healthcare. The conference discusses several aspects such as, public health, infectious diseases and metabolic syndrome, non-communicable diseases, mental health, accidents and organ transplant. The overarching goal of this international forum is establishing a platform where public health and healthcare professionals in the Arab world can interact with their counterparts from the United States of America, Canada, Europe, Australia and other regions, exchange information and research findings. Understanding the roots of healthrelated behaviours and healthcare decision-making enhances the competency of scholars, healthcare providers, policy makers, public health officials and other stakeholders in promoting health within the local, national, and international Arab communities. — ONA S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 OMAN omandailyobserver 3 Supreme Council of Ship with cows on board drifts ashore Planning, Harvard University to hold seminar on economy SUR: A merchant ship loaded with cows drifted ashore in Ras Al Hadd in the Wilayat of Sur due to rough seas and strong wind. Local residents managed to quickly rescue the vessel’s crew and some animals and brought them to the mainland. The Royal Oman Police (ROP) launched an investigation into the incident. Inspectors from the ministry of agriculture and fisheries and Sur Municipality carried out health check on the dead and living animals. MUSCAT: In the framework of developing the 9th Five-Year Plan, a seminar on Omani Economy and Strategies Implementation will start on Sunday at the Supreme Council for Planning. The two-day seminar is organized by the Secretariat General of the Supreme Council for Planning in cooperation with experts from Harvard University. The seminar will discuss a number of topics. It will address in its first day the analysis of production element in the Sultanate’s economy and diagnosing the elements of success in the Omani economy. The seminar will discuss in its second day the challenges that face execution policies. The seminar will also discuss a proposed approach to execution of plans. It is worth mentioning that this seminar will be presented by Prof Matt Andrews and Prof Brad Cunningham from Harvard University and aims at benefit from international expertise in developing the 9th Five-Year Development plan of the Sultanate (2016-2020). — ONA Capital Markets Forum from today MUSCAT: The 3rd Capital Markets Forum, organised by Muscat Securities Market (MSM), will start on Monday at the Grand Hyatt Muscat under the title ‘empowering private businesses towards long term sustainability”. The opening ceremony will be presided over by Dr Ali bin Masoud al Sunaidy, Minister of Commerce and Industry. Ahmed bin Saleh al Marhoon, Director General of MSM, affirmed that the forum aims at empowering private and family companies to achieve growth and enhance their economic roles as this will ensure their sustainability. He said in a statement that private sector plays a pivotal role in world economies. Statistics point out that the sector contributes by more than 70 per cent of the GDP. The contribution of this sector in the Sultanate is very low, therefore these companies should maximise the role they play in economic growth to be in line with the Sultanate’s aspirations. He pointed out that the private sector can play a bigger role in the national economy, especially the Sultanate has many opportunities that can be utilised by the private sector. He affirmed that the message of the Forum focuses on inviting private companies to seriously consider the best practices that ensure their sustainability when shifted to the coming generations. — ONA Littering, irresponsible behaviour of visitors at turtle sites major threats Nation’s turtles face extinction KABEER YOUSUF MUSCAT Feb.28: Reckless holidaymakers and picnickers are emerging as major threat to the environment and the perfect harmony of the ecosystem will be on question if they are not checked, according to the Environment Society of Oman (ESO). Oman’s rich turtle population is bearing the brunt of littering and irresponsible behaviour of visitors at the turtle sites. The number of turtles has gone down. “Oman’s turtles are endangered due to light pollution besides the plastic being dumped on the sea and oil leaks”, Her Highness Sayyida Tania Shabib al Said, President, ESO told the Observer. According to reports from the Ministry of Tourism, Oman has five of the seven species of sea turtles, namely, the Green Turtle, found on most its beaches and plentiful in Ras al Hadd, Ras al Jinz, Masirah Island and Ad Daymaniyat Islands; the Loggerhead Turtle that nests on Masirah Island, the shores of Dhofar and Ad Daymaniyat Islands; the Hawksbill Turtle that nests on the shores of Muscat and Ad Daymaniyat Islands; the Olive Ridley Turtle that nests on Masirah Island; and the Leatherback Turtle which is found in Omani waters but does not nest in the Sultanate. Among these sites, the Ras al Thousands of sea turtles migrate Visitors to these sites should observe the code of behaviour at these sites. Refraining from using camera flash is one of the guidelines and those who violate these rules should be prohibited from entering these sites. HER HIGHNESS SAYYIDA TANIA SHABIB AL SAID, President , ESO annually from the shores of the Arabian Gulf, the Red Sea and Somalia to lay their eggs on the Sultanate’s shores. At night, these turtles carrying their heavy shells on their backs, drag themselves out of the water to the beach and dig a hole in the sand using the tips of their paws to bury their eggs and then return to the sea. A visitor is lighting his torch at a turtle at Ras al Jinz resort. After about 55 days, the eggs hatch and babies come out to start the most dangerous journey of their lives, trying to escape foxes, crabs and birds and push their way towards the sea where they find safety in the waters. Watching the turtles’ night dash to the sea is among the most popular tourist activities in the country and thousands of visitors are camping at these sites annually. “Visitors to these sites should observe the code of behaviour at these sites as your reckless actions can be fatal to these creatures. Refraining from using camera flash is one of the guidelines and those who violate these rules should be prohibited from entering these sites in view of the national interest. Social media should discourage complaints of those who have been thrown out from such sanctuaries for misbehaving. Then we can expect the rest to behave in the correct way”, HH Sayyida Tania said. 2nd Contractors and Suppliers Forum announcement today MUSCAT: The Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP) will hold a press conference on Monday to announce the details of the second annual forum for of contractors and suppliers in the electricity sector in Muscat. Hamad bin Salim al Maghdari, CEO of Rural Areas Electricity Company and Chairman of DCRP Board will speak at the conference. DCRP is the entity authorized by the electricity distribution companies and Electricity Regulation Authority to review and discuss the development of the distribution codes of the electrical system. — ONA 4 OMAN omandailyobserver Lobster fishing season begins today S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 32 entrepreneurs get training START-UP BOOST: 22 candidates will be awarded RO 5,000 to set up their businesses STAFF REPORTER MUSCAT MUSCAT — The lobster fishing season begins today along the coast overlooking the Arabian Sea in the governorates of Al Wusta, Dhofar and South Al Sharqiyah and lasts for two month. The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries said in a statement that it has completed the preparations for the lobster fishing season regarding the services related to awareness, inspection, researches, statistics and media coverage to make the season successful and also for the best exploitation and conservation of this national treasure. The ministry has organised a number of lectures and seminars to increase fishermen’s awareness about the regulations and legislations governing lobster fishing and also the ministerial decision aimed at regulating the fishing season. Additionally, the ministry’s experts and inspectors will follow up the fishing operations during the season. — ONA Ratings affirm confidence in the Sultanate’s economy MUSCAT: The Sultanate maintained its advanced position in credit ratings published by a number of international rating agencies which monitor the economic developments in various countries around the world. Moody’s credit rating maintained the Sultanate’s rating at +A, an advanced level equal to the rating earned by some advanced European countries with stable outlook. The rating reflects the sound financial position of the Sultanate’s government and forecasts of continuous economic growth. The agency’s report, which was published at the end of 2014 said that the rating took into consideration the efforts made by the government to diversify sources of national economy through various economic activities and reduce reliance on oil and gas revenues. Moody’s report also pointed out that the non-oil sector has major contribution to the growth of the national economy due to the government’s constant focus on investment in infrastructure. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects that the growth of the Omani economy will take an upward trajectory starting from 3.6 per cent from 2014 to 2018. Standard & Poor’s Agency affirmed that the Sultanate’s foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on long and short term at A/A-1 with stable outlook. In a recent statement, the agency attributed the rating to good government assets and sound investment policies. The statement added that assuming the oil prices will remain below $100 up to 2017, the per capita share of GDP in the Sultanate of Oman and the fiscal and foreign assets will remain unaffected. The ratings by international agencies is based on the stability and credibility of the Sultanate’s public finances and that the Sultanate’s finance provided a high added value to the GDP and fosters economic strength of the state. —ONA Feb. 28: The Khazzan Growth Finance project officially took off this week to provide 32 entrepreneurs with business mentorship for two months in Nizwa as part of BP Oman’s Social Investment Programme that aims at empowering local entrepreneurs and SME sector as a part of their commitment in developing Oman’s In Country Value (ICV). The project is a part of the Social Investment Programme’s Enterprise Development Projects, managed by implementing partners Sharakah, whose General Manager, Abdullah Al Jufaili, said, “The Khazzan Growth Finance project is the flagship of the BP Oman Enterprise Development Projects. “32 candidates, from the governorates of Al Dakhiliya and Al Dhahirah, will undergo an extensive two to three month entrepreneurship program. By the end of the program each of them will have a complete business plan focused on the financial aspects of the business, a brand for the company, social media accounts and email services. A further 22 William Crew, CEO of Inspired Solutions, conducts the training for the entrepreneurs in Nizwa candidates will be awarded RO 5,000 grant from BP Oman to setup their businesses.” Inspired Solutions, an SME consultancy agency in Oman and the project’s associate implementing partner, has worked on selecting, training, evaluating and now mentoring a segment of entrepreneurs in Oman, with particular emphasis on the Al Dakhiliyah and Al Dhahirah. William R Crew, CEO of Inspired Solutions, said, “Inspired Solutions is excited to be able to bring world class MBA style entrepreneur training to the small business owners of Al Dakhiliyah and Al Dhahirah. The trainees are from all sectors and all ages. We are very impressed to see the level of motivation which we see in these areas.” The first phase of the project included the application and community outreach in Nizwa and Ibri, which registered 140 people from across Al Dhakhiliyah and Fixed telephone lines rise by 6.8 per cent in 2014 MUSCAT: The subscribers of the fixed phone service in the Sultanate stood at more than 375,000 in 2014. GSM lines reached more than 6 millions, while the number of subscribers in broadband Internet rose to reach more than 2.8 million. The latest statistics issued by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) pointed out that subscribers of fixed phone service in the Sultanate stood at 375,196 at the end of 2014 against 351,411 subscribers at the end of 2013, constituting a rise of 6.8 per cent. Subscribers of pre-paid fixed phone service stood at 33,066 against 25,829 at the end of 2013, a rise by 2.8 per cent. The billed fixed phone lines stood at 287,995 in 2014, compared with 271.400 in 2013. The number of public phones all over the Sultanate stood at 6,801. The number of integrated services digital networks (ISDN) and the number of fixed wireless lines witnessed a slight decline. RING GOES LOUDER Q SUBSCRIBERS of pre-paid fixed phone service stood at 33,066 against 25,829 at the end of 2013, a rise by 2.8 per cent. Q SUBSCRIBERS of pre-paid GSM stood at 5,665,471 at the end of 2014, compared to 5,121,723 by the end of 2013, constituting an increase of 10.6 per cent. Q THE number of mobile broadband users stood at 2,893,561 at the end of 2014 compared to 2,443,296 at the end of 2013, Subscribers of billed GSM service stood at 6,194,169 by the end of 2014 against 5,617,426 during 2013, constituting an increase of 10.3 per cent. Subscribers of pre-paid GSM service stood at 5,665,471 at the end of 2014, compared to 5,121,723 by the end of 2013, constituting an increase of 10.6 per cent. The statistics also pointed out that the total subscribers of Internet at the end of 2014 stood at 180,144 Omani in India police custody FROM PAGE 1 Hassan introduced the stranger to the US woman as his friend Fahad from Saudi Arabia, who had come to India on a tourist visa and was staying at another hotel, the police said. The US woman told the police that at this juncture she realised that Fahad was the man who had been stalking her for last few days also. Meanwhile, Hassan left the room on some pretext, while Fahad stayed on. Soon after Hassan left, the woman grew uncomfortable and asked Fahad to leave the room, but he allegedly grabbed her instead, and tried to misbehave with her. The woman tried to flee the room, but he grabbed her again from behind and pulled her back inside. “This continued for 20 to 25 minutes, when she finally raised an alarm and managed to call the hotel staff, who helped her contact the police,” said the police official. However, the hotel security came to the rescue and saved her. Fahad was arrested on the spot, but Hassan was nowhere to be found. He was eventually arrested at the airport on Thursday evening. “We arrested Hassan from the airport when he was trying to flee. We arrested him as he helped Fahad to approach the woman,” said the police. “We still have no clear picture about how Fahad and Hassan know each other, or how long they have been in Mumbai, because they don’t understand English and we are finding it difficult to take their statement,” said a senior official from Colaba police station. The police, however, said both are businessmen in their respective countries and were staying at the same SoBo hotel. compared to 158,678 subscribers at the end of 2013. Subscribers of DSL, leased lines and wimax stood at 177.063 at the end of 2014, compared to 154,290 at the end of 2013, a rise by 14.8 per cent. The number of active subscribers of mobile broadband stood at 2,893,561 at the end of 2014 compared to 2,443,296 at the end of 2013, constituting an increase of 18.4 per cent. — ONA Al Dhahirah. The second phase narrowed down 45 of the top eligible candidates that were interviewed. Now in their third phase, Inspired Solutions will conduct training workshops for the entrepreneurs. The participating entrepreneurs in the project have been in business for approximately 36 months and are therefore classified as a start-up. According to Crew, this stage is a very sensitive time in the life cycle of small businesses as most fail within 60 months. Inspired Solutions will offer training in all aspects of small business management, including the business plan and associated financial statements for all successful graduates. Inspired Solutions is an expert in the design and management of SME accelerators in Oman. In addition to managing SME accelerators since 2012, they have provided management consultancy to SAS and NBC incubators at KOM (Knowledge Oasis Muscat). Inspired Solutions is also engaged by banks in Oman and the Middle East to provide consultancy for their SME credit and sales departments. Freezing cold in Jabal Akdhar, Jebel Shams FROM PAGE 1 A worker who returned to Muscat from Jabal Akdhar also confirmed that it was very cold and the temperature was reportedly to be around sub-zero levels. Jebel Shams reported minus 3. According to DG of Meteorology and Air Navigation, 4.4 mm rainfall was recorded at Jabel Shams. The met office further said that mainly clear skies and relatively cool weather over most of the Sultanate with chance of dust rising winds over deserts and open areas. Winds will be northerly to northwesterly light to moderate occasionally fresh. The sea state will be rough along the coastal area of Oman Sea and southern Al Sharqiya Governorate with wave height ranging from 2.5 to 3.5 metres and moderate along rest of the coastal areas of the Sultanate with maximum wave height of 2 metres. Visibility will be good over most of the sultanate. In the next 48 hours, it will be mainly clear skies over most of the Sultanate with chance of late night to early morning low level clouds over Musandam Governorate. S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 OMAN omandailyobserver 5 Number of fuel pumps in Sultanate up at 520 AL MAHAJ FLYOVER ROAD TO BE OPENED SOON STABLE: Net profits of three companies at RO 34.2 million in 2014 85 per cent works of the Al Mahaj flyover and intersection project and the elevated road running over the flyover will open for traffic from the Wadi Adai direction this week and the whole the project is expected to be completed in the middle of this year. OPTIMALUSE Oman Energy and Water Exhibition and Conference from May 19 MUSCAT: Oman Energy and Water Exhibition and Conference (OEWEC) 2015 will kick-off on May 19 at Oman International Exhibition Centre. The 3-day OEWEC is organised by the Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW) in cooperation with (Oman Expo). The exhibition reflects Sultanate’s sincere efforts to push the rates of development, promote better management methods and the use of conventional energy to enable the Sultanate to provide a sustainable environment for growth. The conference will include a seminar on the optimal use of energy, water and ways to rationalise consumption and reduce waste, and therefore the positive effects on the conservation of energy and water resources in the Sultanate. The exhibition offers many products including energy and power tools, power transmission and distribution, power generation equipment and systems, power distribution systems, power control systems, storage control systems, electrical panels, cables, power lines and electrical switches. It includes products for green power, such as saving products, power technologies, solar technology, wind power, and commercial and industrial sustainable power solutions as well as storage of green power, green power engineering, power conservation, management of emission control and reduction, besides the environmental and engineering consultancy, protection of the environment, environmental engineering and environment-friendly products, regulatory bodies and smart technologies. The exhibition will also include water treatment methods, methods of desalination, water companies, water pipelines, maintenance of water pipelines and its paint systems, water treatment with chemical disinfectant, water conservation and maintenance, maintenance of water heaters, software of water systems, sanitary wares, pump industry, valves industry, modern irrigation systems, and techniques of wastewater treatment systems. — ONA MUSCAT: The number of fuel filling stations in the different governorates of the Sultanate as of the end of 2014 increased to 520 with the addition of 27 new stations during the year. The three companies operating in fuel products marketing doubled their efforts to diversify their investments, increase their sales and enhance the size of their investments. The three companies benefited from the growing demand for oil products and increasing the number of vehicles. The statistics point out that the number of vehicles that have been registered in the Sultanate stood at more than 143,000; a growth by 8.6% compared to the numbers registered in 2013. They also pointed out that the oil price decline starting from the last quarter of 2014 has not affected the performance of these companies. They expect to maintain the growth rates achieved last year this year as well. They attributed this to the government commitment to spend on the infrastructure projects and to provide new job opportunities, in addition to the expected growth rates in the passenger and cargo traffic through Muscat International Airport and Salalah Airport, as well as the increase in the number of incoming vessels to the Sultanate. The statistics prepared by Oman News Agency (ONA) point out that the value of the gross sales of the three companies increased to more than RO 1.090 billion compared to RO 1.047 billion in 2013. The net profits increased from RO GROWTH AT STEADY CLIP Q AL MAHA Oil plans to distribute RO 0.110 cash dividend for each share Q SHELL OMAN will distribute 92 per cent cash dividend ie 92 baisas for each share Q OMAN Oil Marketing will distribute 60 per cent cash dividends 32.6 million in 2013 to RO 34.2 million in 2014. The value of the assets of the three companies, as of the end of last year, increased to RO 279.5 million compared to RO 250.5 million as of the end of 2013. The gross capital of the three companies is RO 23.3 million. Al Maha Oil Marketing Company said that during 2014, it has expanded its station network to meet the growing demand for oil products. It pointed out that the commercial sales sector performance has been good at a competitive environment. The three companies have positive outlook toward the future with forecasts of growth in demand for oil products, in line with the expected growth in the national economy. They also said that despite the positive forecasts, they expect tough competition at the different sectors. On its part, Shell Oil Marketing said that the fuel products sale sector is always correlated with the macroeconomic conditions therefore it expects further growth with economic activities. The three companies will hold next March their annual general assemblies which will consider distributing dividends. — ONA 6 GIFT TO SAFEGUARD BORDER S U N DAY l M A R C H 1 l 2 0 1 5 PROTEST AGAINST THE FUR A Malaysian Bay Class Vessel patrol boat is seen during the handover ceremony in Port Klang. The vessel, the first of two former Australian Customs and Border Protection Service patrol boats, is a gift from the Australian government to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency. Australia said the patrol boats are intended for MMEA’s border enforcement operations. ASIA Members of animal rights groups during a protest against the fur industry, at the venue for Hong Kong International Fur and Fashion Fair. The annual International Fur and Fashion Fair is the world’s largest fur fashion event, which brought $232 million in exports in 2014, with 75 per cent of the world’s fur and fur garments re-exported through the city, according to the Hong Kong Fur Federation. TRANSPARENCY: FM says there are concerns about the manner in which the Chinese loans had been raised Sri Lanka rules out submarine visits by China BEIJING: Sri Lanka is concerned with the roughly $5 billion in Chinese loans it has and will send its finance minister to Beijing to discuss the issue, the foreign minister said on Saturday, as he also ruled out future Chinese submarine visits to the country. New Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena has unnerved China with his re-examination of certain projects that China has invested in, including a $1.5 billion “port city” project in the capital Colombo. India, which lost out to China in infrastructure development on the Indian Ocean island, was in particular concerned about the security threat posed by Chinese ownership of land, aggravated by the docking of Chinese submarines in Colombo last year. India had grown increasingly wary of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s pursuit of closer ties with China, which became a key supporter of the island’s economy after its 26-year-civil war ended in 2009. Speaking in Beijing at the end of a two-day visit, Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera said there were concerns about the manner in which the some $5 billion Chinese loans for his country had been raised. “During the run up to the last presidential campaign the people of Taiwan president hopes to work on social harmony TAIPEI: Taiwan President Ma Yingjeou said on Saturday — marking the country’s 228 Peace Memorial Day — that he hopes to push for reconciliation along with Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je, grandson of a victim of a historical incident in 1947, state-run Central News Agency reported. Ko’s grandfather, Ko Shih-yuan, fell ill and died a few years after being detained and beaten during the then (KMT) Nationalists-led Republic of China government’s response to the 228 Incident, an antigovernment uprising in Taiwan which began on February 27, 1947, the agency said. The incident was violently suppressed by the KMT government. Thousands of civilians were killed in a massacre that marked the beginning of a decades-long White Terror period, in which several thousand others vanished, died, or were imprisoned, the agency said. At a memorial event held in Taipei, Ma also said he had hoped the capital city could work with the central government to reconcile differences between people of different generations and political stances, the agency said here yesterday. “Let’s never forget the lesson from Sri Lanka’s finance minister will visit Beijing after President Sirisena’s state visit to China, slated for March 26-28, the foreign minister said Sri Lanka raised many questions about the interest rates especially, and also in certain cases about the manner in which these loans were raised,” he told a news conference. “So we will, as a government committed to transparency, want to go into each of these matters.” The country’s finance minister will visit Beijing after President Sirisena’s state visit to China, slated for March 2628, Samaraweera said. China has built a seaport and airport in the south of the country, raising fears it is seeking influence in a country with which India has traditionally had deep ties. India’s concern grew after the Rajapaksa government allowed the Chinese submarines to dock. Asked whether there would be any Chinese submarine visits in the near future, Samaraweera said: “I don’t see any”. “I really don’t know which circumstances lead to some submarines coming to the port of Colombo on the very day the Japanese prime minister was visiting Sri Lanka, but we will ensure that such incidents — from whatever quarters — do not happen during our tenure.” Samaraweera said the re-examination of certain projects was actually a good thing for foreign, including Chinese, investors. “We want to create a rule-based investor climate because we feel that some of the investments which were decided upon by the previous government were not totally given on — Reuters merit,” he said. COMMON MAN’S PRESIDENT Let’s never forget the lesson from the 228 Incident and never repeat that history. (An anti-government uprising in Taiwan which began on February 27, 1947) MA YING-JEOU President of Taiwan the 228 Incident and never repeat that history,” Ma said. Ko, who also attended the ceremony as representative of the victims’ families, choked up when giving a speech about his grandfather. “The truth of 228 needs to be revealed,” Ko said, stressing that people should also learn to forgive and reconcile. “There’s no peace without reconciliation,” he said. Ko, an independent, is a surgeon and a political novice who won the mayoral election in November, beating an opponent nominated by the ruling KMT, which suffered a landslide defeat in the island’s biggestever local elections. — dpa Indonesian President Joko Widodo during a visit to a market in Jakarta. The president bought staples like rice and vegetables while checking on local food prices.— Reuters Indonesia’s stance ‘clear’ on Australians’ executions JAKARTA: Indonesian President Joko Widodo has said his country’s stance is “clear” on the pending executions of two Australian drug smugglers, despite the suggestion by Australia’s prime minister that he is “carefully considering” his position. The executions by firing squad of Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, the Australian ringleaders of the socalled “Bali Nine” drug smuggling gang, are believed to be imminent. Their appeals for presidential clemency, typically the final chance of avoiding death, were recently rejected by Widodo, and a court this week dismissed a bid to challenge that decision. The looming sentences have dramatically heightened tensions between Australia and Indonesia, fraying ties that were only just recovering from a spying row. Australia has been working to persuade Indonesia to allow the men to live, and Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Thursday offered a glimmer of hope after a phone conversation with Widodo, who he said was “carefully considering his position”. However Widodo shot that suggestion down in an exclusive interview with local media on Friday. “Our stance is clear. Our laws cannot be interfered,” Widodo was quoted as saying by Kontan news website. ASSAULT Toll in Philippine clashes with fighters rises MANILA: A military assault on militants in the southern Philippines entered its fifth day on Saturday, with the toll rising to 24 guerrillas and two soldiers dead, officials said. Ten Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed in a two-hour clash on Friday after the army pounded their jungle lair on Jolo island with artillery and helicopter gunships, said Colonel Alan Arrojado, who is leading the assault. Another 14 rebels and two troops had been killed since the fighting erupted on Tuesday, he said. Battles were raging in the mountainous and thickly forested villages of Patikul town, an area controlled by Abu Sayyaf, a group of a few hundred gunmen with links to the Al Qaeda network. The militants were reportedly moving with three Malaysian Jemaah Islamiyah members who were providing them with bomb-making training, military spokesman Colonel Restituto Padilla said. “This (assault) will not stop until we put an end to the Abu Sayyaf,” Padilla said. The Malaysians have been “monitored for some time” he said. The Abu Sayyaf in the past have harboured JI militants, including Umar Patek and Dulmatin, key suspects in the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings that killed 202 people. The group is currently holding at least seven hostages, according to the military. A German couple that they had held captive for six months were freed in October last year with the bandits claiming they were paid 250 million pesos ($5.7 million) in ransom. Founded in the 1990s with seed money from Al Qaeda, the Abu Sayyaf had gained international notoriety for kidnapping foreigners for ransom. The hefty ransom payments enable the group to fund attacks and replenish its forces from impoverished communities in southern regions of the largely Catholic Philippines. The group was also blamed for the worst terror attack in the country, the 2004 firebombing of a ferry off Manila Bay that killed more than hundreds of people. — AFP The second-in-line to the British throne asked for a sword to complete the outfit, and grinned at photographers as he posed for pictures Prince William dons samurai gear on Japan tour TOKYO: Britain’s Prince William donned the trappings of feudal nobility in Japan on Saturday, wearing the helmet and clothes of an ancient samurai during a tour of a TV studio. The second-in-line to the British throne asked for a sword to complete the outfit, and grinned at photographers as he posed for pictures dressed as a warrior from yesteryear. William, whose own military career saw him taking the controls of an ultra-modern helicopter, asked: “How does it look?” “It really suits you,” came the reply. The dressing up session took place at the main studios of Japan’s national broadcaster NHK, on the set of one of its popular long-running period dramas. Earlier, he had been treated to a geisha show in which the ornately-attired women performed dances with fans and then sang traditional songs as they played “shamisen” — a three-stringed instrument sometimes described as a Japanese banjo. William, who has left his heavily pregnant wife, Kate, at home, tried his hand strumming the instrument, whose The British prince was presented with a huge bunch of flowers by popular actress Mao Inoue, who looked stunning in a simple kimono mastery remains a key skill for geisha. The highly-trained entertainers learn to sing, dance and converse, with the cost of their company running up to thousands of dollars for an evening. The British prince was presented with a huge bunch of flowers by popular actress Mao Inoue, who looked stunning in a simple kimono. The visit to the set was a reminder of the pageantry and tradition in Japan, which at times outstrips that of even Britain’s convention-bound royal family. William later toured the newsroom at NHK, one of the world’s biggest broadcasters, which has bureaus around the globe, and was told how the corporation had covered the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster that struck Japan in 2011. Later on Saturday William travelled to an indoor playground for children in Fukushima prefecture’s Motomiya city. Motomiya is far enough from the crippled plant and was not designated as an evacuation zone following the nuclear accident, but the city has created the indoor facility for local children who have been encouraged not to play outside due to radiation fears. The prince, accompanied by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was greeted by flagwaving small children and invited into the facility. Toddlers there at first looked a bit puzzled by the royal visitor but soon started playing with the smiling prince, throwing small soft plastic balls to play with him. The disaster claimed around 19,000 lives and left tens of thousands of people homeless. Many of those displaced are still unable to return home, in some cases because of radiation that leaked from the Britain’s Prince William wearing ‘yukata’, or kimono-style pajama, smiles during a dinner at a traditional Japanese inn in Koriyama, Fukushima prefecture. — Reuters crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, with scientists warning some areas may have to be abandoned. William was to stay at a traditional “ryokan” inn in Fukushima, where Abe is expected to host a dinner. Earlier on the day, a beaming William, 32, met well-wishers at a bookstore bestrewn with Union Jacks in west Tokyo, where he launched an exhibition showcasing British industry. The young scion of the House of Windsor is immensely popular in Japan, where people speak of his warmth and his easy manner with members of the public. That familiarity stands in marked contrast to Japan’s own imperial family, who are seen as austere and far removed from their people, and whose own carefully choreographed interactions with crowds frequently look awkward. “We were really close to him,” said engineer Takeshi Miyagake, who had gone to meet the Duke of Cambridge at the bookshop. “We never have the opportunity to get this close to members of the imperial family.” On Friday, the second day of a fourday tour of Japan, William had met with the ageing Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, where his youth and vigour stood in marked contrast to the increasingly frail-looking couple. He also had tea with Crown Prince Naruhito, a man who, like him, is one day destined to rule his country. Japan’s media has closely followed the royal visit, with many outlets using it as an opportunity to re-broadcast footage of William’s mother, the late Diana, during her trips to Tokyo. The Princess of Wales was wildly popular in Japan, with her visits setting off so-called “Diana Fever” as tens of thousands flocked to meet her and as women sought to copy her carefullycoiffured hair and stylish dress sense. On Sunday he will meet people whose lives were affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, including the staff of a newspaper who produced handwritten copies in the aftermath of the disaster because their printing presses had been destroyed. —AFP SUBCONTINENT S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 omandailyobserver 7 DEEPENING DISCORD: People demand political parties reach a consensus rather than vote on a new constitution PRESS FREEDOM Nepal police teargas charter protesters Photographer arrested for military Facebook satire KATHMANDU: Nepalese police yesterday fired teargas and water cannon at thousands of opposition supporters who converged on the capital to protest controversial plans to vote on a disputed new national constitution. As anger mounts over the planned vote, protesters threw bricks and stones in brief clashes with security forces who responded with about 20 rounds of teargas, police and witnesses said. “We estimate that around 35,000 people are participating in today’s rally,” Kathmandu police spokesman Dinesh Acharya said, while another officer said 4,000 police were lining the route through Kathmandu. Years of squabbling have seen Nepal’s politicians miss a series of deadlines to draft the charter which was designed to draw a line under a decade of civil war. The government’s push last month to hold a vote, rather than seek agreement on disputed terms of the constitution, sparked protests including inside parliament itself, deepening discord between ruling parties and the opposition led by former Maoist rebels. Flag-waving demonstrators, riding motorcycles and travelling on foot, packed Kathmandu’s narrow streets and shouted slogans calling for a constitution based on consensus. overnight bus to the capital to join the protest and pressure lawmakers to draft a charter that is “friendly to the poor”. “I don’t think the ruling parties should push through a constitution based on a majority vote,” Khadka said. “They should realise that many sons of poor farmers lost their lives fighting for a better future for people like us,” he said. A key sticking point concerns internal borders, with the opposition pushing for provinces to be created along lines that could favour historically marginalised communities, handing them a majority and therefore more influence in those areas. Other parties have attacked this model, calling it too divisive and a threat to national unity. No date has been set for the vote on the charter, which was intended to conclude a peace process begun in 2006 when Maoist guerrillas entered politics, ending an insurgency that left an estimated 16,000 people dead. But six prime ministers and two A Supporter of the 30-party alliance led by the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) shout slogans during a elections later, political infighting has mass-demonstration in Kathmandu yesterday. — AFP confounded efforts to hammer out a A witness said the situation briefly Gopal KC, a doctor at Kathmandu’s were also wounded after protesters deal, throwing parliament into disarray turned violent when protesters tried to Civil Service Hospital, said “24 people threw stones at them. and crippling the economy of the enter a restricted area near parliament have been admitted here, all with minor Man Bahadur Khadka, a 52-year- impoverished Himalayan nation. and police moved in to disperse them. injuries”. Acharya said that four officers old farmer from eastern Nepal, took an — AFP Afghan mafia boss executed by hanging Rescuers search for victims in Afghan avalanches KABUL: Afghanistan’s most notorious mafia chief was hanged yesterday after five months of detention in Kabul, the country’s intelligence agency said. Saidullah, also known as Rais Khudaidad, was arrested during a special security forces operation in Kabul in September. He was involved in multiple cases of kidnapping, extortion, robbery and murder across the country. “We can confirm that Rais Khudaidad was hanged to death today,” said Abdul Haseeb Sediqqi, the spokesman for National Directorate of Security (NDS). Khudaidad was sentenced to death by a Kabul court last month, in the first execution case ordered by the new Afghan government. — dpa KABUL: Rescue teams worked into a fourth day of searching for victims of avalanches in north-eastern Afghanistan yesterday, officials said. At least 184 bodies had been found so far in different areas of Panjsher province, provincial police chief Abdul Aziz Ghairat said. “The rescue teams are continuing their mission to find the victims and to rescue people who are trapped,” Ghairat said. “Still many more are under the snow and the death toll could rise.” President Ashraf Ghani and chief executive Abdullah Abdullah visited the affected areas on Friday and made a plea for international assistance. “We have asked the international and Afghan air forces to drop first-aid packages from the air,” Ghani said. “I have assigned an engineering team of international troops to observe the situation, especially, the situation of rivers in order to take measurements for Rescue teams restarted operations to find the victims of avalanches in north-eastern Afghanistan as four more bodies were found. possible floods.” At least 233 people were killed by avalanches in different provinces of Afghanistan this week after heavy snowfall. Avalanches killed 25 people in Badakhshan province, 13 in Parwan, three in Baghlan, four in Badghis and four in Bamiyan, according to authorities. President Ghani announced a threeday national mourning and donated 20 million Afghanis ($350,877) to affected Afghan authorities removing snow from the roads as part of the rescue after an families in Panjsher province. — dpa avalanche in the Panjshir valley. Pakistan has no law against harassment on campuses and students are paying the price Female students struggle against harassment ISLAMABAD: Sana Rehan defied her conservative family background to enroll in one of Pakistan’s best universities and pursue a professional career. But the 21-year-old found her dreams nearly shattered when a teacher tried to intimidate her. “For a moment I thought this is not the place for a girl like me,” said the student of the disaster management department at the University of Peshawar. “I wanted to run away.” After a few depressing weeks Rehan decided to fight back, not knowing that her struggle would help expose the issue on a national scale. The university suspended professor Amir Nawaz as head of the department two months after the allegations came to light, and an inquiry was ordered against him in March last year. “The scale of the problem is appalling,” said professor Nasreen Ghufran, a member of the committee investigating Rehan’s case and other similar ones. “Such things are happening routinely.” Teachers close ranks to save their colleagues if one of them is found guilty of harassing their students, said Ghufran, who teaches international relations. “I was shocked to hear a male colleague saying girls are one of the fringe benefits of our job,” the professor said. Legislators in the provincial assembly of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Female students at their graduation ceremony from the University of Engineering and Technology in Taxila, Pakistan. “The scale of the problem is appalling,” said prof Ghufran. “Such things are happening routinely.” Teachers close ranks to save their colleagues if one of them is found guilty of harassing their students. also decided to investigate the revelations and the broader problem of harassment. Their findings were even more disturbing, said local lawmaker Nighat Orakzai, one of the committee’s members. “If parents come to know how their daughters are treated here, none would send them to universities,” Orakzai said. The pressure on women’s education in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa is already acute. Adjacent to Pakistan’s north- eastern tribal regions near the Afghan border, militants have burned down hundreds of girls’ schools and barred females from seeking education. This is the province where Noble Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai was shot for opposing Taliban bombings of girls’ schools. But the problem of harassment is not limited to one region, said Yasmin Abbasey, a retired judge who heads a federal department to protect women in the workplaces. “Our department keeps receiving complaints from university and college students against their teachers from all across Pakistan,” Abbasey said. The list of resolved cases in the department’s files reveals that teachers from nearly all Pakistani universities have been accused of harassing their female students. “Unfortunately, it is a reality,” Abbasey said during an interview at her office in the capital Islamabad where she conducts daily hearings on harassment cases. “Those who were supposed to be the role models in all aspects are lacking in something very basic,” she said. Pakistan enacted a law to punish harassment in the workplace in 2010, but it does not cover campuses, leaving a legal loophole. “That is how most of the time teachers get away with it,” said Abbasey. A national senator from the opposition Pakistan People’s Party, Farhatullah Babar, is pushing an amendment to extend the law’s scope to campuses as well. “It’s a grave problem,” he said. “We want our daughters not to suffer anymore.” Last month, the University of Peshawar restored professor Amir Nawaz to his position because there was no law to punish him. That decision has revived some of Rehan’s fears, but she said she would press on to get her education and chase her dreams. — dpa YANGON: A freelance photojournalist has been arrested in Myanmar for uploading a satirical post on Facebook mocking the country’s powerful military, relatives said yesterday. Aung Nay Myo, 37, was taken from his house in Monywa town, central Sagaing region. “First they came to search for drugs at his photo studio. When they couldn’t find any drugs, they took... his belongings including his diary, laptop, memory sticks and CCTV equipment,” a family member told reporters. After decades of brutal junta rule, Myanmar’s military handed power to a quasi-civilian government in 2011, which has ushered in a new era of political openness in the emerging Southeast Asian nation. But the international community has also expressed rising alarm that the country is backsliding in key areas of its democratic transition, particularly press freedom and human rights. Aung Nay Myo was taken to Monywa prison and charged under an emergency provision that forbids traducing the government or military and carries up to seven years in jail. “We cannot get bail for him under this emergency provision act. His mother was able to meet him yesterday evening at the prison. We are now trying to get a lawyer for him,” the relative said. A Special Branch police complaint letter accuses the photographer and an unspecified group of trying to destroy the reputation of the government. The complaint centres around a photoshopped flyer for a film about a fierce battle fought in the early 1970s between Myanmar’s military and rebels in eastern Shan state. The faces of the actors had been replaced by key government and military officials including current army chief Min Aung Hlaing, parliament speaker Shwe Mann, information minister Ye Htut and hardline monk Wirathu. Former junta leader Than Shwe and current president Then Sein also had writing credits on the mocked-up poster. The name of the film had been tweaked to make a pun. — AFP 8 ANALYSIS omandailyobserver S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 A WORD OF THANKS FOR THE TEACHERS ABDULAZIZ AL JAHDHAMI T eachers all over the world play a very vital and influential role in students’ life. Certainly there is no doubt about it. Regardless how good or bad the teacher is, he or she could make a difference. Teachers are part of the key elements that contribute in shaping students’ personalities and attitudes towards life. Students initiate their journey of life with teachers since the early years of childhood. Some children start their company with teachers at the kindergarten while others in first grade of school at the age of six. All teachers are admirable and great. They always leave no stone unturned to feed students with knowledge; enlighten them with various life experiences and necessities throughout the school years. They are teachers of life as being not merely teachers, but fathers, brothers and friends for the students. Likewise, female teachers are being mothers, sisters and friends for the girls as well. Teachers’ role and goodwill are beyond just teaching and transforming knowledge. They devotedly teach and benevolently raise students since childhood to make out of them good citizens who contribute in serving the nation through various walks of All teachers are life. As a matter of fact, teachers are serving the children more than parents do! A teacher is admirable and great. like a candle; it consumes itself to light the way They always leave no for others. stone unturned to For many students, their dreams begin with a teacher who believes in them, who pulls, feed students with pushes and leads them to the next step in life. knowledge; enlighten Just let’s all look back at our school days. them with various Some teachers may be etched in our memory because they were unique or they influenced life experiences and our thinking in a way or another. Today we may necessities during recall our teacher’s inspiration that influenced the school years our mental and spiritual growth. A teacher continues to impact a student’s life far after the student has graduated. The teacher’s influence works on a subconscious level, constantly shaping the personality of the student. I’m sure everyone one of us has his unforgettable stories with teachers and school life in general. Some of these were hard stories or incidents that we experienced decades of years back. However, both the tough and easy experiences were useful ways of learning; with no pain no gain. Learning and achieving dreams have never been easy! It has been said that a teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. Teaching is the core of every other profession; without teachers in all educational institutions, there will be no other professions. All those pilots, engineers, doctors and others were students someday and had been taught by teachers at schools, colleges and universities so they became what they are today. Without the teachers’ encouragement and support, students’ dreams would have never become true. The teacher’s day, February 24 every year, it’s time to acknowledge the commendable dedication of the teachers towards their students. At such moments of celebrations, our feelings deep down in our hearts are mixed of happiness and thankfulness to our teachers. We highly appreciate the sacrifice of time and efforts they made for us. May Allah bless all teachers. It’s time to show our all as society, students and parents our gratitude and appreciation and express sincere thankfulness to all teachers for their efforts, dedication and sacrifices. Teachers spared no efforts to teach each and every student who are today serving the nation in different fields. That is all because of teachers; they made citizens handling various positions starting from leaders and decisionmakers, ministers, businessmen to other ordinary employees. Dear Teachers, in teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day’s work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for 20 years. Thus, never give up on your students. Thank You Teachers! Members of the Ukrainian armed forces ride on an armoured personnel carrier near Artemivsk, eastern Ukraine. — Reuters Arming Kiev can hurt West A Even as this conflict has demonstrated the speed dangerous, possibly irreversible, dynamic of conflict is taking hold of Russian-Western relations. In every arena of with which Washington can push for sanctions whose the Ukraine crisis, escalation is the order of the day. On the consequences are largely borne by Europeans, Merkel has made maintaining trans-Atlantic, as well as European, ground, where fresh fighting rages in the Donbass region. In the skies over Europe, where British fighter jets are unity her lodestar. What the current escalation risks, however, is a intercepting Russian nuclear bombers. In Washington, where Congress and ambitious policymakers with an eye breakdown of this unity — even as the possibility of open on the 2016 presidential elections are forcing the White conflict is growing. A new approach is urgently needed. It must begin with a reality check on the nature of the House’s hand on lethal assistance to Kiev. In Moscow, where the few remaining voices of adversary, and the futility of the current course of action. The features of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s compromise are considered weaklings or traitors. Even in the realm of global finance, where expelling Russia regime that its critics most like to cite — kleptocracy, from the SWIFT payment system is now under serious repression, chauvinism, revisionism, paranoia — are the consideration. At this rate, someone’s really going to get very characteristics that will make it utterly unwilling to capitulate under pressure, be it financial hurt soon. or military. This is not to make light of the In the United States, The more the West emphasises a suffering already being caused by the policymakers are belligerent course of action, the more conflict in eastern Ukraine, with half a Putin’s popular support, already in a million people displaced and thousands forcing the White range undreamed of by Western leaders killed and wounded in fighting there. House’s hand on (80 per cent approval), will harden rather What it does suggest is the need for perspective amid the increasingly lethal help to Ukraine, than soften. The West is increasingly dealing unhinged talk of war with Russia. writes NADER with a government in Moscow whose Memories are short. The fallout from MOUSAVIZADEH most liberal and pluralist elements see a the wars of 9/11 in Afghanistan, Iraq, reality of economic war with the West, Libya and now Syria has all but consumed and a future of responses “without Western strategic thinking. But the Cold War ended only 25 years ago, and Ukraine’s limits” to further sanctions — as that most pliable (and singular strategic significance to Russia ought to make unrepresentative) of Russian leaders, Dimitri Medvedev, the memory of a nuclear crisis over Cuba seem positively noted on January 27. Moscow will view a decision to expel the Russian quaint by comparison. Russia still possesses a nuclear arsenal in excess of 8,000 banking system from SWIFT as not just an economic warheads. It has a conventional military of nearly one measure but as a strategic one. To be met by any and all million men under arms, and in the age of cyberwarfare means at Russia’s disposal. Cyber, energy, finance, nonstate groups in neighbouring has the ability to inflict catastrophic damage on critical states — all could become weapons in such a response. Western infrastructure. That is also without considering the risk of a catastrophic To their credit, President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have sought to keep the West on miscalculation or overreaction by a single pilot, a sober path, addressing Moscow’s annexation of Crimea nuclear submarine captain or militia member with a shoulder-fired missile. with firm diplomacy in the pursuit of a peaceful solution. Greek premier vows no retreat in ‘battle’ with creditors G reece’s prime minister vowed yesterday not to back down in his “battle” with the country’s creditors, in line with his election promise to abandon austerity and avoid a third bailout. “The battle will continue,” Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the central committee of his hard-left Syriza party. “Anybody thinking that we are going to go away will be disappointed.” Tsipras said that in the talks that landed Greece a four-month extension to its 240-billion-euro ($270-billion) bailout last Tuesday, the pressure from other European countries “had the character of blackmail”. “Conservative forces (in Europe) tried to set a trap for us, to drive us into budgetary asphyxia,” the 40-year-old said. “We will not retreat from the difficulties or from our own principles.” Syriza swept to power in January on a promise to ease the hardship caused by past government spending cuts imposed in return for the euro zone country’s two bailouts in 2010 and 2012. Tsipras reiterated last Friday that once the current bailout expires on June 30 there would be no “third memorandum” as the previous agreements tying aid to spending cuts are known. “Memorandums are finished,” he said. Is it unclear however whether Tsipras can avoid another rescue package. His self-declared “government of social salvation” faces a major challenge in keeping both voters and Greece’s international creditors happy by providing relief for the poor while also keeping government spending in check. Last Thursday saw the first protests in Athens since the bailout extension, with several hundred anti-capitalists and anarchists taking to the streets, some smashing shop windows and setting fire to rubbish bins. Greece must also repay billions of euros in debt in the coming months. Tsipras has said he wants to renegotiate the country’s 320-billion-euro debt pile, despite fierce opposition, particularly in Germany, to any new debt “haircut”. Meanwhile, Greece’s nascent recovery from six straight years of recession also looks in trouble, with official data on Friday showing a contraction of 0.4 per Tsipras reiterated that once the current bailout expires on June 30 there would be no ‘third memorandum’ as the previous deals tying aid to spending cuts are known, notes HÉLÈNE COLLIOPOULOU cent in the fourth quarter of 2014. Initial estimates had forecast a 0.2 per cent drop in gross domestic product. After winning four months of breathing space from its creditors, the government now has until the end of April to provide them with more details of its reform programme in order to receive the final bailout tranche. A list of reforms submitted by Athens this week, which focused on tackling tax evasion and excessive bureaucracy, was described by German Chancellor Angela Merkel as just a “starting point”. Germany’s parliament nonetheless overwhelmingly approved the bailout extension last Friday, despite a minor rebellion by members of Merkel’s party, surveys suggesting German voter unease and the country’s Bild daily saying “greedy” Greece should get no more money. Yesterday, Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s maverick new finance minister, promised “no pity” in tackling tax evasion and said that the government might impose a one-off levy on the rich to help fill government coffers. “What interests us is those who have money but who have never paid (tax). They are our target and we will show no pity,” Varoufakis told the TV channel Skai. Varoufakis assured such a levy would “only be for those who can pay.” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras delivers a speech at the Syriza party headquarters, in Athens, yesterday. — AFP ANALYSIS S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 omandailyobserver 9 Does more money offer more independence? I RAY PETERSEN ’m no different to most people in that I have difficulty budgeting effectively, and making my salary last from one month to another. Then, as I read the world’s newspapers daily, I realise that I am envious of those among us who behave in an immoral, criminal, or even excessively flamboyant manner where money is concerned. No! Not envious of, more… frustrated by! You see, from one perspective, I can understand that someone would like a lot of money, as it will offer independence (big time) and the opportunity to do whatever you want to do, but when do you stop? When is enough, enough? Floyd Mayweather, the current ‘big thing’ in the boxing world, he has never been beaten, has a reported current net worth of $295 million. Mayweather and the veteran Manny Pacquaio have signed contracts to fight for a $250 million purse, in Las Vegas, on May 2. He has a Gulfstream jet, three Ferraris, three Bugattis, a Lamborghini and a Porsche, together valued in excess of $60 million. Doesn’t he have enough? What drives a man to get into a boxing ring where, even winning, he will suffer? It can’t be the need for money, he couldn’t spend all he has now! He’s certainly not ordinary though, is he? Much worse are the UK politicians like Jack Straw, and Sir Malcolm Rifkind, both former Worse, he did this in a country where the Foreign Secretary to Her Majesty’s Government. They have been touting themselves as consultants average wage is $50,000 (equivalent) per year, to foreign companies, indicating that they can use but when the ‘fat cat’ salaries of the banking and their influence and contacts to “arrange useful finance sectors are exempted, the average is closer to $30,000. Then, ordinary people have to pay for access” to prominent diplomats and politicians. Both have led sheltered and well subsidised lives EVERYTHING out of that. For them, nothing of the benefits enjoyed by as full-time politicians with the politicians is subsidised, everything, accommodation, nothing is free, and they still transport, phones, power, even I can understand have to pay taxes. meals, travel and entertainment, that someone would Straw and Rifkind should all paid for, or subsidised by their like a lot of money, as it hang their heads in shame. long, and always (comparatively) suffering, taxpayers. Pouring will offer independence They won’t though, because they see themselves as ‘entitled’ oil on the fire, Rifkind has even (big time) and the and will fight tooth and nail had the cheek to say that “it’s opportunity to do to maintain their innocence. unrealistic for politicians to The shame of it all is that it’s be expected to live on £67,000 whatever you want not about right or wrong, but ($130,000) per year.” to do, but when do about greed. About wanting Rifkind says this when he you stop? more, and about keeping their could claim for every expense nose in that trough that is the he has, that is not reimbursed, public purse for as long as they against his taxes. When he lived in subsidised high-class accommodation in can. It’s about getting so acclimatised to the take, the centre of the most expensive city in Europe. take, take, that any sense of proportion is lost, When he dined among the ‘hoi-polloi’ for free, and and any visage of empathy and sympathy for their was chauffeured around the city (again for free) for constituents is long forgotten. Embarrassed and ashamed, probably not! whatever purpose. The global banking giant HSBC is also in trouble! Foreign exchange rigging in the form of its participation in the LIBOR scheme has been exposed, and has led to a fine of $637 million (who gets that I wonder?). It has been found guilty of illegally laundering money from drug cartels and Al Qaeda. It has been found to be active and complicit in deforestation and the destruction of invaluable flora and fauna conservation areas, by the aggressive financing and marketing of a palm oil project with a Malaysian company. The same project has faced allegations of slavery and child labour involvement. Now HSBC Chief Executive, Stuart Gulliver, has been revealed as having ‘hidden’ his annual bonuses in a Swiss based HSBC account, under the name of a Panamanian company, so “no-one would find out how much my bonus is.” Coincidentally however, it was not declared, so he pays no tax! Earned in the UK, but not taxed! So these then, are some examples, just this week, of those for whom enough will never be enough, and as I sweat over making my salary stretch from the 30th of February to the 30th of March, I may be frustrated by them, but I will take satisfaction in a moral and ethical responsibility shared by most of us. A FIGHT FOR GAS PETER GRAFF AND PAVEL POLITYUK T he rhetoric is as melodramatic as ever, but this time around Russia’s threat to cut off Ukraine’s natural gas is mostly hot air. After months in which Kiev has been faithfully paying for gas and Moscow reliably supplying it under a deal brokered by the European Union, last week has seen the quarrel erupt anew. Russia, which has cut off the gas three times in the past decade, including for six months last year, has once again threatened to switch off supplies unless Ukraine sends more money within days. After a public announcement by Russian gas giant Gazprom’s boss Alexei Miller that Kiev had put European supplies in jeopardy, Vladimir Putin personally jumped in on Wednesday. The Russian president said Ukraine’s lack of “financial discipline” could cause energy shortages across the continent — a reference to the fact that Russia supplies about 30 per cent of the EU’s gas needs, half of that via Ukraine. He accused Kiev of threatening to cut off gas to separatist regions in the east of the country, an act which he said “smells of genocide”. Kiev has responded by accusing Russia of failing to meet its contractual obligations under the EU-brokered deal. But for all the noise from both sides, the natural gas feud which has divided the two neighbours since long before Russian-backed separatists went to war against Ukraine last year is no longer the make-or-break crisis it once was. The EU shrugged off Miller’s and Putin’s threats that cutting off Kiev could cause supply problems for European customers further downstream. Nothing of the sort happened during the six-month shut-down last year. The timing of the latest quarrel is no coincidence. The winter season of high demand is ending, and the temporary, EU-mediated winter supply deal is due to expire at the end of this month. Both sides are gearing up to negotiate terms to replace it. “What’s been happening the past few days, these statements by Miller and Putin, is all just a prelude for talks between Russia and Ukraine over a summer deal,” said Valentyn Zemlyansky, a gas industry analyst in Kiev and former spokesman for Ukraine’s gas firm Naftogaz. The threat to “cut off ” Kiev’s gas is no longer quite what it sounds like. In the past, Kiev bought its gas from Russia on credit. That meant that Ukraine could find itself asking for more gas, only for Russia to refuse to supply it. Nowadays, Kiev pays for any Russian gas it receives with cash up front. If Russia does halt gas to Ukraine in coming days as Putin threatened, it won’t be because Moscow has decided to cut Kiev off; it will be because Kiev hasn’t ordered any. People look at a screen displaying the Sensex on the facade of the Bombay Stock Exchange building in Mumbai. — Reuters Indian budget goes for growth and investment I ndian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley yesterday announced a budget that put boosting growth before painful reforms, slowing the pace of fiscal deficit cuts and seeking to put domestic and foreign capital to work. In his first full-year budget since Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s landslide election victory last May, Jaitley said India’s economy was about to take off. Modi tweeted that the budget would “further reignite our growth engine”. Billed as a test of the nationalist premier’s willingness to reform a $2 trillion economy with a bloated public sector and weak private investment, the budget was short on structural reforms and contained revenue targets some called unrealistic. It drew a mixed reception from economists, with some calling it a path to an investor-friendly India, but others seeing a missed opportunity to tackle deep-seated structural problems. “Definitely far from what some were hoping would be an event similar to the game-changing budget of 1991 which ushered in India’s economic liberalisation,” said Devika Mehndiratta, senior economist at ANZ research. Apparently anticipating such barbs, Jaitley, 62, said his government had acted “rapidly” to right the course of Asia’s thirdlargest economy. “People who urged us to undertake ‘big bang’ reforms also say the Indian economy is a super giant, which moves slowly but surely,” Jaitley told parliament as he wrapped up a 90-minute speech. Jaitley promised higher investment in India’s decrepit roads and railways, offered the carrot of tax cuts to global companies and the stick of tighter rules to get Indian tycoons to invest at home rather than stash wealth abroad. Tax evaders face jail sentences of up to 10 years, he warned. The tax changes and tougher enforcement would raise $2.5 billion next year, he said. Tax receipts overall would rise 15 per cent and government asset sales would raise $11 billion — goals that past experience shows may be hard to meet. Although Jaitley forecast that growth would accelerate to 8-8.5 per cent in the fiscal year starting in April, up from 7.4 per cent this year, the budget contained little obvious support for Modi’s call to “Make in India”. “It assumes a questionable growth rate, relies too heavily on divestment to meet fiscal targets, does not address the revenue deficit issue head on and leaves the good things for the future,” said Arvind Sethi, CEO of Tata Asset Management. Capitalising on windfall savings stemming from cheaper oil imports, Jaitley was able to ramp up infrastructure investment without slashing spending on politically sensitive subsidies and welfare schemes. Jaitley forecast inflation at 5 per cent by the end of the fiscal year ending March 2016, undershooting the Reserve Bank of India’s 6 per cent target and creating room to cut interest rates. Annual inflation was 5.1 per cent in January. But he pushed back by a year, to 2017/18, a deadline for cutting the fiscal deficit to Jaitley has promised higher investment in roads and railways, offered tax cuts to global companies and the stick of tighter rules to get Indian tycoons to invest at home, reports RAJESH KUMAR SINGH 3 per cent of gross domestic product. In 2015/16, the deficit will be 3.9 per cent of GDP, above the 3.6 per cent target inherited from the last government. In volatile trading, India’s NSE share index ended 0.7 per cent higher after having briefly fallen into the red on his comment that the fiscal deficit would slip. Ratings agency Moody’s gave the budget a cool reception, saying it was neutral for India’s credit and left stabilising government finances at the mercy of economic growth. Moody’s rates India at the lowest notch of investment grade. “We were not expecting big bang reforms,” said Atsi Sheth, a Moody’s sovereign ratings analyst. “The big bang reforms are also not desirable because they have a higher chance of rollback.” India’s budget concentrates a year’s economic policymaking into a single speech, and the range of measures Jaitley announced included a monetary policy overhaul, a bankruptcy code and the creation of a public debt management agency. In a key passage, Jaitley said he would cut the tax on company profits to 25 per cent over four years from the current 30 per cent, high by international standards. A national goods and services tax would enter force, as planned, in April 2016 and a controversial set of new rules to fight tax avoidance would be delayed by two years, he said. Jaitley scrapped a distinction between direct and portfolio investors, in a move to encourage foreign investors to take strategic stakes in Indian firms. He also simplified regulation of financial markets. The government shied away from politically sensitive cuts in its $37 billion subsidy bill, seeking instead to boost efficiency of a rural jobs scheme that is India’s costliest welfare programme. ESTABLISHED ON 15 NOVEMBER 1981 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Dr Ibrahim bin Ahmed al Kindi EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Abdullah bin Salim al Shueili HEAD OFFICE ADVERTISING Tel: 24649444, 24649450, 24649451, 24604563, 24699437 Fax: 24699643 AL OMANEYA ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS, P.O. Box 3303, P.C. 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman Tel: SWITCHBOARD: 24649444 DIRECT: 24649430/24649437/24649401 Fax: 24649434 SALALAH OFFICE Tel: 23292633 Fax: 23293909 NIZWA OFFICE Tel: 25411099 P.O. Box 955, P.C. 611 Website: DISTRIBUTION AGENT Al OMANEYA for Distribution & Marketing, P.O. Box 974, P.C. 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Tel: 24649351/24649360 Fax: 24649379 e-mail: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY: Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising P.O. Box 974, Postal Code 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these pages are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Observer. 10 INDIA omandailyobserver S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 UNION BUDGET: Rs 17.78 lakh crore national budget for the next fiscal IN BRIEF Jaitley presents budget of promise NEW DELHI: Falling just short of big bang reforms called for by his own economic survey, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday presented a Rs 17.78 lakh crore (nearly $300 billion) national budget for the next fiscal that seeks to put more money in the hands of the average citizen, tackle the menace of black money more effectively and end an era of “scam, scandal and corruption”. In his 93-minute budget speech in the Lok Sabha, the finance minister said a new law on black money stashed abroad will call for an imprisonment of up to 10 years on its perpetrators with a penalty of 300 per cent, while another proposed legislation will clamp down on benami property in India with both confiscation and prosecution. This apart, the 62-year old lawyerpolitician also proposed a new public procurement law for the consideration of the house that can encourage transparency in the way government buys goods and services while removing the reluctance in decision-making among the bureaucracy due to the fear of being questioned later by probe agencies. The finance minister said while individual tax payers would stand to gain as much as Rs 440,200 by way of enhanced exemptions he has proposed in his two budgets since July last year, the corporate sector can benefit from a cut in tax rates from 30 per cent to 25 per cent over four years, albeit with a sharp reduction in the exemptions. The other highlights of Jaitley’s budget include universal social security with health insurance coverage for the poor, a new bankruptcy law, a fresh gold monetisation scheme, the deferment of muchcriticised General Anti-Avoidance Rule by two years with prospective effect, a pan-India goods and services tax regime from April 1, 2017, tax-free bonds to fund rail, roads and irrigation projects and five new ultra mega power projects. HIGHLIGHTS Q KARNATAKA to get an IIT. Q INDIAN School of Mines to be upgraded to IIT. Q FULLY IT-based student-help facility for needy students. Q Corporate tax to be reduced to 25 per cent from 30 per cent in four years. Q TAX exemption for contributions to ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ and ‘Clean Ganga Fund’. Q NEW law to be brought against black money. Q Rigorous imprisonment for concealing income. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley leaves his office to present the federal budget in New Delhi. — Reuters Individual tax payers would stand to gain as much as Rs 440,200 by way of enhanced exemptions proposed in his two budgets since July last year, the corporate sector can benefit from a cut in tax rates from 30 per cent to 25 per cent over four years Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the budget as progressive and practical which delivers on job creation, equity and growth. “Union budget 2015 is a budget with a clear vision. It is a budget that is progressive, positive, practical, pragmatic and prudent,” Modi tweeted. The prime minister said it had a distinct focus on farmers, youth, poor and neo-middle class, while it laid down the goals over the next seven years on a host of areas such as housing for all, jobs, health, education and total electri- fication. It also signalled a stable, predictable and fair tax system, the prime minister added. Industry, too, welcomed the proposals and said it will encourage investment with a better environment for doing business. The emphasis on infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing and rural economy was particularly welcomed. Regarding radical liberalisation suggested by the economic survey, Jaitley sought to give an explanation. “People who urge us to undertake big bang reforms also say that the Indian economy is a giant super tanker, or an elephant. An elephant, Madam Speaker, moves slowly but surely. Even our worst critics would admit that we have moved rapidly,” he said. Among the various welfare programmes, the finance minister outlined a new student loan scheme for higher education, Rs 8.5-lakh credit for farmers, significant hikes in the allocations for women safety, rural job guarantee scheme, and mid-day meal programme, a new pension fund and several skilling schemes for the youth. He also made several references to two of Prime Minister Modi’s pet projects, and said while policies outlined by him and various tax proposals were aimed to giving an impetus to ‘Make in India’ campaign, particularly aimed at the youth and manufacturing, he also announced 100 per cent tax rebate on money spent by the corporate sector towards the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. In the realm of taxation, Jaitley said wealth tax will be abolished, with a cess, instead, on the super rich, the service tax rate hiked, exemption limits for individual tax-payers significantly enhanced, notably in areas like insurance, excise and customs duty rationalised and corporate tax rate cut over four years from 30 per cent to 25 per cent, with the removal of a host of exemptions. “My direct tax proposals would result in revenue loss of Rs 8,315 crore, whereas the proposals in indirect taxes are expected to yield Rs 23,383 crore. Thus, the net impact of all tax proposals would be revenue gain of Rs 15,068 crore,” the finance minister said, while also earmarking a target of Rs 41,000 crore from divestment of stake in staterun enterprises. — IANS Gold prices set to rise Health budget dips by 5.7 pc MUMBAI: Gold premiums could jump to as much as $5 an ounce over world prices next week, from being almost at par, after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley surprised jewellers by maintaining import duty at a record level. The wedding season that extends to May typically raises gold demand, but many had delayed purchases expecting a cut in the 10 per cent tax. Buying had been muted in the past few weeks in the otherwise buzzing jewellery centres, Zaveri Baazar in Mumbai and Karol Bagh in New Delhi. “Gold prices were declining on expectations of a duty cut but now prices would rise and premiums would shoot to $3 to $4 an ounce,” said Rahul Gupta, Director at PP Jewellers in New Delhi. Keyur Shah, head of precious metals at retailer Muthoot Pappachan, reckons jewellers and manufacturers will replenish their inventory from Monday, boosting premiums to $5 an ounce. “Inventories with jewellers and manufacturers are low as everyone was waiting for the duty cut to place fresh orders,” Shah said. “Next week we would see big purchases from them.” — Reuters THE health budget saw a dip of 5.7 per cent with the government announcing an outlay of Rs 33,152 crore for the sector, giving special emphasis to the promotion and development of Ayush, the country’s traditional methods of medicines. The ministry of ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, unani, siddha and homeopathy (Ayush) was allotted Rs 1,214 crore. Ayush till last year was a department under the health ministry, but was carved out as a separate ministry last year by the Modi government which believes in promoting India’s ancient methods of treatment. The health sector has been allotted Rs 33,152 crore. The budgetary allocation decreased by 5.7 per cent as in the last fiscal it stood at Rs 35,163 crore. The department of health research under the health ministry got a hike of 9.2 per cent with Rs 1,018.17 crore allotted to it compared to last year’s Rs 932 crore, whereas the department of health and family welfare got a hike of a mere two percent as Rs 29,653 crore earmarked this year as compared to Rs 29,042 crore last fiscal. The department of Aids control also got a hike of just 7.4 per cent. It was allotted Rs 1,397 crore this fiscal compared to Rs 1,300 crore last year. — IANS Infrastructure spending to help economy ‘fly’ The Union Budget Viewing Session organised by CII in New Delhi. — IANS change is not going to get us anywhere,” said the finance minister. “We have to think in terms of a quantum jump.” Analysts have said the government’s challenge will be to balance its spending with the need for fiscal restraint. Jaitley said the government would achieve its goal of cutting the fiscal deficit to 4.1 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) for 2014/2015 from 4.5 per cent the year before. But he said it would delay by a year the goal of cutting the deficit to 3 per cent, forecasting a figure of 3.9 per cent in 2015/16. “Although possibly controversial... and against economist expectation, the pushing out of meeting (the) fiscal deficit target by a year shows pragmatism in bringing in additional public investments for infrastructure development,” said Nilaya Varma, the head of government services for consultants KPMG in India. Jaitley also announced plans for a universal social security system that would give poor Indians access to subsi- THE emphasis on health and several tax benefits, with no change in income tax rates and a universal social security system, has left the public largely satisfied with the union budget. “I am glad that the personal income tax rates have remained unchanged even if they haven’t gone down. It has lessened the burden on us,” Sunil Moitra, a 45-year-old central government employee, said. The tax exemption limit for health insurance was increased from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000 by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in a bid to “encourage people to take health insurance”. The announcement of six more AIIMS-like institutes in the country was applauded by many. “Health is of paramount importance in one’s life and we need hospitals where the poor and underprivileged can get treatment. This is a welcome move,” said 50-year-old Ghanshyam who drives an auto-rickshaw. With six new premier hospitals, the number of such super speciality institutes will go up to 14 in the country. In addition, the government also announced an outlay of Rs 33,152 crore for health, with special emphasis on improving the public health sector. The hike in the prices of tobacco items, including cigarettes, paan masala and gutkha will put off youngsters, felt many. The increase in prices of tobacco items will act as a deterrent because people start smoking at young age due to peer pressure. But many of us have limited money, the higher cost of cigarettes will make them unaffordable for us,” said 19-year-old Yash Bhatia, a Delhi University student. Other announcements such as a universal social security system for all Indians, especially for the poor and disadvantaged sections, Atal Pension Yojna for the economically disadvantaged and an increase in the allocation to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) funds received a thumbs up. However, there were some who criticised the budget saying it was favouring the corporates and was anti-middle class. “There is nothing in the budget for the middle class. The government is either favouring the rich or the poor. But those in between have been ignored,” lamented 46-year-old businessman Prakash Suri, a resident of Mayur Vihar. Fund for women, child slashed THE allocation of the women and child development ministry has been slashed by 44 per cent in the budget for 2015-16. While the allocation for the ministry in 2014-15 was Rs 18,588 crore, it was reduced to Rs 10,382 crore for this financial year. Jaitley promised to provide additional funds of Rs 1,500 crore to the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) and Rs.500 crore to Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) in case of more revenue collection due to tax buoyancy. “I hope to garner some additional resources during the year from tax buoyancy. If I am successful, then over and above the budgetary allocation, I will endeavour to enhance allocations to ICDS by Rs 1,500 crore, ICPS by Rs 500 crore,” Jaitley said in his budget speech. The allocation for ICDS has been increased from Rs 41.61 crore to Rs 90 crore, according to budget documents. The budget allocation for National Commission for Women has been reduced from Rs 27.35 crore to Rs 23.15 crore. People look at a screen displaying the budget on the facade of BSE building in Mumbai. — AFP Sports budget up by Rs 384.52 cr ‘The credibility of the Indian economy has been re-established’ NEW DELHI: Finance minister pledged major investment in infrastructure, saying it was time for the economy to “fly”, as he unveiled the new right-wing government’s first full budget. Arun Jaitley said his government had inherited an economy dominated by “doom and gloom” when it took power last year, trumpeting its achievements in conquering inflation and kick-starting growth. “The credibility of the Indian economy has been reestablished. The world is predicting this is India’s chance to fly,” he said. Jaitley said the government would increase spending on the country’s crumbling roads, railways and ports by $11.3 billion in 2015/16 as it seeks to win back investment and boost growth. He said the government would complete 100,000 km of roads currently under construction and build another 100,000 km. The government will set up tax-free infrastructure bonds to finance its plans through a national fund that would receive a Rs 200-billion injection of public money. “It is quite obvious that incremental Tax, health benefits delight many dised insurance and pensions. The scheme will provide coverage for accidents and death for just Rs 12 — less than 20 US cents — a year. Despite new figures showing the economy is growing at a faster clip than previously thought, many ordinary Indians have yet to feel the benefit. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) last month suffered a drubbing in Delhi state elections, its first major defeat at the polls since it came to power, with critics saying Indians were tired of waiting for change. On Saturday Jaitley said the BJP government was committed to achieving “genuine, effective upliftment of the poor” by boosting growth and helping create jobs for all. The government has forecast that growth for 2014/15 will reach 7.4 per cent, making it the world’s fastest growing major economy, topping 8 per cent in 2015/16 before moving into double figures in subsequent years. India’s economy has been see as stagnating in recent years and the dramatic turnaround is due partly to a change in the way the data is calculated. — AFP FINANCE Minister Arun Jaitley allocated Rs 1541.13 crore to the ministry of youth affairs and sports for 2015-16, an increase of approximately Rs 384.52 crore from the last financial year. For the 2014-15 year, the sports ministry was earmarked Rs 1156.61 crore. The Youth Welfare Scheme is a major beneficiary, getting Rs 336.62 crore as against last fiscal year’s Rs 255.51 crore. Another beneficiary are awards that have been increased to Rs 30 crore as against last fiscal year’s Rs 13.20 crore. The Sports Authority of India (SAI) will have a share of Rs 369.39 crore as compared to last fiscal year’s Rs 352.05 crore. The budget allocation for development of sports in the Union Territories remained the same at Rs 22.60 crore. Bankruptcy code for business A COMPREHENSIVE bankruptcy code has been suggested making it easier for entrepreneurs to exit unviable ventures on the lines prevailing in the US, towards improving the ease of doing business, Finance Minister Arun Jaitely said. “Bankruptcy law reform, that brings about legal certainty and speed, has been identified as a key priority for improving the ease of doing business,” Jaitley told the Lok Sabha while presenting the NDA government’s first full budget. “We will bring a comprehensive Bankruptcy Code in fiscal 2015-16, that will meet global standards and provide necessary judicial capacity,” he added. The new code will essentially help banks recover dues in case promoters default. It will replace the Sick Industrial Companies Act (SICA) as well as the Board for Industrial and Finance reconstruction (BIFR) Act which have failed in achieving the objective of bankruptcy law reform, the finance minister said. A recent celebrated case of corporate default is that of the grounded Kingfisher Airlines, which owes over Rs 7,000 crore to a consortium of banks. The airlines owes the state-run State Bank of India Rs 2,000 crore, while the bank took possession of Kingfisher House in Mumbai earlier this month in a bid to recover some part of its money. — IANS INDIA S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 omandailyobserver 11 FOREIGN SECRETARY TALKS: Major push to neighbourhood outreach HOMAGE TO DESAI Saarc yatra begins with Bhutan The sub-regional pact is a parallel initiative to the proposed Saarc transport agreement for which ongoing efforts to find early resolution would continue. India has said membership of the sub-regional agreement would be open to all other neighbouring countries, should they so desire Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays homage to former prime minister Morarji Desai on his birth anniversary in New Delhi. Sumitra Mahajan, Lok Sabha speaker, is also seen. — IAN NEW DELHI: Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar begins his ‘yatra’ of four Saarc countries from Sunday, with Bhutan as the first stop, in a major push to the government’s neighbourhood outreach. Jaishankar, who took over on January 28, travels to Bangladesh March 2, Pakistan March 3 and Afghanistan the following day. His schedule to the rest of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) neighbours — Sri Lanka, Maldives and Nepal — will be announced later. The schedule was announced days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted on February 13 that Jaishankar would be leaving on a Saarc yatra. His Pakistan visit would see Jais- Defence ministry clears mine sweepers, trainer aircraft deals NEW DELHI: Defence ministry on Saturday cleared a project worth Rs 32,000 crore for 12 mine sweeping vessels to be made in the country, along with some other projects including one for buying 38 basic trainer aircrafts. In a meeting of the Defence Acquisition Council chaired by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, the government also cleared acquisition of 38 Pilatus basic trainer aircraft. However, the remaining requirement for the trainer aircrafts after this acquisition will be met by home made planes, sources said. Sources from the defence ministry said the manufacture of the 12 MCMV (Mine Counter-Measures Vessel) will have Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) as the lead agency. In November 2014, the ministry had scrapped the Rs 2,700 crore deal for acquiring two minesweeper vehicles from a South Korean firm after it was found that there were violations of tender conditions as agents were in the play. “The whole process will be started from scratch. The vessels will be made on India,” an official said. He added that there could be foreign partners in the project. The other major project cleared was for buying 38 Pilatus P-7 aircraft for training pilots. India has already acquired 75 Pilatus aircraft against a projected requirement Pilatus basic trainer aircraft of 181 planes and 59 of these have been inducted. Sources said the rest of the requirement will be met by HTT40 (Hindustan Turbo Trainer-40) aircraft manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). Officials added that number of planes can be increased to make the manufacturing viable. “Adequate orders will be given to HAL to make this commercially viable project. The number of aircraft can be increased,” an official said. The council also cleared buying one Hercules C-130J aircraft to replace at the cost of Rs.533 crore to replace the one that crashed last year. The council also discussed buying amphibious US-2i aircraft, but no decision was taken as the it was felt further discussions are needed on the issue. No decision was taken on the bid by Airbus-TATA consortium to replace the ageing Avro transport aircraft fleet of the Indian Air Force. — IANS hankar hold talks with his counterpart Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry — in a major move seeking to normalise bilateral ties. India had called off the foreign secretary-level talks in August last year after the Pakistani envoy in India held talks with Kashmiri separatists, ignoring India’s objections. His visit to the region comes even as India is pushing ahead with a subregional connectivity project with Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan to provide seamless transit of passenger, personal and cargo vehicles among the four Saarc nations. In early February, senior officials from India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal met at Raichak near Kolkata to finalise a Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA) Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar for a seamless transit of passenger and cargo vehicles between their countries and draw up plans for its speedy implementation. The sub-regional pact is a parallel initiative to the proposed Saarc transport agreement for which ongoing efforts to find early resolution would continue. India has said membership of the sub-regional agreement would be open to all other neighbouring countries, should they so desire. Pakistan had refused to sign the MVA Five ultra mega power projects on anvil New Delhi: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday said his government plans to build five new ultra mega power projects totalling 20,000 MW which will unlock investment of up to Rs 1 lakh crore. Economists, however, seemed sceptic. The step has been planned with the aim of electrification of the remaining 20,000 villages in the country by 2020. “The government proposes to set up five new ultra mega power projects, each of 4,000 MWs in the plug-and-play mode. “All clearances and linkages will be in place before the project is awarded by a transparent auction system. This should unlock investments to the extent of Rs 1 lakh crore,” Jaitley told the Lok Sabha while presenting the budget for 2015-16. He said his government will also consider similar plug-and-play projects in other infrastructure projects such as roads, ports, railway lines, airports and other sectors. The minister said the second unit of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant will be commissioned in 2015-16. Even as the government was moving towards enhancing the national power capacity, economists seemed sceptic. “Prima facie, we have not seen any concrete measures in the budget for renewable energy. Unlike rail and roads, tax free bonds have not been specifically proposed for renewable energy,” said Anish De from market researcher firm KPMG. He said the general emphasis on renewable energy and re-stating of the MNRE target to 175 GW by 2022 comprising 100 GW of solar, 60 GW of wind and 15 GW of other technologies was not adequate to make capacity creation happen in reality. Economist Abhirup Sarkar also echoed a similar feeling. “There hasn’t been considerable progress on the public-private partnership model. There are concerns from private investors in infrastructural projects as the price chargeable to the consumer is regulated by the authorities,” Sarkar, a professor of the Indian Statistical Institute, said. He said the gestation period in the power sector may go up to 20 years and investors might not be keen about making any large investments in the segment. — IANS The TDP leader said the budget dashed hopes of people who had reposed faith in the alliance Naidu to meet Modi over ‘injustice’ to Andhra HYDERABAD: Unhappy over the “raw deal” meted out to Andhra Pradesh in the union budget, Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Saturday decided to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi to seek justice for his state reeling under the impact of bifurcation. Naidu, who is also president of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), a partner in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, told reporters here that the budget dashed hopes of people who had reposed faith in the alliance. Stating that everybody in the state is disappointed with the budget, he said it was Modi’s responsibility to ensure that Andhra Pradesh gets all the support and its state capital is developed at par with Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai. Unhappy over the state not being given special category status and sufficient funds in the union budget, Naidu said he would make all efforts to pursue the central government to undo the injustice done to the state by the previous Congress-led government by dividing the state. Naidu reminded Modi that during the election campaign, they gave assur- Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu addresses a press conference regarding the national budget in Hyderabad. — IANS ances to people and made promises. “At an election meeting in Tirupati, Modi had promised that a world-class capital city would be developed which would be better than Delhi,” he said. Naidu said he had been seeking Rs 1 lakh crore for developing new state capital as it may take 15-20 years for it to reach Hyderabad’s level of development. The chief minister said he visited Delhi seven-eight times and met the prime minister, the finance minister and others to explain to them the prob- lems faced by his state and the assistance required to overcome them. “I did not expect this,” said Naidu, while pointing out that the budget has nothing to offer to the state. The TDP chief said division of the state was a political decision and hence the creation of level-playing field has to be a political decision. He, however, said this would have no impact on his “friendship” with the BJP-led government. Asked if he would withdraw support to the government, he retorted: “I am not going to play petty politics.” Naidu said the state’s division was done in “unjust” manner. The successor state of Andhra Pradesh ended up with 11 per cent revenue loss in proportion to its population. Stating that the state suffered loss of Rs 61,000 crore due to Hudhud cyclone last year, aggravating the situation, he urged the central government to extend every help to the state both in terms of policy decisions and provision of funds. Referring to meagre allocation of Rs 100 crore in the budget for Polavaram project, he wondered how long it would take to complete the project. Naidu said no decision was taken on making Visakhapatnam a separate railway zone as committed in the Reorganisation Act. Earlier, TDP parliamentarians and Andhra Pradesh cabinet ministers said injustice was done to the state as there was no clarity with regard to the special status promised in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act. MP G Jayadev said in New Delhi that they were “very disappointed”. He said though Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said all legal commitments made at the time of reorganisation would be complied with, there was no clarity in the budget. He said it was a year since the Reorganisation Act was passed but nothing had been done to fulfil the commitment made therein. Union Minister of State for Science and Technology YS Chowdary said Jaitley told parliament that Bihar and West Bengal would be provided special assistance as was provided to Andhra Pradesh but there was no clarity. TDP had joined NDA before last year’s elections. It has 15 members in Lok Sabha. — IANS during the Kathmandu Saarc Summit in November last year, citing the need for it to be ratified by its parliament. India is also planning an electricity grid among the Saarc nations. India and Bangladesh are already connected with a power grid. The grouping of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) had last month discussed the scope for power trade and inter-grid connectivity. Jaishankar’s visit to Bangladesh comes as the country has been rocked by continuing political unrest, spurred by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party-Jamaat. India and Bangladesh have also inched closer to inking the Land Boundary Agreement for swap of enclaves within each other’s territory. Modi is likely to go on a bilateral visit to the two key Indian Ocean neighbours of Maldives and Sri Lanka in midMarch, during which he is to be accompanied by the foreign secretary. Modi had visited Nepal twice last year, one a standalone bilateral visit and the second for the Saarc Summit in Kathmandu. Modi had kicked off his neighbourhood diplomacy on the day of his swearing-in May 26 last year, by inviting the leaders of the South Asian countries, including Mauritius, to the event. He had also interacted with each leader briefly the following day. — IANS Document leak: Court extends Sharma’s police custody NEW DELHI: A court here on Saturday extended the police custody of Lokesh Sharma, an employee of Noidabased energy consultantcy, arrested in the document leak case. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Satish Kumar Arora allowed Delhi Police to quiz Lokesh Sharma, 33, an employee of Infraline Energy, till March 3. He was presented before court after his five day police custody expired. During the argument, police told court further investigations are being conducted as few more names of people working as private secretaries and assistants of senior bureaucrats in the ministries have cropped up. The police also added that Sharma is required for confrontation with other accused arrested in the case. Sharma, who was arrested on Sunday, used to provide stolen documents of the coal and petroleum ministries to some corporate houses, police said. Police have arrested Jatinder Nagpal, personal assistant to the joint secretary in the ministry along with Vipan Kumar, personal assistant to a member of the UPSC, on Wednesday and was remanded to five day’s police custody on Thursday. So far, 16 people, including Sharma, Nagpal and Kumar, have been arrested and Delhi Police have registered two FIRs in connection with the leak. — IANS Visa on arrival now for 150 countries NEW DELHI: India will provide visa on arrival (VoA) to visitors from 150 countries — a sharp rise from the 43 countries now, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced on Saturday. “Last year VoA was issued to 43 countries. As tourism in the country has increased, I propose to increase the countries covered under this to 150,” Jaitley said while presenting the Union Budget 2015-16 proposals in the Lok Sabha. The government had eased Indian tourism visa regime through the expansion of VoA enabled by Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) and extended this facility to tourists from countries like the US, Israel, Palestine and Japan to boost tourism sector. This hassle-free process has given a fillip to Indian tourism whose share in world tourism is a paltry 0.6 per cent of international tourist arrivals compared to 7.8 per cent in France and 6.4 per cent in the US. — IANS 12 STOLEN CAR FORCES TEAM OUT OF RACE S U N DAY l M A R C H 1 l 2 0 1 5 Travis Kvapil never imagined his race weekend would end before it started because his car would be stolen from a hotel parking lot, but that’s exactly what happened on Friday. The 38-year-old American was forced to withdraw from Sunday’s QuikTrip 500 after thieves drove off a truck and the trailer that contained his Sprint Cup Series race car. WORLD Cameroonians protest against Boko Haram YAOUNDE: Thousands of people marched in Cameroon’s capital yesterday to protest against Nigeria’s Boko Haram insurgency and support the Central African nation’s army, which is fighting alongside regional neighbours to defeat the armed group. The march in Yaounde was aimed at informing the public, especially in the southern regions, about the threat posed by Boko Haram, which has carried out regular cross-border raids in the far north, one of the organisers said. Yaounde is located in the central region of the country. “It was important to tell Cameroonians that we are at war and a part of the country is suffering,” said Gubai Gatama, a newspaper editor who was among the march’s organisers.”About 150,000 people have been displaced by the conflict.” In addition to its own citizens forced to flee the violence, thousands of refugees have poured into Cameroon from northeastern Nigeria. “Some 170 schools in Cameroon’s northern region have been closed,” Gatama said. Boko Haram’s six-year insurgency in Nigeria has spread to neighbouring countries, where the group has launched attacks over the past year, burning villages and kidnapping residents. The Lake Chad region nations threatened by Boko Haram, Nigeria along with Cameroon, Niger and Chad, have launched a joint offensive to quell the rebellion and claim to have retaken territory from group in recent weeks. Muhamadou Labara Awal was among the 5,000 people who organisers estimated marched on the May. — Reuters BOMBARDIER LAUNCHES BIGGEST JETLINER Canadian manufacturer Bombardier’s largest ever passenger jet, the CS300, made its maiden test flight after billions of dollars spent on development and long delays. STOP INEQUALITY: Calls for new ways of thinking about poverty, welfare, employment Petronas suffers $2bn loss due to low oil prices ROME: Pope Francis launched a fresh attack on economic injustice yesterday, condemning the “throw-away culture” of globalisation and calling for new ways of thinking about poverty, welfare, employment and society. In a speech to the association of Italian cooperative movements, he pointed to the “dizzying rise in unemployment” and the problems that existing welfare systems had in meeting healthcare needs. For those living “at the existential margins” the current social and political system “seems fatally destined to suffocate hope and increase risks and threats,” he said. The Argentinian-born pope, who has often criticised orthodox market economics for fostering unfairness and inequality, said people were forced to work long hours, sometimes in the black economy, for a few hundred euros a month because they were seen as easily replaceable. “’You don’t like it? Go home then’. What can you do in a world that works like this? Because there’s a queue of people looking for work. If you don’t like it, someone else will,” he said in an unscripted change from the text of his speech. “It’s hunger, hunger that makes us accept what they give us,” he said. His remarks have a special resonance in Italy, where unemployment, particularly among young people, is running at record levels after years of economic recession. The cooperative movement in Italy, whose roots go back to 19th century workers’ associations, have long had close ties to the Catholic Church, with KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia stateowned energy firm Petronas suffered a 7.27 billion ringgit ($2 billion) loss in the final quarter of 2014 due to lower oil prices, the company said yesterday. Malaysia’s only Fortune 500 company — and the largest contributor to government revenue — said the October to December performance was a reversal from the 12.76 billion ringgit profit it generated for the same period in 2013. The showing pulled down the company’s profit for the whole year to 47.6 billion ringgit from 65.6 billion ringgit in the previous year, it said. The company warned of more tough going as crude oil prices are expected to remain depressed. “Based on the crude oil prices outlook whereby the average prices for 2015 are expected to be significantly lower than that of 2014, Petronas expects its 2015 performance to be impacted,” it said. The company said it would take steps to reduce planned capital investments and operating expenditures in order to mitigate the potential adverse impact of low oil prices on its profitability. — dpa Pope blasts ‘throwaway culture’ Pope Francis delivers his speech during an audience with members of the confederation of Italian cooperatives at the Vatican yesterday. — Reuters credit services, agricultural and building co-ops forming an important part of the overall economy. Pope Francis said they could help find new models and methods that could be an alternative model to the “throw-away culture created by the powers that control the economic and financial policies of the globalised world.” Perhaps mindful of a wide-ranging corruption scandal linked to some cooperatives in Rome last year, he attacked those who “slander the LESOTHO GOES TO POLLS The Argentinian-born pope, who has often criticised orthodox market economics for fostering unfairness and inequality, said people were forced to work long hours, sometimes in the black economy, for a few hundred euros a month because they were seen as easily replaceable. cooperative name”. But his overall message was that economic rationale had to be secondary to the wider needs of human society. “When money becomes an idol, it commands the choices of man. And thus it ruins man and condemns him. It makes him a slave,” he said. “Money at the service of life can be managed in the right way by cooperatives, on condition that it is a real cooperative where capital does not have command over men but men over capital,” he said. — Reuters AROUND THE GLOBE Diamond thieves sentenced to prison Residents wait to cast their ballot for the parliamentary elections at a voting station on the outskirts of the Maseru. A snap election got under way in Lesotho yesterday, six months after an attempted coup plunged the small southern African nation into a political crisis. — AFP $1 million birthday celebration financed with ‘donations’ Mugabe holds big B-day bash VICTORIA FALLS: Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe celebrated his 91st birthday with a lavish party by the spectacular Victoria Falls on Saturday, prompting many Zimbabweans to question once again when he would leave office and who would succeed him. Thousands of supporters sat in large white tents during the $1 million birthday celebration on a rolling golf course near the waterfalls, organised by his ZANU-PF party. His party has said the money was raised from individual and company donations. Mugabe is a deeply divisive figure at home and abroad and is the only leader the southern African country has known since declaring independence from colonial power Britain in 1980. He is one of a handful of African leaders remaining from a generation that fought white domination, which included South Africa’s Nelson Mandela. But while Mandela served one presidential term and then retired, I don’t choose my successor, never. I was not appointed successor by anyone. The successor can come from any level of the party. It may be either of the vice- presidents, but it’s up to the people. ROBERT MUGABE President of Zimbabwe Mugabe tightened his grip on power and shows no sign of departing from the political scene. Mugabe told state television in an interview, the final of a two-part series, that he would not annoint a successor to take over ruling the ZANU-PF party. “I don’t choose my successor, never. I was not appointed successor by anyone,” Mugabe said. “The successor can come from any level of the party. It may be either of the vice-presidents, but it’s up to the people.” Last December ZANU-PF re-elected Mugabe, making him candidate in the next election in 2018 when he will be 94. Mugabe denies media reports he is suffering from prostate cancer and maintains his several trips to Singapore are for routine medical checks and to fix a recurring eye problem. At his party in Victoria Falls Mugabe, who donned a striped black suit and red tie, showed no signs of ill health as he spoke for more than an hour, during which he attacked Western powers for imposing sanctions on Zimbabwe. He was flanked by his two deputies, senior party and government officials, his children and wife Grace. A local farmer, who runs a wildlife farm in Victoria Falls told a stateowned newspaper last month that he had donated wildlife meat, including crocodile and elephant, to be part of the menu for the party. — Reuters ‘Barbie’ candidate dashes hope for left’s revival WARSAW: Poland’s main left-wing party was once a major player. It helped bring Poland into the European Union, sent troops to Iraq and let the CIA operate a secret prison for terror suspects. Today the Democratic Left Alliance — heir to the Cold War-era’s Communists — is fighting for its very existence. Corruption scandals and a failure to inspire young voters have eroded its standing, leaving Poland’s political scene without a viable centreleft party. With presidential and parliamentary elections coming up this year, the left-wing party’s leader, Leszek Miller, has gambled on an unknown and untested presidential candidate to reverse the party’s sharp decline: Magdalena Ogorek (pictured), a 36-year-old former bit-part actress and TV presenter with striking good looks — whom some Poles dub a “Barbie” candidate. While Ogorek has a doctorate in history, she has virtually no political experience. The 68-year-old Miller says he is counting on her youth and energy to attract new voters to the party, whose ranks include many former communists like himself — a major factor in the party’s decline in this young, Western-looking democracy. So far the tactic seems to be backfiring. Ogorek has attracted the praise of some magazines thanks to her looks, but many Poles, even the party’s traditional supporters, say Miller has made the party look foolish by choosing an unknown candidate without political experience to compete for the prestigious position, a job once held by Solidarity founder Lech Walesa. — AP PARIS: A French court has sentenced eight men to jail over a double heist at a Harry Winston jewellery shop in Paris in which they made off with gems and watches worth more than 100 million euros ($114 million). The Paris court sentenced them to prison terms ranging from nine months to 15 years over the robberies in 2007 and 2008. Douadi Yahiaoui, nicknamed “Doudou” and considered the brains behind the double heist, was handed a 15-year jail term. Yahiaoui, 50, has already served 23 years for theft and drug trafficking. “He was the brains of the team. He is the one who organised everything, recruited the robbers, gave instructions and was in charge of selling the jewellery,” said prosecutor Sylvie Kachaner. The court also sentenced former Harry Winston security guard Mouloud Djennad, 39, to five years in jail, with three suspended, for providing information to Yahiaoui. “My thoughts are with my former colleagues at Harry Winston. I’m ashamed every day but I cannot undo what I’ve done,” he had told the court before the jury retired to deliberate their verdict. In the first robbery in October 2007, four masked gunmen wearing decorators’ overalls held up employees at the store in an upmarket part of the French capital. — AFP IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde greets Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (L) with elbows, as they greet people in Liberia to help fight Ebola’s contagion, after their meeting at the IMF Headquarters in Washington yesterday. — Reuters Shaolin Temple’s big plans for Australia BEIJING: China’s Shaolin Temple, historically known for its martial arts traditions but which recently has gained a reputation for aggressive commercialisation, is planning to build a $297 million complex in Australia that would include a temple, a hotel, a kung fu academy and a golf course. The Shoalhaven City Council in New South Wales state said earlier this month that Shaolin Temple Foundation Australia, the developer, had finalised a land purchase at Comberton Grange for what will be known as Shaolin Village. Mayor Joanna Gash said on Saturday that the city council and the state government had both approved the concept plan for the project, which is to include a temple sanctuary with resident monks, a live-in kung fu academy, a 500-bed fourstar hotel and a 27-hole golf course. Planning officials have rejected a residential component, but the developer hopes to restore it, according to media reports. “We would like to see it happen as soon as possible,” Gash said in a phone interview on Saturday. “Shaolin Temple is well regarded. It will be phenomenal for us. There’s a lot of interest in it.” — AP REGION S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 UN-BROKERED DIALOGUE: Negotiators facing ‘political and psychological pressure’ Yemen separatists boycott talks ADEN: Separatists from southern Yemen suspended their participation in UN-sponsored talks on the future of the crisis-hit country as nine soldiers were wounded on Saturday in a clash with secessionist fighters. The violence coincided with a drone strike that killed three suspected Al Qaeda militants in southern Yemen, tribal sources said. An official in the southern province of Lahij said that separatists opened fire on an army convoy and three soldiers were wounded in a gunbattle. The separatists last week abducted 12 soldiers and threatened to kill them unless the army handed over a military base to offset the growing influence of the Houthi militia that has seized Sanaa. Tensions in Yemen have soared since the Houthis overran the presidential palace in the capital in February and placed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, a southerner, under house arrest. Hadi escaped last week to Aden, where he has been reconsolidating his grip on power buoyed by support from Gulf states which have relocated their embassies to the southern city. Several countries, including Britain and the United States, closed their embassies in Sanaa over security fears following the Houthi takeover. Yemen has never managed to achieve stability since longtime president Ali Abdullah Saleh stepped down in early 2012 after a bloody year-long popular uprising. Hadi’s escape to Aden has turned what was the capital of an independent south Yemen before unification in 1990 into a diplomatic hub. Kuwait became the latest Gulf nation to reopen its Yemeni Embassy in Aden, instead of the militia-controlled capital, following similar moves by Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Aden was the capital of an independent south Yemen before unification in 1990. The Southern Movement, which Iraq truck bomb attack kills 11 SAMARRA: A suicide truck bomb killed at least 11 Iraqi forces south of Tikrit on Saturday during operations paving the way for an assault on the militanat-held city, the army said. “Three suicide bombers driving tanker trucks sped towards a gathering of security forces at a checkpoint,” an army lieutenant colonel said on condition of anonymity. He said the attack took place near Sur Shnas, an archaeological site on the banks of the Tigris between the cities of Samarra and Tikrit, the main cities in Salaheddin province north of Baghdad. “Security forces opened fire, managed to stop two but the third got closer to the group and blew himself up,” the officer said. Clashes ensued, he said, but “security forces successfully completed preparations to surround Ad Dawr”. — AFP Yemeni protesters hostile to the Houthi militia take part in a rally in Sanaa on Saturday in solidarity with French woman Isabelle Prime and her Yemeni interpreter Sherine Makkaoui who have been kidnapped last week in the capital by unidentified gunmen. The father of the French woman taken hostage called on her kidnappers “to show their humanity” and release her free along with the Yemenite woman taken at the same time. — AFP seeks the secession of the regions of the The Southern Movement, formerly independent south, announced overnight on Friday that it was pulling which seeks the secession of out of UN-brokered talks. the regions of the formerly “We have suspended our participation independent south, in the (UN-backed) national dialogue until it is moved out of the country,” announced on Friday night Southern Movement member Yassin that it was pulling out of UNMekkawi said. He said negotiators brokered talks. were facing mounting “political and psychological pressure”. UN envoy Jamal Benomar has been shuttling between Yemeni parties to Benomar met Hadi in Aden on secure an end to the country’s political deadlock and to persuade them to return Thursday and said the latter wanted the talks moved to a “safe place to which the to the negotiating table in Sanaa. But there has been widespread parties should agree”. Saleh’s party, however, insists the talks disagreement on the venue. resume in Sanaa, warning of a boycott. The Huthis, who have long clashed with central authorities, descended from their power base in northern Yemen to seize Sanaa in September. After moves to expand into southern and central Yemen were checked by fierce resistance from Al Qaeda and from tribesmen, the militia grabbed the seats of power in Sanaa in February. The Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, is seen by the United States as the deadliest branch of the global extremist network. AQAP took advantage of a 2011 uprising that forced veteran president Saleh from power to seize large swathes of the south and east. — AFP omandailyobserver Jailed Kurdish leader in Turkey urges PKK to lay down arms ISTANBUL: The jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) on Saturday urged the separatists to take a “historic” decision to lay down arms, a key step in efforts to end Turkey’s longrunning Kurdish insurgency. Reading a statement live on television, Sirri Sureyya Onder, a lawmaker from the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP), relayed a message from Abdullah Ocalan calling on the Kurdish rebels to hold a congress on disarmament in the spring. “We are in the process of ending the 30-year of conflict in the form of a perpetual peace, and our primary goal is to reach a democratic solution,” Onder quoted Ocalan as saying in a joint press conference with Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan. “I’m calling on the PKK to hold an extraordinary congress in the spring months to take the strategic and historic decision on disarmament,” Ocalan’s message said. “This is a historic call to replace armed struggle with democratic politics.” Onder, who spoke alongside now split between loyalist forces and dissidents. Last week De Mistura said the government had shown a willingness to suspend aerial bombardment of Aleppo for six weeks to allow a humanitarian ceasefire. Under the plan, dissidents would be asked to suspend rocket and mortar fire there during the freeze. De Mistura incurred the wrath of the opposition earlier in February by describing Assad as “part of the solution” to the conflict. About 220,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests that spiralled into a multi-sided civil war drawing foreign militants. In Daraa province southwest of Damascus, government troops gained territory from opposition fighters and Al Nusra Front, the Syrian Observatory Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad (L) with UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, in Damascus on Saturday. — AFP Akdogan and Interior Minister Efkan Ala following a brief meeting with the two ministers in Istanbul, said the both sides were “closer than ever to peace.” The press conference was of significance because it was the first time a message by Ocalan was read out in the presence of Turkish government officials. Akdogan emphasised the importance of a ceasefire and said: “We have reached an important and historical phase in the peace process.” “Silencing arms will contribute to the development of democracy,” he said. The statement came after an HDP delegation met with PKK rebels for talks at their base in the Kandil Mountains in Iraq on February 23 and met Ocalan himself on his prison island of Imrali on the Marmara Sea on Friday. The statement also listed 10 measures that the government must agree to ensure peace, including drafting a new constitution. “Today, a critical point has been reached in Turkey’s democratisation, the expansion of freedoms and for lasting peace,” said HDP chairman — AFP Selahattin Demirtas. The People’s Democratic Party (HDP) representative and HDP’s Istanbul MP Sirri Sureyya Onder (R) speaking next to Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan during a meeting at the Dolmabahce office of Prime Ministry in Istanbul. — AFP UN envoy in Syria to seek Aleppo ceasefire DAMASCUS: A UN envoy arrived in the Syrian capital on Saturday for talks with the government to try to finalise a deal to freeze fighting in the war-ravaged second city of Aleppo. Staffan de Mistura visited Damascus as the army and pro-government fighters regained territory in southern Syria from forces opposed to President Bashar al Assad. De Mistura “hopes to set in motion as soon as possible his project” to halt fighting in Aleppo for six weeks, said a member of his delegation who spoke on condition of anonymity. The envoy has met government officials and opposition chiefs in recent weeks to promote his plan for a temporary truce in Aleppo in order to move aid into the northern city. Once Syria’s commercial hub, Aleppo has been devastated by fighting that began in mid-2012, and the city is 13 for Human Rights said on Saturday. The pro-government forces took control of three villages and several hills in Daraa in clashes that left seven dissidents dead, the Britain-based monitor said. The strategically important region is near Damascus, the border with Jordan and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The Observatory estimates that 5,000 Hizbullah fighters are deployed in Syria. In northern Syria meanwhile, dozens of people were killed in fierce fighting that broke out on Friday between Al Nusra Front and US-backed dissidents for a strategic northern military base. At least 29 fighters from the Hazm movement died along with six Al Nusra Front fighters, according to the Observatory. “Al Nusra captured Base 46,” said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman. — Reuters Palestinian killed in blast near ruined Gaza airport GAZA CITY: A young Palestinian was killed and his brother seriously wounded in an explosion on Saturday near the Gaza Strip’s abandoned airport, the health ministry said. “Naji Khaled Abu Sabla, 21, was killed and his brother Akram, 18, seriously wounded in the face and stomach when an unidentified device blew up in the area of the airport” in southern Gaza, said ministry spokesman Ashraf al Qodra. Police suspect it was “a device left behind by the Israelis in the zone, where they make regular incursions”, a local security source said. Israeli forces hit the airport’s radar tower in 2001 when Palestinians launched an uprising, forcing it to close down. Further strikes reduced the airport buildings to rubble. — AFP The reopening was brought forward in what officials said was a response to the destruction of priceless artefacts by IS group in Mosul Iraq reopens Baghdad museum 12 years after looting BAGHDAD: Iraq’s national museum officially reopened on Saturday after 12 years of painstaking efforts during which close to a third of 15,000 pieces looted during the US-led invasion were recovered. The reopening was brought forward in what officials said was a response to the destruction of priceless artefacts by IS group in the northern city of Mosul. “We have been preparing to reopen for the past couple of months, the museum should be open to everyone,” Qais Hussein Rashid, the deputy tourism and antiquities minister, said. “The events in Mosul led us to speed up our work and we wanted to open it today as a response to what the gangs of Daesh did,” he said, using an Arabic acronym for the IS group. On Thursday, the insurgents who have occupied Iraq’s second city of Mosul since June last year released a video in which militants smash ancient statues with sledgehammers in the The 2003 plundering of the Baghdad museum, footage of which was beamed around the world at the time, has been compared to the 13th century Mongol sack of the city’s library. The museum was considered to host one of the world’s greatest archaeological collections. outrage, calls for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council and fears over the fate of other major heritage sites in areas under IS control. The Mosul destruction was the city’s museum. 40-tonne Assyrian winged bull in an worst disaster to strike Iraq’s treasures Militants are also seen using a archaeological park in Mosul. jackhammer to deface a colossal The destruction sparked global since the national museum in Baghdad A man looks at ancient Assyrian human-headed winged bull statues at the Iraqi National Museum in Baghdad on Saturday. — Reuters was looted in the chaos that followed the toppling of Saddam Hussein. The pictures of militants gleefully hacking away at treasures dating back several centuries before Christ drew comparisons with the 2001 dynamiting by the Taliban of the Bamiyan buddhas in Afghanistan. One militant speaking to the camera claims they are destroying them on religious grounds because the statues are symbols of idolatry. But officials and experts argue the IS militants are seen destroying the pieces that are too bulky to be smuggled and sold to finance their self-proclaimed “caliphate”. The 2003 plundering of the Baghdad museum, footage of which was beamed around the world at the time, has been compared to the 13th century Mongol sack of the city’s library. The museum was considered to host one of the world’s greatest archaeological collections. Officials said on Saturday that about 15,000 pieces were looted in 2003, of which 4,300 have been recovered. “We are still tracking down more than 10,000 artefacts in markets and auctions. What we got back were the most important,” Rashid said. After cutting a red ribbon at an official ceremony, Prime Minister Haider al Abadi said: “Today the message is clear from Baghdad, from the land of Mesopotamia. “We will preserve civilisation and we will track down those who want to destroy it,” he said. Rashid said the reopening would help heal the wounds of the Mosul looting. “We don’t want February 26 to be a day of sadness and gloom... reopening the museum sends a message at home and abroad that it should be restored as a touristic and cultural institution,” he said. The museum is due to reopen to the public on Sunday. — AFP 14 EUROPE omandailyobserver S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 JUSTICE: The former deputy premier who was a vocal critic of Putin, was shot in the back several times on Friday IN BRIEF Putin pledges to nail Nemtsov killers Six-month long Iceland volcano eruption ends The murder, investigators added, was the work of one or more gunmen who shot seven or eight times at the opposition figure who in the 1990s served as deputy premier under the then president Boris Yeltsin MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin on Saturday vowed to bring the “vile” killers of Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov to justice as Western leaders and Russia’s opposition roundly condemned the drive-by shooting near the Kremlin walls. Putin, who earlier blamed the assassination on foes trying to discredit the Kremlin, said in a message to Nemtsov’s mother: “Everything will be done so that the organisers and perpetrators of a vile and cynical murder get the punishment they deserve,” The 55-year-old former deputy premier who was a vocal critic of Putin, was shot in the back several times shortly before midnight Friday as he walked across a bridge a stone’s throw from the Kremlin. Hours later on Saturday a steady stream of mourners, many in tears, filed by on the bridge, heaping flowers and photos of Nemtsov at the spot where Photos and flowers are left in memory of Nemtsov, who was recently murdered in Moscow, in Independence Square in Kiev. he fell. Police closed off a lane of traffic to let them through. Investigators said Nemtsov was shot in the back while walking with a woman, who was not injured. She was later identified as 23-yearold Ukrainian model, Anna Duritskaya, by Russian state television. The murder, investigators added, was the work of one or more gunmen who shot seven or eight times at the opposition figure who in the 1990s served as deputy premier under then president Boris Yeltsin. He “left his trace in Russia’s history, in politics and public life,” Putin said in the message to his 86-year-old mother, Dina Eidman. “He always directly and honestly announced his position, stood up for his point of view,” Putin added. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev praised Nemtsov as a “principled person” who “acted openly, consistently and never betrayed his views.” Hours earlier the Putin critic and anti-corruption crusader had called on Russians to join an opposition rally on Sunday against the Kremlin stance in Ukraine. US President Barack Obama condemned a “brutal” and “vicious murder” and urged a probe and British Prime Minister David Cameron said the “callous murder” must be investigated “fully, rapidly and transparently”. The brazen assassination is one of the highest-profile killings in Putin’s 15 years in power and recalls the shooting of anti-Kremlin reporter Anna Politkovskaya, who was gunned down on Putin’s birthday in October 2006. Earlier, Putin and other officials suggested the crime was aimed at smearing the authorities. It “had all the hallmarks of a contract killing and is entirely provocative in nature,” he was quoted as saying by the Kremlin. Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Kommersant FM radio station that the crime “can look very much like a provocation” since “Boris Nemtsov was known as being in opposition to the Russian leadership.” Even the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev believed the killing was aimed at “destabilising the situation in the country, at heightening confrontation” with the West. And the powerful Investigative Committee leading the probe said it was looking into a possible “provocation to destabilise the political situation in the country.” Nemtsov could have been “offered as a sacrifice” by those who are “not averse to using such a method to reach their political aims,” it suggested. — AFP Catalonia region prepares for Italy’s leader leads rally independence ahead of vote to unseat Renzi govt MADRID: The wealthy Catalonia region is strengthening its tax office and expanding its network of foreign missions in defiance of the central government, as it prepares for possible secession from Spain. Nationalist leaders in the rich region in northeastern Spain have called a snap regional vote for September 27 centred on independence after Spanish authorities blocked their bid for a referendum on the issue in the courts. Catalan president Artur Mas went ahead with a symbolic vote on independence last November organised by volunteers. The outcome, however, was mixed — about 80 percent of the 2.3 million people who voted backed secession, but the turnout was little more than 40 per cent. His government is building the structure of an independent state in areas such as diplomacy, taxes and social security to be ready in case the proindependence camp wins September’s elections. It has enlisted a former Spanish tax inspector, Joan Iglesias, to prepare the Catalan government to collect its own taxes. The Catalan tax authority currently collects about five percent of the total amount of taxes raised in the region, which has a population of 7.5 million people and accounts for one-fifth of Spain’s economic output. Catalonia could collect around 100 billion euros ($113 billion) in taxes each year, much more than the 65 billion euros that an independent Catalan state would need, he added. “Everyone knows that Catalonia would be viable economically,” Iglesias told AFP, rejecting critics who argue an independent Catalan state would have a hard time financing itself and could not ask for European Union aid. “It is the most economically productive territory in Spain,” he added. Disagreements over tax income are a key source of tension between Catalonia and Madrid. The Catalan officials complain that the central government collects far more in taxes in the region than it spends in public sector expenditure. — AFP Several makers are all set to unveil new ‘smartwatches’ Phone firms look beyond the handset at top mobile fair MADRID: Phone makers will seek to seduce new buyers with even smarter Internet-connected watches and other wireless gadgets as they wrestle for dominance at the world’s biggest mobile fair starting Monday. Along with the launches of numerous new smartphones — dominated by South Korean giant Samsung — tech firms are trying to conquer users’ bodies and connect their environments. Several makers are set to unveil new “smartwatches”, some of which will have users chattering into their cuffs or getting on-wrist email updates, at the four-day Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in northeastern Spain. Tech executives and regulators will meanwhile seek to chart a course for a new age of wireless networks that could lead to billions of objects being connected, from cars to refrigerators. “It’s a showpiece for smartphones in the short term, but it’ll go way beyond smartphones,” said Nigel Major, a top executive at tech group Laird. “The most exciting trend we can see is the proliferation of connected devices It’s a showpiece for smartphones in the short term, but it’ill go way beyond smartphones NIGEL MAJOR Executive at Tech Group Laird everywhere we go. Ten years from now, virtually everything you’re looking at will have the potential to be connected.” On Sunday evening, Samsung is expected to unveil its Galaxy S6 smartphone, the larger Galaxy S6 Edge “phablet”, and the latest in its series of watches. Samsung is the world’s biggest seller of smartphones but saw its share of the world market fall in 2014 from 34 per cent to 20 per cent, according to research group IDC. It faces a squeeze by Chinese phone makers on one side and on the other by US titan Apple, which released its iPhone 6 last year. Apple, as usual, is steering clear of the show in Barcelona, but is set to launch its own smartwatch in April. Several other Asian heavyweights also plan launches of “wearable” gadgets on the eve of the congress, such as Korean firm LG, Chinese contender Huawei and Taiwanese makers Asus and HTC. Designers have come up with numerous gadgets that can connect to an application on your mobile, from popular “fitness tracker” wristbands to measure your heart rate to sex toys. Now they hope some big product launches this year can make smartwatches a mainstream gadget and boost sales of other wearables. This year could be a “tipping point for wearables”, research firm CCS Insight said in a report. In Barcelona, “low-cost smartphones will feature prominently, as will wearables”, it said.”We expect an avalanche of new products.” Mobile telephones are a massive business — 2.1 billion people, or one person in three in the world, owned one in 2014, according to Linda Sui, an analyst at global tech consultancy Strategy Analytics. — AFP REYKJAVIK: Iceland authorities said Saturday that a six-month long volcanic eruption has ended, but they would continue to monitor the site. The subglacial Bardarbunga volcano in the south-east of the country began to erupt August 31, preceded by heightened seismic activity that also resulted in air traffic alerts. The eruption did not cause major disruptions to European air travel, unlike in 2010, when a volcano under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier erupted. Aerial surveillance showed that lava has stopped streaming from the Holuhraun lava field, north of the Vatnajokull glacier, the Icelandic Meteorological Office said. Sulphur dioxide and other gases was still registered in the air near the site, and monitoring will continue as the emissions could bother people with asthma and other respiratory problems. The Civil Protection service said areas north of the Vatnajokull glacier and roads leading into the highlands area remained closed. German state hunts through its museums for stolen art Northern League party leader Matteo Salvini shakes hands during a rally in Rome. ROME: The leader of Italy’s anti-euro and anti-migrant Northern League party, Matteo Salvini, was slated on Saturday to lead a protest rally and cement his position as the loudest critic of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Salvini’s star has been rising fast in recent months: his party is now polling on around 14 per cent, and has become more popular than the mainstream conservative Forza Italia of former premier Silvio Berlusconi. “Today we are trying to chart a perspective not just for the medium term, but also for the long term. I am aiming to build something for the next twenty years,” the Northern League leader said before the start of his “Renzi go home” event. Salvini has far-right allies, such as the Brothers of Italy party and Casa Pound, a neo-Fascist movement. His friends in Europe include the French National Front and Germany’s anti-migrant Pegida movement, which were both due to be represented at Saturday’s rally. The demonstration was taking place amid tight security, for fears of clashes between Northern League symphatizers and far-left groups who organized a rival march called “Never with Salvini.” Some 4,000 police officers were deployed to maintain calm. — AFP Bouygues death denied PARIS: French conglomerate Bouygues on Saturday denied the death of its CEO Martin Bouygues. “Bouygues categorically denies that its chairman and CEO Martin Bouygues has died and deeply regrets that such a rumour has been allowed to spread,” the group told AFP in a statement. The TF1 television channel, which is owned by Bouygues, also denied the 62-year-old businessman’s death. Questioned earlier by AFP about reports of his death, the mayor of the village of Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon, nearby a property owned by Martin Bouygues in the northwestern Orne region, had announced the tycoon’s death. AFP reported the erroneous information but immediately withdrew the reports following the denials. “We take this incident very seriously and are carrying out an investigation among editorial staff to understand how such an error could have been made,” AFP’s global news director Michele Leridon said. “We offer our humblest apologies to Martin Bouygues, his loved ones, his group and all our clients,” she added. WIESBADEN: The German state of Hesse has set up an office that will go through its museum collections to pinpoint art that was stolen by the Nazis and then return it, a senior official has said. Hesse’s Art Minister Boris Rhein recently introduced to the press the two women who will staff the office located in the State Museum in the capital, Wiesbaden. The museum has returned stolen artwork to its Jewish owners in the past. Most recently, the museum handed back a Romantic-period painting by the artist Andreas Achenbach to the heirs of Jewish art dealer Walter Westfeld. “The central office is the first in a German federal state,” museum director Alexander Klar said. Art provenance researchers Miriam Merz and Ulrike SchmiegeltRietig will be responsible for the main museums in Wiesbaden, Darmstadt and Kassel, and they will also advise smaller local museums, Klar said. Their salaries of 140,000 euros ($157,000) have been included in the state’s annual budget in perpetuity, he added. “We have taken an active position towards our historical responsibility,” Minister Rhein said yesterday. The director of Wiesbaden’s museum between 1935 and 1945 was Herrmann Voss, who was given the job by Adolf Hitler of collecting art for the planned Fuehrer Museum in the Austrian city of Linz. Researcher Merz said that 140 out of the 200 works acquired at the time had been examined in the past few years and so far four works had been returned. — dpa AMERICAS S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 omandailyobserver 15 WITH CLOCK TICKING: Lawmakers avoid a partial shutdown after passing a one-week funding extension two hours before a deadline US Congress averts Homeland Security shutdown WASHINGTON: Feuding US lawmakers narrowly avoided a Department of Homeland Security shutdown on Friday at the 11th hour, but funded the agency only until March 6, forcing Congress to revisit the issue next week. House and Senate members scrambled to prevent the premier agency securing the United States against terror threats from running out of money at midnight, as DHS became a battleground for lawmakers clashing over President Barack Obama’s controversial immigration reforms. Earlier attempts to secure comprehensive funding failed spectacularly on Friday, with conservative Republicans balking because amendments they had inserted to repeal Obama’s immigration executive orders had been stripped out. With the clock ticking, the House of Representatives passed the seven-day measure 357 to 60, with just two hours to spare. The Senate approved it earlier by voice vote. It now goes to the White House, which said Obama would sign a temporary measure despite his preference for full DHS funding through the end of the fiscal year on September 30. Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi suggested congressional leaders agreed to a deal that would see Democrats help get the one-week stopgap over the finish line, in return for a vote next week on full funding. “Your vote tonight will assure that US House Speaker John Boehner (C) returns to his office after a visit to the House floor for procedural votes for legislation to fund the Department of Homeland Security at the Capitol in Washington, on Friday. — Reuters we will vote for full funding next week,” Pelosi wrote in a letter to colleagues. If Congress did not pass legislation FLOODS CROSS BORDERS The Senate approved it by voice vote. It now goes to the White House, which said Obama would sign a temporary measure that allows money to flow, 30,000 DHS employees would be furloughed, while some 200,000 agency staff, including border agents, airport screeners and Se- WASHINGTON: Cuba and the United States held a second round of talks late on Friday towards normalising ties, and both sides said they made good progress, although they did not set a date for renewal of diplomatic relations that Washington severed 54 years ago. Going into the talks, Communistruled Cuba pushed to be removed from a US list of state sponsors of terrorism. But Washington said that while it was reviewing Cuba’s place on the list, the designation should not be linked to the negotiations on renewing relations and opening embassies. The head of Cuba’s delegation to the talks, Josefina Vidal, said afterwards that removal from the list was not a precondition for renewal of diplomatic ties. But it was “a priority” for Cuba, she said, adding it would be “very difficult to say that we have re-established relations with our country still on a list that we believe very, very firmly that we have never belonged to and we do not belong to.” The talks in Washington stemmed from the historic decision announced by the two Cold War era foes last December to work to normalise relations, 8 dead in door-to-door Missouri shooting spree senior pastor at Ozark Baptist Church, about three miles from Tyrone. “Anytime you see families that go to this level of violence, it’s a shame.” The events, which police said were spread over six crime scenes, began unfolding around 10 pm on Thursday when a girl called 911 from a neighbour’s home. A man who declined to be identified told a Reuters photographer that a teenaged girl in a nightgown came to his house, running barefoot through a snowy wooded area and crying that her parents had been shot. They called police and law enforcement officials found her parents dead at their home. Authorities said they later discovered five other people dead and a wounded All of those killed by the gunman, identified as Joseph Aldridge, 36, lived within a few miles of each other in the tiny community of Tyrone, an unincorporated area with a population of about 50, authorities said. woman in three other houses. The woman, who is expected to recover, gave them information about the shooter, Texas County Sheriff James Sigman said. Four of the victims were identified as Garold Aldridge, 52, his wife Julie Aldridge, 47, Harold Aldridge, 50, and his wife Janell Aldridge, 48. Authorities would not identify the other victims, but the St Louis PostDispatch reported that they were Carey Shriver and his wife Valirea Shriver, and Carey’s father Darrell Shriver. Darrell’s wife Martha was wounded but survived, the paper said. The Shrivers are members of a prominent family that has lived in the area for generations and operates several businesses, including a cabinet making shop, a cattle ranch and an auto dealership. There was no sign of forced entry in any of the houses, Sigman said, adding that the killings had shattered a sense of safety in the town. “Start locking your doors. The world is changing. You got to be safe,” he said. — Reuters US Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson speaks at a news conference during talks between the US and Cuba at the State Department in Washington. — Reuters including opening embassies in each other’s countries, and to exchange prisoners. “We have made progress,” Vidal, chief of the Cuban foreign ministry’s US division, told reporters. The discussions followed a first round of talks in Havana last month. She said there was no date yet for the next meeting on the renewal of ties, but the two sides were going to maintain contact and she was optimistic there would be more advances in coming Mexican federal police escort Knights Templar drug cartel’s leader Servando Gomez, aka ‘La Tuta’ upon his arrival at the airport of Mexico City on Friday. Mexican police captured him earlier in the day in Morelia, Michoacan, taking down one of the country’s most wanted fugitives whose gang tormented the western state of Michoacan. — AFP Tributes pour in for veteran actor Leonard Nimoy peace with the stars, my dear friend.” “So many of us at Nasa were inspired by Star Trek. Boldly go...” the US space agency said on Twitter, highlighting one of the series’ main catchphrases — “To boldly go where no man has gone be- fore.” Obama said simply: “I loved Spock.” Born in Boston on March 26, 1931 to Jewish immigrant parents from what is now Ukraine, Nimoy left for Hollywood at the age of 18, winning a sprinkling of small parts in 1950s television series. With his square jaw and serious features, Nimoy worked his way into showbiz playing cowboy characters and lawmen before he found a niche that would last a lifetime in the world of science fiction. In 1966 he was cast in his greatest role — as the ever-logical Spock, the science officer aboard the spaceship USS Enterprise, which ventured around the galaxy, exploring new worlds in death-defying odysseys. Spock was the cool counterpoint to Kirk, played by Shatner, and the even-tempered sparring partner of ship doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy, played by DeForest Kelley. The trinity had ratings-boosting chemistry that sustained “Star Trek” during its initial four-year run. Spock would be resurrected for several feature films after “Star Trek” snow- weeks on the issue of the terrorism list. Havana says US sanctions on banks that do business with designated countries on the list impede it from conducting diplomatic affairs in the United States. The two countries, politically at odds since soon after Cuba’s revolution in 1959, currently have diplomats working in each other’s capitals, but they operate from what are known as interests sections. The United States is hoping to reach agreement on reopening embassies in time for an April 10-11 regional summit in Panama, where US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro could meet for the first time since announcing their joint agreement on December 17. The head of the US delegation at the talks, US Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson, told reporters in reply to a question: “I do think we can get this done in time for the Summit of the Americas.” Jacobson called Friday’s talks “productive and encouraging,” and said they were held in “a very cooperative spirit.” — Reuters MOST WANTED FUGITIVE Nimoy delighted sci-fi fans worldwide with his iconic turn as the pointy-eared half-human, half-Vulcan Mr Spock LOS ANGELES: Veteran actor Leonard Nimoy, who delighted sci-fi fans worldwide with his iconic turn as the pointy-eared half-human, half-Vulcan Mr Spock in the “Star Trek” television series and films, died on Friday aged 83. Nimoy, who suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, died at his home in Los Angeles, his family and agent said. A private memorial service was being planned. Tributes poured in from castmates, actors, fans, the wider science community — and President Barack Obama. “I loved him like a brother. We will all miss his humour, his talent, and his capacity to love,” said William Shatner, who played the hot-headed Captain James T Kirk on the ground-breaking “Star Trek,” which debuted in the 1960s. George Takei, who portrayed Mr Sulu on the sci-fi show, tweeted: “Rest in joined Democrats in rejecting a threeweek extension. Republican leaders kept that 15-minute vote open for nearly an hour as they sought to corral support, but conservatives were not budging. They wanted Boehner and others to stand firm by demanding the amendments repealing the immigration plan, which would provide deportation relief for millions of illegal immigrants, be kept in the DHS funding measure. Many have sought to use Congress’s power of the purse to rein in what they see as Obama’s executive overreach. “Please. I know party divisions run deep, but stand with us for the Constitution,” Republican Louie Gohmert pleaded to his House colleagues. — AFP US, Cuba claim progress in talks An aerial view of flooded Samah Uma (top) near Brasilia, bordering Bolivia. More than 2,000 people have been left homeless along the Bolivian-Brazilian border where incessant rains have flooded the area and caused the Acre and Tahuamanu Rivers to burst their banks. Damage has been heaviest in the northern Bolivian city of Cobija, the capital of Pando, and in Brasilea, Brazil, which lies across the border. — Reuters MISSOURI: A man armed with a handgun went on a house-to-house shooting spree in a rural Missouri town, killing seven relatives and neighbours before taking his own life, officials said on Friday. All of those killed by the gunman, identified as Joseph Aldridge, 36, lived within a few miles of each other in the tiny community of Tyrone, an unincorporated area with a population of about 50, authorities said. Authorities said the motive was unclear and declined to comment on whether the murders had been triggered by the death of Aldridge’s mother, who was found at her home. Authorities said she may have died from natural causes. “It’s heartbreaking,” said Todd Haley, cret Service agents would be ordered to work without pay. “It’s the 11th hour, and we must act” to fund the agency that defends “our home turf,” Republican Harold Rogers, the top House appropriator, told his colleagues. The Senate approved a “clean” DHS funding bill on Friday free of controversial amendments sought by House Republicans to block Obama’s immigration executive orders. But House Speaker John Boehner, under pressure from his party’s right wing, refused to put the measure to a vote. Then, in one of the harshest rebukes of Boehner’s four-year tenure as speaker, more than 50 House conservatives balled into a cultural phenomenon in the 70s and 80s, making his Vulcan salute and salutation “live long and prosper” a touchstone of the science-fiction world. Nimoy later revealed he based the hand gesture on a Jewish blessing. In addition to acting, Nimoy was an accomplished director. He directed two of the Star Trek films including one of the most well received, “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.” Nimoy also directed 1987 hit comedy “3 Men and a Baby” starring Tom Selleck. Nimoy, along with some of his costars, struggled with the type-casting stardom he was thrown into by legions of earnest “Star Trek” fans. In 1975 he authored the book “I am Not Spock,” attempting to open up space between himself and the character that had so captured people’s imaginations. — AFP FAKE PEARLS Nyong’o’s Oscar gown returned by thief via TMZ LOS ANGELES: The $150,000 Oscar gown worn by actress Lupita Nyong’o that was stolen two days ago was returned on Friday by the thief, who tipped off celebrity news site TMZ. com after learning the pearls on the dress were fake, according to officials and the website. TMZ said the thief took the Calvin Klein dress from Nyong’o’s hotel room on Wednesday after finding the door ajar. The Kenyan actress had worn the dress adorned with 6,000 pearls to Sunday’s Academy Awards in one of the most commented looks of the night. The investigation into the theft would continue whether the jewels were authentic or fake. — Reuters 16 omandailyobserver PANORAMA S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 Graduates and students perform a dragon dance along a street during Lunar New Year celebrations in Yokohama’s China Town. Millions of Chinese are celebrating the Spring Festival, the most important holiday on the Chinese calendar, which this year marks the beginning of the Year of the Sheep. — AFP Women pose in the street before the Roberto Cavalli show during the women Fall- Winter 2015/16 Milan’s Fashion Week yesterday. — AFP Colombian Amado Villafana (C), an Arawak people, walks in Navona Square in Rome. Villafana, a photographer and spiritual leader of his tribe, is in Rome for the inauguration of his exhibition position ‘Our Ancestral Vision of the Territory’, to defend the Colombian Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta region and indigenous people who fear the devastation of their holiest places. — AFP Patrick Kueng of Switzerland jumps past a gate during the men’s Alpine Skiing World Cup downhill race in GarmischPartenkirchen. — Reuters An Afghan street vendor prepares porridge with nuts for his customers at a stall on the roadside in Kabul. — AFP SUNDAY | MARCH 1, 2015 | JUMADA AL ULA 10, 1436 AH P18 P20 P21 Inside BankDhofar holds EGM IBM, ARM launch IoT starter kit Omani banking industry matured FOLLOW US ON: SHORTLISTING: Oman Rail can now select a suitable main contractor to execute the first segment connecting Sohar Port with GCC rail network Commercial bids for Oman Rail Segment 1 due today CONRAD PRABHU MUSCAT Feb. 28: Commercial offers for the Sohar – Buraimi segment of the Oman National Railway Project are due today, with an array of international consortiums expected to submit voluminous pricing proposals for the multibillion dollar Design and Build package. Significantly, only those bidding groups that had submitted corresponding technical bids earlier this year are eligible to hand in their commercial proposals for the 207 km Sohar – Buraimi stretch, representing Segment 1 of the 2,135 km national railway network. Technical offers were submitted by January 18. With the receipt of the commercial offers, Oman Rail — mandated by the government to oversee the implementation of a passenger and freight based rail system in the Sultanate — can now get started with the laborious task of finding a suitable Main Contractor to execute the key first segment connecting of dollars, the Design & Build contract covers the design, supply, installation, construction and completion of works related to Segment 1 comprising three distinct sections: Sector 1A, covering a distance of 127 km, connects the station of Sohar to the Oman-UAE border at Al Buraimi and Khatmat Milahah. Sector 1B is a 34 km spur line that departs from Sector 1A and ends at Buraimi station. Sector 1C is 38 km spur line connecting the Port of Sohar to Sector 1A. Also envisaged for implementation at vantage locations along the alignment are a number of railway facilities, in- Picture for illustration Sohar Port with the GCC rail network. First to be evaluated will be the technical bids based on which a shortlist of the most attractive offers will be prepared. In the next stage, the corresponding commercial offers of those on the technical shortlist will then be opened for evaluation. At the end of the evaluation exercise, a handful of the bidders with the best technical and pricing offers will then be invited for final negotiations leading to the announcement of a contract award, tentatively during the third quarter of this year. The successful bidder stands to win a contract that is widely billed as the largest and most complex infrastructure development in the Sultanate to date. Expected to cost several billions cluding stations, freight yards, wayside maintenance bases, and maintenance depots. A further eight kilometres of track will be constructed to connect junctions at Sector 1A to 1B and 1C. But given the mountainous terrain through which the alignment passes, crisscrossed by valleys and wadis, scores of viaducts (bridge structures composed of several small spans for crossing a valley or gorge) will be constructed en route. More than 70 viaducts totalling a staggering length of around 27.5 kilometres will be built across wadis and low ground all along the route. The single largest viaduct is a mammoth 2 . 4 k m structure that will span a major wadi intersecting the alignment on this segment. TO PAGE 19 18 omandailyobserver OMAN S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 Multinational companies look to invest in Oman EMIR E-POLL: 72pc of respondents believe it is likely that their companies will expand or invest in Oman in the coming three years BUSINESS REPORTER MUSCAT Feb. 28: A recent EMIR (Emerging Markets Intelligence & Research) Boardroom briefing hosted at Dubai’s Burj Al Arab brought together over 120 senior executives from some of the world’s largest multinational companies for a private meeting with a high-profile Omani delegation led by Dr Salem ben Nasser al Ismaily, Chairman of Ithraa. The purpose of the briefing was to create a conducive environment where CEOs and senior public sector officials could candidly discuss Oman’s business climate and investment opportunities. “EMIR Boardroom was a hugely effective platform for us to talk directly to business leaders on their perceptions of doing business in Oman, while at the same time highlighting the Sultanate’s future development plans, particularly the plethora of investment opportunities,” said Dr Al Ismaily. According to an EMIR e-poll of multinationals, almost three-quarters (72 per cent) of respondents believe it is likely that their companies will expand or invest in Oman in the coming three years. When asked to what extent lower oil prices would impact their decision, the same amount of respondents (72 per cent) a deal breaker when it comes to investing per cent) of respondents said they would said crude receipts are important, but not in the Sultanate. Almost one-fifth (19 invest irrespective of oil prices. BUSINESS ALERT Ahlibank hosts first ROC meeting MUSCAT: The nation’s fastest growing bank — Ahlibank hosted the first meeting of the Risk Officers Committee (ROC) in 2015 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel recently. The Banking sector in Oman formed the ROC in 2011 comprising Chief Risk Officers of local as well as foreign banks operating in the country, with a view to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and keep abreast with the latest developments in the ever-evolving field of risk management. The committee meets every quarter and discusses topics ranging from operational risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk and business continuity management. External consultants, as well as members make presentations in various risk management areas on the latest happenings in risk, and each aspect of risk management is discussed and deliberated thoroughly in the ROC meetings. “The ROC has been established with the aim to create a platform to bring together Chief Risk Officers of the major banks in Oman. We understand that effective risk management is the foundation for a robust banking system, and are pleased to host the ROC’s meetings this year”, said Lloyd Maddock, CEO of Ahlibank, on the sidelines of the meeting. The ROC’s meeting came to a close with the forum’s participants thanking Ahlibank for hosting the first meeting of this year, and acknowledging that the meeting’s deliberations will be beneficial to all. The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss risk management issues with the regulator, whose representatives are invitees to the meeting, in an informal setting. Galfar wins $10m BP Khazzan contract GALFAR Engineering & Contracting has been awarded a contract valued at RO 10.053 million for the procurement and construction of a 132KV power supply system linked to the multi-billion dollar Oman Khazzan project of BP Exploration (Epsilon) Ltd Oman. The scope of work includes the construction and commissioning of a 26 km overhead line from PDO’s Musallam 132kV Substation to BP’s Khazzan 132kV switchyard. The scope also includes construction and commissioning of 132kV Switchyard & Control building at Khazzan field, said Dr Hans Erlings, Chief Executive Officer, Galfar, in a filing to the Capital Market Authority. Bank Sohar holds governance workshop governance structure is essential to the success of every business. The proper use of good systems will ensure business transparency as well as ethical practice under any circumstance. It also allows the board and management the freedom required to drive Bank Sohar towards business excellence whilst always maintaining effective accountability.” Conducted by Price WaterhouseCoopers (PWC) recently, the comprehensive workshop was attended by six members of the Board of Directors of Bank Sohar together with 19 members of the bank’s executive management. The workshop was conducted in order to familiarise participants with the fundamental concepts of Corporate Governance and help them understand its cornerstone principles. The workshop was broken up into three sessions; firstly, basics of Corporate Governance, why it is needed, and its structure and documents. Secondly, key Corporate Governance principles and the requirements in Oman, and finally, global best practices in Corporate Governance. A’Saffa backs Teachers Day celebration IN reinforcing its commitment to support community initiatives, Oman’s leading poultry and food producer — A’Saffa Foods supported the ‘Teachers Day’ celebration held recently at the Al Waha School in Al Hail. As a business A’Saffa is committed in providing healthy and quality products to families across the Sultanate. A’Saffa Foods is always keen in supporting initiatives that support and strengthen the community. It is a great opportunity and also an noble occasion to appreciate and thank our Teachers, who are the pillars of our society and impact the lives of not just children, but in turn their families as well. Sidhartha Lenka, A’Saffa Foods, Head of Sales and Marketing, said: “As a leading Omani company we are fully committed to supporting a broad range of community and corporate social responsibility initiatives — especially those that are related to the family and children. All of our products are designed to help create fit, healthy and happy families and this is why we are always keen to support events like Teachers day organized at the Al Waha School.” Ooredoo’s ‘Roam Like Home’ offer is back OOREDOO’S popular ‘Roam Like Home’ promotion is back on offer from February 26 to April 26, 2015, following high customer demand. The service allows prepaid and postpaid customers to enjoy local rates while roaming in UAE, with competitive rates on data and voice calls to Oman and any UAE number. ‘Roam Like Home’ is available on the Du and Etisalat networks in the UAE. Postpaid customers will have a 39 baisas roaming charge per minute on all outgoing calls made to the UAE or Oman, 10 baisas per SMS and 0.25 baisas for every KB of data. Prepaid customers will have the same SMS cost, 55 baisas per minute on all outgoing calls to the UAE and Oman, and 0.5 baisas per KB on data. Incoming calls from other destinations will remain the same, in addition to the cost of international calls and SMS. Customers can subscribe to the promotion while in Oman or in UAE hassle-free simply by sending the word “Roam” to 80099 free of charge. Renault Duster: Strong and reliable BANK Sohar recently conducted a specialised Corporate Governance Awareness workshop titled ‘Instilling Good Governance’ for members of the Board and the Bank’s Executive Management at the Grand Hyatt, Muscat. The workshop was in line with the constant efforts made by the bank to maintain and enhance its position as one of the leading banks in Oman by further enriching and enhancing the organisation’s corporate governance philosophy. Highlighting the importance of good corporate governance, Rashad Ali al Musafir, Acting CEO of Bank Sohar said, “Maintaining an effective corporate RENAULT Duster from the house of Suhail Bahwan Group is a strong and reliable SUV with genuine off-road ability. The Duster is versatile and combines a spacious interior with saloon-car comfort. The Renault Duster is designed to face all types of terrain, globally. In order to meet these wide-ranging needs, Renault Duster is available in both 4x4 MT and 4x2 AT version. The 4x2 AT version has been designed for customers who want good ground clearance and a reassuring elevated driving position, as well “Many of our clients said this was the best EMIR briefing to date because it had the right balance between strategy insights, government interaction and high-profile networking,” said Trevor McFarlane, Founder and CEO of EMIR. Dr Al Ismaily spoke to EMIR’s C-suite audience about the Omani government’s strategy to attract more investment to the Sultanate, while the private sector also heard from key Omani business representatives, including Ahmed Akaak, Deputy CEO of Salalah Port; Jamal Aziz CEO of Sohar Free Zone (and Deputy CEO of Sohar Port); and Ismael al Balushi, Vice CEO of Duqm Special Economic Zone. Oman’s delegation also used the opportunity to better understand the views of multinationals, all of whom participated in EMIR’s electronic pulse survey. The findings of the poll will help Omani government officials shape policy on foreign direct investment and empower the private sector to the benefit of the national economy. Not only will these insights offer the government better input for policy outcomes, but they will also form the foundation for ongoing collaboration between EMIR and Ithraa on other issues of importance to the growing Omani economy. (OEPPA Business Development Dept) as loose-surface ability, but who don’t have a real need for allwheel drive. Today’s all-terrain vehicles are often synonymous with bulk, but the Renault Duster is an antidote to that idea. With a length of 4.31 metres and a width of 1.82 metres, the Renault Duster is very compact but roomy. From the front, it exudes an impression of toughness: the wide wheel-arches, the imposing lines of the chrome grille and the sump guard clearly emphasise the 4x4 DNA of the Renault Duster. Seen from the side, the high ground clearance, clearly defined wheel-arches, protective mouldings encourage the driver to tackle even the toughest roads and tracks. Suhail Bahwan Automobiles is largely committed to supporting Renault Oman’s growth in the Sultanate through major emphasis on customer satisfaction and by providing world-class after-sales services in Oman. With a national network of more than 80 showrooms, service centres and parts outlets, SBA has further built upon its legacy of trust, excellent customer service and providing value for money to each of its customers. General Automotive Company honoured GENERAL Automotive Company (GAC), the official distributors for Mitsubishi and Fuso vehicles in Oman, has been presented with a token of appreciation from the Ministry of Social Development for the excellent after sales support that was delivered to the ministry. The token, in the form of a decorative shield, was handed over by Abubacker Said Ahmed al Kaaf, the Transport in-Charge for the Dhofar Govrnorate of the Ministry of Social Development, to S Palanikumar, the Regional After Sales Manager for GAC, who received the shield on behalf of the company at Salalah Regional After Sales Office. Commenting on receiving the award, S Palanikumar said, “The token of appreciation we have received from the ministry is a real honour and a reflection of the hard work that the whole team puts in on a daily basis. I’m really proud of what we have achieved last year and we’re looking forward to another great year in 2015.” Samsung plays it smart in GCC TV market THE media market in the Middle East and North Africa was valued at $15.5 billion in 2014, and it went from strength to strength with the help of the TV segment. According to research firm Strategy & the television market alone will grow by more than 3-4 per cent every year for the next 4 years. With current trends signalling upward growth, manufacturers are challenging analysts who say that digital content and gaming will stall the region’s TV market in coming years with further investments in smart TVs. Instead of waiting for smartphones and tablets to usurp the region’s favourite screen, brands are bringing Internet, digital programming and even gaming direct to the TV. One manufacturer that’s ahead of the curve when it comes to giving consumers the programmes they love and the Web-based viewing they crave is Samsung. Ever since the company introduced the world’s first Internet-enabled TV in 2010, its smart TVs have become more predictive, more convenient and more user-friendly with each new line-up. Go Beyond the Second Screen In 2012, the second-screen trend saw TV viewers split their attention between their TVs and other devices. Multiple screens helped consumers complement the content on their TVs, and allowed people to find out more about their favourite programmes, sync up with social conversations or instantly access new information. OMAN S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 BankDhofar EGM discusses capital raising options BUSINESS REPORTER MUSCAT Feb. 28: At a recently held Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), BankDhofar Board of Directors and shareholders discussed and unanimously approved options for raising capital. The meeting — which took place at the InterContinental Hotel Muscat on February 26, 2015 — approved the option of issuing Additional Tier 1 (AT1) Capital Securities in the form of perpetual bonds with a coupon to be determined at the time of issue based on market conditions to raise up to $300,000,000 or equivalent in Omani rial outside Oman, subject to regulatory approvals. If the Central Bank of Oman and regulatory approvals are not obtained for the proposed AT1 Issue or if it becomes apparent that the bank is not able to finalise the AT1 Issue by March 31, 2015, the bank will consider increasing its regulatory capital by issue of convertible bonds to raise up to RO 100 million with a coupon Considers raising AT 1 capital, issue of convertible bonds and establishment of non-capital EMTN. to be determined at the time of issue based on market conditions, subject to regulatory approval. The third option for capital raising that was approved during the meeting was to consider the establishment of the programme of Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) in the next 12 months to issue non-capital instruments up to $500 million with a likely term of up to five years and with a coupon to be determined at the time of issue based on market conditions and to be listed outside Oman within the next four years, subject to Regulatory Approvals as applicable. BankDhofar shareholders unanimously authorised the Board of Directors to take the required procedures and actions to implement the above. Commercial bids for Oman Rail Segment 1 FROM PAGE 17 Also adding to the multi-billion dollar construction costs associated with Segment 1 will be tunnels that will have to be bored through mountains traversing the alignment. As many as 10 tunnels of a total length of 4.7 kilometres will be built at key points along the route. They include a pair of tunnels each of around 1.57 kilometres, a monumental length by Oman standards. Corresponding technology systems for Segment 1 will be designed and installed by the Main Contractor’s technology partner as a subcontract of the Design & Build package. Included in the Railway Technology Systems package are the Electrical, Signalling, Telecommunication, Safety, Operation and Control, Mechanical and electromechanical Systems. Construction work on Segment 1 is expected to commence by the end of 2015 or early 2016. Completion is targeted during 2018 in line with Oman Rail’s goal to connect the SoharBuraimi stretch with the wider GCC rail network. Workshop reviews Waste Management Law MECA, be’ah join hands to reform waste management MUSCAT: In collaboration with Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA), Oman Environmental Services Holding Company S.A.O.C ‘be’ah’ organised a workshop recently to review and assess the current waste management legislations and laws in the Sultanate. Participations of various stakeholders from government entities, oil and gas sector and the commercial industry provided a prospect to exchange views and discuss the current gaps within the law in regards to the waste management sector. It also provided an opportunity to establish a thorough understanding of all stakeholders’ requirements within the sector. Dr Said Ali al Zadjali, Chemical Expert at MECA; commenced the workshop by providing an insight of the ministry’s role in the laws, regulations, conservation of the environment and pollution control as well as the environmental terms and condition and the environmental permits. He also discussed the monitoring processes for all environmental violations. Dr Said pointed that this workshop is the first step towards forming a clear understanding of the situation and a stepping stone for the concerned entities to formulate the required legislation for the sector. Mohammed Sulaiman al Harthy, Executive Vice President, Strategic Development at be’ah presented be’ah’s strategy and discussed the challenges that need to be overcome within the waste management sector. Al Harthy focused on be’ah’s core goals to control the current damages from the traditional dumpsites its plan in controlling the damage by closing down all operational dumpsites by the end of 2015, as well as correcting the situation by replacing these traditional dumpsites with engineered landfills. The plan calls for the remediation and rehabilitation of the existing dumpsites scattered around the country. A legal expert in waste management and environmental legislations, Dr Jenny Halls, discussed the significance of evaluating the currents environmental and waste management laws in Oman and stated; ‘The initial step in evaluating the current laws has already been completed, although there are a few gaps that need to be carefully considered with redrafting the new legislations and regulations.’ According to Dr Halls, the draft will provide all required legislations and regulations for the waste management sector in Oman and would clarify the function of the sector in line with international regulations. The draft would also illustrate the role of all concerned entities such as MECA, Ministry of Health and other municipalities as well as the waste generators. omandailyobserver 19 MUSCAT SECURITIES MARKET 20 omandailyobserver PERSPECTIVE S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 ECONOMY Omani banking industry competitive, matured “There are no specific plans to cut public expenditure at this time. We are observing the situation closely and the oil prices are still fluctuating”. SIDDHARTH ARORA & WISHWESH PANDYA T he banking sector in the Sultanate has evolved immensely over the past decade and become increasingly more competitive, with an assortment of commercial banks and banks which now exclusively focus on Islamic finance. It is indisputable from the data and empirical evidence that this is an industry which has “matured”. Yet investors simply continue to focus on metrics that would only be highly relevant in a macroeconomic environment where the banking industry is either (i) just beginning to get its feet on the ground, or (ii) is situated in an unstable political climate characterised by turmoil. There is an undeniable impact of oil prices on bank profitability in MENA countries that largely depend on oil production (there is academic evidence from the IMF which confirms this), and Oman is certainly not shielded from it; net oil revenues constitute on average 70 per cent of the budgeted revenues (although they have been declining over the last 5 years and are expected to further decline to around 66.4 per cent in 2015 with diversification efforts already under way). The good news however is Oman pegged government spending at RO 14.1 billion for 2015, up by about 4.5 per cent compared with 2014. The sustained spending will allow Oman to press forward with major projects, including a $15 billion national railway network and major expansion projects at airports in Muscat and the southern city of Salalah. This has been confirmed by Darwish bin Ismaeel bin Ali al Balushi, Oman’s Minister Responsible for Financial Affairs saying the country has no specific plans to reduce state spending this year, despite the plunge in oil prices to well below the level assumed in its government budget. According to Al Balushi, “there are no specific plans to cut public expenditure at this time. We are observing the situation closely and the oil prices are still fluctuating”. The decline in oil prices is a topic that has already received enough media coverage, and the truth of the matter is there is really not much value going into a detailed view on why we expect oil prices to revert back to “normalised” levels. This is due to the following reasons: (i) we are not in the business of forecasting where oil prices will end up over the next couple years; (ii) we profess upfront we do not understand what “normalised levels” really mean; and (iii) most financial “pundits” who claim to understand these and put a price target on where oil will ultimately end up nearterm have been proven dead wrong — thus, we believe it is meaningless to speculate on the actual level unless we are in the company of highly ranked officials who intricately understand supply and demand dynamics of the commodity. The only bet we are placing here is that current levels are unsustainable and the price of oil will move higher to “correct” itself over the next 24 months. We have seen this story play out before and this “correction” assumption is one of the central macro tenets of our thesis. We believe history will repeat itself, prices will normalise, and as a rising tide lifts all ships, the Muscat Securities Market and GCC’s other market indices which have been hammered recently will rebound, with particularly strong growth in the banking sector. While on the subject of oil price, it is worthwhile to spend a few lines here discussing Oman’s projected GDP growth in 2015. According to the justreleased 2015 budget, the national economy grew at an estimated real GAS SUPPLY This time around, Russia-Ukraine gas feud is mostly hot air T he rhetoric is as melodramatic as ever, but this time around Russia’s threat to cut off Ukraine’s natural gas is mostly hot air. After months in which Kiev has been faithfully paying for gas and Moscow reliably supplying it under a deal brokered by the European Union, last week has seen the quarrel erupt anew. Russia, which has cut off the gas three times in the past decade, including for six months last year, has once again threatened to switch off supplies unless Ukraine sends more money within days. After a public announcement by Russian gas giant Gazprom’s boss Alexei Miller that Kiev had put European supplies in jeopardy, Vladimir Putin personally jumped in on Wednesday. The Russian president said Ukraine’s lack of “financial discipline” could cause energy shortages across the continent — a reference to the fact that Russia supplies about 30 per cent of the EU’s gas needs, half of that via Ukraine. He accused Kiev of threatening to cut off gas to separatist regions in the east of the country, an act which he said “smells of genocide”. Kiev has responded by accusing Russia of failing to meet its contractual obligations under the EU-brokered deal. But for all the noise from both sides, the natural gas feud which has divided the two neighbours since long before Russian-backed separatists went to war against Ukraine last year is no longer the make-or-break crisis it once was. The EU shrugged off Miller’s and Putin’s threats that cutting off Kiev could cause supply problems for European customers further downstream. Nothing of the sort happened during the six-month shut-down last year. NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: The timing of the latest quarrel is no coincidence. The winter season of high demand is ending, and the temporary, EU- growth rate of 4 per cent in 2013 and 4.4 per cent in 2014. In 2015, the targeted rate of growth is 5 per cent. Good GDP growth in Oman along with favourable monetary and fiscal policies has had a positive impact on the growth and performance of the commercial banks in Oman. The balance sheets of the banks have strengthened, further supported by growth in credit and deposit. Lending to the private sector was fairly balanced between corporate and retail sectors. The Omani banking system will remain primarily deposit-funded and liquid over the outlook period. We expect increased revenue from credit growth and stable provisioning requirements to offset pressure on profits from reduced interest rate margins and from rising operating expenses, as banks continue to build FUNDING SQUEEZE Commodities shipping crisis adds to loan woes for Greek banks T mediated winter supply deal is due to expire at the end of next month. Both sides are gearing up to negotiate terms to replace it. “What’s been happening the past few days, these statements by Miller and Putin, is all just a prelude for talks between Russia and Ukraine over a summer deal,” said Valentyn Zemlyansky, a gas industry analyst in Kiev and former spokesman for Ukraine’s gas firm Naftogaz. The threat to “cut off ” Kiev’s gas is no longer quite what it sounds like. In the past, Kiev bought its gas from Russia on credit. That meant that Ukraine could find itself asking for more gas, only for Russia to refuse to supply it. Nowadays, Kiev pays for any Russian gas it receives with cash up front. If Russia does halt gas to Ukraine in coming days as Putin threatened, it won’t be because Moscow has decided to cut Kiev off; it will be because Kiev hasn’t ordered any. In public, Ukraine says it is not buying more Russian gas “All these threats by Gazprom are not particularly frightening for us, as the situation has radically changed compared to last autumn.” because Moscow violated delivery terms and may have sent some gas that Kiev had paid for to separatist areas without its permission. The issue which smelled to Putin like “genocide” is political dynamite for both sides. But in practice, the volumes for rebel areas are small and Kiev couldn’t cut them off if it tried, because rebels and Russians control pipes at the border. Brussels has summoned Russian and Ukrainian officials for talks next week, including over payment for rebel regions. Moscow raised the possibility on Thursday of supplying the rebel areas for free. REVERSE FLOW: In private, Ukrainian gas industry sources say there is a far simpler reason why they have not ordered more Russian gas: They don’t need it. At least not yet. A new source of supply since last year — so-called “reverse flow” in which gas is sent back east to Ukraine from Europe through pipes originally built to take it West - means Kiev is less dependent on Moscow than in years past. “All these threats by Gazprom are not particularly frightening for us, as the situation has radically changed compared to last autumn,” said Zemlyansky. ‘‘We’ve passed through the winter season — the mild weather really helped us, as well as decreased consumption by industry.” He estimated Ukraine would consume about 35 billion cubic metres of gas in 2015. That is not far out of line with what it produces itself and imports from Europe, although it will be important to build up reserves for next winter’s peak. — Reuters their Islamic banking franchises. As far as other industries are concerned, corporate Earnings have been forecast to continue to grow at mid-single digits during 2015 amidst the Government proposal to increase gas prices for Industries. Per the 2015 budget, “the economic growth depends on the growth of the non-oil activities, strong local demand and higher oil production”. There has been a strong focus on diversification away from oil and gas related activities. The government expects non-oil activities will grow at a rate of 5.5 per cent in 2015 and the concentration will mainly be on the construction, electricity, water, trade activities and services of public administration, defence and transfer industries. However, this diversification process does not take place overnight. We believe that the bleak short-term outlook as it relates to profitability and loan growth may lead to continued volatility over the next 3-4 (even 6) months and as a result continue to spook investors further. And therein lies the opportunity to continue to accumulate more of this asset at a wonderful price as it continues to grow its book value. DISLCAIMER: The views expressed in the article are part of a study conducted by the author duo. he global slump in demand for dry freight commodities is adding more pain to Greece’s already crisis-hit banks by heaping pressure on many of their shipowner clients, particularly the smaller companies. This is in part pushing the banks to consider slimming down their shipping portfolios, moves that would also free up needed banking capital, according to bank and shipping-finance sources. A number of smaller Greek shipping companies have already been looking for non-Greek financing, a maritime lender said. Greece has secured an extension to its bailout from its European partners, but the danger of it unravelling and of Greece being pushed out of the euro zone still exists, raising the risk that Greek banks could face large deposit losses in the future to add to those they have already had. But added to this, Greek banks face exposure to dry freight, essentially the transport of non-oil commodities, which is experiencing its worst conditions since the 1980s due to weakening demand for industrial goods from buyers like China. Greek shipowners together put Greece among the world’s top three bulker-owning nations. The banking and ship finance sources said Greece’s leading banks are considering offloading part of their shipping debt worth billions of dollars, including dry freight exposure, in a bid to shore up their capital. “There are several portfolios being shopped around at the moment, including shipping loans,” one banking source said. “It makes sense for the Greek banks which face a huge liquidity problem to transfer these assets to third parties because they do not have the structures in place to collect bad debt.” One banker and a ship-finance source said such debt could be attractive for private equity players who have been scooping up distressed assets in shipping due to the sector downturn. “If they can find buyers, certainly one way to raise cash is through distressed deals. If the pricing is attractive enough, this would be private equity and hedge fund territory,” the ship-finance source said. A second ship-finance source said Greek banks were also approaching ship owners directly and offering to sell their performing loans back to them at a discount. “Even at a slight discount, this will help bolster underlying capital and buy some breathing space for the banks. It’s also a good way of getting loans off their books. For ship owners who have cash, it would be a good option too,” the source said. Bank of Piraeus, Eurobank and their rivals National Bank of Greece and Alpha Bank are estimated to have shipping portfolios of at least $10 billion in total, ship industry sources said. TECHNOLOGY S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 CRYOGENIC CLOCK omandailyobserver 21 SMART GADGET Never be late again: Japan ‘cryogenic’ clocks keep time for 16 billion years This handout picture from University of Tokyo shows a pair of clocks ‘Cryogenic optical lattice clocks’ which will lose a second only every 16 billion years. — AFP RESEARCHERS at the University of Tokyo and Riken research institute have developed a pair of clocks so accurate that they gain or lose one second every 16 billion years. That is 3 billion years more than the age of the actual universe. The pair of clocks looks nothing like the normal, everyday clocks we use for looking at the time. Instead, the researchers, led by Professor Hidetoshi Katori, have developed a pair of cryogenic optical lattice clocks that look like mainframe computers more than anything else. To create the clock, the researchers used laser to generate an optical lattice, or a grid-like structure that serves as an ‘egg tray’ for strontium atoms, which use what Katori calls the ‘magic wavelength’ so that the lattice does not affect the atoms during measurement. Also, to eliminate the effect of heat emitted by a nearby opaque object, the researchers cooled the lattice to -180 degrees Celsius and coated the insides in black to prevent even the smallest amount of light from producing reflections. The result is a pair of devices that can measure the frequency of the vibration of the atoms with an accuracy of 2.0 x 10 -18, or a pair of clocks that are always on the dot for the next 16 billion years. This is massively more accurate than the cesium atomic clock, which has an accuracy of 30 million years. Cesium atomic clocks measure time based on the microwave frequency of cesium atoms cooled to near absolute zero and have greatly improved timekeeping standards since their discovery in 1955. In comparison, the cesium atomic clock developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the US Department of Commerce does not gain or lose one second in 300 million years. The extremely accurate clocks may not have much use in our everyday lives, but as Katori pointed out, clocks with extreme accuracy can prove to be useful beyond telling the time and in fields such as geodetic engineering, earthquake predictions, communication networks, and global positioning systems. IBM, ARM launch IoT starter kit IBM and ARM unveiled a jointly developed Internet of Things (IoT) starter kit that will allow businesses to create prototypes of new smart devices using IBM‘s cloud-based services and ARM‘s secure sensor environment. The two companies believe the first products to come out of its joint effort to enable innovators to develop smart home, smart city, and other IoT devices will become available this year. The starter kit consists of an mbed-enabled development board from Freescale powered by an ARM Cortex M4-based processor, which connects to IBM‘s Bluemix cloud platform where data from the devices can be channelled and stored. Later this year, ARM will also make available the public beta of its mbed operating system for IoT devices and its mbed Device Server software to enable more functions and increase security. Although the starter kit takes only a few minutes to set up out of the box, IBM and ARM envision the starter kit as the platform of choice for professional developers and IoT startups as opposed to DIY hobbyists. The firms believe it could be used to create practical solutions, such as a system that sends data to a Bluemix-based data centre, which in turn delivers commands to a set of Internetconnected light bulbs. ‘In order to make this work for businesses, it needs to be simple to connect physical devices into the cloud, and to build applications and insights around them,’ says Meg Divitto, vice president for IoT at IBM. ‘‘IBM Bluemix and the new ARM mbed starter kit are designed to substantially enhance that effort.’’ ARM vice president of marketing Zack Shelby says more than 100,000 developers and businesses are already using mbed and more than 45 development boards. One of these is Cambridge Consultants, a technology consultancy firm that works with startups and leading companies, already uses the starter kit. ‘Coupled with the link into IBM’s cloud platform we now have a fast route for makers to take any product to market and develop services around it quicker and more cost-effectively than ever before,’ says Tim Murdoch, Director of digital services at Cambridge Consultants. ARM says the starter kit will cost around $50 to $200. LAPTOP Yoga 3 Pro is the world’s thinnest convertible laptop LENOVO has launched Yoga 3 Pro, one of the slimmest ultrabooks available in the market, at Rs 1,14,990. The device will be available at select Lenovo and Croma stores across India. Lenovo claims that the Yoga 3 Pro is the world‘s thinnest convertible laptop at 12.7mm, weighing 1.20kg. The Yoga 3 Pro comes with a new watchband hinge design, a QHD+ screen and Harmony, Lenovo‘s software that adapts to users‘ personal preferences as they use the device in its different modes (Laptop, Tent, Stand or Tablet). Lenovo‘s new 360-degree watchband hinge is constructed from more than 800 pieces of steel and aluminium. Lenovo says its engineers redesigned the original Yoga hinge so that it now provides the same degree of flexibility and flatness seen in metallic watch bands. Instead of two focus points, there are now six. The Yoga 3 Pro features a 13.3-inch QHD+ (3200x1800p) IPS multi-touch display. Powered by an Intel Core M-5Y71 processor (4M cache, up to 2.90GHz dual-core) processor with integrated graphics, the device comes with 4GB LPDDR3 1600 RAM and 512GB SSD for storage. It also sports a 4-in-1 card reader (SD, MMC, SDXC, SDHC), a 720p camera and a backlit keyboard. The Yoga 3 runs Windows 8.1 and supports connectivity options such as Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.0, 2 USB 3.0 ports and USB 2.0 port. It comes with a 4-cell, 44.8WH battery delivering a backup of 7.2 hours. AUTOMOBILE Mazda Motor unveils CX-3 compact crossover SUV Mazda Motor Corp President and CEO Masamichi Kogai poses next to the Mazda CX-3 compact crossover SUV at a news conference in Tokyo . According to Mazda, the CX-3 went on sale from Friday in Japan with a manufacturer‘s suggested retail price ranging from 2,376,000 yen (about $20,000) to 3,024,000 yen (about $25,000). — Reuters SMARTPHONE Sony Xperia E4g: 1.5GHz smartphone with good battery life SONY will release its newest Xperia device designed to get a space in the low-priced smartphone market. Dubbed Xperia E4g, the phone is touted to have both the look and function of a high-end smartphone. Sony targets April as the official release month of the newest member to its growing Xperia family. The device will have singleSIM and dual-SIM versions and will be available in a number of regions worldwide. Just like before, the Xperia smartphone is not hitting the US shores. The Xperia E4g is an updated version of the earlier Xperia E4. While it boasts the familiar design of its older sibling, it comes packed with 4G LTE connectivity. It also has a quad-core processor that is clocked a bit higher than the E4. Instead of being clocked at 1.3GHz, the E4g model comes at 1.5GHz straight out of the box. Being LTE connected means that the E4g will have fewer buffering, faster download times, and social networking with no holds barred. Furthermore, the device will feature a battery of 2,300 mAh to keep users always connected and with power. Sony has already said in the past that the Xperia E4 has two days of battery life. The same goes for the Xperia E4g, but one should also consider how battery life may be affected by the phone‘s additional power consumption because of the 4G connectivity. Other features of the new Xperia E4g include a scratch-protected 5-inch screen of 960 x 540, rear camera of 5MP, front camera of 2MP, NFC, storage of 8GB, RAM of 1GB, a slot for microSD, an elevated mirrorfinish logo on the rear and colour options of black and white. The device will also have a minimalist user interface that Sony has labelled Simple Home. It is packed with larger icons in order to discourage squinting. Media sharing also comes easier with the device‘s one-touch sharing capabilities. 22 LEISURE omandailyobserver S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 Online Editor’s Choice CRYPTIC PUZZLE CARTOONS ADAM @ HOME 1 In prison perhaps, but they may be driven home (6) 7 Jack’s traditional dance (8) 8 Something appetising on the computer screen? (4) 10 Quietly fix the hedge (6) 11 Read of an eccentric peer touring the States (6) 14 Cry because there are many contradictory directions? (3) 16 Chances of getting the wrong skis at the tourist centre (5) 17 Bad weather for the man in the movie (4) 19 The couple had a meal (5) 21 He’ll pop round at six (5) 22 A soldier might be lamed winning one (5) 23 No permission to act at the National Theatre (4) 26 Be precise as to how to get the amount of money increased (3,2) 28 Looking sick can be a bit of a wangle (3) 29 Lit, at last, the bad cigar — how sad! (6) 30 Where we possibly came in during the show (6) 31 Hill dwellers? (4) 32 For a time, there’s still water movement (8) 33 Finish the party with one drink too many — at speed! (6) DOWN 1 Something to eat before breakfast (6) 2 A leggy team (6) 3 Close up suitable huts (4) 4 Annoyed by a gender confusion (7) 5 Figure a suit suitable for a saint (5) 6 Keeps mad dogs! (5) 8 In opera, she’s on the road again (4) 9 Novel in three ways out of the four (3) 12 Get free of Fay – kick her out Friday! (3) 13 A gaggle to look up to (5) 15 It’s comfortable for a police inspector on a truck (5) 18 Tell in advance that half a month is by Brian Basset CALVIN AND HOBBES by Bill Watterson GARFIELD by Jim Davis STONE SOUP 4 5 6 8 9 12 13 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 CR O SSW O R D ACROSS THURSDAY’S CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 over half an hour (5) Pop up again (3) The penniless have nothing (3) Shows of French old people (7) Vessel coming in from Uganda (3) He was guillotined and not reformed (6) Persons employed in bonesetting (4) Very poor attempt to get out of the wood (6) Distribute right in the West, perhaps (5) One using many an acre for sound reproduction (5) Get the girl (3) In Normandy, can include the east (4) EASY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Lecturer (6) ACROSS: 1, Globe 6, Oakum 9, Uniform 10, H-O-ard 11, Co-L-in 12, Baths 13, T-un-eful 15, Boa 17, O-pen 18, Friend 19, Blood 20, G-rebe-s 22, Some 24, Si-R 25, Sto-pp-er 26, Dummy 27, Paris 28, Dan-ce 29, Centaur 30, I’d-led 31, Essay. 7 8 10 11 14 16 17 19 21 22 23 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 Neighbouring (8) English river (4) Wilderness (6) Exile (6) Anger (3) Mountainous (5) Defence feature (4) Deadly (5) Disgusting (5) Magic spirit (5) Worry (4) Fish basket (5) Fish eggs (3) Truly (6) Straight (6) Gemstone (4) Permitting (8) Cricket team (6) DOWN 1 Aimless (6) 2 Turn aside (6) 3 Rage (4) DOWN: 2, Look up 3, Burden 4, End 5, Of-f-al 6, Or-chard 7, Amos 8, UnI-son 12, Bulls 13, Tongs 14, Never 15, Be-bop 16, Adder 18, Forty 19, Be-mused 21, Rib-ald 22, Spears 23, Mercia 25, S-M-ith 26, Dice 28, Due. THURSDAY’S EASY SOLUTIONS ACROSS: 1, Trash 6, Curry 9, Pelican 10, Acorn 11, Rigid 12, Carat 13, Topical 15, Wet 17, Anon 18, Beside 19, Feral 20, Editor 22, Hero 24, Rut 25, Melanin 26, Fever 27, Scrum 28, Lamps 29, Manager 30, Ashen 31, Adder. DOWN: 2, Reckon 3, Sprain 4, Hen 5, Vital 6, Caramel 7, Unit 8, Raised 12, Caper 13, Taper 14, Posit 15, Widen 16, Tenon 18, Baker 19, Foreman 21, Dunces 22, Hazard 23, Ripple 25, Medal 26, Fume 28, Lea. Hospitals by Jan Eliot Hospital. . . . . Board . . . . . . . Emergency Royal . . . . . . . 24599000 . . . 24590491 Health Services Department YO UR STARS Muttrah . . . . . . . 24797602 Quriyat . . . . . . . 24845001 . . . . 24845003 SQH, Salalah. . . 23211555 . . . . 23211151 Police. . . . . . . . . 24603988 . . . . 24603980 Al Nahda . . . . . . 24831255 . . . . 24837800 Ibn Sina. . . . . . . 24876322 . . . . 24877361 Nizwa. . . . . . . . . 25439361 . . . . 25425033 Al Rustaq. . . . . . 26875055 . . . . 26877186 Sumayil. . . . . . . 25350055 . . . . 25350022 Izki . . . . . . . . . . . 25340033 . . . . 25340033 IF IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY: What seemed a purely temporary association will develop in the coming year into something more serious and important. You must take time to consider all aspects of such an important phase in your life. Let the feelings of your heart go hand in hand with the dictates of your head. Arthurian knight (7) Danger (5) Irritating (5) Continent (4) Mineral (3) Zero (3) Inclination (5) Paved area (5) Earthy colour (5) Swampland (3) Bind (3) Chaps (7) Set (3) Hunt (6) Stagger (4) Italian painter (6) Dairy product (5) Bird of prey (5) Tear (3) Venetian prince (4) Haima . . . . . . . . 23436013 . . . . 23436055 Sohar . . . . . . . . . 26840022 . . . . 26840099 Al Buraimi. . . . . 25650855 . . . . 25652319 Sur . . . . . . . . . . . 25440244 . . . . 25461373 Tanam . . . . . . . . 25499011 . . . . 25499033 Masirah . . . . . . . 25404018 . . . . 25404018 Ibra. . . . . . . . . . . 25470533 . . . . 25470535 Adam. . . . . . . . . 25434167 . . . . 25434055 Bidiya . . . . . . . . 25483535 . . . . 25483535 Ibri . . . . . . . . . . . 25491011 . . . . 25491990 Saham . . . . . . . . 26854427 . . . . 26855148 Khasab . . . . . . . 26830187 . . . . 26830187 Dibba. . . . . . . . . 26836443 . . . . 26836443 Burkha. . . . . . . . 26828397 . . . . 26828397 Sinaw. . . . . . . . . 25474338 PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO February 20March 20 March 21April 20 April 21May 20 May 21June 21 June 22July 21 July 22August 21 A comparative stranger whom you have taken into your confidence may have a fresh approach to a problem which none of your immediate circle was able to solve. You should try to pull your partner out of his very depressed state by convincing him that there is really no serous reason for it. Choose your words carefully and be patient. If you are still in search of a lifelong partner and can make your choice at will, this could be a promising time to find the person most suitable. If your anger has been aroused over a trifling incident, do not stay annoyed for long, and do not bear a grudge which is really not justified. You are playing into the hands of a malicious gossip if you repeat an unfounded piece of information and will be as guilty as those who started it. Small sums of money put aside when you can spare them should enable you to acquire a real bargain when it comes your way without having to think twice about the cash. VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS August 22September 22 September 23October 22 October 23November 21 November 22December 21 December 22January 20 January 21February 19 Your sense of justice, your tact and your impartiality may be put to a severe test when it comes to passing judgement on a dispute in the family. If you want to get ahead, don’t presume too much on your chief ’s good nature. He would prefer to promote somebody with an independent line of action. Try to stop yourself being eas- If you feel that y our social life ily upset by the minor setbacks in needs more variety, make an effort to meet people of different life, and be resolved to accept the interest at clubs and evening classes. rough with the smooth. Your material success is much more likely to be achieved by diligence and hard work rather than by speculation in doubtful deals, which is a dangerous occupation. Concentrate on bringing happiness to someone else today, you could make a good job of it by forgetting your usual selfish ways, and enjoy yourself while you do it. CLASSIFIEDS S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2 0 1 5 omandailyobserver 23 Situation Vacant FILIPINA Housemaid, with release required for a family in Medinat Al Alam. 24704994, 99238012. WE need HSE personal, Salesman and Electrical Supervisor with Omani Driving licence. Apply to: grandmuscat@ ····· Contact No: WANTED Sales Manager, 00968 95714746. for a leading Interior ····· Fitout and Furniture REQUIRED family Supply Company in driver with valid Oman. Experience: 7+ Omani driving licence. years, preferably in Oman. Salary: negotiable. Accommodation will be provided. 92230282. Preference for Omani ····· nationals. Interested candidates may please REQUIRED a teacher forward their resume to (Math, Computer, e-mail id: recruitment. English and Science) for private school in Al Athaiba. 99360950. ····· Situation Wanted INDIAN male BE mechanical engineer with 3-month ϐ QA/QC, pipeline and NDT. In Oman on visit visa, seeks suitable placement. Contact 95803035, E-mail: jittenvjacob@gmail. com ····· INDIAN male, 29 years, Civil Engineer, diploma holder, 4 years experience in Oman, 2 years in road division, looking for placement. NOC available. 93298395. ····· CIVIL Engineer, BTech with 3 years experience, looking for suitable placement, on visit visa. Contact: 98545520. e-mail: furkanazeem20@ ····· ELECTRICAL Engineer Sudanese, with 9 years experience and UAE driving licence. 94429749. ····· INDIAN male 26 years, MBA - Finance & Marketing, BCom with Tally, 2 years experience , currently working in Oman. Contact: 94282980. e-mail: ····· REQUIRED Salesman ϐ ǡ must have experience ϐ licence. Contact: alkhatwa2009@hotmail. com ····· ····· SYRIAN Mashavi cook and Moroccan lady cook for Qurum Beach Hotel. 24704994, 99238012. HAMDAN Salim Al Hashli: Required Heavy Truck Driver, Pakistani/ Indian.99413507, 92665151. ····· ····· SYRIAN Mashavi Cook and Moroccan Lady Cook for Qurum Beach Hotel.24704994 or 99238012. ····· LOOKING to recruit ϐInterior Designer (preferably female). Please forward your CV to: idesigner.Oman@ ····· For Sale Situation Wanted INDIAN male QA/QC Engineer-Civil (BE, ACQE) in Oman on visit visa, overall 10 years of experience in ǡϐ building and residential construction project in Qatar and UAE, holding valid GCC driving licence 00968 93958533, e-mail: sheikhnavid@ ACCOUNTANT, Indian ····· male, BCom with 8 years experience, seeks suitable IT Professional, 25, Sri placement, on visit visa. Lankan, BTech- Final, 91327026. MCTS, MCP, CCNA, ····· LINUX having 4 years INDIAN male 39 years, experience including with 5 years experience MNC, looking for suitable ϐDz - position. (Visit visa). cian” and 4 years experi- Contact: 93354526, ence as supervisor/bille-mail: jamsith.pc@ ing. On visit visa. Contact: 93570126 ····· ····· AN Iraqi electrical engineer, long experience in construction works and factory maintenance getting electrical works and driving licences looking for suitable replacement. Contact: 98959043 MECHANICAL engineer, 2 years experience in mechanical maintenance and troubleshooting mechanical equipment, seeks placement in engineering position 95910749. ····· ····· INDIAN male, IT Prof, 2 years exp as system administrator in Oman, 3+ yrs exp in India (Hardware, Networking, Windows Server, Exchange Server), 1 year exp in PHP, CSS, HTML, Java Script, AJax, Mysql. NOC available. Contact: 97496998 INDIAN male, 25 years, BBM, knowledge in ϐ ǡǡ two years experience in Oman as showroom sales, merchandiser with NOC from previous company. Visa expires on — April 10. Contact: 98659980 ····· BANGLADESHI, looking ϐ Ǥ Please call: 92757135. ····· ARABIC/English ϐ Engineer, MBA, PMP, 8 years experience, ͷ ϐ (management and supervision), familiar with Primavera P6. Contact: 94687010, e-mail: abdelgader1982@ ····· CHARTERED Accountant 9 years experience in Finance - consolidation as per IFRS, Treasury, Budget, Investments, taxation, AP/ AR. Currently working in Sr Finance position in Oman. Joining immediate. NOC available. Contact: 95489269, prds1406@ ····· AVAILABLE equipment for automatic bakery. 91374378. ····· SRI Lankan male, 23 years, CIMA (Part qualiϐȌ͵ in an American company as an Auditor/ management trainee seeks a suitable job in Oman. Good English knowledge. Contact: 94633968 ····· ····· INDIAN male, 27, diploma in Civil Engineering, 6 years experience, 3 years in GCC as a site engineer. Now on visiting visa seeks suitable placement. Contact: 966267251. ····· INDIAN male with 6 years experience in sales/ marketing & purchase/ accounts with Omani driving licence looking for a suitable job. Contact: 98851980. ····· ····· SMART professional, excellent English, ϐ ǡͳͲ years managerial exp in Oman in reputed companies, results oriented professional seeks challenging Management/ Operations/Admin/Bus Dev role, Quick joining. NOC. 91229392. INDUSTRIAL area land in Rusayil, 5,000 and building with 8 shops. Contact 95490842, 92702891. ····· ͷ flats for sale with different spaces. Each flat consists of sitting room with a bathroom, 3 rooms with facilities , a kitchen and a store. Location next to the water filling station tankers- Seih Al Ahmer Ǧ - Muscat direction - opposite Oman Oil Station. For inquiries and reservations, please be thankfully contact: 99442143. ····· For Sale/Rent ȍ͵ VILLAS for sale/rents Ȁ ), (Shops/ ϐ Ȁ Khuwair) (Flats for rent/Wadi Kabir). 96596348. ····· Services Situation Vacant FULLY equipped, 2 chair Dental Clinic for sale in Al Seeb area. MoH approved. Call: 94514045. ····· 3 BEDROOM house at Betras Zanzibar RO 90,000. Contact Owner: 99348943. ····· SHOP for sale, Beauty Salon Barka, near LuLu Hypermarket Center. Contact: 97655500. ····· A 400 sq m residential commercial building situated at the first line of the public road in Rawdat Samad Al Shaan. The building is within 300 m far from the Imam Noor Al Din Al Salmi. It houses a 100 sq m 3 outlets. The remaining 300 sq m plot is workers residence, a store and a toilet. The premise is at RO 55,000 plus 3 per cent commission. 99600909. ····· 1. HOOPOE SMART CARD SERVICES 2. AL FAHAD TRANSLATION SERVICES STOP!!! Good News to all our dear customers: Our PRO will visit your ϐ Ȁ documents for typing or clearing and will deliver the same on completion. Our services include typing all forms related to Ministry of Manpower, Immigration, e.g., visas, renewal of visas, all services related to Ministry of Commerce & Industry, e.g., reservation of commercial names, amendment of activities of the company and all services related to Royal Oman Police; Cancellation of Visas at the Muscat International Airport for repatriation of employees; Directorate ϐ Ǣ Oman Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Translation of legal documents. Medical reports, commercial agency agreements, literature, catalogues (Languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish & Italian) Our Address: Ruwi, Adjacent to Gulf Transport Co. (GTC). Telephones: 24793331 /24794286 GSM: 99231500 /96777170/ 95959838 Managed by: Salim Khalfan al Hadi (33 years of experience in management) ····· yPROPERTIES for sale and rent yBuildings cleaning yDocuments processing, clearance. Contact Ali: 99830331, Nasser: 99325183. ····· MIDAWA Trading & Cont. Est: For Plumbing, Painting and Maintenance 96191837. ····· 1. AC maintenance and servicing. 2. Fridge, washing machine and dish washer repairing. 3. Painting and cleaning services. 4. Electrical, plumbing and carpentry work 97014234, 99447257, 24504281. ····· Investment LOOKING for an investor for a fullequipped existing medical complex as soon as possible in Wilayat of Haima, Governorate of Al Wusta. 92212557, 99242249. ····· Lost MOHAMMED Naveed Sharif has lost Pakistani passport No AL-9674772. Finder please handover to ROP. ····· NOOR Hussain has lost Bangladeshi passport No BA -0288814. Finder please handover to ROP. ····· SAMIR Ibrahim has lost Iranian passport No V-18435418. Finder please handover to ROP. ····· MOHAMMED Hilal Deen Mumtaz Deen has lost Bangladeshi passport No B-1243678. Finder please handover to ROP. ····· Tourism ARE you looking for a voyage with your family on a legacyboat, including buffet? Only with RO 15/-. For more info@ 92808636. RUWI : 24785668 Behind Royal Oman Police, Adjacent to Dhofar Building Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ ȋǦ Ǧ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ ȋǦ Ǧ Ȍ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ǧ For information, please call: 99841230-95919344 92721879 - 99639264 Tel: 24649597, Fax: 24649590 BankMuscat account: 0397003776610011 Bank Dhofar account: 01040141195001 E-mail: SUNDAY l MARCH 1, 2015 l JUMADA AL ULA 10, 1436 AH RENT A CAR z Low Rates z Wide Range of Cars z Excellent Service Contact: Muscat 24489248, 24489648. Salalah: 23296246. E-mail: SPECIAL Rates on New Cars & 4 WDs RENTING & LEASING Tours and Airport Transfer Tel: 24582663 GSM: 95859497, Fax: 24582664, Umrah/Haj AL Hikmani for HAJ and UMRAH — With a host of services including the following: Hiring luxurious coaches, arranging weekly trips, preparing visas for expats at cost-effective price, including transport, housing, meals and visits to shrine locations. Land and air trips weekly. (99311310, 24566016, 99361982, 99707248, 99322124. ····· Car for Sale PORSCHE Cayenne S-2004, white colour, 158,000 km, RO 4,500/96417989. ····· MERCEDES CT 55, 2001, black colour, 122,000 km, RO 2,900/96417989. ····· MERCEDES S 55, 2001, dark blue, 250,000 km, RO 1,900/96417989. Supply of Pesticides, Gel (Cockroaches), Public Health chemicals, Agriculture chemicals, Snake repellent, Rodent baits and other insect repellent from Agropharm Ltd UK. PROFESSIONALS in Pest Control Service, Bedbug Treatment, Rodent Treatment, Snake Treatment and Termite Treatment (Pre and Post Construction). Tel: 24787606 / 24787503 Fax: 24787607 E-mail: P. O. Box: 565, Wadi Kabir, Postal Code: 117, SULTANATE OF OMAN FREE INFORMATION ABOUT ISLAM If you would like to know more about Islam, please call: Tel : 99425598, 96050000, 99353988, 99253818, 99341395, 99379133, For ladies: 99415818, 99321360, 99730723 Or visit: Good News DO you or your family members require skilled 24hr care? Dedicated to chronic care & physical rehabilitation from injury or illness; Rochester Wellness offers specialised medical recovery services. For more information contact our coordinators at +968 22094265. ····· AYURVEDIC Treatment, Yoga Massage & slimming. Web address: www. 92504980/ 24475280. ····· Sale and Buy ····· LINCOLN Navigator 4WD, 1998, grey, 335,000 km, RO 1,600/96417989. ····· OFFICE & Household furniture and electronics items. 99834373, 97102699. ····· al-haditha centre GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! AUTO REPAIR CENTRE Available on UNBEATABLE prices Tours Announcement DOLPHIN WATCHING TOUR. Every Day 8 am and 10 am. For booking 94110088/ 91162534. E-mail: coraloceantours@ Web: www. Abu Ayyub al-Hashemi land transport (recommendation), register No. 1205902 announces that it is intending to convert its name to Abu Ayyub alHashemi trade (recommendation). Beneficiaries should be informed of the changes. ····· Guest House QURUM BEACH HOTEL24564070. For Rent FLATS and shops for rent 93009999. ····· SHOP for rent, 200 sq m in Maabela Industrial. Call: 97314122, 99349878. ····· A 735 Sq M store in Bausher, Al Misfah Industrial is offered for rent. The premise is built in accordance to high standards. A 3-5 year lease contract is required 99332902, 99047584. 2 VILLA in Bausher (Al Awabi) consists of majlis, 5 bedrooms, 5 toilets, 2 living rooms and external kitchen 99364586. ····· ····· BRAND new twin villa in Al Khuwair, near technical College. Modern style with high quality finishing. 6 bedrooms, RO 950 only 92230282. ····· FURNISHED offices for rent in prime location in Ruwi (Mumtaz) with free electricity, water and Internet. For lease long & short term 95950012, 99331181. ····· DELUXE 3 bedrooms apartment for rent in Mumtaz area. For more information contact: 99336263. 2 BEDROOMS, 2 baths and hall apartment for rent in Al Wattayah, behind Honda Showroom. 99428161 (Owner). ····· ····· ····· 3 BEDROOMS, 3 baths apartment for rent in Sidab, opposite Petrol Station. 97779755. FLAT located in Al Muhaj Sq/Al Amerat on the main road. 98895553. ····· ····· 1 B/R available in Rex Road, Ruwi, suitable for bachelors. 99889590. 1510 Printer RO 11.000 only HP All Cartridges also available on UNBEATABLE prices AII HP, Epson, Canon, Lexmark, Samsung Cartridges also available Quality Repairs & Maintenance of all types of Cars and Heavy vehicles (ROP approved Grade A Workshop) COMPUTER SUPPLIES Ruwi: 24792-792 GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! For Rent BRAND new villa in Qurum, near Crowne Plaza. Walking distance from beach. 6 bedrooms, 3 halls with elevator! 92230282. CLASSIFIED SECTION: GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! al-haditha LLC PEST CONTROL OMAN CO. LLC. GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! Rent-A-Car For Rent INDUSTRIAL land in Misfah for rent. 93009999. ····· FURNISHED house in Mabella - 2 rooms, kitchen, hall and 3 toilets for rent. Call: 99357404. ····· FLAT in Mabella 3 rooms, sitting room, hall, kitchen (spacious) with 4 toilets. Call: 99357404. 2 BEDROOM flat, majlis, hall and 2 bathrooms, near Muscat Security Market behind Falcon Company. Contact 99412719. ····· 2 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, nice apartments for rent in a quite area in Al Amerat finishing stage and will be ready in 4 months with A/C . No brokers please. Contact: 91791070. ····· ····· 2 STOREY villa at Mabella with 2 sitting rooms with toilets, 2 halls, 3 bedrooms with attach toilets (Municipality water available). Call: 99357404. 180 SQUARE metres and below shops for rent in Al Amerat, suitable for restaurant, showroom, cafeteria etc. In the finishing stage and will be ready in 4 months. No brokers, please contact: 91791070. ····· ONE B/R flats in Madinat · · · · · Al Alam for executives/ OFFICE space available small family. 99238012/ 24704994. ϐͲͲ ϐ ͷ ····· building at Al Khuwair ͵͵Ǥǣϐ ǣ FULLY licenced 24790449 restaurant in Qurum or E-mail: infoajest@ Beach Hotel. 24704994. ····· ····· Telephone: 24595951/1414, Fax: 24597979. Manpower FRIENDS MANPOWER: Filipino housemaids and all kinds of workers. 24489268 Tel:/Fax: 24478153, 92462496. ····· KHALIFA AlSinani Manpower — labourers & housemaid from Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda and other countries. Al Suwaiq. To communicate 26713500, 26713600. ····· 0UK\Z[YPHS*VTTLYJPHS ,Z[H[LMVY9LU[ t t t t t 1236m2TUPSBHFDBQBCJMJUZNTIFE 336m2DPNQSJTJOHPGPVUMFUTUIBUDPVME CFDPNCJOFE N2PGPVUEPPSTQBDF "DDPNNPEBUJPOGPSVQUPXPSLFST 'VMMZBJSDPOEJUJPOFEXJUIHSBEF"TUFFM TUSVDUVSFDPMETUPSBHFDBQBCJMJUZ *OEVTUSJBM.BBCFMMBDFOUSBMMPDBUJPO 0QQPSUVOJUZGPSJOEVTUSJBMBOEPS DPNNFSDJBMPSHBOJ[BUJPOT 1MFBTFDBMMBUPS !VTFS@TUPSBHFT!PVUMPPLDPN FOR RENT PENTHOUSE in Mumtaz, 1 bedroom, sitting room, 2 toilets, kitchen, terrace. 98003444. ····· SHOWROOM Front 120/M2, Back 130/M2. First floor commercial flat 1BHK, 2 BHK, Al Athaiba North, behind Al Fair. 99565364, 95497323. ····· ǧhouse behind GUtech, Halban, is for rent. The building consists of 4 bedrooms, majlis, kitchen and 3 toilets. 91239119. ····· BRAND new villa in Al Hail. 92817777. ····· EXCELLENT showroom for rent in Al Khoudh Market 94191293 ····· Ali al Maashari: 99639264 e-mail: Mohammed al Rashdi: 99841230 DIRECT: 24649595 — FAX : 24649590 SUNDAY | MARCH 1, 2015 | JUMADA AL ULA 10, 1436 AH BEST QUOTE India cruise to easy win over UAE in Perth CAPTAIN COOL I was looking to hit a boundary, ideally a six after the new batsman came in. It was tough so my plan was to hit it and I did. — KANE WILLIAMSON, New Zealand batsman after hitting the winning six against Australia in their Pool A match. Dhoni hails India’s match-winning bowlers BEST BATTING 57 Rohit Sharma for India against the UAE. BEST BOWLING 5-27 Trent Boult for New Zealand against Australia PERTH: Off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin claimed four wickets to lead a strong Indian bowling performance as the defending champions eased to a nine-wicket victory over the United Arab Emirates in a World Cup Pool B encounter in Perth on Saturday. Left-arm spinner Ravindra Jadeja and fast bowler Umesh Yadav chipped in with two wickets apiece as the Emiratis were bundled out for just 102 in 31.3 overs at the WACA to post the lowest score of this year’s tournament. Opener Rohit Sharma had missed out in India’s wins against Pakistan and South Africa but used the opportunity to get some runs under his belt as his team chased down the target with 31.1 overs to spare for a third triumph in as many matches. Rohit (57) and Virat Kohli (33) added 75 in an unbroken second wicket stand to carry India home after in-form opening batsman Shikhar Dhawan (14) fell to a sharp onehanded catch by Rohan Mustafa at point off Mohammad Naveed. Rohit, the owner of the highest ODI score of 264, brought up his 24th fifty with a squarecut boundary off UAE captain Mohammad Tauqir. He hit 10 fours and a six during his 55-ball knock. Tauqir would never have envisioned such a shambolic batting display from his team mates when he won the toss and opted to bat first. However, the extra bounce on a pitch widely considered as the fastest in the world put them on the back foot from the onset of their innings. Yadav bowled short and fast and struck in his first over, the second of the innings, to remove opener Andri Berenger (four) with a bouncer. Fellow opener Amjad Ali (four) did not last much longer, edging a bouncer from Bhuvneshwar Kumar, a replacement for the injured Mohammed Shami, to wicketkeeper Mahendra Singh Dhoni behind the stumps. Skipper Dhoni brought Ashwin (4-25) on as his first change immediately after the mandatory 10-over powerplay to start the innings and the tall spinner picked up a wicket with his second ball and then ran through the UAE middle order to bag his best figures in ODIs. Shaiman Anwar, who scored an aggressive century during their two-wicket loss to Ireland, was the only batsman to provide some resistance and finished with 35 from 49 balls, his innings including six boundaries. Anwar and number 11 batsman Manjula SCOREBOARD United Arab Emirates Amjad Ali c Dhoni b Kumar .................................... 4 A Berenger c Dhoni b Yadav.................................... 4 K Chandran c Raina b Ashwin ................................. 4 Khurram Khan c Raina b Ashwin .......................... 14 S Patil c Dhawan b Ashwin ...................................... 7 Shaiman Anwar b Yadav ....................................... 35 R Mustafa lbw Sharma............................................ 2 Amjad Javed c Raina b Jadeja ................................ 2 Mohammad Naveed b Ashwin ............................... 6 Mohammad Tauqir b Jadeja................................... 1 M Guruge (not out)............................................... 10 Extras (lb4, w9).................................................... 13 Total (all out, 31.3 overs) ................................... 102 Fall of wickets: 1-7, 2-13, 3-28, 4-41, 5-44, 6-52, 7-61, 8-68, 9-71. Bowling: Kumar 5-0-19-1, Yadav 6.3-2-15-2, Ashwin 10-1-25-4, Sharma 5-1-16-1, Jadeja 5-0-23-2. India R Sharma (not out) ............................................... 57 S Dhawan c Mustafa b Naveed ............................. 14 V Kohli (not out).................................................... 33 Extras .................................................................... 0 Total (1 wkt, 18.5 overs) .................................... 104 Fall of wicket: 1-29. Bowling: Naveed 5-0-35-1, Guruge 6-1-19-0, Javed 2-0-12-0, Chandran 3-0-17-0, Tauqir 2.5-0-21-0. Guruge (10 not out) added 31 for the final wicket, the highest of the innings, to get UAE past the 100-run mark. The 35-year-old Anwar was the last man to fall, bowled by a late-swinging full delivery from Yadav. — Reuters “The bowlers PERTH, Australia: India captain Mahendra have really Singh Dhoni admitted stepped up and Saturday that his bowling attack, so often this has led to over-shadowed by the improvements in other team’s legion of batting superstars, will be key if parts of the side” they are to successfully MAHENDRA SINGH DHONI defend their World Cup Captain of India title. India hardly broke sweat at Perth’s WACA ground as they cruised past the part-timers of the United Arab Emirates by nine wickets, easily reaching the 103-run winning target they had been set. But unlike their two opening wins at the tournament which yielded totals of 300 and over against Pakistan and South Africa, Saturday gave India’s bowlers the chance to make decisive contributions against a UAE side who won the toss and chose to bat. “The bowlers have really stepped up and this has led to improvements in other parts of the side,” said Dhoni. “When we were losing games outside the sub-continent it was a concern and we couldn’t get wickets in the middle overs,” he added. “Now we are getting wickets with the new ball and the spinners are able to put more pressure on in the middle overs. As a unit they are doing well. They have shown they can do it game after game.” Ravichandran Ashwin took a career best of four for 25 with fellow spinner Ravindra Jadeja claiming two wickets. Ashwin said he was delighted to have his moment in the spotlight after his team’s batmen had ran riot in the first two games, with Virat Kohli and Shikhar Dhawan making centuries against Pakistan and South Africe respectively. Suresh Raina and Dhawan also hit half-centuries against Pakistan while Ajinkya Rahane went past the 50 mark against South Africa. In a reminder of the team’s batting strength, Saturday saw opener Rohit Sharma make an undefeated fifty. “I usually bowl at phases of the game when you are trying to buy wickets or cut the runs down but today went well,” said Ashwin. — AFP Comprehensive defeats at the hands of India and West Indies in their opening two matches have left the 1992 champions rock bottom Pakistan look to Zimbabwe clash for confidence boost SYDNEY: Misbah-ul-Haq is looking for a confidence-boosting performance from his team but most of all a first victory of the campaign when Pakistan take on Zimbabwe in their third World Cup match on Sunday. Comprehensive defeats at the hands of India and West Indies in their opening two matches have left the 1992 champions rock bottom of Pool B and provoked the usual barrage of criticism from back home. Victory in Brisbane over Zimbabwe, who have beaten United Arab Emirates and lost to South Africa and West Indies, would set them back firmly on the path to the last eight, however. “When you’ve lost two games in a row in a World Cup, there’s a bit of pressure on the players, but I think this is a chance for us to just get our confidence back,” Misbah told a news conference at the Gabba. “Zimbabwe is a very good side, everybody knows that they can really come good on any given day. But I think it’s our chance. We should just improve our performances, and try to win this game. “That is the only way. If you improve your performances, if you win a game, that could really change the mood of the whole team.” Misbah said that the main problem “Zimbabwe is a very good side, everybody knows that they can really come good on any given day. But I think it’s our chance. We should just improve our performances, and try to win this game. That is the only way. If you improve your performances, if you win a game, that could really change the mood of the whole team.” for his team in the tournament so far, apart from the usual sloppy fielding, had been the inability of their bowlers to take wickets in the middle overs of an innings. “Both India and West Indies scored 300 runs,” he said. “Then it was really difficult throughout the World Cup when some of the teams score 300-plus runs, it’s really difficult to chase it down. “So that’s what we need to do. We just have to press all the time, even in the middle overs, to get batsmen out.” Talk of 1992, when Pakistan were the surprise winners of the last World Cup to be held in Australia and New Zealand, are destined to dog Misbah for as long as his side remain in the tournament. Imran Khan’s side won only one of their first five matches in the 1992 tournament before going on to beat England in the final and Misbah said there was something very simple his team could learn from that campaign. “The important lesson is never give up,” he said. “That’s what Imran Khan usually says about 1992. Even when the team was in difficult times, they never gave up. They just kept trying, kept trying, and kept trying. “At last they just managed to do what they really wanted to do in that World Cup. So, that’s what we are trying to do.” — Reuters S U N DAY M A R C H 1 l 2 0 1 5 26 iN BRIEFS New Zealand down Australia by one wicket, reach last eight Williamson, Boult Terminally ill Crowe ‘honoured’ by Hall of Fame award AUCKLAND: New Zealand great Martin Crowe was inducted into Cricket’s Hall of Fame on Saturday, the terminally ill former batsman describing it as a “great honour” and prompting a standing ovation from 40,000 fans at Eden Park. Known as one of the game’s most stylish batsmen, the 52-year-old became the third New Zealander behind Richard Hadlee and Debbie Hockley, and 79th in the world, to receive the honour. “I am pleased to get this prestigious award, especially joining my friend Richard Hadlee,” said Crowe, after being awarded his commemorative cap from International Cricket Council (ICC) director and chairman of Cricket Australia, Wally Edwards. Crowe dedicated the award to his father Dave and mother Audrey. “I wish to dedicate this award to my father and mother who supported the game for 40 years,” said cancerstricken Crowe who had been diagnosed with a rare blood disease, double-hit lymphoma. Crowe made his international debut against Australia in Wellington in February 1982 at the age of 19. He retired 13 years later after playing 77 Tests, having scored 5,444 runs at an average of 45.36. This included 17 centuries, the most by a New Zealand cricketer, while his 299 against Sri Lanka in Wellington in January 1991 stood as a national record until Brendon McCullum scored 302 against India in Wellington last year. Crowe also played 143 one-day internationals in which he scored 4,704 runs at an average of 38.55 with four centuries and 34 half-centuries. He played in three World Cups and led New Zealand to the semi-final of the 1992 tournament, where his side lost to eventual champions Pakistan in Auckland. He also captained New Zealand in 16 Tests and 44 ODIs.-- AFP SYDNEY: New Zealand reached the World Cup quarterfinals on Saturday in a nail-biting one-wicket win over Australia in an Eden Park classic which saw them almost suffer an embarrassing collapse in pursuit of just 152. Sitting comfortably at 78-1, the Black Caps were crippled by sudden stagefright as their next eight wickets fell for just 68 runs with 40,000 fans on the edge of their seats. But Kane Williamson (45 not out) smashed the winning runs with a mighty six off Pat Cummins from the first ball of the 24th over, having watched helplessly as Australian left-arm seamer Mitchell Starc wreaked havoc with a career-best six for 28. New Zealand captain Brendon McCullum had hit a 21-ball fifty at the top of the innings as the home side cruised towards their total and even at 131 for four, they were still in pole position. But the slide started with Glenn Maxwell dismissing Corey Anderson for 26. Starc then took the wickets of Luke Ronchi (six), Daniel Vettori (two), Adam Milne (0) and Tim Southee (0) to give Australia a sniff of an unexpected win before Williamson held his nerve. Earlier, Trent Boult claimed career-best figures of five for 27 as New Zealand dismissed the four-time champions for just 151. From 80 for one, Australia lost eight wickets for 26 runs before Brad Haddin (43) and Cummins (seven not out) put on BATTING BLUES hold their nerve to help Kiwis clinch Chappell-Hadlee Trophy New Zealand’s Kane Williamson hits the winning runs during the World Cup Pool A match against Australia. — AFP Clarke blames poor shot selection for narrow loss Members of the New Zealand team celebrate with the Chappell-Hadlee trophy after beating Australia in their Cricket World Cup match in Auckland, February 28, 2015. The Chappell-Hadlee trophy is awarded between Australia and New Zealand only. — Reuters 45 for the last wicket. “Trent Boult was outstanding for us, and so was Mitchell Starc for Australia,” said McCullum. “Some of the batting wasn’t as good as it should have been but that can happen when you are up against highclass seam bowling.” Australia captain Michael Clarke, back in the team for the first time since December after a hamstring injury, said the batting had let his side down. “It was horrendous,” he said. “The tension was there all game. It was very entertaining and we would have liked the result to go the other way but credit to New Zealand.” Left-arm seamer Boult’s five wickets came in the space of 18 balls for just one run as New Zealand condemned Australia to their second-lowest World Cup total. Southee took two for 65 while left-arm spinner Vettori finished with two for 41 as New Zealand’s bowling maintained the same momentum which helped them dismiss England for 123 in Wellington. AMATEURS Australia, who beat England in their opener two weeks ago before seeing the clash with Bangladesh rained off in Brisbane, are now fourth in the pool with three points, five behind New Zealand, with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh also ahead of them. The top four in each pool qualify for the quarterfinals. AUCKLAND: Australia captain Michael Clarke attributed an overemphasis on attack as the reason behind his team’s poor batting performance in the one-wicket loss to New Zealand in the World Cup Pool A match at Eden Park on Saturday. The world number one side managed only 151 all out from 32.2 overs and, as brilliantly as Mitchell Starc later bowled, it was not quite enough to prevent the New Zealanders recording a fourth consecutive win in the mega tournament. “We were extremely poor, no doubt about that. Our shot selection was poor,” said Clarke, who was playing his first World Cup game after an injury layoff. “We needed to score more runs than we did,” he added. “Going forward, the ball is going to swing, so we have some work to do, that’s for sure.” — Reuters WORLD CUP STANDINGS STANDINGS (PLAYED, WON, LOST TIED, N/R, POINTS, RUN RATE) POOL A New Zealand Sri Lanka Bangladesh Australia Afghanistan England Scotland 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 8 4 3 3 2 2 0 +3.589 –0.063 +0.287 –0.305 –0.760 –1.415 –1.735 POOL B India South Africa Ireland West Indies Zimbabwe UAE Pakistan 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 4 4 2 0 0 +2.630 +1.260 +0.338 –0.313 –0.827 –1.326 –2.260 NOTE: TOP FOUR IN EACH GROUP QUALIFY FOR QUARTER-FINALS Pakistan summon spirit of Imran Khan and 1992 McCullum ready for party after thriller AUCKLAND: New Zealand captain Brendon McCullum hailed the perfect finish to his side’s thrilling one-wicket World Cup win over Australia in Auckland on Saturday, saying the game had finished so early a capacity crowd would have plenty of time for a drink. The Black Caps, making a mockery of pre-match predictions of a high-scoring encounter at the compact Eden Park ground, dismissed Australia for just 151, with left-arm paceman Trent Boult taking a career-best five for 27. New Zealand were well on course for victory at 131 for four featuring a typically dashing fifty from opener McCullum, before Mitchell Starc, like Boult a left-arm seamer, sparked a dramatic collapse that reduced the home side to 146 for nine as he returned a career best 6-28. But Boult, in on a hat-trick, survived Starc’s final two deliveries of the 23rd over. Then, with six needed to win, Kane Williamson (45 not out) drove the next ball, from Pat Cummins, high over the rope to set the seal on a sensational match. “It was one hell of a game,” said McCullum after his side’s fourth win in as many Pool A matches saw them become the first team to qualify for the quarterfinals. “Both teams showed what quality bowlers they have. It was an amazing atmosphere and a great game to be a part of. — AFP AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND FEBRUARY 14 TO MARCH 29 India’s Mahendra Singh Dhoni (left), Virat Kohli (centre) and Shikhar Dhawan (right) line up for the national anthem prior to the start of the World Cup Pool B match between the United Arab Emirates and India in Perth. — AFP Mighty Team India slam door shut on minnows big match dreams PERTH, Australia: India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni dealt a huge blow to cricket’s non-Test nations Saturday when he warned that his world champions have no plans to play regular fixtures against them. With controversy over the makeup of the 2019 World Cup -- where the number of teams is set to be slashed from 14 to 10 -- threatening to overshadow the ongoing tournament, Dhoni slammed the door on minnows’ aspirations. The 10 teams who will feature in England in 2019 will be based on a rankings system with the top eight as of September 30, 2017, booking their places with the other two slots decided by a qualifying tournament. As all the Test nations play regular fixtures against each other in one-dayers, it will leave the likes of Afghanistan and Ireland struggling to make the tournament as the major teams are not obliged to play Associate sides. After brushing aside the United Arab Emirates by nine wickets on Saturday to record their third win in three games at this World Cup, Dhoni said demands on Indian cricketers were too high to add any more fixtures. “I don’t see India playing any more games,” he said. “We can’t, unless we play two games in one day, which is just not possible.India can’t play any more games.” Despite the magnitude of Saturday’s defeat, UAE skipper Mohammad Tauqir said it was important for his side to get the opportunity to test themselves against the best. “I think the more we play against these bigger nations, the more we learn and the more we perform,” said Tauqir, whose team have been beaten in all three games although they pushed Zimbabwe and Ireland before losing narrowly. “The more we play, the better for the associate nations.” The International Cricket Council (ICC) has been widely criticised for the decision to reduce the number of teams in future World Cups with claims that the tournament will become a ‘closed-shop’ for the games major powers. It has also been seen as a regressive move for a body expected to grow the game globally. On Friday, however, ICC chief executive David Richardson told AFP that the size of the 2019 World Cup has yet to be decided. — AFP BRISBANE, Australia: Pakistan captain Misbah-ul-Haq summoned up the spirit of Imran Khan and his 1992 World Cup warriors on Saturday as the strife-hit Asian giants look to salvage their 2015 campaign. Pakistan, engulfed by a series of on and off-field controversies, have lost both of their opening two games — by 76 runs to India and 150 runs against the West Indies. They are bottom of Pool B and defeat by Zimbabwe at the Gabba on Sunday will virtually condemn them to an early exit. But Pakistan have been down this road before. Twenty-three years ago, when the World Cup was last played in Australia and New Zealand, Imran Khan’s team were also staring at early elimination. They lost by 10 wickets to West Indies, beat Zimbabwe, had a no-result when about to be defeated by England before two more losses to India and South Africa. They then went on a roll, seeing off Australia, Sri Lanka and New Zealand to make the semi-finals. New Zealand were defeated again in the last-four before the title was clinched in Melbourne courtesy of a 22run win against England. “The important lesson is never give up,” said Misbah. “That’s what you need to do as a player and as a team. That’s what Imran Khan usually says about 1992. Even when the team was in difficult times, they never gave up. “They just kept trying, kept trying, and kept trying. At last they just managed to do what they really wanted to do in that World Cup. “So, that’s what we are trying to do. We just have to do the things and we have to work hard, and that’s what we’re trying to do”. Pakistan captain Misbah-ul Haq controls a football during their training session ahead of the World Cup Pool B match between Pakistan and Zimbabwe. — AFP Misbah insists that his team are trying to forget their two defeats as well as off-field diversions which have seen eight players fined for breaking a curfew, reports of a bust-up in training and chief selector Moin Khan being sent home in disgrace for visiting a casino. “It’s always like that,” said Misbah, when asked to reflect on the deluge of criticism his team has endured for their woeful form. “They always say that they are with the team all the time, but never do it. You could say it’s always like that in Pakistan. We are always with the winning team, but when our team is in difficult times, we’re here (on their own.) Misbah added that Pakistan’s slow start could be partly attributed to the damage caused by the late withdrawals of three key men — spinner Saeed Ajmal, veteran batsman Mohammad Hafeez and seamer Junaid Khan. — AFP SPORT S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 omandailyobserver 27 QATAR OPEN: The Belarusian came from behind after losing the first set to power past Williams 2-6, 6-2, 6-4 in a thrilling semifinal Azarenka beats Venus, Safarova awaits in final DOHA: Former world number One Victoria Azarenka continued her comeback from injury on Friday in Doha by beating Venus Williams for the first time to make the Qatar Open final. Azarenka, now ranked 48th in the world since losing most of 2014 to a foot injury, stormed back from losing the first set to brush Williams aside 2-6, 6-2, 6-4, in a thrilling semi-final watched by, among others, former England football captain David Beckham. Twice winner of the tournament, wildcard entrant Azarenka will play the Czech Republic’s Lucie Safarova in Saturday’s final. It was her first victory in five attempts against Williams. The Belarusian hinted at a return to her best with her trademark thunderous baseline shots ultimately proving too much even for someone of Williams’s pedigree. But she also mixed up her game coming to the net on several occasions, something which she admitted afterwards was a deliberate tactic. Following a tame first set where there was no hint of what was to follow, Azarenka, 25, won seven consecutive games in the second and third sets to blow Williams away. It was an astonishing transformation. Williams coped with the cool and windy conditions much better earlier on and looked likely to secure her first ever final place in Qatar. There was little hint of the trouble ahead for the American as she eased through the first set, pulling Azarenka around the court with a series of classy backhand and forehand winners. Barely managing to hang on in the opening stages of the second set, Azarenka however transformed the match from 3-2 up in the second set, taking the consecutive games which not only secured that set but put her in control in the decider. POWERHOUSE TENNIS Azarenka, who was world number one as recently as 2012, was back to some of her best powerhouse tennis which saw her not only secure two Grand Slams but also two Open titles in Doha. She has previously won in Qatar in 2012 and 2103. On Friday night, her confidence returned to such an extent that she was even able to head off a late charge by Williams who came back from 5-1 down to 5-4 in the final set. Azarenka served the game out to 30 and celebrated in front of a sizeable crowd, many of whom had been rooting for her. Afterwards she admitted she couldn’t cope with Williams in the first set. “She was kicking my butt left and right, I didn’t know what to do,” she said. Azarenka said she was more “aggressive” in the final two sets, including playing at the net more often. “I had to change something and I wanted to stay aggressive. I think that is something that is helping me. My net game is becoming stronger and stronger. I want to be an even more all-round player,” she said. Asked about the game’s transformation, Williams said Azarenka “went for broke”. “Obviously she just went for everything and they just landed. Sometimes that’s what happens,” she said. “It was a little bit unlucky for me Victoria Azarenka of Belarus returns the ball to Venus Williams during their women’s singles semifinal match during the Qatar Open in Doha. that all those shots landed. They were unbelievable shots.” She added that throughout the tournament, all her opponents were peaking. “I felt like every player I’ve played, she’s played literally at the top of her game. It’s just one of those weeks where everybody plays amazing, so I’m hoping that in the next coming weeks it won’t be like that or it will be a long year.” Azarenka will meet Wimbledon Robben adds to tally in Bayern’s birthday win BERLIN: Bayern Munich celebrated their 115th birthday Friday with a 4-1 win over Cologne to go 11 points clear in the Bundesliga as top-scorer Arjen Robben added to his tally. The fleet-footed Dutchman netted his 17th goal in 19 league matches this season with a crisp header with 20 minutes left to remain the league’s top scorer. Captain Bastian Schweinsteiger gave hosts Bayern an early lead at Munich’s Allianz Arena before Franck Ribery added a second inside 10 minutes. Cologne fought back when Nigeria international Anthony Ujah scored right on the stroke of half-time but Bayern roared back as Robben, then Poland striker Robert Lewandowski extended the hosts’ lead. But Robben was unimpressed with Bayern’s performance having briefly given Cologne hope. “It was a strange game,” said the Dutchman. “We went 2-0 up, were aggressive and played well, but we slowed down at the end of the first-half and conceded the goal at the worst possible time.” Chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge insists Bayern are in their most stable era in their rich history and Pep Guardiola’s side are running away with a third straight league title having now opened an 11-point lead. In just their last four league games, Bayern have now scored 20 goals with Ujah’s header the only blot on their RED ‘It was a strange game. We went 2-0 up, were aggressive and played well, but we slowed down at the end of the first half and conceded the goal at the worst possible time’ BUNDESLIGA Bayern Munich’s Arjen Robben celebrates after scoring a goal against FC Cologne during their Bundesliga match in Munich. — Reuters copybook. Cologne coach Peter Stoeger had said his side needed “a miracle” in Munich and Bayern wasted no time in taking the lead. They forced four corners in the opening 142 seconds, the last of which Schweinsteiger headed home after just three minutes. In a perfect bit of symmetry, the goal came after two minutes, 22 seconds into Bayern’s 333rd Bundesliga match. Ribery added a second with ten minutes gone when he dribbled through a weak Cologne defence and slotted his shot past goalkeeper Timo Horn. A brief glimpse of the miracle Stoeger craved arrived just before the half-time break. Ujah rose highest from a corner to out-jump Philipp Lahm and with David Alaba out of position the Nigeria striker headed home right on the whistle. It was the first Bundesliga goal Bayern had conceded since drawing 1-1 semi-finalist Safarova in Saturday’s final who breezed through her semi-final with Carla Suarez Navarro in straight sets. Left-hander Safarova won 6-3, 6-2 in a semi-final which lasted little over an with Schalke at the start of the month and it gave Cologne confidence. Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer was forced to prove why he was voted the world’s best goalkeeper in 2014 with super saves to deny Ujah and Cologne midfielder Marcel Risse. “Manuel saved us a few times,” admitted Robben. “Some of the saves he pulled off were simply superb.” Bayern snuffed out any hope of a Cologne fightback when Ribery whipped in a cross for Robben to head home on 67 minutes. Robben proved he can set up goals just as well as score them when he produced a superb pass for Lewandowski to chest over the line with 15 minutes left. Bayern are in action again on Wednesday when they host second division Eintracht Braunschweig in the last 16 of the German Cup. They host Shakhtar Donetsk on March 11 in the Champions League’s last 16, second-leg after a goalless draw in Ukraine. — AFP — AFP hour. Azarenka and Safarova have met on six previous occasions, with each winning one, but she said she would not be over-confident on Saturday as “you never know what will happen”. — AFP DEVIL IOC approves Tokyo 2020 venue changes RIO DE JANEIRO: The International Olympic Committee executive board on Friday gave the greenlight to organizers of the Tokyo 2020 Games to move three competition venues as part of a plan to trim more than $1 billion from the budget. The IOC board meeting in Rio de Janeiro focused on preparations for the Tokyo games in five years time as well as the next Winter Olympics in the South Korean city of Pyeongchang in 2018. Tokyo Games CEO Toshiro Muto said the Japanese had submitted three venue changes as part of a pla0n to trim cut costs of the sporting extravaganza. “It is a year since we established the organising committee and we are putting together our vision,” said Muto, who said organisers proposed moving basketball outside Tokyo to Saitama an hour away. Rising labor and construction costs have also prompted Japan to rein back plans for new sites for canoe slalom — moving from a park to allay environmental concerns — and equestrian events, to be hosted at Baji Park, a 1964 venue. IOC executive director Christoph Dubi called Saitama’s 37,000 arena Super Arena a “fantastic venue” and forecast “considerable savings” from the proposals. Tokyo organisers earlier Friday submitted their Games Foundation Plan to the IOC as Japan’s capital prepares to become the first Asian city to stage a second Summer Games having hosted in 1964. Like Rio, Tokyo has not escaped controversy on budgets. The city has seen public protests in recent months over plans to demolish the National Stadium and replace it with a huge 80,000-seater stadium designed by British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid. Campaigners say the new design, standing some 70 metres high and with initial cost of some $3 billion before a revised plan was submitted costing around 40 per cent less, is too big for its local environment. Muto said the stadium’s size and cost is “an issue for the government. We will just operate the stadium.” The Tokyo team initially pledged to have some 80 percent of venues within eight kilometres (five miles) radius of the Olympic Village, but some events will now move to existing facilities further afield as part of plans to lop around $1.7 billion off the overall budget. — AFP Fourth placed United are one point ahead of Southampton in fifth place and hope to return to winning ways after losing away to Swansea Di Maria vows to fire Man United to top four finish LONDON: Angel di Maria has promised to make up for his spluttering start at Manchester United by firing his side into the Champions League. Louis van Gaal’s team face Sunderland at Old Trafford on Saturday with the race for a top four finish in the Premier League hotting up. Fourth placed United are one point ahead of Southampton in fifth place and hope to return to winning ways after seeing a seven-game unbeaten run ended by a 2-1 loss at Swansea in their last outing. Their bid to return to Europe’s elite club competition after a one-year absence would be significantly boosted if di Maria can finally hit peak form. The Argentina international has only offered occasional glimpses of his vast talent since a British record £59.7 million ($92 million) move from Real Madrid last year and he told MUTV: “I’ve had a couple of games where things haven’t gone as well as they could have. “I think it’s part of that settling-in process to the English game. “I started off quite well but I think that then made expectations rise and everyone thought I would just carry on in the same way. “But football is like that, sometimes you have these ups and downs. It took me a while to settle fully in each of the countries where I’ve played before.” Scarred by mid-week Champions League disappointment, Manchester City have a golden opportunity to enhance their title defence when they visit Liverpool on Sunday. City’s hopes of reaching the Champions League quarter-finals for the first time were dealt a sizeable blow on Tuesday when they fell to a 2-1 loss at home to Barcelona in the first leg of their last 16 tie. The result seriously compromises their chances of going through and the extent of Barcelona’s first-half dominance will take some forgetting, but Sunday’s return to domestic duties promises much. — AFP 28 SPORT omandailyobserver S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 GT3 CUP CHALLENGE: The Omani driver raced to fourth early in the first lap before spinning out and retiring from the round Al Harthy unlucky to retire after great start MUSCAT: Ahmed al Harthy was extremely unlucky to have to retire from Race 1 of Round 5 in the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East having made a blistering start to the race which saw the Omani driver claim fourth before ultimately being forced out at the Dubai Autodrome. The drivers took to the track in full knowledge that the Round 5 weekend could be the most critical yet as the penultimate of Season 6. With the slightest margins between every spot in both the drivers’ and teams’ competitions, each race represents a crucial opportunity to gain points in the race to victory. Al Harthy built on his solid sixth place finish in qualifying by steam rolling to fourth early in the first lap. With his Al Nabooda Racing team-mate Clemens Schmid starting from pole position, the early signs were extremely promising for the UAE based team. The Omani driver was showing the sort of form and rhythm he is usually so accustomed to and will feel extremely unlucky to have been forced from the race in after a spin which ultimately led to his retirement. Speaking after Race 1 in Round 5 Al Harthy said, “It’s not the easiest position to have to find myself in. After such a great start here on home soil I was really setting my sights on a great finish but luck just wasn’t on my side today. I had a wonderful start after beginning from sixth position in the grid and was hoping to make a push for the top three places after securing fourth so early on but it wasn’t to be my day. I am optimistic though and look forward to tomorrow’s challenge as I hope to find some more luck in Race 2.” In blustery conditions Race 1 of Round 5 got off to a flying start with Clemens Schmid taking an early lead from first with Zaid Ashkanani close behind. Shaikh Hasher al Maktoum of the Skydive Dubai Falcons will feel he suffered most from the start as Fahad Algosaibi and Ahmad al Harthy immediately closed on his third position, the three steaming towards the first corner side by side. Powerful moves saw Algosaibi steal third with Al Harthy fourth and the Skydive duo including Saeed al Mehairi fifth and sixth in the first lap. Up front Ashkanani pressured Schmid hard with the front three, including Algosaibi powering away from the pack. Lap three saw championship leader Schmid drop down to third as Algosaibi led with Ashkanani close behind pressuring for the top spot. So often the scene of drama the third-tolast corner saw both Al Nabooda Racing cars lock up with Schmid recovering well while his team-mate Ahmad al Harthy dropped down to fifth. After leading for a number of laps Fahad Algosaibi was forced from first to third with Zaid Ashkanani securing the lead ahead of Clemens Schmid. Huge pressure from Schmid forced a mistake as Ashkanani gave up his lead and slipped down to third, but it was Algosaibi who snatched the lead ahead of Schmid. . Further down the pack in the closing stages Ahmad al Harthy was forced from the track and unable to return in Ahmad al Harthy in action for Al Nabooda Racing Team. a scene which also cost Shaikh Hasher al Maktoum five places as he fell down to ninth. The Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East returns for Race 2 of Round 5 tomorrow ahead of the final and most decisive round of racing at the Bahrain International Circuit in April as the support race for the F1 Bahrain Grand Prix. Shiju sparkles in Assarain’s impressive win MUSCAT: Man of the Match V S Shiju with an enticing bowling spell of 8 for 19 off 10 overs including 3 maiden overs helped Assarain ‘A’ record an impressive 9 wicket win against OCT Muscat ‘A’ who have yet to register a win this season. The Muscat Pharmacy & Stores LLC sponsored ‘A’ Division 50 overs a side League match played on Friday at the MOS Turf Ground at Al Amerat. Opting to bat after winning the toss OCT Muscat ‘A’ were bowled out for a measly 68 runs off 23.1 overs. Set an easy target of 69 runs for a win Assarain ‘A’ got to their target scoring 70 runs for the loss of 1 wickets off 5.5 overs. ABU MAATHER WIN Abu Maather defeated Prime Trading by 4 wickets in an afternoon ‘H’ Division T20 match played in the afternoon session at the same venue. Brief scores:Prime Trading: 129/9 off 20 overs (Anoop V 28; Mohammed Rizwan 3-21, Zahirul Islam 2-9, Wasim Jamadar 2-16) lt to Abu Maather: 131/6 off 17.4 overs (Wasim Jamadar 33, Suhail Khot 29 n.o.; Brijish Kumar 3-31) Points: Abu Maather - 2 points (7 Games – 9 points) and Prime Trading – 0 (7 Games – 5 points) JOSHI SPURS ISC KUTCHI WING Kiran Joshi opening the batting scored a brilliant unbeaten 94 (73b, 13x4) to steer ISC Kutchi Wing to a massive 9 wicket win against OCT Al Nahdha in a ‘J’ Division T20 match played in the afternoon session at the adjacent ground No 4 at Al Amerat. Brief scores:OCT Muscat ‘A’ – 68 All Out off 23.1 overs (V S Shiju 8/19) lt to Assarain ‘A’: 70/1 off 5.5 overs (Muhammad Nadeem 37 n.o. and Arun Poulose 30 n.o.) Points:Assarain ‘A’ - 5 points (7 Games – 25 points) and OCT Muscat ‘A’ - Nil points (7 Games – Nil points) FAIRTRADE REGISTER WIN AGAINST Z-AXIS MEDIA VS Shiju (right) receiving a special award from Vinu Mathew, Assarain manager Points: Al Daam Int’l: 2 points (7 games – 7 points) and Oman Oasis: 0 (6 Games – 4 Points). X-Axis Media: 0 (7 Games – 10 Points). Fairtrade registered an 18 run win against Z-Axis Media in an Al Ansari Group of Companies sponsored ‘C’ Division T20 tournament match played in the morning session during the week end at the Municipality Ground No 1 at Al Amerat. AL DAAM INTL TRIUMPH In the afternoon at the same venue in an Oman Cricket organised ‘F’ Division T20 match Al Daam International recorded a 1 wicket win against a 10 member Oasis Water team. Biju Krishnan ended with bowling Brief Scores: Fairtrade: 178/ 5 off 20 overs (Salim Shaikh 89, Ganesh Sadasiva 24; Vijeesh figures of 3 for 36 off 4 overs. C Velunni 2-27) bt Z-Axis Media: 160/8 off 20 overs (Kimberly G Bentick 40, Krishna Chaitanya 28, Melwin Mathew 26, Wajid Ali 25; Anoop 2-18, Arun Kumar S 2-30, Neelakandan Arjun 2-35) Points: Fairtrade: 2 points (6 Games – 6 points) and HONDA Madhav 2-22) Points: Powertech Engineering: 2 points (6 Games – 6 points) and Arrow Overseas: 0 (7 Games – 6 points). LOCAL CRICKET Brief scores:Oasis Water: 159 all out off 18.5 overs (Rohan Kurian Alex 37; Biju Krishnan 3-36, Deepesh OK 2-28) lt to Al Daam International: 160/9 off 19.5 overs (Jayakumar 32; Ratheesh PP 2-13, Shibin 2-18, Shyju 2-20) POWERTECH ENGINEERING WIN AGAINST ARROW OVERSEAS In another Al Ansari Group of Companies sponsored ‘C’ Division T20 match played in the morning at the adjoining ground No 3 at Al Amerat, Powertech Engineering defeated Arrow Overseas easily by 7 wickets. Brief scores: Arrow Overseas: 136 all out off 18.1 overs (Abdul Rahim 27; N Anantha R 3-10, A Anburaj 3-20, K Prabhakaran 2-26, S Aravindan 2-39) lt to Powertech Engineering: 139/ 3 off 18.2 overs (K Prabhakaran 66 n.o., A Anburaj 43 n.o.; Vijay Overall championship standings ahead after Race 1, Round 5 – Top 6 Clemens Schmid (UAE)Al Nabooda Racing 215 Zaid Ashkanani (Kuwait) 205 Saeed al Mehairi(UAE) Skydive Dubai Falcons 162 Charlie Frijns--------- (NED) Team Frijns 156 Hasher al Maktoum (UAE) Skydive Dubai Falcons 147 Brief scores:OCT Al Nahdha: 161/6 off 20 overs (Faisal al Balushi 66, Khalil al Balushi 28 n.o.; Narshis Ganpat 2-25) lt to ISC Kutchi Wing: 162/1 off 19.2 overs (Kiran Joshi 94 n.o., Ashish Jethwa 41 n.o.). Points: ISC Kutchi Wing - 2 points (8 Games – 2 points) and OCT Al Nahdha - Nil points (7 Games – 1 point) KING TRAVELS & TOURS WIN King Travels & Tours defeated a 10 man Teejan Beatrice team by 5 wickets in a ‘G’ Division T20 match played in the morning session at the OAC 3 at Seeb. Brief scores:Teejan Beatrice: 186/7 off 20 overs (Feroz OV 55, Muhammad Akthar Sharfeer 26, Shanavas Ummer 24; Anup Rajan 2-19) lt to King Travels & Tours: 187/5 off 18 overs (Anup Rajan 59, Jayson Delboy 48; Saif Ur Rehman 2-29) Points: King Travels & Tours - 2 points (8 Games – 9 points) and Teejan Beatrice - Nil points (7 Games – 1 point) Raed Raffii (BAH) Team Bahrain 126 Overall Team Title standings after Race 1, Round 5 – Top 6 Al Nabooda Racing (UAE) 313 Skydive Dubai Falcons (UAE) 309 BuZaid GT (KUW) 245 Classic Arabia Racing (KSA) 220 Team Bahrain(BAH) 199 CLASSIC 7-over McIlroy set to miss cut at Honda PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA: World number one Rory McIlroy was set to miss the cut after shooting a four-over par 74 in his second round of the Honda Classic on Friday to go seven-over for the tournament. Heavy rain wiped out most of the morning and at the close, Californian Brendan Steele led by two strokes over Texan Patrick Reed after shooting birdies on each of his first four holes before darkness fell. Reed had an impressive 67 to move six-under and has the advantage of not needing to finish his round on Saturday. Overnight leader Jim Herman, the journeyman American who shot a 65 on Thursday, managed just three holes, making par on all to stand five-under. England’s Luke Donald shot a 67 to move four shots off the lead alongside compatriot Ian Poulter and Ireland’s Padraig Harrington, who had not finished their rounds. McIlroy found it hard going in the Champion Course’s notorious winds. The Northern Irishman, playing in his first PGA Tour event this year, bogeyed his first hole, the par-4 10th, and then made another bogey after finding water on the 18th. After a birdie on the par-3 fifth hole he closed with three bogeys from the last four holes. The cut is projected for three overpar and while it may change before the leaders finish their rain-delayed round on Saturday, McIlroy can safely pack his bags for the short journey to his home in Jupiter, Florida. “I’m pissed off. I don’t like missing cuts. You want to be playing on the weekend, and I’m not going to be playing which is not nice,” he said. McIlroy had not missed a cut since the 2014 Irish Open and his last missed cut in the US was at the 2012 US Open. He has been in outstanding form, finishing in the top two in five of his last six tournaments including victory in Dubai. “I guess after coming off a threeweek break, I felt, I wouldn’t say rusty, but just not quite on top of my game yesterday,” McIlroy said. “And then today I felt like I was trying to get something going and couldn’t. Coming off three weeks off and playing in conditions like these, it sort of shows you where your game’s at. I’ve just got to regroup and get ready for Miami next week.” He will be assured four rounds in the limited field at the WGC-Cadillac Championship. — AFP Woods missed the Masters last year after being advised by doctors to have back surgery and now his 2015 participation is in doubt too Masters countdown ticks fast for beleaguered Tiger LOS ANGELES: As the clock counts down for the April 9-12 Masters, fans, players and medical experts continue to speculate on whether a shockingly out-of-sorts Tiger Woods will be able to compete at the year’s opening major. Woods missed the Masters last year for the first time in his career after being advised by doctors to have back surgery and his participation in the 2015 edition is in serious doubt given his struggle for form and fitness this season. The former world number one, whose ranking has stunningly slipped to 70th, has competed only twice on the 2014-15 PGA Tour and said he would not return to the circuit until he felt his game was “tournament-ready”. Time, however, is not on his side should the 39-year-old be contemplating a comeback ahead of the Masters at Augusta National where he is a four-times champion. Not only is his game in complete disarray, with some pundits believing that he is suffering from the chipping ‘yips’, but his troublesome back is still posing problems. A winner of 14 major titles, Woods struggled dismally in his first two tournaments this year. He posted the highest score of his professional career, while looking more like a struggling amateur than the greatest player of his generation, as he carded a mind-boggling 11-over-par 82 to miss the cut at the Phoenix Open last month. He was not much better three weeks ago at Torrey Pines where he was two over par after 11 holes when he decided to pull out because of tightness in his back, his third withdrawal in his last nine starts. BACK ISSUES Woods said his back issues at Torrey Pines were not related to the surgery he had last year but Duke University professor Dr Selene Parekh felt the evidence suggested otherwise. “This is very concerning because Tiger was making it real important that it was all about his glutes at Torrey Pines,” Parekh, an associate professor of surgery in the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke, said on Friday. — Reuters LIFESTYLE S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 omandailyobserver 29 No Short Cuts to CREATIVITY THERE IS A WIDELY HELD VIEW, PROPAGATED BY ADVERTISING, THAT IF ONLY WE HAD THE LATEST TECH GADGET, THE MORE CREATIVE WE WOULD BE. WAY BACK IN THE EARLY 1980S WHEN PERSONAL COMPUTERS FIRST BECAME COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE, I THOUGHT THAT IF ONLY I HAD ONE MY NASCENT NOVEL WOULD SOON BE IN THE BOOKSHOPS. NEEDLESS TO SAY, THAT NOVEL IS STILL A WORK-INPROGRESS! It may interest you to know that taking gorgeous photographs is not my only pastime whenever I visit old villages. The first draft of this article, and of many of my previous articles, were penned in tumble-down interiors of old houses such as you see here. I find such places very conducive to my writing process, for there is little noise, no kettle or fridge, no phone or computer. I can connect with the wellspring without fear of disturbance by other people. As for the spiders, scorpions and occasional snake, they just add to the feeling that I am not only tapping but actually inside the dark, mysterious place deep in my psyche Q CLIVE G his may not surprise you, dear Readers, but it came as something of a shock to me to be informed recently that I am as dumb as a corncob, that I got into the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn’t looking, that my think-tank has sprung a leak. These withering indictments were visited upon me by the teenaged twins of a friend of mine, their evidence for my intellectual incapacity being the fact that I do not own a smartphone or a tablet and, what is worse apparently, that I do not crave ownership of such devices. Intelligence, according to these boys, is measured not by IQ tests but by the clock. In their adolescent view of the world, the longer you are prepared to camp outside an electronics store in order to purchase the latest gadget released onto the market by the world’s leading tech company, the smarter you are. So, by their definition of intelligence, I am living proof that evolution can work in reverse. What I did not reveal to these boys was the fact that I did once own a tablet computer, albeit very briefly. I was on T my way back to Oman from a visit to my ailing mother last December and found myself stranded in that gargantuan torture chamber infamously known as Heathrow Airport. Bad weather had delayed my flight so I tried to while away the hours by eating and drinking. However, when my expansive stomach was full to the brim the flight still had not been called, so I waddled over to a nearby bookshop and browsed as for as long as I dared without actually having to buy anything. After that, I decided to go into a tech store and watch all the poor misguided folks throwing their money away on the latest gizmos. Half an hour later, I emerged clutching a brand new 32 GB iPad Air! Now I hope that you, dear Readers, will appreciate just how humiliating it is for me to have to confess to this lapse of judgement, given how often I have ranted on in these columns about the detrimental effects modern technology is having on creativity. There are no excuses for my behaviour, I know, but I offer worry about my dear old mum, stress from having endured every form of degradation Heathrow Airport had to throw at me, and foolishly having had £500 in cash in my pocket, as mitigating circumstances. I found a coffee shop with free WiFi, bought the smallest coffee available and then sat at a table, unwrapped my purchase and switched it on. Would you believe me if I told you that the very first thing the iPad did after I had set up a password was to ask me for my credit card details? Apparently, this was advisable in order to save me the trouble of having to give this information every time I bought an App from the App Store. Now in case you didn’t know, asking a parsimonious Irishman for his credit card details is like asking Dracula for a blood donation. And there is as much chance of me buying an App as there is a Justin Bieber album. I switched the iPad off and put it in my bag, then wandered off in search of some other distraction in the aesthetic wasteland of the airport concourse. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against tablets or Apps per se, or the people who use them. I am sure they are very useful for checking your emails while on the go, or writing a shopping list while waiting for your kids to finish school, or storing a few photos in order to show prospective clients. My objections relate to the idea, grossly promulgated by the tech companies in their advertising campaigns, that by using such devices and applications, one will become a more creative and more productive person. The fact of the matter is that tablets and smartphones are anathema to the creative process. Here’s why I believe this to be so. It is widely accepted by psychologists who have investigated the creative process that creativity requires a still mind, an inner quietude that enables us to ‘hear’ the ‘messages’ emanating from the wellspring of creativity, that is, the depths of our unconscious mind. When engaged in creativity, then, we must remove all distracting sensory noise from our minds, not add to it. The spurious aural and visual stimuli tablets and smartphones produce are as distracting as a jackhammer to creative thinking, at least for me. Furthermore, creativity requires hard and sustained work, not only to develop our ability to tap the wellspring, but also to develop the technical skills which allow for smooth and unadulterated PESTICIDE PROBLEM HEALTH US govt sued over monarch butterfly demise Q CAREY GILLAM A n environmental group sued the US government on Friday, accusing regulators of discounting the dangers that a widely used herbicide poses to the declining monarch butterfly population. The Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) filed suit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in US District Court in New York. The suit claimed the agency has failed to heed warnings about the dangers to monarchs posed by glyphosate, the key ingredient in a widely used herbicide. Glyphosate is used in Monsanto Co’s Roundup and other herbicides. Federal law requires EPA to ensure that pesticides it approves will not cause “unreasonable adverse effects on the environment, including wildlife,” the lawsuit states. ‘‘However, the agency has never considered glyphosate’s impacts on monarchs.” “There are multiple factors that may be effecting monarchs including loss of habitat, weather and pesticides,” the EPA said. The orange-and-black spotted monarchs, renowned for migrating thousands of miles over m a n y generations from Mexico, across the United States to Canada, and then back again, have seen their numbers fall dramatically in recent years, according to the Centre for Biological Diversity. The lawsuit states that the monarch population was tallied at 1 billion in 1997 and this winter was down to 56.5 million butterflies, the second-lowest number ever measured. — Reuters Have fish, soak up some sun for healthy brain E COLOUR BLIND? Black/blue or white/gold? Dress debate goes viral I The dress that has created an intense Internet debate. — AFP transformation of the cryptic messages we receive from our unconscious mind into tangible form. In spite of what the advertising campaigns say, I do not believe that an App can do the hard work and obviate the development of technical skills. In case you are thinking that I am just a refugee from the pre-tech age peddling bankrupt ideas in order to mask his fear of modern technology, then please consider this. Steve Jobs, the late, highly creative tech genius and CEO of Apple Inc who was responsible for the development of the iPad, knew all too well the dangers to cognition and creativity inherent in the gadget he had created. For this reason, he would not allow his children to own or use an iPad but instead encouraged them to draw, paint, write longhand, read books and engage in intelligent discussions over the family dinner table. So I rest my case. When I finally got back to Oman, I gave that odious iPad to my houseboy who, poor lad, immediately began to weep with joy. After his duties finish each evening, he’s on that iPad for hours on end. I haven’t a clue what it is he’s doing on it, but whatever it is puts a smile on his face. Perhaps it’s better if I never find out. s the dress black and blue, or white and gold? That question is lighting up the Internet. It all started when a Tumblr user with the handle ‘swiked’ uploaded a picture of a dress with the caption: “guys please help me — is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can’t agree...” And then the Internet blew up. The post went viral on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms, with users passionately split over what colour the dress really is — blue with black lace, or white with gold lace. A BuzzFeed page devoted to the debate had more than 25 million views early on Friday, with 72 per cent of Internet users insisting the dress was white and gold, while 28 per cent swore it was blue and black. Even the glitterati weighed in. “What colour is that dress? I see white & gold. Kanye sees black & blue, who is colour blind?” Kim Kardashian wrote on Twitter, on the debate raging in her household with rapper husband Kanye West. “I don’t understand this odd dress debate and I feel like it’s a trick somehow,” pop diva Taylor Swift wrote in a message retweeted more than 90,000 times. “I’m confused and scared. PS it’s obviously blue and black There may be a scientific explanation for all the madness. According to British physicist Isaac Newton, colour is not inherent to objects. Humans perceive the colours reflected on the surface of objects through light that hits the retina in the back of the eye. Reena Garg, an assistant professor at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai in New York, said the varied reactions can be explained by how we understand colour, noting that the poorly exposed photograph was likely taken with a cell phone camera. “If you see the dress as black and blue, you’re probably seeing the photo as over-exposed, meaning there is too much light, so the colours in the dress appear darker to you after the retina has compensated,” Garg said. “If you see the dress as white and gold, you’re probably seeing the photo as under-exposed, meaning there is too little light and the colours in the dress appear lighter to you after the retina has compensated.” On Friday, after the Internet explosion, ‘swiked’ asked simply: “What have I done?” Of course, there is an answer to it all. A description on British manufacturer Roman Originals confirms that the dress is, in fact royal blue with lace, and sells for £50. — AFP ating enough sea fish and outdoor activities affect the levels of brain chemical serotonin that plays a role in ameliorating the symptoms associated with a broad array of brain disorders, new research has found. Many clinical disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and depression share as a unifying attribute low brain serotonin. “In this paper we explain how serotonin is a critical modulator of executive function, impulse control, sensory gating, and pro-social behaviour,” said Rhonda Patrick from Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI). “We link serotonin production and function to vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, suggesting one way these important micronutrients help the brain function and affect the way we behave,” Patrick added. Vitamin D is mostly produced by the skin when exposed to sun, and those who do not eat enough fish are likely to have marine omega-3 deficiencies. 30 omandailyobserver omandailyo observer S U N DAY l M A R C H 1 l 2 0 1 5 Muscat International Book Fair Book fair attracts one & all ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER FESTIVAL OF LETTERS WHERE MORE THAN 180,000 BOOKS ARE ON DISPLAY, MUSCAT INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR IS ALSO PROVING TO BE A WINDOW OF OMAN’S CULTURE AND TRADITION WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF THE OMAN CULTURE CLUB WITH ITS PRESENCE WITH MORE THAN 120 TITLES OUT OF WHICH 11 ARE NEW BOOKS Q KABEER YOUSUF W ith more than 633 publishing houses from 24 Arab and other foreign countries out of which 44 are from the Sultanate, the 20th Muscat International Book Fair is proving to be a global repertoire of books and attracting people from all walks of life every day. One of the most sought after festival of letters where more than 180,000 books are on display, Muscat International Book Fair is also proving to be a window of Oman’s culture and tradition with the participation of the Oman Culture Club with its presence with more than 120 titles out of which 11 are new books. “We are participating in the Fair with 120 titles that give insight into Oman’s culture and the etiquette needed for the modern society”, Mahmoud al Abri of OCC told the Observer. He further said that these titles include cultural stories, history, manners, poems and guidelines to the present generation. Document of Code of Ethics, The Scholar — Ibrahim bin Saeed al Abri’s Life and Thoughts by Mohammed bin Amer al Asri, The Man Who Returned from Coming in Time, Families of Oman, Oman-Yemen political relations, Oman as depicted in the History, Global Politics, Folktales Oman by Fauzia, Adam in Black and White and Don’t Forget Your Home by Mohammed al Jahdhami are the new additions to the Culture Club collections. The fair is divided in to two sections. The first being Al Farahidi which is dedicated to Arab and foreign publishers with a vast collection of Arabic books, and the second being the Ahmed bin Majid section which is dedicated to publishers with foreign and Arab children’s books. “The fair stretches over 7,848 stalls and 872 pavilions in the two sections. There are 44 publishing houses and bookshops from the Sultanate and other countries taking part in the book fair where a special focus is given to Oman’s culture and traditions”, Dr Abdulmunim al Hasani, Minister of Information said. Regionally, there are, besides Oman, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Bahrain, Iran, Jordan and the UAE, among others with a large collection of books that caters to all ages. “We are quite impressed at the collection of books, especially Arabic and English at the Fair and it is truly international”, Dr Heba Ahmed Hassan, Dean-College of Engineering, Dhofar University told the Observer. She was to catch the next flight to Salalah. Side by side, the Fair hosts cultural programmes which include intellectual, literary and art events organised by the committee. Nizwa, the capital of culture, recognised as the central hub for history and culture in the Sultanate, was granted pride of the place at the book fair. “More books, more collections, more authors and above all, more cultural events and literary workshops for students, teachers and the general public as a whole. The Book Fair is worth a visit”, Khalid Mohammed al Shanfari who flew in from Salalah for the Fair said. S U N DAY MARCH 1 l 2015 SPOTLIGHT UNDER ITEC, 161 COUNTRIES IN ASIA, AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA AS WELL AS PACIFIC AND SMALL ISLAND COUNTRIES ARE INVITED TO SHARE IN THE INDIAN DEVELOPMENTAL EXPERIENCE IN VARIOUS FIELDS Pets and Zoos! I E The country’s achievements in areas such as spacetechnology, computers, nuclear science, automobiles, pharmacy, manufacturing, biotechnology, energy, nanotechnology, aviation, theoretical physics and statistics, among others, shows that invention and innovation in India are now an important part of the economic activity. India has one of the largest technical education systems in the world. The ITEC programme was the result of the vision of the founding fathers of India. The ITEC Programme was instituted by a decision of the Indian Cabinet on September 15, 1964 as a bilateral programme of assistance of India. ITEC programme represents the Government of India’s earnest attempt to share the fruits of its economic and technical progress with other countries. The ITEC programme has the objective of realising that noble and far-sighted vision. The ITEC Programme, fully-funded by the Government of India, has evolved and expanded over the years. Under ITEC, 161 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, East Europe, as well as Pacific and Small Island countries are invited to share in the Indian developmental experience in various fields. The Sultanate of Oman is keen to develop its human resources or capacity building through education, training and vocational courses. The added skills which are being provided by ITEC facilitate human resource development, capacity building, skills upgradation and empowerment for increased jobs. Now the ITEC scholarships for Oman will remain at the enhanced number of 150 for the next financial year 2015-16 starting from April 1, 2015 and marking an increase of 200 per cent ie from 50 to 150 during the last three years. CULTURE ISG holds kid’s Annual Exhibition T he Annual Exhibition of the Kindergarten and pre-primary section of Indian School Al Ghubra was held recently. The exhibition unfolded the creativity and imagination of the tiny tots. The theme of the exhibition was to turn ‘Best out 31 SAYEH WOODMAN ITEC Programme celebrates Annual Day mbassy of India, Muscat celebrated the annual ‘ITEC Day’ with very enthusiastic participation of ITEC alumni from Oman last week at the Embassy lawns. This year the ITEC celebrations were special as the commemoration coincided with the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of India-Oman diplomatic relations. Shaikh Khalid bin Omar al Marhoon, Minister of Civil Service, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The function was attended by more than 200 ITEC alumni as well as senior functionaries of Omani Government. Member of Royal family and Chief of Protocol in Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Members of Shura Council, Chairman of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), senior officials from various ministries were among the dignitaries who attended the ITEC Day function. Sharing people-to-people contacts since the period of the Indus Valley Civilisation in the third millennium BC, the India-Oman relationship, today, is multifaceted and in the nature of a strategic partnership. As part of the continuing high-level exchanges between the two countries, the Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs had visited India twice last year. The External Affairs Minister of India was on an official visit to Oman earlier last month. This comprehensive relationship covers numerous fields of cooperation, including education and training. In fact, India and Oman are exploring ways to enhance, augment and intensify cooperation in the fields of higher education and training. India has been sharing its knowledge, expertise and experience gained over the years with developingcountry partners like Oman. omandailyobserver of waste’. There were a wide range of exhibits made with plasticine, empty tissue boxes, empty bottles, disposable spoons, glasses etc thus creating the best out of waste. The parents were transported to the world of music, pets, flora and fauna. The highlight of the exhibition was the Impromptu cultural programme which provided a platform for children to display their talent. Parents and guests appreciated the artistic creations and the display of talent by the children. was quite amazed that Muscat didn’t have a zoo, a peculiar statement to comprehend, I know, but in the UK amongst other tourist attractions zoos are pretty much up there when it comes to things to do. I’m not sure if it has something to do with the heat or gaining licenses perhaps, but zoos in Muscat just don’t exist. I did hear about one zoo in Muscat, think it’s in Barka. The feedback and comments from quite a few people who had visited this zoo, unfortunately was far from positive, when it came to the animals and the way they were cared for in terms of homage. So, I never visited. There are mixed thoughts and feelings when it comes to zoos and keeping animals in captivity. I’m all for the wild and natural living, animals living in their own habitat. But when it’s to their benefit, maybe they face extinction, and then I think it’s great news to have such places like zoos. Most zoos are not only great places to get up close to wildlife, but many are also doing their part to bolster dwindling populations of animals still living free in the wild. Species of wildlife are facing global extinction on a massive scale. Zoos are in a unique position to make a difference. There are loads of zoos to visit in the UK that offer educational experiences too. Up close encounters, to drive through which are quite exciting. From not having zoos to visit to, I found the pet shops are a little different too in Muscat. It is a delicate matter to write about, as having seen with my own eyes, the difference in hygiene, care, homing and the general atmosphere of pet stores, it’s certainly from an expat point of view, quite surprising what you see based on UK experiences. To see cats and dogs in small confined box like rooms with glass windows was a surprise. You would never see this in the UK. The biggest animal you would see in such a space would be a rabbit, or smaller still a rat or mouse. As a kid and even now, it would frustrate me seeing people tap the windows in hope that the animal would respond. The only response to expect is that of utter frustration. I was always told not to bang or touch the glass, as this would disrupt the animal’s calm, yet this is all I saw when visiting the pet stores in Muscat. I learnt through my time in Muscat, that the culture was very different when it came to animals and pets. Having a pet in the UK is like having an addition to the family, they become part of your family whether it is a cat, dog, rabbit, bird or even a fish! This mentality isn’t reflected in Muscat and I feel it’s trying to inflict it, when it should come naturally. One thing I do admire, that the UK has lost, the respect of others, ‘others’ meaning people… that don’t necessary have that connection with animals or pets. Something simple as dog walking, all dogs are kept on a lead when walking through busy areas of Muscat. Leads seem to be ‘forgotten’ when walking the dog in the UK, and this can cause situations, which aren’t comfortable for passerby. It’s little memories like this, that make me realise and remember how worlds apart countries can be, and this week it’s been about pet stores and zoos! Studying abroad, its pros and cons..! M Q BALQEES JAMAL any significant important changes happen today in the field of higher education sector in Oman. The most prominent of these transformations that have a significant impact is the scholarship programmes implemented by the Ministry of Higher Education. It began many years ago and has increased recently. It aims to send hundreds of students yearly to study abroad in several colleges and universities internationally. Usually, they are distributed in various countries around the world. And basically, this ambitious programme adds immensely to the Human Resources efficiency to the work market with well-recognised knowledge and qualification. This does not mean that we ignore our domestic institutions and focus only on the scholarship programmes. As we need both. Just as the scholarship has lots of benefits, it also has negative sides too. There are some parents who have maximised the benefits. Thus, they encourage their kids to study abroad. On the other hand, there are some who appeal to stop these kinds of programmes because of its negativity. It is a known fact that every step and every action has its own risks, so the experience is important to reach to the right decision regarding the idea of scholarship. Many students who are studying abroad shared their experiences here. Safa Ahmed Aldahwi, student at Ohio University in the United State of America, said: “It is such a wonderful feeling when you find that your dream is finally coming true and got a scholarship to study in an internationally known country as the US, especially when you find a great encouragement from your parents. They did not mind at all to study abroad, on the contrary, they provided all the support morally and physically. That is exactly what happened with Fatma Ibrahim al Abdawany, a student at Vienna University of Technology who said: “My family is a source of support.” She thinks that the student who studies abroad desperately needs intense tips from his/ her friends and family. Ministry’s efforts Sultan Ahmed Ali al Rawahi, a student of UPM in Malaysia said: “The government has made great efforts in organising the scholarship programmes and sending many students to study abroad. They made sure that students have all of what they need before, while and after their travelling. This might help them in many things.” He added that the proper education that we have been given in our local institutions gave us more affiliation to our religion and ethics, which made a protective shield against any strange culture and habits that may affect us. Ahmed supported his idea and said, “We should not ignore the role of our government as it provides us with all the material costs we need to live, starting with the study costs, travelling tickets and housing costs. On the other hand, Ahmed said, “The living costs in some countries are very high, so we sometimes require financial support from our families, especially in countries going through economic crises. Fatma mentioned that the semesters are very long, thus she sometimes feels homesick and this really affects her in a bad way. SUNDAY | MARCH 1, 2015 | JUMADA AL ULA 10, 1436 AH P29 P30 P31 Inside No Short Cuts to Creativity Book fair attracts one and all ITEC Programme celebrates Annual Day FOLLOW US ON: A Superb Nutcracker THE PERFORMANCE OF THE NUTCRACKER IN MUSCAT CERTAINLY SHOWED THE SKILLS AND GENIUS OF A MASTER MUSICIAN. THERE WAS GRACE, PACE, SWIFT CHANGES IN MOOD FROM THE ELEGANT TO THE IRONIC. THE AUDIENCE, WHICH EMBRACED PEOPLE FROM FIVE TO ABOUT NINETY-FIVE ENJOYED THE GRACE, ELEGANCE AND SWIFT CHANGE OF MOOD. IT WAS THOUGHTFUL BUT NEVER SLOW IN PACE Q MAURICE GENT I t was magic, mystery and the creation of dreams all the way. The Hamburg Ballet gave an exquisite performance, which was very much enjoyed by an audience of all ages. Much of the magic and fame of the Hamburg Ballet, comes from John Neumeier who was born in the United States but has won worldwide acclaim for his passion, style and drive in helping to build a dance company, which is famous throughout the world for both the beauty and intensity of its productions. John Neumeier has been a creative driving force at the Hamburg Ballet and its artistic director since 1973, making it into a power house of excellence drive and utterly superb ballet. His skills stretch to interpreting the sacred works of Handel and Mozart, thus earning a reputation for excellence in many parts of the world. This performance of The Nutcracker in Muscat certainly showed the skills and genius of a master musician. There was grace, pace, swift changes in mood from the elegant to the ironic. The audience, which embraced people from five to about ninety-five enjoyed the grace, elegance and swift change of mood. It was thoughtful but never slow in pace. One of the principal dancers, was born in Brazil, another in Poland. The search in this remarkable company has always been for excellence. Another of their top dancers has performed in France and the English National Ballet. The Muscat audience was also fortunate enough to have Michael Schmidtsdorf as Conductor, born in Hamburg he now has a worldwide reputation. A principal dancer Carolina Aguero from Cordoba, Argentina also gave an outstanding performance. There was then a wealth of talent from many nations and this has rightly helped to boost the prestige and reputation of the Hamburg Opera. Certainly it will not be forgotten in Muscat. Two of the principal dancers started their lives a long way from Hamburg. Lloyd Riggins started life in New York and Alexandr Trusch in Ukraine. They both have now joined the Hamburg Ballet, a further proof of the continuing growing reputation of the now world famous Hamburg Ballet. But despite the international reputation of ROHM it certainly has not forgotten its Omani roots. On March 5 and 7 it hosts the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra , who will be accompanying the famous oudh player, Marcel Khalife. MUSIC Broken strings can’t stop Ed Sheeran! Q ALEXANDRA AND RAY PETERSEN W e love a bit of rain here in Oman, but not so much when you are trying to get to an open-air gig just down the coast at the Shangri-La. Friday night’s downpour though, failed to deter an enthusiastic crowd at the Ooredoo Arena. For months, Muscat has been buzzing about the current go-to man in pop music and culture, Ed Sheeran, a softly spoken, well-mannered young Suffolk man, and you can see why he is highly respected in the music world, frequently being seen with such high profile names as Taylor Swift and Beyoncé. Arriving onstage, he left the crowd in no doubt about his intentions and attitude, announcing that, “My job is to entertain you for 2 hours, and your job is to have fun.” He won the crowd over by taking the blame for the weather, “This happens every time I do an outdoor gig, but you guys have it all here. Great weather, amazing views, great beach and wonderful food. I feel like staying here… for quite a while.” Musically, Sheeran is even better live, than in the studio form, which is a rarity for recording artists nowadays! His music is so well received by radio stations, and listeners, that you will hear In full voice, Ed Sheeran him on English speaking radio stations as often as you like, so I never felt the need to go the extra mile and have it as a collection. That said, gems uncovered personally for myself during the live set included ‘Tenerife Sea’, a lyrically beautiful creation, which would have touched the hearts of many. Freestyle covers of Beyoncé and Iggy Azalea intrigued, and the way he broke down ‘Bloodstream,’ and, as he put it “changed-up,” ‘Give Me Love’ illustrated his ability not only as a pop-sensation, and a pop-rocker, but as a genuine rocker. He’s also a bit of a decent rapper if the cheeky ‘Don’t’ is anything to go by. The big hits like the sad, heartbreakingly real, ‘The A Team’, and current favourite ‘Thinking Out Loud,’ were the crowd favourites in a superb set. Sheeran’s own life experiences of passion he brings to the otherwise ruthless modern music industry, that today favors gimmicks and techno fallbacks. That said, the graphics and production were quite outstanding. Creating a visual masterpiece from a solo acoustic set should theoretically be a challenge, but ‘Team Sheeran’ excelled. Clips from Ed’s videos, fan artwork, close ups of his extensive tattoos and animation cartoons were just some of the highlights of a slick visual experience that enhanced the live-music experience. The gig still managed to feel quite personal though, and surely the setting of the S h a n g r i - L a Barr Al Jissah resort, with its beautiful coastal and m o u nt a i n views adds to that by offering an intimate amphitheatre experience. This venue and crowd were far smaller than the Wembley, or NEC Arena type numbers Sheeran would have been used to, yet he still delivered! We all sang, clapped, Rory Keen and “made some noise,” as living life as he has, are revealed in his music, and his years of surviving on the streets have not been forgotten. These have undoubtedly made him the hardworking, hard-playing individual who entertains to the max. He never once eased into cruise mode, preferring an energetic, often hard-driving, rocking style, which all display his sheer (haha) love of, and enthusiasm for his music. Sheeran puts his heart and soul into every song, and his well-placed energy even got his guitar 3 broken strings after one particularly lively rendition. “That’s a record,” he mused. It was a solo, largely acoustic set, with only his guitar, loop pedal, and bass pedal, and doing everything himself, made it a refreshing experience. It didn’t feel like it needed any more, which is testament to the talent, skill and Sheeran asked, but it in an uniquely ‘Omani’ style, because it was all was so civil! And what about Ryan Keen, the supporting, opening act. I’m a connoisseur of new music, and I’ve always been a fan of Jo Wiley’s Radio 1 show, and The Selector, a British Council weekly radio show, both of which are known for introducing new and ‘happening’ British acts to the world. I adored Ben Howard years before he became famous, and loved Ellie Golding at my local haunt, in York, in the UK. I missed Keen somewhere though, which is a shame. Another man who clearly knows how to hold a guitar, his raw voice broke through the early scepticism of the Sheeran fans impatient for their idol. Keen though, got everyone going with the likes of ‘Focus’, and I can see ‘See Me Now’ being used as a soundtrack to a gripping drama. It was so evocative! Getting the chance to see new talent break through is one benefit of live concerts, and this is something extra to thank Sheeran and his ‘invisible’ band for. A toe-tapping, hand-clapping, singin’ out, brilliant night’s entertainment, and just as the 3 broken strings never stopped Sheeran, I’m so glad the rain never stopped Oman from doing their own… Thinking Out Loud! — Photos by Alexandra Petersen and Yelena Glukhovtseva
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