Registration Fee Organising Committee Industrial Delegates : Rs. 600/Faculties/Scientists : Rs. 400/Research Scholars/Students : Rs. 200/This includes Registration Kit, Lunch, Tea/Cookies and abstract book in CD form. nd Patrons 2 NATIONAL SEMINAR on Dr. T.R. Paarivendar, Chancellor, SRM University Thiru. P. Ravi Pachamoothoo, Chairman, SRM Group of Institutions Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan, “THE CONCEPTS OF GREEN CHEMISTRY” (NSCGC-2015) President, SRM University Abstract Submission 28th March 2015 Organizing Chairs Dr. T.P. Ganesan Director, VEC & Pro-VC (P&D), SRMU Dr. B. Chidhambararajan Mr. V. Arivalagan Organizing Secretary, NSCGC-2015, The Department of Chemistry, Valliammai Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur 603 203. Mail: Mob: 9789176434 Accommodation may be provided on request at nominal charges. Registration fee does not include accommodation charges. Last date for Registration On or before 18th March 2015. Convener G IN E E R I NG GE Interested participants are requested to send their Abstract & Registration Forms along with the prescribed fee by DD in favor of “The Principal, Valliammai Engineering College” payable at Chennai to the address as there are limitation in accepting the papers. EN LLE on or before 13 March 2015. AI CO Vice Principal, Valliammai Engineering College th MM Principal, Valliammai Engineering College Dr. M. Murugan Abstract should be sent by Email to CALL FOR ABSTRACTS VALLIA Abstracts are invited for oral presentations. One page abstract should be submitted as Word file (A4 size: Times New Roman 12 Point, Single Space; and Title 14 Point followed by authors name, affiliation and Email address) in the name of authorname.doc. Dr. L. Devaraj Stephen Assistant Professor & Head/Dept. of Chemistry Organizing Secretary Mr. V. Arivalagan Assistant Professor/Dept. of Chemistry Treasurer Ms. R. Manju Assistant Professor/Dept. of Chemistry Organizing Members Mr. N. Jayaprakash Ms. K. Anandhi Dr. K. Karunanithi Ms. M. Meera Dr. M. Soundarrajan Dr. J. Krishnamurthi Ms. R. Kamakshi Organized by The Department of Chemistry Valliammai Engineering College Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NBA, Affiliated to Anna University, ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur 603 203, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu. Tel:044-27454784 Fax: 044-27454726 E-mails: In Association with Indian Society for Technical Education About the Institution Valliammai Engineering College (VEC) was th founded on 9 September, 1999 by Dr.T.R. Pachamuthu a well known educationalist, in the name of his mother Tmt. R. Valliammai to impart world class education in engineering technology particularly to develop useful manpower with entrepreneurship qualities for industry. It is a self-financed institution run by Valliammai Society. This institution offers engineering UG degree courses in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering, PG degree courses in Communication Systems, Computer Science & Engineering, Control & Instrumentation, Power Systems, Structural Engineering, CAD/CAM, Management Studies (MBA), Computer Applications (MCA). It is approved by the AICTE, accredited by the NBA and affiliated to the Anna University. The institute is spread over the wide area with modern laboratories and infrastructure with well-qualified staff members. It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified institute. About the Department The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 1999 and is equipped with the latest facilities and state of the art infrastructure and sophisticated instruments. The total faculty strength of the department is ten, out of whom four are doctorates and the remaining pursuing Ph.D. The faculties have publications in national and international journals of rich impact factor and presented papers in the National & International Conferences. The department is having R& D centre approved by the Anna University. The expertise of the faculty members includes Organic Synthesis, Inorganic Photochemistry, Photocatalysis, Supramolecular Chemistry, Nanomaterials, Green Chemistry, Click Chemistry, Macrocycles, Organic NLO Crystals and emerging frontier areas. VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (A Member of SRM Group of Institutions) Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NBA, Affiliated to Anna University, ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified nd 2 NATIONAL SEMINAR on “THE CONCEPTS OF GREEN CHEMISTRY” Objectives of the Seminar The objective of this seminar is to bridge the researchers from the academia and the industry under one roof to interact and exchange ideas, and share the knowledge in the field of Green Chemistry. The seminar will provide an attractive platform for the researcher to present their results. (NSCGC-2015) 28th March 2015 REGISTRATION FORM Name : ......................................................... Designation : ......................................................... Who Shall Attend? Organization : ......................................................... The seminar is aimed at research scholars, faculties and students from science and engineering colleges and scientists from the related areas. Address for Correspondence : ......................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Area of Focus (but not limited) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Green Synthesis Clean Solvent Technology Novel catalysts Bioremediation & any other related topics Nanomaterials Pincode : ......................................................... Phone/Mobile : ......................................................... E-Mail : ......................................................... Payment Details Amount : Rs.......................................................... DD No. : .............................................................. Date : .............................................................. Name of the Bank : .............................................................. Branch Date : : .............................................................. SIGNATURE
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