Equilibrium Man Challenge Pioneer Program The Equilibrium Man Challenge Table of contents 01 02 03 Overview Mainstreaming Flexibility Who should be involved? 04 Why get involved? 05 What’s involved? 06 Fees & Timeline 07 Why men and flexibility? 2 The Equilibrium Man Challenge A challenge we all face The Workplace Gender Equality Agency in collaboration with communications consultancy Parker et al and in partnership with Telstra and Mirvac has commenced pre-production for the Equilibrium Man Challenge (EMC) - a documentary that follows the journey of six men as they negotiate and move to formal flexible work arrangements for a range of reasons. Looking after young children or ageing parents, addressing mental health issues, pursuing other life ambitions such as further study or professional sport or just finding a better, more productive way to work will be among the drivers for change. To be launched in February 2015, EMC aims to have men and the companies they work for recalibrate what real workplace flexibility means to deliver significant performance, productivity and engagement outcomes, while enabling gender equality. Broadcast on the internet in topic-based segments over a six month period, the documentary will be heavily supported via traditional and social media, as well as industry and stakeholder engagement. Award winning documentary maker, Ruth Cullen, will produce the core video material. Throughout the journey, the program will look at the challenges the men face and how they overcome them, and the leadership capability required to drive real change. The documentary will talk to co-workers, managers and family members to see how change affects others while each E-Man will be given coaching and advice on issues they face in their professional and personal lives. Other experts will also be included as commentators on issues as they unfold. Links to a range of tools and resources will be provided to embed flexibility across the workplace. Responding to overwhelmingly positive feedback from employers about the EMC concept, WGEA is developing a pioneer program that will enable a further 10 interested employers to run the challenge in their own workplace. The following brief provides an outline of the program. 3 The Equilibrium Man Challenge Mainstreaming flexibility EMC aims to shift attitudes and encourage behaviours that transform the way we work in Australia so that flexible working is not just seen as a token gesture to working mothers but instead it is embraced as the smart way to drive productivity and performance outcomes for business. Specific outcomes of the EMC program include: • Promote acceptance around men in engaging in flexible working arrangements, promoting it as legitimate for and available to all, rather than merely the domain of mothers with young children. • Create a platform for men to share their experiences around working flexibly and inspire more men to do the same. • Create a movement which encourages leaders (who are disproportionately men) to lead ‘the charge’ in making flexible work and careers standard business practice. • Broaden public knowledge and reframe the debate about flexible work and flexible careers so that 4 it focuses on mutually beneficial flexibility for employers and employees. • Increase understanding of the community benefits of flexibility in terms of personal and family well being, as well as the community risks and costs associated with not mainstreaming flexibility. • Challenge gender-based societal and organisational norms about care-giving, household responsibilities and domestic organisation, with a view to encouraging men to increase their overall engagement in these areas and address the persistent gendered division of labour in Australian families. The Equilibrium Man Challenge Who should be involved? We are looking to maximise the reach of this campaign by engaging with employers who have committed to take action on flexibly, however this does not require more than a positive organisational approach, commitment from the top and a basic flexibility policy. 5 The Equilibrium Man Challenge Why get involved? Participating in the EMC program will position your organisation as an innovative employer who is committed to raising the bar on mainstreaming flexibility. Specific benefits include: • make real progress towards mainstreaming flexible work across the organisation • reap the business benefits of higher productivity and employee engagement, and reduced staff turnover and absenteeism 6 • demonstrate leadership and be publicly recognised as an employer committed to making flexible work the norm for all • attract and retain the best talent, who are increasingly seeking flexibility • build employee capability by participating in specialist manager and employee training • access a network of committed employers to engage and share learnings The Equilibrium Man Challenge What’s involved? Step 1: Secure commitment from your CEO Employers can choose their own method of Mainstreaming flexibility requires a selecting their EMan, which could include commitment from your CEO to make it a running an internal talent competition or business priority. To successfully implement targeted approaches to potential candidates. A and support EMC in your workplace, your CEO promo video and information pack is available will need to act as a spokesperson for the for each employer to adapt for their own Challenge internally and potentially externally internal communication purposes. These if your organisation’s experience attracts media materials explain the overall concept, what’s attention. We encourage you to speak with involved and what’s in it for the EMen. You your CEO to ensure their and the executive might want to require contenders to submit a team’s commitment is in place for this ground- video application explaining why they should breaking initiative. be selected. This can be complimented by a written submission. Step 2: Talent selection – find your Equilibrium Man Step 3: Survey employees about flexibility Identifying the right E-Man is arguably the most The EMC will provide an employee survey challenging and critical element of the program. organisations can use to assess attitudes Their stories and commitment to the Challenge to flexibility before and after the program. will determine how well the rest of your The survey is an option step available to workplace embraces flexibility. The following organisations who don’t have current attitudinal points provide a guide for selecting E-Men: data that relates to access to flexibility and for • Clearly articulated reasons for wanting those employers looking for more granular flexibility metrics and insights to guide their own internal Their families and colleagues are happy to communication programs. • share their perspectives via social channels • Willing and able to commit a certain level of effort to support the program ie sharing personal and professional stories about the impact of flexible working on their work and life via dedicated social streams • You might want to select an aspiring leader who is recognised as an influencer in the organisation. 7 The Equilibrium Man Challenge What’s involved Step 4: Participate in manager and employee Step 7: Share your experiences – internally and training externally Each E-Man and their manager will be invited to EMC drives change by role modelling and rewarding participate in training for employees and managers to flexible working via a high impact, national public ensure they have the required skills to manage their communications campaign. Specifically this involves: work flexibly and manage flexible teams. This face • to face training will be supported by a range of self- insights via a dedicated social media channels including service tools being developed by WGEA. Face to face a Facebook page, Instagram and LinkedIn community. training is an optional service that will be charged at Editorial guidelines will be created to support this additional cost. interaction. Step 5: The E-Men document their blueprint • EMen will be encourage to complete a blue print for the Challenge via your existing external communications flexible working that articulates: channels such as website, social media, SMS and Your E-Man sharing their experience and Your organisation promoting its involvement in electronic newsletters. • Their flexible working arrangement • • Related personal and professional goals plan that leverages your participation and encourages all • Internal and external stakeholders potentially employees to embrace flexible working. Pioneer employers impacted and required communications will be provided with five expert videos co-branded to support approaches internal communication programs. • Barriers to success and solutions to overcome The blue print is designed to help the EMen have open conversations with team members and clients so everyone agrees on expectations, potential challenges and solutions. This content is also captured in the profile video posted on the EMC website. Step 6: Create promotional video for online broadcast A high quality 5 minute profile video will be compiled capturing your CEOs support for the program, your organisational goals, and your EMan’s personal story as it relates to this challenge. This film will be broadcast on the EMC website and across social channels, providing the primary video content to support your dedicated social channels. 8 Developing a comprehensive internal communications The Equilibrium Man Challenge Fees & timeline Fees There will be a fee of $24,990 plus GST to take part in the pioneer EMC program. Travel costs outside of Sydney to produce the profile video will be charged as extra. Invoicing will be managed by Parker et al and can be paid as a lump sum or as part of a payment plan. For this fee employers receive: • Talent selection video and information pack • A professionally produced video profiling your organisation’s commitment to flexibility and your EMan’s story • Recognition on the EMC website • A dedicated social media track for your organisation and the EMan to share their experiences • Use of the EMC logo and related materials including co-branded video content from the official program to support internal communications campaigns. Timeline • October - December 2014: Secure pioneer participants. • January – February 2015: Pioneer participants identify their EMen • March 2015: The Challenge commences. 9 The Equilibrium Man Challenge Why men & flexiility? Significant societal changes have occurred in men’s work and family/personal experiences over the past 30 to 40 years, triggering amongst men a growing interest in, and need to, access quality flexible work. Research demonstrates five major reasons why a focus on men and flexibility is critical: • To directly sustain or improve business responsibilities by ensuring men can share from a broader talent pool of men, in the caring responsibilities and reducing turnover of male employees. To recognise men as the predominant leaders of organisations who must be empowered to make the change and lead flexibility for the whole organisation. • To sustain or improve individual, relationship and family outcomes, including in relation to reducing men’s stress and burnout, enhancing family relationships and enabling active fathering which, in turn, enhances men and women’s psychological well-being and gender equality both in domestic work and paid employment. 10 To help women manage family and work outcomes, including in relation to recruiting increasing performance and productivity • • • To sustain or improve community well being. Get in touch Elizabeth Bray Chiplin Senior Public Affairs Advisor 02 9432 7011 | elizabeth.braychiplin@wgea.gov.au The Equilibrium Man Challenge is an initiative designed and produced by the communication agency Parker et al in association with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and leading companies.
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