St. Helen Catholic Church 12060 Kinsman Road, Newbury, Ohio 44065 Clustered with St’s. Edward and Lucy March 1, 2015 Fr. Jay McPhillips, Pastor Mrs. Rose Torok Secretary, Fr. Jerry Bednar Weekend Associate, Deacon Will Payne Pastoral Associate, Deacon Larry Somrack Pastoral Associate, Sr. Margaret Hartman SND Principal, , Mrs. Maria Flauto PSR/EDGE, Mrs. Cindy Yokules Accounting, Mrs. Mary Weber, Pastoral Minister, Mrs. Theresa Zickert Life Teen, Mr. Jack Tayek Music Director Church office – 440-564-5805, Church FAX – 440-564-7367 564-7367, School office – 440-564-7125 Mass Schedule Sunday: - Pianist: 7:30 am St. Helen Choir: 9:15 am Testify: 11:00 am Saturday Vigil Mass - Pianist 5:00 pm Holy Day Mass Schedule (See Bulletin for Vigil and Holy Day Mass Schedule) Confession Schedule Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 pm Sunday before each Mass by request Life Teen: See Bulletin or call the Parish Office to see if there is a Mass. Monday - Friday: Friday (During the school year) Saturday - Mass 8:00 am 9:00 am 8:00 am Pray for our seminarians: Phillip Lewandowski and Bobby McWilliams Baptisms: By Arrangement - Please call the Parish Office Marriages: By Arrangement - Please call the Parish Office Visitation of Our Sick: We are concerned and want to be advised when someone is ill at home or in the hospital or in a long term care facility. Please call the parish Office to have the shut in place on our Friday calls. Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-395-HELP (4357) THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Mon Mar 2, 2015 9a - 10a School Mass /CH Wed Mar 4, 2015 8:30a - 9:30a Divine Mercy/BR 8:30a - 10:30a Legion of Mary/ BR 1p - 9p Fish Fry/K,C,G 1:00P-2:30P Book Discussion Group/BR 10:30a - 11:30a Fatima Hour /A 2:30p - 4p Dance/OLCH 2:30p - 5p Piano lessons/CH 2p - 3p Dynaic Catholic/ Legion of Mary / BR 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 2:30p - 4p Dance/OLCH 6p - 12a Renewal setup/OLCH 5p - 7p Prayer Shawl Ministry/TL 5p - 11p Bingo /G 7:30p - 8:30p First Friday Mass /CH 6p - 9p Umpires/SL 6p - 7:30p Girl Scouts/OLCH 6:15p - 7:30p PSR/EDGE/2,3,4,7,8,OLCH 6:30p - 8:30p Spring retreat mtg/LTC 7:30p - 9:30p Knights of Columbus/ LTC 7p - 8p Men’s Renewal /A8p - 10p /OLCH 8:30a - 3:30p Umpires/SL 7:30p - 9:30p Testify practice/CH 7p - 8p Sunday Scripture Study 9a - 2:30p Booster sports/G 8p - 9p K of C St. Helen 7:30p - 9p Choir(small group)/C 3:30p - 6p Confessions & Mass /CH 7:30p - 8:30p St. Joseph prayer grp/ A 6p - 7p Avila hour/A Sat Mar 7, 2015 Women's Renewal Tue Mar 3, 2015 8:30a - 9:30a BIBLE STUDY/ BR Thu Mar 5, 2015 Sun Mar 8, 2015 Women's Renewal 9a - 12a Adoration Exposition /A 8:45a - 9:45a Sunday Scripture Stdy/ BR 9:15a - 10:15a RCIA Scripture/BR 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 9:15a - 10:15a Scrutiny/CH9:15 Mass 7p - 10p LIFETEEN band/CH 6p - 9:30p Choir/CH 9:30a - 10:30a Testify/OLCH 7p - 8:30p Teen Advisory/LTC 6p - 9p Umpires/SL 1:30p - 4:30p Dance/OLCH 7p - 9p Women's Renewal/C 7p - 9p Geauga Teens for LIfe/LTC 6:30p - 9p 5:30 life night/CH/LTC 7:30p - 9p RCIA/OLCH 7p - 9p Healing Ministry BR 6p - 9p AA /C Fri Mar 6, 2015 A =ADORATION CHPL BR =BRIDES ROOM OLCH = OLD CHURCH R =RECTORY C =CAFETERIA S =SOCCER FIELD CF =CONFERENCE RM SC =SCHOOL The Monthly Calendar is available on our Web-Site CH = CHURCH G = GYM LTC = LIFE TEEN CENTER TL =TEACHER’S LNGE PO = PARISH OFFICE Masses for the Week SUNDAY, MARCH 1, SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18, Rom 8: 31b-34, Mk 9:2-10 7:30 – Pat Stanek – (Jerry and Mary Ann Hudak) 9:15 – Cecile Russ – (Carol and Dick Joyce) 11:00 – Lee Eiermann – (Lillian Eiermann) 5:30 – Don and Julie Englehart and Family – (Life Teen) MONDAY, MARCH 2, LENTEN WEEKDAY, Dn 9:4b-10,Lk 6:36-38 8:00 – Jean Lashley – (The Jefferson Family) TUESDAY, MARCH 3, LENTEN WEEKDAY, SAINT KATHARINE DREXEL, VIRGIN STEWARDSHIP The offering for the week of Feb. 22, was $15,590.61 with 1,352 of our faithful parishioners were in attendance and 308 envelopes were used. Thank you all for your continued generosity. St. Vincent de Paul-the February collection total for last weekend was $880.43. Thank you. Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. St. Paul reminds us that God Himself "did not spare His own Son." Are my gifts to the Lord -- of my resources, of my time, of myself -also sacrificial? Is 1:10, 16-20, Mt 23:1-12 8:00 – Tim O’Brien – (John and Mary Lou Wolfram) A Reflection from Sister Margaret: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, LENTEN WEEKDAY, SAINT CASIMIR Jer 18:18-20, Mt 20:17-28 8:00 – Linda Brown (Living) – (The Divine Mercy Cenacle) THURSDAY, MARCH 5, LENTEN WEEKDAY, Jer 17:5-10, Lk 16:19-31 8:00 - Father Benedict Groeschel – (The Nelson Family) FRIDAY, MARCH 6, LENTEN WEEKDAY, Gn 37, 3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a, Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 9:00 – Theresa Tracy – (Jackie Cholley) 7:00 – Jim and Helen Paryzek – (The Family) FIRST FRIDAY MASS (PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE) SATURDAY, MARCH 7, LENTEN WEEKDAY, SAINTS PERPETUA FELICIY, MARTYRS AND Mi 7:14-15, 18-20, Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 8:00 – Parishioners of St. Helen 5:00 – Ann Mraz – (Ed and Donna Yarnowich) SUNDAY, MARCH 8, THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT, Ex 20, 1-17, or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17, 1 Cor 1:22-25, Jn 2:13-25 7:30 – Stan Klatka – (Mike and Diane Lionti) 9:15 – Timothy O’Brien – (The Family) 11:00 – Edward Kanieski – (The Richard Taylor Family) 5:30 – Don and Julie Englehart (Living) – (Lifeteen) Moviegoers enjoy previews of films yet to be released. They get a glimpse of what is to come. In this Sunday's gospel, Peter, James and John get a glimpse of what is to come. Their mountain journey with Jesus culminates in the Transfiguration--Jesus, radiant in glory, fulfillment of the law and the prophets. The chosen apostles are in awe and want to stay in that moment, but the moment fades and they see “only Jesus”. They are led back down the mountain. The memory of that moment continues to nourish their souls. The presence of Jesus and His promise of what is to come gives them courage to proclaim the Risen Lord with their lives. Each Sunday we are invited to participate in the Eucharistic celebration. In the Liturgy we experience a glimpse of what is to come-everlasting union with God. Each Eucharistic moment nourishes our souls. We have the presence of Jesus and His promise of what is to come. Our challenge is to live “in the moment”, to welcome and respond to whatever joys or sorrows each day brings. We are called to see “only Jesus” in those we encounter each day: our family, our co-workers, the store clerk, the stranger, and especially the poor and the needy. During this Lenten Journey, as at the end of each Mass, let us pray for the grace to “go forth and proclaim the Risen Lord with our lives.” PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL: Butch Andre, Wayne Ardo, Ed Bieznieks, Rita Bieznieks, Lisa Bizjak, Sally Boyer, Laurie Bucar, Jim Cantelli, Cliff Cherni, Annette Cillian, Bill Csonka, George Edgar, Bill Felberg, Len Hosmer, Paul Kovary, Richard and Loretta Lang, Helen Lockhart, Diane Lionti, Mary Ellen Martin, Brendan McMeechan, Linda Mulacek, Helen Nelson, Bill O’Brien, Mary Ann O’Brien, Dave Omerza, Lucy Pishnery, Martin Polomsky, Carol Rakoczy, John Rakoczy Sr., Bob Rasmussen, Evelyn Rowlands, Marilyn Segulin, Richard Stebnicki, John Strzalka, Liz Szuszkiewicz, Derek Turk, Ida Urbancic, Bea White, Terry Williford, and Mary Lou Wolfram. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Stan Szczepanik (brother of Dennis), Betty Ann Kapuschinsky (cousin of Joe Chuckro) and for Bill Davis (brother of Virginia Abruzzino). ELIJAH CHALICE SCHEDULE Mar 1 – Gil and Elena Decipeda Mar 8 – Don and Mariah Dragolich Mar 15 – Angela Hart If you are interested in joining this vocation prayer ministry, please contact: Marsha Sallee 440.338.8649. Five Minute Bible Study Mark 9:2-10 When Jesus takes the apostles to the mountaintop and shows them His glorified body, they experience both joy and fear. First, they are so over-awed that they do not want to leave. "Let's build three booths." But they are also overcome with fear. Some theologians tell us that experiencing something holy can cause us to be overjoyed and, at the same time terrified. Sometimes that which we most deeply desire, like intimacy with God, we are also most terrified of. We are afraid of losing ourselves to another. But who better to lose yourself to but God? Sometime this week, whether on your own, while sitting at the family dinner table or talking with friends, reflect on the following question: Spiritually, have you ever had a "mountaintop" experience? If so, what was that like for you? How did it change your life? RCIA: The next RCIA session will be on Tuesday, Mar 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria and the topic is Old Testament Foundations of the Eucharist. FISH FRYDAY NEWS: Lent is here and our Lenten Fish Fry is back again this year. We will continue the next 4 weeks, Mar 6,13,20,27. We will be serving dinners from 4:30-7p. Even though the price of fresh cod has soared, we were able to keep our same price of $10 for a dine in All You Can Eat FISH, fried or baked. We will also offer fries, cole slaw or apple sauce, cabbage &noodles, mac&cheese, pizza, roll and butter Beverages are available. DINE IN Adults - $10; Seniors - $8; Kids(6-12) - $6; under 6 free. TAKE OUT - $8. Fish dinner-includes Fish, fries, cole slaw, roll & butter. Come enjoy a night of community with family, friends and good food, then stay for stations of the cross afterwards. ATTENTION LADIES! Please join us for “Christ Renews His Parish”, St. Helen’s Women’s Renewal, March 7th & 8th 2015. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 Who doesn’t want to be overflowed with hope? God wants that for each one of us. Trust in Him and He will fill you with all joy and peace. Trust in Him and join us for a weekend of praying together, getting motivated in increasing your faith, reconciling and moving a step closer to God with the wonderful women of St. Helen’s parish. Stop by our table and pick up a registration or ask questions. Let God fill you with all the joy and peace you deserve and trust in Him to be renewed! For questions or registration, contact: Mary Yeigh (cell: 440-739-1486; or Kathy Carson (cell: 440-552-8965) COMMUNAL PENANCE: There will be a Communal Penance Service on Monday, March 23 at 7:30 p.m. STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The next Stations of the Cross will be Friday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. They will be led by the Legion of Mary. . THE ST. HELEN UNICYCLE TEAM will be holding a Demonstration/Recruitment day and Bake Sale on Sunday, March 1st after all the Masses in the Gym. Anyone interested in learning to ride a unicycle and/or maybe joining the group for the 2015 parade season, come and check us out. Children from grades 1 and up can try out. Please wear tennis shoes. We’ll have helmets. Did we mention a Bake Sale too!!!! FIRST FRIDAY MASS at Saint Helen’s on March 6th at 7:00PM: All are invited to Mass to celebrate the First Friday of March. Please note the time change Mass will be before the Stations of the Cross .The Stations will be at 7:30 PM. Gather your family and come for this wonderful opportunity. HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY – Healing prayer will not be available after the First Friday Mass on March 6 so everyone can participate in the Stations of the Cross. Individual prayer sessions can be scheduled by calling Sue White at 440-2139242. IT’S A MATTER OF LIFE Since the 1960's we have heard that "birth control" liberates women. As the deadly chemistry has advanced, abortion supporters now celebrate the fact that girls of any age have unrestricted access to the abortifacient morningafter pill. The reality is that the male oppression that abortion on demand makes possible allows men to have relations with multiple women and even prey on minors, and walk away without any legal or moral repercussions. Catharine MacKinnon, an influential feminist scholar, summarized the situation best when she wrote: abortion “does not liberate women; it frees male sexual aggression.” THE NEXT CONFIRMATION session for 8th graders preparing to receive the Sacrament is Sunday March 1st from 6:45-8:30pm in the former church. It is session 11 of the Matthew Kelly Decision Point Program. All parents are invited to attend the same session in the 7th gr classroom. THANK YOU: Thank you all my dear friends so very much for your love, prayers, and support these past few weeks. Craig and I certainly appreciate your kindnesses and thoughtfulness. Please keep us in your prayers. Fondly, Helen Lockhart and Craig Shanower. MISS ETTA QUETTE: Oh dear, Miss Etta is in such a dither. She can't believe that anyone would vandalize Church property (which is really God's property). To intentionally destroy something a parishioner used his God given talents to create, or to deface our military pictures or the kiosk cork is unconscionable. The perpetrator may have done this out of boredom or perhaps "for fun," but the result of breaking the seventh commandment in this way was something that had meaning to others was damaged. Take note of the warning against such selfishness in Romans 2:8 - "But for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. BISHOP’S ANNUAL SEMINARY BRUNCH: On March 22, 2015 the Bishop's Annual Seminary Brunch fundraiser will be held at Executive Caterers at Landerhaven, 611 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124. The Social Gathering is from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm followed by the Meal and Program from 1:00 to 3:00pm. The cost is $40.00 per person. This event is held to gather support for diocesan seminaries and seminarians. It provides men from our parishes with personal financial support during their seminary years and recognizes that their formation is essential to a strong, vibrant Catholic Church. If you wish to attend or need more information please respond by email: Subject Line "Bishop's Seminary Brunch" to or call Denver Sallee 44033-8649. CATHOLIC CHARITIES: It is not too late to turn in your Catholic Charities envelope if you haven’t done so already. You can put it in the collection basket any Sunday in March. BUCKEYE CHOCOLATES SALE: Order forms for the Buckeye Chocolate Easter fundraiser are available. The student with the most sales will receive a $100.00 gift card, and the class with the most sales will receive a pizza party. Money and order forms are due Monday, March 16. Make checks payable to St. Helen School. Parishioners, this is a perfect time to buy your Easter candy and help the school at the same time. If you have any questions, please contact the office. SOCCER SIGN-UPS: Spring Soccer is just around the corner. Please get your signup sheet in the vestibule. Grades K-8 Soccer fee $35, 2 at $60 or 3 at $75 payable to St Helen Boosters, DEADLINE – March 15, 2015- no sign ups will be accepted after this date Questions? Contact Megan Zaumeyer at 859-420-7503 or CATHOLIC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP CONFERENCE will be on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at VASJ High School. Watch the bulletin for more details. Mortgage Update Loan Balance – 2/1/15 Standard Principal Payment Additional Principal Payment Interest Payment Loan Balance –2/20/15 Debt reduction envelopes February 50 $1,322,603 $7,426 $7,357 $5,638 $1,307,820 $5,098.00 eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may be taken, not to equal one full meal. Abstinence (from meat) is obligatory for all who have reached their 14th year. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the "paschal fast" to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection. Fridays in Lent are obligatory days of complete abstinence (from meat) for all who have completed their 14th year. ATTENTION, SECOND GRADERS: Applications for the Geauga County Maple Festival Prince and Princess are now being accepted. The pageant is open to any second grade student who resides in Geauga County. This year the prince and princess pageant is going to be a talent show. Deadline for application is Tuesday, March 3. Please visit the Maple Festival website for an application and more details regarding the Pageant. BORROMEO SEMINARY Attention, juniors in high school: Borromeo Seminary is excited for the next set of summer sessions of Tolle Lege Summer Institute, a faith-focused, fun, intellectual camp for teens of the Diocese of Cleveland who will be high school seniors at the start of the next academic year. The Tolle Lege Summer Institute of Borromeo Seminary is a camp inspired by the example of St. Augustine, bishop, teacher, and philosopher. Tolle Lege was founded to promote the pursuit of wisdom and provide a foundational understanding of Catholic philosophy and theology to men and women in the summer before their senior year of high school. Courses are taught by seminary faculty in a range of philosophical and theological topics in order to help teens develop an intellectual and spiritual understanding of their faith and provide them with the tools to become strong Catholic leaders. LIFETEEN NEWS FASTING AND ABSTINENCE FROM EATING MEAT Good Friday is an obligatory day of universal fast and abstinence. Fasting is obligatory for all who have completed their 18th year and have not yet reached their 60th year. Fasting allows a person to Any teen interested in attending a Steubenville Conference we need to hear from you! As of now we have two weekends booked. The first is June 1921 and the second weekend is July 17-19. We only have limited space so please contact Theresa or Tammy ASAP!! Please pray for our Juniors and Seniors that are a part of the Spring Retreat Planning Team. Our meetings are on Wednesdays until the retreat which will be held at Camp Wise on April 10-12 Spring Retreat Permission Forms are available in the vestibule, on Facebook and in the Life Teen Office. SCHOOL NEWS Please check our website (Our School) FEBRUARY STUDENTS OF THE MONTH We will recognize our Students of the Month for their overall improvement over the past month. Congratulations to Dasen Marker (K), Dylan Hoenigman (1), Anthony Mastandrea (2), Kylie Hoenigman (3), Joey Forristal (4), Rosie Murray (5), Mary Adamic (6), Anna Brent (7), and Halley Ledbetter (8). MARKET DAY:Thank you to the families that ordered this month we appreciate you supporting the Spanish Enrichment program. Also, thank you for ordering cookie dough this month; this will bring in extra earnings! BINGO: Our BINGO workers for Wednesday, March 4, are FUHRY AND MASTANDREA. Thank you for your help!
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