Pharmacognosy- 1 PHG 222 Prof. Dr. Amani S. Awaad Professor of Pharmacognosy Pharmacognosy Department, College of Pharmacy Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj. KSA. Email: *To recognize what are phenolic compounds *To memorize Classes of phenolic compounds *To know Tannins as one of phenolic *To know memorize types of tannins and their reactions *To know some types of Tannins containing drugs Phenolic compounds They can be: Simple, low molecular weight, single aromatic ringed compounds TO-Large and complex-polyphenols Can be classified into two groups: 1-Non-Soluble (condensed tannis, lignins, cell-wall bound hydroxycinammic acid 2-Soluble (Flavonoids, quinones, phenolic acids and phenylpronanoids Phenolic compounds Chemistry of phenolic compounds Composed of a hydroxyl group attached to an aromatic ring A broad range of compounds - found in all components of plants: leaves, flowers, fruit etc Can be exist as free or combined form Free= Aglycone combined =Glycone or glycoside Classes of phenolic compounds Flavonoids Coumarins Xanthine Anthraquinons & anthracine Simple phenolic Lignins Tannins 1-Flavonoids Most widely studied group of phenolic: over 4000 described Seem to have major health benefits for humans : Such as Antioxidant and other medicinal use For plants: Variety of functions: Protection from animal Breading photosynthesis Chemistry of flavonoids plant pigments or co-pigments. consisting of 2 benzene rings linked via a heterocyclic pyrone or pyran ring They are benzo--pyrone derivatives . The basic flavonoid skeleton can have a large number of substitutions of Hydroxyl groups or Sugars on it. C6-C3-C6 Sugars and hydroxyl groups increase the water solubility of flavonoids Rhamnose Glucose Chemistry of flavonoids cont.. According to the position of the linkage of the aromatic ring to the benzopyrano (chromano) moiety, it divided into three classes: 1-the flavonoids (2-phenylbenzopyrans) 5' 6' 4' B 8 O 7 A 3' 2 2' C 3 6 5 2-isoflavonoids (3-benzopyrans) 4 3-the neoflavonoids (4-benzopyrans) O O 3 All share a common chalcone precursor, and therefore are biogenetically and structurally related. 4 Tests & identefecations of flavonoids Color test The extracts were dissolved in ethanol, filtered and subjected to following tests. (a) Shinoda test: The dried extracts were dissolved in 95% ethanol (5ml) and few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCL) were added. Then the magnesium turnings were put into the solution and observed for appearance of pink color. (b) Zinc Hydrochloride reduction test To the test solution add a mixture of Zinc dust and conc. Hydrochloric acid. It gives red color after few minutes Identification Spectroscopic methods of identify Flavanoids. 1-Ultraviolet spectrophotometry (UV) range of 240-285 nm (band Ⅱ) and the other in the range of 300-400 nm (band Ⅰ). + O + O O R Obenzoyl ( band ¢ò, 240~285nm) R R O flavone (R=H) flavonol (R=OH) - O cinnamoyl ( band ¢ñ,300~400nm) 2-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PMR, 13C-NMR) 8 HO O 3' 2' A 6 B OH OR O .+ Pathway I O A 3-Mass Spectrometry (MS) From normal mass spectra, information can be obtained about: B Pathway II C O Flavone O O C O C + + O + C O B + B1+ B2 + Isolation Techniques ★ Thin-layer chromatography (TLC ★ Column chromatography ★ Paper chromatography (PC) ★Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) ★High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 2-Coummarins O 2-pyrone O O O Coumarine Coumarins are derivatives of benzo-αpyrone, or lactones of o-hydroxycinnamic acid (o-coumaric acid). The name coumarine is derived from the Caribbean word “Coumarou” for the Tonka tree from which coumarine with the characteristic aroma of new- mown hay was isolated. Un-substituted coumarine is widespread in nature. Tonka tree . Ⅱ. Classification Based on the substitution in benzene and pyrone rings. Most of these naturally occurring lactones are oxygenated at C-7 position II)Furanocoumarine 2 I) 7-hydroxy coumarine OCH3 O O RO Coumarin O R= H R= Glc O O O Umbelliferone Skimin O OCH3 III)Pyranocoumarins O O O OMe IV) Bis- and Tri-coumarins O OH OH HO O O O O O Rhamnosyl-L-α O O O O Edgeworoside O O Extraction & Isolation A-Extraction 1-Solvent extraction With alcohol and using suitable extraction methods 2-Sublimation Coumarin and its derivatives exhibit sublimation on heating to 100˚C B-Isolation Using chromatography (PC, CC) Identification of coumarins A-Chemical tests Identification Sublimation test: In a test tube one g of plant sample was placed and covered with filter paper moistened with dil. NaOH, then heated on water bath for a few minutes. The filter paper was examined under UV light, blue to yellow fluorescence indicates the presence of coumarins B-Spectroscopic methods of Identification i) UV spectroscopy • Coumarin absorb ultra-violet light at~300 nm -An unsubstituented coumarin displays absorption bands at 274 nm and 311 nm 7-hydroxycoumarin shows strong bands at ~217 nm and 315-330 nm -furanocoumarins absorb at 4 wavelengths namely 205-225 nm, 240-55 nm. ii) Infrared spectroscopy pyrone carbonyl(C=0) ------1700-1750 cm-1 C=C skeletal vibrations1-------600-1660 cm-1 aromatic ring band at 1500 cm-1. iii) 1H-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy In the NMR spectra of coumarins the H-3 and H-4 protons exhibit characteristic chemical shifts which enable the substituted coumarins to distinguish from one another. iv) Mass spectroscopy strong molecular ion peak (M+) at m/e 146(76%) base peak at m/z 118(100%) + O O -CO + O -CO C7H6 m/e 146 (M. 76%) Coumarin m/e 118 (100%) m/e 90 (43%) 3-Xanthones Xanthones composed of tricyclic aromatic systeme with a variety of phenolic, methoxy, or isoprene substituents giving rise to numerous derivatives. Xanthones have been reported to have antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungial, 4-Anthracene&Anthraqu. (i)Anthracene solid polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of three fused benzene rings. It is a component of coal tar. Oxidation occurs readily, giving anthraquinone O 8 (ii) Anthraquinones 1 9 9a 10 4a 7 2 8a 10a 6 5 3 4 O are colored substances and many of them are used technically as dyes (iii) Anthranol , anthrone derivatives These reduced anthraquinone derivatives occur either free or combined as glycosides OH OH OH OH OH O They are isomeric and one may be partially converted to the other in solution. CH3 OH O CH3 OH (iii) Oxanthrone glc O OH O (iii) Dianthrone H Intermediate products between anthraquinones and anthranols OH Derived from two anthrone molecules, which may be identical or different COOH H H COOH glc O O OH Extraction and isolation (i) Extraction Commonly method: (1) back streaming extraction with ethanol, then remove the solvent by depressed evaporation to get the crude extract. (2) extracting with ammonia or 0.1% - 0.5% sodium hydroxide solution at room temperature. (3) remove the fat-soluble impurities from alkaline extraction with ether. (4) acidifying the alkaline extraction. (5) extract the anthraquinones with ether and retrieve solvent. 2. Seperation TLC using silica gel plate and different solvent systems Column chromatography used absorbent are silica gel, polyamide, in general aluminium oxide is not applied in order to avoid irreversible chemical absorption. Sephadex and reverse silica gel chromatography often have good effect. Identification i) UV spectroscopy The peak position of the peak I (230nm ),peak II (310 ~ 335nm) the more the hydroxyl replacements is, the longer the wavelength of absorption. ii) Infrared spectroscopy position of C=O absorption peak , the peak number, αhydroxy number and location can be estimated. iii)NMR spectroscopy NMR spectrum analysis is the most powerful tool in the the structure determination of anthraquinones.. O O 126.6 182.5 132.9 187.9 113.8 134.3 OH 161.3 123.7 136.3 132.6 181.5 O 118.8 O iv ) Mass spectroscopy To MS spectrum, anthraquinone compounds’ molecular ion peak always is the base peak and it often lost 1-2 CO peak of debris + . + . + . - CO - CO O m/z 208 m/z 180 m/z 152 5-Phenanthrens & Stelbines Phenanthrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon composed of three fused benzene rings CH3 O OH HO Juncusol CH3 OH CH3 HO Juncunone CH3 Stilbenoids are secondary products of heartwood formation in trees that can act as phytoalexins . In chemical terms, they are hydroxylated derivatives of stilbene heartwood Veratrum album Resveratrol Antiviral effects Anti-inflammatory effects 6-Simple phenolic The simple phenols consist of a singly substituted phenolic ring with either alcoholic, aldehydic or carboxylic acid groups Involved in defense against insect herbivores and fungi, 6-Simple phenolic 1-Hydroxybenzoates or C6-C1 (Benzoic Acid) Derivatives i-Arbutin ii-Salicin 2-Phenylpropanoids or C3-C6 Derivatives i-Coniferin ii-Ferulic acid 7-Lignans Plant products of low molecular weight formed primarily from oxidative coupling of two p-propylphenol moieties at their beta carbon atoms; products with units coupled in other ways are neolignans *Lignin fills the spaces in the cell wall between cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin components *derived from the Latin word lignum, meaning wood *Lignin is a cross-linked racemic macromolecule with molecular masses in excess of 10,000 u. Fig. : A small piece of lignin polymer Podophyllum Rhizomes Uses: can be used as starting for anticancer drugs Lignin in beech has 100:70:7 of coniferyl: sinapyl: para-coumaryl 8-Tannin Tannins are "phenolic natural products that precipitate proteins from their aqueous solutions". Tannins has capability to combine with macromolecules and this explains why they precipitate cellulose, pectins, and proteins; it also explains their characteristic astringency by precipitating the glycoproteins contained in saliva, tannins make the latter lose its lubricating power. 1. Tannins are considered the source of energy through their oxygen content. 2. They serve as a protective to the plant (plant antiseptics). 3. They may have function in respiratory activity, i.e. in the mechanisms of hydrogen transfer in plant cells. 4. Tannins play an important part in the acceptance of many foods and beverages by consumers e.g. tea, cocoa. Physicochemical properties of tannins 8-Tannin cont…. 1. They form colloidal solutions with water. 2. Non crystalline substances. 3. Their aqueous solution is acidic. 4. They have sharp puckering taste. 5. They have astringent property. 6. Its Solutions precipitated alkaloids, gelatin, salts of heavy metals, proteins (enzymes) and glycosi. Qualitative determination of tannin: 1-With FeClз : (a) H.T(hydrolysable tannin) → dark blue (gallitannins and ellagitannins ) (b) Non H.T (condensed tannins eg catechol) → dark green 2-Vanillin_HCl reagent → red to pink color. 3-NaoH → yellow to red precipitate 4-Goldbeater's skin test soak a small piece of Gold beater's skin membrane in 2% HCl, rinse with H2O, place the piece for 5 minutes in the tannin solution to be tested, wash with H2O, transfer to 1% FeSO4 solution, a brown colour is formed 8-Tannin cont…. Qualitative determination of tannin: 5-Gelatin test Solutions of tannins (about 0.5-1 %) precipitate a 1% solution of gelatin containing 10% sodium chloride. Gallic acid and other pseudotannins also precipitate gelatin if the solutions are sufficiently concentrated. 6-Phenazone test 7-Test for catechin 8-Test for chlorogenic acid 8-Tannin cont…. Quantitative determination of tannin: 8-Tannin cont…. 1- Hide powder method: The difference in the dry weight of the extract before and after treatment with hide powder is taken as a measure for tannin content. 2- Copper acetate method: Gravimetric method using copper acetate as precipitant. Classification of tannins As general Some of them have low molecular weight but, most of them have very large molecular weight True Tannins Pseudotannins (High molecular weight compounds) Low molecular weight compounds e.g. Gallic acid, Flavan-3,4-diol Hydrolysable Tannins (Pyrogallol) Condensed Tannins (Catechol) 8-Tannin cont…. 8-Tannin cont…. I-True tannins Classification of tannins cont.. In higher plants, two groups of tannins are generally distinguished, which differ by their structure, as well as their biosynthetic origin: condensed tannins and hydrolysable tannins i-Condensed tannins are polymeric flavans. They consist : flavan-3-ol units linked together by carbon-carbon bonds, most often 48(catechin) catechin flavan-4-ol : units linked 46, which result from coupling (leucocyanidin) these are not readily hydrolyzed to simpler molecules by acids or enzymes and they do not contain a sugar moiety 8-Tannin cont…. I-True tannins Classification of tannins cont.. i-Condensed tannins • • • • • • Biosynthetically, flavonoids are derived from acetate and shikimate pathways. Condensed tannins occur due to polymerization (condensation) reactions between flavonoids. The polymers may include up to 50 monomer units. On treatment with acids or enzymes condensed tannins are converted into red insoluble compounds known as phlobaphenes. Phlobaphenes give the characteristic red colour to many drugs such as red cinnamon bark. Examples of drugs containing Condensed tannins: Some drugs (e.g. tea, hamamelis leaves and hamamelis bark) contain both hydrolysable and condensed tannins. The following are rich in condensed tannins. 8-Tannin cont…. I-True tannins Classification of tannins cont.. ii-Hydrolysable tannins Hydrolyzed by acids or enzymes (Tannase). 1- They are esters of a sugar (β-D-glucose) with one or more trihydroxybenzene carboxylic acid. 2-The tannins which derived from Gallic acid called Gallo-tannin (Clove buds) were formerly known as pyrogallol tannins, because on dry distillation gallic acid and similar components are converted into pyrogallol Examples of drugs from Gallitannins: rhubarb, cloves, Chinese galls, Turkish galls, hamamelis, chestnut and maple. 8-Tannin cont…. I-True tannins Classification of tannins cont.. ii-Hydrolysable tannins Tannis which derived from Ellagic acid called Ellagitannin like in Pomegranate roots bark. Ellagic acid can arise by lactonization of hexahydroxydiphenic acid (= HHDP) during chemical hydrolysis of the tannin. Biosynthetically, gallic acid (= 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid) arises from the metabolism of shikimic acid. Examples of drugs containing Hydrolysable tannins: Ellagitannins: pomegranate rind, pomegranate bark, eucalyptus leaves, and oak bark. 8-Tannin cont…. II-Pseudo tannins Classification of tannins cont.. They are compounds of lower molecular weight than true tannins and they do not respond to the goldbeater's skin test. they occur: as Gallic acid like in Rhubarb rhizomes. as catechin like in Cacao, Acacia. as chlorogenic acid like in coffee. OH COOH HO O OH HO OH OH OH OH Catechin Gallic acid HOOC OH O HO O OH OH OH Chlorogenic acid Medicinal and biological properties The applications of tannincontaining drugs are limited, and result from their affinity for proteins. • Tannin-containing drugs will precipitate protein and have been used traditionally as styptics and internally for the protection of inflamed surfaces of mouth and throat. • They act as antidiarrhoeals and have been employed as antidotes in poisoning by heavy metals, alkaloids and glycosides. 8-Tannin cont…. Uses of Tannins 8-Tannin cont…. Industrially; in leather tanning, ink manufacture. Medicinally; astringent, haemostatic, antidiarrheal, antidote in alkaloid and heavy metals toxicity. In labs; reagent for detection of proteins, alkaloids and heavy metals because of their precipitating properties. 8-Tannin cont…. Tannin containing drugs 1-Galls (Blue Galls, Aleppo Galls, Turkish Galls) Origin: dried excrescence (pathological outgrowth) resulting from the deposition of the eggs of Cynips gallae tinctoria F. Cynipidae on the young twigs of Quercus infectoria F. Fagaceae. Collected before the escape of the insect and known as blue galls. Morphology: subspherical, 12-20 mm in diameter, external surface is bluish green to olive green in colour, showing blunt short projections. Internally it is buff in colour. 8-Tannin cont…. Tannin containing drugs 1-Galls (Blue Galls, Aleppo Galls, Turkish Galls) Active constituents: 50-70% pyrogallol tannin: gallotannic acid, gallic acid and ellagic acid. Uses: Medicinally: astringent, haemostatic used in treatment of hemorrhoids in form of supp. or oint. Industrially: 1- in manufacture of ink and paints 2- in tanning of leather. Chemical test: FeCl3 → bluish black colour. Tannin containing drugs 2-Black Catechu Synonyms Kattha, Cutch, Khadir-catechu, Catechu Biological Source It consists of dried aqueous extract prepared from the heart- wood of Acacia catechu Wild and Acacia chundra Willd, family Leguminosae. Plants used for preparation of catechu are grown in India and Myanmar. History Possibly, the use of black catechu could be traced back in history from the time of chewing betel leaf, in which it has been used as adjuvent. In old days, it was used by women as a colouring agent for the feet. Since 15thi century, this natural material has, been exported to Europe. The old information about Catechu is by a Portuguese writer Garcia de Orta in 1574. Dr. Wrath first used the scientific process to extract catechu, and showed that catechu consists of two parts, viz. kattha and cutch. 8-Tannin cont…. Tannin containing drugs 2-Black Catechu Synonyms Kattha, Cutch, Khadir-catechu, Catechu Biological Source It consists of dried aqueous extract prepared from the heart- wood of Acacia catechu Wild and Acacia chundra Willd, family Leguminosae. Plants used for preparation of catechu are grown in India and Myanmar. History Possibly, the use of black catechu could be traced back in history from the time of chewing betel leaf, in which it has been used as adjuvent. In old days, it was used by women as a colouring agent for the feet. Since 15thi century, this natural material has, been exported to Europe. The old information about Catechu is by a Portuguese writer Garcia de Orta in 1574. Dr. Wrath first used the scientific process to extract catechu, and showed that catechu consists of two parts, viz. kattha and cutch. 8-Tannin cont…. Tannin containing drugs 2-Black Catechu Synonyms Kattha, Cutch, Khadir-catechu, Catechu Biological Source It consists of dried aqueous extract prepared from the heart- wood of Acacia catechu Wild and Acacia chundra Willd, family Leguminosae. Plants used for preparation of catechu are grown in India and Myanmar. History Possibly, the use of black catechu could be traced back in history from the time of chewing betel leaf, in which it has been used as adjuvent. In old days, it was used by women as a colouring agent for the feet. Since 15thi century, this natural material has, been exported to Europe. The old information about Catechu is by a Portuguese writer Garcia de Orta in 1574. Dr. Wrath first used the scientific process to extract catechu, and showed that catechu consists of two parts, viz. kattha and cutch. 8-Tannin cont…. 2-Black Catechu Manufacture Traditional method: the separated heart wood is boiled in earthen vessels, Fired by sap wood, till all the soluble portion is extracted from it. It is cooled naturally till it is converted to semisolid mass. On cooling less soluble fraction separates out. The latter is removed as kattha and semi solid mass as cutch. It is transferred to rectangular pits, at the bottom of which sand and clay are placed. It is kept for several days, till the cutch part is absorbed by clay and solid mass, called kattha, is taken out and mouldéd into blocks. Modern methods: The red heart wood obtained by felling the tree and separating the bark and sapwood, is cut into chips mechanically and put into extractors. The steath is passed through the drug for maximum extraction. The extract is concentrated under vacuum and is cooled by refrigeration. It is then centrifuged to isolate the cake of kattha. The cake is moulded in desired sizes and dried in proper condition. By this way, a good quality of kattha, ready for market is obtained. The mother liquor, left behind during centrifugation is concentrated, which on cooling gives cutch. 8-Tannin cont…. 8-Tannin cont…. 2-Black Catechu Description Colour: Light brown to black Odour: None Taste: Very astringent Size: About 2.5 to 5 cm Shape: Cube or irregular fragments of broken cubes or brick shaped pieces. Extra Feature The cubes as well as brick shaped pieces of catechu show the presence of vegetable debris break with a short fracture The broken pieces are angular with pale cinnamon-brown colour it is friable and porous Chemical Constituents: 10% of acacatechin It is distereoisomer of 5, 7, 3’, 4’ tetrahydroxy flavan-3-ols Acacatechin undergoes oxidation to catechutannic acid in presence of water The other contents of black catechu are catechu red, quercetin, gum and quercitrin. Black catechu does not contain chlorophyll Uses: Kattha is used as an astringent externally for boils, skin eruptions and ulcers. It is also used in cough and diarrhoea. Kattha has cooling and digestive properties. Cutch is not much used medicinally, but for other purposes like dyeing and colouring, water softening, reducing the viscosity of drill mud protective agent for fishing nets and in the manufacture of ion-exchange resins. 8-Tannin cont….
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