March 1st, 2015 The 2nd Sunday of Lent Welcome to St. Benedict’s Parish! 8110 Jewel Lake Road Anchorage, AK 99502 Sunday Mass Parish Office Phone: 243-2195 • Fax: 243-0088 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-3:00pm People Mover: Bus Route 7J Web: E-mail: Saturday 5:00pm; Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm Weekday Mass Tuesday-Friday 9:15am Adoration and Benediction Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm Lumen Christi Jr/Sr High School Lumen Christi Phone: 245-9231 • Fax: 245-9232 Web: E-mail: Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesdays, during Adoration Sat. 3:45-4:45pm or by appointment Parish Calendar of Events Sunday 3/1 Pastor Rev. Leo A. Walsh, S.T.D. 243-2195 Parochial Vicar Rev. Jacob Stronach, O.S.B. 243-2195 Mass Times: • 8am • 10:30am • 12:15pm Tuesday 3/3 Wednesday 3/4 Thursday 3/5 Friday 3/6 Saturday 3/7 OFFICE CLOSED 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 3:45pm • Confession 1:45pm • Rosary 10am • Kid Play 11am • Why Catholic • Adult Ed 5:45pm • Zumba 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 5pm • Vigil Mass 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 6pm • Adoration, Vespers and Confession 4:45pm • HS Faith Formation 6pm • Patriotic Rosary 1:30pm • CCD 7pm • 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Deacons Deacon Ted Greene 273-1597 (message) Deacon Dez Martinez 273-1599 (message) Monday 3/2 Sunday 3/8 Monday 3/9 6:30pm • RCIA 7pm • Bible Study 7pm • Youth Night • Knights of Columbus Business Mtg 5:45p • Zumba 7pm • Choir Practice 6pm • Soup Supper 6pm • Pinochle 7pm • Stations of the Cross 7:30pm • Lenten Topics Tuesday 3/10 Wednesday 3/11 Thursday 3/12 Friday 3/13 Saturday 3/14 PANCAKE BREAKFAST OFFICE CLOSED 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 8am • Health Fair 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 10am • Kid Play 6pm • Adoration, Vespers and Confession 11am • Why Catholic 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 3:45pm • Confession Business Manager Mass Times: • 8am w/ Scrutiny • 10:30am • 12:15pm Danna Hoellering 8pm • YM Meeting Administrative Assistant Denice Yonker 243-2195 273-1553 5:45pm • Zumba 6:30pm • RCIA 7pm • Youth Night 5:45p • Zumba 7pm • Choir Practice 5pm • Vigil Mass 6pm • Soup Supper 7pm • Stations of the Cross 7pm • Bible Study Pastoral Assistant • Kid Play Marcy Adkins 273-1554 7:30pm • Lenten Topics Director of Music Ken Miller 273-1540 (message) Office of Evangelization & Catechesis Director Robert McMorrow II 273-1552 Youth Minister Oriele Jones 273-1541 Adult Education Dr. Bob Schihl 273-1541 Mass Intentions (*) 2/28 5pm 3/1 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 3/3 9:15am 3/4 9:15am 3/5 9:15am 3/6 9:15am 3/7 5pm 3/8 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm People of the Parish People of the Parish Mary Rapp (SI) Arturo Munoz (ROS) Monica Owens (SI) Lucia Soriano (ROS) Karen Flores (ROS) Rob Loranger (SI) Chandra Dieffenbach (SI) Karen Flores (ROS) Ken Miller (SI) Herminia Reyes (ROS) *see mass intentions key on back page Sacramental Information Sunday 3/1 Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Romans 8:31b-34 Mark 9:2-10 Sunday 3/8 Exodus 17:3-7 Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 John 4:5-42 Contact the Parish Office at 243-2195 for more information on: •Baptism of Infants is celebrated either during Mass, after the 12:15 Mass or at any other time approved by the pastor. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to the baptism of the child. •Marriages are scheduled by meeting with the pastor at least six months prior to the wedding date. •Funerals contact the parish office immediately after the death. •Anointing of the Sick, Communion to the Homebound, Call the parish office to request a visit. ~Pastors Corner~ That’s My Boy! Next week we are holding the Regional Basketball Tournament in our gym at Lumen Christi. If you have not been to a Lumen basketball game, they are lots and lots of fun. One of the highlights was the father of senior starter Michael Sholl. Invariably, at various points during the game, usually after Michael had done something of note, his father would belt out, “THAT’S MY BOY!!!” And the crowd would go wild. A father’s pride in his son is something special. As we see in the first reading, Abraham was most certainly proud of his son, Isaac. So imagine his consternation when he heard the Lord say, “Take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love...and offer him as a holocaust.” How very devastating that must have been. In ancient times, the only legacy you had was your children, especially your male children. Isaac was his only son, his heir, his legacy. What could the Lord be thinking? Nevertheless, Abraham is faithful and trusts that the Lord knows what he is doing, and it all works out in the end. Isaac is spared and the Lord provides a suitable sacrifice. Fast forward to Mt. Tabor where Jesus is transfigured in the presence of the disciples. Here they get a “preview of coming attractions” as they get a glimpse of his future glory. Hopefully this will sustain them in the coming weeks during his passion and death. But then something incredible happens. The voice of the very same Lord says, “This is my beloved son. Listen to him.” In essence, the Lord is saying, “That’s my boy!” What are we to make of all this? First, it is a very firm affirmation about the identity of Jesus as the beloved Son of the Father. Second, as Paul notes very strongly, the very God who spared the son of Abraham, did not spare his own beloved son. Thus, the passion and death of Jesus makes a difference not so much because of what he does, but because of WHO HE IS. Finally, it is a heady thing to realize that when we are baptized into Christ, we too become the adopted sons and daughters of the Father of Jesus. Indeed, “if God is for us, then who can be against?” The Good News is that we are so loved by God, that he will go to any length, even suffer and die on our behalf, so that we might be freed from anything that would come between us. What a marvelous thing, then, when we “glorify the Lord with our lives” so that when we stand before him at the end of time he will point to us and say, “This is my beloved son! This my beloved daughter!” Listen to Fr. Leo's recorded homily podcasts: Please Pray for: Benjie Doral, Ellison Williamson, Jester Sargento, Ia Corrigan, Danielle Corrigan, Jackie & Greg Kern, Oneita Johnson, Arlene Osborn, Cheryl Edgren, Valie Visaya, Diana Bennett, Paul Larson, Mary Dubois, Caryle Keefe, Kevin Pfeiffer, Glenn Allen, Virginia Aberle, Harold Adams, Joan Alles, Martina Almeida, Rafael Apostol, Clifford Baker, Jane Barnham, Elizabeth Bastiani, Maria Elisa Bente, Solita Balones, Belarde Family, Mark Blumenthal, Deneen B. Bozeman, Mike Bygott, Doris Claussen, Jim Curro, Kate Daniel, Riza Daniel, Christine Driskell, Monica Estil, Basilia Flores, Bobby Garcia, Jose Garcia, Pierro Garcia, Victoria Garcia, Christina Garcia, Lillian Gibson, Louise Goetsch, Brittany Groenke, Mary Heinz, Angelica Hess, Patricia Hoerling, Kim Hole, Anne Jaskier, Betty Johnson, Stacey Koenig, Paul Lacey, Debra Larson, Keith Lauwers, Chuck Lastufka, Corazon Legarda, Patrick Maitland, Audrey Mather, Mark Mather, Greg Maturo, Natividad Mendoza, Roldan Milallos, Thomas Milton, Leoncia Morante, Modesta Munoz, Hien Pham, Maddie Rey, Jeanne Rosauer, Alfred Russell, Heriberto Saiz, Orlando Sargento, Mark Schoendaller, Joe Shaw, Stanley Smith, Lucia Soriano, Betty Stokes, Rosalie Tadda, Steven Taylor, David Thompson, Helen Thompson, Patricia Vollendor, Beatrice Walsh, John Logan, Marijes Apostol, Tuyen Pham, Jane Branham, Nicole Johnson. (To add or remove please call 243-2195). Members of the Elect Candidates Nathan Paulson Jamie Nagel Roy Stoddard Tina Voelker Alex Hoellering Brooke Sidoti Evan Sidoti Darma Horning Malia Horning Sina Iloilo Riley Rose White Chanelle Garcia Denise Kipke We look forward with anticipation for these individuals to become full members at the Easter Vigil, April 4th at 8pm. Robert & Susan Oravec 03/12/1969 Thomas & Maxine Blake 03/23/1973 John & Loretta Tibor 03/20/1976 Michael & Marilyn Gogolowski 03/31/1989 Gary & Roxanne Bucy 03/28/1992 Rolando & Maria Repuya 03/22/1997 Ropati & Carol Taunuu 03/05/2005 Manual & Sherry Madrigal 03/31/2012 Many thanks and grateful prayers for your steadfast witness to the gospel in the vocation of married life. May Christ richly bless you in the coming year! If you want to be sure that your anniversary is acknowledged, contact the parish office at 243-2195. Thank you to all who Archangel Attic: We're having our First Friday contributed to Clare House meal this month. Next meal date March 24th! sale on March 6th, which means the Lumen parents will offer shopping until 7:00 pm. Lent is a wonderful time to spiritually clean our lives. It can also be an occasion to de-clutter our homes. Next week is Donation Sunday and an opportunity to bring excess gadgets, outgrown toys, and wrong sized clothing and shoes to the Archangel Attic. Bring your gently used things to the Lumen Christi bus and a Knight will be sure to get them to the Attic. Thank you for your generous support. Pancake Breakfast Join our happy green crew for our St Patrick's Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, March 8th and enjoy a special Lenten craft brought to us by the Girl Scouts. Traveling Statue The new blessed Mother List is on the Bulletin Board. Take the statue into your home for a week and say a Rosary a day. It would make a special event for you or your family. Dedicate and soft spoken describes this weeks steward. Please meet Robert McMorrow Sr., also known as Bob for short. He is a 28 year veteran of law enforcement from Illinois. Currently, he works as court security at the federal building down town. He and his wife, Marilyn, of 46 years have been members of Saint Benedict for 15 years. Bob is a 32 year member of the Knights of Columbus. He is in charge of many projects some include the Blood drive, Sock drive, Tooth paste drive, and Razor drive. He and his wife attend the 5pm Mass on Saturday where he volunteers as a Eucharistic Minister. The Stewardship Committee thanks Bob and asks that you join us in giving him a ROUND OF APPLAUSE! Do you ever wonder who takes care of the altar linens? The Altar Society of St. Benedicts is overseen by Cyndy Schoendaller and Sharon Swendseid, both long time parishioners. The linens the priests use at Mass and altar cloths are lovingly washed and ironed by these two unsung heroes of the parish. enhance our worship. The efforts are coordinated by Marcy Adkins and Elaine Potter, with help from David Mitchell, Melodie Mackey, Joan Alles, Sharon Swendseid and various other who come in and help. The decorating for the Samoan Mass is shared by various families from the Samoan community. Flowers are provided by Marijes Apostle for the Filipino Mass. We are always looking for new ideas and help. The Stewardship Committee Thanks these ministers and asks that you join us in a big round of APPLAUSE! † Wednesday’s 6pm - Adoration, Vespers & Confession † Friday’s 6pm - Soup/Supper (except Good Friday) Please bring meatless soup, bread, fruit and salad. We will provide coffee and juice. 7pm - Stations of the Cross 7:30pm - The True Sufferings of Jesus Dr. Bob STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: ...who decorates the Church? Our biggest seasons are Christmas and Easter, including the seasons that lead us into them. There is a group of helpers who come together to prepare our sacred space to The Offertory Collection for Sunday, February 22: Weekly offering was $7,309.75 online giving added $3,170.00 the Building Fund was $230.00 online giving added $65.00. for a total of $10,774.75 for the weekend. Our weekly average is $16,730.09. Thank you for your continued and generous support! Easter Meal Preparation: It is that time again to help our families who are less fortunate. Please consider making donations of food to help them have a wonderful Easter meal with enough left over for more meals afterwards. Please have families in need contact Betty Swanson at our outreach, 344-0487 to be placed on our list. The cut off day is Saturday, March 28th. There are families with 4 to 7 children so we need a little extra for them. The List is as follows: Large Hams Instant Potatoes Canned Sweet Potatoes Eggs Bread, all types, ie...rye, etc... Peanut Butter Instant Gravies Cran Berry Sauce Egg Coloring for Easter Eggs Easter Candy Easter Toys for little kids Assorted Jellies Crackers, Various Types Canned Vegetables, different types, (peas, beans, etc.) Anything else you think may be of help to these families Thank you for your love and wonderful support to those who are not as Blessed as we are. May Our Lord Bless and keep you and your families in His Loving Hand. Knights Table ♦ Our Patriotic Rosary is prayed twice each month. The first, is with the 4th Degree Knights, held at 6pm on the first Monday of each month at church. To all who contributed to the razor drive. Although a small item, it is much appreciated by those in need of them. Knights of Columbus Business Meeting will be on March 4th at 7pm. See you there! Our First Annual… ♦ The second, is our regular time, held at 7pm on the third Monday of each month at church. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO PRAY WITH US AT BOTH OF THESE TIMES. Come enjoy on March 21st at 6pm in the parish hall. We will begin selling tickets on March 1st. Calling all Second Degree Knights! **BISON TICKETS ON SALE NOW** There will be a Third Degree meeting on March 7th at 10am, held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Huffman Rd. Time to move up Buy your ticket today from any Knight! If you have any questions contact: Mike Moore 563-6224 The Office of EVANGELIZATION CATECHESIS Bob McMORROW, Director Oriele JONES, Youth Ministry 273-15572 273-1541 EVANGELIZATION Having a knowing and loving relationship with Jesus from His Word - the Bible “ . . . And the Word was God.” (John 1:1) ROLE OF THE EUCHARIST Eucharist – the Center of the Evangelized Life. The Church (General Instructions of the Roman Missal) requires two physical attitudes for all the Faithful when they are in the Presence of Jesus: ADORATION AND HONOR. The first attitude is that we are to ADORE Jesus – Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity - present in the tabernacle by genuflecting at your pew when you enter the sacred space; repeat a genuflection when you are leaving your pew to exit the Church. A genuflection is required when one approaches the Tabernacle and departs from the Tabernacle. The same holds approaching the altar after the Consecration when the Body and Blood of Jesus is present until after the Communion rite is compete, e.g., for Eucharistic Ministers, etc. We should follow the example of our priests. BIBLE STUDY Beginning March 3rd! The Books of Maccabees Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, room 109, LCHS; Coffee and dessert will be available. No experience necessary. Just come. Dr. Bob is teaching. All are welcome. Dr. Bob SCHIHL, Adult Ministry 273-1541 CATECHESIS Catechesis echoes the Word of God from the Bible in the teachings of the Church. “He who hears you, hears Me.” (Luke 10:16) CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE (CCD) FAMILY FAITH CATECHESIS Who: Kindergarten thru eighth grade and their parents. What: Family catechesis from 1:30-2PM fol lowed by CCD for the children and optional adult education classes for the parents. When: Sundays from 1:30-3PM. Why: Faith is fun, exciting and life changing! Where: We will begin in the gym. And: Come early for family fun time - Gym and youth center will be open from noon to 1:30PM for optional family fun: coffee, juice, and cookies will be provided. Door prizes every week for all families who have parents in attendance! PRAYER OF THE MONTH: Anima Christi To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others. Pope St. John Paul II ADULT CATECHESIS ON SUPER SUNDAYS March 1st Starting at 2 PM in the school Dr. Bob Schihl presents The Church: Definitions, Biblical, Divine Origins, Meanings Today Ed Wassell presents The Eucharist: John 6 Literal or Metaphorical Bob McMorrow presents Giants of our faith: journey to the land of Sts Peter, Benedict, and Francis No Mere Lawn Statue-St. Francis, St. Clare, and Assisi Join Dr. Bob each Friday of Lent (after Stations) for his talks on: The Shroud of Turin: The real sufferings of Jesus ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE The destination of our 2015 pilgrimage is to the sites of Ancient Rome, the Vatican and Assisi, the home of St. Francis. Our dates are May 19th30th. Registration forms are in the back of the church! Contact Bob McMorrow for more information A Personal Faith Formation Program for Every Parishioner Encounter your Catholic faith - not just on Sunday but throughout the week, on your own time, at your own pace, as much as you want top spend at a time. SYMBOLON is an on-line 20-episode video series that presents the “big picture” of our Catholic faith. These episodes are filmed on-location in Rome, in the Holy Land, in Calcutta, and at the Augustine Institute Studios in Denver. You create a login that permits you to access Symbolon on your own, on your computer, your smart phone, or your tablet. Begin by registering at http:// Then enter our St. Benedict Code: 2a81e2 Symbolon Group Study An adult group will meet during the high school faith formation classes (Sundays, 4 - 5:45 PM) to look at the new Symbolon video series. The group meets in room 109 LCHS. Coming this spring: First Annual Adult, Couples and Singles, Silent Retreat, Friday through Sunday, April 10th to 12th, at Holy Spirit Center, Father Jacob is the retreat master. More information coming soon. MEDITATION OF THE WEEK "Look at His adorable face. Look at His glazed and sunken eyes. Look at His wounds. Look Jesus in the Face. There, you will see how He loves us." ~ St. Therese of Lisieux YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Faith Sharing Groups: Please join the Lenten faith-sharing group, which meets Thursdays 11:00-12:30 in the church. During the six weeks of Lent, the sessions follow the Sunday readings around which the sharing is centered. These gatherings can be an opportunity for prayer, discernment and a retreat from your ordinary routine. New members are always welJoin young adults (18-30) from around Anchorage come. for an evening of great conversation and fellowship. If several of you would like to meet at a different time, we can accommodate that. Please We meet from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm at call Colleen at 907-354-4372 if you have Yak and Yeti Himalayan Cafe questions. Located at 1360 West Northern Lights Tea Tuesday Questions? Contact Oriele Jones at 907-273-1541. Find us on Facebook “Tea Tuesdays” Krakow WYD is geared for young people aged 16-35. The pilgrimage will be in July, 2016. There will be an optional pre-trip to Ireland. Registration forms are now available in the youth center. Or email Bob McMorrow if you want more information. ITALIAN DINNER Thanks for joining us! The young people put on a great Italian feast! The next dinner will be May 9th. We will have an auction too. Catechists Needed People who love Jesus, His Church, and have a desire to share the faith with others! Call 273-1552. We are looking for catechists and other volunteers to help with our new SUPER SUNDAY family faith formation program. Classes meet from 1:30-3:00 PM on Sunday afternoons. If you are interested, call or email Bob McMorrow. Our team will walk with you, and prepare you in both teaching skills and Catholic content. Super Sunday Team We need help setting up each Sunday, taking attendance, running the technology, and manning the prize tables. If you are able to help, email or call Bob McMorrow. St. Andrew Bobola, S.J. Patron of our E/C Team Pray for us. ~Our Community~ Good Friday Faithwalk button contest the A Lenten Day of Prayer Men and women are invited, given by Fr. Dan Hebert on Saturday March 7th, 2015 at 9am to 3pm at St. Patrick’s Parish Chapel on Muldoon Rd. Suggested donation is $10. Lunch is included. Please contact Debbie Vea by phone, 278-5001 or by email, to sign up or for more information. SPONSORED BY: THE CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS contest is open to any Catholic student grades 1st to 12th. Submission must be received by email by noon, Thursday, March 12. Entries will be accepted by mail, email or fax: Archdiocese of Anchorage, 225 Cordova, Anchorage, Alaska 99501; email and/or fax 2977758. Please call 297-7711 with any questions. Women’s Saturday Morning of Reflection You are invited to a Lenten Saturday Morning of Reflection on Saturday, March 14, from 9am-12:30pm in the St. Patrick Chapel. We will begin with Rosary followed by Mass, confession, a reflection and lunch. Father Donatian Kaigoma, Chaplain at Providence Hospital, is the March celebrant. No Childcare this month. RSVP to Genny at 947-5359 Have you ever thought about becoming a Sister? Single Catholic women ages 18 - 40 are Le Bella Brigata Dinner “An Evening invited to a Religious Vocation Discernment Rewith Sheen” A live performance of a classic treat with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul April 10-12, 2015 in Los Altos Hills, California (Bay Area). If you would like to know more about attending this prayerful and reflective discernment retreat, contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C. at 650/949-8890, 213-210-9903, or email us at Find us on Facebook at: Daughters of Charity Vocations U.S., follow us at or read about us on Archbishop Fulton Sheen television show, featuring Mario Bird. Come celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph, Patron of the Archdiocese, at this fundraiser to get Anchorage’s new Catholic radio station 94.1FM on the air! Thursday, March 19 at McKinley Ballroom, Coast International Inn starting at 5:30pm. $75 per person or $600 for a table of 8 – advanced purchase requested. RSVP at or 330-9827. March 6-8 | St. Teresa of Jesus – A Call to ACYC is coming, can you spare a room! The Alaska Catholic Youth Conference will be Intimacy with God. Lenten Retreat at Holy hosted at St. Benedict once again. The dates are Spirit Center – This silent retreat will be led by Fr. Bernard Perkins, a Carmelite priest from Alhambra, California. With a Lenten theme, the retreat provides a perfect opportunity for quiet and reflection time. It begins at 7:00 pm Friday and ends with noon lunch on Sunday. Fee: $215 (private); $195 (double); $165 (commuter). Call Holy Spirit Center at 346-2343 to register. June 14th-18th. We are looking for a couple host homes who would be willing to host a Catholic speaker or musician. Contact Bob McMorrow for details, 273-1552. Pick, Click & Give Please Support Catholic Social Services through PFD. Following in His Footsteps Thrift Store: Open Monday-Friday 10am-3pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm; contact the Store at 245-0017 or for other questions or to volunteer call Colleen: 354-4372 or Mary: 868-3453 Catechesis: Choir: Clare House: Hospitality: Pancake Breakfast: Knights of Columbus: Legion of Mary: Samoan Mass: Filipino Mass: Outreach: Prayer Chain: R.C.I.A.: Mass Intentions: Bob McMorrow: 273-1552, Dr. Bob Schihl and Oriele Jones: 273-1541 See Ken Miller after Mass or email Food for Clare House: 4th Tuesday each month; contact Linda Fleener: 243-5688 Coffee and donuts, following 8:00am and 10:30 am Masses, except on Pancake Breakfast Served 8:00am to 12:00pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month from October to April Meets every 1st Wednesday (Business) and 3rd Wednesday Social & Potluck (all welcome) Meets every Monday at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall; contact Phyllis Wilson: 344-8947 At 12:15 Mass, the 1st Sunday of the Month At 12:15 Mass, the 3rd Sunday of the Month Emergency food for those in need call 273-1596 For information call Ann Curro: 349-3772 or email Peg Walsh Bernert: Meets Tuesday 6:30-8:00 pm; contact Marcy Adkins: 273-1554 SI=Special Intentions, RTH=Return to Health, ROS=Repose of the Soul St. Benedict's Youth Activities Dear Young People, “May this Lenten season find the whole Church ready to bear witness to all those who live in material, moral, and spiritual destitution the Gospel message of the merciful love of God our Father. -Pope Francis Youth nights We meet every Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the upper room above the gym. This week: Jim and Ann Curro presenting on pro-life issues Regular meetings YODA– 3:00 in the Upper Room Youth Ministry Team– 8:00 pm on Feb. 22nd And… for the Junior high Junior High Night– Feb. 27th from 7PM-9PM Come play games, eat pizza and learn about the REAL St. Valentine. World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow We will have registration forms available this summer. The pilgrimage will be in July of 2016. There will be an optional Pre-trip to Ireland. REGISTER TODAY! Start selling tickets for the next Italian dinner (Feb. 28th) I will have tickets at youth night and class. The youth had a wonderful time on retreat out at St. Therese’s Camp Thank you to all who made retreat possible! Save the Date! Next year’s winter retreat will be Feb. 12-14, 2015
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