EU & Africa & US Business and Investment Forum Venue: Casa de America - Plaza de Cibeles 2 (Metro Banco de España) Date: April 13th, 2015 Overview EU-Africa & US Business and Investment Forum is aimed at members of the African business The community seeking partners for investment projects, European and US companies looking for investment opportunities in Africa and conversely. The event will bring together business leaders, government officials, as well as development partners and senior officials from major international organizations, to exchange views on the challenges and opportunities faced by Africa and to discuss possible partnerships and strategies in regards to the role of private sector in the overall sustainable development in Africa. In addition to high level presentations and panel discussions on the business and investment climate in Africa, the one-day forum will facilitate networking, one-to-one meetings and interactions between African-EuropeanAmerican companies and investors to explore more than 20 specific projects and investment opportunities which are currently being identified and screened for presentation at the forum. Objectives • Inspire greater action by business and Government. • Discuss possible partnerships and strategies in regards to the role of private sector in the overall sustainable development. • Enable a synergetic transfer of knowledge and expertise between the private and the public domains. • Provide a platform for best and emerging practices by sharing and reviewing lessons learned with an emphasis on moving beyond anecdotal examples. • Produce a call to action on business engagement in supporting sustainable development in Africa for companies and investors from all over the world related to Africa. 10:00 – 10:30 AM Registration of Participants 10:30 – 11:00 AM.- Opening & Welcoming Remarks Diana Ruiz Vicente, Vice Chancellor UCJC President of Voices of Leaders Founder & President of World Investment News President of SNCIDA (Spanish Nigerian for Commercial and Industrial Development Association) 11:00 – 11:30.- Session 1 – Connecting Africa: Logistics and Transport Boosted by The African continent is ideally located as a global logistics and transport hub. Easily accessible by air, sea and land, this natural advantage attracts a rising movement of goods and people through and inside African countries. The African Governments have early recognized the need for efficient logistics and transportation structures for any kind of economic activity, and hence substantially invested in their establishment and modernization. As a global transit hub for multiple means of transport, the African continent offers various business opportunities for internationally operating enterprises. Moderator: Prof. Michelet Montina, President/CEO Specialized Marketing and Logistics, S.L. Panelists (5 out of 9): Integrated Logistic Services, Ltd Fortune Global Shipping & Logistics, Ltd Meca-Systems, S.L. Logistica Grupo TecniPublicaciones Cargo Services, S.A.U. DHL M&M Air Sea Cargo, S.A. SEUR Port Harcourt Chamber of Commerce & Industry DEBATE 11:30 – 12:00 Session 2 – Construction and Housing: Trends & Projects The value of construction and infrastructure contracts in Africa has been raised up, and all the African governments having publicly committed to the improvement of infrastructure, there are numerous infrastructures for investment and business cooperation. The commitment has also to be seen with the larger determination of governments to continue the process of diversification away from oil. Moderator: Sr. Daniel Gabalda, General Manager, Business GoOn S.L. Panelists (5 out of 10): Monje & Partners Global Trade & Marketing S.A. Barcelona Housing Systems FPB Group Federal Housing Authority Hawthorne Group Siport 21 Synconsult Asociación Técnica Española de Galvanización Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry DEBATE 12:00 – 12:15 Coffee Break 12:15 – 12:45 Session 3 – Development of the Health Sector in Africa The African governments have made healthcare a priority and taken proactive steps to improve and expand healthcare infrastructure, decrease dependence on expatriate medical professionals and seek increased avenues Boosted by for private sector participation. In the near future, African’s healthcare sector is expected to exhibit brisk growth owing to increased populations, and income levels, insurance penetration, medical tourism and prevalence of lifestyle related diseases. Moderator: Sr. José María Párraga, Director INCYDE - Cámaras de Comercio de España. Penelists (5 out of 7): Clínica CEMTRO (Wireless Arthrocopy Device) Cesma Medical Group World Health Identification Chemo Group Normon Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry Laboratorios Muñoz Caro DEBATE 12:45 – 13:30 Session 4 - Knowledge Exchange: Education and Vocational Training The education sector in Africa has in recent years undergone vast growth and development. The number of students graduating with a bachelor’s degree is expected to increase 11 million by 2020 with African governments and companies investing large resources into raising their educational talent, developing key relationships with leading universities and other higher education institutions worldwide and promoting local managerial talent to play an active role in their national economies. African countries are all aware of the need to improve the quality of education, enhance skills of local population and reduce dependence on expatriate labor in order to support economic development. Moderator: Sr. José Díaz Canseco, Founder/CEO The Human Touch, S.L. Panelists (5 out of 8): IESE Business School Escuela Superior de Publicidad Edibon International eBiz Africa Review Escuela Europea de Lideres Youth Business Spain JUNG Escuela de Emprendedores Africa 2.0 Cambra Tarragona Chamber of Commerce and Industry DEBATE 13:30 – 14:15 Session 5 – Towards Sustainability: Cooperation Projects in Energy, Water and Environment Africa is one of the fastest growing consumers of energy, driven by its rapidly growing population and largescale development projects. African countries have begun to invest in the post-petrol era as a mean to assist economic diversification efforts, as well as to profit from their competitive advantage in many critical energy sectors. Africa lacks modern efficient power efficient technologies, and the power generation efficiency is low and distribution losses are above global average. Boosted by Moderator: Sr. Joaquin Boston, President, International Board of Entrepreneurs and Business People Panelists (5 out of 8): Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. Smart Hydro Power GmbH Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency Eco Recovery Systems, Inc. Africa Factor Humano Africa Supply Jesim Power Quality Nexus Energía DEBATE 14:15 – 14:45 Session 6 – Diversifying African Economy: Industrialization & Investment Opportunities Industrialization is one of the key priorities in the African continent; many African governments have paved the way for strengthening the industrial sector in their respective countries by focusing on specific sectors with comparative advantages and creating industrial zones. The focus is here on opportunities and challenges for industrial clusters of importance and relevance. In the industrial sector, there are vast chances for Spanish small and medium sized as well as large businesses to enter the African project market. Moderator: Prof. Michelet Montina, President/CEO Specialized Marketing and Logistics, S.L. Panelists (5 out of 7): Eurasian Development Bank European Investment Bank KFW Development Bank Socios Inversores Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Club de Exportadores e Inversores European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association Spotcap Borago Inversores Dynamis Living Lab for Sustainability, Spain DEBATE 14:45 – 15:15 Cocktail for Participants to Mingle and Interact 15:15-16:30 Lunch Break 16:30 – 17:15 Session 7 – Opportunities Unfolding: Food Security & the Retail Sector Food Security plays a growingly important role in Africa. With a scarce domestic supply of agricultural goods, many African countries are designing strategies how to best guarantee a stable and constant food supply. African governments have to decide on the mix of food imports and local production, bearing in mind the trade-off between saving water and irrigation for boosting a local agriculture. Moderator: Sr. Pablo Fernández, CEO, Profiles International Spain Panelists (5 out of 11): INGAL Boosted by CIRAD CEIGRAM Dynamis Living Lab for Sustainability Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture Agro Process Ediciones y Publicaciones Alimentarias, S.A. VAE/DFPEA/HAITI/USDA/UC DAVIS Warri Industrial Business Park Corenco AYESA InKoa DEBATE 17:15 – 17:45 Session 8 – Business Proposal Presentations and Financing: Approaches to Strategic Partnerships The economic cooperation between Africa and Europe and USA needs a strong framework to prosper. This includes insurances, financial means and wider legal mechanisms that support foreign trade. The possibilities for European and US companies to invest in Africa are enormous and include many different kinds of investments. Companies can establish themselves in the form of joint-venture with a local partner as limited liability companies or professional partnerships. What are the measures that can reduce risks to potential investors? What do African governments need to do for financial institutions and business community to become more engaged in Africa? Moderator: Prof. Michelet Montina, President/CEO Specialized Marketing and Logistics, S.L. & Sr. Joaquin Boston, President, International Board of Entrepreneurs and Business People Panelists (5 out of 9): African Development Bank Group Banco Santander, Spain European Bank for Reconstruction and Development BMCE International African Export – Import Bank African Trade Insurance Agency Africa Factor Humano La Caixa, Spain Sabadell, Spain DEBATE 17:45 – 19:45 Session 9 - B2B and Business Networking Africa - USA – Europe Each participant will be provided with a previously arranged agenda of appointments on the basis of the information provided in the registration form. All participants must have their own necessary logistic materials such as laptop, leaflets, catalogs, etc, in order to guarantee a successful meeting. Boosted by
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