International workshop High-resolution AFM/STM imaging 23rd-24th February 2015, Prague, Czech Republic Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science Location Vila Lanna V sadech 1/1 Prague 6 -Bubeneč CZ-160 00 Local organizers Pavel Jelínek Martin Švec Prokop Hapala Sponsors Scope of the workshop The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists to critically discuss experimental and theoretical aspects of high-resolution images with functionalized probes. Following topics will be addressed during the workshop: 1. Chemical resolution (chairs: I. Swart, P. Liljeroth, P. Moriarty, N. Moll) - Recognition of true bonds and their character (bond order; triple bonds) - Recognition of chemical species - Determination of chemically active sites on molecules - Covalent vs. ionic bonds; what can HR imaging do for us? Are we able to resolve ionicity of bonds? 2. Beyond the high-resolution imaging (chairs: L. Gross, J. Repp, F. Giessibl, T. Glatzel, A. Schwarz) - What can we learn from image distortions? - Role of charge distribution on imaging (electrostatic forces); relation to KPFM; bias dependent imaging - Pauli repulsion and charge distribution - Difference between Xe and CO-tip functionalization (charged tips); other perspective tip-functionalization, stiff tip functionalization - Subatomic resolution - Towards fitting of semi-empirical potentials from 3D mapping - Imaging unknown true 3D structures (bio-molecules) - Towards high resolution imaging on "true" insulators (without the possibility to use constant height mode) 3. Cross-correlation AFM with other channels STM, IETS-STM (chairs: S. Tautz, R. Temirov, I. Pascual, A. Shluger, P. Grutter) - Transducing information between different channels - Commons and differences of AFM/STM/IETS-STM imaging - What is about other vibration modes in IETS? Role of CO stiffness, current(bias) on resolution; - What can we learn from simultaneous AFM/STM? Application to new systems/phenomena - Dissipation signal: real physical meaning or artifacts of electronics? - Technical aspects of high-resolution imaging & high-resolution imaging in 'extreme' conditions (beyond LT, Si-cantilevers) - Detection of lateral forces - How can we quantify and exclude regulatory artifacts, coming from various interacting feed-back loops [amplitude never exactly constant, input impedance of current amplifier (esp. at high currents and high frequency)] Program The time schedule of the workshop is only tentative. Remember, the aim of the workshop is to provide a platform for deep and stimulating discussions. Thus we encourage speakers to prepare talk in way of addressing open questions, challenging the status or propose new concepts related to high-resolution images. We suggest to keep the program only tentative and make it really discussion forum instead or a series of regular talks. To fit to the proposed format, we suggest following rules: 1/ encourage speakers to prepare talks in more informal way, addressing problems, challenges and controversies instead of presenting regular results; keeping presentations short as much as possible but still providing sufficient information to stimulate discussion; 2/ encourage audience to make questions during presentations as much as possible 3/ chairs of each topic will moderate/promote the discussion; first designated speaker of each topic will try to make an introduction to given section 4/ the schedule might be adjusted during breaks according to necessity Oral presentations Computers dedicated for the presentations will provide full compatibility with Microsoft Office (up to 2007), Adobe PDF (up to 2009) and standard multimedia. It is a responsibility of every speaker to check in advance that her/his presentation will be displayed correctly by the conference projector; it will be possible to do so before and after the end of the sessions, during the breaks, etc. Optionally, it will be also possible to connect own computers to the projectors. However, it is the responsibility of the speaker to ensure that the connection with a personal computer is working properly before the start of a given session. Posters • Dimensions of the poster boards 120 cm (height) x 100 cm (width) • Fixing material (pins) will be available on site. Wi-Fi connection There will be Wi-Fi connection available during the workshop. SSID: lanna_AV Password: Lanna123 Encryption: WPA 1 ORAL CONTRIBUTIONS Probing the Polar Nature of Bonds by means of Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of the surface termination of BiTeI by combined STM/AFM Florian Albrecht Julian Berwanger Kelvin probe force spectroscopy was used to characterize the charge distribution of individual molecules with polar bonds. Whereas this technique represents the charge distribution with moderate resolution for large tip-molecule separations, it fails for short distances. Here we introduce a novel local force spectroscopy technique, which allows one to better disentangle electrostatic from other contributions in the force signal. It enables obtaining charge maps at even closer tip-sample distances where the lateral resolution is further enhanced. This enhanced resolution allows one to even resolve the polar nature of individual bonds. Cleaved BiTeI surfaces consist of domains which are either terminated by Te or I. The size of these domains depends on the bulk crystallinity of the sample and ranges from 100 µm to 100 nm. We observe smaller domains and find two different step heights. The larger step height corresponds to the height of a -Bi-Te-I- stack. The smaller step height was also suggested to be a structural step caused by a stacking fault. In contrast, the atomically resolved STM/AFM data of the smaller “step” suggests that this is indeed an atomically flat layer. The observed step height in STM is a purely electronic effect due to the different density of states at the Fermi-level of Te- and I-terminated surfaces. Thus we demonstrate that combined STM/AFM can help to identify artifacts that mimic structural steps by density of states effects. High-Resolution Multichannel Scanning Probe Microscopy: 3D Force Field Spectroscopy, Tip Apex Identification, and Cross-Talk Atomic connectivities in graphene nanostructure junctions Mehmet Z Baykara The controlled nano-structuring of graphene sheets will be a key technology towards the application of graphenebased materials in future electronic devices. Only recently, the synthesis of atomically precise graphene nanoribbons (GNR) by surface-catalyzed reactions of suitably designed precursor molecules was achieved [1, 2]. In this context scanning probe microscopy plays an important role in the investigation of the involved on-surface reactions and the characterization of their products. Here, we report on the structural and electronic characterization of junctions between atomically well-defined armchair GNRs, characterized by an armchair structure along the edge and 7 rows of carbon atom pairs across the ribbon width (7-AGNR). Once the produced GNRs come into close proximity to each other, they can undergo cross-dehydrogenative coupling reactions and from more complex structures [3, 4]. We use low-temperature non-contact scanning probe microscopy with CO-functionalized tips and simultaneously acquire the tunneling current in conjunction with tightbinding simulations to unravel the atomic connectivity at the junction. Thomas Dienel High-resolution atomic force microscopy with complementary recording of the tunneling current offers the promise of simultaneous characterization of the chemical reactivity and the electronic structure of surfaces on the atomic scale. Using surface-oxidized copper (100) as a representative sample surface, we demonstrate in this talk that a comparative evaluation of the force and the tunneling current channels in three spatial dimensions leads to the detection of surface defects and the resulting modulation in chemical interaction forces exhibited by individual atoms. While ab initio calculations allow the structural and chemical identification of the tip apex and the defects, a large data set of STM images obtained at various experimental settings is utilized to uncover the details of complex STM contrast formation mechanisms on metal oxides. Finally, the effect of topography-feedback-induced cross-talk on multichannel scanning probe microscopy experiments is analyzed. 1. L. Grill et al., Nature Nanotech. 2, 687-691 (2007). 2. J. Cai et al., Nature 466, 470 (2010). 3. M. Ijaes et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 075429 (2013). 1 4. J. van der Lit et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2023 (2013). Metal Apex NCAFM High Resolution Imaging of G/Pt(111) Force Microscopy with Sub-Atomic Resolution Reveals Internal Structure and Adsorption Geometry of Small Iron Clusters Michael Ellner A test of the capabilities of the AFM to obtain high resolution images are weakly coupled 2D systems such as Graphene (G) on weakly interacting metals such as G/Pt in which the G flake corrugates less than 2 pm [1]. In this work we present long amplitudes ( 20 ˚ A) - cantilever based LT-NCAFM measurements of G/Pt(111) which not only yield atomic contrast on the G, but also the modulation of the moir´ e patterns. Through DFT calculations, and a simple continuous model we rationalize the moir´ e contrast as sensing small variations of the effective local stiffness of the G arising from subtle differences in the G/Pt interaction, possible due to the use of a metal tip which in the repulsive regime is stiff enough as to deform the G, and in the attractive, reactive enough as to adhere to the G sheet. Our results point out a new route to explore the local mechanical properties of low-dimensional weakly coupled systems. Franz Giessibl Clusters built from individual Fe atoms are investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) with subatomic resolution, revealing their internal structure as well as their bonding and adsorption configuration. In the past, STM has been considered to be the microscopy technique that provides the greatest spatial resolution of atoms on surfaces. In STM, small atom clusters appear as roughly Gaussian peaks with an apparent height h determined by the number of atoms N with h = 0.1 nm for a one atom Fe cluster, 0.15 nm for two, 0.2 nm for three etc.. Here, we introduce AFM with subatomic spatial resolution, where single Cu and Fe adatoms appear as toroidal structures and multi-atom clusters appear as connected structures, showing each individual atom as a torus. For single adatoms, we find that the toroidal shape of the AFM image reflects the bonding symmetry of the adatom to the underlying structure, showing a torus with two bumps for Cu/Cu(110) and three bumps for Fe/Cu(111). 1. M. M. Ugeda, et al. Phys Rev Lett. 107, 116803 (2011) Manipulating single-molecule vibrational spectroscopy using functionalized STM tips Challenges of Molecular Structure Elucidation by AFM Leo Gross Aran Garcia-Lekue AFM can assist in molecular structure elucidation [1-3]. Selecting suited molecules as model systems also bond order, adsorption height, and charge distribution within molecules were mapped on the atomic scale. However, the AFM contrast relates to all these properties and for most molecules the separation of the contributions is challenging. Moreover, element specific contrast – demonstrated by AFM on semiconductor surfaces [4] – is highly desirable on molecules. To disentangle the different contributions of AFM contrast and to obtain chemical contrast on molecules, improvements in experiment, theory, and simulations are needed. Approaches and challenges towards these goals will be discussed. The recent developments in high-resolution STM and AFM imaging with functionalized tips calls for a detailed theoretical understanding of the role of the tip. Within this scenario, our earlier work on the effect of the STM tip on IETS measurements acquires a renewed significance. In particular, we performed first-principle simulations of vibrational spectra of a single CO molecule on Cu(111) using different chemically modified tips, and we compared our results with our previous simulations for a bare metallic Cu tip [2]. Our results indicate that functionalized tips can increase the resolving power of IETS and can yield inelastic signals not observed with a bare metallic tip. Such effects are originated by changes in the symmetry of the orbitals involved in the inelastic scattering, and reveal that single molecule IETS can be modulated by modifying the tip orbital symmetry. 1. L. Gross et al. Nature Chem. 2, 821 (2010) 2. K. O. Hanssen, et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51, 12238 (2012) 1. A. Garcia-Lekue et al., PRB83, 155417(2011). 3. D. G. de Oteyza et al. Science 340, 1434 (2013) 2. L. Vitali et al., Nano Letters 10, 657(2010). 4. Y. Sugimoto et al. Nature 446, 64 (2007) 2 AFM with atomically defined tips Open questions in the mechanical model of High-resolution AFM Peter Grutter Prokop Hapala AFM can experimentally image the structure of surfaces with very high spatial resolution. Determination of structural information from this data needs theoretical modeling to compare to experimentally observed contrast. This is challenging, in particular if other properties such as electrical conductivity should be determined simultaneously, thus enabling powerful, quantitative structure-function relationships to be extracted from AFM experiments. On a fundamental level the major reason why this is challenging is because theoretical models need to make assumptions and experiments typically don’t know enough atomic scale details of the AFM tip, leaving substantial room for approximations. I will discuss the experimental challenges in combining AFM/STM with field ion microscopy (FIM). FIM allows the atomic scale characterization and manipulation of tips. I will discuss the particular challenges of keeping a tip atomically well defined as it approaches and interacts with the sample. Many experimental high-resolution SPM images can be reproduced with a numerical model based on pairwise Lennard-Jones potential [1] combined with electrostatic force field [2] if relaxation of probe particle is taken into account. However, there are several observations, which this model is unable to reproduce [3,4]. In this talk we will discuss, which ingredients and aspects of the model need to be improved in order to correct for the discrepancies. Can the problem be solved by incorporation of Pauli repulsion, which is dependent on actual electronic density as proposed by Moll et al. [5]? 1. Hapala, P. et al. Phys. Rev. B 90, 085421 (2014). 2. Hapala, P. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 226101 (2014). 3. Moll, N. et al. Nano Lett. (2014). 4. Guo, C. et al. J. Phys. Chem. C 141229184529007 (2014). 5. Moll, N. et al. New J. Phys. 14, 083023 (2012). Intermolecular contrast in AFM images without intermolecular bonds Force field analysis of STM/AFM tips for atomic manipulation Sampsa H¨ am¨ al¨ ainen Ferdinand Huber Intermolecular features in recent atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of organic molecules have been ascribed to intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The experiments typically use molecule modified AFM tips, where a single molecule is picked up on the metallic AFM tip. We show that the intermolecular features in the AFM images can also be explained by the flexibility of molecule-terminated tips. We probe this effect by carrying out atomic force microscopy experiments on a model system that contains regions where intermolecular bonds should and should not exist between close-by molecules. Intermolecular features are observed in both regions, demonstrating that intermolecular contrast cannot be directly interpreted as intermolecular bonds. We study the physics of atomic manipulation of CO on a Cu(111) surface by combined STM and AFM at liquid helium temperatures. In atomic manipulation, an adsorbed atom or molecule is arranged on the surface using the interaction of the adsorbate with substrate and tip. While previous experiments are consistent with a linear superposition model of tip and substrate forces, we find that the force threshold depends on the force field of the tip. Here, we use carbon monoxide front atom identification (COFI) to characterize the tip’s force field. Tips that show COFI profiles with an attractive center can manipulate CO in any direction while tips with a repulsive center can only manipulate in certain directions. The force thresholds are independent of bias voltage in a range from 1 to 10 mV and independent of temperature in a range of 4.5 to 7.5 K. 3 Intermolecular artefacts observed in 2D C60 assemblies Role of orbital structure in High-resolution STM of molecules Samuel Jarvis Ondˇrej Krejˇc´ı The question surrounding the origin of intermolecular features in scanning probe microscopy (SPM) has been under debate since the first high-resolution images were revealed using the STHM technique. More recently, intermolecular features have also been observed with non-contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) with a number of reports examining the origins for apparent intermolecular features focussing on the role of tip flexibility. In this work we examine hexagonally close-packed islands of highly non-planar C60 molecules adsorbed across a range of surface materials with NC-AFM. At very small tip-sample distances, similar intermolecular resolution as previously reported is observed, resulting in the appearance of distinct apparent intermolecular bonds. We discuss the origins of the intermolecular contrast using a simple Lennard-Jones force-field model to examine the relative contributions from tip-sample convolution and tip relaxation. Recently, we demonstrated that most features visible in high-resolution STM and AFM images can be explained by simple mechanical model considering relaxation of an atomistic particle attached to the tip. The simple model for STM simulations considers only inter-atomic hoppings between relaxed atomistic particle and molecule [1]. The model is able to reproduce the main characteristics of highresolution STM maps in close distance regime where the relaxation effects prevail. But it fails at far distances, since it neglects an electronic structure of the sample. In this work, we implemented an efficient method for simulation of the high resolution STM images considering the molecular electronic structure and the atomistic particle relaxation. The method is able to reproduce observed contrast in both the close and the far distance regimes. It gives solid theoretical background for better understanding of high resolution STM experiments. [1]P. Hapala et al., Phys. Rev. B 90, 085421 (2014). Chemical structures of organometallic intermediate and carbon-carbon link in on-surface chemical reaction Probing single donor-acceptor molecules on thin insulating films Tobias Meier Shigeki Kawai The intramolecular charge transfer in fused DonorAcceptor molecules which strongly determines the device performance of opto-electronics for example organic solar cells is still poorly understood at the single molecular scale. In this work we used the TTF-dppz, a planar and and piconjugated Donor-Acceptor molecule, adsorbed on thin layers of NaCl on Cu(111). By combining STM and AFM, we spatially characterized the separation of the HOMO and LUMO with respect to the chemical structure of the TTFdppz molecule observed by AFM. We further investigated with force and current based spectroscopic techniques [1,2] the electronic properties of the molecule and its charge redistribution. To gain more insights into the optical excitation of a single molecule, we are currently performing spectroscopic measurements under illumination. On-surface chemical reaction is a unique technique to synthesize polymers by linking carbon and carbon on solid surfaces. However, the irreversible reaction usually leads a low production yield. Thus, observing the intermediate products is beneficial to control and understand the reaction. Here, we use a CO functionalized tip of atomic force microscopy to study the Ullmann-type coupling, in which the dehalogenation of iodine in precursor molecules on Ag(111) induces the reaction. We found that the thermally sublimated molecules attack surface Ag atoms even at below 150 K and consequently a short-lived C-Ag-I bond forms. When two molecules meet each other, the dissociation of I induces the C-Ag-C organometallic bond. Further, the Ag atom can desorb by annealing at 350 K, and hence a C-C link establishes. We found that the Ag atom affects to bending and tilt angle and adsorption height of the molecule. 1. R. Pawlak et al., Nano Lett. (2013). 2. S. Kawai et al., ACS Nano (2013). 4 Lateral forces determined by tuning fork force microscopy? Mapping Force-Fields for Molecular Assemblies: Do We Really See Bonds? Ernst Meyer Philip Moriarty Though the frequency shift of tuning fork force microscopy is primarily related to normal force gradients, there are some examples of experiments, which provide valuable information about lateral forces or energy barriers in the lateral direction. Either 2d- or 3d-frequency data are acquired and transferred into force or energy fields by integration, where instabilities limit the applicability of this method. Alternatively, models are used, where the essential parameters are included to simulate the frequency shift data. An example is given by the pulling of polymeric chains on Au(111), where the detachment of the chain leads to oscillations of the normal and lateral forces. The comparison with the model allows to determine the adhesive energy per subunit of the molecular chain. Lateral manipulation gives insight about the movement of one dimensional chains on surfaces, which is close to the ideal of the Frenkel-Kontorova model. As Hapala et al. [1] and H¨ am¨ al¨ ainen and co-workers [2] have both convincingly demonstrated, tip dynamics and probe convolution can generate features in dynamic force microscopy images which mimic ’expected’ intermolecular structure. In this context, I shall discuss our experimental data and theoretical calculations (based on both density functional theory and analytical approaches similar to Refs. [1,2]) for two very different molecular systems: assemblies of the planar NTCDI [3], and the spherical C60 molecule. We focus on a quantitative analysis of the force-field and potential energy surface associated with each system. Image Distortions of Molecules in Atomic Force Microscopy with Carbon Monoxide Terminated Tips Electrostatic properties of Xe and CO terminated tips 1. P Hapala, et al, Phys. Rev. B 90, 085421 (2014) 2. Sampsa K. H¨ am¨ al¨ ainen, et al.t, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 186102 (2014) 3. A. Sweetman et al., Nature Comm. 5 3931 (2014) Martin Ondr´aˇcek Nikolaj Moll Atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy with functionalized tips allow imaging of organic molecules with sub-molecular resolution. Simple examples of suitable tip terminations are a CO molecule or Xe atom [G. Kichin et al., PRB 87, 081408(R); F. Mohn et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 073109]. Proper interpretation of such experiments requires understanding of what forces act on the tip and how the tip termination reacts to them [P. Hapala et al., PRB 90, 085421]. Apart from attractive dispersion forces and Pauli repulsion, electrostatic forces can also substantially contribute to the force field felt by the tip termination in the vicinity of the sample [P. Hapala et al., PRB 113, 226101]. I will present ab initio calculations which strive to elucidate the main differences between the CO and Xe terminations in terms of their electrostatic properties, such as charge distribution and electric polarizability. Using functionalized tips, the atomic resolution of a single organic molecule can be achieved by atomic force microscopy (AFM) operating in the regime of short-ranged repulsive Pauli forces while the van-der-Waals and electrostatic interactions only add a diffuse attractive background. The underlying mechanisms of image distortions in AFM with CO-terminated tips are identified and studied in detail. Parts of a molecule appear different in size, which primarily originates from the charge density. Further, tilting of the CO at the tip, induced by van der Waals forces, enlarges the apparent size of parts of the molecule by up to 50 5 What is the orientation of the tip in a scanning tunneling microscope? STM/AFM study of Majorana bound state in mono-atomic Fe chains on lead Krisztian Palotas R´emy Pawlak We introduce a statistical correlation analysis method to obtain information on the local geometry and orientation of the tip used in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments. The key quantity is the relative brightness correlation of constant-current topographs between experimental and simulated data. This correlation can be analyzed statistically for a large number of tip geometries and orientations in particular. Assuming a stable tip during STM scans and based on the correlation distribution, it is possible to determine the tip orientations that are most likely present in an STM experiment, and exclude other orientations. We illustrate the applicability of the method considering the HOPG(0001) surface in combination with tungsten tip models of different apex geometries in close to 20,000 orientations. We find that a blunt tip model provides better correlation with the experiment for a wider range of tip orientations and bias voltages than a sharp tip model. Majorana fermions (MF) are fermionic particles which are their own anti-particles. After more than 80 years search, this elusive particle has been recently observed by STM at the end of Fe chains deposited on lead [1]. In this contribution, the structure and electronic properties of such chains on Pb(110) are compared by means of STM, AFM and conductance mapping at low temperature. The conductance maps confirm the MF presence at the wire ends which are also used to determine the decay length of its wavefunction. Interestingly, AFM imaging reveals the atomic structure along the chain with an additional force signature at the MF location, that might result from its intrinsic topological protection. Force Spectroscopy at the Molecular Scale Attempts to test an alternative electrodynamic theory of superconductors 1. S. Nadj-Perge et al. Science 346, 602 (2014). Nacho Pascual Angelo Peronio Force spectroscopy has extended our toolset for resolving electrostatic and mechanical properties of individual molecules with sub-molecular resolution. This particularly remarkable when combined with tunneling electron spectroscopy, because it allows us to identify charge distributions and conformational states and associated to a new way of imaging surfaces and adsorbates. In this presentation, I will show several results comparing tunnel and force spectroscopy of molecular system with a notable redistribution of their charge. First, the positioning a CO molecule close to a C2H2 adsorbate leads to a redistribution of their charges, and dipolar contribution to their van der Waals interaction. Second, we show that the charge redistribution in a charge.-transfer salt – TCNQ/Na – is detectable through KPFM. Third, KPFM is also sensitive to the electric field induced transitions of a molecular adsorbate between two charge states. An alternative form of London’s electrodynamic description of superconductors has been hypothesized, which allows for the presence of electric fields in their interior [1]. In this theory, an applied electric field penetrates a superconductor up to the London penetration depth ( 50 nm), much larger than the Thomas-Fermi screening length of a normal metal ( 0.1 nm). We present an ongoing attempt to test this theory by means of an AFM experiment [2]. 1. J.E. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. B 69, 214515 (2004) 2. J.E. Hirsch, Physica C 508, 21 (2015) 6 Chemical structure determination of reactants, intermediates and products in single-molecule reactions Advantages of using metallic tips in AFM imaging Alexander Shluger Alexander Riss Recently we have demonstrated that using metallic tips for noncontact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) imaging at relatively large (¿0.5 nm) tip-surface separations provides a reliable method for studying molecules on insulating surfaces with chemical resolution and greatly reduces the complexity of interpreting experimental data. The experimental NC-AFM imaging and theoretical simulations were carried out for the NiO(001) surface as well as adsorbed CO and Co-Salen molecules using Cr-coated Si tips. By analyzing the experimental scanlines we could directly determine the dipole moment of the Cr-coated tip and show that it can be approximated by a point dipole. We will discuss methods for characterizing the structure of common Si tips and the application of these tips to imaging large adsorbed molecules on insulating surfaces (e.g. CDB on KCl). Although the point dipole model still works, controlling such tips is much more difficult than metallic tips. The identification of the chemical structure of intermediates and products of chemical reactions is of huge importance in chemical synthesis. Complex reaction schemes in organic chemistry, which often exhibit many competitive pathways, impede the use of ensemble-averaging spectroscopic techniques. In our studies we used non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) to track the bond rearrangements associated with surface-supported cyclization reactions of single enediyne molecules. Determination of the precise chemical structure of reactants, intermediates and products, as well as their change in abundance allows us to establish a fundamental understanding of the reaction mechanisms. Supported by theoretical simulations, we show that the reaction kinetics are governed not only by the potential energy landscape, but also by selective energy dissipation to the substrate and entropic effects. Contrast Formation on Adsorbed CO: Pauli-Repulsion vs. Dipole-Dipole Interaction Boron-Doped Graphene Nanoribbons with STM, AFM, DFT and MD Peter Spijker Alexander Schwarz Boron (B) is a unique element in terms of electron deficiency, yet having a comparable size to carbon. Incorporation of B-atoms into an aromatic carbon framework like graphene offers a wide variety of functionality. However, the intrinsic instability of organoboron compounds has hindered the development of B-doped nanocarbon chemistry. Controlling the coordination environment of the B-sites in graphitic carbons is difficult, in contrast to the preparation of N-doped nanocarbons. Here we report the surfaceassisted bottom-up preparation of the B-doped graphene nanoribbons (B-GNR) having uniform BC3 sites in periodic structures. The use of an organoboron precursor enables the programmed incorporation of the B-sites. Furthermore, the B-GNRs are thermally fused at the armchair edges on an gold surface, affording broader B-GNRs with 2D textures of the doping sites. The chemical and electronic structures are characterised by a combination of STM and AFM, DFT and empirical calculations. Single CO molecules have been used as tip termination to achieve intramolecular resolution. They also have been studied adsorbed on various flat surfaces, where they often exhibit a ring-like contrast, i.e., a repulsive interaction in the center surrounded by an attractive interaction. Two different interpretations have been proposed to explain the repulsive interaction in the center: (i) Pauli-Repulsion between tip apex and CO molecule at small separations and (ii) electrostatic repulsion due to the presence of localized dipoles at the tip apex and the CO molecule, which point with their positive pole towards each other. Here I will discuss both interpretations and argue that the electrostatic dipole-dipole repulsion is probably more relevant in most experimental situation and thus should be considered first. Furthermore, one need to consider that non-pyramidal tip apices can generate complex contrast patterns of electrostatic origin, leading to tip artifacts. 7 Imaging three-dimensional surface objects with submolecular resolution by atomic force microscopy Scanning tunnelling microscopy with single molecule force sensors Stefan Tautz Oleksandr Stetsovych If the tunnelling junction of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) is functionalized with a nanoscale particle, such as a hydrogen or carbon monoxide molecule or a xenon atom, this particle effectively acts as a nanoscale force sensor. It senses forces stemming from the sample and transduces them into a measurable conductance signal. With this hybrid AFM/STM method images can be obtained that reveal the geometric structure of the substrate, very similar to highest resolution non-contact dynamic AFM. This contribution provides a survey of experimental results, explains the mechanism, and discusses the prospects of this novel scanning probe method. Submolecular imaging by atomic force microscopy (AFM) has recently been established as a stunning technique to reveal the chemical structure of unknown molecules, to characterise intramolecular charge distributions and bond ordering, as well as to study chemical transformations and intermolecular interactions. So far, most of these feats were achieved on planar molecular systems because highresolution imaging of three-dimensional (3D) surface structures with AFM remains challenging. Here we present a method for high-resolution imaging of non-planar molecules and 3D surface systems using AFM with silicon cantilevers as force sensors. We demonstrate this method by resolving the step-edges of the (101) anatase surface at the atomic scale, by simultaneously visualising the structure of a pentacene molecule together with the atomic positions of the substrate, and by resolving the contour and probe-surface force field on a C60 molecule with intramolecular resolution. Comparison of experimental 3D data volumes with theory: extracting the effective tip charge values Chemical identification of atoms in an organic molecule using high-resolution AFM ˇ Martin Svec Nadine van der Heijden In this contribution, we will show an approach to compare 3D df data taken on the PTCDA/Ag(111) system, obtained with a Xe-functionalized Ag tip. Two 3D experimental data blocks are aligned and recalibrated by subtracting the long-range contribution. Afterward, this data is registered onto the theoretical datasets, generated using varying tip charges and realistic experimental parameters. By finding the best-matching pairs of the experiment and theory, we are able to estimate the effective charge of the functionalized tip. Scanning probe techniques, such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), can provide detailed information about the geometric and electronic structure of surfaces and molecules with atomic spatial resolution. However, current methods lack one important capability essential to realize the full potential of these techniques in molecular electronics and chemistry: sensitivity towards element, valence and functional group. Here, we show that AFM combined with force-distance spectroscopy (FDS) and theoretical calculations can be used to achieve this goal. The central idea is that the force versus distance spectra depend on the chemical nature of the atom atop of which the spectrum is acquired. By acquiring a 3D force grid over a model molecule, we demonstrate that chemical sensitivity can indeed be obtained. 8 Determining power-law interactions with LFM Jay Weymouth Many interactions between particles can be described by a power law. Determining the power, however, is complicated by two factors: a measure of absolute distance and isolation of the short-range components. Lateral force microscopy (LFM) is only sensitive to short-range interactions, and can be used to determine absolute distances. We demonstrate this analysis on a CO molecule on Cu(111). The tip was verified to be a single-atom metal tip with an STMbased COFI method, as proposed by Welker and Giessibl. The interaction energy is shown to have a 1/r dependance. Given the metal tip is known to end in a positive charge, this implies that the CO molecule has a negative charge at its apex. 9 2 POSTERS Single Iron-Phthalocyanine molecules on Fe/W(001): A non-contact atomic force microscopy study at low temperature in UHV Intramolecular Dipole of Merocyanine Probed by Local Contact Potential Difference Measurements Christian Lotze Josef Grenz While magnetic exchange force microscopy has been achieved on various substrates, the detection of a magnetic signal stemming from a single molecule employing atomic force microscopy (AFM) has not been observed. Recent work on Cobalt-Phthalocyanine on Fe/W(110) utilizing spin-polarized STM revealed a strong hybridization of the molecular orbitals and substrate 3d states depending on the molecular adsorption, which affects their magnetic character. In this study we deposit single in gas phase paramagnetic Iron-Phthalocyanine molecules on Fe/W(001) and find 7 different adsorption geometries using nc-AFM. Particularly, we were able to identify the adsorption sites of the central Fe ion for the different geometries on the antiferromagnetic Fe monolayer on W(001), which will influence the magnetic properties of the molecule in its adsorbed state. In gas phase and solution 1,3,3-Trimethylindolino-6’nitrobenzopyrylospiran can be switched reversibly by light and temperature to its merocyanine form. This form has been shown to exhibit an intramolecular dipole [1]. When adsorbed on a metal surface the switching back to the spiropyran form is inhibited [2]. Charge redistribution and screening may considerably alter the expected dipole behavior of the merocyanine form. Utilizing combined lowtemperature scanning tunneling microscopy and dynamic atomic force microscopy, we characterize the adsorption of merocyanine on Au(111). The intramolecular charge distribution is measured by the local contact potential difference (LCPD) [3]. The vertical and lateral distribution of the LCPD hints at the persistence of an intramolecular dipole. 1. Lapienis-Grochowska et al., JCS, Far.Trans. 2 1979, 75, 312 2. Marten Piantek et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 12729 3. Mohn et al., Nature Nanotechnology 2012, 7, 227-231 In-situ homo-coupling and structural identification of porphine dimers by AFM STM and NC-AFM investigations of Graphene on Ir(111) Yuanqin He Violeta Simic-Milosevic An on-surface homo-coupling protocol between unsubstituted free-base porphine units yielding dimers, trimers, and larger oligomers directly on a Ag(111) support has been recently reported [1]. The oligomers have been characterized by a multitechnique approach combining scanning tunneling microscopy, near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure and photoelectron spectroscopy complemented by theoretical modeling, however an atomically resolved study of the resulting nanostructures is lacking. Thanks to the development of the frequency-modulated AFM, nanostructures down to benzene rings can now be directly resolved. Here we use a combined STM/AFM with a qPlus sensor to identify the resulting binding motifs. The results confirm the models that were proposed on the basis of STM data, and are a benchmark for our recently installed commercial ncAFM system. We present the systematic investigations of the geometry, electronic structure and their effects on the observed imaging contrast during STM and AFM experiments on graphene/Ir(111). Microscopy experiments were performed in constant current / constant frequency shift (CC/CFS) and constant height (CH) modes, exploiting a combination of the STM and NC-AFM capabilities of the SPM Aarhus 150 system. We found that in STM imaging the electronic contribution is prevailing compared to the topographic one and the inversion of the contrast can be assigned to the particular features in the electronic structure of graphene on Ir(111). Contrast changes observed in constant height AFM measurements are analyzed on the basis of the energy, force, and frequency shift curves, obtained in DFT calculations, reflecting the interaction of the W-tip with the surface and are attributed to the difference in the height and the different interaction strength for high-symmetry cites within the moir` e unit cell 1. A. Wiengarten et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 9346 (2014). 10 Direct Imaging of the Induced-Fit Effect in Molecular Self-Assembly Zechao Yang We investigated the self-assembly of dicyanovinylhexathiophenes (DCV6T), a prototype molecule for highly efficient organic solar cells, on Au(111) by using low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). DCV6T forms organic islands and chains simultaneously on the surface, stabilized by hydrogen bonding (and probably also electrostatic interaction). In islands, the molecule adopts the most stable configuration in energy. While, the atomicly-resolved AFM imaging reveals that the molecule is deformed to an energetically unfavorable geometry by the linear intermolecular hydrogen bonds upon self-assembly into chains. On the other hand, the density functional theory (DFT) calculations demonstrate that the deformation of individual molecules optimizes the bonding structure, therefore, contributes additional binding energy to the whole system, which can be interpreted by the “Induced Fit Effect”. 11 3 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Florian Albrecht Mehmet Z Baykara Julian Berwanger Jana V. Chocholousova J¨ urgen Chrost Thomas Dienel Janette Dunn Michael Ellner Shadi Fatayer Giuseppe Foti Thomas Frederiksen Aran Garcia-Lekue thomas Manuela Garnica Alonso Franz Giessibl Thilo Glatzel Josef Grenz Leo Gross Peter Grutter Sampsa H¨ am¨ al¨ ainen Prokop Hapala Ferdinand Huber Yuanqin He Samuel Jarvis Pavel Jelinek Shigeki Kawai Juergen Koeble Krzysztof Ko´smider Nils Krane Ondˇrej Krejˇc´ı Michael Krzyzowski Jeremy Leaf Ioannis Lekkas Peter Liljeroth Jes´ us Rub´en L´ opez Redondo Christian Lotze Zsolt Majzik Tobias Meier Ernst Meyer Morten Moeller Nikolaj Moll 12 University of Regensburg Bilkent University Institut f¨ ur Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Universit¨ at Regensburg Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR Omicron Nanotechnology GmbH Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland University of Nottingham, UK UAM IBM Research - Zurich Institute of Physics ASCR DIPC, San Sebastian DIPC (Donostia International Physics Center) Technische Universit¨at M¨ unchen University of Regensburg University of Basel, Switzerland Institute of Applied Physics, University of Hamburg IBM Research - Zurich McGill University Aalto University Institute of Physics ASCR University of Regensburg Physik Department E20, Technische Universit¨at M¨ unchen, Germany University of Nottingham Institute of Physics ASCR University of Basel, Switzerland Omicron Nanotechnology GmbH Institute of Physics ASCR FU Berlin Institute of Physics ASCR CryoVac - Low Temperature Technology GmbH and Co KG University of Nottingham University of Nottingham Aalto University Institute of Physics ASCR FU Berlin CIC NanoGune Department of Physics, University of Basel University of Basel, Switzerland Group of Philip Moriarty, University of Nottingham IBM Research - Zurich Philip Moriarty Pingo Mutombo Martin Ondr´ aˇcek Jo Onoda Krisztian Palotas Nacho Pascual R´emy Pawlak Angelo Peronio Pablo Pou Andrea Raccanelli Philipp Rahe Jascha Repp Alexander Riss Pascal Ruffieux Fabian Schulz Alexander Schwarz Alexander Shluger Violeta Simic-Milosevic Peter Spijker Irena G. Stara Ivo Stary Oleksandr Stetsovych Bartosz Such ˇ Martin Svec Ingmar Swart Stefan Tautz Mykola Telychko Ruslan Temirov Markus Ternes Jaroslav Vacek Nadine van der Heijden Jay Weymouth Zechao Yang 13 University of Nottingham Institute of Physics ASCR Institute of Physics ASCR Osaka University Budapest University of Technology and Economics CIC nanogune Universit¨at Basel Institut f¨ ur Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Universit¨ at Regensburg Universidad Autonoma de Madrid CryoVac - Low Temperature Technology GmbH and Co KG University of Nottingham University Regensburg, Germany Institute of Applied Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Empa Aalto University School of Science, Espoo, Finland Institute of Applied Physics, University of Hamburg University College London SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR Institute of Physics ASCR Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland Institute of Physics ASCR Utrecht University Peter Gr¨ unberg Institut (PGI-3), Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich 52425 J¨ ulich, Germany Institute of Physics ASCR Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich MPI Stuttgart Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR Utrecht University University of Regensburg Physical Department of Universit¨at Erlangen-N¨ urnberg (Results got at Freie Universit¨ at Berlin) Vladimir Zobac Institute of Physics ASCR 14
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