Saint Therese Parish 120 Monroe Avenue • Cresskill, N.J. 07626 201-567-2528 Website: Facebook: SERVED BY THE CARMELITES: Fr. Samuel Citero, O. Carm., Pastor Fr. Patrick McMahon, O. Carm., Parochial Vicar Fr. Joseph McGowan, O. Carm., In Residence Deacon Anthony Porcaro, T. O. Carm. MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening at 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 AM Weekdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: 7:00 PM Vigil; 8:30 AM, 12:00 Noon BAPTISMS: Please contact the parish office shortly after your child is born for the necessary information concerning our schedule of baptisms and instructional sessions. MARRIAGES: Please contact the parish office one year in advance. CONFIRMATION & YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: 201-567-2528 PARISH STAFF: Ms. Gina Marie Loiacono, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Lois Pagnozzi, Director of Religious Education Mr. Adrian Soltys, Director of Music & Liturgy Mrs. Therese A. Higgins, Principal Mrs. Eileen Walsh, Assistant to the Principal Ms. Sharon Rabbitt, Business Manager RITE OF PENANCE: Saturday at 4:00-4:30 p.m. Appointments for Confession at other times can be made by calling the parish office. R.C.I.A. : Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Process of Catholic Formation. Please call the parish office for information. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 5 PM (Closed for lunch 12 to 1 PM) ACADEMY OF ST. THERESE PARISH OFFICE: REL. ED. OFFICE: 201-568-4296 201-567-2528 201-567-4781 March 1, 2015 Page Two those among us who are sick and in need of our prayers: SAT. 5PM Stephanie Severino, req. Barbara & Martin Vitale 5PM Vincent Cesaretti, req. their children, Camille Berardi and Jean & Ed Willcox SUN. 7:30 9:30 9:30 11:30 11:30 For the People of the Parish Maus & Passano Families, req. the Passano Family Marianne Strohmeyer, req. Mary Clancy Barbara Bianco, req. the Schmetter Family Nancy McPartland, req. the Oates Family MON. 8:30 8:30 Tom Power, req. Lois Pagnozzi and Family David Bowden, req. the LaMastra Family TUE. Gerald Winters, req. Lois Pagnozzi John Spano, req. Elaine Wylen 8:30 8:30 WED. 8:30 8:30 Florence Higgins, req. Barbara Higgins John Spano, req. Jeanne & Tom Segedin THU. 8:30 8:30 Ed Manke, req. his wife, Kate Mary DeMarrais, req. Mary Ellen & Peter Polomski FRI. 8:30 8:30 John Ruis, req. Mary O’Malley Anne Keegan, req. Mom and Dad SAT. 5PM Buckley Family and Monica Ann, req. Peter & Bridget Joyce 5PM Bernard Baudisch, req. the Djelevic Family SUN. 7:30 9:30 9:30 11:30 For the People of the Parish Vincent Yallo, req. Mary O’Malley Bea Santiago, req. Kay Maurice Walter Kremers & Eddie Chandler, req. the Kremers Family Peter’s Pence Next week our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Your gift makes you a pilgrim of charity around the globe. SARKIS ARSLANIAN VIRGINIA BARBAGALLO JOHN BATESCO GEORGE BRAESKE CALVIN BROKAW EDWARD BROPHY DEIDRE BYRNE CHARLES CASTLE CATHERINE COLLINS FRANK D’ANDREA VIVIAN D’ERASMO DOLORES DE SANTI EILEEN DONOVAN JAMES DE STENO LILLIAN ELLIOTT COSTINTINO FAUSTINI JOAN FLEMING DOROTHY FORBES ABBY FOSTER KYLE GERAN PAT GERAN OLE JOHANSON BABY KAYLA BUNNY KEELER BILL LEE CAROL LONG CHRIS LORA ANN MARSIGLIANO TIMMY MC DONNELL STEPHANIE MC NAMARA MICHAEL ANN MARIE MEEHAN MICHELLE PRELO RUTH NICASTRO MARIE POCHINI BOB PRINCE JESSIE RACYN RINA ROMANELLI RALPH ROTUNDA WENDY RUGGIERO BEVERLY SCHWAB ELAINE SEMAN CECILE SICARI ERIKA SPADACCINI DONNA SPINA KATHLEEN TENNANT GLORIA & RONALD THOMAS NORMAN TRASS ISABEL VITELLARO KATHY WHELAN FLORENCE WILKIN DOT WILLIAMS NANCY WYMER For our loved ones who have died, especially, Joseph Licenziato and Kenneth Nasse, that they may be at peace with God. Minister Schedule for March 7-8 Eucharistic Ministers: 5:00 PM.................G. Bickford, R. Bickford, A. Dempsey B. Gibb, R. Hartmann, K. Mays 7:30 AM.................R. Keim, R. Reinhardt, A. Barbieri, R. Barbieri 9:30 AM.................K. Ardizzone, S. Graeske, E. Cantos E. Capone, S. Dauble, J. DeCristofaro 11:30 AM...............G. Pecci, K. Regan, K. Bradler B. Dineen, E. Donovan, M. Duffy ********************************************************** Lectors: 5:00 PM..................T. Oates, K. Leyden 7:30 AM..................N. Tauro 9:30 AM..................F. Cantos, M. Dobrovolsky 11:30 AM................R. Puglisi, F. Corbett *********************************************************** Servers: 5:00 PM.................Peter Frattini, Isabellla Vitolo 9:30 AM.................Katherine Espiritu, Kiera VanDerWall 11:30 AM...............Jack Hayden, Rory Hayden Weekly Collection Our week’s goal is: $15,300.00 This week’s collection: Regular $8,050.00 Assessment $ 344.50 Total: $8,394.50 Thank you for your generosity! Travelling Therese week of March 8th The next parishioner to receive the statue of St. Therese is the Lacoppola Family. Second Sunday of Lent Page Three Letter from the Pastor Dear parishioners: As we move through our Lenten experience we may find ourselves struggling with the demands that our prayer puts on us. Abraham loved God deeply and was willing to carry out God’s will even to the point of sacrificing his own Son. The death of ones child is the most devastating and catastrophic events a person can endure. God’s intervention points out that it is not sacrifice (especially human sacrifice) that he wants. Abraham’s faith, just as Jesus’ faith, is what is necessary to serve and love God fully. Like Abraham God was willing (but not desiring) to let his own son die to show us how much he loves us. God’s love for us is beyond our human comprehension yet it is real and we are called to love one another as God has loved us. God is at our side always and God’s love guides and protects us all the days of our lives. Sometimes it gets cloudy. Hopefully, our Lenten desert prayer will help us to find God in all the moments of our lives, the good ones as well as the ones that challenge us to the brink. With Love, Fr. Sam The Father Barron Series, Untold Blessings, Three Paths to Holiness continues this Monday (March 2), Monday March 9, and Monday March 23 in the parish center after the 8:30 Mass. Join us for coffee, the video, and discussion. Father Pat has been practicing with the technology to make it all work this time. We have a group of parishioners who will view Father Barron’s series Catholicism on Thursday evenings beginning March 19. The sessions will be in a parishioner’s home so space is limited but there is room for two more participants. Call the Rectory and speak to Kathy if you want to reserve a space. Taizé Prayer Parishioners found our Lenten Taizé Prayer Around the Cross on Tuesday evening to be an island of peaceful prayer and reflection—join us next Tuesday, March 3, as well as Tuesdays March 10, 17, and 31 at 7 pm for a time of Lenten prayer. Stations of the Cross will continue on Fridays, February 27, March 6, 13, 20, at 7pm; and on Good Friday at 3:00pm. Welcome to the GOOD NEWS…. A new evening Bible Sharing for women will begin on March 3rd. It will be held in the Parish Center on Tuesdays, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Please join us. If you have any questions, you may address them at that time, or call Kathy O’Leary at 201-838-9492. A Luncheon Experience On Wednesday, March 25, at 12:30 pm we will have another brown bag lunch and movie. Our movie will be announced next week but will have a Lenten theme. The Living Stations of the Cross will be held on Friday, March 27th at 7:00pm. Teaching Mass The “teaching Mass” has been rescheduled for Sunday March 8 at 11:30. This Mass, originally planned for our Confirmation candidates, proved last year to be immensely popular. As Father Sam celebrates the Mass, Father Pat will explain the prayers, vestments, ceremonies, and customs we employ in our Eucharistic worship. This is a real refresher course for all of us in what our Eucharistic Celebration is all about and it is particularly appropriate as we prepare to celebrate the Lord’s Death and Resurrection at Easter. Page Four From the Pastoral Associate's Desk Please mark your calendars and “Save the Date” for the following special events: April 18th Our Parish Wide “Service/Outreach” Day, followed by an appreciation BBQ. July 19-24 Summer Mission Trip (Work Camp) for High School teens & Adult Chaperones. On April 2nd we will host a Lenten Lock-In for all High School and College Teens! Volunteers are needed to donate (baked, cooked or purchased) food for dinner. Please email or call Gina Marie if you can help: or 201-567-2528. Annual Blood Drive will be held on Friday, March 6th at the Academy of St. Therese School gym from 3 to 7pm. . Blood supply is critically low and donations are needed. Academy Raffle Ticket Winners Date Ticket Name 2/9/2015 2/10/2015 2/11/2015 2/12/2015 2/13/2015 2/14/2015 2/15/2015 2786 3145 2563 256 1905 4688 2964 Allyson Manarang Annie Toups Harry Rivera Andria Barahona Karen Ix Oldewurtel Olivia Sheppard 2/16/2015 2/17/2015 2/18/2015 2/19/2015 2/20/2015 2/21/2015 2/22/2015 O109 1045 O531 1819 1458 O903 4228 D.J.Allen John Frattini Ribbonette Carretas Samantha Malhame Katia Kilup Iona DeRoche Sylvester Matera 2/23/2015 2/24/2015 2/25/2015 2/26/2015 2/27/2025 2/28/2015 O562 1889 2609 O950 3463 2768 S. Fusco Larry Rivera Kayhan Porkay Mark Yager Marie Keegan Mike Kushir Religious Education Registration Registrations for children entering Kindergarten through 8th grade next Fall will begin this weekend. For your convenience, registration will be held in the Academy of St. Therese School Gym during our regularly scheduled sessions. Please check the schedule below for dates and times. Date March 1 March 3 March 4 Day Sunday Tues. Aftn. Tues. Eve. Wednesday Time 10:45 am-12:00 pm 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm Communal Penance Service The combined parish communities of St. Therese and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel will celebrate our Lenten Communal Penance Service on Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30pm at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Tenafly. Evening Bible, RCIA and Taizé have been canceled for that evening. RAFFLE TO BENEFIT AMERICAN SPECIAL CHIDREN’S PILGRAMAGE GROUP Tickets on Sale After All Masses this weekend ASCPG is a non-profit organization run 100% by volunteers. Its mission is to bring a group of disabled children to Lourdes each year. The intention is to provide a respite from the disability for the children and their families. The disabled child is brought to Lourdes by volunteers from ASCPG. Family members do not go on the trip. The trip provides a rich, joyful, and memorable experience for the child enhancing their lives. Tickets are $10 and are Tax Deductible FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE $2,500 TRAVEL CERTIFICATE $ 750 ELECTRONIC CERTIFICATE $ 500 RESTAURANT CERTIFICATE The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 28, at 9 pm at the American Legion Home in Cresskill. If paying with check, please make payable to ASCPG. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! SUN 1 MoMON TUTUES 2 3 4 5 Core Grp 10am PC Adult Choir 7pm Bible Sharing Blood Drive 39am PC 7pm Gym Academy of St. Therese Class Mass (Third Grade) WED Staff mtg 1pm THURS FRI FRI 6 Folk Group 8pm Stations of the Cross 7pm 11 12 13 Adult Choir 7pm Bible Sharing Stations of 9am PC the Cross 7pm Folk Group 8pm Taize prayer 7pm SAT 7 Women's Bible 7-9pm PC RCIA 7:30pm TBR 8 Daylight Savings Time Teaching Mass 11:30am 9 Branches Popcorn & Movie 1-3 YH No Branches 14 Women's Bible 7-9pm PC RCIA 7:30pm PC 1st Eucharist Workshop 1-5 p Phase 1 Session 8 15 10 Fr. Barron Core Grp Series after 8:30 10am PC Mass Taize prayer KofC 7pm PC 7pm 16 17 18 19 20 Knitting 7:30pm PC St. Patrick's Day Adult Choir 7pm St. Joseph's Day Stations of the Cross 7pm Coffeehouse 7pm YH Core Grp 10am PC 21 Bible Sharing 9am PC Staff mtg 1pm Folk Group 8pm Taize prayer 7pm Church Women's Bible 7-9pm PC 22 23 24 25 Special Needs Fr. Barron Core Grp Adult Choir Series after 8:30 10am PC Mass 1:30pm 7pm Mass Communal KofC 7pm PC Penance-Mt Carmel 7:30pm 29 Palm Sunday Masses:7:30, 9:30, 11:30am Dan Schutte Concert 7pm 30 31 Core Grp 10am PC Taize prayer 7pm Church Women's Bible 7-9pm PC 26 27 Bible Sharing Living Sta9am PC tions of the Cross 7pm Folk Group 8pm 28 Palm Sunday Vigil Mass 5pm
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