LIGATURE AAUW Texas Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch October 2013

AAUW Texas Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch
Breaking through Barriers for 130 Years
October 2013
AAUW Lubbock
Betty Anderson Branch
Officers 2012-2013
Lucy Barrington
Program VP
Inetta Taylor Reddell
Membership VP
Lane Powell
Mary Margaret Ramsey
Co-Mother-Daughter Program
Joy Vann
Co-Mother-Daughter Program
Shelby Russell
Communications Director
Karen Bone
Director of Public Policy
Jennifer Rojas-McWhinney
Sebrina Carroll
Branch Historian
Dierdre Trotter
Cuisine Group Chair
Kara Page
Book Group Chair
Carolyn Moore
Eat Out Chair
Pat Hollabaugh
Lucy Barrington, Betty Anderson Branch President
The AAUW Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch
Train is moving forward! (I have no idea where
that “train” idea came from; I opened my
mouth when I was speaking at the end of the
September meeting, and the next thing I knew I
asked everyone to join me on the “train” that
would take us on the adventure this year as the
So, with that said, I look around me and I see and hear so many things
going on in Lubbock, Texas, and the United States! We have a government partial shut-down. Senators and Representatives who don’t create
a budget to run the government in a fiscally responsible manner. People who need healthcare in Texas but aren’t getting it. One of the highest teen pregnancy rates in Texas. Classroom overfilled in our schools.
Can you say “FRUSTRATION?!”
As AAUW members, I know we all try to keep aware of what’s happening in our own community, state, and nation. Why do WE do that?
For the same reason that we are registered voters and we exercise that
privilege every time the polls open. We want (actually need) to have
our say in what happens that is going to affect us!
Message from the President Continued on Next Page…
The American Association of University Women advances equity for women and girls through
advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.
By joining AAUW, you belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that
all women have a fair chance.
In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full
participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin,
disability, or class.
October 2013
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Message from the President Continued…
Now that I have you thoroughly disheartened, what I’m trying to get across is that as a “rider”
on the AAUW Lubbock Branch Train, we all need to keep up to date and speak our minds on
issues about which we strongly feel. Have you written a letter to the Lubbock AJ editor? Do
you take the opportunity to use the AAUW Two-Minute Activist? Have you contacted your
legislators? Do you participate locally by attending City Council meetings or watching the
meetings on TV? Are you planning to vote on the Texas Constitution Amendments?
We, as individuals and as a group, need to take action! I know AAUW is a non-partisan organization; however, we have issues for which the organization stands. AND besides that,
YOU don’t need to speak out on behalf of AAUW . . . speak on behalf of YOURSELF.
The AAUW Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch Train keeps moving forward and you are
needed to keep it going!
Lucy Barrington, President
AAUW Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch
Public Policy Chair Report
Jennifer Rojas-McWhinney, Public Policy Chair
As we begin a new year with the Lubbock Betty Anderson Branch I would like to invite you
all to participate in the Public Policy Action meetings. The meetings will be held the fourth
week of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the Texas Tech University campus. The
meetings are designed to inform people (AAUW members and non-members) of current issues regarding women and girls and ways to take action.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 24th, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Human Sciences building at Texas Tech University in room 174.
Membership News
Lane Powell, Membership VP
2013-2014 Membership Directories should be ready for pickup at the next luncheon meeting
on October 16. Please plan to attend the meeting and claim your book..
Thanks to Lucy Barrington (and husband Jerry) for putting it together once more!
Also, you can find us on Facebook! Just search for AAUW Lubbock and like our page.
October 2013
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AAUW Lubbock October 2013 Meeting
“Hunger and Hope: Food Insufficienct in Lubbock Area”
Speaker: David Weaver
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Lunch at the Lubbock Women’s Club
(2020 Broadway; parking on Broadway or in large lot behind the building)
Cost: $16 per person to be paid at the door
Payment by cash or check [made payable to AAUW Lubbock].
Please Note: Once a reservation is made, you are responsible for payment if you
do not attend.
Most people in Lubbock know about David Weaver and the South Plains Food
Bank and the work it does helping the people of the South Plains.
11:00—Fellowship, Registration, Coffee
11:30—Lunch begins
11:40—Welcome and Reports
12:35—Q & A
Contact Lucy Barrington by e-mail ( or phone
(792-7061) to make a reservation.
Reservations must be received by 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 13, 2013.
If you have special food needs, please be sure to specify when making your
October 2013
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2012-2013 Annual
Deirdre Trotter, Historian
I am well on my way to putting together the Annual for the 2012-2013 year. I hope to have a
draft to the Board by November 1. Then there will likely be some additions and changes. I
plan to have the final ready by the end of the year. If all goes well, all future Historians should
be able to use the format to put together a similar history in future years.
“Never forget the importance of history. To know nothing of what happened before you took
your place on earth, is to remain a child for ever and ever. - Unknown, Source - See more at:
If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. ~Pearl Buck
“Never forget the importance of history. To know nothing of what happened before you took
your place on earth, is to remain a child for ever and ever. “ Unknown, Source - See more at:
Upcoming Fundraisers
Denyce Gammell, Funds Chair
Funds Chair, Denyce Gammell announces that there will be 2 (two) Funds Fundraisers in the
fall. More information will be coming soon.
Book Group
Carolyn Moore, Book Group Chair
Feel free to join the AAUW book group which meets at 10:00 A.M. each 1st Saturday of the
month in the coffee shop of Hastings on 50th and Indiana. We discuss the book of the month
for about 60 or 90 minutes.
On November 2, Mary Margaret Ramsey will lead the discussion on Caleb’s Crossing by
Geraldine Brooks.
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AAUW Mother-Daughter: Volunteer Event
Shelby Russell, Co-Chair for the Mother-Daughter Program
We are having our Mother-Daughter Volunteer event on October 26th, in conjunction with Make a Difference Day. We want to provide a light brunch- snack to our girls and their moms, and I am asking if
our branch members can support us in our first event of the year. What I need is:
For the Brunch:
Granola bars - any type or flavor
Juice boxes- any type or flavor
Treat Bags:
Halloween Candy- wrapped only- (all the candy at Dollar Tree is $1, so it can be very cost effective to go
Please bring your contribution to the AAUW brunch on October 16th, or contact me, and we can arrange
for pick-up/delivery. 806-831-3888 or
AAUW Mother-Daughter: Request for Classroom Speakers Fall 2013
Shelby Russell, Co-Chair for the Mother-Daughter Program
We need individuals who want to share their knowledge, interests, hobbies and
expertise with the 6th grade girls in the Mother-Daughter Program. You will be
speaking to the girls in their classrooms at one (or more) of their middle schools.
Are you interested?
E-mail or call Shelby Russell:; 806-831-3888
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Cuisine Group Dinner Preparations
Kara Page, Cuisine Group Chair
We are excited to celebrate with each and every one of you! Several dinners are already
scheduled, so please contact the hostess next to the coordinating dinner that you are interested
in to see how you can help!
The role of the Hostess or Helper can take on many forms:
We need homes or venues
2. If you don’t have a place, but you are good at decorating or coordinating ideas, we’d
love to have your help!
Lastly, the food--Recipe Coordination or Cook.
December 14th—Christmas Party, 6pm
Kara Page 405 208-2953 and co-hostess needed
Need hostesses, venues, and dates.
February Branch Brunch
Kara Page (405) 208-2953
March 15th--St. Patrick's Day Dinner
Denyce Gammel (217) 801-1701
April Branch Bruch
Kara Page (405) 208-2953
If you want to host a dinner and you don't see your name on the list above, please contact
Kara Page.
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AAUW Cuisine Group: Recipes
Karen Bone, Communicatons Director
After hosting the pancake brunch this past weekend, several members asked me to include in
the ligature my recipes for IHOP Pancakes and Pumpkin Pancakes. As such, I have typed
them below. Enjoy,!
IHOP Pancakes
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 egg
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup sugar minus 1 Tablespoon or so (I like it less sweet)
1 heaping teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup canola oil
Preheat a skillet over medium heat. Use a pan with a nonstick surface or apply a little nonstick spray.
In a blender or with a mixer, combine all of the remaining ingredients until smooth.
Pour the batter by spoonfuls into the hot pan, forming 5 inch circles.
When the edges appear to harden, flip the pancakes. They should be a golden brown.
Pumpkin Pancakes
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 Tablespoons sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
Pinch of ground cloves
1 cup milk
8 Tablespoon canned pumpkin puree
2 Tablespoons melted butter
1 egg
1. In a bowl, whisk dry ingredients together.
2. In a separate bowl, stir together milk, pumpkin puree, melted butter, and egg; fold mixture into dry ingredients. Mix some additional butter in a skillet over medium heat (if not nonstick) and pour in about 1/4
cup batter for each pancake.
3. Cook pancakes about 3 minutes per side; serve with butter or syrup. Makes 8 to 10.