Covered Bridge On Campus Is Your Campus Alive With the Sound of Music? It is hard to overestimate the importance of music in our lives. Music moves our hands, our feet, and most of all, our hearts. These are the things about music we all know, but there are even more benefits to listening to music that we are just beginning to realize. There has been much research in the past few years investigating the effects of music on the lives and minds of seniors. Not surprisingly, they are all positive. Studies have shown that music has the ability to energize, inspire and elevate your spirits. Seniors who habitually listen to music are shown to have increased positive emotions as well as increased energy. However, music does not always have to energize. The magic of music is that it has the ability to relax as well. Seniors who listen to music are shown to be more relaxed, overall, and enjoy a better night’s sleep. Chronic pain sufferers show a decrease in pain and subsequently need less medication. 1675 W. Tipton Street Seymour, IN 47274 Phone: 812.523.6405 Fax: 812.523.6066 March 2015 The impact of music on our state of mind contributes to a happier, healthier lifestyle, and that’s a fact. It has been shown in many studies that enjoying music increases the level of the hormone HGH in our bloods streams. HGH plays an important role in our ability to feel positive emotions. It is often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone. Seniors who listen to or play even simple tunes show a marked increase in their HGH levels. Another benefit of listening to music is that it stimulates the brain. For example, the same parts of the brain used when listening to music are used to help govern movement. So, it’s not surprising that seniors who listen to music while exercising have better balance and range of movement than those who exercise in silence. Even more encouraging is the fact that seniors who habitually listen to music experience less falls throughout the course of a year. Considering the fact that 33% of those over 65 fall at least once per year, the effect of music on balance cannot be overemphasized. ...continued on page 4 We Want Your Feedback! – Customer Satisfaction Surveys will be mailed to responsible parties on March 2nd from our Home Office in Louisville, KY (Trilogy Health Services). Please see your mailed survey for details on how responsible parties can take the survey online. We thank you in advance for completing and returning your survey at your very earliest convenience prior to March 27th. Our team takes your feedback very seriously, and we appreciate your ‘10s!’ Remember, a ‘10’ doesn’t mean we are perfect – it simply means that we have met your customer service expectations. Whether you are satisfied with our services, or you have a question or concern, we want to hear from you! Happy Birthday! Executive Director Corner Residents 3/1 3/2 3/7 3/12 3/14 3/18 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/28 3/31 Staff 3/13 3/14 3/21 3/22 3/29 Martha F. Mary S. Betty C. Nelma L. Ruth M. Margaret W. Freida G. Velma R. Nancy C. Dorothy J. Janet G. Karla S. Sonny M. Shella B. Sheila J. Coleigh K. Estelle F. Donnell L. Franklin N. Alice W. You may be sick and tired, but when you be a man, my son. Well I feel like listening to a wellknown Frank Sinatra song would pretty much describe today: The quest for knowledge is endless and we must be tireless if we hope to improve our lives and world. If we allow setbacks and failures to stop us in our tracks then we have already lost. To our own selves we must be true, to our passions and curiosities. And it must follow, as the night the day, that mankind will benefit. Now nothing’s impossible, I’ve found, for when my chin is on the ground, I pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again. Welcome to Our New Staff and Residents! Residents When Kris reminded me repeatedly that it was time for my article for the newsletter I was trying to think of something different to write about. My husband, Bill and I listen to various varieties of music from country, classical, rock and jazz. We say it depends on our mood for the day. Wilma S. Lester B. Beatrice C. Wanda H. Staff Valerie V. Put This Date On Your Calendar! We will be hosting our Holiday Bazaar on November 14, 2015!! Don’t lose your confidence if you slip, be grateful for a pleasant trip, And pick yourself up, dust off, start over again. Work like a soul inspired until the battle of the day is won. Birthday Fun Our residents celebrating their birthdays with staff and neighbors Will you remember the famous men who have to fall to rise again, So take a deep breath, pick yourself up, start all over again. You have to have confidence in yourself. You have to be willing to get up when you’re knocked down. If you don’t fail, you aren’t trying to do anything new. Now I’ll be humming that catchy tune in my head all day long. Dawn Black Executive Director Craft Corner Our residents learned how to finger knit an infinity scarf. Lifelong Teaching An activity gone wrong, ended up with a sewing machine and our resident, sweet Lois S., teaching Kris B. how to use it to make wheelchair and walker bags. Not only do we love to involve our residents in lifelong learning, but also teaching as well! Sunday Brunch Our next Sunday Brunch will held on March 15, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please RSVP by Friday, March 13th by 5:00 p.m. with the number of guests that will be attending. We want to ensure that we have enough seating for everyone. Each resident is allowed 4 free guests and each additional guest will be $5.00. Hope to see you there! Taste of Town On Thursday, March 19 the residents will be having Steak & Shake. Weather Notice Smile of the Month Our smile of the month is brought to you by Mr. Mike R. and his loving family. Pictured her is Mike with his granddaughter, great granddaughter, and great-great granddaughter. Staff-Inspired Activity Director of Environmental Services, Debbie R., taught a new card game called, in between. The residents enjoyed learning a new card game. Luncheon Our residents enjoyed trying a new restaurant, Bullwinkle’s, for lunch. Outings may be cancelled or postponed due to the following weather conditions: 20 degrees or below, wind chill factor of 20 degrees or below, threatening weather conditions. Did You Know...? Chef ’s circle is on Tuesday’s at 2:30pm for our residents to voice their meal and menu likes, dislikes, and suggestions. That we have a resident council each for Health Center and Assisted Living made up of our residents, where they are able to convene for an hour or so, once a month, with one of our activity staff members to voice concerns, feedback, and get informed about upcoming events, and campus activities. Any feedback that our residents share with us is addressed by the department leaders, as well as, our executive director. That you can read the monthly newsletter on-line. Please follow the campus link: www.trilogyhs. com/campuses/covered-bridgehealth-campus. ‘Alive With Music’ 1675 W. Tipton Street Seymour, IN 47274 Phone: 812.523.6405 Fax: 812.523.6066 A Trilogy Health Services Community A monthly newsletter serving the residents of Covered Bridge Health Campus Dawn Black Executive Director Dr. Daniel Walters Medical Director Mary Schlehuser Director of Health Services Alexa Ulrey Asst. Director of Health Services Ashley Burbrink Community Service Rep. Erika Muhlbach Director of Resident Services Shella Baugh Medical Records Kris Bowman Life Enrichment Director Kim West, RN Assisted Living Unit Manager Joni Biehle Program Director Ashley Byrge Unit Manager - Health Center Kathy Smith MDS Coordinator Greg Kelley Director of Food Service Sonny McCory Director of Plant Operations Debbie Redmond Environmental Services Supervisor We strive to provide the best customer service and quality care for our residents. Our Department Leaders are here to solve any concerns you may have. In the event that you need further assistance with any unresolved concerns, we encourage you to call the Divisional Vice President or our Compliance Line. Andra Bladen, Divisional Vice President: Compliance Hotline: 800-908-8618, ext. 2800; or Newsletter Production by Listening to music also has positive effects in regards to dementia. Studies have shown that listening to and/or playing music can slow down and even possibly prevent the onset of dementia. Enjoying music keeps the brain active, which can counteract a decline in cognitive functioning as people age. Listening to your favorite album or even exploring musicians you do not know can stimulate the brain and increase your mental abilities. Because of music’s observed neurological benefits, it is being used more and more frequently in therapy programs for those with Executive Director Alzheimer’s. Music ties us to some of our most cherished and powerful memories. Listening to a song from your past causes your brain to relive that memory, and to recall what your other senses were experiencing ...continued from page 1 at the time. This powerful process can help those with Alzheimer’s in many ways. It can elevate a mood, relieve agitation, and reinforce connections with loved ones. In later stages of Alzheimer’s, when it becomes harder to communicate with loved ones, music can help bridge the gap. What cannot be said that has not been said in a song? Music connects us. It is one of those special things that everyone can share, regardless of race, gender or age. The benefits of music are so profound in part because we do not just listen to music, we interact with it. Music is, above all else, an experience. If you don’t already, make it a point to experience music every day. You’ll be amazed at the affect in has on your life. Cover photo caption: Harpist Emily Sights provided beautiful music to the St. Charles Health Campus. Word Search E L B V L Q N U U E W O L B K M C D F P L K R E O K I U B D W I P D I J N Y T X Q Z A X Y S H I W U O W P A F K H E T C P T I P I E R N S G P U P Q I P BALANCE BRAIN DRUMS ENERGY A T J O O H N E E N I D D U O E H M A G A Q W B O V V R T E A Z G C U N P X T N J E U N J M I I A R B B C K K A D R D J R U Z U V B Z E M G O A V X C J I E W F T M E R A P X N B Y I U V T F A X O U T U M T L Q A G C O U M X T C EXERCISE EXPERIENCE IMPACT INSTRUMENTS N E C L J S H P A W U C N E U R F E A G R C T Q I P M N Z Y S G A G R S J K L C R H P C E G C P L I S T E N I N G E I M E L V A W E Y Q I D L M J T N I LISTENING MUSIC PLAYING POSITIVE E S P R A M L N R V U O D R U M S C E P E N A Y O R R U X R E O P C O E X H X I A P I D R V H P E V J Z H O T P K T A E Y N Z E L I N S T R U M E N T S N F J J G V U P F V V H X R K D F W J POWERF UL TAMBOURINE THERAPY TRIANGLE
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