The Marks God’s Work. Our Hands From the Pastor 2 Council News Church Assessment Tool Reminder 125th Anniversary Celebration 3 Worship Dinner Church Service Adult Choir and Hand Bell Rehearsals Altar Flowers for March 4 Hand Bells Refurbished Conshohocken Ministerium Services and Soup Schedule 5 Easter Flowers Order Form Schedule for Holy Week 6 Holy Week Worship Assistants 7 Cradles to Crayons Souper Bowl Day - Thank You! Homework Help Program ELCA World Water Day 8 “Down” We are Stewards of God’s Grace CNC Collection Needs Fair Trade Coffee 9 Sunday Morning Classes Bible Study for Lent 10 Tuesday Morning Bible Study Theology on Tap - March 12th On the Bookshelf Tweener’s Bible Study 11 St. Patty’s Day Parade Easter Egg Industry - Wrap Up St. Mark’s Website 12 Estate Planning Seminar Electronic Giving 13 Service Faith Formation Fellowship / Evangelism Worship Assistants 14 Church Calendar 15 We have entered into the season of Lent and with the smudges from our ashen crosses freshly adorning our foreheads, we wander into the wonder and mystery that is the season of Lent. As Christians this season is a time of preparation (much like Advent) in preparing for the Great Three Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. It’s a time when we renew our sense of our faith and deepen our walk with Jesus. Historically Lent was a time of preparation for new members – in a processes called Catechesis, over time it would morph into what is now known as Confirmation. And I am sure there are quite a few confirmation students out there who wished that the process was only 40 days long! During this period of instructions for new members, the candidates would undergo heavy training on the basic foundations of our faith: they would learn the stories and the history of our faith; they would commit themselves to acts of study and prayer; they would hear God’s word in preaching among the community; and they would commit themselves to acts of service and love. It is out of this historical preparation time that we derive our sense of the season of Lent as a time of preparation when we, too, learn afresh and anew what it means to be called disciples of Jesus Christ. Here at St. Mark’s during this Lent, we will be thinking on what it means to be baptized Christians and how the promises of our baptism are lived out in our daily life. Since water is a central symbol in baptism we will also be focusing over the weeks of Lent on our stewardship of that natural resource. Each Sunday our Stewardship team will be drawing our attention to ways that we can help conserve and preserve this natural resource. Our children will also be raising our awareness for how clean drinking water can help put an end to global poverty by collecting change in drinking wells – so be sure to help them with your change to help change the world. In addition to the things we will be doing in worship at St. Mark’s – you may also wish to pick up a devotional activity in the home that helps deepen the faith connections for you at home. One of the great resources I came across this year was a resource that is available from the ELCA hunger initiative called 40 Days of “Wonderings”: A Family Discussion Guide for Lent (available here). It has simple questions that couples and families could spend chatting about over breakfast, dinner, or in the car on the way to events. And if devotional activities are not your thing, then remember the other parts of the discipline of lent – fasting, prayer and giving alms. Perhaps this Lent try fasting from those things that are tempting to you or consider trying a diet that would make you aware of how we hunger and thirst for God. Try adding prayer into your daily life with a devotional book or saying prayers while you are driving to and from work. Give alms and give an extra gift to charity or organize a service project in our local community. All of these are ways that we live out our life as people marked with the Cross of Christ – the cross that we receive in baptism. I wish you all a very blessed and holy Lent. +Pastor Christian Care Team Please help take care of our members. If you know of someone having a baby, coming home from surgery, or just needing a little TLC, please contact Karen Hanna at or 610.238.0401. 2 Council News Council Corner Article Over the coming weeks our congregation is participating in a congregational interest survey. An email went out to those on our mailing lists with a link to an online version of the survey and paper copies are available in the church office for those who wish to utilize a paper copy. The survey will be available to complete until March 15th but filling it out sooner rather than later is helpful. The information we gather from this survey will help church leadership begin to shape our ministry over the next few years. It will give us directions and guidance on where to continue the good energy that is building here in the congregation. The results of the survey will be interpreted by Karios Consulting group and shared with our leadership teams sometime later this month. This survey is being conducted as part of a wider Synodical survey as the Synod plans for its future ministry together as well. St. Mark’s was identified as one of the first 40 congregations in the Synod to take the survey because of its unique ministry context as a congregation that is beginning to thrive and reach out to new people. We hope to share the results of this survey with all of you in the coming months as we are eager to see how it might inform our next steps in ministry together. 125th Anniversary Celebration for St. Marks We will be having a brunch on Sunday, 19 April 2015, to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of St. Mark's following the 9:30 am service. Look for sign-up sheets in the McCarney Room for anyone who would like to bring food for this event. We will have special guests and music to commemorate our 125th Anniversary as well as displays showing what work we have done as a congregation in the past and what we would like to do in the future. This is special time to celebrate, and I hope you all will join us! Terry Spence Anniversary Committee chair 3 Worship How we worship God together at St. Mark’s Join us for Dinner Church Thursdays @ 6:30pm Dinner Church is held each Thursday evening at 6:30 PM in the lower level of St. Mark’s. A very casual meal of soup and/or salad is shared by those attending, along with a study of Scripture and Holy Communion is celebrated also. We have a regular attendance of about 15 people each week. Won’t you come out and join us? Would you be willing to help with this important ministry of St. Mark’s? We are in need of congregation members to make soup for the Thursday evening meal. You may prepare the soup at home, freeze it in plastic bags and bring it to church anytime to be stored in our freezer (in the Easter Egg room), to be used as needed. Others can then heat the soup in time for Dinner Church. There is a sign up sheet in the McCarthy Room or you can email or phone the church office of your willingness to help with this all-important ministry of St. Mark’s. Adult Choir and Hand Bell Rehearsals In preparation of Easter Sunday, April 5th, both of the Choirs will begin their practicing. On Sunday mornings at 10:30am for the Adult Choir starting today, March 1st and on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm for the Hand Bell Choir starting February 26th. All are welcome to come out and make a joyful noise unto our Lord. Altar Flowers for March 3/1 - Ann Beatty, In Loving Memory of her brother, William Charles Holdsworth 3/8 - Joan and Anthony Metz in Loving Memory of grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer C. Metz, Sr. 3/15 - Open - please contact the church office if interested in sponsorship. 3/22 - In Loving Memory of the Shaw, Bates and Claffey Families by Luella Claffey 3/29 - Nancy Saldutti - For Blessings Received. Palms for Palm Sunday - Donald & Jeanette Nazaryk - To the Glory of God and For Blessings Received. 4 Worship Worship and Music The cost of the refurbishment of the 3 octave handbells (37 bells) by Schulmerich Bells at a cost of $3,900 dollars at St. Mark's was approved by the Memorial Funds Committee and Church Council. These funds were made available through the generous gifts of Pam Keebler for her husband Bill and the memorial funds from Bob Donovan, Jo Popowicz' father and Florence Faust. A heartfelt 'THANK YOU' to Pam, Jo and Florence for their generous gifts and to the Memorial Funds Committee and Church Council for enabling this much needed bell refurbishment possible. I delivered the bells to Schulmerich in Hatfield, Pa. on Monday, January 5th where they were transported by Schulmerich to Bell Haven (the Independent Schulmerich Authorized Refurbishment Center) in Chester, South Carolina where each of the thirty seven bells was given a complete makeover. All of the parts of each handbell were replaced; the castings (the bell itself) polished and revoiced. This refurbishment process took four weeks to complete. I picked the bells up at Schulmerich in Hatfield, Pa. on Wednesday, February 11th. They look like brand new handbells — beautiful! Again, I sincerely thank everyone who made this refurbishment possible. In God's Service, Bob Fidler - Organist and Hand Bell Director The Conshohocken Ministerium Noonday Services & Soup Fellowship To Be Held at 12:00 Noon The Gulf United Church of Christ 100 Matsonford Road West Conshohocken, PA 19428 The Reverend Mary Lake-Dillensnyder, Host Pastor Wednesday, March 4th - Father Stephen Price of The Calvary Episcopal Church Wednesday, March 11th - Pastor Allen Lindsay of Mary’s Chapel, Warwick, PA Wednesday, March 18th - Pastor Mary Lake-Dillensnyder of Gulph United Church of Christ Wednesday, March 25th - Pastor Bryan Penman of The St Mark’s Lutheran Church Hot Homemade Soup, Bread & Beverage will be served following our Services Everyone Is Welcome! 5 Worship Easter Flowers Order Form Easter Flowers $9.00 per plant Qty Lily _____ ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY Sunday, March 15th Plants may be picked up following the service on Easter Sunday Service GIVE PLANT TO SHUT-IN___ I WILL TAKE MY PLANT_____ WORDING___________________________________________ Tulip _____ ___________________________________________________ NAME______________________________________________ Daffodil _____ TOTAL # _____ PHONE_________________ Make check payable to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. You can place them in the offering plate or call the office at 610.828.0581 to place your order. Schedule for Holy Week Sunday March 29th Reading of the Passion 9:30am 6 Thursday April 2nd Dinner Church and Stripping of the Altar 6:30pm Friday April 3rd Good Friday 7:00pm Sunday April 5th Easter Sunday 9:30am Worship Worship Assistants for Holy Week March 29th April 3rd April 5th Palm Sunday Good Friday Easter Sunday Assisting Minister Erin Fazzari Kim Kriebel Kathy Pokalo Communion Assistant Joe Dryburgh Reader Kim Kriebel Passion Readers Karl Schreiter Mike Sloan Kathy Pokalo Holy Week Mike Sloan Joanne Copestick Don Dunn Ushers Math Hoffman and Nate Ramsden Pam Keebler Pam Keebler and Erin Orekar Acolyte Ana Smith Garrett Kriebel Theodora Morley Nursery The Ramsden Family Altar Guild Jennifer & Nate Ramsden Counters Joan Holohan and Luella Claffey Offering Recorder Jennifer Schreiter Matt Fiore Susan & Joe Dryburgh Susan & Joe Dryburgh Ann Beatty and Rhea Moore 7 Service All the ways we serve God with our hands, our feet and our treasures GOD’S WORK - OUR HANDS OPPORTUNITIES We are heading back to Cradles to Crayons on Tuesday, March 10th at 6pm. Also, we are collecting items of need: Boys - Winter bottoms sizes, 5/6-14/16, Boys and Girls - Winter Coats - sizes, newborn to 14/16, Girls - Winter tops and bottoms - sizes, newborn-14/16, Boys and Girls - Sneakers, Winter Boots - all sizes up to Adult size 9 Boys and Girls - Winter tops and bottoms - sizes, 12-24 months, New - 1" Binders. Be sure to see the sign-up board in the back of the sanctuary. February 1st – Souper Bowl Sunday Sunday, February 1st was St. Mark’s Souper Bowl day and what a day it was. We collected over 100 cans of soup. Thank you to everyone who brought them in and to Pam’s son, Scott for helping to deliver them to CNC. CNC Collection Needs Colonial Neighborhood Council is in need of Paper Towels and Toilet Paper. You can leave your donations in the baskets in the rear of the sanctuary. ELCA World Water Day It all begins with a water project that impacts lives and unlocks potential. But you know life is not always that simple. Wells break down. And because serving people matters more than well points on a map, our most worthy investments will result in reliable water access over time to those who live where it is not always accessible. During the Lenten season, we will be collecting coins for much needed, life changing project that will be celebrated on March 22, 2015. Homework Help Program Wednesday evenings 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. at the Conshohocken Free Library. We are in need of volunteers to sit with children and help them do their homework or read with them. If you can help, there is a sign-up sheet in the back of the church or just go to the library. 8 Service “Down” We are Stewards of God’s Grace Our focus of stewardship over the last year has taken the shape of “down, in and out” as we respond to God’s love and grace as it comes “down” to us, how we share it “in” our congregation with time, talents and treasures and how we share God’s grace “out” in the world with our neighbors and our world in need. Over the weeks of Lent the Stewardship team will be helping us to focus on our gift that comes “down” to us in creation--that is, the gift of water. Over the weeks of Lent we will be exploring through a series of “Offering Moments” how we are stewards of this precious resource. Over the course of these weeks we will be exploring how clean drinking water affects global poverty, how we can be better stewards of water in our homes, how we can conserve water in our yards and outside our homes. We will explore what kind of “water foot print” we have and how we might better care for the water resources in our own backyard--the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers. Thank you Thank you for your recent gift of $221.95 for the sheep (ELCA Barnyard collection) and $70.00 for ELCA World Hunger to support the mission and ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America through ELCA Good Gifts. With your help, the ELCA is sharing the gospel, starting new congregations, preparing leaders, working to overcome malaria, fighting hunger and so much more. Your gifts are truly transforming lives. Together, we do more than we ever could alone. With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus Christ’s name throughout the world. Thank you for your partnership. And thanks, again, for your generous support. It is deeply appreciated. Christina Jackson-Skelton Executive Director, Mission Advancement Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Fair Trade Coffee St. Mark’s serves Fair Trade coffee in support of the LWR Coffee Project. Through the LWR Coffee Project, a partnership between Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange, Lutherans can enjoy delicious fairly traded products while supporting small-scale farmers across the world. Farmers earn a fair price for their crops, have access to affordable credit, and can invest in education, health care and sustainable agriculture, building a better future for their families. Fair Trade coffee and candy bars will be made available for purchase during the fellowship hour following the Sunday service. Purchase of these products raises money to support the mission of St. Mark’s. Payment can be given to Donna Kobi. Please put your cash or check in an envelope marked with your name and “Fair Trade.” Additional products are listed at If you want to order items that are not available at church, please contact Susan Dryburgh at Orders are due April 12 with delivery expected on April 19. 9 Faith Formation How we form disciples at St. Mark’s Sunday Morning Classes Looking for ways to deepen your Lenten walk? Why not give our Sunday morning Faith Formation activities a try! We offer two ways to form faith – an Adult Forum Class and a Family Class. Our Adult forum class meets in the library and our Family Class meets upstairs in our Parish Hall. Each of the classes dives deeper into the texts we read during worship and features age appropriate discussions and activities for all. Each class starts around 8:30am and everyone is welcome to drop into the family class at any point. It’s a great way to deepen your faith walk during Lent!! Bible Study for Lent During Lent, Pastor Bryan will be leading a study of Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, “Speaking of Sin: the Lost Language of Salvation.” We will meet on Tuesday evenings March 17th, 24th and 31st at 7:30pm to discuss this book. A sign-up sheet to order books for the study is located in the McCarney Room. Barbara Brown Taylor is one of the foremost Christian Scholars in our world today and has written extensively on faith and life. She is the Butman Professor of Religion at Piedmont College in rural northeast Georgia. An Episcopal priest since 1984, she is the author of 13 books, including New York Times best sellers Learning to Walk in the Dark (which was featured on Oprah’s Book Club) and An Altar in the World. In “Speaking of Sin” Barbara Brown Taylor brings her fresh perspective to a cluster of words that often cause us discomfort and have widely fallen into neglect: sin, damnation, repentance, penance and salvation. She asks, “Why, then, should we speak of sin anymore? The only reason I can think of is because we believe that God means to redeem the world through us.” Contrary to the prevailing view, Taylor calls sin “a helpful, hopeful word.” Naming our sins, she contends, enables us to move from “guilt to grace.” In recovering this “lost language of salvation” in our worship and in the fabric of our individual lives, we have an opportunity to “take part in the divine work of redemption.” So join us as we redefine and rediscover the powerful ways our God redeems our sin. 10 Faith Formation How we form disciples at St. Mark’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study Join Pastor on Tuesday mornings for a bible study at 10:30am. We gather each Tuesday to study more about the stories of scripture and how those stories are reflected in our lives. It’s a time of laughter, fun and learning. So if your schedule allows, make plans to join us on Tuesday mornings for an hour of bible study. Theology on Tap — March 12th We will gather at the American Pub on Thursday March 12th for an evening of theological conversation around the topic of the Cross. What happened on the cross, what exactly was Jesus doing on the cross? Together we will explore our images and understandings of the cross and how we, as Christians, are formed by this symbol both practically and theologically. On the Bookshelf The featured book for March from St. Mark’s library is Killing Jesus: A History by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. The authors have written a detailed account of the historical and political events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus. The book contains maps and illustrations to enhance the reader’s knowledge. Be sure to check it out! Tweener’s Bible Study Tweener’s bible study will resume on April 14th and go every other Tuesday through the end of June. When we pick back up we will be exploring the idea of a little Adult Catechesis – or a refresher course on Confirmation topics. We will be exploring the basic tenets of our faith: scripture, the creeds, the 10 commandments and the role of sacraments. Some of the material for this class will come from the Small Catechism and some from Luther’s larger works the Large Catechism. So join us as we explore some of the finer points of our Christian faith and have all your Lutheran questions you were too afraid to ask in Confirmation finally answered! 11 Fellowship and Evangelism St. Patty’s Day Parade Mark your calendars for Saturday March 14th for the annual Conshohocken St. Patty’s Day Parade. Last year we had a very engaging day with the community by being present at this event. The evangelism team is looking to do this again this year and needs your help. We are looking for volunteers to man the St. Mark’s table along the parade route. We will be handing out free goodies of some sort and just saying hello to our neighbors. Please call or email Joe Ruggiero if you would be able to spend some time with us that day or 610 999 8509. More details to come as the event gets closer. Easter Egg Industry - The Tradition Continues The annual St. Mark’s Easter Egg Industry will be coming to and for the 97th time! The final orders are due, Sunday March 1st but there is still much to do since the final ‘planned’ production week is March 15th to finish filling those final orders, cleaning the equipment and packing them away for another year. So, if you still can, come on out and help continue this long standing tradition here at St. Mark’s. Monday (fondant making) and Wednesday (chocolate coating) nights starting at 6:30PM with packing the eggs on Friday mornings at 10:00am. The Easter Egg banquet is scheduled for Wednesday, April 15th, so mark your calendar and more details will follow. Any questions, please contact either Debbie Rodenbaugh at 610.825.4341 or Joanne Popowicz at 610.639.2011. St. Mark’s Website Be sure to check out the St. Mark’s ( to see the latest in church news and activities. Announcements are updated weekly. Also included are the Pastor’s weekly sermons. 12 Fellowship and Evangelism Estate Planning Seminar to be held Sunday, March 22 at 10:45 AM As Christians, we are called to be good stewards of all that God has given us. Making provisions for the orderly disposition of our estates is good stewardship of the gifts God has given us during our lifetimes and gives us opportunity to provide for family and loved ones and leave charitable gifts so that God’s work can continue even after our deaths. There are many reasons for not having a will, such as “I haven’t gotten around to it.”, “I do not have a large enough estate to need a will.”, or “I have plenty of time to have a will written.” The fact is that we do not know when death or incapacity will occur. A will assures one that his or her estate, no matter how large or small, will be distributed as he or she intends. It can also provide for charitable gift giving and for naming guardians for minor children if they lose both parents. Medical directives make provisions for your wishes for health care to be carried out if you are unable to speak for yourself. James Hollinger, Esquire, a highly-regarded estate attorney in the state of Pennsylvania (James’s practice is located in Norristown), will be leading a seminar to inform you about wills and their importance, the advantages of having Powers of Attorney and medical directives, how charitable gift-giving can be accomplished through a will and other topics related to planning for your will. He will also leave time to answer any questions you may have. You are cordially invited and encouraged to attend this all-important seminar. It will be held in the church sanctuary immediately after Sunday service on March 22nd. This is an opportunity to put into practice, good stewardship of the gifts God has given you. Electronic Giving Did you know you can sign up to have your regular giving electronically transferred to the church? Sign up forms can be found in the back of the sanctuary. St. Mark’s uses a program called “Simply Giving” to run our electronic giving - all you need is a blank check (VOIDED) and information from you about how much and how frequently to set up the transfer. For more information see Pastor or a member of the Stewardship team. 13 March 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Assisting Minister Theodora Morley Joe Jacovino Kathy Pokalo Mike Sloan Erin Fazzari Communion Assistant Lauren Parkin Karen Hanna Joanne Copestick LJ Kriebel Joe Dryburgh Reader Adrian Semrau Jennifer Jones Karen Hanna Susan Dryburgh Kim Kriebel Ushers Karen Hanna and Pam Keebler Terry Spence and Joanne Copestick Theodora Morley and Matt Fiore Sandy Portzer and Bill Portzer Matt Hoffman and Nate Ramsden Acolyte Ana Smith Joanne Popowicz Garrett Kriebel Joe Dryburgh Ana Smith Nursery The Kriebel Family The Hoffman Family The Ruggiero Family The Yakeley Family The Ramsden Family Altar Guild Jennifer & Nate Ramsden Jennifer & Karl Schreiter Jennifer & Nate Ramsden Counters Luella Claffey and LJ Kriebel Ann Beatty and Lara Hoffman Nancy Saldutti and Matt Fiore Susan Dryburgh and Pam Keebler Joan Holohan and Luella Claffey Offering Recorder Pam Keebler Kathy Pokalo Nate Ramsden Jeanette Nazaryk Jennifer Schreiter Fellowship Hour Donna Kobi The Schreiter Family Open The Nuffer Family Open Joanne Copestick Stephanie Conklin and and Sandy Portzer Lara Hoffman If you are unable to serve on the date given, please notify the office who is replacing you as soon as possible. Thank you! A current phone/email list can be obtained through the office. 14 March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:30am Faith Formation 9:30am Worship Service 10:30am Fellowship Hour 10:30am Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm EEI - Fondant 7:00pm Boy Scouts . 7:00pm Worship & Music Mtg 7:30pm Cub Scouts 12:00pm Service & Soup Conshohocken Ministerium 5:30pm Homework Help/Tutoring 6:30pm EEI Coating 7:00pm Yoga 7:00pm Venture 6:30pm Dinner Church Service 7:30pm Hand Bell Rehearsal 10:00am EEI Packing 6:30pm AA/ Al-Anon 1:00pm MCYO 7:00pm AA 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6:00Cradles to Crayons 6:30pm EEI Fondant 7:00pm Boy Scouts 10:30am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:00pm Worship and Music Mtg 7:00pm Girl Scouts 7:30pm Cub Scouts 12:00pm Service & Soup Conshohocken Ministerium 5:30pm Homework Help/Tutoring 6:30pm EEI Coating 7:00pm Stewardship Mtg 7:00pm Yoga 6:30pm Dinner Church Service 7:30pm Theology On Tap 7:30pm Hand Bell Rehearsal 10:00am EEI Packing 6:30pm AA/ Al-Anon Conshy St. Patty’s Day Parade 1:00pm MCYO 7:00 AA 16 17 18 19 20 21 10:30am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:30pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Bible Study 12:00pm Service & Soup Conshohocken Ministerium 5:30pm Homework Help/Tutoring 6:30pm EEI Coating 7:00pm Yoga 7:00pm Ventura Group 6:30pm Dinner Church Service 7:30pm Hand Bell Rehearsal 10:00am EEI Packing 6:30pm AA/ Al-Anon 1:00pm MCYO 5:00pm Cub Scout Blue Gold Bnqt 7:00 AA DAY LIGHT’S SAVINGS TIME REMEMBER TO SPRING FORWARD 8:30am Faith Formation 9:30am Worship Service 10:30am Fellowship Hour 10:30am Adult Choir Rehearsal 10:45am Church Council 15 8:30am Faith Formation 9:30am Worship Service 10:30am Fellowship Hour 10:30am Adult Choir Rehearsal Deadline for News Articles for the Marks 6:30pm EEI Fondant 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Social Ministry Mtg 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8:30am Faith Formation 9:30am Worship Service 10:30am Fellowship Hour 10:30am Adult Choir Rehearsal 10:45am Estate Planning Seminar 7:00pm Boy Scouts 10:30am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:00pm Girl Scout 7:30pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Bible Study 12:00pm Service & Soup Conshohocken Ministerium 5:30pm Homework Help/Tutoring 7:00pm Yoga 6:30pm Dinner Church Service 7:30pm Hand Bell Rehearsal 6:30pm AA/ Al-Anon 1:00pm MCYO 7:00AA 29 PALM SUNDAY 30 31 8:30am Faith Formation 9:30am Worship Service 10:30am Fellowship Hour 10:30am Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Boy Scouts 10:30am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:30pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Bible Study CNC - Meals on Wheels 6am - 11am Monday - Friday 15 16 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church 508 Harry St Conshohocken, PA 19428 Phone: 610-828-0581 Our Vision: St. Mark’s seeks to spread God’s Word among ourselves and in the greater Conshohocken community. Our Mission We will equip our members with biblical knowledge and spiritual growth through worship, education and fellowship, in order to share our faith in Christ through our words, hospitality and deeds of service in the community. March 2015 The Marks
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