SOUTHEAST COLLECTOR TRUNK SEWER PROJECT Hig hwa y7 February 25, 2015 Meters 0 175 350 700 1,050 1,400 1,750 1:35,000 h 16t Legend Ave ve 1:35,000 h 16t Ave H y7 sion ces Con Rd 5 Designated Soil Disposal Site 07 ay 4 w h g i Wh itev ale sion ces Con Rd Rd 5 d th R H ay 7 ighw Nor New Collector Trunk Sewer Haul Southeast Roads (completed and under operation from Sites/Tunnels fully completed with January 27, 2015) surface restoration finished Ave Existing York Durham Sewage 16th Site under restoration System (YDSS) Sites remaining under construction Haul Roads hwa hwa ck R B ro A Existing York Durham Sewage 16th Legend System (YDSS) Hig y7 hwa Hig New Southeast Collector Trunk Sewer (completed and under operation from Meters 27,7002015) 0 January 175 350 1,050 1,400 1,750 Hig 7 y 40 d Rd d Dur Riv d er si r ck R B ro eD e h Av Finc 3 d eD r na d er si Do Riv rm Rd Rd Shaft 2 r Live Shaft 4 + Air Handling Facility y Fa d l Rd poo ie R t por Fair d d l Rd poo e h Av Finc r Live Dix Rd Shaft MS1 e Vall d3 Shaft MS2 na R Bea re R d Existing Odour Control Facility + Metering Chamber e h Av Finc 3 Rd nR Rd rm Rd tes ssio ce Con n ssio y Fa Do n ld C w aya ld ay k r a P C o u s e ns Pa r k w o u s e ns d Rd e Vall t por Fair Wh i nk R eba ce Con 3 Crt d ield omf ixie R Blo D Rd Ros Shaft 5 Rd d e v es A Alto re R 9th Lin l Stee n sio ces Con Shaft 6/7 + Air Handling Facility st e Ea Rd rt tes d Bea e l Stee sion ces Con Connection Chamber d na R 9th Lin Shaft 8 ast Central Duffin’s Collector Chamber m Far ld C Wh i nk R eba sio ces Ros Con 4 Alto Odour Control Facility d nR Ave ve E es A t ey Vall Line Tunnel 4 Drive A2 (Shaft 10 to Shaft 6/7) Rd on iTunnel s Drive Complete on April 23, 2014. s ce Shaft 9 r Rd 14th Wes ie omf Blo ham Con ck R B ro Rd Dur Shaft 11 n Rd t Shaft 1 m Far k Yor nto Tau Wes t Shaft 10 Reeso Shaft 12 r Rd e Ave 14th Reeso 9th Lin hw Wes Rd ey Vall Tunnel Drive Complete on May 10, 2014. 07 Rd Line e Tunnel Drive A1 (Shaft 10 to Shaft 13) Hig nton Tau ham 9th Lin Tunnel Drive B2 (Shaft 1 to Shaft 4) 01 y4 a Tunnel Drive Complete on February 21, hw g 2014. Hi Tunnel Drive B1 (Shaft 6/7 to Shaft 4) Tunnel Drive Complete on October 24, 2013. Bay e h Av Finc g Hi Oas e S is B 011\60119081 -- SEC York Region\GISSpatial\2013\Maps\Working\60119081_ProjectOverview_Working_rev1.mxd Path: J:\Projects\2011\60119081 -- SEC York Region\GISSpatial\2013\Maps\Working\60119081_ProjectOverview_Working_rev1.mxd nton Tau k Yor Sites remaining under construction Shaft 13 + 407 CorrosionayControl t Wes d Site under restoration y4 hwa Hig Rd th R Sites/Tunnels fully completed with surface restoration finished ale itev ck R B ro Nor Wh nton Tau t ly S ay hw 1 40 SOUTHEAST COLLECTOR TRUNK SEWER PROJECT Shaft 13 Shaft 10 ² Shaft 8 ham Line This shaft allows access to the TBM for maintenance during construction and to the new sewer for maintenance when it is built. This shaft allows access to the TBM for maintenance during construction and to the new sewer for maintenance when it is built. Dur Sites remaining under construction Shaft 11 k Yor Site under restoration k Yor Shaft MS2 Shaft 4 The TBMs launched from Shaft 6 and Shaft 1 – Drives B2 and B1 – will be removed from here. There is a significant drop in sewer elevation at this shaft and sewage will be directed down a series of concrete baffles to help dissipate energy. 07 Shaft 6/7 + Air Handling Facility e h Av Finc DoDo n an a ayay ldldCC kw arakrw oo nsPP uu es se sn rr eDD sisdied ivievrer RR 7 d Existing York Durham Sewage Ave (YDSS) System 16th y hwa Hig y4 hwa Hig Shaft 4 + Air Handling Facility Shaft MS1 Finc e h Av Rd New Trunk Sewer Ave 16th rm Legend t East Ave Eas less Ave e e t eele SoutheastSStCollector Fa lledy ma R rV 1:35,000 Shaft 5 y Fa 1,750 e Vall 1,400 Shaft MS2 dd lR lR oo oo rprp LiLvieve 1,050 dd RR ixiixeie DD 700 dd RR eaeraere BB 175 350 7 d k kRR rorcoc BB rt Meters 0 y hwa e h Av Finc h Ave Finc 3 Rd ion d 3 essssion R c n ce Co Con ld C d ine e 9th 9thLLin Shaft 8 Hig Rd orttRd airppor FFair a dR anR toltno AlA Odour Control Facility 3 Rd 3 ion Rd essssion c n ce Co Con Shaft 1 Connection Chamber ie omf Blo Shaft 12 d eds R eshiRt tW Whi Shaft 9 d kdR baknR oesbean RoRs Ave 14th Ave 14th RdRd mrm FyaFr a llaelyle VaV Line Central Duffin’s Collector d 44 nR Rd siio n s o e nccess Co Con Shaft 11 Shaft 1 t Weesst Rd dW ton R n n u Ta unto Ta ham Shaft 13 + Corrosion Control Facility Connection Chamber This shaft allows access to the TBM for maintenance during construction and to the new sewer for maintenance when it is built. t es dW est nR dW o t R n n Taau nto T u dd RR e eseosror RR Hig 07 d One TBM has been launched from here. After tunneling is finished, this site will be returned to its natural state as a river valley. Shaft 10 ay 4 7 y 40 ighw hwa H nR This is where the new Southeast Collector will be connected underground to the existing YDSS. Rd ale d iteevvale R Wh t i Wh Dur ine e 9th 9thL Lin 1\60119081 -- SEC York Region\GISSpatial\2013\Maps\Working\60119081_ProjectOverview_Working_rev1.mxd ECOM\60119081\2012\GISSpatial\mxd\Project Overview\60119081_Map2_ProjectOverview.mxd Shaft 5 This shaft allows access to the TBM for maintenance during construction and to the new sewer for maintenance when it is built. ssio d sewer for maintenance when it is built. This shaft has the largest diameter at 14m so that the TBM can be turned 90 degrees to head north after it enters from the east. The turning of the TBM also occurs in the past. This site is also home to one of Durham Region’s sewage pumping stations. ce Con th R This facility pulls air from Shaft 9 – located across the street – and sends it through a series of biofilters and bioscrubbers to remove odour through biological treatment. Next, the air passes through a carbon filter for polishing before being released to the atmosphere. The new Odour Control Facility will be extensively landscaped and will have a green roof so that it blends in well with the surrounding area. Shaft MS1 This shaft allows access to the TBM for maintenance during construction and to the new sewer for maintenance when it is built. Shaft 2 Nor Haul Roads Shaft 12 Sites/Tunnels completed This shaft allows accessfully to the TBM for with surface restoration finished maintenance during construction and to the new ay 7 hw ay 7 w Hiig h Hg Odour Control Facility 07 Central Duffin’s Collector Chamber Air will be allowed to enter both the existing YDSS and the new Southeast Collector, and will travel through the two Air Handling Facilities up to the Odour Control Facility across from Shaft 9 where it will be treated; a journey of nearly nine kilometers. Also, Durham Region’s5Central Duffin’s Collector d nR ioconnect Trunk Sewer will to both the existing YDSS ess c n Co Southeast Collector Trunk Sewer here. and the new 5 An Air Handling Facility is also needed here to help push air across the baffle drop towards the Odour Control Facility at Shaft 9 where it will be treated. dd RR rorcokck BB Hydrogen Peroxide ve will help reduce corrosion of Av A e 16tth both the Existing existing YDSS the new Southeast York and Durham Sewage 16 h Collector.System (YDSS) Facility. ay 4 gh w An Air Handling Facility isHineeded to help push air across the baffle drop 7towards the Odour Control 0 4 y hwa Facility at Shaft Hig 9 where it will be treated. d th R t Legend Ave16 Legend 16th New Southeast Collector Corrosion Control FacilityTrunk Sewer New Southeast Collector Trunkwill Sewer This facility be constructed to allow Hydrogen (completed and under operation from Peroxide to be added to the sewage stream. The January 27, 2015) Shaft 6/7 One TBM has been launched from this location, 7 way y7 hA2) and the TBM launched from Shaft 10 (Drive Hiig hwa will g H be removed from here. There is a significant drop in sewer elevation at this point and sewage will be directed down a series of concrete baffles to help dissipate energy. Nor The Southeast Collector and the existing YDSS Two TBMs have been launched from this critical will connect here. Sewage from the 9th Line Trunk shaft, which is the deepest at nearly 50m. Over 60% Sewer and the existing YDSS will flow through a of the new sewer will be tunneled from this location. new Diversion Chamber which will send sewage down both the existing Meters YDSS and the new Southeast Shaft 9 Meters Collector. The Tunnel Boring1,400 Machine (TBM) that is 0 175 350 700 1,050 1,750 An Air Block here will allow air from the upstream 0 175 350 700 1,050 1,400 1,750 launched from shaft 10 (Drive A1) will be removed at 1:35,000 and downstream portions of the sewer to be 1:35,000 this location. ve h A collected for treatment at the new Odour Control Shaft d5 2 R sion ces Con 011 y 440 a y wa gh w Hiigh H
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