Weekly Bulletin - Faith Baptist Church

This Week @ Faith
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
10:45 AM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Connection Classes
Morning Worship/Kids Church
Connection Classes
Evangelism Explosion - 208
Holy Land Trip Meeting
Preschool/Children’s Choir
Student Choir
HS Creative Movement
Signs of Faith
Mission Friends
Kidzone - K-2nd - UFH
Kidzone - 3rd-5th - Gym
Evening Worship
6:00 PM K.A.R.E. Karate - 220
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Ladies Exercise - 220
WOM - Pray With Faith
Breathe - 211
Anna Prayer Ministry - Prayer Rm.
College Worship - Suite 104
Prayer Ministry
Wednesday Meal
Bible Drill
Gospel Light (2 Yr. Olds)
ABC Bible Verse (Ages 3-4)
RA’s & GA’s, Kindermission
MS Refuge - 203
HS Amplify - Gym
Equipping U
Men of Faith
Bible Study/Prayer Meeting
Choir/Orchestra Practice
6:00 PM K.A.R.E. Karate
6:00 AM Men’s Power Breakfast
9:00 AM Ladies Exercise - 220
10:00 AM K.A.R.E. Karate
Quarterly Church Conference
Sunday, March 8
6:00 PM
Sunday Morning Messages
Watch online LIVE on Sundays or
watch archived sermons anytime at
CDs $3 • DVDs $5
To order CDs/DVDs of the Worship Service
email Kay at kayc@myfaithbaptist.org
or call 901-531-6803. Orders may be
picked up in the church office.
Building & Grounds
Brian Bowling
Campus Watch
O’Nan/Pashby/Billings, Jr./Bondurant
Faith Family Matters
wA Look Back at February 22, 2015
Morning Worship
Children Connection
Preschool Connection 222
Weekly Goal
$ 91,341
Budget Giving $ 81,791
Building Receipts $ 895
$ 1,945
Total Giving
$ 84,631
wToday’s Flowers
The flowers are given today in memory of Avery Grace
Banks on her 10th birthday and in honor of her twin
sister, Addison Faith Banks. They are given by their
grandparents Danny and Linda Lazenby and Billy and
Tommye Banks.
wDeacon of the Day
Paul and Rhonda Barkley have been members of Faith
for 21 years. They have two married children and four
grandchildren. Paul is retired after serving 25 years
as a pastor in West TN and from teaching psychology
and religion at Baptist College of Health Sciences for
20 years. He has been a Mental Health Therapist for 43
years and has a practice at the ABC Counseling Center
in Bartlett. Rhonda retired recently after teaching for
over 30 years. Paul is on the Deacon Hospital Visitation
Team. Rhonda is in the handbell choir, and together
they lead the Barkley Connection Class.
wWednesday Fellowship Meal
Chicken Spaghetti/Salad/Green Beans
Reservations are required for all who wish to participate
in the Wednesday Fellowship meals.
Sympathy is extended to:
Jan Walker, in the loss of her mother.
Barbara Collier, in the loss of her mother.
wCongratulations to...
Cameron & Madison Browning in the birth of their
daughter Elizabeth Faith, born February 6.
Megan Merritt in the birth of twin boys, Camden and
Colton, born February 22.
Preston & Jessica Selby in the birth of their son Skyler
Lee born February 24.
Lucas & Konstance Hines in the birth of their son, Luke,
on February 25.
Mission Statement
“The Mission of Faith Baptist Church is to glorify God
through passionate worship, personal evangelism,
purposeful discipleship, practical ministry
and participation in missions.”
Vision Statement
“Our Vision is to first love God supremely and love others
sacrificially. Then, in fulfilling the Great Commission,
we are committed to sharing the Gospel, starting new
churches and ministries, strengthening existing churches
and sending workers into the fields.”
March 1, 2015
Dr. Danny Sinquefield
Dr. Mike Day
Sr. Associate Pastor
Terry Easley
Associate Pastor
Music & Worship
Stephen Brannon
Associate Pastor
Missions & Mobilization
Where Friends Become Family
Brett Frazier
Associate Pastor
Next Generation
Terry Hughes
Associate Pastor
Discipleship & Families
Jody Steward
Middle School Students
Josh Sinquefield
College Students
Revival Around The Word • Nehemiah 8:1-12
The Suffering Servant • Isaiah 53:1-12
Rachel Walker
Missions Development
Casey Slagle
Girls Ministry
Connie Lawyer
Children’s Ministry
Vicki Purifoy
Preschool Ministry
Power Lunch is Back!
March 5, 11:45am - 12:45pm
In the Gym
Take a break from work, invite your
co-workers and join us for a time of
fellowship, networking, and sharing
with working businesses and service
providers in our community. Cost: $5
Ken Cox
Recreation Ministry
Richard Murley
Communications & Media
Ryker Dillard
Instrumental Music/
Worship Arts
Kevin Womack
Church Business
3755 North Germantown Road
Bartlett, Tennessee 38133
Please visit our website at www.myfaithbaptist.org
From Our Pastor’s Heart
Join Us Tonight at 6:00 PM.....
We are so grateful for the arrival of March (the month of Spring) and
some warmer weather soon! Today is going to be a great day of worship
at Faith. I’m very excited about our new series, “Passion Week” – a study of Jesus’ last
week leading to the cross. We will walk with Jesus from His triumphal entry into
Jerusalem, as He teaches His disciples, confronts the enemies, as He agonizes in the
garden, and ultimately as He is betrayed, arrested, and crucified. My prayer is that
we will fall more in love with Jesus as we take this journey together.
It was a great honor to host the Mid-South Men’s Bible Conference over
the weekend. We had hundreds of men from all around West Tennessee and our
neighboring states who enjoyed God’s Word being preached. They also received
a great blessing from our Faith Celebration Choir & Orchestra. I appreciate everyone
who served and helped in making this event such a wonderful experience for the
men. God moved in a powerful way and lives were impacted for eternity!
This evening, we will continue our focus on our ministries beyond this
campus by focusing on Faith Baptist Church in Arlington. Their pastor, Bro. Brian
Carlisle, will be our guest speaker and they are planning to bring many of their
church members to join with us in worship. I need our church family to show up
“big time” at 6:00 PM to help us host a large crowd of guests. We don’t want to be
outnumbered by our mission church! Your heart will be encouraged as you hear
how the Lord is blessing this wonderful new church.
We are excited about beginning a brand new “Pastor’s Class” this morning
during the 10:45 AM Connection time. Dr. Mike Day will be teaching this class
and they will meet here in the Sanctuary following our worship time. Also, we are
hosting an interest meeting for our Holy Land trip planned for October today at
4:30 PM in the Lower Fellowship Hall. This is truly a “trip of a lifetime” and Bro. Ray
Saba and I are so excited about sharing the details – please plan to join us!
“Hosanna”FBC Orchestra
“The Wonderful Cross”
“Above All”
“Amazing Grace”
“Someone Worth Dying For”
“A Different Kind of King”
(Luke 19:28-44)
FBC Choir & Orchestra
and Student Choir
Dr. Danny Sinquefield
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Please Print
(Circle one)
Missions Ministry
WE’RE HAVING A BABY SHOWER! ..... for the Morning Center Ministry. We will be
collecting new toys, diapers, and clothes for newborns -12 months. The items will
go to underprivileged, single moms in the Warren Apartment Community. Please
place the items in the bins in the Grand Lobby.
Holy Land Trip Interest Meeting
TODAY, 4:30 PM
In the Lower Fellowship Hall
This meeting is for those who have already signed up and for those who would like
more information. Reminder: Your spot is not confirmed until your deposit of $500
per person has been paid. Trip dates are October 22-31, 2015.
Student Choir Mission Trip to Las Vegas, Nevada
Interest Meeting • March 8, 5:00 PM • Room 230
Our Student Choir will be working with Faith’s church plant partner, Liberate Church
in Las Vegas. Tentative dates are June 12-18, with an approximate cost of $700. For
more information, contact Ryker Dillard at rykerd@myfaithbaptist.org.
Mrs. Miss
Name ___________________________
Address _________________________
City _____________________________
State __________ Zip _____________
Phone (H) ______________________
(C) ______________________
E-Mail ___________________________
Date of Birth _____________________
Are you a member of a church? ______
Church __________________________
I would like to know more about:
q A personal relationship with Jesus
q How to join this church
Please pray for me concerning:
Registration begins Sunday, March 1, 4:30-5:30 PM in the Gym:
Fee: $65/player
5 (as of 5/1/15) - 6 year old T-ball
7-8 year old Coach Pitch
9-12 year old Boys Baseball
9-12 year old Girls Softball
Fee: $25/player
13-14 year old Coed Kickball
15-18 year old Youth Softball
Fee: $30/player
Softball Teams for Adult Men and Adult Coed
Forms are in the Grand Lobby or outside the Recreation Office. Deadline to
register is March 16.
Student Ministry
Disciple Now Weekend (DNOW) is April 10-11. The cost is $35. You can register now
with the event envelopes located on the FSM table beside the elevator.
There is a mandatory meeting for students who sold BBQ on Wednesday, March 4,
at 7:00 PM in Room 202.
“BBQ pick-up” is this Saturday, March 7. Look at your ticket for your designated time.
q Request for Pastors only
q Request for Wed. Night Prayer Meeting
Meal Reservations
Wednesday Nights • 5:00 - 6:00 PM
$5.00 Adults • $3.00 Child (10 & under)
$20.00 maximum per family
Name _________________________
”There Is A Fountain ”
About You ....
The Daddy Daughter Dinner has been rescheduled for Friday, April 17, 6:00 PM.
Tickets, $10 each, may be purchased in the Children’s Ministry Office no later than
April 10.
Spring and Summer Softball, Baseball, T-ball, and Kickball
Praise and Worship
Children’s Ministry
Recreation Ministry
Morning Worship
for a wonderful time of worship, an update on Faith Baptist Arlington, and a
message from their pastor, Brian Carlisle.
Daylight Saving Time Begins
Next Sunday
Don’t forget to set your clocks
ahead one hour on Saturday night.
# of Adults _______ # of Kids _____
q Wk 1 q Wk 2 q Wk 3 q Wk 4
q Wk 5 q Make this a permanent