Introduction On behalf of the Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) Program Committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract for the 65th ECTC, to be held May 26–29, 2015, at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina in San Diego, California, USA. This premier international conference is sponsored by the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society and covers the entire spectrum of electronic packaging and interconnect technology. The program committee represents a wide range of disciplines and expertise and is committed to creating an engaging technical program covering a broad array of topics, including electronic components, materials, assembly, interconnections, device and system packaging, optoelectronics, 2.5D and 3D technology, reliability, and simulation. ECTC is truly an international conference, typically attracting more than 1,200 attendees from over 25 countries. The 64th ECTC featured 365 papers and interactive presentations in 41 sessions covering exciting new developments and application areas. The 65th ECTC will continue to be the venue for showcasing the latest developments in the electronic components industry where assembly and packaging provides a competitive advantage. As in past years, the 65th ECTC program will include six parallel technical sessions in the mornings and afternoons, along with special topic panel discussions in Major Topics Abstracts are rated by the ECTC technical subcommittee members. Highly rated abstracts are accepted for presentation at the ECTC conference. It is important that authors identify the subcommittees whose topic areas best fit their abstracts. Abstracts should include original and previously unpublished, non-confidential, and noncommercial information on new developments, technology, and knowledge in the areas including, but not limited to, those given below for each technical subcommittee name. Advanced Packaging: 2.5 & 3D technologies, embedded, wafer and panel level packaging, flip chip, advanced substrates, interposers, novel assembly technologies, fan-out, internet-of-things, bio-compatible, wearables, TSVs, MEMS and sensors, heterogeneous integration, electronic (power & RF) and optoelectronic packaging. Applied Reliability: System level reliability testing/modeling, reliability test methods and life models, failure analysis techniques/physics of failure, TSV/3D reliability and packaging challenges, interconnect reliability, solder and materials characterization, drop and dynamic mechanical reliability, probabilistic design for reliability (PDfR), automotive reliability requirements. Assembly and Manufacturing Technology: Advancement of packaging and manufacturing technologies in large OEMs, innovation in enabling high density packages including 3D integration, challenges and solutions of mainstream packaging and manufacturing technologies, challenges and solutions for medical applications. Emerging Technologies: Internet-of-things components: wearable electronics, flexible & stretchable electronics packaging, compact & autonomous sensor packaging; bioelectronics packaging: microfluidics and MEMS, bio-sensing packaging, new materials for bio packaging; power technologies: small form factor packaging, high power packaging; novel advanced packaging: energy harvesting electronics packaging, photovoltaic packaging, components for wireless packaging, novel approaches to packaging; complex packaging: security, redundancy, repair, directed assembly, built-in test, multifunction integration; emerging packaging concepts and technologies: organic IC & TFT, anti-counterfeiting packaging. the evenings, which provide high-level perspectives comprising trends and best practices in the industry. Professional Development Courses (PDCs) covering 16 different topics will be offered by world-class experts in their fields, where participants can catch up with new technology developments and broaden their technical knowledge base. The technical program and PDCs will be supplemented by the Technology Corner Exhibits, which provide an opportunity for leading companies in the electronics components, materials, and packaging fields to exhibit their latest technologies and products. Further contributions are welcome through visible sponsorship opportunities. I invite you to submit an abstract containing 250 to 750 words that describes the scope, content, and key points of your proposed technical paper to the 65th ECTC at You are also invited to submit proposals for PDCs. The deadline for abstract and PDC proposal submission is October 13, 2014. Manuscripts conforming to the ECTC format are due in final form for publication in the Conference Proceedings by February 25, 2015. All abstracts and manuscripts must be original, free of commercial content, and non-confidential. On behalf of the ECTC Program Committee, I look forward to meeting you at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina in San Diego for the 65th ECTC, May 26–29. Henning Braunisch, 65th ECTC Program Chair Intel Corporation, Chandler, Arizona, USA Phone: +1-480-552-0844 Email: Interconnections: First- and second-level interconnections: designs, structures, processes, performance, reliability (e.g., electromigration), test; technologies including TSV, interposers (Si, glass, organic), interconnections for 3D integration & SiP, flip chip, solder bumping and Cu pillar, wafer-level packaging, wafer and panel level fan-out, advanced wirebonds, non-traditional interconnections (e.g., electrically conductive adhesives, carbon nano-tubes, graphene, optical), substrates and PCB solutions for next generation systems, system packaging and heterogeneous integration; topics of special interest include new applications in wearables, internet-of-things, cloud, and automotive electronics. Materials & Processing: Adhesives and adhesion, lead free solder, novel materials and processing; underfills, mold compounds, dielectrics, emerging materials, and processing for 2D and 3D. Modeling & Simulation: Electrical, thermal and mechanical modeling & simulation, including: component, board and system level modeling for microelectronics including 3D interconnects (TSV, stacked die), 2.5D packaging (Si interposers), wafer-level package (WLP), ball grid array (BGA), embedded packages with active and passive components, system-in-package (SiP), power electronic modules, LED packaging, MEMS; novel high-speed interconnects and power delivery architectures; fab/thin wafer handling, wire bonding and assembly manufacture process; reliability modeling related fracture mechanics, fatigue, electromigration, warpage, delamination/moisture, drop test, material constitutive relations; novel modeling including multi-scale and multi-physics techniques and solutions; measurement methodologies and correlations. Optoelectronics: Fiber optical interconnects, single mode or multicore connectors, parallel optical transceivers, silicon and III-V photonics packaging, optical chip-scale and heterogeneous integration, micro-optical system integration and photonic system-inpackage, 3D photonics integration, optoelectronic assembly and reliability, materials and manufacturing technology, high-efficiency LEDs and high power lasers, integrated optical sensors. High-Speed, Wireless & Components: Components, modules and novel packaging technology solutions for high-frequency, high-speed digital, power, and wireless applications; embedded/integrated chips & passives; signal and power integrity; sensors, RFID, RF MEMS, low-power RF design, wireless power transfer and energy harvesting; cutting-edge component/module technologies for power, RF, millimeter-wave & THz applications; bio/wearable applications, flexible & printed electronics; meta-materials, magneto-dielectric nano-composites; SiP, heterogeneous integration. Interactive Presentations: Abstracts may be submitted related to any of the nine major program committee topics listed above. Interactive presentations of technical papers are highly encouraged at ECTC as it allows significant interaction between the presenter and attendees. It is especially suited for material that benefits from more explanation than is practical in oral presentations. Interactive presentation session papers are published and archived in equal merit with the other ECTC conference papers. Visit the ECTC website ( for additional conference information. Call for Professional Development Courses See page two. Abstract and Manuscript Submission You are invited to submit an abstract of 250–750 words that describes the scope, content, and key points of your proposed paper via our website at Additional details on how to submit abstracts electronically can be found on the ECTC website under the Author Information link. Submitted abstracts become the property of ECTC and ECTC reserves the right to publish the abstracts accepted for the conference. ECTC also reserves the right to prohibit, limit, or reject any editing of submitted abstracts. Abstracts accepted for the conference may not be edited until manuscript submission. Abstracts must be received by October 13, 2014. Your submission must be cleared by management and co-authors as applicable and include the mailing address, business telephone number, and email address of the presenting author and affiliations of all authors. Please select two different program subcommittees in order of preference that should evaluate your paper for acceptance. Authors will be notified of paper acceptance with instructions for publication by December 14, 2014. At the discretion of the Program Committee, submitted abstracts may be considered for Interactive Presentation sessions. Manuscripts conforming to the ECTC format are due in final form for publication in the Conference Proceedings by February 25, 2015. Manuscripts not submitted by this date may be removed and replaced in the final program at the discretion of the Program Committee. The submitted content must be original, previously unpublished, non-confidential, and without commercial content. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism and excessive self-duplication of previously published work through the IEEE CrossCheck system. For additional information regarding abstract and paper submission, please contact: Henning Braunisch, 65th ECTC Program Chair Intel Corporation, Chandler, Arizona, USA Phone: +1-480-552-0844 • Email: Special Paper Recognition Best Paper Award: Each year the ECTC selects the best paper whose author(s) receive an ECTC personalized wall plaque and share a check for US $2,500. Best Interactive Presentation Award: Each year the ECTC selects the best Interactive Presentation paper whose author(s) receive an ECTC personalized wall plaque and share a check for $1,500. Outstanding Paper Award: An outstanding conference paper is also selected for special recognition by the ECTC. The author(s) receive a personalized wall plaque and share a check for $1,000. Outstanding Interactive Presentation Award: An outstanding Interactive Presentation paper is also selected for special recognition by the ECTC. The author(s) receive a personalized wall plaque and share a check for $1,000. Intel Best Student Paper Award: Intel Corporation is sponsoring an award for the best paper submitted and presented by a student at ECTC. The winning student will be presented with a wall plaque and a check for $2,500. See next column for details. Technology Corner Exhibits Reserve Your Space Early! Exhibit your products or services to more than 1,200 engineers and managers from all areas of the microelectronics packaging industry. These include: materials & processes for semiconductor packaging, assembly and interconnect technologies, test & other equipment, market research, and research centers. Two days: May 27–28, 2015 Ninety-five of the 101 exhibitors at ECTC 2014 will be exhibiting at the 2015 conference. Only six booths are currently available. For information and an application, contact Joe Gisler at Additional information is available at under Technology Corner Exhibits. Contribution and Visibility Opportunities through Sponsorship ECTC also offers excellent opportunities for contributions, promotion and visibility through gala, badge lanyard, USB Flash drive proceedings, media, Internet kiosk, luncheon, refreshment break, program, and student reception sponsorships. Additional information is available at under Sponsors. Please contact: David McCann, Sponsorship Chair GLOBALFOUNDRIES, USA Phone: +1-518-222-6128 • Email: Call for Professional Development Courses Proposals are solicited from individuals interested in teaching educational fourhour long professional development courses (PDCs) on topics described on the previous page. From the proposals received, 16 PDCs will be selected for offering at the 65th ECTC on Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Each selected course will be given a minimum honorarium of $1,000. In addition, instructors of the selected courses will be offered the speaker discount rate for the conference. Attendees of the PDCs will be offered Continuing Education Units (CEUs). These CEUs are recognized by employers as a formal measure of participation and attendance in “noncredit” self-study courses, tutorials, symposia and workshops. Using the format “Course Objectives/Course Outline/Who Should Attend,” 200-word proposals must be submitted via the ECTC website at www.ectc. net by October 13, 2014. Authors will be notified of course acceptance with instructions by December 14, 2014. If you have any questions, contact: Kitty J. Pearsall, Professional Development Courses Chair Boss Precision, Inc., Austin, Texas, USA Phone: +1-512-845-3287 • Email: IEEE CPMT Society Travel Award IEEE CPMT is pleased to continue the CPMT Travel Grant Program for the 65th ECTC. The goals of this award are to foster maximum student participation in the ECTC and to recognize students with superior ECTC papers. Description: Grants are available to apply towards actual travel expenses, including airfare, hotel, and meals. Grants will be awarded competitively, based on abstracts submitted by student authors. One student from each winning abstract will be provided a travel grant. The student who is named as the primary author will receive the grant. Eligibility: The competition is open to all full-time graduate students enrolled at an accredited institution in a program of study within the scope of ECTC. The student must be listed as the primary author on the abstract and present the paper at ECTC. A maximum of two authors (one per paper) from any one institution will receive a travel grant. Application Process: To apply, check the “IEEE CPMT Society Travel Grant” box in the “Awards” section of the online abstract submission form. Intel Best Student Paper Award Intel Corporation is sponsoring an award for the best paper submitted and presented by a student at the ECTC. The winning student will be presented with a wall plaque and a check for $2,500. Eligibility: To be considered for the award, the student must be a full-time student for at least one semester after the conference conclusion. The student must be the lead author and present the paper at the 65th ECTC conference. It is the convention at ECTC for the presenter to be listed as the first author. Finalists will be determined by review of the completed manuscripts by the judging committee. Manuscripts will be reviewed for relevance to the competition topics, technical content, and originality. The author of the best student paper will be notified after the conference and must submit an affidavit from the student’s faculty advisor certifying that the student meets the eligibility requirements. Application Process: To enter the Intel Best Student Paper Award competition, please check the “Intel Best Student Paper Award” box in the “Awards” section of the online abstract submission form. 2015 Executive Committee 2015 Program Committee Keith Newman HP Donna M. Noctor Siemens Industry, Inc. General Chair Beth Keser Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. +1-858-658-3332 Advanced Packaging Chair Christopher Bower X-Celeprint Ltd. +1-919-522-3230 Vice-General Chair Alan Huffman RTI International +1-919-248-9216 Assistant Chair Rozalia Beica Yole Developpement Jeffrey Suhling Auburn University Program Chair Henning Braunisch Intel Corporation +1-480-552-0844 Aleksandar Aleksov Intel Corporation Muhannad Bakir Georgia Institute of Technology Dongji Xie NVIDIA Corporation Daniel Baldwin Engent, Inc. Assembly & Manufacturing Technology Chair Shawn Shi Medtronic Corporation +1-480-929-5614 Assistant Program Chair Sam Karikalan Broadcom Corporation +1-949-926-7296 Jr. Past General Chair Wolfgang Sauter IBM Corporation +1-802-922-3083 Sponsorship Chair Sr. Past General Chair David McCann GLOBALFOUNDRIES +1-518-222-6128 Finance Chair Patrick Thompson Texas Instruments, Inc. +1-214-567-0660 Publications Chair Steve Bezuk Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. +1-858-651-2770 Treasurer Tom Reynolds T3 Group LLC +1-850-897-7323 Publicity Chair Eric Perfecto IBM Corporation +1-845-894-4400 Exhibits Chair Joe Gisler Vector Associates +1-480-288-6660 Web Administrator Mark Poliks i3 Electronics, Inc. +1-607-727-7104 Professional Development Courses Chair Kitty Pearsall Boss Precision, Inc. +1-512-845-3287 Arrangements Chair Lisa Renzi Renzi & Company, Inc. +1-703-863-2223 CPMT Representative C. P. Wong Georgia Institute of Technology +1-404-894-8391 Omar Bchir Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Jianwei Dong Dow Electronic Materials John H. L. Pang Nanyang Technological University S. B. Park Binghamton University Lakshmi N. Ramanathan Microsoft Corporation Ephraim Suhir University of California, Santa Cruz Erik Jung Fraunhofer IZM Assistant Chair Valerie Oberson IBM Corporation +1-450-534-7767 Beth Keser Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Sai Ankireddi Soraa, Inc. Young-Gon Kim IDT Sharad Bhatt Shanta Systems, Inc. John Knickerbocker IBM Corporation Claudius Feger IBM Corporation John H. Lau ASM Pacific Technology Mark Gerber Consultant Markus Leitgeb AT&S Paul Houston Engent Dean Malta RTI International Sa Huang Medtronic Corporation Raj N. Master Microsoft Corporation Vijay Khanna IBM Corporation Luu T. Nguyen Texas Instruments Inc. Chunho Kim Medtronic Corporation Deborah Patterson Amkor Technology, Inc. Wei Koh Pacrim Technology Raj Pendse STATS ChipPAC, Inc. Choon Heung Lee Amkor Technology Eric Perfecto IBM Corporation Mali Mahalingam Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Peter Ramm Fraunhofer EMFT Debendra Mallik Intel Corporation Subhash L. Shinde Sandia National Laboratory Jae-Woong Nah IBM Corporation Joseph W. Soucy Draper Laboratory Hirofumi Nakajima Consultant E. Jan Vardaman TechSearch International, Inc. Tom Poulin Aerie Engineering Applied Reliability Chair Scott Savage Medtronic Microelectronics Center +1-480-303-4749 Shichun Qu Fairchild Semiconductor Altaf Hasan Intel Corporation Assistant Chair Vikas Gupta Texas Instruments +1-214-567-3160 Jo Caers Royal Philips Sridhar Canumalla Microsoft Corporation Tim Chaudhry Broadcom Corporation Tz-Cheng Chiu National Cheng Kung University Darvin R. Edwards Edwards Enterprises Deepak Goyal Intel Corporation Dongming He Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Toni Mattila Aalto University Tom Swirbel Motorola, Inc. Paul Tiner Texas Instruments Sean Too Microsoft Andy Tseng JSR Micro Shaw Fong Wong Intel Corporation Jie Xue Cisco Systems, Inc. Jin Yang Intel Corporation Tonglong Zhang Nantong Fujitsu Microelectronics Ltd. Emerging Technologies Chair C. S. Premachandran GLOBALFOUNDRIES premachandrancs@globalfoundries. com +1-518-305-7317 Assistant Chair Rabindra N. Das MIT Lincoln Labs +1-781-981-1318 Isaac Robin Abothu Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Jai Agrawal Purdue University Vasudeva P. Atluri Renavitas Technologies Mark Bachman University of California, Irvine Karlheinz Bock Fraunhofer EMFT and University of Berlin Vaidyanathan Chelakara Ciena Corporation John Cunningham Oracle Steve Greathouse Plexus Corporation Kevin J. Lee Intel Corporation Joana Maria IBM Corporation Goran Matijasevic University of California, Irvine Shah Milind Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Dave Peard Henkel Corporation Andrea Paganini IBM Corporation Albert F. Puttlitz Mechanical Eng. Consultant P. Markondeya Raj Georgia Institute of Technology Luca Roselli University of Perugia Clemens Ruppel TDK Hideki Sasaki Renesas Electronics Corporation Li-Cheng Shen Quanta Research Institute Manos M. Tentzeris Georgia Institute of Technology Frank Theunis Qualcomm Technologies Netherlands B.V. Leena Ukkonen Tampere University of Technology Interconnections Chair Li Li Cisco Systems, Inc. +1-408-527-0801 Assistant Chair Changqing Liu Loughborough University +44-1509-227681 Koneru Ramakrishna Hewlett-Packard Company William Chen Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. Jintang Shang Southeast University Kathy Cook Ziptronix Nancy Stoffel GE Global Research Rajen Dias Intel Corporation Vivek Subramanian University of California Bernd Ebersberger Intel Corporation Klaus-Jürgen Wolter Technische Universität Dresden Takafumi Fukushima Tohoku University Allison Xiao Henkel Corporation Tom Gregorich Micron Jimin Yao Intel Corporation Wei-Chung Lo ITRI High-Speed, Wireless & Components Chair Nanju Na IBM Corporation +1-512-695-1425 Nathan Lower Rockwell Collins, Inc. Assistant Chair Prem Chahal Michigan State University +1-517-355-0248 Amit P. Agrawal Cisco Systems, Inc. Eric Beyne IMEC Craig Gaw Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Apostolos Georgiadis Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) Abhilash Goyal Oracle Rockwell Hsu Cisco Systems, Inc. Lih-Tyng Hwang National Sun Yat-Sen University Mahadevan K. Iyer Texas Instruments, Inc. Timothy G. Lenihan TGL Consulting Li Li Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Sebastian Liau ITRI Lianjun Liu Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. James Lu Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Voya Markovich Microelectronic Advanced Hardware Consulting, LLC James E. Morris Portland State University Lou Nicholls Amkor Technology, Inc. Gilles Poupon CEA-LETI Katsuyuki Sakuma IBM Corporation Lei Shan IBM Corporation Katsuaki Suganuma Osaka University Chuan Seng Tan Nanyang Technological University Matthew Yao GE Energy Management Materials & Processing Chair Diptarka Majumdar Superior Graphite +1-919-418-8025 Assistant Chair Bing Dang IBM Corporation +1-914-945-1568 Tanja Braun Fraunhofer IZM Choong Kooi Chee KBU International College Tim Chen Darbond Technology Co., Ltd. Frank Wei Disco Japan Pradeep Lall Auburn University Z. Rena Huang Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Yu-Hua Chen Unimicron Myung Jin Yim Intel Corporation Takaaki Ishigure Keio University C. Robert Kao National Taiwan University Tieyu Zheng Microsoft Corporation Sheng Liu Huazhong University of Science and Technology Dong Wook Kim Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Modeling & Simulation Chair Yong Liu Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation +1-207-761-3155 Tony Mak Wentworth Institute of Technology Daniel D. Lu Henkel Corporation Assistant Chair Dan Oh Altera Corporation +1-408-544-8103 Hongxia Lu Intel Corporation Kemal Aygün Intel Corporation Jaemin Shin Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Hongtao Ma Lightera Corporation Wendem Beyene Rambus Inc. Suresh K. Sitaraman Georgia Institute of Technology Mikel Miller Draper Laboratory Zhaoqing Chen IBM Corporation G. Q. (Kouchi) Zhang Delft University of Technology (TUD) Kyung-Wook Paik KAIST Kuo-Ning Chiang National Tsinghua University Mark Poliks i3 Electronics, Inc. Daniel de Araujo Nimbic, Inc. Dwayne Shirley Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Xuejun Fan Lamar University Optoelectronics Chair Stefan Weiss II-VI Laser Enterprise GmbH +41-44-455-8732 Ivan Shubin Oracle Xiaoxiong (Kevin) Gu IBM Corporation Yoichi Taira IBM Corporation Woopoung Kim Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Lejun Wang Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Bruce Kim City University of New York Kwang-Lung Lin National Cheng Kung University Gamal Refai-Ahmed PreQual Technologies Corp. Sandeep Sane Intel Corporation Assistant Chair Hiren Thacker Oracle +1-858-526-9442 Fuad Doany IBM Corporation Gordon Elger Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Rao Bonda Amkor Technology Harry G. Kellzi Teledyne Microelectronic Technologies Mark Eblen Kyocera America, Inc. John Hunt ASE US Inc. Michael Leers Fraunhofer ILT Nam Pham IBM Corporation Masanobu Okayasu Oclaro Japan, Inc. Mark Poliks i3 Electronics, Inc. Kannan Raj Oracle Nancy Stoffel GE Global Research Alex Rosiewicz Gooch & Housego Patrick Thompson Texas Instruments, Inc. Henning Schroeder Fraunhofer IZM Professional Development Courses Chair Kitty Pearsall Boss Precision, Inc. +1-512-845-3287 Andrew Shapiro JPL Masao Tokunari IBM Corporation Jean Trewhella IBM Corporation Shogo Ura Kyoto Institute of Technology Ping Zhou LDX Optronics, Inc. Interactive Presentations Chair Ibrahim Guven University of Arizona +1-520-626-2257 Assistant Chair Jeffrey Suhling Auburn University +1-334-844-3332 Eddie Kobeda IBM Corporation IEEE CPMT 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA Grace Yi Li Intel Corporation Erdogan Madenci University of Arizona Soon Jang ficonTEC USA Sponsored by: Chin C. Lee University of California, Irvine En-Xiao Liu Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR Assistant Chair Michael Mayer University of Waterloo +1-519-888-4024
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