P o l i c i e s P r o c e d u r e s I n f o r m a t i o n P a g e 1 o f 3 Policy Date: 26 February 2015 Effective integration of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) can transform pedagogy and empower students, parents and staff. At Peter Moyes Anglican Community School, we aim to integrate technologies into teaching and learning. The following objectives drive our pedagogy: To To To To To enhance learning and student outcomes. increase student motivation and engagement in learning. develop the technological proficiency of students. improve parent/guardian participation in student learning and achievement. improve the quality of teaching, utilising contemporary teaching methods and resources. The Senior School ICT Integration Co-Ordinator will be a suitably qualified and experienced teacher with appropriate knowledge and expertise in the integration of ICT in teaching and learning within the Senior School. Where appropriate, the Senior School ICT Integration Co-Ordinator will also fulfil a classroom teaching position of up to 0.5FTE in their area of curriculum specialisation. The primary responsibility of the Senior School ICT Integration Co-Ordinator, as a Lead Teacher of ICT use in our School, is to ensure the successful planning, implementation and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching and learning programme in the Senior School. In particular, AITSL Professional Knowledge Standard 2.6, states that a Lead Teacher of ICT should be able to “lead and support colleagues within the School to select and use ICT with effective teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities and content knowledge for all students”. Further responsibilities include: Develop policy, protocols and procedures relating to the use of ICT. Plan and deliver Professional Learning for staff with particular focus on the development of effective pedagogy. Model exemplary skills in the selection, creation and evaluation of ICT resources for application by teachers within or beyond the School. Provide leadership and management in the distribution and use of personal computing devices to families, students and staff. Liaise with relevant stakeholders including: students, parents, teachers, partnership organisations, ICT support and administration staff, curriculum leaders and the School Executive. Make recommendations to staff members and curriculum leaders regarding the selection and use of ICT as a teaching, learning and administrative tool. Complete administrative tasks, as required. Establish and develop administrative policy and procedural documentation related to the safe and appropriate use of ICT by staff and students including: Responsibility and care procedures for personal computing devices and technology resources etc. Consequences of not having a working device. Acceptable use policy, including use outside of School. www.petermoyes.wa.edu.au A School of the Anglican Schools Commission P o l i c i e s P r o c e d u r e s I n f o r m a t i o n P a g e 2 o f 3 Identify and promote pedagogical theories and practices that are enhanced by the use of ICT: Provide opportunities for staff to engage in professional learning to develop and enhance their understanding of current learning theories. Provide examples and assistance in applying theory into practice. Liaise with partnership organisations, professional associations, networks and other schools. Establish an evaluative model using both qualitative and quantitative data to determine the effectiveness of the use of ICT: Establish baseline statistics regarding ICT use across a number of areas, e.g. number of online courses, attitudes to ICT, parental attitudes to information availability. Track longitudinal evaluations of ICT use and provide regular reports to Staff, the ICT Committee and the School Executive. Establish and support ICT Professional Learning (PL) pathways for staff : Use existing Human Resource database to track the PL of staff. Provide notification of forthcoming PL opportunities. Support staff in their classrooms with resources for ICT use. Liaise between Staff, Parents, Students and ICT support staff when and where issues of concern arise: Monitor potential disruptions to ICT systems and usage. Ensure devices are repaired to a high standard in a timely fashion. Liaise between parents, students and ICT support staff to co-ordinate repairs. Manage general issues such as reporting requirements, copyright laws etc. Review and provide advice on suitability and appropriateness of technologies: Select suitable hardware, including the individual personal computing device. Support network and ICT resources. Liaise with the Enrolments Officer and ICT support staff to ensure account details are correctly entered and working in the School’s Database and associated Learning Management Systems (eg. igloo, iWise, Moodle and MAZE). Select Software, Web applications and peripherals. Co-ordinate eBook purchases and installation/activation procedures. Determine suitable uses of all technologies within the School. Communicate with staff, parents, students and the broader School community: Oversee communications related to ICT, including newsletter articles, letters, emails, webpages and social networking applications. Plan and present information sessions, training and support for students and p arents, as required. All other related and necessary duties as directed by the Associate Principal of Senior School or the Principal. www.petermoyes.wa.edu.au A School of the Anglican Schools Commission P o l i c i e s P r o c e d u r e s I n f o r m a t i o n P a g e 3 o f 3 It is expected that the role will, from time to time, include commitments before and after school and also outside of term time. Notably, prior to the start of the School year the Senior School ICT Integration Co-Ordinator is responsible to ensure the timely setup and delivery of new personal computing devices to distribute to students in readiness for the start of Term 1. Time spent checking hardware and software setup prior to handover of the devices is required to avoid any disruption or delays to learning at the start of the year. Time allocation equivalent to 0.5FTE will be provided to the Senior School ICT Integration CoOrdinator. The appointment will be for a period of three years. An annual review of performance will be undertaken and a formal appraisal completed in the final year. www.petermoyes.wa.edu.au A School of the Anglican Schools Commission
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