ICC Original Research Article Iranian Chemical Communication Payame Noor University of Ilam http://icc.journals.pnu.ac.ir One-pot and one-step novel N-methylation of 2,6-Diaminopyridine Mehdi Nabati*, Mehrdad Mahkam Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran Received: 6 February 2014 , Accepted: 25 February 2014, Published: 26 February 2014 Abstract 2,6-Diaminopyridine is extensively used as a pharmaceutical intermediate and a hair dye coupler. It is soluble in protic solvents. Primary and secondary amines are N-methylated by various methods such as direct alkylation of amines with Hofmann mechanism, but in many of these methods due to over-alkylations, we earn a mixture of amino products. Consequently, they aren't selective in the case of secondary amines preparation. Also, the synthesis of secondary amines is a problematic field in organic chemistry. In this research, 2,6-diaminopyridine N-methylatedselictivity was done from reaction with sodium azide and orthoformic ester in low time with good yields. Keywords: 2,6-Diaminopyridine, N-methylation, one-pot reaction, one-step reaction. Introduction 2,6-Diaminopyridine (2,6-DAP) is formal- maceutical intermediate and a hair dye coupler ly prepared from pyridine by substitution of in oxidation/permanent formulations [2]. It is the 2 and 6 positions with an amino group un- soluble in water, acetone, ethanol, methanol, der severe conditions [1]. It is a medium- isopropanol and ethyl production-volume chemical used as a phar- Diaminopyridine is used as coupler in oxida- *Corresponding author: Mehdi Nabati Fax number: +98 (412) 4327500; Tel number: +98 (412) 4327500 E-mail: mnabati@ymail.com acetate [3]. 2,6- Iran. Chem. Commun. 2 (2014) 164-169 Page | 164 M. Nabati, M. Mahkam / Iranian Chemical Communication 2 (2014) 164-169 tion hair dye formulations [4], epoxy curing tive reagent and the hydrazoic acid was gener- agent intermediate in the production of polya- ated [19]. All the chemicals were purchased mides [5] and intermediate in the manufactur- from Merck Company. The solvents were dis- ing of the analgesic phenazopyridine hydroch- tilled and stored over a drying agent. IR spec- loride [6]. Preparation of amines has received tra were recorded with a Shimadzu FTIR-408 more attention in organic chemistry [7]. Sec- spectrophotometer as KBr disk. 1H NMR and ondary amines, due to their physiological ac- 13 tivities, are important pharmacophores in bio- 250 AC spectrometer in DMSO. logically active compounds [8]. Direct N- C NMR spectra were recorded on a Brucker N-Methylation of 2,6-diaminopyridine alkylation is, in principle, the most common and straightforward route for secondary amine The reaction was carried out in various formation. Treatment of primary amines with conditions (Table 1). In the best condition, alkyl halides is known as the Hofmann alkyla- while stirring, 120 mL of glacial acetic acid tion [9]. However, many methods were re- was added to a suspension of 5 g (46 mmol) of ported for conversion of primary amines to 2,6-diaminopyridine and 21.9 g (276 mmol) secondary amines by various reagents in recent sodium azide in 57 mL (276 mmol) of ethyl years [10-17]. Gaponic et al. in 1985 reported orthoformate, and the mixture was heated on a that primary amines were converted to the cor- boiling water for 6 h under dry argon. After responding 1-substituted tetrazoles in the pres- this period of time the reaction mixture was ence of sodium azid and orthoformic ester un- cooled and 4 mL of concentrated HCl was der reflux condition [18]. In the present work, added; and filtered. The product was crystal- we have reported this method to 2,6- lized from water and dried in air (Scheme 1). diaminopyridine and showed that the reaction This brown compound (Figure 1a) was im- of 2,6-DAP with sodium azide and orthofor- pure. Then the crude product was recrystal- mic ester is a convenient preparative route for lized from hot isopropanol. The white precipi- the N-methylation of pyridine derivatives. tate (impurity) (Figure 1b) was separated by filtration. Then the filtrate was evaporated un- Experimental der rotary, and the light brown product (Figure The reaction was carried out under dry ar- 1c) was dried in the air. The product has no gon gas to exclude moisture from the system melting point because it has been destroyed. because sodium azide is highly moisture sensi- The weight of product (Figure 1d) was 3.5 g Page | 165 One-pot and one-step novel N-methylation of 2,6-Diaminopyridine (%71). IR (cm-1): 3383 (stretching N-H), 3210 synthesis field. There are various methods for (stretching C-H of pyridine ring), 2940 (stret- these compounds preparation. However, de- ching C-H of methyl groups) and 1655 (stret- spite the widespread interest, traditional me- 1 ching C=C and C=N). H NMR (FT-250 MHz, thods for secondary amines formation and DMSO): δ; 1.89 (s, 6He), 4.5 (d, N-H), 5.32 (s, preparation are often problematic because of 3Ha), 5.6 (d, 2Hc), 7 (t, 1Hd). 13 C NMR (FT- severe reaction conditions and generally poor 250 MHz, DMSO): δ; 21.99 (Ce), 95.66 (Ca), yields. Direct N-alkylation is the most com- 138.79 (Cc), 159.13 (Cd), 172.83 (Cb). mon route to secondary amine formation. The proposed mechanism for formation of However, although the conversion appears methylated 2,6-DAP has been shown in Figure simple, it is well known that the yield of this 2. In this route, carbene intermediate (A), that method is limited due to the overalkylations, we trapped it by reaction with ethylene, is giving mixtures of primary, secondary and ter- prepared. The B product is characterized with tiary amines and quaternary ammonium salts. FT IR and 1H NMR analyses. The stretching Consequently, secondary amine yields depend C-H bond peak of cyclopropyl is appeared in on the nature of the starting amines. In the 3124 cm-1. The B product-1H NMR (FT-250 present work, we introduced a novel method MHz, DMSO): δ; 0.73 (m, 8H of NH- for synthesis of secondary amines with good cyclopropyl), 1.45 (m, 4H of pyridine- yields under mild conditions. We prepared this cyclopropyl), 2.23 (s, 2Hd), 4.81 (s, N-H), secondary 5.76(s, 1Ha), 5.92 (d, 2Hb), 7.8 (t, 1Hc). diaminopyridine with sodium azide and ortho- amine by treatment of 2,6- formic acid. The product is very stable under Result and discussion pressure, heat and moisture. Preparation of secondary amines due to their applications is very interesting in organic Table 1. Product yield in various conditions 2,6-DAP (mmol) NaN3 (mmol) HC(OC2H5)3 (mmol) Time (h) Yield (%) 46 92 92 6 15 46 138 138 6 23 Page | 166 M. Nabati, M. Mahkam / Iranian Chemical Communication 2 (2014) 164-169 46 276 276 2 25 46 276 276 4 47 46 276 276 6 71 46 276 276 24 70 46 322 322 6 72 NaN3 , HC(OC2H5)3 acetic acid , 6 h H 2N N HN N NH NH2 H3 C CH3 CH3 Scheme 1. One-step N-methylation of 2,6-diaminopyridine Figure 1. (a) the product before recrystallization; (b) the impure powder from recrystallization; (c) the main product; (d) structure of main product Page | 167 One-pot and one-step novel N-methylation of 2,6-Diaminopyridine HC(OC2H5)3 H2N N3 EtO NH2 N H N H N N3 H N H N3 N NaN3 OEt H N H H OEt H OEt H N N3 N H N EtO H N N3 H H EtO N H N N H N N3 N N H H N H acetic acid N H N HN CH3 H N CH3 NH CH3 (A) yle e th ne c b b H d N H Hd N H N H a (B) Figure 2. Proposed mechanism for formation of desired product Conclusions In this study, we synthesized the secondary N-methylated derivative of 2,6- diaminopyridine with its reaction with NaN3 alkylation are the advantages of this one step procedure. Acknowledgments and HC(OC2H5)3. After synthesis of this derivative, we saw that the product is very stable under various conditions. Low reaction time, This work was supported by the Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran. good yield, product formation without over Page | 168 M. Nabati, M. Mahkam / Iranian Chemical Communication 2 (2014) 164-169 [14] T. Rosenau, A. Potthast, P. Kosma, C.L. References Chen, J.S. Gratzl, J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, [1] R. Munday, E.A. Fowke, Free Radical Res., 1994, 21, 67-73. 2166–2167. [15] J. Higgins, X. Zhou, R. Liu, T.T.S.J. [2] D.B. Sanders, J.M. Massey, L.L. Sanders, Huang, Phys. Chem. A, 1997, 101, 2702–2708. L.J. Edwards, Neurology, 2000, 54, 603-607. [16] L.A. 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