here - TEDxManhattan

March 7, 2015 | New York City
TEDxManhattan “Changing the Way We Eat” was founded in 2011 by Diane Hatz, founder & executive
director of Change Food. The annual event brings together key experts in the field of sustainable food
and farming in order to spark discussion, educate the audience, and help spread ideas that can help
fix our broken food system. Additional goals of the event are to create new synergies, connections and
collaborations across disciplines, to help break the food movement out of its ‘bubble,’ and to introduce the TED community to the innovative work being done in this field. TEDxManhattan talks have
been viewed online over 6.1 million times.
TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring
people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers
combine to spark deep discussion and connection. These local, self-organized events are branded
TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance
for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference
in California 30 years ago, TED has grown to support its mission with multiple initiatives. The two
annual TED Conferences invite the world’s leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes or less.
Many of these talks are then made available, free, at TED speakers have included Bill Gates,
Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Nandan Nilekani, Philippe Starck, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Sal Khan and Daniel Kahneman.
The annual TED Conference takes place each spring in Vancouver, British Columbia, along with the
TEDActive simulcast event in nearby Whistler. The most recent TEDGlobal conference was held last
October in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. TED’s media initiatives include, where new TED Talks are
posted daily; the Open Translation Project, which provides subtitles and interactive transcripts as well
as translations from volunteers worldwide; the educational initiative TED-Ed. TED has established the
annual TED Prize, where exceptional individuals with a wish to change the world get help translating
their wishes into action; TEDx, which supports individuals or groups in hosting local, self-organized
TED-style events around the world, and the TED Fellows program, helping world-changing innovators
from around the globe to amplify the impact of their remarkable projects and activities.
Follow TED on Twitter at,
or on Facebook at
TEDxManhattan turns 5 this year! And to celebrate, we have a super-charged, action-packed day
ahead, and we are so excited to share it with you.
Remember, this day is for you. Not only will you hear amazing talks, you’ll have time to meet and
speak with everyone attending. Make the effort to meet people you don’t know. Many collaborations
and projects have come out of chance meetings at TEDxManhattan, so take advantage of every spare
moment you have. Just walk up to someone you haven’t met before and introduce yourself. If you are
in a conversation and see someone standing on their own, include them in your circle. You might be
surprised at what (and who!) you have in common.
This year we are expanding TEDxManhattan and including TEDxManhattan Adventures — most will
take place tomorrow, March 8th. These are experiential events and programs related to food and
farming. If you haven’t signed up for one yet, it might be too late, but you can check at registration to
see if we still have any openings.
Don’t forget we’ll be on Instagram and hosting a global Twitter conversation the entire day @TEDxManhattan #TEDxMan #foodheroes. We have a webcast running downstairs in The Meatrix lounge
(something not to be missed!), which you are more than welcome to join if you want a slightly different
A huge THANK YOU to all our sponsors. Please read through this program to see who is supporting
the event. Representatives from almost all the companies are here today — please thank them for
supporting TEDxManhattan. Without them, there is no program, no event, no show.
If you have any comments on TEDxManhattan or have suggestions on how we can improve, please
email us at We are always looking for ways to expand, connect with the
viewing parties, and collaborate with others more. We will also be sending you 2 surveys this year —
one is a standard one from TED; another will be from us to find out your ideas on how we might take
the energy and information from TEDxManhattan and carry it on throughout the year.
Diane Hatz
Founder & Organizer, TEDxManhattan
Founder & Executive Director, Change Food
What to Expect
TEDxManhattan is not your typical conference, so we’ve listed a few pointers below to help you
understand how the day will go:
TEDxManhattan speakers will come out on stage, give their talk, and then leave. The next speaker
will come on almost immediately after. This means there are no Q&A sessions, no panel discussions and no time for audience comments — the breaks are the time for discussion. Please do
not interrupt the speakers in any way while they are onstage (though applause is most certainly
welcome!) The speakers will mingle with the audience during breaks.
You cannot take flash photos during the event. It will interfere with the filming and will disturb the
rest of the audience, as well as the speakers.
No tweeting, texting or looking at cell phones, iPads or laptops in the front section. The light from
your device will disturb the people sitting around you and might disrupt the filming taking place. If
you want to communicate what’s happening to others outside the room, we ask that you please sit
in the back or on the sides — and tweet away! We will be having a global Twitter conversation all
day long so please join in. @TEDxManhattan, #TEDxMan #foodheroes
TEDxManhattan is not a heavy networking event — it’s an opportunity for you to meet new
people. Don’t push your agenda and force your business cards on everyone — just relax and
let the amazing TEDx magic happen. (You’ll understand that afterwards.) Meet a stranger. Meet
many strangers. TEDxManhattan is partly about the talks you’ll hear during the day, but equally as
important are the people you will meet. Walk up to your fellow attendees and introduce yourself;
join conversations happening around you — make the most out of every minute you have. And,
remember, you are TEDxManhattan — you make this event a success. Wonderful things happen
here, so be open to possibilities.
Finally, and most importantly, have fun!
Help Give Us Feedback
We want TEDxManhattan to be your event, so please tell us how you think we can improve the day.
How can we get more viewing parties and more people to watch online? Email us with any ideas or
feedback —
Event Program
Registration and light breakfast
Session 1: Sharing the Vision
(webcast begins)
Intro — Tom Colicchio
Danny Meyer
Intro — Urvashi Rangan
Anim Steel
Intro — Paul Lightfoot
Ali Partovi
Intro — Megan Miller
Stephen Reily
Film — The Meatrix
Intro — Wenonah Hauter
Michele Merkel
(webcast offline)
Session 2: Shaping our World
(webcast online)
Intro – Mitchell Davis
Debra Eschmeyer
Intro — Andrew Gunther
Stefanie Sacks
Intro — Peggy Neu
Robert Graham
Intro — Gary Oppenheimer
Marcel Van Ooyen
Intro — Sunny Young
Joel Berg
Intro — Ann Cooper
Dana Cowin
TEDxManhattan Award Winner
— Green Bronx Machine — Steve Ritz
DJ Cavem Moetavation
Alkemia Earth
(webcast offline)
Music for the day provided by Alkemia Earth
Event Program
Session 3: Lighting the Future
(webcast online)
Intro – Sam Van Aken
Henry Hargreaves
Film – Anna Lappe – Real Food Media Project winner
Shen Tong
Intro – Lance Price
Kendra Kimbirauskas
Film – Regina Bernard-Carreno and Alison Cayne
Danielle Nierenberg
Intro – Myra Goodman
Nikiko Masumoto
6:00 –
(webcast offline)
Music for the day provided by Alkemia Earth
TEDxManhattan Award Winner
Green Bronx Machine — Stephen Ritz
Stephen Ritz is a South Bronx educator who believes that students shouldn’t
have to leave their community to live, learn, and earn in a better one.
Self-proclaimed CEO — Chief Eternal Optimist — of Bronx County, Stephen
has moved generations of students into spheres of personal and academic
successes they have never imagined while reclaiming and rebuilding the
Bronx. Stephen’s extended student and community family have grown more
than 30,000 pounds of vegetables in the Bronx while generating extraordinary academic performance.
Affectionately known as America’s Favorite Teacher and The Pied Piper of Peas, Stephen is the
Founder of Green Bronx Machine and is now focusing his energy and attention upon building the
National Health and Wellness Center at PS 55, a national prototype STEM facility complete with an
indoor vertical farm producing 100 bags of groceries per week and adult workforce development
center. His students recently hosted White House Chef Bill Yosses and Clinton Foundation Global
Ambassador Reed Alexander cooking vegetables they grew in school. Just named a Top Ten Finalist
for the Global Teacher Prize, Stephen’s additional accolades include meeting Pope Francis, a 2014
Greenius Award, 2014 Green Difference Award, 2013 Latin Trends Award, ABC Above and Beyond
Award, Chevrolet / General Motors National Green Educator Award, USS Intrepid Hometown Hero
Award, NYC Chancellor’s Award and various others. Dressed in a home-made bow tie and always
chanting Si Se Puede!, Stephen is the oldest sixth grader you’ll ever meet. His work has been featured
by the US State Department, in major media nationally and internationally and he’s the first to tell you,
he’s just getting started!
Speaker Bios
Joel Berg
Executive Director of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger and a
Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress. He is also author of All
You Can Eat: How Hungry Is America?, the definitive and most well-reviewed
book on American hunger in the last decade.
A nationally recognized thought leader and media spokesman, Joel is
frequently sought after for high-profile speaking and media engagements. Joel has been featured on
television shows such as The Daily Show and Fox Business News, as well as in leading national print
outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Nation, and many more.
Joel spends much of his time touring the country educating people on how we can work together
towards a more equitable society. Currently, the Coalition Against Hunger operates a national VISTA
program in 30 states.
Dana Cowin
@fwscout, @foodandwine
Dana Cowin, Food & Wine’s editor in chief since 1995, is one of America’s
foremost authorities on food, wine, style and design, overseeing the Food
& Wine brand. In 2014, Dana published her first cookbook, Mastering My
Mistakes in the Kitchen: Learning to Cook with 65 Great Chefs and Over
100 Delicious Recipes (Ecco Press), named one of the 10 most notable
cookbooks of the fall by Publisher’s Weekly.
Dana is on the board of directors of City Harvest, a New York City hunger-relief organization, where she founded the annual “Skip Lunch Fight Hunger” campaign. She is also on
the board of directors of Hot Bread Kitchen, which helps train and support foreign-born and low-income individuals looking to work in food service. Dana can be seen frequently on national television,
including Bravo’s Top Chef. Among numerous accolades, she has been named to the James Beard
Foundation Who’s Who of Food and Beverage in America.
Debra Eschmeyer
Debra Eschmeyer is the White House Executive Director of Let’s Move! and
Senior Policy Advisor for Nutrition Policy. Eschmeyer leads the First Lady’s
work to help America raise a healthier generation of kids and advises on food
and nutrition issues.
A dedicated and tireless champion for children’s health, Eschmeyer created
public-private partnerships to collaborate with diverse stakeholders to combat the epidemic of
childhood obesity and food insecurity. Eschmeyer co-founded FoodCorps, a national AmeriCorps
service program that places emerging leaders into schools in limited-resource communities for a year
of public service. Throughout the year, FoodCorps service members teach hands-on lessons about
food and nutrition; build and tend school gardens, teach cooking lessons; and help change what’s
on school lunch trays, giving kids healthy food. In her role as Vice President of External Affairs,
Eschmeyer helped build FoodCorps into a 182 member corps serving in 16 states and DC that supports the National School Lunch Program’s healthier guidelines ensuring kids eat the healthy school
food on their trays, and lays the essential groundwork for children to build lasting relationships with
healthy food.
Robert E. Graham
Robert E. Graham, MD, MPH, ABIHM, FACP is board-certified in Internal
Medicine and Integrative and Holistic Medicine. He received his medical
degree from the School of Medicine at Stony Brook University Medical
Center, Stony Brook, NY and completed his residency in Internal Medicine
at Lenox Hospital in New York, NY. Currently, he is the Director of Resident
Research, and the Director of Integrative Health in the Department of Internal
Medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital, where he also maintains his integrative medicine clinical practice.
Dr. Graham has been an innovator and leader in the field of Integrative Medicine for nearly ten years.
He has developed an innovative cooking/nutrition program to provide residents with the skills they
need to model healthy cooking and eating behaviors to their patients. Since June 2013, Dr. Graham
has also been working on “Victory Greens”, an educational and edible rooftop garden and the Lenox
Hill Hospital cafeteria has been eating the fruits of his labor. He has appeared on NBC Today Show,
Fox 5 News, ABC Eyewitness News, CBS News, NY1 and is regularly quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, WebMD and other publications.
Henry Hargreaves
Henry Hargreaves is a New York City based photographer and artist whose
work has regularly been covered by the media and represented at the Venice
Biennale and at Art Basel. Henry was born and raised in New Zealand with
a passion both for photography and good food and wine. His first career as
a model for the big fashion houses allowed him to travel the world, discover
great cuisines and work with photography icons such as Stephen Meisel,
Mario Testino and Richard Avedon. In his projects Henry uses photography
to move beyond the short shelf live and immediate pleasure of food to explore the broader meaning of
how we interact with this fundamental building block of life and culture.
Kendra Kimbirauskas
@kimbirauskas, @SRAProject, @Farmfriends
Kendra grew up on a pasture-based dairy farm in the Midwest. After earning
her degrees from Michigan State University, she became a community
organizer for the Sierra Club, helping communities in the Midwest threatened
by factory farms. Kendra took a brief hiatus from anti-factory farm organizing
and worked on political campaigns for the Oregon League of Conservation
Voters. In 2005, Kendra founded the group Friends of Family Farmers, an
Oregon-based non-profit that opposed Threemile Canyon Farms, a 55,000-head dairy factory outside
of Boardman, Oregon. In 2006, she began consulting work for the Grace Factory Farming Project and
started a small farm in Colton, Oregon. Kendra later joined the Socially Responsible Agriculture Project
SRAP, and in 2012, she became Chief Executive Officer. Kendra and her husband currently farm
70 acres in Scio, Oregon where they breed and raise heritage breeds of pigs, chickens, and turkeys.
Nikiko Masumoto
Nikiko Masumoto is a farmer, artist, and creator. Nikiko grew up on the
Masumoto Family Farm, an 80-acre organic farm in Del Rey, CA and never
missed a summer harvest. Before returning to farm with her father, Nikiko
earned a BA in Gender and Women’s Studies from the University of California
at Berkeley and a MA in Performance as Public Practice from the University
of Texas at Austin. Her passion for arts and activism is woven with her love
of the land and dreams of a sustainable future. Her first book (co-authored with David Mas and Marcy
Masumoto) The Perfect Peach (Ten Speed Press, 2013) was chosen by USA Today as a top 10 cookbook for the summer and Oprah’s top 5 cookbooks. Most of her time is spent in the fields, and when
she’s not there, she’s often facilitating storytelling workshops or serving as a community leader.
Michele Merkel
Michele is co-director of Food & Water Justice, the legal arm of Food & Water
Watch, which ensures that the food, water and fish we consume are safe,
accessible and sustainably produced. Food & Water Justice uses the court
system to advocate for positive change and provides legal support for Food
& Water Watch’s mission. Michele was previously the Chesapeake Regional
Coordinator for Waterkeeper Alliance, helping to develop and implement
the campaigns for programs to protect the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. Formerly Michele was
co-founder and Senior Counsel of the Environmental Integrity Project, where she was responsible for
developing legal campaigns under the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. Michele has also served as
an attorney in the Enforcement Division of the EPA. In addition, Michele is on the Board of Directors
of Tulane Law School’s Environmental Law Clinic and is the President of the Board for the Socially
Responsible Agricultural Project.
Danny Meyer
Danny Meyer is the CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group, which includes
Union Square Cafe, Gramercy Tavern, Blue Smoke, Jazz Standard, Shake
Shack, The Modern, Maialino, Untitled, North End Grill, Union Square Events,
and Hospitality Quotient, a learning and consulting business. Danny, his
restaurants and chefs have earned an unprecedented 25 James Beard
Awards. Danny’s first business book, Setting the Table (HarperCollins, 2006),
a New York Times bestseller, examines the power of hospitality in restaurants, business and life. An
active national leader in the fight against hunger, Danny has long served on the boards of Share Our
Strength and City Harvest. He is equally active in civic affairs, serving on the boards of NYC & Co,
Union Square Partnership, and the Madison Square Park Conservancy.
Danielle Nierenberg
@DaniNierenberg, @Food_Tank
Danielle Nierenberg is President of Food Tank and an expert on sustainable
agriculture and food issues. She has written extensively on gender and
population, the spread of factory farming in the developing world, and innovations in sustainable agriculture. Danielle spent two years traveling to over
35 countries across sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America meeting
with farmers and farmers’ groups, scientists and researchers, policymakers
and government leaders, students and academics, and journalists collecting their thoughts on how to
alleviate hunger and poverty, while protecting the environment. Her knowledge of global agriculture
issues has been cited widely in more than 8,000 major print and broadcast outlets worldwide including
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the International Herald Tribune, The Washington Post,
BBC, The Guardian (UK), and other major sources. Danielle has authored or contributed to several
major reports and books, including Food and Agriculture: The Future of Sustainability (2012).
Ali Partovi
@apartovi, @codeorg
Ali Partovi has been described by the San Jose Mercury News as a “top
Silicon Valley angel investor,” having been on the ground floor of both Facebook and Dropbox. Shortly after graduating from Harvard, he co-founded
LinkExchange, which was acquired by Microsoft for $265mm in 1998. He
later co-founded iLike, acquired by MySpace in 2009. Ali’s investments also
include: Zappos, OPOWER, Thumbtack and Airbnb.
Ali co-founded the non-profit, which promotes Computer Science education and hosts the
worldwide “Hour of Code.” He serves on the board of FoodCorps, a non-profit that sends volunteers
to improve food access and food education in schools. He is a passionate advocate of sustainable
food systems, investing in ventures like BrightFarms and Farmigo, as well as real estate fund Farmland
LP to scale more resource-efficient farming techniques.
Stephen Reily
@StephenReily, @SeedCapitalKentucky
Stephen Reily is an attorney, entrepreneur, and civic leader whose philanthropic energy has focused in recent years on building the local food
economy in Louisville and a more sustainable future for Kentucky’s farmers.
In 2011 he founded Seed Capital Kentucky, a non-profit whose projects have
included commissioning the first-ever formal evaluation of local demand
for regional food; organizing annual events for the local food movement to
convene and share knowledge, including the single largest viewing party for TEDxManhattan; and
providing technical assistance grants to regional farmers. Stephen graduated from Yale College
and Stanford Law School. He is the Chairman, Managing Director and General Counsel of IMC, an
agency that develops products for some of the world’s largest consumer brands, and Vibrant Nation,
the leading online community for women 45+. Stephen is founding board member of the Local Food
Association, the first national trade association for the local food industry.
Stefanie Sacks
Stefanie Sacks, MS, CNS, CDN is a Culinary Nutritionist, author, radio show
host, educator, speaker and consultant. She works with individuals and
groups in transition to a healthier way of eating. Sacks has been studying food and healing for 25 years. With a MS in nutrition education from
Columbia University, she is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Dietitian
Nutritionist and a graduate of The Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and
Culinary Arts. Stefanie’s weekly Stirring the Pot Blog is paired with her Stirring the Pot Radio Show
on Hamptons NPR, WPPB 88.3FM. Her book, What the Fork Are You Eating: An Action Plan for Your
Pantry and Plate (Tarcher/Penguin Random House), was released this year. She is a sought after guest
expert on local and national programs and her print and online media contributions are extensive from
Harper’s Bazaar to The Huffington Post.
Anim Steel
Anim Steel is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Real Food Challenge, a campaign to re-direct $1 billion of college food purchases towards
local, fair, and sustainable sources within 10 years. Prior to Real Food Challenge, Anim led national initiatives at The Food Project in Boston and was a
consultant with Economic Development Assistance Consortium. Anim holds a
B.A. in Astrophysics and History from Williams College and a Master’s Degree
in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He is the recipient of a Prime Mover
Fellowship for movement-building and an Echoing Green award for social entrepreneurship. Born in
Ghana, Anim grew up in both West Africa and Washington, DC.
Shen Tong
@shentong, @foodXhealth
Shen Tong is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, foodie, social activist,
writer/poet, and film buff. One of Newsweek’s People of the Year in 1989,
Shen Tong was an organizer of the democracy movement in 1989 that
occupied Tiananmen Square while he was at Beijing University. After his exile
to the US, he finished his undergraduate degree at Brandeis University, and
went on to study in PhD programs at Boston University and Harvard University. He became an entrepreneur in the 1990s, founding or co-founding B&B Media and VFinity among
other ventures in the past two decades. Believing the future of food is now, he also founded FOOD-X
with a mission to scale change throughout our food system. This first-of-its-kind, food-business
accelerator empowers early-stage food companies through funding, opportunity, and a deep mentor
network of food and business experts.
Marcel Van Ooyen
Marcel Van Ooyen is the Executive Director of GrowNYC and former Legislative Director for the New York City Council. Under his leadership GrowNYC
has vastly expanded its efforts with new initiatives including: Fresh Food
Box, Youthmarket Farm Stands, Learn It Grow It Eat It and Greenmarket
Co, NYC’s first all local food hub. GrowNYC’s Food Stamp in the Farmers’
Market initiative is considered a national model, with $1,000,000 in EBT sales
in 2013. By responding to a diverse community and ramping up efforts, affordable, healthy, fresh food
is getting into the hands that need it most across the city. Marcel earned degrees in Social Ecology
from the University of California Irvine and from the Seattle University School of Law specializing in
Environmental Law. As Legislative Director for the City Council, he wrote and ensured the adoption of
more than 30 environmental laws, including the city’s landmark green buildings legislation.
Ietef “DJ Cavem Moetavation” Vita
International recording artist and 2014 Music Educator Award Grammy
Nominee DJ Cavem is an organic gardener, emcee, DJ, midwife, vegan
chef, educator, founder of Going Green Living Bling, founder of EcoHipHop and award-winning activist. Recently featured in Oprah Magazine,
Stanford Medical, and Yes! Magazine for his award-winning album, a
curriculum entitled “The Produce Section”, and for his TEDx Talk on
food justice. “The Produce Section” is used in many schools, introducing
the topics of food justice and organic gardening. His next album, entitled “Eco-Twerk”, expected to
release spring 2015, is a continuation of the curriculum. DJ Cavem is the original organic gardener for
The Growhaus, where his mother Ashara is one of its founders. He is also the founder of Going Green
Living Bling that held The Produce Section summer camp, educating 200 inner-city children on urban/
ancient agriculture, farming, fresh food access, organic gardening, hip hop yoga, and plant based
eating. He is co-author of the upcoming book Damn Near Raw — The Freshest Vegan Cookbook Ever.
Alkemia Earth
As an artist of life, visionary, raw vegan chef, healer, organic gardener,
speaker, yogini, educator, alchemist, plant-based nutritionist, DJ and
mother of five, Arasia “Alkemia” Earth has been applying her methods of
mind/body wellness for nearly two decades. As a DJ, Alkemia demonstrates her understanding and unique perspective of cymatics, manifesting
how frequency and vibration create the structures of matter and life.
Currently Alkemia travels nationally to educate, demonstrate, lecture, and
perform alongside her husband, international eco hip hop artist/educator DJ Cavem Moetavation. She is
co-author of the upcoming book Damn Near Raw — The Freshest Vegan Cookbook Ever.
TEDxManhattan Adventures
Join us as we deepen connections within the TEDxManhattan community and put ideas into action
through unparalleled, behind-the-scenes access to speakers and the work they are doing in sustainable food and farming.
Invitations to Adventures were sent out in advance so could be sold out. If you would like to join an
Adventure tomorrow, March 8th, and did not sign up in advance, please check with the registration
desk to see if there are any open spots.
2015 Adventures:
Animal Welfare Approved Farm Tour
Want to see (and taste!) what Changing The Way We Eat looks like in action? Join the Grazin’ Tour
bus in Manhattan’s Union Square and head north for brunch at Grazin’ Diner in Hudson, followed by a
tour of Grazin’s Certified AWA farm in Ghent. Expect scenic views and thought-provoking discussions
about sustainable food and farming. Upon our return to NYC, join us for a special pre-launch dinner
at the new restaurant Dan Gibson and Andrew “Chip” Chiappinelli, owners of Grazin’ Angus Acres
farm and Hudson’s Grazin’ Diner are opening early 2015. Meet the farmer at your table, and see a truly
sustainable supply chain model that is changing the way we eat.
Come Have Brunch with the Family! — The Creative Kitchen & Edible Schoolyard NYC
Bring your child for a kid-friendly culinary adventure, hosted at Whole Foods Market Tribeca. Edible
Schoolyard NYC will teach one of their most popular edible education classes, “Herbs at Home”. Participants will learn techniques for transplanting and caring for herbs and have the opportunity to decorate
their very own small herb planter. The Creative Kitchen will then work with the kids to make Playtime
Pasta Salad, featuring colorful vegetables, whole grain pasta, and herbs they’ve just learned about! Kids
will leave with their bellies full, having had the opportunity to eat and enjoy what they’ve made!
Roundtable Discussion — Innovation in the Food Space
Led by TEDxManhattan 2015 speaker Shen Tong, with participation from other leaders of his business
accelerator Food-X. Discussion will revolve around — macro trends in food innovation; what will food
be 20 years from now; food startup best practices; a day-in-the-life of an entrepreneur, with learning
from the Food-X founders; other topics brought up by attendees.
A Tale of Two Food Brooklyns — New York City Coalition Against Hunger
Brooklyn is home to some of the finest artisanal food in the world. More and better gourmet cuisine
has invaded Brooklyn like never before. At the same time, one in four Brooklyn children and one in five
Brooklyn residents live in homes that can’t afford enough food. Our tour will explore this dichotomy
beginning at a local food pantry where guests can meet and discuss with food-insecure individuals
and then visiting local food shops and restaurants offering some of Brooklyn’s finest grub.
Tap the Maple Tree — Sugar Shack Brunch at PRINT Restaurant
The month of March finds us in the middle of maple tapping season on the East Coast, and this year’s
harvest is supposed to be one of the most prolific on record. Join us to celebrate this unique agricultural product where we will feature regional maple farms in a prix fixe brunch menu that will make you
feel like you are right at the sugar shack. We will put maple water (the tree sap) into a morning mocktail and use the syrup and sugar in savory and sweet dishes.
Hydroponics and Vertical Urban Farming — Whole Foods and Gotham Greens
Learn the story of hydroponics, Gotham Greens and vertical urban farming. Program will include an
easy hands-on cooking lesson and light snack of Vietnamese summer rolls.
Food for Thought, Food for Life Panel — Google and Wholesome Wave
Screening of a new short film by Susan Rockefeller, “Food for Thought, Food for Life,” followed by a
panel discussion moderated by TEDxManhattan 2011 speaker Michel Nischan and including panelists
TEDxManhattan 2012 speaker Fred Kirschenmann, TEDxManhattan 2013 speaker Peter Lehner,
Gus Schumacher, Barbara Turk, and TEDxManhattan 2015 speaker Marcel Van Ooyen. The film and
subsequent panel will focus on how the food system impacts our health, environment, communities,
and economies, and serve as a conversation starter, inspiring us all to think differently about what we
eat, and to make changes that will positively impact our health, our earth and our communities. (This
event has passed.)
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Premier Sponsor
Producing Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors
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Contributing Sponsors
In Kind and Food Donors
you are,
Eat Well.
Search over 25,000 hand-picked restaurants, farms,
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Randy Fertel’s soulful Southern storytelling
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complex history of New Orleans.”
Lots of New Orleans history in this family
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almost as juicy as the steaks.”
A giant jambalaya of a book that throws
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that surprise, delight, burn the tongue,
sear the heart, make you laugh until you
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story of the city itself, and of
its survival.”
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We’re advocates for clean food.
We’re committed to menu transparency.
We’re dedicated to having a
positive impact on the food system.
©2015 Panera Bread. All Rights Reserved.
Many, many thanks to our speakers, sponsors and volunteers today. There are too many volunteers
to thank everyone individually but please know that you make this event a success. Thank you, thank
you! A special thank you to the social media team — you really stepped up to the plate when needed.
A heartfelt thank you to all our viewing party organizers and viewing parties around the country — and
increasingly the world. Many people invested a lot of time and effort to help bring TEDxManhattan to
their local community. Visit to find out more.
Many of our sponsors are local, sustainable producers that deserve all our support — please check
out to find out who they are and to link to their sites.
A big thank you to David Salaiz and Robert Greene for the stage design.
Thanks also to all the people who helped with the event, including:
Liz Sapienza, Change Food
Erica Khosrowshahi, Change Food
Mary Cleaver, The Cleaver Co.
Michael Ekstract, Vervify
David Salaiz
Robert Greene
Alicia Kim
Jenniffer DeSimone, The TimesCenter
Ken Goodman, Ken Goodman Photography
The Team at Mullen
Monica Moore
Andy Mellon
Brendan Van Meter, Beaconhouse
Monica Soruco
Pat Lute
Carolina Howland
Seane Marie Edwards
Thanks to the following for help and support:
Adam Block, PRINT.
Scott Cullen, GRACE Communications Foundation
Antonia Bowring, A-B Strategies
Thanks so much to Sheila McKenna and Kett Cosmetics for makeup throughout the day.
And, finally, a huge thank you to all of you — for all the work you are doing to help shift our food
system to one where healthy, delicious food is accessible to all.
TEDxManhattan and Change Food look forward to finding ways to collaborate and work more closely
with all of you. Email or with any ideas or suggestions to improve the event or with projects that might bring us all closer together.
See you
in 2016!
Stay in touch with TEDxManhattan
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Wi-Fi Login
(please note all logins/passwords are case sensitive)
STEP 1 – Login to Wi-Fi
Network: Backstage
Password: Backstage1
STEP 2 – Login with a browser
Open a browser and you will be re-directed to an
Aruba splash page. Once there, you will be prompted
to input a username and password. They are:
Username: timescenter
Password: timescenter242