March 2015 - Victory Report Online

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The Hiding Place
- by Karen Elengikal
Calcutta, India: August 1947.
Charles stared in horror at the morning newspaper headlines...
“Foreigners targeted by fanatical Anti-British mobs. All foreigners are urged to leave India immediately. The exhilaration of
the nation’s birth turned sour overnight, with a widespread
frenzied killing spree. Religious and racial hatred manifesting
in horrifying extremes...”
Lying motionless,
that such violence would erupt after British Sovereignty was
relinquished to Indian leaders. After all, their battle against
Britain was achieved through non-violent disobedience and
persuasive dialogue. The entire northern region has descended
into chaos. It’s as if generations of pent-up anger has been
finally allowed to vent its fury.”
Elsa studied his face. Whatever was ahead, Charles knew that
his wife would instinctively trust him.
“Armed patriots are seeking out foreigners. With their crazed
minds they will see our white skin and immediCharles and ately think us to be British Imperialists. We can
Elsa could hear the savage de“I suspected it would lead to this,” Charles mands of the gunmen. Their hearts no longer remain in India. We must leave immused as urgent prayer gushed from his lips for pounded within their chests. Elsa mediately, today! I’ll make the arrangements
for us to travel to South India by train and from
struggled to stifle a scream.
protection and guidance.
there we can board a ship to Australia.”
Charles could hear the clatter of tea-cups as his wife, Elsa,
prepared their breakfast. The thought of losing her to brutal
attackers vexed his mind.
“Here’s you tea, darling!” Elsa chirped as she set the breakfast
before Charles and then planted an affectionate kiss on his
furrowed brow.
“Come, Elsa. We need to talk ... who would have imagined
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Slipping to their knees the couple prayed, “Lord, You brought
us here and we ask You to safely take us out. We know that
You are with us, Lord. Make a way for our escape.”
4925 S Western St.
Amarillo, Texas 79109
Calcutta Railway Station, 1.25pm.
A fear so palpable that it could be felt permeated the pulsating
crowd - all alert, suspicious, straining for sounds of danger, all
Cont’d on pg 6...
“Good News” page 2
The Victory Report’s
“Good News” Publication
P. O. Box 19941
Amarillo, Texas 79114
Circulation as of 12/2013—4000
Cheryl Gipson, Editor & Publisher
806-335-0704 or 806-418-8797
The purpose of The Victory Report is to spread the “Good
News” about what God is doing in the earth today. It is the
goal of this paper to proclaim the truth of God's love and the
understanding of true repentance, to bring hope to the hopeless, encouragement to the discouraged, to stir the heart of
patriotism and to proclaim the truth as God has spoken it in
His Word. We desire to lift up the wonderful Name of Jesus
and to spread a little laughter, joy, nostalgia, and comfort to
every reader. The Victory Report’s “Good News” reserves the
right to refuse to publish any article or testimony that is not in
agreement with the purpose and goals of this paper.
Submissions to be considered for publication may be
emailed to address above.
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
The Secret of
. (Ephesians Chp. (1 & 2)
It happened a very long time ago. In fact it was actually
before the beginning of time in a far away place. It was
there among the beauty of perfection that I was chosen
for a glorious destiny. I was on His mind.
It is from the pages of God’s love letters to man that I
discovered I was chosen in “Him” even before God laid
out the foundation of the world! Chosen? Yes! There
before the world existed, God chose to bless me with
“every” spiritual blessing there is in heaven through his
He actually made a decision before He created this
beautiful world for me to be blessed and to be holy and
free from any blame! He chose for me to be before Him,
simply in love. Wow! Talk about a plan for my life! God
predestined, determined before hand, ordained me to be
adopted as a son by Jesus to Himself. Actually He said
it gave Him good pleasure and was His will to do so.
What a beautiful thought to ponder. God wanted me.
He desired that I be his child. He knew before my creation I would fail but He wanted me anyway. Knowing
what I was going to “cost” Him, He found pleasure in the
fact that Jesus would become my salvation. Right there
He made me His Beloved and accepted me with all my
failures that would befall the days of my life. He loved
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me before the cross, on the cross and beyond the cross
and it gave Him pleasure to do so.
Predestined to be loved, accepted, and forgiven because
He was willing to create me, watch me fail, and then die
for me to bring me back home to Him. It gave Him
pleasure to do so. I was then and will always be the
focus of His love. He wanted me and was willing to give
all He had in the riches of His grace to bring forgiveness
to my life.
He did not toss me aside and give up on my life. He
wooed me with His whispers of love. He gently corrected me and encouraged me to come away and spend
time with Him. He knew me by my name which means
“Beloved.” I am convinced that He was aware before
time that I would need to be called Beloved. The riches
of His mercy declares His great love with which He loves
me. He delighted to show me the exceeding riches of
His grace in His kindness toward me which was in Christ
Upon the cross His kindness and love, grace and mercy,
and passionate love for me was demonstrated. It was
for me that His Blood was shed. It was His love for me
that held Him to that cross. That love was too deep, too
wide and too precious to leave me in my sin.
It has always been about the love I know. His grace was
His gift to me. His love compelled Him to never give up
on me and this was all decided before He ever laid the
foundation of the world. Yes, I was on His mind.
Through the years I discovered that if I kept my mind on
how very much He loved me, my faith would work. Faith
works by knowing how loved I am for if I am loved I am
cared for. He taught me that there is no fear in love and
He freed me to just simply let Him love me. He taught
me my value and reminds me often that He knew me
“Good News” page 3
before the foundation of the world was laid, He loved me
before I was conceived, and it gives Him pleasure to take
care of me.
your heart come to pass. It is in knowing Him and trusting His love for you that your life begins to change. God
has a good plan for your life and it starts with going
home to Him with your heart and talking it out with Him.
Forgiveness is yours when you come to Him and it is
there you will find in His love the secret of happiness.
I have not always know my Father in this way. I struggled for many years but out of my desperation, I found a
love without end.
I hope that as you read this today, you will realize that
there is nothing you can ever do to make God stop loving
you. You are the desire of His heart and He wants you
to come to Him. He is forgiveness, grace and mercy all
tied up in one package. His heart longs for you to let
Him embrace you and love you the way you want to be
loved. You are on His mind. You too, were chosen before He laid the foundation of the world to be holy and
without blame. It gives Him pleasure when you go to
Him and crawl into His lap with words of “I love you Father.”
It was never meant to be a struggle, but was always
planned to be a life of love and pleasure. God is love.
The definition of God is “love.” That is what is on His
mind. Loving people and that includes you!
1 John 3:1 gives us a beautiful fact about His love for
us. “Look’” it says, “What kind of love is this that the
Father (Our wonderful God) has poured into us that He
calls us His children?”
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This is the secret of happiness. It is not about who you
have with you or where you are. It is all about knowing
how deeply you are loved and cared for. It is about finding that secret place with our great big wonderful God
and just talking with Him. It is about loving on Him and
letting Him love you. It is about yielding to a Father who
adores you and just wants to spend time with you. Yes,
God is waiting to just talk with you and spend time loving
I want you to know that God is not mad at you. Yes, He
knows what you have done and where you have been.
He wants you to be reminded that Jesus paid the price
for whatever is keeping you at a distance. He brought us
right back to our Father’s lap when He hung on that
cross. You are free. You are forgiven. Just ask Him
and let go of all the things behind that door. He just
wants to love you. Forgiveness is yours if you will receive it. You are wanted. You are loved. You are on
His mind.
Happiness is knowing and loving Jesus. It is knowing
that you are not perfect in yourself but in Christ you are
clean and forgiven. Only He can satisfy our soul. God
can be trusted. Just let go and love Him. Talk to Him
and get to know Him. He is waiting for each of us to
crawl into His lap and trust Him.
When you understand how deeply He loves you and you
meditate on that love, you will begin to see the desires of
Jesus did not die that we might willingly
continue in voluntary sin, but that through grace,
we could be empowered and set free from the
slavery of sin, become a son,
and walk in victory!
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“Good News” page 4
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Christian Break-up Lines
"I'm sorry, I've found someone more spiritual."
"I'm sorry, it's just not God's will."
"I feel called to the ministry very soon and very far from you as
soon as possible."
"I'm sorry, it could never work. I'm a sanguine and you're a
"God loves me and must have a better plan for my life."
"You know, I feel like I'm dating my brother."
"At least I got a lot out of our Bible studies together."
"You need someone with lower standards."
"I think we should just be prayer partners."
"I do love you, but it's just agape now
After she woke up, a woman told her husband, "I just dreamed
that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What
do you think it means?"
"You'll know tonight." he said.
That evening, the man came home with a small package and
gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it to find a book entitled "The Meaning of Dreams"
Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging about their fathers.
The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece
of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50."
The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few
words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him
The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a
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few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon. And it
takes eight people to collect all the money!
A farmer and his pig were driving down the road when a cop
pulled him over. The cop asked the farmer, "Didn't you know it
is against the law to ride with a pig in the front of your truck?"
The farmer replied, "No, I didn't know that." The cop asked the
farmer where he was going and he said, "To Memphis".
The cop said, "I will let you off the hook this time if you promise
to take the pig to the zoo when you get to Memphis." So the
farmer promised he would.
Several days later the cop spotted the farmer with the pig driving down the road and he pulled him over again. The cop said
"I thought I told you to take this pig to the zoo when you got to
The farmer replied, "I did and we had so much fun, I taking him
to King’s Island now".
It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of
corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise. "Hey
Willis!!" the farmer yelled. "Forget your troubles. Come in with
us. Then I'll help you get the wagon up."
"That's mighty nice of you, " Willis answered, "but I don't think
Pa would like me to."
"Awe, come on," the farmer insisted.
"Well okay," the boy finally agreed, and added, "But Pa won't
like it."
After a hearty dinner, Willis thanked his host. "I feel a lot better now, but I know Pa is going to be real upset."
"Don't be foolish !" the neighbor said with a smile. "By the way,
where is he?"
"Under the wagon."
A burglar got into a house one night. Shining his flashlight on
the floor in the dark, he heard a voice saying, "Jesus is watching you."
He looked around nervously, shook his head, and kept looking
for valuables. He again heard, "Jesus is watching you."
This time, he shone his light all over, and it rested on a parrot.
He asked, "Did you say that?"
The parrot admitted that it had. "I'm just trying to warn you,
that's all."
The burglar said, "Warn me, huh? Who are you? What's your
"Well, what kind of stupid people would name a parrot
The bird answered, "I don't know; I guess the same folks who
would name a Rottweiler 'Jesus'."
All of these pilot and aviation jokes get me to thinking about
my first skydiving instructor. During class he would always
take the time to answer any of our stupid first-timer questions.
One guy asked, "If our chute doesn't open, and the reserve
doesn't open, how long do we have until we hit the ground?"
Our jump master looked at him and in perfect deadpan and
answered, "The rest of your life."
It seems the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a
unique device for testing the strength of windshields on airplanes. The device is a gun that launches a dead chicken at a
plane's windshield at approximately the speed the plane flies.
The theory is that if the windshield doesn't crack from the carcass impact, it'll survive a real collision with a bird during flight.
It seems the British were very interested in this and wanted to
test a windshield on a brand new, speedy locomotive they're
They borrowed the FAA's chicken launcher, loaded the
“Good News” page 5
chicken and fired. The ballistic chicken shattered the windshield,
went through the engineer's chair, broke an instrument panel
and embedded itself in the back wall of the engine cab. The
British were stunned and asked the FAA to recheck the test to
see if everything was done correctly.
The FAA reviewed the test thoroughly and had one recommendation: "Use a thawed chicken."
Redneck Church
People ask, when Jesus fed the 5000, whether the two fish were
bass or catfish, and what bait was used to catch 'em.
The pastor says, "I'd like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering," and then five guys and two women stand up.
Opening day of deer season is recognized as an official church
A member of the church requests to be buried in his 4-wheeldrive truck because "It ain't never been in a hole it couldn't get
out of."
The choir is known as the "OK Chorale."
Boone's Farm "Tickle Pink" is the favorite wine for communion.
In a congregation of 500 members, there are only seven last
names in the church directory.
Baptism is referred to as "branding".
There is a special fund raiser for a new church septic tank.
Finding and returning lost sheep isn't just a parable.
High notes on the organ set the dogs on the floor to howling.
People think "rapture" is what you get when you lift something
too heavy.
The final words of the benediction are, "Y'all come back now, ya
hear?" (banjo accompaniment optional)
he National Transportation Safety Board recently divulged a
highly secret plan they had funded with the US auto makers for
the past five years. The NTSB covertly funded a project whereby
the auto makers were installing black boxes in four wheel drive
pick-up trucks in an effort to determine, in fatal accidents, the
circumstances in the last 15 seconds before the crash.
They were surprised to find in 49 of the 50 states the last words
of drivers in 61.2% of fatal crashes were, "Oh, Crap!"
Only the deep South was different, where 89.3% of the final
words were, "Hey Y'all, watch this!"
For the umpteenth time Mrs. Youngston came to her pastor to
tell him, "I'm so scared! Joe says he's going to kill me if I continue to come to your church."
"Yes, yes, my child," replied the pastor, more than a little tired of
hearing this over and over. "I will continue to pray for you, Mrs.
Youngston. Have faith - the Lord will watch over you."
“Oh yes, he has kept me safe thus far, only....."
"Only what, my child?"
"Well, now he says if I keep coming to your church, he's going
to kill YOU!"
"Well, now," said the pastor, "Perhaps it's time to check out that
little church on the other side of town."
Terri asked her Sunday School class to draw pictures of their
favorite Bible stories. She was puzzled by Kyle's picture, which
showed four people on an airplane, so she asked him which
story it was meant to represent.
"The flight to Egypt," said Kyle.
"I see ... And that must be Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus," Ms.
Terri said.
"But who's the fourth person?"
"Oh, that's Pontius-the Pilot
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Karen Berryman
There was a man who had worked hard all his life and has
saved all of his money. He was a real miser when it came to
his money. He loved money more than just about anything
and just before he died, he said to this wife…
“Now listen, when I die, I want you to take all my money and
put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money with me
to the afterlife.
So he got his wife to promise him with all of her heart that
when he died, she would put all of the money in the casket
with him.
Well, one day he died. He was stretched out in the casket, the
wife was sitting there in black, and her friend was sitting next
to her.
When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers
got ready to close the casket, the wife said…
“Wait just a minute!” She had a box with her. She went over
with the box and put it in the casket. Then the undertakers
locked the casket down and they rolled it away.
So her friend said, “Girl, I know you weren’t fool enough to put
all that money in there with that man.”
She said, “Listen, I am a Christian, I can’t lie. I promised him
that I was gonna put that money in
that casket with him.”
“You mean to tell me you put that
money in that casket with that man?’
“I sure did,” said the wife, “I wrote
him a check!”
God Is WILD About YOU!!
“Good News” page 6
Sydney, Australia. Karen's first book 'Kidz Battle Zone' was
released in 2007. (see FW Book Review).
Cont’d from Page 1…
possessed with singular purpose - to escape the murdering
madness that knew no rank, religion or creed.
2006 Karen Elengikal
Charles and Elsa forced their way through to the platform’s
edge as the deafening groan of the train’s engine roared
above the din of the waiting passengers.
The crowd impatiently surged forward even before the train
halted. Charles lifted Elsa up into the closest carriage, then
clambered up behind her. The cabin guard immediately saw
them and escorted them to their seats. Moments later the train
pulled away from the platform. The regular rhythm of the
train’s movements soon lulled the weary couple into sleep, a
welcome respite from the strain of their peril.
My Websites:
Article Source: <a href="http://">CHRISTIAN WRITER</a>
Papa’s Spurs
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
“Oh God, help us!” Elsa cried.
The armed mob stormed into their carriage just as the men
replaced the seat. Muted with fear the passengers sat paralyzed, awaiting their fate. It would be futile trying to bargain
with the possessed gunmen, compliance to their demands the
only chance for survival. The gunmen’s faces mirrored unnatural rage. With guns aimed they went from person to person
seizing money, gold, and watches. Women contending to retain their wedding jewelry were cruelly beaten with gun butts.
The fear of death hung heavily, some passengers emptying
their bladders, others whimpering in the dreadful suspense.
Their world had gone mad with the lawless holding the passage of life or death in their hands.
Lying motionless, Charles and Elsa could hear the savage
demands of the gunmen. Their hearts pounded within their
chests. Elsa struggled to stifle a scream. Holding her tightly in
his arms, Charles whispered, “Don’t speak Elsa! Jesus is with
us. Keep very still.”
The sound of gunfire and screams gradually faded.
Finally, Charles and Elsa felt the lurching of the train as it began to edge forward. Their hearts leapt in relief as they heard
the excited chatter of surviving passengers rushing to release
them. With haste they removed the seat-cover. “They’re gone
and you have escaped,” the kind Indian man said in delight as
eager hands lifted the couple from their hiding place.
The shadow of death had passed!
“Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD
comes escape from death.” Psalm 68:20, NIV.
The above recount is based on historical fact and on the true
story of the Taylor’s miraculous escape as described in this
Karen Elengikal is an inspirational, published writer from
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“Saahib! Mamsaahib! Wake up! Hurry! Gunmen have stopped
the train. They’ll kill you.”
“Quickly! Get up! Hide in here!” an Indian man urgently
pleaded as he shoved away the petrified passengers and lifted
the padded seat-cover. Others hurried to assist in the desperate race to conceal the foreign couple in the coffin-like space
under the seat. Gunfire could be heard from the next carriage.
Women screamed, men shouted. Fear and tension mounted to
breaking point. There was no escape!
Auto Appearance RX
The sound of Papa’s spurs meant
his long, hard day was done,
when he finally came to the house
Just before the settin’ of the sun.
He’d roll himself a cigarette from the
tobacco in his “Bull Durham” sack,
and he’d sit and smoke out on the porch
With his eyes closed, just layin’ back.
I’d think that he had gone to sleep with
that “smoke” there in his hand,
but it weren’t so cause I’d hear his
spurs a jinglin’ now and then..
Then mama called us in to eat and
those spurs rang with every step
as Papa walked across the floor;
I think I can hear ‘em even yet!
Those spurs were Papa’s trademark
as far I was then concerned;
He never went without them and
they weren’t a toy, now that I learned!
I really loved the jingle of those
spurs that Papa wore…
I thought the sound was music when
his boots would hit the floor!
And late at night when he would sleep
I could hear him loudly snore,
while by his bed his boots and spurs
sat waiting on the floor.
Yeah, Papa’s spurs will always be
a memory from my past;
and I think today in heaven
He has a pair to surely last..
Perhaps they’re made of gold up there
and the sound is clear and sharp.
When Jesus comes I’ll listen for
that sound above the angel’s harp.
Ray Johnson—Owner
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‘Cause I think for sure my Papa
will ride with golden spurs
when Jesus comes again and
brings our loved ones back to earth.
See, Papa’s spurs no longer jingle
upon this earth where I now wait;
but there’s one thing I know for certain
he ain’t rode through his last gate.
For death is not the end ya know;
It’s really just the start
for every onery cowboy who ask
Jesus to come into his heart.
Yep, my Papa got his golden spurs,
Up there on his new boots…
Waitin’ till he hears the Boss man call
that it’s time to load the chute…
Papa’s spurs will surely jingle when
the trumpet sounds that coming day,
and one more time I’ll listen close
for the sound when I hear Jesus say,
“It’s time to ride the pastures and
gather all you youngin’s close to me,”
and he’ll show me where my Papa is
as I look up from on my knees…
And somewhere in the shoutin’
the sound will reach my ear…
And the jingle of those golden spurs
I’ll hear ringing loud and clear..
Then I shall see my Papa
As he rides into my sight..
and we will have a grand reunion
In the land where there’s no night!
In memory of Booger Red Stegall
“Good News” page 7
Jesus did not die that we might continue in habitual sin but that we might be
set free from the slavery of sin, become a son, walk in victory...
7028 South Western
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If we never learn to love one another
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Mike Havens, Pitmaster
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“Today, I Didn’t Do It”
One afternoon a man came home from work to find total
mayhem in his house.
His three children were outside, still in their pajamas, playing
in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all
around the front yard.
The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to
the house. Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug
was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was
loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was
strewn with toys and various items of clothing. In the kitchen,
dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the
counter, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay
under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the
back door.
He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more
piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she may
be ill, or that something serious had happened.
He found her lounging in the bedroom, still curled in the bed
in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him,
smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked, "What happened here today?"
She again smiled and answered, "You know every day when
you come home from work and you ask me what in the world
did I do today?"
"Yes" was his incredulous reply.
She answered, "Well, today I didn't do it."
The Lawless West
On the night of Jesus birth, the angels declared “peace on
earth, good will toward men.” Yet for centuries men have
fought with hatred in wars based in greed and a desire for
power. I think often of the Indian ceremony when they slit
their wrist and became “blood brothers” with a white man.
That was a blood covenant and it was not breakable. They
were brothers as sure as they had been born into the same
When you look into the history of the west, you see such
violence and hatred. There was a raw destruction that drove
men to take what they wanted and if they had to kill to get it,
so be it. Many lives were destroyed and yet there was a covenant of love sealed with the Blood of Jesus that could have
brought peace to the nations. Truly Jesus has provided a way
that we can become “blood brothers” and live in peace with
one another. Obedience to the Word of God will overcome the
lawlessness of sin and produce a family of believers that will
love one another as Jesus loved us. It does not matter what
race or color we are, through Him we become family.
Peace Treaty
Cheryl Stegall Gipson
(Amazing Grace)
When the white man came to the red man’s plains,
War broke out bringing heartache and pain.
Many folks died and the red man lost ground,
And year after year no peace could be found.
White man and red man both created by
Kept killing each other for sections of sod.
Defending their home was the Indian
As white men rode in with their rifles a flashin’
Raid upon raid, both sides fought with rage,
And there long ago wrote history’s page.
Hatred and prejudice were only two of the sins
That caused this great battle that no man could win.
When the spirit of man is broken by force,
His heart becomes wounded for he has no choice;
Created to be brothers by the same
Father’s love,
He gifted both nations with a covenant of blood.
Now, Blood brothers through Jesus the Son,
The Peace Treaty is sealed and the work has been done.
The Miracle
“Good News” Page 8
By Gloria Comingore
“The Consignment Company”
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Amarillo, Texas
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Short story by Paul Comingore
The Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary printed
in 1984 explains a miracle as a noun with these
explanations 1. An event that seems impossible to
explain by natural laws and so is regarded as supernatural in origin or as an act of God. 2. One that
excited admiration or awe: wonder. The story I am
about to tell seams to fit both definitions. It is a true
story that happened 53 years ago in a small church
in a small town in the middle of Indiana.
We had a storm last night. The wind was strong
and blowing against the house and trees. The
snow was coming down hard and when you looked
outside you could barely see across the street.
Then we lost power and the house was dark and
started to get cold. We lit the candles and just sat
around and talked. Power came back on and everything was OK and we went to bed. Well, I woke
up at 3am with a powerful unending thought that I
needed to write the "miracle" down or it would be
lost forever except in the minds of the people I
have told over the years and they have probably
forgot about it by now.
It was 1956 and I was 10 years old with 2 brothers
and a sister. Our sister was the apple of Dad's eye.
We three boy's knew better than to mess with her
for long. She was a tomboy and loved to play cowboy and Indians. We could all swim and spent
most summers outside in the sun. Dad owned the
local hardware store in the middle of town of 1,000
population. Mom worked in the store and we sold
everything from clothes and shoes, nuts and bolts
and tools and candy. Dad organized a local merchants group. Every Saturday night in the summer, the Merchants organization showed movies
on a screen behind our store. I always helped set
the cement blocks up and put the boards on the
blocks for people to sit and then made cool aid to
sell on the corner. It was always a late night and a
lot of fun. It seemed like the whole community
would come to town that night. All the stores
stayed open until 9:00. When Sunday came, we
stayed home. With three boys and a girl it was just
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There is no greater peace than to have the assurance that you are perfectly loved by God
too hard to get us all clean at the same time,
dressed, and fed breakfast then into the car to go
to church. Even though both Mom and Dad grew
up going to church and both had a very strong
Christian belief.
My sister was 5 years old and got real sick during
the week on one of those hot summer days that
year. She had a high fever and was sleeping on
the couch in the TV room next to Mom & Dads bedroom.
The home had two bedrooms upstairs
where the four of us slept. Had no heat ducts and
no A/C just blankets for the winter and window fans
for the summer. The only insurance Dad had purchased was a named peril policy. It covered 10
different named diseases only, like polio and meningitis. He bought it just that summer. There was a
big polio scare at the time. In fact, we all had to get
shots to protect us against polio. That Friday night
I came down stairs to go to the bathroom and Mom
said to hurry up and go back to bed. I knew my
Sister had taken a turn for the worse. She did not
know anyone not Dad or Mom or me. Next morning they were gone. They had taken her to the
hospital. Mom told us later that the hospital gave
her a spinal tap that night with out numbing her and
you could hear her scream all over the hospital.
The diagnosis was Spinal Meningitis and she had
to go to Riley Hospital in Indianapolis, IN right
There were 10 cases of spinal Meningitis at Riley
at that time. Eight of those 10 died. I have not
checked that fact with Riley's records. Somebody
told me that information back then and I remembered it all these years. I suppose I should check
that figure before putting it into writing. However, it
does not really make much difference. Spinal Meningitis was and still is very bad. If you look it up on
the World Wide Web, a web sight called "Voices of
Meningitis" tells many facts about the deadly disease. The disease is a bacterial infection and
causes swelling of the brain with high fever. It can
cause death or disability within just one day. Many
of the people who survive meningococcal meningitis can be left with serious medical problems that
may include amputation of limbs, fingers, or toes,
“Good News” Page 9
severe scarring, brain damage, hearing loss, kidney
damage, and psychological problems.
Our Grandmother from Lafayette was at our home
when we all woke up that morning. After feeding us
breakfast, she made us clean every inch of that
house. We scrubbed the walls and floors and
washed every dish and every pot and pan and eating utensils all of our clothes. We three boys
worked harder that day cleaning than ever before.
We were told our sister, "Daddy's little girl" was seriously sick and we had to wash away any bugs that
would make us sick too. Therefore, we did not complain we just did it.
We had no word that day about our sister. The next
morning Grandma got us up, dressed in some good
clothes, fed us breakfast and we went to church.
We were there by 9 am sitting in the back pew. I
saw people I recognized all through the congregation. My older brother and I delivered the newspaper to a lot of them. They came into the store and
we had gone on picnics with them. I seem to know
most of them. About half way through the service,
the preacher asked everyone to pray for my sister. I
was really surprised that all these people would bow
their heads and ask God to help my sister recover.
This was the first time I remember ever being in a
church let alone everyone praying for us and mentioning my sister's name.
We all went home after service and went about playing and just being normal kids. That afternoon Mom
came home from the hospital. She told us our sister
was going to be OK. Her fever had broken and was
coming down to normal. I asked her about what
time her fever broke. She said she was not real
sure but sometime between 9 and 10 that morning.
I have been a believer of God and prayer ever
since. If your reading this and don't believe then I
will pray for you because you need help.
When my sister turned 18, Riley Hospital asked her
to come back for some test. They checked her
brain waves and all sorts of different things. They
had no explanation why her fever broke, why she
had no signs of any damage to her body or brain.
Since then she has been a teacher, principal, and a
school superintendent. How many kids has her life
touched? How many kids has she helped? Guess
God had a plan for her life and it wasn't just dying at
the age of 5. Her life has touched mine since age
Our family did not miss a Sunday at church since
then. We all became very active in the youth program, we all were baptized and did plays in the
church and were active in our local school. Mom
and Dad helped us all to further our education beyond high school. We all got married and have had
wonderful children of our own and lived a very
blessed and wonderful life.
I thank God, Dad and Mom and hope that writing
this true story down on paper will find its way to
many people and help to remind me every day of
the miracle of life, and we all have a purpose on
this earth. I know many people pray every day to
heal a loved one and they die anyway. I don't have
an answer for that. Many people don't believe that
prayer can help. But if you ask the Doctor's that
have trained all their lives to heal people they tell
you to pray. All I know is the Doctor's have no idea
why my sister lived and she has no problems because of the illness, but I do. It was God's will.
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NO Contract
Call Cheryl:
My name is Gloria Comingore, I live in Indiana
with my husband Paul Comingore. My poems
and short stories reflect our lives experiences
which lead us to God. I have a published book
through Publish America. I hope you enjoy my
Article Source: <a
God’s Grace Empowers Man
To Walk In His Will!
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“Good News” Page 10
The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network is
having its GRAND LAUNCHING over the Internet
Television on Monday, March 2 . Within a few
weeks, it will be airing worldwide via Satellite
Television. It will be, “Preaching The Word &
Declaring His Glory To All People Around The
The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network is a faith
-based network dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe through all
media formats possible, 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network, headquarted in Orange, California, has
over 100 years of combined pastoral experience
and specializes in spreading the Word of God to
millions via the media. We offer insightful messages on the latest issues affecting people of all
ages. Join Bishop Andrew Bills as he discusses
The Word of God and many other relevant issues
with various invited guests, along with many
other anointed hosted ministries known.
Programs will be available on this network via On
-Demand and Live Viewing. Live streaming
Christian music radio will be appearing shortly
Featured programs on this network will consist of: Live interviews, inspirational testimonies,
anointed sermons, bible studies, short films, full
length movies, relevant talk shows that will speak
from a biblical perspective on major topics and
current events, cooking shows, cartoons for children, special programs designed for teenagers,
young adults, and seniors, music videos, daily
devotionals and much more….
We are led by The Holy Spirit of God to reach the
lost, disciple the saints, edify believers and equip
the churches through the usage of various media
types. This ministry endeavors to reach every
household to hear the Gospel Of Jesus Christ
so that all people may believe in Him by calling
upon His name to be saved. Through spreading
the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto the whole world,
we further endeavor to build ministries, to break
down denominational, racial, cultural and traditional barriers and to help people overcome all of
the attacks of the enemy.
The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network is working diligently to bring you, our beloved friends
and guests, edifying, Christ-filled programming.
We want to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as new On-Demand
programs are added weekly. And remember, it is
only through your prayerful and financial support
that this ministry moves forward, preaching and
teaching the Gospel of our Risen Lord, Jesus
You may contact us with any prayer requests, correspondence or financial support by any of the following ways:
Online Website:
Our Mailing Address:
HSBN, PO Box 6811,
Orange, CA 92863
Our Telephone Number:
Bishop Andrew & Pastor Ann
Marie Bills would really love to
hear from you.
“Will You Trust Me Even If You Don’t
Understand Or Can’t See
What I’m Doing?”
Will you trust God if you’re being led in
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The Perfect Love Of God…
In The Knowledge Of This Love,
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Ad Space Available
$20 Monthly— No Contract
“Good News” Page 11
Her hands gently rocked the child as her soft voice hummed a
tune that told of the love of a Savior..,
“Jesus loves me this I know…” It was two a.m. and she ran
her hand slowly through her hair, pushing back a strand that
fell across her face. Her arms ached with fatigue but the love
You Relax!!
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Martha Newman, EA
Enrolled Agent
in her heart for the child that she held far out weighed her own
needs. She was a Mother and she was on the job, doing what
came naturally for her, protecting, comforting and loving her
Finally the eyes of the baby closed and they both fell asleep in
the chair. It would not be the last time that the dawn would
find her sleeping with the child in her arms...she would give
her life for this baby if it were necessary for she was a
mother. She held her child a little closer and life was good. All
was well.
The old lady stood with her face pressed close to the window.
An occasional glimpse toward the phone found her vision
blurred with tears. Her heart longed to hear that voice and feel
the touch of her hand upon the beautiful face of her now grown
baby. The minutes ticked by, then hours and soon night fell.
There was no call, no visit, no child. The old lady found her
way to bed and lay in the dark. Her memories took her back to
those days when arms wrapped around her neck and she
heard those precious words, “Mommy. I love you...I will always
love you.”
She turned her tear streaked face to the wall and whispered
into the darkness of the night, “I love you too honey..I miss
you.” She fell asleep as the tears dried on her wrinkled little
face. She would awaken again to keep her ear tuned to the
phone and her eyes to the window.
Maybe today she would hear, it had been so
11 long. Maybe
today her child would find the time in her busy day to give back
to the hands that rocked her and the heart that loved her unconditionally, just a few moments of her time. The heart that
had knit to hers with an unbreakable cord of maternal love
would hopefully not become one of the “Forgotten Generation.”
Loving God is about loving people. How we treat and care for
one another is the screen upon which our love for God is
viewed by those around us. Take a little extra time to make
someone’s life a little sweeter and it all begins in our own family.
A phone call is a wonderful way to say, “I am thinking about
you.” Take time for a visit. That is what life is really about,
people loving, caring, and serving one another. It is a part of
giving unselfishly and you will be surprised that it actually
brings a sense of joy and fulfillment when you make someone’s day a little brighter. Someone is waiting to hear from
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This is NOT a church- Please attend the church of your choice
“Good News” Page 12
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By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
The Tale Of The Evil Doctor
Childhood memories are always a major part of tales which reveal our greatest moments from yesterday. The imagination that
lives in the mind of such a small creature can do truly amazing
things. It only takes a movie, scary tale, or a book of Frankenstein excerpts to get the adrenalin pumping.
It was a very long time ago in a place I love inside a movie theater that such a thing brought great adventure to my life. Matador,
Texas had a lovely little theater and it was there I enjoyed the
stories of Lash LaRue, Red Ryder, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers,
and a host of other clean cut heroes from the current times. I
loved the movies and if I remember correctly, the admission was
25 cents.
I have no idea how I managed to get into such a movie as I did
that day since it seems my mother would most likely not wanted
me to watch things that would create nightmares. Of course in
the memories from those days we sometimes lose bits and
pieces of exactly how things took place. Nonetheless, what happened….happened.
I do not recall the name of the movie. It was of course in black
and white. The main character was a man whom I believe was
some kind of doctor. A kind man he was but of course there was
a dark side lurking somewhere in the shadows of the story line.
Inside his office he had a lab. He was working on some sort of
experiment to change something about himself which I certainly
am unable to recall in detail. He took his little experimental flask
and stirred a potion which began to produce vapors that curled
up and out of the opening into the air. He raised the flask and
peered intensely into the liquid which was bubbling like a pot of
soup. He sniffed it, and swirled the liquid around as he pondered
whatever it was he was trying to accomplish. The music was
akin to a Frankenstein scene and the tension mounted by the
moment. You knew he was going to test the potion on himself.
What would happen? My heart beat a little faster and a tiny bit of
anxiety accompanied by a chill crept up my spine. Something
wonderfully horrible was about to happen! Anticipation that I was
about to have the jeebies scared out of me left me on the edge of
my seat.
Finally he lifted the flask to his lips! He hesitated for only a moment and then he drank the bubbly liquid down to the last drop.
Suddenly the container fell to the floor with a loud crash and the
doctor began to grasp his throat. He stumbled and flailed his
arms around in the air. He grabbed the back of a chair to try and
steady himself. The music reached the peak of the crescendo as
the tension rose to new heights of anticipation. As he wobbled
and wailed, he fell to his knees and then finally collapsed on
the floor. I was on the very edge of my seat with my hands
covering my eyes as I peeked between my fingers. Then
there was silence.
For a moment you could have heard a pin drop. Then the
music slowly began to play as the doctor stirred. His feet
moved and he groaned as he slowly rose from the floor. Suddenly he turned his face toward the screen and the most hideous thing you could dream of was peering down upon me. His
hair stood up like a man who had been shocked with electricity. It stuck out all over his head and his eyes were wild and
evil. The doctor’s potion had turned him into a horrible creature who now was bent on the destruction of everything in his
path. With the flailing of his arms, the destruction of his lab
and the wild cries of horror that came from his throat, I now
was scared beyond reason.
Later that night as my mom tucked me into bed and turned out
the light, I thought about the evil doctor. I had never witnessed
such a thing and it definitely had made me uncomfortable.
Then again we all know that children love to be scared and
even though we scream, we then turned around and want to
see it again. I snuggled under the covers and lay there, thinking.
Later, unable to sleep I decided to turn over and change positions. My room had a window and it so it was that there was a
full moon that night. Quiet and peaceful, I always enjoyed the
cool breeze that came in from the open window. I lay there
with my eyes closed still shaken from what I had seen on the
screen earlier in the evening.
At some point I opened my eyes and the terror rolled over me
like a wall of water. There on the wall by my bed was a huge
shadow of the doctor with his wild hair hanging down like a
huge weeping willow tree. He had followed me home and was
now standing out side my window plotting to kidnap me and
take me back to the lab for his next experiment! I was scared
out of my wits. Terrified and most certainly trying to stifle a
scream my heart pounded wildly like a beating drum.
As I struggled to find the courage I managed to look out into
the yard and then I saw it. One lonely tree whose shadow
was magnified through the moonlight onto my wall.
I did finally manage to get to sleep that night. For days I
thought often about the doctor and his experiment that brought
forth the wild and wicked form of horror. I only wish I could
remember the name of that movie and find an old copy. I
would add it to my collection of one of my greatest moments
from yesterday. Memories…..
“Good News” Page 13
Bring the family and come on out for a
Taste of Thai
In righteous you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression for you
shall not fear; And from terror, for it
shall not come near you. Indeed they shall
surely assemble but not because of Me.
Whoever assembles against you shall fall
for your sake.
Isaiah 54:14 & 15 NKJV
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Does God Exist?
Author Unknown
A man went in to a barbershop to
get a haircut and his beard trimmed.
As the barber began to cut his hair,
they struck up a conversation. Covering many subjects, they eventually came to the subject of God.
The barber said, “I do not believe that God exists.”
“Why do you say that,?” asked the customer.
“Well you just have to go out into the street to realize that God does not exist. If God exists there
would not be so many sick people and abandoned
children. If God existed there would be no suffering or pain. I can not imagine a loving God who
would allow all these things.”
The customer thought for a moment but did not
respond because he did not want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after leaving the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy,
dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked very
dirty and unkempt.
The customer turned back and entered the barbershop again. He said to the barber, “You know
what? Barbers do not exist!”
“How can you say that?” asked the surprised barber. “I am here and I am a barber and I just
worked on you!”
“No,” the customer said, “Barbers do not exist because if they did, there would be no people with
dirty, long hair and untrimmed beards like that man
“Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is people do not come to me!”
“Exactly!” said the customer, “that is the point! God
exist but what happens is people do not go to Him
and do not look for Him. That is why there is so
much pain and suffering
Kindness paints a picture of love
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advertising dollars.
Having been in print for a total of
almost eleven years, it has been a joy to
share testimonies, good news, laughter,
tears, stories and encouragement along with
memories from days gone by. People from
all over have responded over the years to tell
me how much they enjoy the
paper, including the ads!
Advertising begins at $20 monthly for a
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Call today and support the Good News
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Lacey Kay Green
“Feed My Sheep” John 21:17
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“Good News” Page 14
world is leaving the basic principles of hard work and family
values for the material things this world has to offer. They
are struggling to make ends meet so that they can afford the
big homes in the suburbs. They are too tired to go to church
on Sunday or even Saturday as some churches are meeting.
The number one commandment that Christians are breaking today is keeping the Sabbath. Paul speaking of suffering
affliction for the church is something of the past. 10,000
churches closed their doors last year according to statistics.
There are at least two churches in my community right now
for sale. Why, you may ask. We have deserted and abandoned our first love. If we are to love Jesus Christ we are to
love the church. Stay tuned there is more to come on this
Blessings Eddy
Desertion and Abandonment
Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in
my flesh what is lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for
the sake of His body, which is the church. Colossians
I love to look at the old houses and barns that are falling
down and deserted. Not because I like to see empty falling down buildings. I think of what took place in those
buildings when they were occupied and not falling down.
The memories that were made in those structures when
they were in use and families lived there.
There were dreams and plans that were forged in those
homes. Lives began and probably ended in most of those
homes. Old passions died and new ones were birthed.
The directions of the children that were raised there were
mapped out. Some of those children carried on the family
traditions and some forged new ones. Love grew in most
of them. Many were taught the values of their parents and
grandparents. Work ethics were formulated. Families
worked together to survive with everyone having responsibilities.
Many learned the trade they worked in their adult lives.
There were appreciations for the little things in life. Simplicity was a rule of the family. A hard day’s work was
satisfying to everyone. An attitude of let’s get this done
was developed in the lives of each family member. It
probably was a hard life but it was a rewarding life.
What was the order of every day? Pulling together to
make the family survive. But not only survive but to flourish. I also believe that the Bible was a central part of the
family as well. What better way to teach your children to
survive and how to treat each other? Church going was a
major function of most of those families in those abandoned homes.
Something happened though that caused those homes to
be abandoned and deserted. The dreams faded away.
The children grew up and left for other dreams and exploits. Adventure called to some and the old way of life
was left behind. Tragedy struck some of those homes and
survival called them to leave.
I not only see homes and barns that have been deserted
and abandoned but also schools and churches. As small
communities became deserted so did the schools and
churches. The world has offered dreams and adventure
to the small communities. As it became an ever increasing struggle and hard work to survive, people abandoned
dreams. They deserted the cause of their building those
homes. The value of the hard work and family became
less attractive than what the world promised out there.
But now not only are the rural churches closing their
doors but many thousands of others are as well. As the
There are
moments in life
when you miss
someone so much
that you just
them from your
dreams and hug
them for real!
Cowboy Truth:
Whether mending fence or branding
cattle, I need God’s Presence in the
bunkhouse, the pasture, the chute
or the saddle...
The Victory
Report Needs Your Monthly
Ad Prices Begin At
$20 Monthly For A
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“Good News”
Sticky Notes
From Darren Lard,
Owner at Animal Computers
Kim Komando
Playing flight simulator games could land
you on the terrorist list.
In the wake of 9/11, our government
stepped up anti-terrorism programs to new,
and sometimes scary, heights.
Now there's something else that might land
you on a government watch list: playing a
flight simulator, such as Microsoft Flight
Simulator, X-Plane or FlightGear.
This could be worrying news for millions of
flying enthusiasts, especially people who
build elaborate airliner cockpit simulators in
their garages.
This new worry came to light in a
"Suspicious Activity Report" filed against
Wiley Gill. As background information, Gill
converted to Islam in college.
In 2012, police entered his home to investigate a domestic violence complaint (later
disproven) and saw he was playing a "flight
simulator type of game." In the report, it
lists Gill as a "suspicious male subject in possession of a flight simulator game."
The report also notes that on a previous occasion when police talked to Gill he,
"avoided eye contact." Gill is fighting the report in court saying that it's too broad, and
so far the case isn't resolved.
If Gill loses the case, however, a Suspicious
Activity Report can hang around for up to 30
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