2. ROUTH STABILITY CRITERION AND GERSCHGORIN CIRCLES 2.1 Introduction In the Routh stability criterion to decide the stability of the system, characteristic polynomial with all the co efficient positive is considered. To compute the characteristic polynomial using the determinant ( from a system matrix, takes lot of computations. Here it has been explained to identify the sign of the characteristic polynomial using the Gerschgorin circles. In our method we consider the system matrix, and for this matrix we draw the Gerschgorin circles and we observe the bound, based on the bound we decide the sign of the characteristic polynomial. This is a graphical and heuristic method and this will be explained through examples which are given below. 2.2 Heuristic approach in determination of the sign of the characteristic polynomial of a system matrix using Gerschgorin circles Example 2.2.1: Given a system matrix of order . 5 4 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 4 32 (2.2.1) Gerschgorin circle of the above matrix is drawn and is shown in the figure 2.1 Fig 2.1: Gerschgorin bound [ -1 , 11 ] Since the bound on the right hand side of the s-plane is very much greater than the bound on the left hand side of the s-plane, it guarantees that there exist an eigenvalue on the right hand side of the s-plane which implies that there exist change in sign of the characteristic polynomial.i.e., all the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is not positive. Probability 0.98 there exist change in sign in the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial. To verify the above conclusion the characteristic polynomial is calculated and given here. Actual characteristic polynomial is 33 Example 2.2.2: Given a system matrix A of order and the trace of the matrix is zero. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 -1 1 (2.2.2) Gerschgorin circle of the above matrix is drawn and is shown in figure 2.2 Fig 2.2: Gerschgorin bound [-4, 4] Here the Gerschgorin bound on the left hand is equal to Gerschgorin bound on the right hand. Since trace of the matrix is zero, it guarantees the existence real eigenvalue on the right hand side of the s-plane. Hence there exist changes in sign in the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial. Probability 0.999 there exist change in sign of the characteristic polynomial. To verify the above conclusion the characteristic polynomial is calculated and given here. 34 Actual characteristic polynomial is Example 2.2.3: Given a system matrix and the trace of the matrix is not zero. -3 1 1 3 -1 -1 1 1 -1 (2.2.3) Gerschgorin circle of the above matrix is drawn and is shown in figure 2.3 and the trace of the matrix is negative. Fig 2.3: Gerschgorin bound [-5, 1] The Gerschgorin bound on the left hand side is greater than the bound on the right hand side of the s-plane. Hence probability 0.3 the system is unstable. Hence there is no change in sign in the characteristic polynomial. Here trace of the matrix is equal to the left Gerschgorin bound implies with all certainty the eigenvalues lie on real axis of the left hand side of the s-plane barring the possibility of existence of eigenvalues at the origin. But here in the example, there an eigenvalue at the origin making the determinant zero. Hence all the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is positive. 35 Example 2.2.4: Given the system matrix of order The Gerschgorin circle is drawn and is shown in figure 2.4.the trace of the matrix is negative. -2 -3 0 0 -2 -3 -3 0 -2 2.2.4 Fig 2.4: Gerschgorin bound [-5, 1] The Gerschgorin bound on the left hand side is very much greater than the Gerschgorin bound on the right hand side of the s-plane and it is very likely that the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is positive. To verify the above conclusion the characteristic polynomial is calculated and given here Actual characteristic polynomial is 36 Example 2.2.5: Given the system matrix of order The Gerschgorin circles are drawn and shown in figure 2.5 .the trace of the matrix is negative. -2 -2 0 0 -2 -2 -2 0 -2 (2.2.5) Fig 2.5: Gerschgorin bound Gerschgorin bound lies entirely on the left hand side, hence all the coefficient of characteristic polynomial are positive To verify the above conclusion the characteristic polynomial is calculated and given here is 2.3 Alternative Method to Routh Criterion for testing stability of a system matrix using Gerschgorin circles In the Routh criterion, characteristic polynomial with all the coefficient positive is considered. The Routh table is applied for this characteristic polynomial. If there exist two changes in sign in the first column of the Routh array, then there exist complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part, which in turn implies that the system is unstable. 37 An attempt has been made to find the stability of the system using Gerschgorin circles which is an alternative method for the Routh stability criterion. Consider a characteristic polynomial where all the co efficient are positive and then apply the Routh test. If there exist two changes in sign of the first column of the Routh array then there exist complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part. For this characteristic polynomial obtain the companion form of the matrix and draw the Gerschgorin circles. Compute the determinant at the left Gerschgorin bound and origin. If there exist changes in sign of the determinant , then there exist real eigenvalues on the left half of the s-plane. Compute the real eigenvalues by applying the Bisection method/Secant at the Gerschgorin bound. The difference between the trace and real eigenvalues gives the presence of complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part. Also the real eigenvalue on the left half of the s-plane will be greater than the real part of the complex conjugate eigenvalue with the positive real part. Since we have computed the real eigenvalues and also the real part of the complex conjugate, considering the polynomial ( ) ( ) where λ =- the real eigenvalue. -2aλ+ )) = 0 – By equating the coefficient of and the constant term, we can obtain the value of the imaginary part. Hence the complex conjugate eigenvalue with the positive real part can be computed. Routh stability criterion: [53] Consider the characteristic polynomial 3 +10 +5 (2.3.1) + 5 λ +2 =0 38 Table 2.1: Routh test applied to the given polynomial Applying the Routh test 3 5 10 5 2 2 1 2 Examining the first column of the Routh array, it is found that there are two changes in sign (from 3.5 to -0.5/3.5 and from – 0.5/3.5 to 2) .Therefore the system under consideration is unstable having complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part. Gerschgorin circle Method: Consider the companion form of the above characteristic polynomial (2.3.1) -- 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 - - - The Gerschgorin circle for the matrix is drawn and is shown fig 2.6 39 Fig 2.6: Gerschgorin bound [-4.33, 1] jEigenvalues of the matrix obtained by applying Bisection method at the Gerschgorin bound [-4.33, 0] are λ = -2.927754 λ = - 0.444232 Since the given polynomial satisfies the Routh test, there exist no real eigenvalues on the right hand side of the s-plane. We know that -3.33 = -2. 927754 - 0.44232 + -3.33 +3.71986 = = 0.03865 >0 The remaining two eigenvalues are complex conjugate pairs with positive real part. 40 Real part of the complex conjugate pairs are >0 j Real σ • Complex conjugate eigenvalues real part • • σ • The real part of the complex conjugate eigenvalues is very much less than the absolute value of one of the real eigenvalue which belongs to left hand side of s-plane. 0.019325<< |0.4452| Conclusion: The presence triangle in the Gerschgorin circle represents the changes in sign in the first column of the Routh array. Examples 2.3.1: Consider the characteristic polynomial whose all coefficient are positive. (2.3.2) Applying the Routh Stability Criterion for the above polynomial (2.2) Routh Stability Criterion method: Table 2.2: Routh test table 1 4 0 2 26 0 -9 0 26 41 In the first column of the Routh array there exists change. Hence there exist complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part. Gerschgorin circle method: The companion form of the above polynomial (2.3.2) 0 1 0 0 0 1 -26 -4 -2 The Gerschgorin circle is drawn for the above matrix and is shown in figure 2.7 j s-plane • • • Fig 2.7: Gerschgorin bound 42 Eigenvalues of the above matrix obtained by applying SECANT METHOD at the Gerschgorin bound i.e., the left hand side of the s-plane we get We know that the -2 = -3.241019 + There exist complex conjugate pairs with positive real part. The real part of the complex conjugate being 0.6205 The imaginary part of the complex conjugate eigenvalue can be computed. Also consider the general polynomial Where c is the negative real eigenvalue and are the real and imaginary part of the complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part. Equating the coefficient of and constant term we obtain the value of the imaginary part as 2.7639 Remark: In the Gerschgorin circle approach both real and imaginary part of the complex number can be computed. Example 2.3.2: Consider the characteristic polynomial (2.3.3) 43 Routh Stability Criterion method: Table 2.3: Routh test table 1 20 144 8 71 0 11 144 0 -33 0 144 In the first column of the Routh array there exists change in sign of the first column of the Routh array. Hence there exist complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part. Gerschgorin circle method: The companion form of the above characteristic polynomial (2.3.3) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -71 -20 -8 -144 The Gerschgorin circle is drawn for the above matrix and is shown in figure 2.8 Fig 2.8: Gerschgorin bound 44 Eigenvalues of the above matrix obtained by applying Secant method at the Gerschgorin bound are Since there are two real eigenvalues on the left hand side of the s-plane, we obtain jω the remaining eigenvalues as follows • • • σ • The other two eigenvalues are complex conjugate pairs with the positive real part with the real part being 0.27976 > 0 Example 2.3.3: Consider the characteristic polynomial (2.3.4) Routh Stability Criterion method: Table 2.4 : Routh test table 1 52 51 2 82 388 11 -143 -108 388 103 0 0 388 45 In the first column of the Routh array there exists changes in sign of the first column of the Routh array. Hence there exist complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part. Gerschgorin circle method: Consider the companion form of the above characteristic polynomial (2.3.4) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -51 -82 -52 -2 -388 The Gerschgorin circles is drawn for the above matrix and is shown in figure 2.9 Fig 2.9: Gerschgorin bound 46 Since there exist one change in sign of the determinant real eigenvalue in the Gerschgorin bound by applying the SECANT METHOD there exist one The eigenvalues are computed in the Gerschgorin bound. jω • We know that the trace of the matrix is given by • α• σ • • There exists one pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part. Example 2.3.4: Consider the characteristic polynomial (2.3.5) jω • Table 2.5: Routh test table • Routh Stability Criterion method: 1 2 8 2 4 0 0 8 0 σ • 47 • Table 2.6: Routh table replacing zero by Replace the zeros in the last row by small number 1 2 8 2 4 0 and continue the Routh test 8 → -16 0 8 0 0 0 There exists changes in sign in the second, third and fourth row since very small the number is is negative. Hence there exists complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part. Hence the system is unstable. Remark: The presence of rectangular structure in the Gerschgorin circles represents the changes in sign in the first column of the Routh array. Gerschgorin circle method: Consider the companion form of the above polynomial (2.3.5) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -8 -4 -2 -3 The Gerschgorin circles is drawn for the above matrix and is shown in figure 2.10 48 Fig 2.10: Gerschgorin bound [-8, 8] There exist no changes in sign of the determinant ( ), hence there exist no real eigenvalues. The system is unstable since 1. The Gerschgorin circles are concentric in the Gerschgorin bound hence the eigenvalues are present on both side of the s-plane. 2. Compute determinant ( at the Gerschgorin bound 3. Since the Gerschgorin bound are equal, there exists complex conjugate pairs with positive. Example 2.3.5: Consider the characteristic polynomial where one of the coefficient are not present (2.3.6) 49 Table 2.7: Routh table for the polynomial where all the coefficient are not present Routh Stability Criterion method: 1 0 0 2 8 0 -4 0 0 8 0 Gerschgorin circle method: Consider the companion form of the above polynomial (2.3.6) 0 1 0 0 0 1 -8 0 -2 The Gerschgorin circle is drawn for the above matrix and is shown in figure 2.11 Fig 2.11: Gerschgorin bound Applying the Bisection method in the Gerschgorin bound 50 we get We know that - 2= -2.931641 + Hence the other two eigenvalues are complex conjugate pairs with positive real part the real part being 0.46582 Consider the polynomial Equating the coefficients of the given polynomial and above polynomial we get The above result is verified using MATLAB (2.3.7) Example 2.3.6: Consider the polynomial Routh stability criterion: Table 2.8: Routh test 1 2 3 1 2 5 - -2 5 5 51 Since in Routh array, the first element in the third is zero and hence it is replaced by a small number which is a positive number. Hence there exist a change in sign in the first column of the Routh array, which in turn implies that there exist a complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part. Gerschgorin circle method: Consider the companion form of the above polynomial (2.2.7) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -5 -3 -2 -2 -1 The Gerschgorin circle of the above matrix is drawn and is as shown in fig 2.12 Fig 2.12: Gerschgorin bound 52 Applying the Bisection method at the Gerschgorin bound we get The system is unstable since 1. The Gerschgorin circles are concentric in the Gerschgorin bound and hence the eigenvalues are spread on both side of the imaginary axis. 2. Since 3. Since trace –real eigenvalue is positive; there exists complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part. The above conclusion are verified using MATLAB Example2.3.7: Consider the characteristic polynomial (2.3.8) Routh stability criterion [53] Table 2.9: Routh test 1 8 20 2 12 16 1 6 8 2 12 16 1 6 8 0 0 16 53 Consider the auxiliary equation (2.3.9) A= =4 Table 2.10: Routh test using auxiliary equation 1 8 20 2 12 16 1 6 8 2 12 16 1 6 8 1 3 0 3 8 0 16 0 8 There exist no changes in sign in the first column of the Routh array. Hence there exist no complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part. Since all the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial are positive, there exit no real eigenvalues on the right hand side of the s-plane. There exist eigenvalues with complex conjugate pairs on the imaginary axis, which in turn implies that system is critical stable. Companion form of the above polynomial (2.2.8) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -16 -16 -20 -12 -8 -2 54 The Gerschgorin circle is drawn for the above matrix and is shown in figure 2.13 Fig 2.13 :Gerschgorin bound Compute the determinant at the Gerschgorin bound . = 95387539 >0 16 >0 Hence there exist no changes in sign of the determinant at There exist no real eigenvalues on the left hand side of the s-plane. Since all the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is positive there exist no real eigenvalue on the right hand side of the s-plane. Hence all the eigenvalues are complex conjugate pairs with positive negative real part. Since there is no real eigenvalue we cannot find the real part of the complex conjugate using the trace of the matrix. 55 We know that Since trace is negative, there exist one pair of complex conjugate eigenvalue with negative real part, and the value of the negative real part must be greater than the value of the real part of the complex conjugate on the positive side. Remark: In the above we cannot find the exact location of eigenvalues using Gerschgorin circles and also hence we cannot decide about the absolute stability of the system. 2.4 Condition for all the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a system matrix to be positive. Consider a system matrix Let λ = of order be the eigenvalues of the matrix jω • • σ • Consider 56 Condition for the coefficients of all the characteristic polynomial to be positive If the characteristic polynomial is given equating these three conditions with the coefficient of the given characteristic polynomial, obtain the value of value of knowing the and by the above algorithm. Consider the following example Example 2.4.1: Given the system matrix is of order 1 -3 0 0 -1 -3 -3 0 -1 The Gerschgorin circle of the above matrix is drawn and is shown in figure 2.14 Fig 2.14: Gerschgorin bound 57 By applying the Secant method in the Gerschgorin bound [-4, 0], we get is one of the real eigenvalue. Since this implies that there exist complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part. Let and i.e., =0.5 the real of the complex conjugate eigenvalues. Consider the characteristic polynomial of the above matrix is And the general characteristic polynomial Equating the coefficient of and λ we get Solving the above equations we get the value of Actual value of = 58 = Hence given the system matrix and its characteristic polynomial the imaginary part can be computed. If the characteristic polynomial is not given we can determine the condition for not exactly but can be given by the following relation. Hence the valve of the imaginary part will be greater than 1.936. 2.5 Routh’s stability criterion for the characteristic polynomial of the form The Routh stability criteria cannot be applied when all the elements in the first row becomes zero. But an attempt has been made to apply the Routh test , by replacing the zero elements in the first row by a small number and proceeding further it was found that there exists two changes in sign in the first column of the Routh array which implies that there exist complex conjugate eigenvalues with the positive real part. Routh test Consider a polynomial (2.5.1) Apply the Routh‟s test for the polynomial as follows 59 Table 2.11: Routh test 1 0 1 0 0 0 In the above table 2.8 the first row does not contain all non zero elements and the second row elements are all zeros. 2.7 Authors test We continue the table 2.11, by replacing all the zero elements of the second row by Table 2.12: Routh table for Authors test 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 In the above table there exist two changes in sign of the first column. Hence the systems characteristic polynomial possesses two roots on the right half of the splane. The roots are complex conjugate pairs with positive real part. The eigenvalues are ; ; ; We get two sets of complex conjugate eigenvalues , one set on the right hand side of the s-plane and the another set on the left hand side of the s-plane. 60 Remark: If we adopt the Routh‟s test using the existing special cases for the above example, the solution is as follows Consider the polynomial (2.5.1) Table 2.13: Routh table for Authors test 1 0 1 1 0 1 Now consider the auxiliary equation Replace second row by 4, 0, 0 and continue .Then in the third row, the first element is zero and hence replace by and continue. Observe the first column of the table 2.10. There exists two changed in sign .Hence two roots are present on the right half of the s-plane. Conclusions: Based on the above five examples discussed we can almost heuristically decide the sign of the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial. Since it is a graphical approach it requires no computations in deciding the sign of the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial. The Routh stability criterion is tested for the characteristic polynomial which is obtained from the system matrix and it takes lots of computation. 61 The Gerschgorin circles approach is a graphical technique, which starts with a given system matrix and the presence of triangular structure in the Gerschgorin circle represents the change in sign of the first column of the Routh array. In this method we also compute the real eigenvalues and for the matrix of order , the complex conjugate eigenvalues can also be computed. This method of computing the complex conjugate eigenvalues can be extended to the higher order matrix also. The characteristic polynomial where all the coefficients are not present are considered and we observe that the stability cannot be decided by the Routh test where as in Gerschgorin circle technique the stability is decided and the eigenvalues are also computed. Also we observe that if all the eigenvalues are complex conjugate pairs for the system matrix, the change in sign of the first column of the Routh array is represented by the rectangular structure. 62
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