NOTICES COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS Armchair Traveller goes to Ecuador and Galapagos Island with Bill and Carol Lee on Tuesday, March 10 at 7 p.m. at the Bhd Public Library. Call 780 674-8519 for details. Barrhead Christian Women’s Club invites you to “Making A Difference” Breakfast Buffet Wednesday, March 11 at 9:30 a.m. at the Bhd Neighborhood Inn. Feature Barrhead & District FCSS Society providing programs for family, seniors and youth. Guest speaker and vocalist is Cindy Palin from Olds, AB ( s h e i s a c o m p o s e r, recording artist and writer) and will share, “Looking For Love”. All ladies welcome. Call 780 674-2180 for reservations. Barrhead Women’s Conference will be held Saturday, March 21 at the Senior Drop In Centre. Tickets available at the Bhd County office. For info call Maureen 780 674-4246. Beach Bash Dance at Cross Roads Gardenview Community Centre March 14. Doors open 9 p.m. members and invited guests. Adm tickets $10. Call 780 674-5279 or 305-6567. Crib Tournament - Barrhead Senior Citizen Society on Saturday, March 14. Reg. 10 a.m. play at 11 a.m. Adm. $40/team - cash prizes, 50/50 and Nevadas. Building pot of $225 for 28 or 29 hand. Dinner included, everyone welcome. Call Doris 780 674-5109. FCSS will be doing Income Tax returns for low income individuals from March 5 April 30. Please call FCSS if you have questions about qualifying - this is a free of charge service. Ft. Assiniboine Legion #210 Bingo Friday, March 6th. Early birds, bonanza, super bonanza, 2 loonie pots. Doors open 6 p.m. Bingo at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. Join us at the Barrhead L e g i o n L o u n g e F r i d a y, March 6th at 6 p.m. for our Meat Draws. Everyone welcome. March 24 - Spring Break Family Movie Night at 7 p.m. at the Westlock Gospel Chapel (10227 - 97 St). Come see “Mercy Rule” a baseball adventure for the whole family staring; Kirk Cameron, Chelsea Cameron, Tim Hawkins and Bas Rutten. Free admission. Call 780 349-4555. March brings Messy Play to Parent Link Tuesdays from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Mini-Chefs Wednesday, March 4-18 from 10 - 11 a.m. Movement & Motion Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at the DoJo. Coffee talk Fridays from 9:30 - 12 noon. Crafts for Kids will be joining Coffee talk March 13. In the Kitchen is March 25 Wednesday from 9:30 - 12 noon. Fun for everyone Tents and Tunnels Saturday, March 28 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. Lunch & Learn March 31 from 11 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. (featuring Alberta Health Services). Topic is Speech and motor skills. Call 780 674-3341 to register. On March 14th there will be a Ladies Only - Mom’s Day Out from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Westlock Gospel Chapel (10227- 97 St). Please join us for a day of laughing loving and living life. No charge but registration is requested. Coffee, snacks and lunch provided. Call 780 349-4555 or 349-0697 or e-mail: Senior Cribbage will be held Wednesday, March 4th at the Barrhead Drop In Centre at 1:30 p.m. Senior Whist will be held Tuesday, March 3rd at 1:30 p.m. at the Barrhead Drop In Centre. Everyone welcome. Soup and Sandwich lunches are being served this Lent at St. Anne’s Parish (Main Street) on Thursdays; March 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Cost: $6 per person, children under 6 free. All monies raised go to the James Barr family. Summerdale Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, March 12th at 7:30 p.m. at the Hall. Everyone welcome, please plan to attend. The Lazy Daze Horse Club will hold a Bottle Drive on Saturday, March 14th. Pickup may be arranged from March 4-14th. If you would like to support our group by donating your bottles, please call 780 305-9665. Winter Horse & Sleigh Rally March 8 at Cross Roads Gardenview Community Centre. Registration @ 10 a.m. Ride @ Noon. Supper after Ride. Contact Terry: 780-674-5279 or Pat: 780-674-5078. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my son Joe for the suprise birthday party he put on for me. Thank you to all my family and friends for the lovely cards and wonderful gifts, flowers and well wishes. I was especially pleased my sister-in-law was able to come. Thanks to all of you, it was a memorable day. Love Mary Kuropatwa On behalf of Marie Paterson, her family wishes to thank you one and all for your kindnesses, love and support during and after her passing. May the memory of her bring a smile your way and peace in your heart. Miss you Mom! LOST & FOUND LOST - Victoria Composite ring dated 1979 with a red stone and Indian head logo. Call 780 584-2093. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of WALTER WILLIAM CARLIN who passed away March 7, 2011 A part of my heart he took with him But his love he left me to keep, So we will never really be parted That bond between us is too deep. Forever loved and missed by Nancy, children; Cliff, Wendy; June Milan and their families Funeral Director Kelly Locke BARRHEAD LEADER, Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 23A n Faith The importance of loving our children Pastor Reimer 47th Street Church of God At the very core of society is the family. The future of society is directed by the direction of our home. It is really touching to read how Jesus, despite his busy schedule, took time to love the children that were brought to Him. “Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them” (Mark 10:13-16 NKJV). Jesus reached out and touched the main areas that children need to be well. Jesus loved them physically, He took them up in His arms. That is a beautiful picture of the physical protection and security that every child needs and deserves from their parent or guardian. When children are scared, in pain or in any kind of distress they run to the parent seeking shelter on their arms. Jesus sets a great example on loving our children, He took the little ones on His arm, gently, kind and loving. Yes, we are all busy, and like the disciples we can be found not wanting to be interrupted by the children, feeling like children are in the way some times but let us remember to love our children like Jesus does! Jesus loved them emotionally, he laid His hands on them. A gentle hand on the shoulder or the head of a child speaks volumes to the emotions of a child. It says: “I notice you.” “I am proud of you.” “I love you,” “You are not in my way.” Our interaction with the children is vital to their emotional development. Children want to know that their parents are present in body and in spirit. I don’t know how it is for you but I have to continually remind myself to put the phone down and just pay attention and interact with my children. Through our action the children learn how to interact with one another, they learn about their own emotions and how to voice and regulate them. Our children observe us more than we often remember. Being there emotionally is key to allowing them to develop a healthy identity and self-esteem. Jesus loved them spiritually, He blessed them! Have you ever thought about the many ways you as a parent can bless your children? We bless our children when we pray for them and with them. When we pray for them we talk to the heavenly Father about our children. We bless our children when we make the Bible come alive and attractive. When we don’t just “instil” but live out the Word of God. We greatly bless our children if we teach and model conflict resolution to them. They will have conflicts in their life what a blessing it is when they learn how to deal with them in a God-pleasing way. We could drag this list out a long time and count the ways that parents can love and bless our children. I am praying for all the families in Barrhead, may God bless them richly! VICTIM SERVICES VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Barrhead RCMP Victim Services Unit has openings for 2 volunteer advocates in the Barrhead RCMP Detachment area. The unit is looking for good people with the time and interest to reach out to others in emergencies. The Victim Services Unit (VSU) is an RCMP based service that provides support, information and referral for victims of crime and trauma, as well as court preparation and support. Applicants must possess a caring nature, common sense, and excellent people skills, have the ability to work in a confidential atmosphere, and be willing to commit volunteer time to those in need. Due to the training costs and extensive security clearance a one year minimum commitment is required. Applicants must be willing to be security screened by the RCMP and must live within the Barrhead Detachment area. Comprehensive online training will be provided for those selected. Apri l 11t h Mu Regis st Pre-Reg tratio i n Dea ster for th e dline April event. 6th, 2 015 For further information call the VSU Coordinator, Renee at (780) 674-4848. Send resumes to: Renee Hartel-Mohrmann, RCMP Victim Services Box 4436, Barrhead, AB T7N 1A3 or drop them off at the Barrhead RCMP Detachment. Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 18th. Only those applicants considered will be contacted for an interview. Make choices that fit your life and legacy. 780-674-4644 Rose Garden Chapel – Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery Services
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