L n & Eas 2015 “Praising, Preparing, Providing” March 2015 S m P i E S G S e W r a 8:30 & 1 Lus G e An L n S i e W t We , A Cros 1 a 6:30 M n T rsd A 2 a 7 F e O N S e L n S u f A lt - i ro r m f l n y u , to . We esd y D a 5:45 Page 1 Pro r a 6:30 G o F id S nc u O Pr Eas S 6:30 f i Calvary Courier Dear Friends, The season of Lent is a time for enhanced spiritual growth, as we give up things (such as chocolate, coffee, gossip, facebook, or electronic media altogether) and as we take on new things (such as more focused prayer time, worshiping more regularly, devotional reading, meditation, fasting, giving to those in need in particular ways, or participating in the Lenten season’s Feed N Seed). Essentially, what we are doing is establishing new habits for a season. The brain is an amazing thing, able to be reformed, transformed by making changes in our way of living life. Particular areas of the brain that control certain functions may actually be strengthened by repetition, or actually changed. In other words, people really can change. When someone says a leopard doesn’t change its spots, that is not gospel truth. As a matter of fact, our gospel is exactly the opposite. God can transform the human heart (and brain). If you give up something for Lent or add on something for Lent, you are on the way to creating a new habit. Researchers have determined that it may take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to establish a new habit. The forty days of Lent may benefit you in creating that new habit…or it may not. If you are seeking to create a new habit, you will need to carry on past the season of Lent to firmly establish the habit. Of course, if creating a new habit is your goal, then you will want to carry on beyond the forty days anyway. Researchers have also determined that a single mess up here and there does not reduce your chances for the change becoming permanent. So, don’t beat yourself up over what we in the church business call “backsliding” from time to time. If you do, forgive yourself as God forgives. In some ways, Lent is a special time that allows us to grow in God’s grace and to establish holy habits (or hit the delete button on unholy habits). However, just like baseball players don’t stop training and preparing themselves when they are finished with spring training, so we never stop seeking to grow in grace, go on to perfection, or become more of what God has created us to be. Lent just helps us to be especially focused for a time to do things that we may carry on the rest of the year. As we participate in our sermon series on “The Seven Deadly Sins-The Cure for Sin,” remember that our goal as disciples of Jesus is to put away sin and claim that which is right or holy. May this holy season ingrain in you some new holy habit or delete some unholy habit. I would be glad to hear your stories of how it’s going! Peace, Doug It’s time to clean out your closets, garages and attics — donate your furniture and large items! The 54th Annual United Methodist Men’s Auction will be Saturday, May 2nd, starting at 9 am! Donated items will be accepted starting April 1st. Please call the church office at 337-2980 if you are donating large items that need to be picked up. Volunteers are needed to help with advertising, pick-ups, and to work the sale. Please call Jeff Kiser at 540-290-3590 if you are available or need more information. Page 2 The Mission of STOP Hunger Now is “to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and lifesaving aid to the world’s most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.” Over the past two years we have raised over $5,000.00 to end hunger in our world. This year we hope to raise $3,750 which would pack 12,931 meals. We will pack meals on Sunday, April 19th during both services! You will read more about how to participate in this event in the April Newsletter. P.S. we hope you will consider donating one dollar a day to STOP HUNGER NOW (that is $40 throughout Lent) to help feed hungry children in need. Calvary Courier In the opening chapter of Mark’s gospel, Jesus is baptized by John in the Jordan. A voice from heaven proclaimed his identity: “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” And the very next verse states that the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness forty days, where he was tempted by Satan, was with wild beasts, and waited upon by angels. Did you see what the Spirit did there? Drove him out. Why, Jesus had just been baptized, blessed by God, and now, BOOM! Wilderness. I didn’t see a verse that said Jesus wanted to go, or that he asked for 40 days of deprivation and temptation. Wild beasts? Satan? Yet, angels. Angels tended to Jesus throughout the 40 days. I am fascinated by the many wilderness stories we find in the Bible. Most of us have our own wilderness experiences as well. Perhaps, just maybe, the Holy Spirit is with us through our periods of trial, temptation and struggle. We don’t ask for the wilderness experiences, they just happen. Sometimes they happen because of choices we’ve made, or situations in life that just happen. And perhaps, just maybe, God is at work in our wilderness, present with us throughout our trials, and keenly aware of our situation. The same Spirit of God that descended on Jesus, drove him into the wilderness and back again, is with us as well. God is really good at taking something that seems to only cause death and bring from it abundant life. That’s a good thing to remember during our 40 days of Lent. Hear the promise of God in your trials and expect God to work in and through them for your best interest. Nancy Vaughan Women’s Ministries Book Club Make your plans now to get away with an AMAZING group of gals when we go to Camp Overlook on March 27-28. We'll be resting and relaxing and remembering what it's like to laugh. Our theme for the retreat is "Love and Laughter" and there will certainly be plenty of food since we're all bringing our favorite snacks along. Supper is going to be great, and the breakfast sounds delish, and the whole kit and kaboodle only costs $45. That's cheaper than a therapist! Call the church office at 337-2980 right now and 3make your reservation! Page Women's’ Ministries will continue our Book Study with reading An Invisible Thread by Schroff & Tresniowski. This book is a true story of the bond between a harried executive and an eleven year old boy who seemed destined for a life of poverty. Books are available on Sundays for $10. All women are invited to join us! There is always great fellowship, lively discussion, and, of course, delicious food! Talk to Gail Paysour for more information. Rhonda Manuel Ricky Moneymaker Hannah Stude Melissa Meyerhoeffer Jo Mullins Jim Simmons Larry Flint LaVonia Poluito Charlie Beverage Sr. Laura Doyle Jon Stepp Fay Fretwell Eddie Pugh Ben Gentry Mary Moore Cecilia Martino Sue Wingfield David Mahanes Peggy Simmons Brad Sears Ken Stanley Jeannie Patton William Humphries Jacob Arbaugh Steve Fitzgerald Ashley Kellogg Delaney Powers 01 01 02 03 03 03 05 05 06 06 07 07 07 07 09 09 09 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 Terry Coffey Ashley Buchanan Ashleigh Hinson Brian McGill Kim Stevens Colton Clinedinst Taryn Cornelius Nick Wilk Jr. Sharon Gibson Kirstin Peak Debbie Eavers Mozelle Howell Sharon Morris Dawn Evans Jonathan Fitzgerald Doug Harris Homer Smith Monty Shifflett Virginia Simpson Tatum Cox Robert Weller Lucy Black Mary Creech Bruce Cohron Kohen Dameron Chris Eavers Kay Carrington 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 Ernest & Jenny Riley Andy & Maria Chase Walt & Karen Winkler Ronald & Penny Hartlaub Max & Shannon Sankar David & Terri Campbell James & Betty Cohron Page 4 Susan Davis Nick Hayes Joseph Howell K.J. Lambert Calvin Lloyd Jr. Dawn Legg Jackson Weller Leighton Dameron Nicholas Kight Rachel Fitzgerald Patsy Claytor Robert Lucas III Ruby Rohr Vic Vernon Elinor Willis Vicki Almarode James Shuman Mike Bateman Will Otto Angie Cash Jenna Hutchins Richard Cohron Rian Diehl Mark Fitzgerald James Simpson Delphia Neil 07 09 15 19 20 28 31 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 07/21Calvary Youth — Be the Change! Mary Whitesell This is one full month! March 1: Youth 5-7. February Prayer Stations make up date! March 4: Feed N’ Seed continues with Christina and Anderson! Come on out for God’s Not Dead. March 8: Youth 5-7! BRING a friend!!! This is DAYLIGHTS SAVING TIME!! Praise Jesus!!!! March 11: Feed n’ Seed. March 13-14: Planet Wisdom will be in Woodbridge! See the box below for more details! March 15: No Youth this evening. March 18: Feed n’ Seed. March 21: Team Orlando Fundraising Dinner. See the box below for more details! March 22: Youth 5-7. March Prayer Stations. March 25: Feed n’ Seed. March 29: Calvary’s Easter Egg Hunt from 4-6 pm. Come out and help to hide the thousands of eggs and play with sweet children! :) I’ll feed you dinner afterward! Planet Wisdom Mark your calendar and plan on joining us for our trip to Woodbridge for PlanetWisdom on March 13-14. There is still space available! Tickets are $90 per person or $80 with families of more than one youth attending. Scholarships are available! Please remember to meet at the Waynesboro Park n’ Ride at 3:45 pm on Friday March 13. Pack bedding as we are going to be sleeping on the floor of a church! Your price will cover the cost of all your meals, lodging, transportation and gas. If you would like to bring personal spending money, its cool– you just have to keep up with your dough! Talk to Scarlett for more info! Prayer Stations will be doubled up this month as we missed the opportunity to have stations in February. PageYou 5 are Loved. Those Meal Train dates are now available!! Check it out through the email that was sent out at the end of February or through our church Facebook page and sign up for a date! Team Orlando Fundraising Dinner! March 21, 2015 Please plan on arriving at church on March 21, 2015 at 1 pm in order to prepare to host our church family and friends for the evening meal beginning at 6 pm. We will need to prepare all the food and get the Fellowship Hall ready to greet our guests. Please come with willing hearts and willing hands! Tickets will be ready for sale on March 1, 2015. Each youth or adult going is asked to help in ticket sales in order to assure a large crowd and profit for our group this year. We will also need some folks to make announcements on Sunday mornings in March. Youth and family members helping with the meal are asked to donate $5 to cover the cost of your dinner! Check out the blurb on the back of the newsletter this month for even more information! Calvary’s Easter Egg Hunt Calvary UMC’s annual Community-Wide Easter Egg Hunt will be on March 29, 2015 (Palm Sunday) this spring from 4 - 6 pm. This is a new time slot for this ministry. Please tell your friends, families, and neighbors so that they can mark their calendars! We are going to teaching the children the story of Easter this year through story telling by Miss Scarlett. This will include waving three hundred palm branches and running about in the sanctuary! Shh! Don’t tell Pastor Doug! Just kidding– he has agreed to portray Jesus!! We are even going to serve our guests Holy Communion! There will be fun crafts, yummy snacks, and of course an amazing hunt for hundreds, no make that thousands of eggs! You can pick up your bags of Easter Eggs at the entrances of the church for families to take home and stuff with candy, stickers, tattoos, and other small prizes. Please only used individually wrapped candy in the eggs. Also, please do not put money in the eggs! Eggs are due back to the Chapel by Sunday, March 22, 2015, please! We are also in need of 18 count packages of eggs. Please bring them to the church by Sunday March 22, 2015, UNBOILED!! They can be placed in the Church fridge. Write that they are for the community egg hunt on the top of the carton, please! On the day of the Hunt, we are in need of folks to greet and welcome our guests (we are anticipating nearly 350 people this year), folks to help serve snacks, and folks to assist with crafts and egg dying. Please be in prayer for this ministry. Please also be in prayer over how God is calling you to serve. Talk to Scarlett Danraj, Sarah Whitley, or Lauren Sandercock with any questions or for more information! Monday Morning Reflections Starts March 2nd Join us each Monday at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our topics are listed below and everyone is invited to attend. March 2 - Augusta Medical Clinic - A hospital representative will speak of the services being offered by the new AMC Clinic being build in Stuarts Draft, behind Arby's. March 9 - Rob and Karen Miller, Physical Therapists and owners of Body Ease. March 16 - Amanda Glover, Augusta County's director of economic development. Carolyn Bragg, Board of Supervisors representing Stuarts Draft. March 23 - Rodney Martin - Owner Stuarts Draft Retirement Assisted Living. March 30 - Pam Boles - Owner - Home Instead - Safety in the Home. Page 6 Ushers (11:00) March 1st: J eff &Nathaniel Kiser March 8th: Donna Kiser & Dan Power s March 15th: Frank Lambert & Rhonda Rawson March 22nd: Larry Flint & J ason Sorrells March 29th: Maxine McKinney & Ken Stanley Communion Servers (March 1st) 8:30: Ben Howell, Shirley Smith 11:00: Georgeann Lambert, Pat Sorrells Debbie Flint, Shannon Sankar Forrest Shuey, Russ Dean Lay Readers March 8th: J amie Taylor (8:30) Bill Betlej (11:00) March 22nd: J oyce Batemen (8:30) Mark Doty (11:00) Screen Operator - 11:00 Note: Please trade with someone, and, then let the office know if you are unable to serve on your scheduled date. Thanks! 01– Jaylen Simmons 08– Forrest Shuey 15– Jason Sorrells 22– still needed 29– still needed 9:45 am Sunday School 01– still needed 08– Jean Crummett 15– still needed 22– still needed 29- still needed 8:30 am Worship 01– Sarah McGill 08– Jean Crummett 15– Noah Templeton 22– still needed 29– still needed Infant Nursery Birth -2 yrs. Upstairs Toddler Nursery 2 - 4 yrs. Downstairs Page 7 11:00 am Worship 01– Mindy Reid 08– Noah Templeton 15– Mindy Reid 22– Lauren Sandercock 29– still needed 01– Elizabeth Henkel & BJ Reid 08– Elizabeth Henkel & Laura Doty 15– Elizabeth Henkel & Dan Powers 22– Elizabeth Henkel & Karen Winkler 29– Elizabeth Henkel & still needed 02– Reflections Class Begins 10 am 08– New Members Exploration - 5 pm 10– Outreach - 6:30 pm 12- Church Council - 7 pm 13- CWS Registration - 8 am 13-14 Planet Wisdom -Youth 14–Community Pancake Breakfast 8 - 10 am in the Fellowship Hall 18- Visitation - 1:30 pm 20- Blood Drive - 12:00 - 6:00 pm 21- Youth Fundraiser - 5:30 pm 24- Mission Auction Planning - 6:30 pm 26- Trustees - 7 pm 27-28 Women’s Retreat 29 Egg Hunt - 4 - 6 pm 29 Lay Leadership - 6 pm 31- Lunch Bunch -11am Calvary Courier Calvary will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, March 20th from Noon - 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Volunteers are needed to make and serve snacks. Talk to Gene or Susan Kane at 540-337-2569 if you are able to help. All are invited to join the Lunch Bunch on Tuesday, March 31st, at Red Lobster in Staunton. We will meet at the restaurant at 11 am. Please call Treva Bradley at 3373000 or the church office to reserve your spot or if you need a ride. Next month we’ll head to Traditions in Harrisonburg. We’d love to have newcomers (men & women) join us...it’s great fellowship! Page 8 Registration forms for Calvary Weekday School students (3 & 4 year olds) for 2015-16 will be available starting at 8:00 am on Friday, March 13th. The 3 year-old options are MWF ($90 per month), or TTh from 9 -11:30 am ($60 per month). A five-day program for 4 year-olds is available M-F 9-11:30 am or 12:30-3 pm (for $150 per month). Each child also pays $50 for registration. Applications can be picked up from Celeste Robb or Beth Josefson. The Outreach Team is sponsoring a Community breakfast! Please invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join our new community second Saturday breakfasts! Our next breakfast will be March 14th from 8-10 am in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone who wishes to help cook, serve, supply orange juice, make coffee or set up, please contact Lisa Tyree, Larry Flint, or Pastor Nancy right away. This is our tastiest outreach mission project yet! AND IT’S FREE! One Great Hour of Sharing on Sunday, March 15th, is an offering that makes the love of Christ real for individuals and communities around the world who suffer the effects of disaster, conflict, or severe economic hardship. Give to support world missions. Cemetery Flower Removal Join the cemetery team on Saturday, March 7th, at 9 am for spring cleaning. Talk to Gene Kane, or just come! Please note: If you have a flower arrangement on a grave that you do not want thrown away, please remove it before March 7th. Calvary Courier People United is a new mission community on the Staunton District. We are filled with anticipation and joy about all the possibilities that are before us and the coming-to-pass of visions bigger than ourselves. There has been such tremendous support and encouragement from our District Superintendent, and warm wishes and prayers from fellow believers on the District and Conference level. Last November, we received a call from a stranger who identified himself as a member of the UM Men’s Ministry at Calvary UMC in Stuarts Draft. They had heard our century-old church building was in need of help and offered to do whatever they could. Within two weeks of that phone conversation, Frank Lambert, Larry Flint, and Gene Kane from Calvary arrived at our church to assess our needs. We soon discovered that the men weren’t strangers, but fellow Christians who had come to lend us a hand. We laughed, talked, and shared stories as we walked around the building, making note of needed repairs. Gene returned in mid-December with Ron Engleman, a welder, who repaired the railings on our side steps and handicap ramp. Frank and Larry came the next day to scrape, putty and secure all the Sanctuary windows, made the necessary adjustment to our Sanctuary entrance door so it would open and close with ease, removed a rotting window frame and built a new one, and then installed a new replacement window. These men not only gave of their time, they had all the necessary tools, materials, and skills to perform the task. As Pastor at People United, I will prayerfully do all that is needful to promote, support, and encourage the spiritual growth of the Men’s Ministry here at our church so that one day they may reflect the warmth, compassion, spirit, and willingness to help others as demonstrated by their brothers from Calvary UMC. —Danta Thompson, Pastor – People United in Christ for full text, see the district newsletter online on page 8 at http://www.stauntondistrictumc.org/uploads/2/8/0/5/28058281/2015_february-march.pdf Team Orlando Dinner! Mark your calendars for the Youth Fundraising Dinner on March 21, 2015 at 6:00 pm! Come on out and help to support our youth with their upcoming trip to Orlando, Florida this summer! We are heading to the National Youth Convention for the United Methodist Church and we need to raise some funds to get all our amazing kids down there! Its going to be a tremendous experience for all of them to learn more about their faith and grow into deeper relationship with Jesus Christ! Youth 2015 is focused on John Wesley and his beliefs surrounding piety and mercy. In John’s honor, we will dine on English fare for our yearly Fundraising Dinner this year! Join us for Cottage Pie - its just like Sheppard’s Pie but with beef instead of lamb. Shepherds watch over sheep, thus Shepherd’s Pie gets its name! Folks have been enjoying Sally Lunn bread since the 1680s in Bath, England. Come find out the history of the sandwich - also English - and enjoy some scrumptious Apple Crumble for dessert - started once again by the British during World War II! And this is only the start! It will be a wonderful night of fabulous food and fellowship. Come on out and support our amazing youth - you will be blessed by their lively spirits and their passion for Christ! Page 9 Tickets will be available on March 1, 2015 (at our Baked Potato Bar that was snowed out from the end of February)! Tickets are $12.50 each or 2 for $25. Children birth - 4 are free and children 5 - 9 are $5. See a youth for tickets. Tickets will also be available in the church office or from Scarlett Danraj.
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