MOSHI CO-OPERATIVE UNIVERSITY (MoCU) CHUO KIKUU CHA USHIRIKA MOSHI Sokoine Road, P.O. Box 474, Moshi, Tanzania. Tel:+255 272754401 Fax:+255 272750806 e-mail: Website: DIRECTORATE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES P.O. Box 474, Moshi, Tanzania. Tel: +255 27 2754401 Fax: +255 27 2750806 APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO VARIOUS MoCU NON DEGREE PROGRAMMES FOR 2015/2016 ACADEMIC YEAR. The Moshi Co-operative University invites qualified individuals (Tanzanians and non-Tanzanians) to apply for admission to non-degree programmes offered by the University for the academic year 2015/2016. Degree applicants shall have to apply directly to TCU. More information on the mode of application is available at the TCU website. 1.0 POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES These are one-year programmes (two semesters) designed for both pre-service and in-service individuals. (i) Postgraduate Diploma in Co-operative Business Management (PGD-CBM) (ii) Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance(PGD-AF) (iii) Postgraduate Diploma in Community Development (PGD-CD) (iv) Postgraduate Diploma in Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies Management (PGD-SACCOS) 1.2 Admission Requirements. (i) Holders of an Advanced Diploma from the former Co-operative College Moshi, MUCCoBS or any other recognized institution of higher learning. (ii) Holders of a Bachelors degree from the former MUCCoBS or any other recognized institution of higher learning. (iii) Holders of relevant professional qualifications from recognized professional bodies. 2.0 2.1 DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES (i) DIPLOMA IN CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING (DCMA), (ii) DIPLOMA IN ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT (DEMA), (iii) DIPLOMA IN MICROFINANCE MANAGEMENT (DMFM), (iv) DIPLOMA IN LIBRARY AND ARCHIVAL STUDIES (DLAS) and, (v) DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (DBICT) These are two years programmes (four semesters) designed for both pre-service and inservice individuals. Admission Requirements (a) Direct Admission Form VI leavers with at least one principal pass and two subsidiary in any of the following subjects: Economics, Accountancy, Mathematics, Commerce, Physics, Geography and History / Biology / Chemistry / Kiswahili / English/ Agriculture / Nutrition. The sum of points should not be less than 2. A Centre of Excellence in Co-operative Education and Practice (b) 2.2 Equivalent Qualifications Holders of relevant one year or more certificate qualifications from the former Moshi Co-operative College or MUCCoBS or any other recognized academic institutions or Examination Boards, provided they have at least FOUR passes at “O” Level Secondary Education. DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (DBICT) This is a two year (four semesters) programme designed for both pre-service and in-service individuals. Admission Requirements (a) Direct Admission Form VI leavers with at least one principal pass and two subsidiary pass in any of the following subjects: Economics, Accountancy, Mathematics, Commerce, Physics, Geography and Chemistry. The sum of points should not be less than 2. (b) 3.0 Equivalent Qualifications (i) Holder of a one-year or more Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) of the Moshi Co-operative College or Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS), OR (ii) Holders of one-year or more relevant certificate qualifications from recognized academic institutions/examining boards provided they have at least FOUR passes at “O” Level Secondary Education. CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMES These are one academic year (two semesters) programmes designed for both pre-service and in-service individuals. (i) Certificate in Management and Accounting (CMA)* (ii) Certificate in Microfinance Management (CMF)* (iii)Certificate in Accounting and Finance (CAF) (iv) Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) (v) Certificate in Library and Information Sciences (CLIS) (vi) Certificate in Enterprise Development (CED)** (vii) Certificate in Coffee Quality and Trade (CQT) * These programmes are offered at both Kizumbi Campus in Shinyanga Region and Moshi Campus in Moshi-Kilimanjaro Region. ** This Program is offered in Shinyanga (Kizumbi Campus only) Admission Requirements: Form IV certificate holders with at least FOUR passes in Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Commerce, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, History, English Language, Kiswahili, Biology, Textile Technology, Agricultural Science and Nutrition. Mode of Application: Application to all programmes must be accompanied by:(i) A non-refundable fee of thirty thousand Tanzanian shillings (Tshs. 30,000/=) for Tanzanians nationals or thirty US dollars (30 US Dollars) for Foreigners payable to Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies through Account No. 01J2036991800 CRDB BANK MOSHI BRANCH. (ACCOUNT NAME: MUCCoBS SAVINGS ACCOUNT) and MUCCoBS DOLLAR ACCOUNT NA. 02J1038874400 FOR FOREIGN APPLICANTS. (ii) Certified photocopies of relevant academic certificates and transcripts. A Centre of Excellence in Co-operative Education and Practice NOTE: 4.0 Result slips will be accepted ONLY for those who completed studies in 2014 for form IV and 2015 for form VI. Applicants with foreign certificates should submit them to the National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) for verification and translation. Application Forms 4.1 Application forms can be obtained from MoCU Main Campus-DUS Office. OR 4.2 Accessed from MoCU website: 4.3 The following MoCU Regional Offices: Dodoma-Area C Inades Builiding;Iringa– BibiTiti/Sekoutoure Road; Kigoma - Majengo Area, Rumumba Road; Kilimanjaro Sokoine Road; Mbeya - Forest Area; Mtwara - Rahaleo Area, Municipal Offices; Mwanza - Balemwa Road, Plot 17 Block C; Pwani - Regional Commissioner’s Block; Ruvuma - Songea;-opposite the CRDB Bank Shinyanga – Kizumbi Campus, Tabora Road; Singida - Mwanza Road; Tabora - Itetemia Road, Block 1 and Tanga - Ngamiani Area. Applicants from regions which do not appear on this list, should contact the nearest Regional Offices. 4.4 Submission of application forms: Only dully filled application forms will be considered and should be addressed to:THE DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR - ACADEMIC, MOSHI CO-OPERATIVE UNIVERSITY (MoCU) P.O. BOX 474, MOSHI, TANZANIA Deadline for receiving dully filled application forms is 26/6/ 2015 except for degree programme applicants who should follow the TCU timetable. CAUTION All applicants should note that it is an offence to submit false information for admission consideration. Any applicant who will be discovered to have submitted a forged Certificate or any other irrelevant information will not be considered and appropriate legal action will be taken against him/her. Also note that any applicant who will give false or incomplete information, whenever discovered, at either registration or thereafter, shall have his/her admission cancelled. In addition, any fee paid shall not be refunded. A Centre of Excellence in Co-operative Education and Practice
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