Getting Real… Visit our website!

March 2015
Getting Real…
The season of Lent is a time for us to hear the message that time is short and we need to figure
out who we are, and what we are about, and offer our self in relationship to God. In clearer
language: Jesus calls us to authenticity. But emerging as an authentic person is not always easy
and may be a hard journey.
Congregational Life
I don’t think it is a hard journey because we are naturally duplicitous or that we are naturally
Pages 1 - 8
hypocrites. I think one of the reasons it is hard is because sometimes we are naturally
Beyond the
Page 9
Youth News
Pages 10-11
Early Childhood
Page 12
Pages 13-14
Page 15
unconscious. We are unaware that there are dimensions to us and to our faith that we have yet
to explore or yet to unleash or that we even need to explore. If you are like me, the alarm may
have to go off two or three times before I really wake up in the morning. Fortunately Lent
comes around every year saying, “Wake up!”
It is a hard journey because sometimes we don’t like what we see. We would rather live with
the myth of who we are, rather than the reality. It is a hard journey because we are often very
comfortable with the status quo of our self-image—the way we perceive ourselves and the way
we want to be perceived. This is a bit of an exaggeration, but unfortunately not much of one.
Every morning when I look in the mirror I am for a moment confused because in my selfimage I am twenty five and about 40 pounds thinner with more hair. Fortunately I have a wife
and Jesus both who say, “Get real.”
So Lent comes along and offers us a time to get
real. In the call to a holy lent we are called to selfexamination and repentance. Self-examination
means to take a real look at ourselves, an honest
look—and that look means that there are some
things we want to repent of which really means to
turn away from. But I hope in that selfexamination we will also find some things we
want to turn toward and embrace. Our higher and
better self is also in there to be discovered and
Sunday Worship
October- May
8:00, 9:30 & 11::00 am
In the call to a holy lent we are called to prayer. This really means to spend some time alone
with ourselves and with God. It is amazing that we keep inventing ways in which we never
have to be alone. Cable TV has what seems to me to be an endless number of channels that run
24/7. I have my computer, the internet and my phone, all of which can talk to me and keep me
June - August
from being alone. Lent draws our attention to the kind of prayer life where we are alone with
8:00 & 10:00 am
God. In an interview many years ago a reporter asked Mother Theresa about how she prayed.
She shared that when she prayed, she would sit and listen. The reporter then asks, “What does
Saturday Worship
God do?” She replied that God mostly sits and listens. It is almost frightful to dare to think of
October- May
sitting and listening in the presence of God.
1st Saturday of each month
All this is about finding our true selves to offer to God. So what about Jesus? Jesus is the one
June - August
who calls us to our true self, our higher self—our better self. And most importantly, Jesus is
Every Saturday, 5:30 pm the one who loves us long before we ever get there and who makes it safe for us to try.
Visit our website!
So hear the call of Lent. The call to get real.
Congregational Life
Volume 35 Number 3
During the 2015 Season of LENT,
eight versions of the cross will be lifted up during
worship on the dates listed below:
Mid-Week Lent Worship 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 7:30-8 pm
Anchor Cross - Hope
Wednesday, March 11, 7:30-8 pm
Jerusalem Cross - Mission
Wednesday, March 18, 7:30-8 pm
Maltese Cross - Change
Wednesday, March 25, 7:30-8 pm
Celtic Cross - Redemption
Maundy Thursday
April 2, 7:30 pm
Holy Communion (with First Communion)
Greek Cross - Service
Good Friday
April 3, 7:30 pm
Passion Cross - Suffering
We hope you consider joining us for some
thoughtful worship and community time together.
Mid-Week Lenten Schedule
Wednesday nights during Lent, join us for:
Soup Supper - 6:30 to 7:15 pm and then,
Worship - 7:30 to 8:00 pm
Lenten Soup Suppers
Each Lenten season we provide a
fellowship opportunity for people of faith
to gather around a table and share a meal.
These soup suppers are intended to be
simple and provide some time for us to
slow down and care for one another.
It is a great way to embrace fellowship time prior to the
mid-week Lenten worship services. The Lenten Soup
Suppers will be offered at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays:
March 4, 11, 18 & 25. Watch for the soup sign up
board in the gathering space and please join us!
Rev. Dr. Robert A. Davis, Senior Pastor
Mike Price, Business Director
Tim Mahoney, Property Director
Jan Schmieding, Bookkeeper & Membership
Roz Deigan, Admin. Congregational Activities
Valerie Granfeldt, Admin. Congregational Communications
Rev. Dr. Joleen M. Gleasman, Director of Relational Ministries
Randall Casey, Director of Music
Carrie Mack, Director of Youth Music Ministries
Dale Tippett Jr., Director of Contemporary Music
Beth Malecha, Handbell Choir Director
Jennifer Radtke, Nursery Attendant
Carmen & Abel Cervantes, Custodians
Kathy Pfister, Director of Celebration! Childcare
Tina Schlonsky, Director of CrossWays PreSchool & MMO
President, Mark Fedyk
Vice-President, Angie Lindsey
Council Treasurer, Tom Miller
Financial Secretary, Carol Wasemiller
Sunday School Coordinator: Felicia Brandt
Funday School Coordinators: Maggie Roche, Jennie Schlitt,
and Gretchen Towson
Altar Care: Julie Luczkiw
Nursery: Jennifer Radtke
Greeters: Therese Delli Paoli
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Phone: (847) 367-4060
Fax: 847-367-4346
This newsletter is available in color online at:
Click on “Resources” and then “Newsletter”
Holy Cross parish newsletter is published monthly
and articles may be submitted by the 15th of the
month to Roz Deigan at
Congregational Life
Volume 35 Number 3
The Arts In Our Time
“The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra is a youth
orchestra based in Seville, Spain consisting of
musicians from countries in the Middle East, of
Egyptian, Iranian, Israeli, Jordanian, Lebanese,
Palestinian, Syrian and Spanish background. It was
founded in 1999 by Daniel Barenboim and Edward
Said. (Barenboim is the former principal conductor of
the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.) The aim of the
orchestra is to promote understanding between Israelis
and Palestinians and pave the way for a peaceful and
fair solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict.”
I offer this passage, admittedly from Wikipedia, to demonstrate what one famous conductor is doing in a musical way
to confront conflict. However, apart from getting talented
young people of various nationalities to work and play
together, one might wonder how relevant music, or any other
art for that matter, is in a time of war. The answer is that the
arts are amazingly applicable where they might at first glance
seem totally out of place.
Somehow the word “timeless” comes to mind. Bach and
Beethoven, Michelangelo and Rodin, Shakespeare and
Twain, were contributing to those things that will last
forever. And so when we listen to great music or read a
classic, we are taking part in the eternal. In the here and now,
we are being uplifted.
Whether we want to admit it or not, there is also a quality of
timelessness to war in the sense that those killed are gone
from this world forever. Those of us left behind, whether
family members or just observers of television news, are
downtrodden by this loss, at least for a while. And this is
where the arts come in: Ultimately they lift us up, no matter
what the context may be.
The act of terrorism at the newspaper in Paris happened
about ten days ago as I am writing. That horrible event led
me to a line of thinking that brought the West-Eastern Divan
Orchestra to mind. And so with the bond the members of that
orchestra share, I am searching for common ground for
Muslims of whatever persuasion and those they oppose.
I have read that Christians, Jews, and Muslims share a belief
in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If this is so, it
makes me think of the Old Testament and specifically the
psalms. Ps. 23:4: “Yes, though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.”
At my mother’s funeral a preacher recited that verse in a
manner I had never heard previously or since by
emphasizing the word “through.” “Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death...” His
purpose was to underscore that sorrow at a time of death is
a temporary state. I would like to think that the threat of
terrorism/war is a valley through which the world is
currently passing. To say this another way, this one verse
from Psalm 23 puts terrorism/war in perspective for everybody by showing that its evil is not a part of the eternal.
And, although evil is a part of being human, Daniel
Barenboim, and even I, view the arts as its antidote.
For me much of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach is
extremely soothing. You may read Keats or Frost and
achieve a similar sense of calm. Keats’ great line “A thing
of beauty is a joy forever” comes to mind, and returns me
to the sense of being timeless.
I know not what this world has in store. As a musician,
however, I would like to think that my efforts and those of
others in the arts, such as the poet of Psalm 23, are
contributing in a positive way to our walk through this
valley. But one does not have to be an artist to make this
world a better place. Let us all be mindful of God’s gifts,
using them the best way we know to nurture God’s
creation. ~ Randy Casey
for the Sanctuary
April 5, 2015
Please submit your orders for Easter
sanctuary flowers by Sunday, March
15. Order forms may be found online
or in the gathering space at church.
Mission Endowment Fund
College Scholarships
Through the Holy Cross Mission
Endowment Fund, Holy Cross provides
scholarships to assist and encourage
post high school education for its
members. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive
basis* and may be used at an accredited college,
university or vocational technical school. Requirements
are that you be an active member of Holy Cross and that
you submit an application form including a thoughtful
faith statement by March 31, 2015. Applications are
available in the church office or online under resources/
Child & Youth.
*Due to limited funds, all applicants may not be awarded
scholarships, but it is strongly urged
that all eligible students apply.
Congregational Life
Volume 35 Number 3
Are You Interested in
Becoming Members of
Holy Cross?
Our next New Member Breakfast and Reception of New
Members will be held Saturday, March 7 and Sunday,
March 8. If you ar e inter ested in lear ning mor e about
membership at Holy Cross, please contact Pastor Bob
Davis: 847-367-4060 or
Farewell and Godspeed Pastor Krista
Pastoral Acts
On Sunday, February 22, the
congregation wished Pastor
Krista Henning-Ferkin a fond
farewell as she begins her next
call at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Plainview, MN,
on March 1.
Avery Adam
Son of Matthew & Deana Weiss
February 1, 2015
James Thomas
Son Jason & Jenna Little
February 8, 2015
Pastor Krista began serving
Holy Cross in October of
2009, and was installed as our Associate Pastor of Youth
& Family Formation on Sunday, November 8, 2009.
Michael H. Promen
February 21, 2015
Church Council Installation 2015
On Sunday, February 2, 2015, our most current council
was installed. We thank them for this commitment they
made to serve our congregation.
Bryan Bagg
Felicia Brandt
Eric Christensen, President
Lisa Dunbar
Mark Fedyk, V ice Pres.
Judith Frank-Gonwa
Dennis Lieding
Angie Lindsey
Katie Ormson
Joan Sheldon
Sam Sides
Ann Witbeck
Since her arrival in 2009, she has helped build upon and
organize the Milestone Ministries, Confirmation education and Sunday/Funday School. Pastor Krista has worked
with Celebration! Childcare, CrossWays Preschool and
the Early Childhood Ministries Board, and by our best
estimates, has led 15 confirmation retreats, 3 trips to
Rosebud, 1 trip to the ELCA Youth Gathering, one high
school youth mission trip per summer—and helped oversee numerous fundraisers to benefit the youth of Holy
Cross. She will be missed, and we wish her the very best.
Church Officers 2015
Tom Miller, Treasurer
Carol Wasemiller, Financial Secretary
Jill McKeon, Council Secretary
Thank you also to Sarah Accettura who completed two
consecutive 3-year terms on church council in January.
“Eternal God, we
thank you for
Reverend Krista, Kris,
Rachel and Luke, and
for our life together in
this congregation and
community. Amen.”
COOL Easter “Bagskets”
Holy Cross will be participating in the COOL Easter “Bagskets” project again this year. This is both a fun
and meaningful project that helps to bless the Easter tables of the less fortunate in Lake County. Paper
grocery bags donated by Sunset Foods are available now in the church gathering space. If you choose to
use your own bag, please use a sturdy bag with handles and consider double bagging if your items are
heavy. We are starting this project a little earlier this year, so that those of you lucky enough to be traveling
over the Spring Break period will have time to participate. Easter Bagskets should be returned to the
gathering space by Sunday, March 22. Thank you!
Congregational Life
Volume 35 Number 3
Steps in the ‘Calling’ of a Pastor
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America practices
a church polity that provides structure for the transition
during times of a pastoral vacancy. A spirit of cooperation and collegiality characterizes this process between
congregational members, synodical staff and potential
candidates. During the process appropriate information
will be shared at the appropriate moments. The confidentiality of all candidates will be respected throughout
the process.
There is no prescribed time table for all of these steps to
occur. Our experience at Holy Cross indicates that a
3 - 5 month process would not be the exception. There
are additional steps that support each of the talking
points mentioned below. During the interim Pastor Bob
will continue to provide pastoral care and leadership. As
needed, additional pastoral services will be utilized.
As we move forward through this process we rely on
trusting the Holy Spirit to guide us through the
discernment and decisions that will be made as we
move forward with our mission.
Sending Service of Gratitude for Pastor Krista
Conversations with Metropolitan Chicago Synod,
Church Council will create and charter a call
Call Committee will be comprised of
congregational members
Assessment of ministry needs and formulation of
position description
Assembly of an introductory packet consisting of
materials about the ministries of Holy Cross, our
ministry partners and the communities that we
relate to
Candidates identified utilizing numerous
Initial interviews overseen by the call committee
A candidate will be recommended to the church
council for interview
The final step would be a pastoral candidate
presented to the congregation followed with a
special congregational meeting with the sole
purpose of voting on extending a letter of call to an
ELCA ordained pastor
Acceptance of the letter of call and necessary
paperwork brings closure to the formal process
Welcoming and celebrating the arrival as we begin
a new ministry relationship
God bless us in this next chapter of our life together in
It Takes a Congregation!
Worship Participants
On non-communion Sundays, from
September to May, at least 33 volunteers
assist with worship and hospitality between the three
worship services on a Sunday. Sundays with Holy
Communion, it takes up to 60 volunteers to assist with
services, hospitality, and communion distribution!
While our Acolytes and Acolyte Assistants rosters
automatically include children from our congregation, all
the other worship participants volunteer for the ministries
they serve. Won’t you please consider joining a Sunday
Morning Worship Ministry? Please contact the chur ch
office if you are interested in Greeting, Ushering, being an
Assisting Minister, Communion Assistant, Coffee Host,
Nursery volunteer, help with Offering Counting, Reading
Lessons, being an Assistant in Prayer, Coffee Host, Altar
Care or help with Communion Bread Baking. It takes
many hands. Questions? Please call! 847-367-4060
Sunday, March 22
Waffle Breakfast
Served between 8:30 and 11 am
Fellowship Area
Fundraiser to benefit the youth going to the
ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer!
Spring Sing
Sunday/Funday School Music
During 9:30 am worship
Holy Cross
Handbell Choir
We are eager to perform two times this spring and our
rehearsals in March will be on Thursdays March 5, 12,
and 19 from 7 – 8:15 pm. We will perform in church during the 9:30 and 11 am services March 8 and April 26.
We love the addition of new members and are comfortable with new learners. If you have ever wanted to try, join
us on Thursday nights. We have fun! Further information
is available though the church office, Beth Malecha 224715-7587 or Pastor Joleen.
Congregational Life
Volume 35 Number 3
(from Psalm 44)
Prayer Ministry at Holy Cross
In the Season of Lent, we are reminded of the need of
prayer—both for our loved ones, ourselves, and as a
reminder of what our Lord has done for us. Prayer can
keep us going with God’s help. Feel free to utilize the
Prayer Ministries at Holy Cross. When Holy Communion
is being served, the prayer assistants will be available for
personal prayer at the center doors in the back of the
sanctuary during distribution. Partake of communion and
before taking your seat, you may go to the prayer assistant and ask for a prayer. Prayers can be for healing, celebrations, or remembrance—whatever topic you would
like to pray with someone about.
You may also call the church office to notify staff of
prayer requests to be added to the bulletin, our website, or
request a private prayer over the phone. These private
prayers can be available by contacting Pastor Joleen, Ann
Witbeck, or the church office staff—we will connect you
with a prayer assistant or pastor.
Hospitality at Home
This ministry at Holy Cross is made up of a group of
people who are interested in providing meals or other
assistance to fellow Holy Cross members when needed.
If you are interested in participating with this ministry by
providing meals, or if you find yourself or know of a
member who might appreciate a meal, please contact
Jackie Levernier (Sides) at 847-204-7607.
Couples Bible Study
This group meets on Friday evenings at 7 pm throughout
the year for a bible study discussion in the home. The
couples in the group share in the desire to grow spiritually
and strengthen their knowledge of God’s Word. The
Couples Bible Study will meet on Friday, March 6 at the
Phillips’ home, 304 Camelot Lane at 7pm, and on Friday
March 20, 7pm at the Lindsey home, 101 Camelot Lane,
Libertyville. This event is open to all couples that would
like to attend. Babysitting and snacks are provided. For
more information, please contact Angie Lindsey at
Common Threads/Prayer Shawls
This ministry meets the second Monday night of each
month, from 7 to 8:30 pm. As part of our ministry, we
knit or crochet prayer shawls and blankets. If you cannot
attend meetings, you may create from home and turn
them into the church office. Please contact the church
office if you are interested. Also, if you or someone you
know may be in the need of a shawl, please don’t hesitate
to ask. We bless them with prayers during worship.
O God, I have heard so much about how close
You were to Your children throughout history.
They clobbered the enemy,
and credited You for their victories.
When they were defeated, they accepted their lot
as Your righteous judgment.
It was their persistent faith in You that
held them together through the crises of their lives.
And I am aware of how You have watched over me
in the midst of my conflicts.
You have been an integral part of my life’s experiences.
I am deeply grateful for Your care and concern. Amen.
Devotions for March
“For surely I know the plans I have for you,” says the
Lord, “Plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give
you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and
come and pray to me, I will hear you.”
(Jeremiah 29: 11-12)
The words of Jeremiah come to the children of Israel
when they have paid the price in exile for unfaithfulness
to the Lord. Little do they know that such an opportunity
would be available for all who believe in Jesus, the One
whom God would send to the world to pay the price for
our unfaithfulness. And to be sure, we ARE unfaithful—
the majority of the time.
The hope that is given to us was at great cost to our
Savior. Because Jesus was willing to be obedient and
faithful to God, the price was his body and blood. We
have hope and a future only when we recognize our
unfaithfulness and believe what Jesus has accomplished
for us.
Gracious and loving God, we so do not deserve what
your Son Jesus has accomplished for us. Through his
suffering and death, we have hope when we go through
our suffering and death. Grant us hope and assurance
when we pray to you, knowing you hear us,
for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
Congregational Life
Volume 35 Number 3
COOL Plant Sale 2015
Order Forms Available Soon!
Leadership Summit
at Holy Cross this August
A disciple isn't just one of the characters in the Gospels
like Peter and Andrew, but includes all of us as well.
Jesus calls each of us to follow him, to be personally
changed, and to change our world. A similar role is that
of a leader. Anytime we step forward to make something
happen, to be a light in the darkness and spread the Good
News that transforms our world, we are behaving as
disciples and leaders. So have you thought about your life
as a leader? What would help you to be more inspired,
effective, and creative as you engage more and more in a
life of purpose bigger than yourself?
To that end, this summer Holy Cross will serve as a
satellite location for an event called the Willow Creek
Global Leadership Summit. The event has happened
annually for over 20 years and has featured speakers like
Colin Powell, Jeff Immelt, Patrick Lencioni, Jack Welch,
and many others. Last year over 200,000 people
participated in over 50 countries around the world.
The goal of the event is to discuss and teach leadership
principles that can be used throughout your life, whether
in your family, neighborhood, career, or faith journey.
The Global Leadership Summit embraces the most
effective leadership practices from business, non-profits,
and the church with the hope that these best practices can
spread, and our individual and collective impact on God’s
mission can grow. Because Holy Cross is a Premier Host
Site, our members may register early! The early
registration fee is $89 if you register by July 7, 2015.
Please save the dates of August 6 & 7 on your calendar
and watch for more details to come. God has created all
of us with the potential to act as leaders, to connect with
others, and make the world a better place. We hope that
this can be an uplifting event for you and your family,
friends, and colleagues.
The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event that is
telecast LIVE from Willow's campus near Chicago every August
to more than 300 locations in North America. Throughout the
fall, Summit events take place in an additional 350+ cities,
105 countries—translated into 50 languages.
Look for a COOL Plant Sale table staffed
with friendly Holy Cross gardeners in the
gathering space in March. Orders will be
due to Holy Cross later in March, and
plants will be available for pick-up at Bethel Lutheran
Church in Gurnee on Saturday, May 9 between 11 am and
2 pm. Just a reminder! COOL Plant Sale is always the day
before Mother’s Day, so keep Moms in mind when
ordering! W e will also post a link to the forms online.
Rise Up! for International Night
at Holy Cross
Saturday, May 2
Dinner and Auction Fundraiser to benefit
the youth of Holy Cross who will be attending the
ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit in July.
Invite your friends and neighbors for an evening
crisscrossing the world and tasting delicious samples of
food from a variety of cultures. Enticing silent auction
items, lively music, and interactive activities will add to
the fun as our guests jet set throughout the Holy Cross
property as eager travelers marking their passports!
Donations are being accepted
now for silent auction items.
Please contact the church office
if you have items (baseball
tickets, vacation destinations,
jewelry, services, or other
items) to donate.
Save the Date—Saturday, May 2,
and invite your friends and neighbors to help support our youth as they travel this summer
to Detroit for the ELCA Youth Gathering “Rise Up!”
Watch for more details coming soon.
Congregational Life
Volume 35 Number 3
Traveling with God’s Word continues in 2015, with the plan of
reading a book of the Bible each month. In a little over 5 years,
we will have read the whole Bible. By reading a book (parts of
books or combinations of books) each month, we have the opportunity to study a book in more depth. Questions will be provided
in this column each month. These questions may be the topic for
discussions (within the family unit, within a small gathering, or
personal devotion), one week for each question.
in prison, urges Philemon to do the same. Through this
transformation, Philemon will also be transformed in faith
and love through such an action.
Some questions to think about and share with another in
reading Philemon :
1. How does forgiving and loving have the power to
transform us?
2. Is it easier to love and forgive someone with whom we
The Letter of Philemon
are friends with, rather than one who is “useful” to us?
The book, often contributed to Paul as the author—written
What would it take for us to restore faith and trust in
while Paul was in jail—is one of Paul’s shortest letters,
that person?
consisting of only 25 verses. The letter, addressed to a man 3. What do you think Paul meant by “I wanted to keep
named Philemon, concerning the slave Onesimus, shares
him with me” and for Philemon to treat Onesimus “no
with us Paul’s ideals for relationships in the gospel. Paul
longer as a slave but more than a slave?”
urges Philemon to be transformed through forgiving
4. How does sharing our faith make us more effective as
Onesimus. Paul, having adopted Onesimus as a son while
it did Philemon?
Rosebud Intergenerational Mission Trip 2015
Last month we celebrated Valentine’s Day, and reminded
our loved ones that they are special to us—how blessed we
feel to have them in our lives. I received phone calls from
three different families at Two Strike calling to share what
is going on in their lives and yes—to tell me they love me.
I love them too!
fixing bikes. 4) Many hours will be enjoyed in the kitchen
preparing meals that will be shared and enjoyed by all in
the community. 5) Crafts and 6) VBS are some of the
highlights of the trip for young and old alike.
Many thanks for your contributions in the past, and I ask
you to consider doing so again this year. There will be an
There is a group of us who feel the same way and we will opportunity for the congregation to assist by taking a
continue to spread the love when we head west this
“sticky note” as we get closer to our departure date. We
summer to Rosebud, June 21 to June 26. Those of you who will be in need of gas money, food money, bike equipment
have expressed interest in learning more about what we do, for repairs, etc.
I encourage you to find out more by joining us for a meetGod bless you for doing so. This is a team effort by everying at Holy Cross Sunday, March 8, at 4 pm as we deterone at Holy Cross. There is much work that goes on behind
mine who cooks, who builds, who crafts etc. No special
skills are needed, just patience and a sense of humor…we the scenes by those at church and we thank you for your
dedication to this incredible mission trip.
laugh a lot. If you have any questions please call me!
Lastly, I remind you to pray for our dear families at Two
Projects that are being considered for our trip are: 1) Prayer Strike. It has been extremely rewarding to note on some of
Benches to be built and installed by the cross we built years their Facebook pages that they too are praying.
ago. Praise God the cross is still standing! 2) Golf tee boxes Thanks be to God!
for our Rosebud driving range. 3) We will spend time
~ Respectfully submitted, Barb Fox
Beyond the Congregation
Volume 35 Number 3
Empty Bowls
The Ceramics Department
and the Hospitality and
Culinary Management
departments at the College
of Lake County are presenting their seventh annual
Empty Bowls Project on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 from 11 am to 2 pm. Holy Cross
members Dale & Jane Brandt have been involved with
this service project for many years. For a minimum
donation of $15 per bowl, choose from over 1000 ceramic
bowls, plates and cups created by CLC students and
faculty. Each piece comes with a serving of chili and
cornbread prepared by the culinary students. All proceeds
from this event benefit the Northern Illinois Food Bank.
For maps and directions visit
COOL Ministries
Outreach of
► Help Veterans
COOL has a new pr ogr am to help
veterans. They are collecting razors and deodorant
which are almost impossible to order through the
food bank. They would appreciate any donations of
these items, which will go directly to veterans in
Lake County. You may place your donations in the
COOL shopping cart located outside the church
Holiday Meal Boxes Contr ibutions for Holiday
Meal Boxes resulted in additional funds which were
used to purchase holiday meals for MORE THAN
1300 FAMILIES! Thank you!
Henderson House At COOL Family Housing we
were blessed in late December to receive the deed to
a duplex in Zion as a gift from generous donors. The
property, which is part of our Family Housing
Program, is now named “Henderson House.” The
home consists of two newly renovated 2-bedroom
units which are already occupied by two families in
our transitional housing program. Now all we need is
funding, furniture items, and we are also praying for a
washer and dryer for one of the units. Please call
Shari at 847-662-1340 if you can help!
TUNA is the wish list food for the month of
March. Thank you to all the Sunday/Funday School
students and families at Holy Cross who bring food
and other items each week!
Pack Meals Monthly!
There are few experiences that measure up to the feeling
you get when you help feed a hungry child or adult. We
are grateful to the Libertyville meal packing site of Feed
My Starving Children for being so organized. They give
each one of us the ability to help feed the hungry. Even
volunteering just two hours a month has a big impact on
feeding the hungry.
Sign up to volunteer at the Libertyville packing site
( for the 12 noon time slot on the fourth
Wednesday of every month. Pack with other folks
from Holy Cross as well as from the community at large.
Our next group pack is Wednesday, March 25. If you
have any questions, please call the church office or speak
with Pastor Joleen.
Fair Trade Products
We continue to sell Fair Trade coffees, teas,
chocolate bars, cocoa for hot chocolate, and
baking cocoa the first Sunday of every
month. The next opportunity to buy is
Sunday, March 1, 2015, in the
Gathering Space between 9 and 11 am.
Winchester House Worship
Holy Cross shares our worship experience with the
residents of Winchester House at 2:30 pm on the fourth
Sunday of each month, from January through October.
Share your musical gifts by accompanying us in hymns on
the piano, be a reader or help move residents starting at
2 pm. The whole family is welcome! Our next worship at
Winchester House will be on Sunday, March 22.
Willow House Spring Fling Gala
Holy Cross Lutheran Church is the home to Willow House
Libertyville groups since 2002. These groups include
those for children ages 3 through 18 who are grieving the
death of a mom, dad, brother or sister, adult groups for the
young widowed and those who are grieving the death of a
child as well as a group for young adults. Willow House
has extended an invitation to all to attend their Spring
Gala Benefit on Saturday, April 18, 6:30 - 10:30 pm at
Briarwood Country Club in Deerfield. Contact for tickets and more information.
Youth News
Volume 35 Number 3
Sunday/Funday School
Theme for 2014-2015:
God’s Work, Our Hands
Our Lenten Season has many service oriented activities!
In addition to preparing for our Spring Sing on March 22,
we’ll be preparing Easter treat bags for COOL Food
Pantry to give out with the annual Easter “Bagskets.” To
help us with this service project, we are looking for donations of several items:
Easter/Spring theme based:
Puzzle books
Individually wrapped candies
Empty plastic eggs
Toys small enough to fit in the egg
Please look for our collection box in the Narthex.
Plus, our final classroom series for the 2014-15 school
year begins April 12. Check out our sign-up board for
“Doubting Thomas,” and please consider giving your time
by teaching one of the following areas (all lesson plans are
provided!): Art/Creation Station, Video/Holy Word,
Disciple Drama, Science/Discovery Lab, Games/Temple
Upcoming Dates
March 8
Spring Sing Practice
March 15
Spring Sing Practice
March 22
Spring Sing
March 29
Palm Sunday-No Sunday/Funday School
April 2
First Communion (2nd Graders & more)
April 5
Easter Sunday-No Sunday/Funday School
May 17
Field Day Celebration
Sunday, March 22, 9:30 am
Sunday/Funday School Spring Sing
The Holy Cross Spring Sing is just around the corner
(even though the temperatures tell us otherwise)!
We are asking that all Funday School students (Gr. 1-5)
report to the basement by 9 am to rehearse.
If you come early for the delicious Waffle Breakfast,
please plan to finish eating before 9 am!
All Sunday School students (3-5 yr olds & kindergarten)
will sit with their parents in the congregation until they
are called up to sing. Please contact Carrie Mack at with any questions.
Introduction to First Communion
Take and Eat
For 2nd Graders and all others
who are preparing for their
First Communion
Save the Date
Saturday, March 7 ~ 10 am to 12 noon
OR Sunday, March 8 ~ 2:00 to 4:00 pm
PLEASE RSVP for a class by Monday, March 2
First Communion Preparation
First communion instruction will be offered for all second
graders (and those older) who would like to receive Holy
Communion. Communion instruction includes conversation, video, and a hands-on component. While not
required, parents are strongly encouraged to attend the
class with their child. The preparation culminates with
students receiving their first communion during the
Maundy Thursday service in Holy Week on April 2 at
7:30 pm (or on another Sunday if you will be out of town).
Preparing children to receive their first communion is a
partnership with children, parents and the church. Parents
may wonder if their child is ready to receive communion.
This is a personal decision for each family to discern.
Sometimes a family feels that a child is not ready in second grade. If this is the case, we simply defer the instruction for another year. If children have come from a church
where they received communion before second grade, we
invite these children and families to also participate in the
communion instruction. Also, older children who have not
yet received their first communion are invited to attend
these classes or to contact the church office to schedule
age appropriate instruction. Any questions may be directed
to Pastor Bob.
See Page 12 of this newsletter for
information about the first official
Saturday, March 14 at 9 am!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
JULY 27 - 31
- VBS for all children who turned 2 - 5 by September 2014
- Lutherdale Day Camp for children who completed
grades 1-5
Watch for more information about registration in April.
Youth News
Volume 35 Number 3
Confirmation Ministry
(Middle School)
Confirmation is for all students
in grades 6, 7, and 8, and runs
from September through midMarch. Confirmation starts at
6:30 pm (youth musicians are welcome to come at 6 pm
to play in the band). Each week the evening starts in the
sanctuary with worship and then classes are dismissed for
small group time discussion. We end the evening by 8
All middle school students (and parents) are invited to
join the confirmation band. Both instrumentalists and
vocalists are needed. Confirmation band meets from 6 6:30 pm each night of confirmation. We then play two
songs for the large group worship time.
Important Confirmation Dates for March:
Saturday, March 14—Sunday, March 15 8th Gr ade
Retreat to Lutherdale
Sunday, March 15 - Final Night of Confirmation
instruction for 2014-2015
High School
Sunday, March 8 6:30 pm
High School Youth Meeting
Sunday, March 15
$150 payment towards ELCA Youth Gathering Due
Sunday, March 22 8:30 to 11 am
Waffle Breakfast Fundraiser
Sign up at VolunteerSpot or contact church office.
Coming this Spring!
Youth Fundraiser for the
ELCA Youth Gathering
Sunday, March 22 - 7th Gr ade boys pack PADS
lunches in Room 208 because of the Waffle Breakfast
Sunday, March 22, 2 to 3:15 pm - All 6th graders help
with worship at Winchester House
Sunday, March 22, 1:45 - 5:15 pm - 7th Grade World
Religions Retreat NOTE TIME CHANGE! Any
questions may be directed to Pastor Bob.
Save the Date!
May 2, 2015
Mark your calendars for the Saturday, May 2! It is the
Dinner & Silent Auction Fundraiser for the high school
youth going to the Youth Gathering in Detroit. This event
will be held from 6:30 pm to 10 pm here at Holy Cross.
In preparation for the silent auction part of this
exciting evening, the youth are requesting donations
from members of items, services, tickets, travel
getaways, experiences. Anything you could donate
would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the
church office if you have something you can donate or an
idea or business contact.
Tickets for the event will be on sale in March and April.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Plan to attend - it will be a fun evening!
For Those Suffering From
Economic Hardships
When individuals feel the crunch caused by loss of (or
shortage of) income, people can be affected by stress and
frustrations. Whether that loss or shortage is caused by
unfortunate decisions or behaviors, it makes the burden
more stressful and guilt (which is a useless action) is
overwhelming; everything becomes a heavy burden,
sometimes too much. Thus, let us look to our God who is
strong enough to carry all that is within us and loves us
enough to walk with us through these difficult times.
Gracious, Loving, and Almighty God, sometimes the days
become more than we feel we can handle. Responsibilities
lay upon our shoulders; loved ones look to us for help;
though it may not be so, we feel everyone sees our
inability to live the lives of the successful and secure. Lord
God, we know in our hearts that your love is there for us
and, therefore, we can come to you with our fears and
troubles. Help us, O Lord. Restore our sense of trust in
you, for the Jesus who died reminds us that it is you that
can raise us up as You raised Him up. Give us such a
sense of Your Holy Spirit that our days may become
fruitful, filled with confidence and love, for you and for
one another. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
Early Childhood
Volume 35 Number 3
where love and learning meet
Thank you Holy Cross Congregation!
February Was Fun at CrossWays!
Gently Used Children’s Clothing
Celebration! is always in need of children’s clothes,
sizes Infant through children’s size 5. If you have any
garments that your child is no longer using we can always
use spare clothes. Clean, seasonal clothing can be dropped
off Monday through Friday, 7 am - 6pm in the childcare
Thank goodness for the snow in February. The children
enjoyed all the sledding. It is so fun to watch the children
with their sleds trudge to the top of the hill, slide down—
giggling the whole way, and then jumping up and doing it
again and again. We are so blessed to have our outdoor
playgrounds and nature areas! We get to truly enjoy every
season of the year’
Prayer Blankets
We would like to thank the Common Threads ministry of
Holy Cross for providing five prayer blankets/shawls to
Celebration! children and staff in the month of
February. It means a lot to the families as well as the
children to know they are being thought of at Holy Cross.
When a family is in need there isn’t much we can do to be
of assistance other than to offer our support and our
prayers —it’s not only a helpless feeling for the family but
a helpless feeling for our staff. The blanket symbolizes the
fact that they are not only a part of our Celebration!
family, but that they are also thought of with a blanket of
prayer from the Holy Cross family.
CrossWays PreSchool 2s, 3s, and 4s Pre-Kindergarten
registration is in process for the 2015-2016 school year.
We have had quite a few children already sign up. If you
are interested in our program, please come check us out!
We thank all the individuals that work so hard on the
shawls/blankets and we appreciate the peace that each
blanket/shawl brings to the families.
~ Kathy Pfister, Director Celebration! Childcare 847-367-6208
During the last week of February and the first week of
March Building Blocks Childhood Center Museum
Room: Noah’s Ark will be going on. This will be our
second Museum Room for this school year. We are
excited to have the children participate in Noah’s Ark.
They will be working with the building of the ark, placing
animals in the ark, and caring for the animals—just to
name a few of the experiences.
~ Tina Schlonsky, Director CrossWays PreSchool 847-367-4367
Save the Date
Every-bunny is welcome at the
for Vacation Bible School!
Bunny Breakfast!
July 27-31
Saturday, March 14 • 9-11 am
Breakfast and a chance to meet the bunny!
$4/person or $20/family of 5+
$2 for a photo with the Easter Bunny
Proceeds go to purchase activity carpets
for BBCC! Buy your tickets on select
Sunday mornings or at the front desk
of Celebration! Childcare.
This year VBS will be run as a
joint effort between Holy Cross Church
and CrossWays PreSchool!
Stay tuned for
more information
this month!
Relational Ministry
Volume 35 Number 3
What Good Are Rituals?
It is the season of Lent, and throughout the world, word
will travel that Christians observe Lent. I’m sure there are
many people (including some Christians) who wonder
what “observing” Lent is really all about. Many say it’s
time to observe by sacrificing (after all, look what Christ
has done for us), and in our case at Holy Cross, some will
attend Mid-week Lenten worship services, do a special
deed for another, increase devotions, etc. Some will do
Historians tell us that it is the observance of rituals that
keep people together, both as in family and community
but also in nations as well. The ritual in a family could be
as simple as gathering together for a meal on a regular
basis—the setting aside of time together for events, meetings, or holiday gatherings.
Significant rituals that unite Christians throughout the
world include baptisms, Holy Communion, observations
of Christmas and Easter—to name the obvious. These
rituals have cemented this community throughout these
two thousand plus years. Jewish rituals, from whence
many of our rituals come, have celebrated and continued
rituals for nearly five thousand years. Other religious
communities, i.e. Muslims, Buddhists, tribes and clans,
have rituals that are just as long-lasting. What makes
rituals important?
For us Christians in Lent, it is our identification—who we
are and whose we are. In observing a ritual, the benefit
comes in developing a discipline: giving it a priority in our
life. The discipline reminds us that we are more than our
personal self; we belong in the family. We are even part of
something bigger than us. The other benefit of ritual is the
reminder that we are a part of a past and a part of a future.
Rituals are developed over a period of years; doing the
discipline on a regular basis provides us a cadre of
connections, be it family/generations, citizens, or religion.
Strange as it may seem, rituals eliminate the need to be
important in the world ; they give us our importance
through our identity and there is no need to prove it. Our
rituals give us a place we belong, connect us to past, present, and future, and give us a feeling of unity. Rituals
give us a security, knowing we have a group that will help
and support us.
Jesus knew the importance of rituals. The gospels tell us
of Jesus’ regular trips to the temple in Jerusalem, his
observance of the Passover, his knowing the scripture,
providing food for the crowd, teaching us to pray, and
indeed, praying himself on a regular basis. That’s what
God in Jesus does for us! The followers of Jesus know, to
this day, to whom we belong. Our rituals in our lives will
tell the world!
~ Pastor Joleen
Our excursion on Friday, March 20 will take us to a
viewing of St. Mary’s Annunciation Church, then to
O’Reilly’s Stained Glass in Crystal Lake, IL. The day will
include lunch in a nearby restaurant.
St. Mary’s roots include German Catholic farmers who
settled in the area before 1850. The cardinal appointed
Fr. Ronald Lewinski as pastor in January 1996. It fell on
his shoulders to plan for the future of this fast growing
parish. It was decided at that time to keep the little church
and purchase more land just to the west to build a new
larger church that would accommodate generations to
come. In 2002, the
congregation built their
new church on the same
property. Celebrating their
150th anniversary this
year, St. Mary’s church
has a rich history in their
old building—and now in
celebrating their new building.
Those wishing to car pool may meet at the church at 9 am
in the parking lot. For further information, individuals
may call Ann Witbeck 847-223-0931 or Pastor Joleen.
Each Monday night, from 6 to
7pm, a group of Holy Cross
men and women meet in the
Atrium of Celebration!
Childcare (west wing of
building) to practice Pilates with
a professionally trained
instructor. The cost for the session running Monday,
March 2 through Monday, April 27 is $75. Please contact Jodi Zombolo with any questions! 847-968-2526
Parents of Children with
Special Needs
The meeting for March will be Sunday,
March 15 at 4 pm in r oom 208.
Sometimes it’s just good to get together
and talk with other parents who share similar concerns
(who are also raising children with special needs). Please
join us!
If you would like to speak with someone prior to our next
meeting, please contact either
Terry Berger 847-680-3578 or
Lisa Dunbar 847-680-8362.
Relational Groups
Volume 35 Number 3
Book Club
The book for March is non-fiction: The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women
Who Helped Win World War II by Denise Kieman. An incredible story of the top-secret World
War II town of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and the young women brought there unknowingly to help
build the atomic bomb. “The best kind of nonfiction: marvelously reported, fluidly written, and a
remarkable story.” We will discuss this book at the home Jenny Pekarske, 454 N. California Ave.
in Mundelein, at 7 pm on Tuesday, March 24. All are welcome to join us whether or not you have
completed reading the book! Contact Pastor Joleen at the church office, 847-367-4060.
The Monday Afternoon Bible Study Group will meet March 2 and 16, fr om 3 to 4:30 pm in
room 208. To be discussed is the Letter of Paul to Philemon. Philemon opens to us the difficulty
we all have with relationships and the prejudices that sometimes stand in the way. Having a greater
understanding of the times, the political climate, and the cultural understanding of God opens
readers to the mysteries found in the scripture. See page 8 of this newsletter for the questions we
will be discussing. Please join us these two afternoons and explore the depths and faith of this
book. Everyone is invited to attend this discussion: Biblical scholarship is not required!
For the early risers on a Saturday morning—women gather together to eat lightly, have coffee, lift
up prayer concerns, and study the lessons (Lectionary) for the next day. This group meets twice a
month (the dates are always available on the church calendar) in room 208 from 7 – 9 am (people
may leave when their need arises). We will gather at 7 am on Saturdays March 14 and March 28.
The study group will continue with the book is Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of
Raw Emotion by Lysa TerKeurst. In addition to discussing the book, we enjoy catching up with
each other, praying together, and of course sharing goodies! The chapter to be discussed on
Tuesday, March 3 will be “Negative Inside Chatter ,” and on Tuesday, March 24 we will
discuss “My Soul Needs to Exhale,” - as well as select the next book for discussion. We meet at
9:30 am in the fellowship area. All women are invited to attend. Bring a treat to share with the
group if you would like. Contact Pastor Joleen if you are seeking a copy of the book.
Men’s Breakfast Group
The Men’s Breakfast group meets every Tuesday morning from 6:30 am to 7:30 am at The
Liberty, 419 S. Milwaukee, Liber tyville. This is a wonder ful way to begin the day and we
promise to provide you with stimulating, and thought-provoking fellowship and conversation.
Please come and join us!
The Great Partnership:
God, Science and the Search for Meaning
Morning Men’s
by Jonathan Sacks
On Saturdays, March 14 & 28, 2015 the Men’s Discussion group will
begin a conversation using Rabbi Sacks’ book,
The Great Partnership.
Quoting Einstein, “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” Sacks
tackles both ‘irrationally based’ religion and the ‘overstepping arrogance’ of some scientists,
appealing for a new alliance of believers and sceptics for the good of humanity. For the sake of our
children and their children it is imperative we build the stable families and communities essential
to political, economic and environmental sustainability. Religious people have no monopoly on
morality, contrary to the views of a minority of religious zealots. Rather, through the humility
essential to their vision, people of faith should be ready partners with people of goodwill of all
faiths or none—in building a healthier world.
The Great Partnership is a deep book, passionate, detailed and yet returning from different
routes to the simple and compelling thesis of its title. It is eloquent about what society loses when it
turns its back on God: the sense of human dignity, a strategy for the common good, the morality of
obligation and responsibility, respect for marriage and parenthood and something of the
meaningfulness of life. We meet at 7 am in the Fellowship Area and wrap up by 8:30 am.
March 2015
Sunday, March 1
8, 9:30 & 11:00 am Worship with
Holy Communion
9:00 am Fair Trade Products Sold
9:45 am Sunday/Funday School
6:00 pm Confirmation Band
6:30 pm Confirmation
Volume 35 Number 3
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Monday, March 2
3:00 pm Monday Afternoon Bible Study
5:30 pm Willow House
7:30 pm
6:00 pm Pilates, Celebration! Atrium
8:00 pm
Mid-week Lenten Worship
Holy Cross Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, March 3
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast @ The Liberty
9:30 am Women’s Discussion Group
3:30 pm Red Rose Choir, 402 & 404
Thursday, March 12
10:00 am ECM Marketing Meeting
7:00 pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal, 402
7:00 pm Diakonia
Wednesday, March 4
9:00 am Quilting & More, Room 403
3:30 pm Red Rose Choir, 402 & 404
6:30 pm Mid-week Soup Supper
7:30 pm Mid-week Lenten Worship
8:00 pm Holy Cross Choir Rehearsal
Friday, March 13
Thursday, March 5
7:00 pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal, 402
7:00 pm Diakonia, Room 208
Friday, March 6
7:00 pm Couples Bible Study,
Phillips’ Home
Saturday, March 7
8:30 am New Member Breakfast
10:00 am Intro to First Communion
5:30 pm First Saturday Worship
With Holy Communion
Sunday, March 8
Daylight Saving Time Starts
8, 9:30 & 11:00 am Worship
9:30 am Reception of New Members
9:45 am Sunday/Funday School
6:00 pm Confirmation Band Practice
6:30 pm Confirmation
6:30 pm H.S. Youth Group
Monday, March 9
3:00 pm Conversational German
6:00 pm Pilates, Celebration! Atrium
7:00 pm Common Threads, Room 208
7:00 pm BSA Troop #194, Room 402
Tuesday, March 10
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast @ Liberty
10:00 am Empty Bowls Fundraiser, CLC
3:30 pm Red Rose Choirs, 402 & 404
6:30 pm BSA Leaders Meeting
7:00 pm ECM Board Meeting,
Celebration! Atrium
Wednesday, March 11
9:00 am Quilting & More, Room 403
3:30 pm Red Rose Choir, 402 & 404
6:30 pm Mid-Week Soup Supper
Saturday, March 14
8th Grade Confirmation Retreat
7:00 am Men’s Discussion Group,
Fellowship Area
7:00 am Women’s Lectionary, 208
9:00 am Bunny Breakfast, Room 402
Sunday, March 15
8th Grade Confirmation Retreat
8 am
Worship with Communion
9:30 & 11:00 Contemporary Worship
with Holy Communion
9:45 am Sunday/Funday School
4:00 pm Parents of Children with
Special Needs, Room 208
6:00 pm Confirmation Band Practice
6:30 pm Confirmation
Monday, March 16
3:00 pm Monday Bible Study, Rm. 208
6:00 pm Pilates, Celebration! Atrium
7:00 pm BSA Troop #194, Room 402
Lindsey’s Home
BSA Woodbadge Staff,
Fellowship Area
Couples’ Bible Study, Lindsey’s
Saturday, March 21
7:00 am BSA Camp Training 402 & 404
7:00 am BSA Woodbadge Staff,
Fellowship Area
Sunday, March 22
Waffle Breakfast Youth Fundraiser
Easter Bagskets & PADS donations Due
7:30 - noon PADS Food Drop Off, Kitchen
8, 9:30 & 11 am Worship
9:30 am Sunday/Funday School
Spring Sing
10:30 am 7th Gr. Boys PADS Lunches, 208
2:00 pm 6th Grade help at Winchester Hs.
2:30 pm Winchester House Worship
3:00 pm 7th Grade World Religion Retreat
Monday, March 23
PADS donations Due
9 am - 12 pm PADS Food Drop Off, Kitchen
3:00 pm Conversational German, 208
6:00 pm Pilates, Celebration! Atrium
7:00 pm BSA Troop #194
Tuesday, March 24
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast @ The Liberty
7:00 pm Book Club @ Jenny Pekarske’s Home
Wednesday, March 25
9:00 am Quilting & More Group
12:00 pm Feed My Starving Children
6:30 pm Mid-week Soup Supper
7:30 pm Mid-week Lenten Worship
8:00 pm Holy Cross Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, March 17
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast @ the Liberty
9:30 am Women’s Discussion Group,
Fellowship Area
3:30 pm Red Rose Choirs, 402 & 404
Thursday, March 26
9:30 am Newsletter Assembly
7:00 pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Diakonia
Wednesday, March 18
9:00 am Quilting & More, Room 403
3:30 pm Red Rose Choir, 402 & 404
6:30 pm Mid-Week Soup Supper
7:30 pm Mid-week Lenten Worship
8:00 pm Holy Cross Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, March 28
7:00 am Women’s Lectionary, Room 208
7:00 am Men’s Discussion Group,
Fellowship Area
Thursday, March 19
7:00 pm Church Council,
Fellowship Area
7:00 pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Diakonia, Room 208
Friday, March 20
9:30 am Free Spirits, Crystal Lake, IL
7:00 pm Couples Bible Study,
Friday, March 27
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
8, 9:30 & 11:00 am Worship with
Holy Communion
9:45 am NO Sunday/Funday School
Monday, March 30—HOLY WEEK
6:00 pm Pilates, Celebration! Atrium
7:00 pm BSA Troop #194, Room 402
Tuesday, March 31
Mission Endowment Scholarship Apps Due
Help Wanted! • Newsletter Assembly
Seeking volunteers to help assemble the April newsletter on Thursday, March 26 at 9:30 am.
Volume 35 Number 3
29700 N. St. Mary’s Road P.O. Box 726
Libertyville, IL 60048
Postmaster: Request in home by MARCH 1
Non-Profit Organization
Permit No. 14
Libertyville, IL 60048
If you would like to receive a paper copy of our monthly
newsletter mailed to your residence or place of business
please contact the church office.
Call: (847) 367-4060
You may also view the current newsletter online at:
-find the newsletter option on the home page-
March 14
See page 12 for details!
Current Events
March 2015
4, 11, 18 & 25
Mid-week Lenten Worship &
Soup Supper
7 First Saturday Worship
8 Daylight Saving Time Starts
14 Bunny Breakfast
22 Sunday/Funday School Spring Sing
29 Palm Sunday
April 2015
Maundy Thursday/1st Communion
Good Friday
First Saturday Worship
Easter Sunday