sunday bulletin

MARCH 8, 2015
We invite you to keep a time of silence in preparation for worship
8:15am HOLY COMMUNION with HEALING (Bk. Of Common Prayer
page 67)
1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 ( Old Testament p. 66 )
2nd Reading: John 2:13-22 ( New Testament p.93 )
Homily: Holly Klemmensen
During Communion time, you may also choose to come forward, in front of the
pulpit, for the laying on of hands & anointing for healing. You may come forward
for healing for yourself or for another for whom you pray.
(printed separately)
We invite you to keep a time of silence in preparation for worship
Silent Procession—Opening Hymn: 389
The Collect of the Day
1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 (Old Testament p. 66)
Gradual Hymn: 476
Gospel Reading: John 2:13-22 ( New Testament p.93)
Homily: Holly Klemmensen
Prayers of the People
Prayer Response (Sung): O Lord hear my prayer, O Lord hear
my prayer; come and listen to me.
MINISTRY OF HEALING– Hymn 578 - you may choose to go to the station
in front of the pulpit or the one at the back of the church for the laying on of
hands & anointing for healing. You may come forward for healing for yourself or
for another for whom you pray.
The Peace — Announcements
The Celebration of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn: 531
Communion Hymns: 612, 556, 603( please join in singing of these
Hymns )
Motet: Let Our Prayer rise Up to You-Snowden
Closing Hymn: 180 — Silent Recession
( the postlude is part of the service and you are invited to stay & enjoy this music)
The Church Office: Monday & Friday, 9:00am –noon; Tuesday-Thursday 9:00am to 3:30pm
(closed for Statutory holidays)
Phone No. (905) 634-1826 - Fax No. (905) 634-6606
1382 Ontario Street, Burlington, Ontario L7S 1G1
St. Luke’s office e-mail:
St. Luke’s Web Site:
Diocese of Niagara Web Site:
participate fully in our worship this morning. You are welcome to come to the Altar Rail or
station to receive communion or a blessing. All are encouraged to receive from the chalice
or with bread alone, and to refrain from intinction (dipping the wafer in the chalice).
NURSERY for children (up to 3yrs old)
in room 302 of the Parish Hall, during the 10am service .
COLLECT: Father of mercy, alone we have no power in ourselves to help
ourselves. When we are discouraged by our weakness, strengthen us to follow
Christ, our pattern and our hope; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS: Gracious God, we know your power to triumph
over weakness. May we who ask forgiveness be ready to forgive one another,
in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION: God of mercy and forgiveness, may we who
share this sacrament live together in unity and peace, in the name of Jesus
Christ the Lord. Amen.
The season of Lent is a time of reflection and repentance. To signify this
mood from the joyous weeks of Epiphany, we make some changes in our
Sunday worship.
***The clergy & choir will process & recess in silence.
***The Gloria & the Doxology are omitted.
***The Kyrie is sung before the Collect of the Day
*** The responses before & after the gospel are spoken not sung.
These small alterations to our regular worship remind us
that Lent is a time of preparation for the great events of Holy Week.
*******Donald McTaggart Burgess; given by his wife Audrey
This is a great help for visitors, clergy & other parishioners.
Please join us for coffee hour in the Great Hall
immediately following the 10am service.
In the Narthex, we have FM Assistive Listening Devices. Please
speak with the Verger if you would like to use one. Please return
them to the Verger following the service.
MARCH 8, 2015
Lenten Book Study
‘Being Christian’ by Archbishop Rowan Williams
A 4 Week Study– week 2 today, in the Parish Hall &
continuing each Sunday until March 22nd
Please bring your own lunch and join us following coffee hour
while we study the Bishop’s selection for Lent this year.
A Food Drive will take place for five consecutive Sundays during Lent. Each
Sunday we will focus on a different area of need.
Focus for next Sunday, MARCH 15—Baby Supplies
(baby food, formula, diapers, etc.)
If you prefer to make a cash donation, please use the St. Luke’s
envelopes in the pews and write “St. Matthew’s House”
on the “donation for” line. Please make cheques payable to
St. Luke’s Church & indicate St. Matthew’s House on the memo line
Thank you for your support.
Taizé Night Prayer
Friday March 13, 2015 - 7:30 p.m.
In the busyness of our work-a-day lives, we all need a place and a
space where we can be still and know the presence and the peace of
God. In a world that is filled with noise it is good to have a place
where quiet is respected and conversation is not required.
Come and Pray With Us in the stillness of a candlelit hour.
meets Wed. morning in the Parish Hall, following the 10am church
March 11/15—DVD—Visions of the capitals of Europe
March 18/15—Family Feud Game Day-Monthly Birthday Draw
If you would like to remember a loved one(s) by donating
to our Easter Flower Memorials,
Please submit your wording (print clearly) & donation
(1) to the CHURCH OFFICE marked Altar Guild—Marilyn Hastings
(2) MAIL TO: M. Hastings, 707-110 Plains Rd., W., Burlington L7T 0A6
PLEASE do not put them on the collection plate
DEADLINE for submissions: Sunday, March 23, 2015
(cheques should be made payable to St. Luke’s Altar Guild)
These flowers are used to decorate the church for Easter &
some are delivered to our shut-ins following
the Easter morning services.
For more information call Marilyn Hastings (905-634-3060)
or Chris Hughes (905-632-9535)
Rescheduled Christmas Market Windup Wine & Cheese
TOMORROW, Monday, March 9 at 7 pm (new time)
Room 201 of Parish Hall
All those who had anything at all to do with the market are
welcome to come.
Thank you for your wonderful response to our bake sale in support of the
missions in Madagascar and Mary Sherwood. Your generosity helped us to
surpass our goal. Our total raised was $1173!
Thank you to those who baked, to those who bought, to those who baked and
then came and bought something else, and to those who somehow managed to
resist the tasty treats, but donated anyway!
‘Sew On Fire’ is very appreciative of your donations and have an
ongoing need for baby and children's clothing, baseball caps, small
toys, wool and yarn goods. Toques and mittens are always needed.
Please leave your donations in the box provided in the Parish Hall.
If you have any questions or would like to visit this facility call Elsie at
Speakers Lunch Group
The aim of the Speakers Lunch group is to foster awareness among
parishioners of happenings & endeavours in the wider community that
may be worthy of interest & support.
The group meets at 11:30 am on the second Thursday of each
month for social time, followed by a “Bring Your Own Lunch” & a talk
by the speaker of the month.
All are welcome—please call Bill Milne 905-632-0930 for more
information about the group.
On Thursday March 12 - Jody Wellings and Brian Dean
from Burlington Downtown Business Association
Jody will talk about the downtown vision and city policy and Brian will
outline things from a business perspective and talk about the new
businesses coming to the downtown
Here come the Easter Eggs!
El Hogar service team members will be selling handmade delicious
Belgian chocolate covered fondant Easter eggs for several Sundays.
These eggs support our efforts at El Hogar but are limited in number.
They are available at $5 per egg & sold during coffee hour.
The team will also be selling beautifully hand-crafted greeting cards
made by Marilyn Barnes. She graciously makes these cards to
benefit the children of El Hogar.
İMuchisimas gracias!
Alan, Carolyn, Carrie, Janice, Louise, Michael, Rick, Ros & Terry
Every Wednesday:
-10am - Holy Communion
Mar. 15/15:
Lent IV — Mothering Sunday
-8:15am—Holy Communion
-10am—Holy Eucharist
Mar. 22/15:
Lent V
-8:15am—Holy Communion
-10am—Holy Eucharist
St. Luke’s Breakfast
Saturday, March 14—9am
Climate Change: People can be
the Solution
Climate Change is an issue that can no longer be put on the
backburner. It’s an issue that is not limited to something abstract in
the future, but one that affects us everyday.
The summer of 2014 was the warmest on record.
Green House Gas emissions continue to rise.
Nadia McLennan, Environmental Health Specialist for Halton
Region, will address climate change basics, what’s
happening locally & what you can do to make a difference.
Join us for breakfast & feed not only your body,
but your mind & soul as well.
Please sign up at coffee hour or call Gay at
905 681-3659 by March 11th to reserve a place.
Cost $7—paid in advance please
Music at St. Luke's
Everyone is welcome to our final event
of the 2014/15 year
Saturday March 21, 2015— Ballads and Blues
Bring your dancing shoes or just enjoy listening to the
music of Frank Sinatra, Connie Francis and Bobby
Darin, with Jim Heaslip & the 12/4 Swing Orchestra
featuring the singing of Tony Sciara & Daniela
6 p.m. mix & mingle—6:30 p.m. dinner
Tickets are $35 (includes dinner)
Available at coffee hour, by calling 905-632-2918
or by emailing