S C. 'gANTERUL NAVAL ORSOVA'S.4. /s, ffi sr, Ilird, ni 4 o6ova, ,2rm, [ehed a'q(r\ fft)i ill naklins@rcEwa.rc U KAS <m-$ol " CIJRRENT REPORT UNDER NSC REGULAION NO.1/2006 og. \",,t* lun zon 47p REPORT DATE: 09.03.201s Nam€ ofissuing company: S. C. SANnERUL NAVAL ORSOVA S.A.; RegisteTe.I officel 4 TUFARI STREETI ORSOVA/ ]YEHEDINTI Colnty; Telephone: 0252/362399, Fax: 0252/360648 Tax registration code issu€d by th€ Trad€ Register: RO 1614734t Numberand date of registration with theTrade Register: l2sl150/03.04.1991; Subscribed and paid in share capital: 28,557,297.5 Lei Numberofshar€sr 11,422,919 common shar€s of2.5 Leieacht Regulat€d market where the issues s€.u riti€6 are traded: BlclrarcstStock Exchange, under symbol: SNoj Important event to reporh Convening of th€ Ordinary Generat tqeeting of Shar€holders h the meeting of Nlarch 6, 2015, tlre Board of Dircciors of S.C. S,ANIERUL NAVAL oF^tOVA 5.A. de.ided br orr'erc !l-e celera. r{eei-g of Sh.rehodpa for Aprit 17,20_5, 09s a.m., ar '.1e heddqJd'ters ir ORsOVA,4, TUEARI STPF- YEHEDINTI CO-\-'/, 1 accordance wlth the provislons of Law no. 31/1990 republtsh€d in 2004, as fufther amended and supplemented, Law no. 2922004 as furiher arnended and sLrpplem€nted, NSC/FSA Regulaiions and th€ company's ArUcles of Incorporation, with the fottowing AGENDAI 1. Approval of the r€sults of the revaluation of tangibl€ assets in the shipping group, Approval of registration of revatuation diff€r€nces in accounting records as of31.12.2014. 2. Presenlation, discussion and approval of th€ 2014 annoal finan€ial stat€ments prepared according to th€ International Financial Reporting Standards, b6sed on the r€ports of Directo6 and th€ ind€pendent financiat audiior, Ronhim original v6ion ol ile Fpofi. In cae of my Rolruim luguase le$ion Drails. This is a tmslarion of $e ofthe Board disputes, ine t 3. Approval of the 2014 net profits distribution. Th€ Board of Directors propos€s the folllowing .tistribution of net profits in amountof 4,404,700 L€i: . . Lei 5,799 for covering loss from the core.tion of a.countin9 errors Lei 4394,901 for partial .ov€ring of prior years tosses ,r. Dischargeofthe Board of Directors ror year 2014. s, Presentationr .liscussion and approvat of the incone and expenses budget and investment programmefor 2015. 6. El€ction orthe members of the approvalofthe content ofthe Board of Directors for 4 vears and mandate contract ?. Ele.tion of the company,s externat auditor and sefting the minimum duration of the ext€rnalaudit contract given th€ expiry ofthe cur€nt auditor's contract, Mandate the Board of Directors for negotiating and concluding the statutory audit contra.t. 8. Approval of lnay 7,2015, as date of registration for the identification of the shareholderc affected by the resotution of the ordinary g€neral meeting ofsharehotders and of May 61 2015, as the ex dafe under article 129, of NSC Regutation no.1/2006, as furth€r amended and supplemented. L Empowerment of Mr Mh.ea Ion Sper.lea, the .ompany.c general manager. for signing the resolution of the ordinary general meeting of sharehold€rs (OGMS) and any other document! required for the ex€cution of the OGMS' resolution and ror carry'ng out rhe fomalities for the pubrication and registration thereof. Ony sharehoders registered n the company's Shareholders' R€g ster as of M.rch 25, 2015 - the reference date, may pafticipate to the meeting and vote. The shar€ capital of S.C. 9ANnERUL NAVAL ORSOVA SA consists ot 11,422,919 nominative shares, each of them gniung the right to one vote in the ordjnary gen€ra meeung of shareholders. The shareholderc represenung individually or jointy at east 5% of the share captta have the rlghtl to put topcs on the ag€nda of the g€n€ral meeting/ provid€d ttrat eactr toptc ls accompanied by a jrstjncation or. draft resouiion proposed for adoption ofthe genera a) b) to present draft resolutons for the toplcs lnc uded or proposed to be included on the agenda of th€ genelal m€eting. This h a lrmslarion ofthe Rommian oiieinal vereion ofrhe reaorr,In cdse olanr dhputcs, thc Rorudan ldgulse ve$ion pEuils. The d€adllne by which shareholders can exercise tlre abov€ mention€d ghis is l4arch 23, 2015, at 1500p.m. Proposals shall be submltted ln wriiing to ihe heaaquaiGrs oi S.C. 9aniierul Naval Or9ova S.A., 4, Tuf:ri Str€€!, Orgova, lvl€hedinli County. Each shareholder has the ght to ask quesuons related to the topics on the agenda ofthe general meeUng. The company may answer lnclusively by posting i! on its webslte, under s€ction "Frequently Asked Quesuons". The shareholders mention€d in the previous paragraphs must submii th€ materials/ questions in writ ng ln sea ed €nvelopes the company's headquaderc, accompanled by cerUred copies oi their idenUficaUon docum€nts, i.e. identification card lor individuals and regishauon c€ftlficates for cornpanles, as wel as a copy of the document ceirirylng their representation pow€rs. Envelopes should clearly be rcferenced "FOR TNE ORDINARY GENERAL l4EmNG OF SHAREHOLDERS of 17.04.2015"wiih capitalietters. Candidates for the Board of Dir€ctors shall be nominated by the current rnembers of tlre Board of Dlrcctols or by ihe shafeho derc accord ng to ariicb 1371 paragraph (2) of Law no.31/1990, as further anrended and suppement€d. The appllcation nles ofthe nomlnat€d candidales shall be submlited to ihe Board of Direciors oi S.C SANIERUL NAVAL ORSOVA S.A. at the comoanvt headouarters .o laler than March 23, 2015 a! 1600 p.m., in order to be nc ud€d on the nominations ist ihat wlll be subj€ct to the approva of the genelal meetlng Candidaies shal be reg stered in chronological order of submlsslon of their nomlnation files to s.c SANTIERUL NAVAL ORSOVA S.A. OnLv c.ndidaies whose fies are comoLete and contaln all the docum€nts menuoned in the list published on th€ company's webslte shalL be lncluded in the votlng oapes, ir .he rh-oog(dlorde' ort-eir regisffarion. Th€ list wlth nformation on tlre name, domicle and proress ona qualification ofthe Dersons nominated for th€ Board oi Dircctorc shall be made avallable to the shareho ders on the comlanvb website. The nles for the nomination ol the external independ€nt auditor comp slng the docLrments reqiured as pefthe l€ga prcVsions and the fnancjaloffer shal be sLrbmltt€d at rl-e Lo-ponys readqrate s ro larer rfar lvla_ch 23,20-5,.t 1600 rorde !o be lncud€d on the norninauons lstthatwlllbe subject to the generalrne€tingt secr€t ballot. Doclments, malerlals and resoLution dratu of the genera meeting re ated to the 'opics ol rl'e agendo ral be Lonsu !€d on t5€ Lo_rod ry's wpbsile - ww..'orsova._o ard/^ol at tl'e comp.nyi heddq-d1er- srart ng wrh -0.01.20 5 dJr19 world.'/s betue.n o'" 15w, Slrarelroders regjstered atthe rcferc.ce date may dir€cily pairiclpate and vote in the gen€ral m€eting or they can be represented by oth€r persons than the shareho ders/ based on a soecia 00wer ol a$ornev, The acc€ss or th€ shareholderc enutled to padlcipate at the g€n€ra meeting is granted by slmpy proving their identity, with the identificatlon card in case oi indivlduas and the ernpow€rm€nt/ power oi attorbey issued for the representing indlvidlral, in cas€ or p.r., Shar€holderc can be represented in ihe genera meeii.g ev€n by other penois based on a specia or general power of attorney, according to Ure provlsions of adice 243 parasraph (6) of Law no.297 / 2004 on caplta market, as fu(hefamend€d by Gov€rnment Enrergency Ordinarce n0.90/2014. Tl'e specD power of atrorneys ,1 Fo rEn an or Erg .s_ .arq lages E € ava laole ar t re coroalyk headqLdrles dart ng wit_ 10.03.2015 Derweer 900 -5DD o- lfey car oe downloaded frorn th€ companyb webslte. One specia power oi attorney shall be submltted Tht is a lrdslation oI dre RonEnm original rdsion of tne Eporr. In Romanid ldsuage re$ion prevails. case of my dislutes, ihe at the company's headquarterc no lat€r than 15.04.2015 lncluslvey and one shall prcvlded tothe reprcsentative for proving hls/h€rqlality. be SharcholdeE rcglslered as of the rcierence date may vote by correspondence prior to the general meetlng by lslng correspondence balots. Balotlnq foms in Romantan or Engllsh anguages rnay be obtalned as of 10.03.2015 between 900 1500 fmm the mmDanv's headouarlers or the website www,snorcova,rc, rn case of co €spordel e balo i-9, h€ r eo ir a-a sglFd odrot,rg torr sla be srbmlfted ho rl^e corpary's taddq-d1ers by 15.04.201r ar 'Jou,r seated elvetop.s, together with a copy of the identifcation document (lde.tificaUon card iof Indtviduas, r€spectlvely registration cerufcate lor companies). Envelopes should clearty be rcferenced.. FOR THE ORDINARY GENEML MEE]]NG OF SHAREHOLDERS of 17,04,20T5,, with caoital - The power of attorneys and balloUng rorms togeiher with th€ sha€hotders, dellifcd ior docuaents ca1also oe suo-1fted by e -1ailw!! e erdeo eed olir signatLr€ daodT to .aw ro.455/200I 01 eechnc sglarLre by 15.02.2015 dr rl00 !o tle addrcssr gheorgh€.caElman@sno6ova.rc. At the dat€ of the general meeUng, these documents shall be prcs€nted in orlgina. Balloting foms noi received ro the date mentioned above shatl noi b€ considered for quorum and malodty of the generalrneeting, Additional inforrnation can be obtalned irom the conrpanys headouat€F or t" ep ole runoe- 0252362399 berween c00 1r00. Irthe va idity condltlons are not met at the first convenlng, the genetal meeUng shal be conven€d forApdl 18, 2015, wlth the same agenda, time and venue. GENERAL I44NAGEP, ENG, M1RCEA ION SPER V Thh is ! Lrdslation of ur Rotuila Ronmim lmguage vesion prcvails. onginal v4ion of the Eport. ln cae of dy disputes, the
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