Export Decision under Risk∗ José De Sousa, Anne-Célia Disdier and Carl Gaigné† March 2, 2015 Very preliminary and incomplete Abstract Does demand volatility matter for exports? How do exporting firms deal with skewed demand? A simple model of downside risk aversion shows that on average exporters increase export prices and reduce export volumes when demand volatility in destination markets increases. They behave the opposite way when demand skewness rises. We find that the moments of the demand distribution also affect the number of exporting firms and the industry supply. These adjustments may lead some firms to increase their exports when demand volatility increases. These theoretical predictions are put to the test by using French firm-level exports across destination markets with different levels of demand volatility and skewness. The firm-level results, over the period 2000-2009, are consistent with our predictions. JEL classification: D81, F12, L25 Keywords: Uncertainty, Demand volatility, Firm exports, Skewness 1 Introduction Does demand volatility matter for exporters supply decisions? According to the Capgemini 2011 survey of large companies, 40% of respondents say that demand volatility is their number one business driver. Indeed, in numerous industries, sellers need to decide production levels or input procurements before the output is marketed or the market price ∗ We thank Holger Breinlich, Maggie Chen, Gabriel Felbermayr, James Harrigan, Keith Head, Nuno Limão, Gianmarco Ottaviano, John McLaren, John Morrow, Denis Novy, Mathieu Parenti, Ariell Reshef, Veronica Rappoport, Daniel Sturm and seminar and conference participants at U; of Virginia, U. of George Washington, CEPII, U. of Caen, London School of Economics, U. of Munich (ETSG), U. of Strathclyde, and U. of Tours for their helpful comments. This work is supported by the French National Research Agency, through the program Investissements d’Avenir, ANR-10-LBX-93-01. † José De Sousa: Université Paris-Sud, RITM and Sciences-Po Paris, LIEPP, jose.de-sousa@u-psud.fr. Anne-Célia Disdier: Paris School of Economics-INRA, anne-celia.disdier@ens.fr. Carl Gaigné: INRA, UMR1302 SMART, Rennes (France) and Université Laval, CREATE, Québec (Canada). Email: carl.gaigne@rennes.inra.fr. 1 for output is known. Demand cannot be known for certain at the time the contracts with the importers are signed as expenditures for an industry are subject to random shocks. In this paper, we analyze how demand volatility affect the export decision at the firm level. In most of the trade literature, the firm knows the state of demand function with certainty and only the level of foreign market size plays a key role in firm export performance. However, for a same level of demand (apparent absorption), we observe a significant demand volatility in destination markets. This point is illustrated in Figure (1) from data on world sectoral-level data. 15 EGY 10 USA USA PAN 5 Log of Apparent Consumption (Mean) - 3 digit 20 Figure 1: Demand (apparent consumption) level and demand volatility JPN DEU USA USA JPN JPN USA USA JPN DEU JPNUSA USA FRA JPNUSA USA USA FRA USA USA KOR USA JPN JPN KOR USA IND GBR DEU DEU CHN USA USA KOR ITA USA USA DEU USA CHN USA DEU USA USA IND USAJPN ITA USA ITA ESP JPN CAN FRA USAFRA USA BRA SGP KOR JPN GBR JPN MEX USA JPN ITA USA DEU DEU USA JPN AUS DEU KOR KOR CHN JPN ITA DEU RUS CAN RUS USA USA FRA GBR CHN USA JPN USA JPN FRA JPN GBR DEU IND USA USA ZAF JPN DEUKOR BRA ESP BRA KOR MEX GBR USA ESP JPN ITA JPN ITA ITA JPN JPN FRA CHN MYS AUS USA JPN JPN SWE USA DEU GBR DEU JPN DEU ESP BRA FRA FRA CAN FRA TUR GBR ITA USA USABLX CHN MEX IND CHL POL DEU IRL DEU TUR GBR USA GBR ESP USA FRA FRA IRL CAN JPN JPN JPN ITA ITA USA USA USA JPN CHN FRA CHN TURJPN CAN JPN JPN ITA FRA KOR CHN BRA FRA CAN IRN CAN MEX JPN DEU FIN ITA BLX JPN USA SGP GBRAUSDEUITA DEU KOR ZAF DEU GBR USA CHN ESP CHN DEU FRA GBR MYS ESP MEX ITA MEX GBR GBR JPN AUT DEU ITA GBR FRA CAN DEU JPN DEU ITA AUS ESP DEU JPN IRNHUN SGP DEU IND ITA IND SWE GBR ESP DEU DEU NLD TUR TUR CAN IDN USA RUS DEU KOR MEX IND POL CHN NLD FRA DEU GBR CHN ITA FRA KOR MEX POL GBR GBR BLX GBR FRA FRA CAN CAN ESP USA GBR SWE ITA BLX FRA CHN CHN ITA USA POL FRA ESP CHN FRA FRA USA TUR ESP BLX KOR ITA JPN DEU TUR BRA AUS MEX BLX POL KOR MYS AUT BRA ESP JPN CZE CHN CZE IND ESP HUN DEU HUN KOR IND ITA IRN KOR DEU SGP AUS ITA AUS JPN ITA BLX GBR ESP CAN BRA GBR IDN GBR AUS ITA CAN DEU AUT GBR MYS NLD DEU JPN GBR BRA ITA FRA JPN ITA FRA KOR FRA FRA GBR DEU ESP IND GBR DEU BRA IND NLD ITA IDN KOR GBR ESP GBR DEU KOR SGP JPN RUS JPN KOR IDN NLD UKR ESP JPN ESP AUS ZAF GBR HUN CAN ESP BRA AUT ITA GBR ITA BRA KOR MYS FRA ESP CZE USA ITA NOR ESP JPN CHN JPN ITA KOR ESP GBR MEX RUS ITA CAN FRA CAN RUS FRA IND MYS CAN CAN RUS BLX ESP ITA IND CAN KOR FRA KOR CAN CAN NLD ESP MEX TUR DEU KOR MYS NLD ITA BRA AUS DEU AUS ISR DEU GBR BLX CZE KOR CAN AUT DEU ZAF PRT CAN IND CHN POL FRA CHN DEU NLD TUR JPN ZAF AUS UKR ROM CAN JPN NOR AUS MEX DEU CAN AUT ITA HUN GBR USA MAR IND CHN IRL COL POL FRA FIN NOR DEU ITA ITA BLX SWE OMN TUR JPN ESP ITA AUS ESP ITA SWE KOR MYS DEU RUS PER IND BLX MEX IRL AUS UKR TUR TTO ESP AUT BRA ITA KOR IND MEX SWE CAN IND GBR FRA ESP FRA BLX KOR GBR GBR FRA DNK SWE FRA AUS CAN POL AUS RUS NLD NLD ESP PRT NLD ITA ESP CAN GBR RUS CHL CAN RUS JPN CZE AUS CAN IRN AUS ESP RUS ROM IND NLD BRA AUSJPN SWE SWE AUT FRA BRA BRA IND SGP ESP IDN IDN GBR AUT NLD RUS IDN NLD IND FRA DNK IND JPN ITA MEX ITA NLD ISR ESP CHN KOR FRA AUS MEX ITA ESP HUN VNM KWT FRA ZAF AUS POL IDN TUR POL KOR ITA CAN FIN ITA HUN AUS GBR TUR BLX JPN CAN ISR GBR AUS KOR CAN NOR ESP DEU CAN BLX POL NLD NLD AUS DEU CAN POL PRT ISR ROM FIN ESP CAN RUS ESP DNK BRA GBR IDN KOR SGP POL MEX ITA BRA PER IND UKR SWE TUR SWE GBR BRA NOR FRA IRN ESP KOR GBR ECU BRA FRA POL ESP HUN FRA GBR IRL ESP DEU BLX BLX VNM VNM BLX COL CAN KOR KOR SWE MEX PRT NOR IRL TUR MEX NOR NOR DNK ESP KOR TUR RUS COL MYS IND RUS AUS SVK PRT BLX JOR ITA AUS COL IND BRA MYS FIN MEX CAN ESP DNK IND FIN BRA FIN CZE SGP ITA POL BLX BLX CAN KORAUT PRT ESP KOR NOR SWE AUS AUT ESP ISR AUS IND DNK BLX AUS POL TUR BLX FRA CHL GBR NLD ROM NLD NLD IND TUR FIN FRA BLX AUT NOR BLX PRT AUS HUNIDN KOR CHL FIN DEU DEU SGP TUR TUR BLX FIN DEU JPN CAN IRN KOR IND ESP AUT OMN BLX FIN SWE SWE DEU DNK MAR ZAF SWE KOR AUT MYS POL CZE SWE UKR MEX CZE IND ISR JPN IND POL COL BLX MYS UKR FIN IRN POL AUT CAN AUT IRL NLD AUS POL BLX PER CZE AUT AUT CZE MEX SWE SGP POL SWE MEX NOR POL TUR BLX ITA MYS SGP MYS DNK NOR IND IND PER KOR SWE TUR POL SWE ISR NOR CZE KAZ AUS NLD HUN COL IND URY ECU TUR SWE NLD PRT AUS CZE MEX TUR IDN CAN NLD TUR CZE HUN CHL POL SGP TUR FIN CAN IND AUT POL KOR NLD SVN PRT GBR MEX AUS ROM COL GBR IRL TUR TUR ZAF SWE IND MEX ESP AUS POL IND FIN IND AUS SWE SVN AUT CZE PRT TUR AUT PRT ISR NLD LTU MAR AUT POL IRN ROM IND GRC TUR CHL FRA IDN ROM POL AUT NOR BLX MEX AUS POL AUS MEX AUT SGP CAN TUR HUN SGP SVK POL CAN FIN BLX GRC HUN ESP NLD DNK GBR SGP IRL NOR SWE DNK DNK MEX UKR FIN BLX KEN AUT VNM BLX CAN FRA BRA AUT COL POL AUT ESP BLX MAR ZAF CZE MEX AUS TUR UKR KAZ AUT MEX FIN ESP SWE IRN IND DNK IDN IDN IRL DNK BRA CZE KOR POL DEU MYS FIN FIN MYS FIN KOR JOR AUT NOR SWE LTU BLX POL AUT AUT UKR ISR AUS ROM NLD NOR SVK NOR IRL SVK GBR GRC DNK MYS MAR IND SWE AUS BLX BRA CZE DEU FRA POL NOR SGP GBR SWE POL BGR DNK BLX IND MYS GRC AUT POL ROM PRT KOR BLX NLD GRC BRA POL ECU COL HUN TUR IRL SGP AUS NLD AUS GBR IND DNK SWE TUR HUN BRA IRN SVN POL DEU UKR FIN NOR NLD DNK HUN CZE FRA NOR FIN UKR FRA NOR IRN GRC HUN NLD DNK ROM SWE POL ITA ITA DNK AUT JOR BRA MAR KOR NOR COL COL PRT IRL IRN FIN BLX TUR GRC AUT PRT BGR PER CZE IRN BLX ROM BLX UKR MYS IND MYS CAN CZE PRT FIN GBR SGP IND ISR IRL MAR PER EGY PRT TUR NOR NLD POL POL BLX IND TUR POL IND PRT IRN DNK COL NOR COL AUS AUS KOR DNK FIN ESP IRN PRT CHL MYS CZE KOR IRN POL MYS HUN FIN NLD PRT SWE FIN UKR ESP PRT CZE BRA ROM MEX GRC TUR FIN NOR SWE IRL PRT FIN COL CAN POL VNM NLDIDN SEN PRT COL ROM LTU CZE OMN PER NOR MYS DNK MAR BLX ECU TUR NOR GBR HUN IND EGY CZE RUS UKR AUT DNK ISL TUR IDN TUR IDN COL MYS DNK SGP MAR IDN UKR FIN IRN TUR AUS IRN DNK NOR AUT NLDIDNMEX POL CYP PER GRC DNK NOR MYS NLD GRC UKR IDN AUS MAR IND BRA CZE EST MYS DNK ROM CAN ROM MYS MYS NOR ROM EGY IRL IRN MYS FIN CHL ETH NOR IRLHUN AUS IRL SVK CZE IND IDN RUS KOR FINPOL ROM AUT IRL SVK HUN AUT PER MEX IRN NOR CAN MEX ISR PER SWE MYS MEX IDN KAZ FIN POL PER ISR UKR CZE ESP DNK HUN IRN SVN SWE ISR ISR KOR HUN MYS UKR FIN SVK GRC ECU UKR IRN IRN COL COL EST MLT SVK CHL NOR HUN IRL GRC SVN BLX SVN NOR IRN ISR NOR NOR AUS TUR SWE NLD BLX SGP PERUKR TTO UKR HUN CYP SEN IRN DNK CHL MAR MEX UKR RUS MAR IRN HUN MYS SVK ESP MUS CZE HUN KAZ PRT PER IRL NOR SWE CHL PER HUN HUN SVN SWE MYS SVN IDN PER NOR ISR ROM KAZ ISL IDN ESP ROM EGY CAN IRN SVKKWT ISR IRLUKR AUT ITA KOR MYS SVN NOR MYS IRN MYS AUS POL FRA ISR AUT MYS MEX PRT UKR SWE ETH BGR KOR ROM SVN GRC JOR AUS NLD DNK AUT BLX IDN ROM MAR MEX COL SVK HUN IRN UKR ROM UKR AZE AUT AUT FIN AUT COL UKR HUN ROM AUT IRN CZE IND EGY SGP PER BRA MAR EGY UKR SVN COL LTU CHL SGP EST COL UKR FIN LTU IDN HUN UKR NLD SGP PER PRT JOR GRC UKR EST FIN FIN KAZ CZE SWE ROM BGR PER KAZ DNK BGR PER UKR IRN COL UKR HUN MYS LVA UKR CHL CZE FIN OMN KEN MEX IND KAZ POL NLD IRL SWE ROM UKR AZE PRT PER ECU COL SGP GRC IRN CHL COL LVA DNK IDN UKR MAR IRN PRT PER GRC EGY HUN MAR IRN NLD IRN AUT FIN AZE HUN IDN PRT TUR MYS ECUIDN CHL ETH SVK IRL ECU NLD FIN PRT KAZ KOR POL SGP AUT JPN SVK CHL CYP FIN ROM BLX UKR SVN POLSWE JOR DNK ROM DNK POL ISR JOR HUN DNK HUN QAT SVN ETH BGR FIN HUN UKR PRT IRL COL SVN OMN JOR COL LTU MAR ECU COL CYP IDN AZE POL PER ECU SVK UKR ROM SVK MAR TUR SVN NOR BGR MEX ECU PRT MAR IDN EGY SVN ROM LTU ECU IRN HUN SGP POL MYS COL LVA KAZ SVN ROM PER COL HUN COL IND OMN EGY JOR LTU PER GRC GRC TJK KAZ KAZ MAR PRT IRL KGZ MAR PAN LTU CYP EST BRA MAR FIN COL ECU KAZ IRL NLD SVN JOR HUN LTU ECU MAR CYP KAZ CYP SEN EST CYP SVN SVK SVN PER SVN URY COL DNK KEN SVN IRN SGP KAZ HUN KAZ BGR COL PER ROM CZE INDSVK KAZ SVN GRC SGP MAR KAZ IDN IRLHUN MYS SVN NOR MYS PRT SVN NOR PRT EST CYP BRA TJK SVK GRC ECU URY LTU EST ROM MAR KAZ JOR EGY ECU MYS COL FIN NOR SVK LTU KGZ SVN MAR IRN LVA HUN MYS DNK CYP KAZ COL SEN SVK ROM PAN URY ROM URY PER SWE BGR MAR PER IND LTU CZE DNK UKR ECU LVA BLX KAZ MYS CZE ETH KOR YEM LTU IRN ITA ROM ESP HUN SVN CYP AUS BGR KWT KAZ PRT LTU IRL KOR BGR KAZ PAN COL UKR EST PANLVA COL SGP SVN PRT DEU BLX SVK HUNOMN AFGRUS KAZ KAZ OMN CYP SEN ROM JOR JOR AUT KAZ COL ARM PER ECU CHL TTO FIN OMN SVK SVK EST SVN VNM URY PER LTU MYSJOR SVK MAC FIN HUN LTU OMN YEM NOR MAR ECU PAN HUN IRN KAZ ECU SVN SVN JOR MEX MAR MAR IRL DNK UKR EST GRC OMN EST UKR CZE CHL ECU FRA FIN JOR KAZ MAR PER UKR ETH OMN EST PER MAR JOR CHL PER BLX JOR LTU SVK OMN BGR AUT BGR PRT SGP MKD SVK PER ROM IRN LVA BGR TTOSEN CZE SVK OMN ECU MLT OMN SVN SVN PER MLT LVA UKR CAN SVK IDN SEN COL BGR IRN ECU AZE CYP SVN COL SVK AZE LTU NOR PER SVN AZE KAZ LTU LTU KAZ CYP EGY PAN LTU BGR LTU MLT IRL AZE ETH LVA EST JOR LVA PER MAR YEM MDA OMN NLD IRN JOR CYP ISL CHL URY SVK TTO KAZ ECU SVN EST COL PER KAZ CZE BGR SVN PRT UKR SEN LVACHL OMN CHL JOR MDG LTU ROM EST SVN GRCGRC ECU LTU OMN OMN SWE COL LTU OMN URY LVA TTO COL CYP SVK HUN SWE KEN IRN LVA HUN UKR IND BWA NOR KAZ IRN IDN KAZ MYS ECU MLT NOR MAR LVA LTU JOR MAR BGR CYP ETH EST NOR LTU MYS OMN LTU ECU URY LTU AZE OMN ECU BRA MAR EST TTO BGR MLT UKR GBR LVA JOR HUN COL EGY TTO SVN ETH URY ETH IRN MAR ROM SEN KAZ LVA CYP AZE KAZ MAR LVA SEN KAZ KAZ SVK LVA MYS IRL JOR KEN UKR KAZ LTU TJK CYP LTU ETH PER LTU PSE BGR ARM KGZ TJK CYP KOR ECU EST LVA TTO OMN LVA IDN MAR LTU SEN PAN LVA OMN TTO CYP JOR PAN COL IRN ARM MLT SVN FIN ETH FIN MYS JOR EST JOR JOR URY SGP TUR LVA MDA PAN MLT ECU AZE EGY SEN ECU JOR PAN TTO AZE AFG TTO KEN CYP ETH LTU AZE PER LVAMDA HUN IRN LVA EST SVN SEN LTU ETH PER TTO ETH LVA IRN EST ETH OMN BGR MDA LVA MAR MDA NLD CYP LTU GEO LTU JOR TTO BLX LVA LVA SVK LVA AZE SVN MAR PER MLT MKD LTU LTU GEO SVK IRNJORAZE MUS CYP EST JOR MLT ECU ETH KAZ POL MLT LTU ETH OMN JOR GEO URY CYP AZE UKR EST MYS DNK LVA ECU ECU SVN ETH ETH CYP AUT PER PER ETH ALB MLT BGR EST MKD ALB SEN LTU MLT EST OMN EST MWI URY OMN TTO IDN DNK PAN IRN LVA JOR ECU SEN CYP BLX ECU JOR UKR PAN IRN BGR CYP KAZ LTU MAR URY VNM MKD URY LVA ARM COL MAR HUN KAZ URY OMN JOR HUN LVA KAZ GEO ECU LVA ARM NOR LTU URY AZE EST AZE AZE LTU PER ETH KAZ AZE ETH AZE KGZ IRN ECU TTO KAZ MKD ETH AZE AFG CYP ETH TTO MDG MDA GEO SVK EST AZE HUN MAR ECU CHL EST ECU MKD ECU CZE PER ECU MDA PSE SEN SVN EST MDA MDA SVK IRN SWE PAN PSE LVA JOR YEM MDA KAZ AZE OMN MAR EST PAN MLT IRL GEO ETH UKR COL MKD PAN OMN SVN URY PER URY URY MWI ETH MDA CYP ALB AZE GEO GEO MWI EGY AZE SVN TTO MAR SEN MYS JOR EGY EST JOR OMN ECU TTO URY AZE GEO CYP AZE IDN IRN CYP EST GEO SEN MKD MKD ETH OMN MLT HUN SVK KGZ MLT ARM NOR FIN MDA UKR KGZ OMNERI MLT MWIURY JOR TJK KAZ GEO OMN PER GRC COL MWI MWI ETH MLT LTU TTO GEO AZE CYP TTO ARM PER PER AZE MLT OMN PER KGZ CYP OMN DNK JOROMN SVN SEN MKD TTO ARM MKD IDN ECU ECU MKD ETH MWI LTU MDA GEO JOR CYP CYP IDN MLT LTU MLT ETH MLT BGRETH KAZ CYP ARM PSE ECU JOR AZE OMN HUN SEN ETHAZE PER ARM OMN KGZ GEO ARM EST URY AZE MDA IND LVA IDN UKR KGZ MLT ECU MAR MLT AZE ETH MDA ETH SEN ECU MKD ARM TTO MWI GEO UKR ETH IND TJK ARM CYP PRT JOR LVA LTUJORNOR LVA MYS KGZ MDA NOR SWE KGZ SEN KGZ ECU ROM OMNMKD MLT KEN ARM SEN MLT MLT NOR ERI MDG JOR MDG ETH PRT EST SEN LTU SENGEO TJK KGZ AZE AZE MKD ECU ARMMDAETH ECU ISL ARM GEO OMN TTO CYP MKD MWI ARM EGY LTUAZE GEO SVK KAZ ERI MKD KGZ MLT KGZ SEN UKR SEN KGZ MLT OMN EGY MDA GEO ERI OMN GEO SEN TJKTUR KGZ LVA TTO SEN ERI MDA ARM ETH MWI MWI KAZ URY KGZTJK GEO SEN MNG MKD MDA PSE JOR MDA MKD MDA MDA MKD MDA MLT KGZ ERI MDA ETH ARM ETH TJK OMN ERI SEN EST GEO GEO TJK TJK MLT ETH KAZ TJK KAZ GEO KGZ KGZ ARM TTO MDA KGZ AZE MKD CYP KGZ MDA MWI AZE AZE JORAZELTU SVN GEO MLT MLT KGZ MKD ARM PER ECU AZE SEN CYP MDA PAN GEO OMN MDG MDA AFG MDAARM PAN TJK BGR JOR GEO AZE ARM KGZ ARM ARM EST AZE KGZ MLT MDG MWI TTO HUN TTO KGZ MWI CZE AZE PSE MWI KGZ ARM IDN TJK MNG LTU AUT MNG PER TJK HUN BGR ARM ERI OMN KGZ ARM AZE ARM KGZKGZ TTO PSE TJK MWI EST PER MWI BGR ETH ARM GEOSEN ERI JOR MDA KGZMWI ETH MDA MWIERIKAZ DNK ARM KGZ MWI ARM MDAARM ERI KAZ LTU TJK ERI KGZ GEO ETH MWI KGZLTU JOR ERI ERI BGR MAR LTU ARM KGZ MDA MDA TJK LVA ERI MWI ETH ETH KGZ AZE ERI ERI KGZ KGZ OMN MARCYP MLT CYP ARM ERI MUS AZE ERIERI PAN PRT KGZ SEN TJK GEO GEO KGZ EST LVA ARM MDG TJK SEN SVN TJK ARMSENIRL LVA ERI MWI ETH KGZ KGZERI MKD SVK ERI KGZ ARM KGZ IRNARM KGZ ERI ERIGEO JOR AZE KAZMWI ERI LTUAZE MDG MLT LVA CYP OMN ERI AZEKGZ ERI ERI GEO ARM ERIGEO ARM ERI KGZ JOR ERI URY MDA ARM PSELVA ARM ERI ETH PSE ECU TJK MAR ERI ARM KGZ AZE KGZ ARM AZE ERI ARM KAZ OMN ERI LTUERI ECU AZEOMN KGZ AZE ERI MDA ERI ERI KAZ CYP ERI PSEERI KGZ MDA ERI URY ERI ECU ERI ECU JOR GEO ERI KGZERI OMN ERI ARM MLT MLT EST ETH MLT ARM ECU ERI CYP ETH KGZ LVA MLT ETH AZE ERI ERI 0 MAC -4 -2 0 2 Log of Apparent Consumption Volatility (sd) - 3 digit Note: 82 countries, 62 sectors, 2005. Under demand or price uncertainty, risk-averse firms have to manage their risk exposure. Indeed, there exists some delay between the time an export decision is made and the time the corresponding output reaches the market. Hence, during this delay, the foreign demand or market price can change so that there is an uncertainty that the decision-maker has to handle. The literature on production decision under risk shows that an increase in risk (as measured by a higher volatility) has a negative effect on output size when the decision maker is averse to risk. As a result, if firms are risk-averse, they should export less to a country with more volatile demand, ceteris paribus. In other words, a country with higher demand volatil2 ity should import less. Using the same database of world sectoral-level data, we find prima facie evidence of a negative relationship between demand volatility and imports, as depicted in Figure (2).1 CHNCHN CHN CHN DEU DEU DEU DEU CHN DEU CHN BLX GBR BLX CHN DEU BLX FRA DEU DEU CHN DEU GBR DEU FRAFRA FRA CHN GBR ITA CHN GBR DEU DEU BLX GBR DEU BLX BLX CAN DEU CHN ITA FRA BLX DEU CAN DEU DEU CAN DEU GBR BLX GBR DEU DEU CHN GBR BLX DEU FRA ITA DEU ESP DEU GBR DEU BLX CHN DEU ITA FRA FRA FRA BLX CAN ITA CHN DEU DEU ITA DEU CHN CHN GBR FRA BLX CHN BLX ITA FRA GBR DEU GBR CHN DEU ESP ITA ITA DEU DEU FRA CAN GBR ITA DEU ITA DEU CHN DEU GBR ESP CHN ITA CAN GBR FRA DEU ESP DEU ITA DEU FRA DEU DEU JPN GBR BLX DEU GBR IND DEU ESP JPN DEU FRA ESP GBR CAN CHN FRA GBR CHN JPN DEU BLX FRA GBR GBR KOR DEU JPN FRA GBR JPN ITA FRA GBR CHN CAN DEU DEU JPN JPN BLX CHN GBR FRA BLX JPN KOR ITA JPN JPN DEU FRA FRA CHN JPN CHN DEU DEU ITA DEU GBR CHN KOR DEU DEU DEU CHNCHN JPN JPN BLX CAN GBR ITA GBR FRA DEU ITA CHN CHN JPN GBR JPN JPN FRA ESP FRA DEU ITA GBR GBR JPN DEU CHN FRA FRA IND JPN JPN CHN ESP DEU ITA FRA DEU CAN CAN DEU DEU CAN CHN ITA JPN CAN ITA DEU KOR GBR DEU CAN ITA GBR ITA DEU DEU FRA FRA CHN JPN DEU JPN GBR FRA JPN JPN ITA FRA JPN ITA KOR DEU FRA FRA IND FRA CHN FRA CAN JPN DEU DEU GBR CHN KOR GBR DEU ITA CANCHN ITA ESP FRA DEU GBR CAN DEU GBR JPN JPN FRA CAN CHN FRA CAN CAN DEU CAN FRA CHN DEU ESP GBR DEU GBR AUS CHN FRA JPN JPN IDN BLX CAN KOR FRA DEU FRA GBR DEU GBR FRA FRA ESP DEU DEU BLX DEU DEU GBR CHN CHN CAN DEU DEU DEU DEU ESP DEU CAN KOR GBR CAN CHN DEU DEU GBR GBR DEU FRA ESP KOR DEU ITA CHN ITA GBR AUS BLX FRA KOR BLX GBR GBR ESP ESP FRA DEU ESP DEU DEU FRA CAN GBR DEU GBR JPN FRA ITA FRA DEU CHN CHN JPN CAN DEU IND DEU BLX ESP ITA DEUJPN KOR ESP FDEU RA CAN DEU FRA GBR JPN ESP CHN GBR CAN ITA DEU JPN ESP BLX DEU KOR DEU BLX GBR FRA DEU GBR ITA ITA GBR DEU ITA FRA GBR DEU JPN JPN CHN DEU FRA DEU GBR ESP DEU CAN G BR CHN JPN FRA BLX FRA KOR DEU FRA ITA BLX KOR ESP JPN JPN GBR BLX FRA FRA CAN K OR FRA ESP FRA FRA GBR ESP FRA GBR GBR DEU DEU ESP CHN CHN CHN ESP ITA JPN FRA ESP F RA ITA ESP ITA CAN DEU CHN JPN JPN DEU GBR CAN FRA GBR CHN JPN FRA GBR CHN KOR CAN DEU FRA DEU KOR JPN DEU JPN CHN DEU FRA FRA DEU DEU DEU FRA ITA DEU DEU GBR ITA FRA GBR IND AUS FRA CAN GBR ESP DEU CHN JPN CHN JPN GBR ITA CAN FRA FRA AUS AUS GBR JPN DEU JPN DEU JPN DEUJPN JPN DEU ESP GBR ITA CAN JPN DEU CHN CHN ESP FRA GBR CHN KOR JPN CHN AUS JPN FRA DEU DEU CAN DEU ESP GBR FRA ITA FRA FRA CHN GBR FRA GBR JPN FRA CAN IND KOR GBR CAN JPN GBR ESP GBR CHN GBR ESP IRL KOR DEU CAN DEU JPN JPN GBR C AN CAN IND FRA GBR DEU BLX GBR JPN JPN GBR KOR JPN FRA DEU JPN IDN JPN JPN GBRGBR ITA GBR ITA FRA JPN ESP FRA GBR GBR FRA ITA IRL DEU ESP GBR BLX JPN GBR CAN BLX DEU JPN GBR IDN DEU CHN FRA DEU GBR BLX ESP IND DEU KOR GBR IDN ITA AUS GBR DEU DEU ESP DEU ESP KOR DEU ESP CHN FRA FRA IND ESP BLX CAN CAN DEU BLX ITA GBR GBR GBR GBR DEU KOR DEU DEU JPN AUS CHN GBR KOR CAN DEU KOR DEU ITA AUT DEU GBR DEU CHN CHN IND GBR IRL FRA FRA AUT CAN CAN GBR ESP ESP ITA CHN GBR FRA AUS DEU JPN CAN DEU FRA GBR GBR DEU DEU ITA CAN JPN JPN CAN GBR AUS ITA ITA ITA JPN GBR KOR IDN FRA FRA ESP KOR IND CAN DEU JPN DEU CAN IND FRA ITA FRA IDN ITA BLX DEU DEUDEU BLX GBR GBR GBR FRA FRA CAN GBR JPN BLX ESP IRL GBR BLX CAN ESP ITA ESP BLX ITA BLX FRA CHN INDGBR JPN AUT ITA IRL DEU DEU ITA CHN ITA FRA AUT ESP GBR FRA DEU ITA BLX W FRA FRA GBR DEU GBR KOR FRA ITA ITA GBR AUT IND GBR CHN JPN CAN KOR ESP FRA BLX CHN ITA ITA DEU AUS F RA AUS JPN DEU CAN CAN DEU GBR ESP GBR GBR BLX FRA ESP BLX ITA IRL CAN AUS FRA AUT JPN CAN GBR CAN KOR ITA CAN DEU ESP DEU GBR BLX GBR IRL JPN W GBR DEU ITA GBR ITA FRA FRA JPN JPN JPN DEU FRA ITA FRA W IND ESP CAN DEU KOR CHN DEU JPN DEU CHN CAN FRA ESP ESP GBR ITA IND CAN FRA ESP FRA GBR GBR AUTIDNKOR JPN GBR CHN BLX AUT DEU BLX ITA ITA KOR CHE GBR DEU FRA ESP AUT AUT FRA CHN GBR IRL CHN CAN JPN BLX GBR CHN ITA JPN ITAITA AUS ESP DEU DEU FRA DEU GBR ITA FRA JPN GBR AUT ITA FRA DEU JPN GBR DEU FRA JPN GBR BLX GBR F AUS RA DEU CHN CAN JPN JPN DEU JPN ITA ITA ESP CAN GBR GBR FRA ITA FRA ITA KOR AUS KOR ESP CHN CAN CHN ESP DEU FRA CAN ITA DEU DEU ITA ESP KOR W ESP ESP CHN GBR GBR IRL IND CAN DEU ITA CAN DEU GBR GBR IAUT TA FRA ITA ITA IDN KOR CHN ITA JPN JPN DEU IRN W KOR FRA IND DEU JPN FRA GBR W FRA ITA AUT IND CAN AUS JPN BLX DEU ESP ITA ESP BLX CHN W BLX GBR FRA IND FRA CHN DEU GBR FRA KOR KOR FRA W AUS CAN ITA FRA GBR IRN BLX KOR ITA CAN DEU IND W AUS IDN KOR FRA FRA KOR ESP BLX ITA JPN AUT KOR CHN AUT JPN ESP DEU FRA FRA CAN DEU CAN GBR KOR CAN CHN CAN CAN FRA FRA ESP GBR FRA BLX ESP ITA GBR DEU AUS GBR GBR DEU CAN W ITA ESP ITA ESP ITA JPN GBR ESP GBR FRA DEU DEU DEU DEU AUT FRA CHN JPN BLX JPN GRC IRL AUS GBR CAN GBR CAN KOR CHN W BLX JPN AUS ESP IND ESP CHN ESP KOR ESP BLX ESP ESP CAN FRA FRA GBR AUT ESP CHN FRA BLX DEU CHN DEU DEU AUS KOR ITA FRA CAN IND IND AUS DEU AUS ESP BLX DEU FRA ITA CZE GBR GBR KOR BLX JPN JPN GBR CHN ESP CAN ITA AUS KOR ITA ITA GBR ESP CHN AUT DEU FRA CAN FRA DEU FRA GBR DEU BLX KOR AUT GBR BLX FIN DEU ITA JPN JPN ESP JESP PN W IDN DEU DEU IRN JPN AUS GBR JPN BLX KOR GBR KOR ESP JPN W BLX W AUT DEU GBR FRA CAN JPN ITA ESP BLX FRA FRA IND AUS ESP BLX CHN DEU IDN IDN CAN ITA CAN CHE AUS ITA ITA GBR JPN CAN AUT CAN ESP AUT HUN FRA CAN GBR GBR FRA AUS DEU AUT IRL GBR CAN BRA BLX JPN BLX JPN BLX GBR FRA CAN AUS BLX ESP DNK DEU JPN W W IND W ESP FRA GBR AUT FRA FRA ITA ITA BLX CAN FRA FRA W DEU IIRN DN CAN JPN ESP DEU JPN HUN CAN ESP BLX FRA FRA DEU IND ITA IND IDN GBR KOR DEU JPN CZE AUT ESP CAN GBR ESP FRA AUS W FRA BLX DEU KOR AUS BLX KOR ITA JPN BLX CHN KOR W WKOR CAN BLX GBR DEU HUN ESP GBR ESP HUN KOR JPN ITA GBR CZE CAN AUT GBR CAN CAN JPN ESP CHE IND DEU FRA FRA W CAN AUS CAN CAN IND ITA BLX AUS JPN IDN GBR GRC ESP CHE FRA ESP ITA IND DEU JPN FRA FIN W DEU IND FRAFRA DEU CAN BLX ESP KOR FRA FRA DEU FRA JPN GBR KOR BLX DEU AUT W HUN CAN FRA AUS GBR FIN BLX JPN CHE ESP ITA GBR CHN HUN BLX DEU IND ITAITA AUT CAN ITA DEU KOR BLX GRC KOR HUNCAN IND JPN FRA BLX GBR DEU ITA GBR CAN GBR KOR W CAN GBR DNK JPN ITA BLX ITA ITA JPN GBR IRN CAN KOR FRA GBR DEU BLX GBR ITA KOR JPN JPN FRA HUN GBR CAN ESP JPN AUT KOR CZE GBR JPN HUN AUT FRA CHN GBR ITA FRA ESP ITA CAN CHL BLX AUT DEU GBR BLX KOR FRA FRA CAN ESP GBR AUS ESP IRLAUSIDN KOR DEU JPN W GBR HUN ESP HUN DEU CAN ITA KOR AUT KOR BLX ESP DEU BLX ITA JPN GBRAUS CAN FRA CAN W GBR BLX AUT W IRN GBR ITA ITA GBR DEU ESP FRA AUS W FRA DEU ESP GBR ESP AUS FRA ITA DEU IND DEU HUN DEU GBR CAN ITA CAN KOR ITA BLX ESP BLX ITA JPN FRA KOR ITA JPN ITA ITA FRA FRA ITA ITA DEU ITA CAN GBR IRN GBR IDN CAN ESP KOR ITA IDN FRA FRA CHN ITA FRA GRC GBR JPN AUT HUN GBR FRA ITA CHN CAN DEU AUS DNK AUS CZE IND GBR AUS ITA DNK CAN JPN W CZE FIN CAN DEU AUT ESP CAN ESP ESP GBR ITA DEU BLX ITA IND BLX IFRA TA ESP INDKOR FRA ITA ESP DEU DEU DEU AUT ESP ITA CAN ESP CAN ESP IND GBR FRA DEU JPN ITA ESP GBR DEU FRA DEU KOR GBR W GBR ESP JPN JPN JPN AUT FRA ESP DEU BRA JPN FRA WCZE ITA DEU FRA IDN KOR ITA FIN KOR ESP KOR JPN GBR ESP W DEU ITA FRA DEU BRA CAN ESP FIN AUS W HUN ESP IRN KOR ITA BLX DNK IRL DEU GBR W AUS DEU ITA W DEU ESP DNK CHN ESP GBR W CAN ITA ESP FRA JPN DEU AUT DEU JPN HUN CAN JPN AUS JPN IDEU ND GRC W DEU DEU AUT FRA FRA CHN DNK ITA DNK GBR GBR CAN CAN BRA W ITA DEU CAN W GBR CAN CAN IND FRA CAN HUN ITAITA CAN CAN ITA KOR GBR GBR DEU JPN FRA W ITA HUN BLX BRA BLX JPN CAN DEU BLX DEU CAN JPN AUT DEU KOR JPN CHN FRA CAN FRA GBR IDN CZE CAN JPN AUS DNK DEU JPN ITA IND ESP ESP BLX ESP FRA ESP CHN ITA BLX FIN CAN DEU DNK COL HUN CZE CAN ESP ITA DEU ITA IND ITA FIN JPN CHL ITA GBR HUN W HUN DEU FRA ESP IND BLX IRN ESP GBR CAN IRL ITA W GBR IRL JPN JPN JPN IRN AUT JPN DEU FRA GBR DEU ITA ITA DNK DEU ESP IND KOR JPN BLX AUT DEU BLX GBR CAN GBR IND GBR CAN CAN IRN AUT CAN CAN CAN ITA ITA AUT JPN FRA JPN ITA CAN ITA AUT JPN FRA ITA JPN JPN DEU JPN FRA AUT JPN FRA JPN DEU DEU HUN ESP CAN ITA IRL CAN AUS CAN BLX CHN IND AUT KOR JPN JPN AUS KAZ JPN GBR DEU HUN BLX ITA DEU ESP DEU JPN CZE BLX JPN BLX HUN DNK JPN W CZE DEU AUS BLX KOR CAN IDN KOR ITA ESP W FRA DEU DEU GBR ITA ITA FIN GBR ESPESP GBR BLX CAN ESP IDN ESP CAN JPN FRA KOR BLX CZE DEU GBR ITA BLX ITA ITA KOR IND W AUT JPN CAN CAN DEU BLX FRA CZE W KOR IDN BLX FRA ITA DEU ITA DEU FRA ESP CAN FRA ITA HUN DNK IDN ITA HUN DEU W JPN CAN ITA AUT AUT CAN BRA DEU CAN DEU IRL BLX JPN IRN KOR GBR ITA IRN IDN IRL GBR AUS CAN AUT DEU IND CAN BLX FRA ITA JPN CZE BRA JPN W FIN FIN DEU JPN ITA IRN JPN CAN KOR DEU MAR CAN GBR ESP IRN HUN ESP CAN ITA BRA BLX DNK FRA KWT CAN AUT HUN AUT DEU FIN ITA CZE FRA GBR FRA AUT ESP JPN JPN AUT CHN ITA ITA JPN BLX IDN CAN JPN JPN IND ITA JPN FRA GBR FIN CHN GBR AUT GBR ESP ITA JPN GBR AUT GBR ITA JPN JPN BLX GBR FRA ESP FRA IRL CAN IND AUS W JPN ITA CAN ESP CAN GBR HUN BLX DNK AUT FRA COL W ESP JPN KOR BLX DNK HUNIRL W AUT FRA CAN JPN CAN W KOR ESP DNK FRA IDN JPN JPN ESP AUT GBR JBRA PN CAN BLX GRC FRA AUT DNK ESP AUS DNK DEU JPN HUN FRA DEU KOR BRA GRC HUN ITA CHN CZE ESP ITA DNK GBR ITA CAN IDN FIN HUN BLX DEU BLX GBR DNK ESP ITA IRL BLX DEU ESP IRN GBR KOR CZE CAN AUT AUT DEU W CHL HUN GBR ESP KOR GBR JPN IDN CZE JPN AUS ESP FRA ITA CAN IDN HUN BRA CAN AUS FRA BRA IDN ESP IDN GBR JPN ITA GBR IRN CYP GBR ITA GBR DEU IRN CAN JPN CZE AUT FIN JPN FRA GBR CAN AUT AUS CZE DEU AUT IND IDN GBR AUT GBR FRA ESP FRA BLX W JPN IDN JPN CAN FRA IND ITA CHN ESP KOR BLX ITA CAN BLX ITA BLX IDN CZE FRA ESP HUN DNK JPN AUT AUS HUN CHL FRA FIN DEU GBR CAN ISR BLX IRN W W JPN ESP BRA AUS W JPN ITA AUT JPN CAN KWT GBR AUT KOR DNK ITA ITA DEU ITA ESP HUN DNK JPN FRA BLX BLX HUN BRA CHN W ITA IND KOR GBR W JPN FRA W DEU CAN ITA ESP CHN AUT JPN DEU ITA ESP W BLX AUS FRA BLX GBR JPN COL KWT KWT DNK AUS AUS DEU DEU JPN ESP GBR GBR DNK IRL CAN DNK AUS BLX AUT IND CAN JPN ITA CAN BLX ESP GBR FRA HUN ITA GBR AUT FRA AUT AUT GBR AUS KOR BRA BRA CAN W CAN GBR GBR BLX AUS AUT ESP JPN CHN ESP JPN ITA IND BLX JPN JPN AUT ESP GBR FIN W KOR GBR IDN CHN ESP W FRA GBR KOR CZE JPN JPN BLX JPN AUS GBR BLX IRN AUS CAN DEU CHN COL BRA FRA W ITA JPN KOR CHN CZE ITA IND GBR HUN FRA IRN DNK AUS FRA ITA ITA CZE MAR AUT FRA CAN GBR KOR BLX ISR CAN ITA CAN AUS IRN GRC IDN AUT ESP GBR ITAITA DNK DEU ESP ITA CZE ITA KOR CAN CAN AUS FIN JPN ITA ESP FRA AUT ESP DEU KOR DEU DEU CHN AUT ESP DEU ESP AUS CAN DEU JPN W CAN GBR JPN ITA CAN BLX LTU FIN W GBR AUS DEU FRA BLX CAN BLX AUT FRA DNK AUS CZE GBR ESP GBR W CAN CAN AUS DEU BLX CAN BRA CAN HUN CAN GBR KOR ESP COL AUS KOR JPN JPN GBR JPN W ITA JPN FRA ESP ITA ESP FRA ITA DNK KAZ CAN FIN GRC GBR IDN FIN IDN GBR FRA COL BLX CAN IRN CZE HUN KOR ITA FRA KOR ESP HUN ESP GBR W BLX BRA DEU CZE ESP FRA DNK GBR ITA COL GRC BLX GBR W FRA ITA AUS FRA IRL GBR IDN DEU ITA FRA FRA DEU AUT CHN CAN DNK AUS FIN ESP BRA JPN JPN HUN BRA IDN W DEU ITA ITA ESP ITA HUN CAN BLX HUN AUS IRN IRN CAN DNK GBR FRA CZE CAN ESP IRL ITA AUS FRA CHN GBR ITA FIN FRA JPN ISR GBR W GBR AUT AUS BLX IND BLX ITA ITA AUS JPN CZE AUT DEU DEU AUT FRA FIN JPN BLX IND GRC ESP DNK ESP JPN CHN FRA KOR FRA IRL DEU W CHN FRA HUN HUN ESP HUN BLX IRN JPN FRA GBR FIN AUT ITA IRL JPN DEU CHN JPN HUN BLX FRA IRL ITA BLX ESP CAN KOR IDN KAZ BLX AUS IRN FRA COL KOR GRC CAN ESP IND JPN BLX AUS KOR FRA ESP AUS ESP AUT IND DNK BLX FRA KOR AUS ECU COL KOR CHN DNK BLX DEU FRA ESP GBR W FRA ITA ESP CAN KOR AUS CZE HUN DNK BRA W ITA BLX FRA JPN ITA IRL CHN ESP AUS FRA ESP ITA HUN DEU FRA DNK DEU ESP AUT A UT DNK FRA CZE FRA BLX ESP GBR FIN IRL KOR KWT KWT FIN BLX IND JPN AUT IND IRN IND FRA KOR FRA AUT CHN GRC CHN IND LTU IRN JPN DNK AUS CAN AUT GBR GBR CZE GRC IRL CAN FIN AUT CAN KOR IND FRA ESP ESP CAN ESP CHN CAN W BRA BRA MAR ITA BLX KAZ FIN IDN IND CZE W KOR BLX CAN GRC DEU ESP IRLIND BRA BLX HUN ESP ITA FIN ITA COL GBR JPN ESP IRL W IRN DEU AUT IRL AUT GBR DEU IDN HUN GBR AUT JPN FRA JPN GBR GBR DNK ITA IND FRA JPN GBR ITA KOR KOR DEU FRA KOR GBR BRA JPN ESP FRA CAN DEU BLX CHE HUN DNK ITA FRA GRC JPN FRA DEU DNK DNK BLX ITA IDN CHN BRA DEU IND GBR GBR ESP FRA CHN JPN JPN CZE GBR CZE KOR BLX IDN GBR DEU AUT IRN HUN DNK CAN DEU W DEU AUS BRA AUS GBR CAN ESP CHN GBR IDN DEU GBR JPN W W GBR CHE AUS W GBRGBR CAN W ITA IND JPN AUT W IRN IDN JPN KOR GBR KOR FRA W W BRA FRA JPN EST GBR GBR ITA GBR ESP AUS KOR W AUT BLX DNK HUN ITA BLX FIN CAN HUN FRA ESP FRA BRA CHN GBR W HUN AUS CAN BRA ITA KOR AUS FRA FIN BLX FRA AUS ESP HUN FRA ITA CHN ESP BLX ITA IRN BLX ESP KOR FRA W ISR GRC ICAN TA KOR COL ISR JPN W IND JPN FRA BLX CHL BRA ESP FIN ITA KOR ITA AUT AUS CAN KAZ HUN IRN KOR W AUS IDN AUT JPN DNK ESP AUT DNK GBR W AUS JPN GBR IDN AUT FRA ITA DEU COL FIN BRA KOR W AUS FIN JPN IRN ESP AUT ISR DEU GBR BLX DEU AUT DNK ESP AUT CAN HUN JPN FIN IRN ITA IND CHN BLX HUN CYP IND DNK IRL W IRN GRC CHN DNK CHN IDN JPN JPN GBR ESP HUN ITA HUN CHN BLX AUT GBR DNK DNK JPN ITA GBR BLX GRC CHL ITA HUN HUN W AUS KOR ITAAUTAUT JPN FIN DEU ESP GBR COL GBR FRA COL KOR GRC ESP FRA W BLX AUS CAN JPN CAN DEU W W CAN DNK BRA HUN KOR ECU DNK IRL AUS ESP FIN IND FIN BLX ITA CAN CZE AUS DEU IND FRA ITA IND IND ITA JPN HUN ESP ESP ESP FIN ITA W JPN CAN AUT GBR BLX BRA ITA AUT HUN FRA DNK DNK ESP DEU CAN JPN HUN JPN ESP BRA AUT JPN JPN BRA CAN ITA AUT CZE ITA AUS AUT GBR AUS FRA IDN DEU BGR DNK ITA W KOR FRA FRA AUT BRA IDN W GBR FRA KOR CHN AUS AUT BRA AUS AUS ITA W ITA HUN BLX GBR DEU IRL ITA BLX ESP IDN ESP IRN KOR GBR AUS BLX ITA JPN FIN KOR ESP ITA FIN W FRA AUT AUS W AUT CZE BLX GBR KOR EGY IDN FIN IRN GRC CHN IDN ITA ESP JPN KOR ESP ESP ESP ESP ITA KOR W BLX CAN W HUN ITA GRC BLX DNK FRA ESP DNK DEU IRLIRL AUS AUS FRA HUN IRN CAN W IRN W DNK BLX BLX COL LTU CZE KOR HUN CZE FIN KOR FRA FRA BRA HUN IDN FIN DNK ECU AUT KAZ ESP DEU W IDN CAN ESP BRA AUS CHN IRN W AUS CZE JPN GBR AUS ESP ITA IRL ITA DNK CAN IRL CZE FRA FRA BLX ITA FIN ESP IRN FIN AUS KAZ CAN FRA DEU KOR EGY JPN JPN AUS AUT AUS DEU KOR CHN CAN ESP ESP FRA GRC ESP IND HUN IRN IRN ITA AUT JPN ESP FRA JPN GRC GRC IND KOR CAN JPN AUS W ESP BLX CAN FIN IDN AUT FRA BLX BLX HUN GBR COL IDNIRL AUT CZE HUN GBR IND ITA AUT BLX AUT ESP CZE FRA BLX GBR ITA DEU W IRL AUS W IND ITA GBR GRC BLX IDN GBR AUS AUT GBR AUT BLX FIN CAN ETH DEU FRA AUT DNK HUN AUS ESP JPN FIN HUN CYP IDN CAN DEU HUN W BLX AUS W GBR DNK KAZ ESP IDN W GBR ITA FRA CAN JPN BLX GBR FIN CZE KOR CAN ITA AUT AUS BRA ESP DEU FIN FRA BRA W AUS KOR IND ITA ESP ITA IDN FRA ISR BRA AUT AUT HUN AUT AUT CYP GBR AUS FIN DNK GBR DEU KOR FIN BLX DNK BLX KOR DEU FRA JPN GBR JOR KOR IDN IND AUT FIN DEU KOR HUN AUT COL CAN IND IND DNK HUN DNK GBR IRL IDN ESP ITA W GBR GBR CAN FIN FRA W JPN AUT MAR EGY BRA AUS AUT BLX BRA GBR ESP DNK ITA JPN JPN ITA CZE GBR DNK JPN FRA D NK ITA GRC BRA CHN CAN IND BLX DEU JPN IRN FRA CZE BLX CHN EST AUS AUT IND W CAN FRA W FRA ECU AUS ITA COL ESP AUS ESP DEU BLX ITA DNK KOR ITA CAN BRA COL FIN DEU HUN FIN HUN DNK CAN ESP FRA FRA ESP GBR CHN GBR IRN ISR ESP DEU FRA IRL FRA IRL FRA BRA ITA DNK IRN ITA ESP HUN BLX IND AUT AUT FIN ITA ITA CZE ITA AUS AUS W CAN IND AUT KOR IRL ESP FIN DNK JPN DEU HUN ESP ITA BLX IRL CAN BLX BRA AUT FIN DNK FRA W AUT KOR CYP DEU CZE ESP BLX HUN DNK JPN IRN KOR DNK ITA DNK GRC ESP ITA KOR BLX CAN ESP KAZ CAN CAN CAN W AUS KAZ BLX KOR GBR KOR BLX IND IDN CAN ESP IRL DEU AUS DEUDEU CAN AUT CZE HUN AUS JPN DEU HUN HUN IRL AUT BLX AUS IDN DNK W AUT ITA AUT IRN IND AUT DNK IND ITA CZE CAN KAZ GRC DNK ITA CZE AUT ESP W CAN IND ITA MAR W BLX FRA DNK DNK EGY GBR LTU ITA BGR IRL ITA IDN GBR HUNHUN JPN CAN HUN IRN CAN W JPN W ESP KOR GBR CHN GRC FRA ESP HUN IRL FRA BLX AUT HUN IND DEU CAN BRA KOR IDN AUT AUT CAN GBR BRA ITA FRA KOR FIN AUT FIN ESP IRN ITA ITA AUT ESP ESP GBR JOR LTU AUT IRL CHN DNK AUT ITA AUT IDN CAN FRA DEU CHN W IND FIN ISR ITA FRA FRA FRA JPN AUS GBR ESP AUS ITA DNK IRN IDN JPN ESP ISR BLX IDN AUT KOR MAR ECU IRN HUN AUT ESP GBR IND W WW FIN FIN W IDN W CAN IRL W KOR AUT ARG COL ESP DEU AUT DNK W ESP ESP DNK BRA COL IND IRL IND GBR DEU BGR AUS BLX IRL FIN W DEU JPN CAN ESP ITA JPN JPN AUS DNK BGR CAN ITA ITA COL IDN BRA AUT ESP GRC ITA IRL DNK DNK CAN ESP COL IRN FRA AUTCHL AUT IRN BRA ESP IDN COLCOL FIN IDN GBR CZE FIN ITA EGY CZE W IRN IND KOR W AUT KOR W MAR JPN CAN DEU GBR KOR FIN WW AUS DEU CAN W IND JPN ITA EGY CAN W ESP JPN GBR ITA DEU AUT DEU CAN FIN EGY AUS ESP FRA FIN IND KOR IND ITA KOR EGY IRL FIN FIN COL KOR BGR GBR FIN FIN ITA AUT IDN KAZ GRC ECU W DNK IND ESP CHN HUN FRA BLX FRA KOR IRL IDN ESP ESP IND BLX BLX DEU GRC FRA FIN COL CZE CHN BRA IND ESP FIN ESP IRL ITA ITA HUN DNK CHN BLX ESP CHL BRA IDN DNK MAR CHN BRA BLX W HUN AUT DEU ESP AUS ITA ESP ESP AUT GRC DNK ITA DEU AUS W CAN JPN AUT CZE AUS MAR FIN AUT HUN ITA ESP W IRL W AUT IND GBR DEU HUN JOR CYP ESP CAN DNK IDN ISR IDN W AUT AUT AUS DNK HUN LTU FRA IND CZE GBR IRL CHN IGBR DEU SR HUN AUT ITA CAN ECU KOR ESP DNK CZE AUS CZE DEU KOR HUN HUN DNK W BLX IND ITA ESP AUS AUS IND AUT W ITA CHN M ESP AR AUS ITA IRL LTU COL ESP BLX IDN IRL JPN GBR KOR KAZ GBR BRA AUS GBR MAR BLX IRL KOR GBR IND GBR CAN ITA CHN IRL W BGR CAN A UT BLX ITA IRL FIN DNK CAN IDN ITA BLX AUS AUS ITA LTU IND AUT CHL IRL ITA FIN DEU CHE ESP CHN ISR FRA FRA BRA ESP FRA HUN W BLX CHN ESP EGY W W BLX AUS AUT ITA ESP BLX AUS CZE IDN MAR ESP AUT ITA HUN FIN JPN CAN IRL KOR GBR JPN AUT W IRN LTU IDN CHN W AUT CZE AUS ISR ITA BRA W IDN DNK AUT COL W ITA ESP IRN FRA ITA KOR CHN MAR EST AUT DEU CAN BLX DEU CZE IND DEU KOR FRA W AUS FIN AUS LTU CHN BLX CAN E SP ITA CHN CAN ITA AUS ESP AUT CAN ISR KOR IND AUT MAR CAN AUS FRA CZE GBR IND HUN W KAZ CHN DNK MAR FRA IRL ESP KOR DNK CAN DEU FIN IRN JPN GBR AUT HUN FIN AUT IND CZE JPN W ITA ESP DEU AUS KOR ESP ITA FRA DNK DNK BLX W ITA W FIN DEU AUS DNK IRN IRN CAN IRL ITA CZE FRA JPN ITA FIN CHN FIN HUN ESP ISR GRC FRA IRL COL COL BGR EGY CHN HUN ESP JPN KOR BLX IND ESP ESP CHN JPN HUN GBR GBR DNK CAN KOR MAR FIN IND ESP JPN IRL AUT BRA IRN DEU AUS IRN HUN BRA IND W IRN HUN W ISR AUT W ESP BLX W DNK IDN KOR CHN GRC AUS DNK IRL GBR ITA HUN IRL ITA AUS COL DEU W AUT KOR BRA ARG DEU KOR AUT AUS W KOR IND AUS DNK BRA AUS DNK AUT ITA AUS FRA IRN CZE GBR CZE GBR DEU JPN ISR BLX IRL GBR DNK KOR ECU JPN BRA LTU ESP DNK IRN FRA CZE ESP FIN FRA IRL HUN IRN FIN JPN ESP JPN ITA AUT FIN CZE KOR ESP KOR AUT ITA GBR FIN AUT ESP IND IDN DEU BLX BRA CHL DEU DEU IND CZE IRN ITA BGR CAN ESP ECU FIN K OR W HUN W ESP CHN GRC IRL W AUS KOR ISR AUS CZE AUT CHN AUT W IND DNK IDN MAR ARG AUS KAZ DEU AUS DEU CYP IDN GRC DEU CAN BGR FRA IND ESP AUS IDN JPN COL CHL IDN DEU GBR IRN BRA DNK CAN KOR AUT MAR IND W WW FRA ITA ESP IRL MAR GRC CAN IRL AUT HUN IRQ KOR ECU BLX CAN BLX CYP FRA BLX CAN DEU BLX ETH IND GRC CHN GRC ISR AUS IND KOR AUT ITA CAN KOR ESP ESP GRC COL DEU CHN ITA W IDN ITA W ISR CHL CAN FRAFRA CZE DNK BLX BRA DEU CAN HUN ESP CHL JPN AUT W ITA ITA FIN AUT AUT CZE HUN ITA KOR IDN FRA FIN JPN GBR ESP FRA BLX ESP CZE FIN AUT KOR FRA W BLX CAN W ESP IRL CHN ESP W LTU AUT AUT IRL KOR BRA IDN IDN JPN DEU ESP W AUS ITA IDN BLX CHL CHN ESP IND FRA IND GBR CAN JPN IND KOR BLX FRA ESP HUN AUT IND HUN B LX AUS IND ECU GRC BLX HUN DEU GBR BRA BRA CZE IDN AUT KOR HUN GBR HUN GBR ARG ISR CHN CZE HUN FRA IRL ISR ESP CAN BLX BGR DNK ITA JPN JOR CAN BLX KAZ AUT COL IRN LTU JPN IND CHN JPN IRL JOR GRC JOR ITA IRL IRL DNK ISR IND GRC DNK CZE DNK GBR FIN AUT FRAFRA CZE JPN ESP DNK IRN COL GRC CZE IRQ BLX DNK DEU FRA AUT IRN DNK AZE W DEU IRL W CHN BLX FRA GBR IND JPN BRA CAN FRA ESP ESP ESP AUT CZE LTU BLX CAN COL ESP JPN AUT BLX JPN AUS CAN BLX DEU JPN CZE DNK AUT AUT MAR DNK IDN BLX FIN ISR DEU IND AUT AUS IND GBR DEU HUN GBR HUN KOR IRL ESP W IDN KOR HUN CAN ISR BLX KOR FRA JPN AUT GBR W BRA AUT FIN IRL W BLX AUT DNK IRN W FIN CHL ITA CAN ITA HUN FRA JPN KOR CAN GRC ITA BRA BGR AUT ECU W AUS BRA ESP CAN KOR JPN AUS JPN KOR AUS DNK FRA CAN COL KAZ KAZ JOR GBR KOR KOR CAN CHN CHN JPN AUS IRL BGR ESP CAN DEU BLX BRA AUT CHL AUT KOR DEU CZE FRA KOR IRN HUN AUS JPN AUT CHN IDN IRL IRN CAN W W IRN IDN W DEU KOR W CZE HUN CZE ISR W MAR ESP ECU IRL FRA W IDN LTU HUN AUT GRC CAN DEU DNK BGR BLX HUN MAR FIN W CHL KOR CAN JPN KAZ ESP IDN IDN ISR AUT ESP CAN IND DEU IRN GRC KOR FRA BLX IRL ITA ECU FIN FIN FIN IND IDN AUS CZE CHN W ITA IRN IND DEU IRL IHUN RL CZE FIN IRL BLX CHN HUN IRL IRL ITA AUT CZE DEU ESP IND FIN DNK IRN DEU DNK W CHN BLX AUT DEU HUN ESP CZE AUT ECU HUN COL IRL DEU BLX ESP CHN LTU JPN ITA W KOR CHL GBR ESP CAN IND MAR AZE KAZ DNK AUT KOR CAN CAN GRC AUS KOR ESP FIN CZE ESP IDN ESP AUS CHN IDN ESP COL DEU IRL CAN CHN CZE BLX KOR IRL ESP CAN AUT AUT AUT IRL HUN BRA DNK GBR CHN W AUS AUS FRA ESP CAN ETH IRL ARG IND CZE GRC HUN IDN IND CHN GRC IND ESP IDN AUT MAR BRA BRA DNK IRN BLX HUN IRL FIN GRC IRN HUN CHN BLX JPN HUN GBR BRA LTU CAN DNK DNK LTU IRL FRA JPN HUN FIN BLX JPN ITA IDN AUT AUS IDN ITA IRN CZE IRN ESP AUS IND GRC JPN IRN IDN DEU CAN FRA CZE BLX FIN DNK BLX CAN DNK COL IND A US FRA IRQ DNK AUS AUT BLX IND JOR IND FRA ESP LTU W ESP CAN CAN IND JOR AUT CAN W DEU FIN ISR WW AUT ESP LKA AUT KAZ IDN FRA IRN ITA ITA IRN DEU CAN AUT ESP W CHE ESP CHN DNK AUT BLX DNK COL AUS AUT BGR JPN BLX BLX LTU ESP ISR BRA BGR ITA BGR KOR FRA W KOR IDN FRA GBR CZE BLX JPN FIN AUS LTU KOR HUN IDN ESP AUS ESP AUS IND AUT CHN ITA JPN KOR IDN CZE DNK FRA BGR DNK CAN W CHL CAN ITA DEU BGR CAN BLX AUT DNK CAN CZE HUN AUT IRL BRA COL AUS W KOR KAZ ITA IRN FIN GRC LTU IDN IRN ISR JPN AZE COL GBR HUN ECU COL KOR ECU ARG DEU BGR AUT DEU AUS COL IDN AUT AUS JOR DNK IRL W GBR ISR CAN FRA W ESP GBR LTU CHN ITA AUS LVA CZE CYP IRL LTU DNK AUT CZE IND IDN W CAN FIN CZE IRL BLX GRC CAN ESP AUT GBR CHN JPN IND DNK ISR KOR AUS W AUS CZE CZE ITA BRA ISR GBR BHR IRN AUS FRA FIN CHN FRA FIN KOR W W W FRA IND CHN HUN IRL JPN IRL LTU ISR IRQ IND ESP DNK BLX HUN AUT DNK CHN EST ITA AUT GBR IND W CHN HUN JOR CZECZE CHL CHE FIN BGR CAN KOR EST ISR IRN JPN AUS MAR FRA HUN AUT GRC KOR BLX FRA CAN HUN IND BLX KOR KAZ BGR IRN ECU GBR KOR DEU GRC BRA CHN IDN GBR HUN ISR DNK AUT AUT IDN GRC DNK IRN FRA GRC CZE CZE HUN KOR IRN IRL ISR IRL AUS COL GBR CHE AUT IND DNK IDN ESP ESP KOR IRL COL IRN GRC FIN CZE ESP AUT AUT ITA CAN BGR ESP AUS HUN GRC DNK CZE KOR FIN KWT AUSAUS W AUT GBR AUT KOR BRA HUN AUT CYP W W ESP DNK FRA CAN BLX IND JPN IND CYP DEU KOR CZE KOR FIN IND FIN GBR FIN ESP AUT CAN ESP BLX AUT ESP GBR FIN IRN BRA FRA CAN FIN FIN BRA IND W HUN DNK AUT IDN DNK HUN JPN WWESP ESP COL AUT BLX FRA CHN KAZ CAN W KOR W AUS ITA CZE JPN FIN AZE CAN BLX CZE AUS HUN AUS AUS CZE CHN W HUN CAN W ESP FIN FIN CAN FIN W IRL ITA EST KOR ESP GBR JOR W GBR AZE COL GBR DNK CHN IRN IRN CHL AUS ECU ITA IND FIN HUN CZE CAN W KOR BRA HUN HUN HUN IND FIN CZE AUT GBR DNK LTU AUS AUS CAN BLX W IRN ESP FIN IND JOR COL JOR WIDN KOR ISR IDN IDN GRC ISR CHE CYP ISR IDN DNK COL ISR JPN BLX IDN GBR MAR BRA ESP HUN GRC CAN IRN BLX CZE IDN FRA W GRC BLX ITA AUT ISR ITA EGY DNK BRA FIN EST HUN ECU IND W W IND AUS IDN AUS AZE IRL DNK ESP DNK ISR AUS ITA FIN HUN IND IRL ESP KOR AUS DEU AUT GBR HUN KAZ HUN IRN W DNK AUT COL DNK AUS CAN COL BLX FIN LVA IRL DEU ESP ITA IRN IRN ECU GBR ISR CHL FIN AUS KOR KOR JPN ITA IRL CZE COL IRL CYP IRL JOR CZE MAR IRL JPN DEU FIN IND ECU BLX FIN KAZ IDN FIN BLX BLX FRA HUN FRA AUT CZE KAZ DNK BLX ETH ISR CZE ESP CYP FIN DNK CZE AUS IDN AUS JPN CHL IDN IND IRL IRL AUS IND AUT AUS EST IDN AUT AUS DNK LVA BRA IRL ITA IRN DNK GBR AUS AUS KOR ISR IRL KOR FRA CHL CAN AUT AUS AUT IRN IRN CYP FRA AUS HUN KOR IRQ BLX DEU BLX IRN W CZE BRA JOR IDN FRA KAZ BRA F IN ESP IRL AUS AUT HUN IRL IRL EST IRL BLX CAN COL BGR W KOR CZE KOR ESP HUN JOR IND HUN AUS DEU LTU JPN ESP W AUT AUT KOR KOR GBR KOR DEU HUN DEU HUN W ITA IDN JPN W CHN ESP DNK COL BRA HUN IRN IRN BLX BLX GBR IND FIN ESP DNK ESP DEU CYP BRA CHN W ESP BGR IND GRC ESP CZE W FIN FIN ESP AUT KOR AUT CHN GRC IND EGY ESP KOR ESP DNK IRN AUT KOR DNK ECU FIN DNK HUN CAN KWT CAN JOR CAN KOR FIN W FIN FIN ESP BLX FIN BLX LTU KAZ KWT FIN CAN FIN IRL ESP GBR GBR DNK KAZ FIN DNK LTU HUN AUT ESP HUN LTU LTU FIN IRN JPN HUN DEU IRN MAR ECU EGY ETH FIN W IRL BGR FRA CZE COL ITA CAN HUN BRA DNK DNK ITA LTU KAZ AUT GBR BGR CHL HUN AZE KOR ESP DNK DEU KAZ DNK IRL KOR LVA AUT IRN CHL ETH DNK IND KAZ IDN CZE FRA IDN ISR CAN IRN AUT FIN JPN COL HUN IND CZE IDN DEU JOR LTU AUT KAZ KOR KAZ CHL W AUS LTU IRN W ARG FIN IRL BRA IRL AZE GBR IRL JOR BLX AZE HUN AUS FIN JPN AUT IRL AUT COL ITAITA JOR ISR GBR CZE FIN IDNIDN LTU HUN FIN KOR JOR ISR EST CAN CZE KOR IDN W GRC BRA ESP ISL IDN BLX FIN KOR ESP AUS IND MAR COL IRL DNK JOR CHN AUT W ECU ETH CHL JPN ETH JPN ESP AUS KWT IRL COL CAN KOR AUT KWT IRN AUS AUS COL COL AUT CHL FIN CAN ECU CHN CHN W AUS AUT BGR COL HUN BRA AUT GRC KAZ IDN IDN W W HUN DNK KOR BLX GRC CAN AUT BGR AUT ITA LTU IRN IRN JOR COL DNK KGZ GRC IDN IRL HUN HUN GBR ESP ITA IDN IRQ HUN ECU AUS IDN DNK CAN DNK ITA CHL DNK DNK BRA CAN KAZ IDN ISR AZE KAZ DNK ISR BRA HUN AUS IRN CZE ISR IND HUN JPN IRL AZE BRA IDN FIN FIN CZE KAZ BLX W CAN ISR IDN IDN KOR ESP CHN AUT FIN IRL BRA DNK CHN CHN ISR AUS IDN HUN JOR IDN KAZ BLX AUS W CAN AUS ECU GBR W CZE IRN BLX CHL FIN BGR CHL IND KOR JOR BLX EST AUT KOR BLX GBR HUN IND IDN AUS AUS MAR AUT AUS MAR IND AUT ESP DEU FRA AUS DNK COL FIN IRL LTU CZE ITA AUS EST CZE KOR IRN LVA IND BLX FIN AUS ESP AUS AUT CZE BRA AUS KAZ LVA CZE AUS IRL IRL AUS GRC AUT CZE ISL FIN AUS BLX DNK IND ISR AUS AUT ECU BGR DNK W ESP CZE HUN CAN COL CZE FIN GRC HUN W ITA FIN W IRL GBR AUT IRL CZE FIN ITA AUT FIN JPN IRN ECU IDN AUT DNK ECU IRL JPN DEU CZE KOR COL W FIN AUT BGR KWT AUS GRC BRA KGZ ITA AUT W HUN ISR LTU IND IRL AUT BRA BRA AUT AUT AUS ESP ETH FIN LVA COL ECU KAZ FIN AUT IND HUN ESP HUN ISR AUS ETH IRL IDN IRL HUN IRL IRN DNK CAN BLX CZE AUS CZE IND ECU W KOR IRL FIN IRN IRL MAR LTU KAZ BRA ESP CHL JOR DNK CYP KOR MAR HUN FIN IDN FIN HUN IDN IDN ESP LTU DNK HUN W KOR KWT ETH ISR EST IDN DNK W ESP IDN ISR BGR KWT FIN ISR CHN IRL HUN KGZ LVA FIN BLX ISR BLX CYP W KOR LTU IND W KOR LTU DNK FIN AUS FIN IRN GRC AUS W KAZ DNK LTU CAN BLX FIN KOR BGR JOR W GRC LVA W CAN IKAZ SR AUS AUT IND FRA GBR AUT HUN LTU AZE DNK ISR KOR AUS IDN HUN IND FIN IRL CAN HUN AUT LTU DNK CAN CHL IRN MAR IRL CHL ESP CAN IRN FRA CZE IDN ECU KGZ ISR DNK IRL KOR IDN GRC ETH ECU BRA KOR COL KOR CAN COL IRL CZE DNK ISR ESP GRC HUN AUT LTU HUN BRA ETH AUT COL COL IRN CAN FRA EST AZE DNK HUN GRC ITA IND COL AZE FIN IDN COL ESP AUS IRN JOR ITA IRN CZE FIN BGR AUS KAZ CZE DNK IRL EGY COL AUS IRL AUS COL FIN KOR MAR AUT FIN IRN BGR AUT ITA FIN HUN AUS ISR IRN CZE GBR DNK FIN IRN COL CZE IND W AUT CAN CZE KOR ISR BRA IRN LVA KAZ CAN W AUT ESP GBR ITA AUT BGR IRL DNK FIN IDN IRN CAN KAZ KOR CZE HUN DNK FIN ESP BLX KOR JPN DNK JOR JOR IDN CAN AUT LTU CZE KOR GRC CZE FIN CAN HUN CHN AUS COL CHL BGR GRC ARG DNK LTU CAN IRL BLX AZE ISR IRN IDN ISR AUT JOR IRN IRL LTU ESP BLX ISR KOR ETH AUT CHL COL JOR ESP GRC ISR ESP IRL ISR AUS KOR CAN W MAR MAR DNK ISR IDN DNK IRN IRL DNK KOR BLX GRC KOR IDN IRL CAN CYP AUS IRN IDN CAN ESP ETH JOR ESP ARG KAZ ESP ESP IDN FIN IND AUS KAZ HUN HUN IRL ETH IRN BLX AUS LTU KWT AZE W DNK IRL BRA KAZ LVA FIN EST W IRN IDN IND DNK DNK IND FIN JOR DNK FIN KAZ HUN CHL CHN IRN AUS CHL KOR DNK ESP AUS FIN JOR COL CZE JOR EGY W ISR CAN IRL BRA W IRL DNK IDN JOR IND LTU DNK BGR BRA IDN IRL HUN JOR DNK IND AUT IRN AUS KOR IDN FIN HUN W HUN ESP CZE FIN CHL CHL ARG AUT AUS AZE ECU LTU BLX CYP KAZ CAN FIN ECU ITA HUN AUS ETH JOR W IRN IRN DNK ESP BLX EGY FIN BGR AUS IDN AUS HUN HUN IDN MAR KOR GRC IRN AUS IRN ITA HUN ARG DNK HUN IDN IRN COL IND DNK AUT FIN JOR ECU IRL AUT CZE IRN CHL CZE HUN IRL ECU AZE HUN IRN BRA W HUN CYP DNK EST ISR AUS IRL JPN IND LTU ETH CZE CZE DNK CHL IRN JPN KAZ HUN LTU CHL AUT IRL AUT IRL AUS AZE CHL IRN IND LTU COL IRL EGY IDN IDN KAZ CZE LTU KOR BRA ISR AUS IRN FIN FIN COL FIN AUT BGR MAR IND W GBR AZE ITA IRN HUN AUS ARG JOR IND HUN JOR BRA IRQ CHL EST AZE IRN HUN COL HUN IRN FIN HUN HUN IRN IND HUN IDN LTU ITA KOR IRN CAN CHL ITA MAR IND IRL AZE ETH BLX IDN AUS ARG IND IRN ECU KOR ISR BRA AUS MAR CHL DNK AUT IRN AZE DNK ISR JOR JOR IDN FIN KAZ DNK AUT CYP LVA IRQ LTU IRN AUS IND W LVA HUN COL KAZ GRC LTU COL AUS IRN ETH IRL CZE KAZ FIN AUT BGR KAZ DNK AUT IDN IND LVA LTU HUN IRN KAZ HUN FIN KOR AUS FIN LTU CYP ECU AUTWWCHL W AUT FIN AUS EST W DNK ISR LTU IND ECU IRN ISR ISR ECU IRN IRN W IND IDN IRN FIN JOR IRN AUS KAZ IRN BGR IDN IND IRN FIN KAZ FIN IRL W AUT ESP AUS HUN DNK AUT CZE COL JOR IRN DNK FIN FRA KOR CHL IND AUS IRN ISR IDN KAZ IND EST ISR GRC W BGR AZE FIN JOR I DN JOR IRN ECU ARG JOR HUN HUN AUT IDN ESP W W IDN KOR DNK KOR GBR LTU AZE CZE IND DNK DNK FIN CHN JPN JOR MAR KAZ CAN FIN IRN CZE GRC FIN EST ECU AUT COL AUS IND FIN DNK ECU IDN DNK IND W JOR HUN KWT IDN HUN FIN KAZ ITA AUT CAN IDN IRL IND KAZ IRL CHL AUS CAN ARG FRA AUT W JOR IND GRC IDN KAZ FIN BLX GRC HUN ETH CZE MAR EST IRL IRL DNK AUS AUS FRA IRQ FIN IND CAN EST KAZ DNK FIN ISR IRN KAZ CYP KOR BGR CHL KAZ IRL DNK W DNK HUN W DNK KOR LTU COL LTU MAR HUN AUT KOR BRA IRN IND BGR IDN ITA AUT DNK HUN AUT CZE COL ISR JPN IRN KOR AUT IDN FIN W IRL BGR IDN KOR HUN CZE CZE HUN KOR CZE IRN ITA IRN LTU IDN CYP FIN CHL ITA IND AZE IRL HUN BRA CZE IND IRL FIN IDN COL BRA COL IRL FIN JPN BGR DNK CZE CZE CZE HUN MAR COL HUN KOR JOR ISR LVA KOR JPN ECU IDN GBR HUN COL GRC HUN DNK LTU ESP IRN ETH JOR LVA W LVA MAC IDN IRL CZE JFIN OR DNK BGR FIN KWT ISR ISR AUT IRL ETH IDN IND CZE BRA GRC COL FIN BGR HUN JOR ITA ISL JPN LTU FIN W EGY AUS FIN CAN ESP JPN CHL ETH JOR AUS KAZ FRA BGR HUN CAN IDN AUT W BRA KAZ HUN ECU IRL JOR KOR LVA IND IRN IRL LTU CAN KAZ HUN IRQ ISR DNK HUN ITA JOR IRN KOR AUS BGR CHL AZE EST IRN KOR GRC COL W IRN KGZ DNK BGR FIN IDNAZE W IND EST HUN GRC EST LTU KAZ IDN CAN CHL CHL BGR ECU FIN CZE ECU CZE BLX KAZ CZE KOR MAR KOR HUN FIN IRL KOR GBR IDN LTU AUS W CAN GRC GRC KOR ISR FIN AUT IRN KAZ DNK KWT IND AUT AUS W DNK HUN HUN DNK MAR BGR IND IRL FIN IRL W HUN KAZ IRL EST ESP KOR FIN IRL GRC IDN IND AUS JOR COL AUS FIN FIN DNK DNK FIN CHN BGR IRN IND JOR DNK CZE ESP ARG IRN BGR BRA W LTU DNK ITA ECU BLX JOR IDN IRL CZE AUS IDN AUT CHL AUT HUN COL ECU COL KOR FIN FIN IRN AUT CAN IND GEOGEO COL CHL CZE BGR CAN JOR KAZ AUS CAN EST IRN ECU KGZ GBR HUN HUN CYP DNK IDN IND ARG IRL KAZ KAZ FRA W CZE LTU IND MAC AUS MAR AUT IRN ESP CZE COL JOR AUT DNK IRL JPN COL BRA HUN CZE IRN CHL DNK AUT CHN W BLX AUS IRL COL KOR LTU AZE CZE GRC LTU JOR W CZE ECU KWT LTU IDNIDN ISR KAZ IRN HUN DNK DNK HUN KAZ IRL ISR JPN W AUS AZE BRA BGR BLX KAZ CAN BRA FIN ISR CZE LTU CYP EST LTU KOR AZE EST COL FIN BRA KGZ BLX BGR CZE IRL GBR AUS GRC HUN KAZ COL AUT MAR ETH KAZ HUN DNK CAN CZE KAZ COL W BRA IDN AUT AUT KAZ CYP IND IDN DNK FIN LVA MAR CZE ECU ARM LVA KOR EST H UN KAZ CZE ISR IRL IRN KGZ IDN W AUS ISR CHL LTU IRL IDN W IRN KWT HUN HUN IRL W CZE FIN KWT JPN CHL HUN LTU GRC HUN CHN KOR AUS HUN GEO HUN COL HUN CZE ISR KOR JOR FIN BGR HUN LTU LTU IRN AZE HUN HUN AUS W IDN ETH GRC KOR LTU CZE IRN IND BGR LTU CZE MAR CHL IRN IDN EST KAZ GEO ECU AUT IRL BLX BRA MAR ISR FIN DNK AUT C YP IND IRL IND IRN CHL AUS IRN AZE IND IDN GRC BGR FIN CZE IND BGR IRL BRA JOR CZE KWT W ISR GRC ISR GRC LTU ECU AUS LTU IND FIN AUT LTU CZE HUN ECU DNK AUT CAN KOR AUS W LVA KOR ITA IRN GRC COL ETH HUN ARM ECU LTU COL HUN CHL ECU AUS IRL CZE KOR CZE IRN CYP IRN AUS EGY JOR DNK IRN MAR KOR LTU IND GRC ISR DNK IDN FIN JOR CAN BRA BGR W KOR ESP GRC FIN AUT ETH W ETH KOR CHN HUN AUT IDN FIN HUN COL AUT JPN IDN KOR KAZ W CAN FIN KOR EST ARG EST BRA KOR KOR CHL IRN W LTU ECU AUS HUN ISR HUN LTU AUS IRQ EST HUN FIN IRN IRN LTU AUS ISR HUN ISR KWT IDN AUS AUS MAR EST BRA CHL ISR DNK CHL IRL IRL CYP AZE FIN W DNK IRL FIN IDN IRN FIN GRC AUT BRA JOR W KAZ LVA ARM IRN AUT W W BGR HUN IRN AUS CHL IND FIN LTU CZE IRL GRC JOR IDN IDN CAN AUS ECU LVA DNK HUN KOR LTU HUN BGR BGR IDN CZE IRN IND AUT CAN GRC ISR HUN W LVA LVA IND AUT ETH IRL GRC IRN HUN COL ITA W IRN JOR EST HUN CYP KOR FIN IRL DNK AZE COL KAZ KOR GRC GRC AUS CZE AUT CZE ITA IRN IND AUT HUN BLX DNK BGR AUS MAR CHL MAR IRL ECU LTU IRL ITA AUT JOR ETH LTU MAR ISR ESP FIN FIN GRC ETH GRC BRA GRC LTU HUN IRL AUS IRL CZE IRN KOR IDN HUN CAN FIN CZE FRA KAZ IDN CZE EST ISR IRN IDN BGR ECU IRL CAN LVA EST ECU KAZ LTU IRN EST EST DNK LTU IND ARG AUS LVA KAZ AUT W FIN AZE EST COL AUS HUN W AUT CZE CHN IND IND ESP FIN W JOR AUS IRN DNK ARG AUT GRC ISR FIN JOR CZE IDN IRL JOR FIN IDN ISR JOR BRA KAZ IRN CYP CHL GRC KAZ FIN IRL LTU EST HUN CZE LTU ETH FIN IND JPN CZE BRA AZE LTU EST JOR FIN IND ECU AUS DNK EGY ECU KOR ISR IRN KOR BGR LVA BRA HUN HUN ECU EST COL EST JOR JOR CHL IDN IRL IRN IRL KAZ FIN KAZ HUN CAN GBR EST KAZ CZE AUS ECU CZE COL CHL LVA IRN KAZ EST FIN IRL IRN FINFIN BLX IRL AUS IRL ITA FIN ECU AUS IRN ETH AUS IRN KGZ IRN LTU COL MAR ECU ISR JOR KAZ IND AUT DNK IND JOR IRN KAZ KAZ IND KAZ CAN KAZ LTU JOR IRN ECU BGR CHL ITA IRN IRN LTU BGR CYP AUS LVA ISR HUN COL IRL DNK AUS BRA LTU BGR HUN AZE LTU LVA IRL CYP IDN BGR CYP LTU BGR AUT ECU AUS AUS LTU COL IRN ETH BGR BRA KAZ ITA BGR COL JOR FIN CAN AZE AUS KOR AUT FIN CYP W FIN IND IRN LTU KWT IRN JOR EST CYP FIN ISR JOR LTULTU EST LVA LTU EST IDN IRN GRC W KOR JOR DNK LTU IND KOR ESP EST IRN CHL IRN CHN ECU MAR W IRN AUS ETH JOR KOR ECU IRL DNK MAR FRA JPN AUT IND IDN KOR IND HUN IRN HUN IRL ISR KAZ KAZ EST KWT LVA AUT COL IND JOR IRL BGR CYP IRL LTU IDN HUN BRA GRC AUS IDN BRA ECU IRL FIN ESP ETH FIN BGR IRN FIN LVA MAR AZE GEO AUS GEO BRA MAR ESP IRN IRN IRN CHL LTU AUS JPN IND HUN AUT JKAZ OR IND IRN JOR ARG COL ISR IRL ARG IRN BRA BRA COL CYP ISR DNK IND HUN EST ARG COL LVA JOR HUN JPN KAZ JOR ISR BRA COL IND IND AUS ISR LTU HUN EST IDN AUT COL ARM IND IRN DNK CZE IRN LTU FIN IRN LTU HUN DNK FIN CHL LVA GRC ISR ETH FIN BRA IDN ISR ECU ARG FIN IDN IRL EST CZE GRC IDN ISR IRN CZE JOR IND COL IRN IRN ECU IND CHL BGR IND JOR IRL CZE MAR BLX IDN AZE BLX AUS IRL EST BRA ETH W ISR IND FIN BLX IRL KGZ COL ITA GRC GEO BGR ESTAZE LTU AUT FIN IRN HUN AZE CZE AZE IDN AZE IRL CHL KAZ BGR EST JPN FIN JPN IRL IRN COL W KOR CYP KGZ JOR GEO AUT COL KAZ HUN IRN IRQ JOR IRL IND IRN CYP FIN KWT JOR IRN BRA MAR W ECU ETH FIN IRL IRL JOR MAR AUT JOR AUT IRN HUN LVA JOR AUT ECU CHL ARG ILTU RN ECU IRN ETH LTU ISR IRN CHN BGR JOR KOR LVA ISR KWT CHL IRN AUT HUN IRN HUN IRL IRL BGR W GEO CYP BGR JPN BRA IDN IRL GRC KEN IRN AZE W ECU CHL BGR ISR IRL CYP KOR JPN KOR CHL ITA EST JOR IRL EST HUN IRL LTU IRN KOR GRC BGR JOR IRL JOR ETH IDN AZE HUN CZE DNK CHN CHN IDN JOR LTU BRA LVA HUN IDN CHL DNK KAZ MAR JOR KAZ ARM FIN ISR CYP IND BRA EST KGZ KWT FIN JOR BGR KAZ FIN AZE CZE EST MAR CZE AZE DNK IRN CZE ECU CZE EST W IND CYP FIN ITA JOR ECU LTU JOR KAZ IRL KOR ARG AUS KAZ EST IRL FIN AZE FIN IRL KOR CZE EST MAR JOR COL ISR AZE IRN ISR KAZ IRL LTU FIN FIN BRA HUN HUN EST LVA KAZ KAZ LTU CYP LTU BGR IRL KOR IRN DNK IRN EST BGR EST ARM GEO BGR COL DNK FIN IDN KAZ LTU KAZ COL ETH ECU ETH IRN GBR IND HUN AUS AZE AUS CYP ECU AZE ITA JOR ISR AUT AUS IND AUT FIN ETH IDN IRL AZE IDN KOR GRC COL IRN LTU JPN GRC IRN ISR FIN AZE JOR JOR CYP ISR LTU LVA EST AUT LVA W FIN COL ITA ECU LTU ISR BRA IND KAZ LVA AUT FIN LTU IRN JOR IDN CHL HUN KEN W CZE BGR IRN MAR EST BRA LTU IND COL IRL IND HUN FIN W IND IRL CHL COL JOR IRN CYP GEO FIN LVA AUS KEN JOR CZE CHL JOR COL FIN LVA BGR ISR HUN LVA EST KAZ COL EST ESP IRN IDN ISR LVA HUN AUT DNK CZE KOR KAZ IRN IND CAN KOR CYP FIN GEO CZE W KAZ ESP COL IRN ECU DEU JOR AZE HUN EST CYP CHL CZE ARM JOR CAN AZE KAZ ECU HUN IND IND LVA KGZ DNK AZE FIN JPN ISR FIN EST AUT ARG ETH IDN FIN W KWT CZE IRN CZE IRN ETH JOR LTU COL AUS JOR ARG LVA MAR IND COL GRC IND CHL GRC CHL IDN BRA ETH ECU ISR LVA ARM AUT BRA IRN ETH KAZ COL COL JOR ITA IRN IRN AUT ARG ECU LTU ETH JOR CYP LTU BGR LTU FIN BGR IRN IDN HUN ITA LTU KOR IRL ARG KGZ IRN KAZ AUT CYP ECU AUS IRL CHL FIN ARG EST MAR KAZ LTU FIN HUN LTU AUT GEO JOR AUS CZE FIN IRN MAR DNK HUN HUN IRN CHL AUT KAZ ARM EST W EST ISR MAR FIN LTU AZE LTU ARM FIN HUN EST JPN IDN LVA FIN ITA LTU FIN JOR IND LTU IDN COL EST CZE C ZE KWT KAZ IRN CHL ARG FIN AZE IRL EST LVA ECU ISR DNK AUT BGR IRN HUN ARM JPN MAR LTU AZE LTU CYP JPN W EST KOR FIN BRA CZE CZE BGR IRN IDN AUS JOR CHL JOR KOR LTU JPN ECU ECU IDN JPN BGR HUN LVA KWT GRC LTU FIN ARM AUS LVA W IND ITA AZE EGY IDN IRN IND BGR LVA COL CZE HUN AZE LVA ALB ESP LVA W DEU ETH FIN CYP KAZ ECU ECU LVA AZE AZE IND MAR LVA ISR EST CZE KAZ BGR FIN AZE ITA ETH GBR ARG LTU LTU IRL W LTU LTU BRA CHL JOR CYPCYP KAZ AZE BGR HUN AUS JOR COL DNK ETH IRN BGR ISR LVA IRN IDN MAR EST LTU FIN IND COL DEU JOR HUN HUN LVA ECU W FIN BRA IND LVA DEU JPN BLX IRN ISR FIN DEU FIN FIN LTU IRL KAZ IND IRN EGY AZE COL CYP BGR ETH IRQ ECU LTU JOR KGZ KAZ IRL CHL KAZ EGY AUS ECU KOR BRA LTU ARM BRA BOL ECU MAR IND KOR CYP FIN AUS JPN ECU BGR BGR ETH EST GRC BLX KGZ IRL W IDN JOR ECU IRN IRN DNK COL IRL HUN BGR IRL JOR EST JOR COL LTU FIN HUN IRN CZE IDN AZE BRA JOR IRN GRC AUS AZE FIN JOR JPN LTU ECU CYP AZE KAZ FIN AUT CZE AUT ISR BOL ISR LTU BHR AZE ALB COL IRN ETH COL AUS ECU IDN CHL ECU GRC IRN DNK JOR ITA KAZ ESP LVA W ESP CYP CHL AUT ECU IND LTU LVA IRN KWT JOR AUT JOR IRN KAZ LTU BRA LKA AUS IND IND ETH IRN KOR IRL AZE MAR LTU IRN LVA IRL CYP KGZ ECU CHL ITA COL FIN LVA FIN FIN DNK AZE BGR HUN LVA AZE ECU JPN EST BGR KGZ FIN LTU LTU AUS JOR EST LTU W HUN IRN FIN EGY IDN ITA LVA LVA IND AZE ETH GEO ECU BRA ETH JOR JPN IRL IRL ECU JOR AUS ECU IND FIN AUT FIN LVA LVALVA CHL EST CZE AZE LTU IDN KOR ARM EST JOR CHL CHL W JOR FIN CYP BRA KAZ AZE CHL LTU AUS KGZ EST KAZ IRN LTU CYP KAZ EGY IND LTU LVA IRN ECU LVA AZE AZE GEO AUS CZE IRL CYP LTU BRA KOR HUN KOR KAZ IRN KAZ IRL EST COL EST KGZ GEO ISR KAZ W CYP BGR CYP KAZ IRN HUN LTU LTU EST LTU EST AUT JECU OR FIN KAZ AUT ARM EGY JPN EST ECU AZE JOR CHL IRL KAZ FIN EST IRN GEO DNK BGR KAZ KWT CHL AUS JPN AZE ITA MAC HUN KAZ LTU KAZ KAZ EST HUN JPN KAZ KAZ FIN BGR JOR JOR W ISL ETH ECU W KAZ ISR CHL JOR KAZ BGR JPN HUN KWT COL IND CYP ESP LTU JOR BRA LTU COL IDN JOR AUT KEN IRN FIN CZE IAFG DN AZE JOR IRN DNK BRA CYP ECU W COL IND AUS EST W CYP W ARM BRA IRL BRA MAR ECU IND LVA HUN BGR IRN KGZ EST KOR AZE JOR FIN CHL LTU EST IRN ITA AZE CYP BRA AUT IND COL BRA AZE IRL IND ISR FIN EST ETH LTU LVA KAZ IND AZE FIN W IDN IRN ECU IND KWT BGR CHL IDN IDN COL CYP LTU CYP W CHL COL COL JPN LTU KOR MAR HUN IND W JOR CHL JOR IRN HUN IND IND IRN KGZ IDN IRN LVA LTU FIN EST CHL IRL KAZ IDN LVA KGZ IND CYP COL BGR ECU ECU IND EST AZE AUS LVA AZE ECU LVA ECU EST AUS IRL KAZ ETH KAZ AUS JOR LTU CYP BGR CYP IRN LTU IRL EST ECU LVA MAR HUN GRC BRA IRN W AUT JPN CZE BGR CYP COL JOR GEO KOR AZE FIN ETH KWT KGZ KAZ ECU FIN KAZ IND ALB LTU ECU LTU IND CZE HUN CHN CYP LTU GEO BRA JPN HUN KAZ KWT MAR FIN LVA BGR AUS CYP CHL LVA LKA BGR ECU KGZ JOR COL JOR LTU ARG ISR EST IRN BGR LTU LTU JOR ECU MAR IRN EST LTU COL IRN COL BRA IND LTU LVA ECU ESP FIN FIN LTU LVA ECU LVA EST IRN CHL ETH IND DNK CYP KAZ KAZ KWT HUN IRL IDN GRC IRL HUN EGY FIN ECU CYP LVA LVA KOR MAR KWT FIN DNK LVA CHL IRN IRN AUT BGR CHL LTU ITA BGR FIN CZE AUS COL LTU CHL HUN ECU JOR EST EST CYP ECU JOR HUN ARM ITA W CZE BGR IND AUT EST IDN HUN ECU IRN KAZ BGR COL AUS BRA BRA KAZ COL LTU HUN EST CHN AUS IRN COL FIN FIN BRA JOR ECU AZE LTU LTU BGR LVA ECU KAZ JOR LVA JOR HUN KWT COL ETH EST HUN ETH MAR ETH IND AZE CYP HUN LTU BRA IND CHL ECU LTU ISR CYP IRN JOR LTU AZE JOR HUN AZE BGR GEO EST EST MAR IND EST IND IND BRA AZE LVA KAZ LVA COL EST AZE CZE ISR ECU ETH IDN FIN LTU KAZ JOR WW COL IND CYP CYP BGR LVA COL ARG ARM JOR ECU EST LTU LVA COL AZE LVA AZE JOR BRA CHL LTU AUS LTU LTU GBR MAR IRN ECU EST FRA CHL JOR JOR AZE LVA AZE AUS LVA ARG LVA JOR LVA ECU HUN AZE JPN EST CYP ECU IRN IRN FRA KAZ GEO COL LVA IND KAZ ECU IRN MAR LVA KGZ ARG EST EST WW FIN AUS LTU COL AFG CZE DNK IRN CHL IDN CYP IRL COL HUN IRL JOR LTU AZE JOR CYP IND BRA ISR EST KAZ AUT ECU LTU IND LTU KAZ IDN AUS IND KWT LTU LTU CHL HUN HUN AUS JOR KAZ ETH KOR MAR BRA EST JPN BRA LTU KAZ JOR CHL KOR JOR EST BGR COL AUT CYP KEN CZE IND ETH BOL JOR ECU HUN AZE AZE ISR ECU COL IRQ AUT BGR EST JOR BRA ARG LTU EGY LTU ARM IRL ARM LVA IRN CHL LVA COL BRA LVA AUS LVA AUT CYP AZE BRA ALB LTU CHL KWT BRA ARM CYP LTU AZE EST LTU IRN IRN EST IRN LVA LTU IRN ARM ISR BRA KAZ JOR IRN ALB JOR COL CYP EST IRN ISL ETH CHN AZE KAZ MAR BRA KGZ ISR EST EST KAZ IND LTU ECU IND IRN KAZ AUS KAZ ECU ISR EST AZE LTU GEO COL KGZ HUN IRL BRA KWT LVA FRA CHL JOR CYP LVA DNK KOR KOR IDN CHL LVA LTU F IN ARM MAR JOR COL KOR LVA JOR AZE IRL BRA LVA CZE IRN ECU IRN BRA ARG IND BGR DNK BGR CYP ETH GEO CYP JPN IND CYP ECU CYP ARG BGR IRN BGR COL IRL COL IRN GEO KGZ ETH BGR ETH AZE EST HUN CHL EST JPN ETH LVA KGZ EST ECU EST ARM DNK ETH DNK IRN LVA COL CYP LKA GRC JOR KAZ LVA IRN ETH JOR ETH EST IRN KAZ AUS IRL EST AUT HUN W GEO KOR CHN AZE LTULTU EGY GEO BRA AUT COL COL IND FIN LTU CYP IRN IRL ECU ISR LVA KAZ FIN FRA EST HUN LTU ARM AUS COL LTU LVA COL JOR AZE IRN EST CHL MAR COL IRN IND ETH FIN ARM ISL LTU W CHL COL COL BLX JORJOR ISR KAZ ARM AUS KAZ JPN LVA LTU CYP IRN AUS CYP EST ECU IRN AZE ECU KAZ AFG CYP CHN CZE COL KGZ IND BGR ETH BGR AUS KGZ LTU BGR LTU LVA KGZ JOR CHN ECU KAZ EST ISL W W CYP LTU IRN BGR CYP JOR AZE LTU AZE CHL KAZ LVA LVA CYP CYP CZE COL GRC JOR W LTU BLX LVA JPN BLX KAZ LTU DNK IND JOR LVA BRA KGZ AUT LTU KAZ ESP FIN ISR ECU CHL LVA JPN EGY FIN JPN KAZ W LTU ECU KAZ LVA JOR KAZ KAZ ALB AUT ECU ETH HUN FIN JOR ARG LTU CHL LVA KAZ JOR CHL LVA IRN GEO JOR IRN FIN CHN EST LTU EST ECU LTU IND IRN CYP BRA EST BRA ECU JOR KGZ W AUT FIN MAR JPN ECU ETH JORJOR ECU JOR LTU HUN CYP KAZ ETH EST KGZ W ARG KAZ AZE JPN IRN LVA EST LVA KAZ LVA LTU CZE EST JPN IRN CZE COL JOR ECU KAZ IRN LTU LVA JPN ECU JOR IRL IND CHN IND KAZ COL IND CHL ECU ETH ECU KGZ AZE BLX IDN LVA LTU KAZ KAZ GEO AZE ECU KGZ ARG CYP ARM AZE KOR EST COL KAZ AZE ARM AZE AUT COL BGR BRA BRA CYP ETH COL ECU JOR KEN JOR IRN KAZ ECU GBR IRN CYP KEN IRN IRN LTU LTU GEO JOR CYP CYP AZE BGR KEN KGZ ECU W BGR JOR KAZ AZE IRN EGY ECU ECU ETH W BGR AZE IRN FIN ETH IDN IND KAZ ECU KAZ LTU IRL JOR EST LTU IRN IRN ARG KAZ GEO HUN EST JOR IND CYP BRA CHN COL CYP CZE LVA LVA EST ISR CHL COL BOL LTU ECU LVA GEO JOR ARM COL ECU FIN LVA BGR EST ETH JOR MAR JOR CHL EST IRN COL ETH KEN MAR KGZ CYP IDN JOR BRA KGZ EST GEO ARM CHL CYP BGR BRA BGR FIN CHL JOR ARG IRN CYP ESP KAZ ECU ISR CYP LVA LVA ESP LVA LTU AZE ESP EST BHR BGR JOR FJI KGZ LVA EST CYP COL KOR ECU ECU COL COL ETH JPN EST CYP CYP COL EST JPN ISR MAR CYP BOL ISR DNK ESP CYP W COL JOR AZE HUN CYP ETH LTU IDN KAZ BLX BRA LVA BGR IDN AUT AUS AZE ISR CYP CYP BRA C YP ESP LTU CHL AZE ECU HUN KGZ AUT JOR BGR LVA IDN GRC JPN CYP LVA JOR HUN JOR FIN IRN COL JOR LVA CYP LTU LVA LTU ECU FIN LTU CYP AZE BGR IND KAZ MAR EST ECU ECU AZE LTU LTU W JOR AZE IRN BRA KGZ ETH AZE IRN CYP EST LVA GEO LTU IDN W ARM HUN CYP CYP HUN JOR LVA ECU AZE AUT ECU LVA ISL ETH LVA LTU FIN IRN GEO BGR AZE JOR ETH LTU CYP COL CHN JOR ERI CZE CYP CYP ECU ISR LVA LVA BGR ETH KAZ ETH CHL COL FIN ETH CYP ARG IRQ LTU MAR ALB ECU LVA LTU CYP EST JOR KAZ KAZ LVA CYP CYP CHN COL ETH AUS KAZ IRN KGZ ISR COL BOL COL AUS ECU KOR EST LTU KGZ LTU JOR LVA JOR LVA IRN ISR CYP HUN ETH JOR ARG AUS EST MAR ECU CHL BRA GEO KOR JOR IRL GEO BOL KWT KAZ COL LVA LKA AZE CYP AUS JOR AZE GBR LTU GEO AUT GEO COL LVA CYP ECU ETH BGR ETH ESP EST AZE FIN KAZ HUN LTU LTU ECU JOR W FIN AZE LTU AZE JPN ECU W ARM CHL COL LTU AZE LTU COL IRN LTU BGR LVA COL EST LTU LVA IRN CYP ETH AUS KOR ETH ECU ETH JOR KAZ IDN CYP EST ECU COL BRA GEO IND IRN HUN W KWT LVA CYP CHL HUN ECU HUN FIN GRC FIN LVA CYP LTU LVA ARM JOR CHN CYP KAZ COL AZE CZE JOR JOR EST CAN KOR CYP JOR ETH EGY JOR LTU GRC GRC IRN EGY ETH LTU LVA GEO ARM ARM AZE IDN BOL ARM GRC ECU KAZ FIN CZE EST AZE IDN JOR CYP CHL ECU CYP CYP ECU LTU IRN AZE BGR KAZ ECU IRN ECU KGZ IRN ETH LVA LVA AUS IDN AUT ARM IND CZE BRA IND EST AUS ETH LTU IDN ISR HUN IDN KGZ AZE LTU AZE JOR ARM KOR KAZ ECU LVA ARG AZE CHL LVA LVA IND COL KGZ ARM ETH EST ECU JOR IDN JOR LVA LTU ECU LTU CHL IND IND KAZ ECU EST LVA LVA CYP ETH KAZ ETH BGR CYP IND IND KGZ ARM KAZ CYP JOR IRN IND IRL DNK ETH CYP IDN CHL CYP DNK ECU ETH ECU ECU EST COL ALB ALB COL GEO LTU W FIN BGR LVA LTU ETH MAR JOR COL KAZ CHN JOR KOR ARM LVA EST ISL KOR LVA BGR IRN IDN KOR ETH ARM LTU AZE COL GEO BRA AZE EGY CYP LVA EST ECU BRA JOR COL ETH ECU IRN JOR KGZ IRN ESP LTU IND CYP ETH JOR JOR IRN IRN AUS AZE BRA IND COL EST CZE FIN LVA LVA LTU LVA IRL JOR ETH ETH W ETH IDN IND KWT CYP JOR CYP CYP MAR BGR AFG KAZ ECU AZE EST KENKEN LTU BGR KAZ AZE IND ISR HUN CYP LTU KGZ FIN FIN HUN AZE MAR CHL HUN IRN COL HUN IRN IND MAR LTU GEO ECU ARM ECU BGR LTU AUS LTU KAZ KWT KGZ IDN HUN IND GEO IND EST ETH CYP MAR LVA AZE IRN AZE CHL LVA LVA IND GEO AZE COL COL EST BGR LVA ECU ISR KAZ CHL KAZ BRA LTU IDN IND GEO JOR AZE CHLCHL KEN LTU IRN GEO ECU KAZ HUN LTU GEO BGR KAZ AZE AZE EST LTU AZE BGR HUN ARM KGZ FRA COL COL MAR LTU AUS KAZ AZE KAZ LVA KWT ETH JOR JOR LTU AZE IDN LVA ECU ETH HUN EST CYP LVA FIN LTU CYP ECU BGR HUN GEO CHN KWT BGR CHL LVA IRL CYP CHL KOR ECU IDN IRN CYP AZE EST CHL KAZ HUN KAZ ARM KGZ JOR CHL ECU CYP IRN CHL COL ECU CHL CYP ARM LVA CHL CZE MAR LVA IRN CYP ETH LVA LTU GEO LVA CHL CZE KAZ LVA LVA JOR ECU ARM IDN CYP LTU IRN LVA BGR IDN MAR IND LTU CYP CYP KAZ KAZ IRN LTU AZE KAZ CYP AZE LVA IRL LVA ETH ETH CHL CYP LTU LVA ETH CYP ISR JOR IRN IRN ISL LVA JOR AUT CHN GEO BRA KEN ECU JOR AZE AZE ISR KAZ IDN ESP ECU ARM JOR BRA ARM IDN MAR AZE KWT ISR ETH JOR COL CHL ETH AZE AZE AZE JOR JOR GEO CYP KAZ ARM IRQ ALB JOR IDN CYP IRN BGR EST LVA ETH ECU FIN ETH AZE AZE EST CHL BOL CYP LKA JOR JOR CZE AUS LVA ECU AZE ETH JOR ESP JOR ARM ECU CYP JOR AZE COL LTU ECU KGZ KAZ COL COL KGZ CHL KGZ LTU IRN AZE HUN ETH KAZ LTU CYP ECU ECU CHL KGZ GEO GEO IND AZE ECU KGZ IDN ETH CYP JOR LTU IDN LVA EST ISL CHL ECU CYP LTU KGZ ERI CZE IRN LTU JOR IRN ETH FIN CHL LVA KGZ FIN KAZ BGR JOR IRN MAR AZE LVA KAZ IND IRN CYP CZE CHL IDN IDN ISL COL JOR CHL CYP EST KOR LVA IRN ETH EST ISR EST LTU EST IRN EST LTU CYP ECU COL LTU LVA EST HUN IDN HUN EST IRN AZE ECU LTU GEO IRN COL ARM EST ECU JOR ECU CYP AZE BGR ECU C YP KGZ KGZ IRL COL LVA AZE EST ETH EST BGR DNK IND IND IRL LTU AUS ECU GEO KGZ HUN ARM KAZ IND CYP LTU JOR GEO ETH GEO BOL CHN AZE ECU LVA EGY HUN MAR HUN IND ARM CHL KGZ ECU LTU KAZ LTU ARM KAZ LTU IND GEO LTU EST IDN ETH ECU GEO JOR CHL LVA BGR GEO ETH ECU ECU EST JOR IRN KOR BRA KAZ CYP BGR ETH BOL JOR MAR IRN JOR KAZ CYP BOL ETH BOL KGZ CHL ARM AZE LVA CHL ETH AUT IDN JOR KAZ LVA KGZ COL JOR GEO JOR IRN ECU AZE AZE CYP AZE FRA BGR IRN LTU LTU DNK EST COL COL BRA IRL ETH IND BGR CYP FIN BRA ETH LTU CHN JOR ARM CYP FIN LVA EST EST AZE ECU AZE CHL LKA ETH AZE JOR BOL AFG ISR LVA LTU DNK CYP LTU EST JOR KGZ FIN JOR CYP CYP W CHL EST IRN LTU COL EST LTU ETH BGR AZE CHL ECU IRQ KGZ KEN JOR LTU CZE DNK JOR IRN IND LTU KAZ AZE GBR IRN JOR AZE ECU ETH IRN BGR BGR IND ARM CYP IND ARM ECU IDN ARM COL CYP LVA KAZ MAR JOR BGR GRC LVA ETH IRN JOR CYP BRA CYP LTU IRN KOR ETH CYP EST LVA KGZ AZE CYP JOR ECU BGR GEO JOR LVA EST BOL AFG ECU ECU ARM W ARG W IRN AFG ALB ETH ECU MAR ECU LTU MAR ARM ALB LTU COL LTU LVA JOR JOR ARM ECU HUN ISR CYP ARM COL IND KWT ECU ECU BOL KGZ ECU IRN LVA CHL LVA BRA EST LTU LVA ARM LTU IRL ECU ETH CHL COL HUN KEN HUN BGR LTU GRC HUN LVA IDN KGZ HUN KAZ AZE CYP ARM KAZ JOR KOR C AN KWT CYP CHL CYP AZE LTU IRL CYP LVA IND ARM LTU GEO LTU AZE IRNIRN KAZ ETH LVA JOR ARG IRN DNK COL KGZ KGZ ECU W BOL CYP LVA BGR ECU ECU W W MAR AZE HUN COL BGR EST MAR IRL LTU LTU GEO LVA LTU BOL CAN CYP LVA KGZ EST ECU FRA BOL FIN BRA ARM LTU MAC GEO LTU LVA KEN ESP W KGZ ITA ALB W ETH BGR LTU KAZ ECU AZE EST FIN COL KGZ EST IND IND IRN CHL ECU CHL CYP KGZ LVA GEO ARM JOR MAR ECU IND LVA KAZ BGR CYP W ECU KAZ KAZ KAZ CZE AZE ETH ARM JOR CYP AZE LTU BGR LVA LTU IRL ECU EST AZE IRN JOR BOL KGZ COL ETH KAZ CHL ARM AZE JOR CYP BOL KAZ GEO KAZ JOR ARM ETH EST GEO JOR ISR LTU ARM COL GEO KGZ EST GEO GEO IRL EST ARM CYP LTU ETH EST ARM KAZ LVA GEO ECU IND AZE ARG IRN ETH AZE JOR CHL ALB ECU CYP W IDN CHL COL ETH ARG KAZ JOR EST KAZ BGR LVA ECU ARM ETH HUN ARM LTU CYP ETH KAZ LTU EST ETH EST IRL LTU AZE LVA LVA KAZ AZE AZE AZE EST AZE ARM KAZ LVA AZE LVA KAZ KGZ MAR LTU FIN LTU LVA LTU KAZ AZE EST JOR LTU CHL COL BOL COL IRN JOR LTU COL GEO ARM ARM MAR COL ECU HUN JOR IND ECU GEO ESP LTU BGR IND AZE CHL CYP CYP ALB HUN KGZ ECU ETH ARM GRC BGR LVA ARM COL GEO ETH AZE KAZ ALB AZE LVA BRA BGR COL JOR CYP LTU ERIIRN CAN KGZ GEO BGR ARM IDN ARM FJI JOR CHL KAZ LAZE TU CAN BGR AZE W EST FIN HUN CZE KAZ LVA KGZ IRN IRN LVA ECU AZE FIN ECU ETH LVA ARM GEO IDN GEO CYP JOR CYP HUN GEO LVA EST GEO IDN ISR JOR CYP IND CHL ECU KGZ KGZ LVA EST EST ETH GEO ECU KGZ W ARM AZE IRN FJI CYP KGZ EST W EST ARM ARM ETH AZE LTU IDN KAZ CYP KGZ ECU CYP ESP LVA KAZ BGR ETH ARM LVA JOR ETH EST LVA JOR KGZ AZE IND KGZ LTU ECU ARM LTU LTU BOL COL ECU LTU KAZ ECU GEO LVA ETH KGZ EST ECU LTU LVA GEO ARM LTU GEO IND ARM IDN BOL BGR LVA ETH AZE AZE LTU KGZ CYP KAZ CYP AZE LVA JOR MAR EST LTU CYP KGZ ETH CAN KAZ AUS JOR ETH ECU JOR ARM ETH IRN LVA KAZ KAZ ECU IDN AZE LVA CYP W AZE IRL ETH IRN LTU AZE FIN EST JOR BGR KOR ECU JOR AZE LTU LTU CZE AZE KAZ IRN LTU ECU CHL IDN IND LVA LTU AZE AZE GEO EST IND ECU HUN CYP AZE ETH ETH IRN HUN LTU CYP ARM BGR ECU EGY EST BGR GEO GEO CHL EST EST HUN AZE KAZ CHL BGR IRN LTU AZE LTU ETH ECU IND ALB EST ARM ARM GEO AZE FIN JOR ECU ETH BRA ETH INDIND EST CAN AZE GEO W CYP IND CZE IND CYP LVA CYP BOL BGR KGZ AZE ECU CHL EST W EST BRA JOR IDN COL KGZ GEO IRN ECU LTU JOR AZE IND ETH LTU ETH BGR MAR CAN LVA CAN GBR AZE CHL W JOR CYP BGR KGZ IND ARM KAZ KAZ KAZ AZE LVA COL LTU KGZ LTU ECU ECU KOR KGZ ETH J OR CYP JOR EST JOR GEO ETH W EST KGZ JOR IDN ISR IND W EST AZE CYP LTU ARM AZE AZE EST GEO AZE IRN ECU ETH IDN AZE COL LVA CYP CHL KGZ KWT BGR ARM KAZ LVA EST BGR FIN LVA KGZ ARM HUN ERI CYP CAN EGY FIN FJI ARG KGZ CYP JOR IRN GEO CYP CHL LVA LTU W LKA AZE GEO KAZ KAZ ETH LVA ECU LVA ARM CYP KGZ LVA LVA CAN GEO KGZ CYP KAZ LTU HUN CYP DNK IND IRN IND AZE ETH AZE KGZ LTU ETH JOR AZE AUT KGZ COL IRN JOR AZE CYP CYP AZE JOR EST EST ETH ECU HUN ARG KAZ EST LTU LTU BGR KAZ W ECU CAN IND ETH ETH CHL ECU KOR ARM ECU BOL GEO BRA LTU GEO ARM ARG COL MAR LVA EST JOR AZE KAZ JOR GEO LVA AZE AZE LTU JOR ECU AZE AZE BGR AZE ETH KOR CYP EST BGR COL CYP KOR EST ECU HUN GEO ETH ECU ECU CYP LVA AZE EST JOR EST IND KGZ ECUECU BGR COL GEO LTU GEO AZE JOR BGR IRN IRN ETH JOR CYP BOL LVA COL ISR MAC ECU KGZ ARM COL KWT EST ECU LTU ARM AZE IDN LTU ARG KGZ HUN ECU CYP ETH KGZ ARG LVA JOR GEO ETH ISR IDN W JOR CYP ETH JOR BGR LVA LTU KOR ETH GEO EST CYP ARM KGZ IRN MAC IRN LVA JOR ERI JOR MAR CHL KAZ KAZ MAC LVA EST CYP ETH JOR KEN JOR W AZE ETH COL GEO LKA IND ARM CAN EST AZE ARM AZE ETH IRN EST AZE GEO ETH ARM GEO EST COL KGZ COL CYP DNK ALB JOR AZE LVA ETH ETH W ETH GEO AZE KGZ ECU BOL EST LVA LTU JOR EST IRN ETH LVA LTU ERI JOR LTU KOR EST JOR AZE KGZ COL AZE CYP AZE ERI ETH BGR KGZ ETH KGZ KAZ ECU IRN KAZ IND GEO ERI FIN KAZ CYP W CZE ETH KEN GEO CYP LTU JOR ARM CYP BGR BMU W KAZ GEO ETH JOR JOR LTU ETH IDN AZE LKA AZE LVA JOR MAR BOL BRA JOR GEO AZE GEO KGZ ETH LTU EST BOL EST AZE EST W CYP ETH KAZ JOR KGZ EST ECU KGZ AZE KAZ HUN ALB LTU JOR BOL CHL KAZ ARM LTU AZE KAZ ARM EST IDN EST ARM EST EST KGZ KGZ ECU KAZ AZE KAZ W ECU IDN ETH LVA COL W ARM COL ETH ECU GEO ARM CAN ARM KAZ LVA IND BOL AZE GEO AZE IDN AZE ETH ARG KGZ GEO ARM BOL KAZ CYP CHL AZE KWT KGZ AZE JOR EST MAR IRN KAZ KEN LVA ECU ETH LVA FIN ARM BGR CYP KGZ EST GEO GEO IND EGY LVA ETH COL AZE GEO LVA IDN CYP ARM DNK JOR MAR W W AZE HUN IRN IRN AZE LVA HUN EST KAZ KAZ COL GEO ARM JOR ETH KGZ CYP ETH GEO KGZ ECU ETH IRL IRN AZE COL LTU IRN JOR LVA AZE ECU ECU W ERI ARG IND ALB IND KGZ ETH BGR LVA CYP WW AZE ALB BRA LTU KGZ ETH ETH EST W AZE KGZ LTU ECU ECU W LTU ARM GEO ETH IRN AZE LTU BOL IND LVA LTU GEO IRL HUN ECU KAZ IDN IRN ECU CYP JOR W W JOR KAZ DNK A RM ETH ARM W ETH BGR GEO ETH BRA AZE CYP IRN CYP LVA AUS HUN BRA EST KAZ KAZ AZE W FJI JOR LVA AZE ECU ECU ETH KGZ ETH GEO KAZ IRN AZE BOL LTU LTU BGR AZE ETH BGR GEO BGR MAR BOL EST ECU AZE KGZ ARM ECU ETH ETH ARM AZE EST IND ARM AZE BOL AZE LTU W KGZ BGR 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volatility 53 33 13 Log o Appa en Consump on Vo a 7 y sd 3dg No e 100 coun es 63 sec o s 2000 09 However, risk-averse firms react differently to uncertainty according to their characteristics. Indeed, demand fluctuation may force some producers to not enter the export market or to cease exporting and, in turn, the demand for the incumbent exporting firms may rise. Additionally, change in uncertainty may modify the relative prices among varieties supplied leading to a reallocation of market shares among the incumbent exporters. Hence, the effects of industry-specific uncertain demand on export performance at the firm level are not a priori clear. Further, managers can be sensitive to downside losses, relatively to upside gains. It has been shown that macroeconomic fluctuations are skewed rather than symmetric (see e.g., Popov 2011). Ceteris paribus, managers might prefer to serve a country exhibiting a high probability of an extreme event associated with a high level of demand than a country with a high probability of an extreme event associated with a very low demand. 1 Th s ev dence s supported by an adjusted part a res dua p ot contro ng for year and country fixed effects The correspond ng e ast c ty of demand vo at ty s −0 17 (p<0 01) suggest ng that an 1% ncrease n vo at ty n a dest nat on country s assoc ated w th a 0 17% decrease n sectora mports 3 Yet, the variance does not distinguish between upside risk versus downside risk. Skewness (the third central moment of a distribution) can be used as a measure of downside risk. Indeed, the sign of the skewness provides information on the asymmetry of the demand distribution, and thus on downside risk exposure. For a same mean and variance, countries with a demand distribution which is more skewed to the right can be viewed as providing better downside protection or smaller downside risk. A basic intuition is that an increase in skewness involves a smaller probability for low (or large negative) returns. A distribution exhibiting more downside risk than another is less skewed to the right.2 For a same mean and variance, a decision-maker therefore prefer a distribution with the highest skewness. To illustrate our point, consider the demand pattern of two hypothetical countries A and B. Each country exhibits a demand distribution with the same mean (6000 ke) and same variance ((6000)2 /3 ke). Assume that, in country A, the level of demand is either 4000 ke with a probability 3/4 or 12000 ke with a probability 1/4 while, in country B, the level of demand is either 0 ke with a probability 1/4 or 8000 ke with a probability 3/4.3 Despite an equal demand variance in each country, the manager may prefer to serve the country with a higher skewness (country A) because of a lower exposure to downside risk. In this case, the decision-maker is averse to downside risk. As a result, a manager prefers to serve a country with a large mean demand, a small variance and a large (unweighted) skewness. In this paper, we study theoretically and empirically how firms adjust their intensive and extensive margins to a change in the variance and skewness of foreign demand. To achieve our goal, we first build a trade model where heterogeneous firms producing under imperfect competition face same industry-wide uncertainty over foreign demand. We adopt a mean-variance-skewness analysis so that firms are assumed to be averse both to risk and to downside losses. A comment is in order. By adopting this decomposition analysis, we consider a “small” risk. Indeed, export sales in a foreign country represent a low share in total sales of firms. Our theory leads to the following predictions. A higher variance of foreign demand in a 2 3 However, the converse is not necessarily true (Menezes, Geiss, and Tressler, 1980). A similar example can be found in Eeckhoudt, Gollier, and Schlesinger (2005) in a different context. 4 market raises the unit prices set by firms in this market through a change in their markup. The magnitude of this effect increases with the productivity of firms but decreases with trade costs. We also show that, even though a higher foreign demand volatility reduces the volume of industry export sales, its effect on the probability of exporting (extensive margin) and on the level of export sales at the firm level (intensive margin) is ambiguous. Indeed, a rise in demand volatility induces a reallocation of market share from most productive (and largest) firms to smaller firms. As a result, the probability of exporting may increase when fixed trade costs are not too high. Under this configuration, the export sales of medium-sized firms (or the smallest exporters) may grow. However, this effect is weakened when the skewness of foreign income increases. To test our predictions, we use firm-level data from the French customs over the period 2000-2009. This database reports the volume (in tons) and value (in euros) of exports for each product (combined nomenclature) and destination, for each firm located on the French metropolitan territory. Our different estimations confirm our main predictions. Hence, decision-makers seem to act as if they were risk-averse and averse to downside losses. Our results are robust over different sized panels and to the inclusion of a plethora of fixed effects, and additional controls. Our paper proceeds as follows. We present the related literature in Section 2. We then develop our multi-country model of trade with heteregeneous firms under imperfect competition in Section 3. Section 4 exposes the empirical strategy and the results. We conclude in Section 5. 2 Related literature Although macroeconomic volatility plays a key role in a wide variety of economic outcomes (in long-run growth, investment and production decisions, welfare), rather little consideration has been given to its impact on export decision. The determinants of macroeconomic volatility has received much attention. In particular, it has been argued that freer trade increases volatility at the country level. Industries more open to international trade are more volatile even though the industries exporting in 5 foreign countries or importing from different countries depend less on the domestic shocks (Giovanni and Levchenko 2009). On the one side, the industries exporting (or importing) a large fraction of their production (or their intermediate products) are vulnerable to world demand shocks (or supply shocks). On the other side, trade openness leads to a less diversified production structure, implying a greater specialization and, in turn, an increase in volatility. In addition, trade openness can exacerbate domestic volatility through a decline in the number of firms (Gabaix, 2011). Indeed, since lowering trade barriers induces an exit of small firms and boosts the size of large firms (Melitz, 2003), the economy becomes more and more dependent on the shocks at the firm level. Besides, the macroeconomic volatility is a source of uncertainty which potentially influences the export decision. Indeed, trade decision are often made before the resolution of uncertainty. When an export commitment is made, the price received is unknown. The expected utility theory has been used to analyze international trade under risk and perfect competition (see Helpman and Razin 1978). More recently, the framework supplied by real option theory (Dixit and Pindyck 1994) has been introduced in trade model under imperfect competition. Given export sunk costs, the decision whether and when to export is very similar to an investment decision. For example, Baldwin and Krugman (1989) explain trade hysteresis despite large exchange rate fluctuations. In addition, Handley and Limao (2013) model trade policy uncertainty as a rare event to explain world trade patterns. A standard assumption in new trade theory is that firms are risk-neutral. A recent literature emphasizes that uncertainty shocks may affect the choice to serve a foreign market through exports or affiliate sales. Lewis (2014) considers nominal uncertainty. He finds that when multinational sales are priced in the local currency while exports are priced in the producer currency, destination volatility benefits exporters: during a foreign nominal contraction, the foreign exchange rate appreciates, causing exports to be relatively cheaper. Exporters gain non-linearly through demand, making profit convex in prices. Ramondo, Rappoport, and Ruhl (2013) consider real uncertainty and changes in relative costs between exporters and multinationals. Exporters hire labor at home compared to affiliates. Exporters’ expected profits are thus increasing in the 6 volatility of production costs in the destination country. Our approach contributes to the trade literature in a number ways. First, we consider that when a firm chooses a certain quantity to serve a foreign market, the price that will obtain in the market is uncertain. The real value taken by foreign demand for each product is not known ahead of time. Second, we consider that firms are averse to risk and more particularly to downside risk. Third, we develop a model where firms are heterogeneous in productivity supplying a differentiated product (horizontal and vertical differentiation). Our approach differs from the current trade literature since we consider that managers know the productivity of their firm but do not have perfect information about the level of foreign demand. 3 Theory In this section, we develop a multi-country model of trade with heterogeneous firms under imperfect competition. Firms differ in productivity, but unlike Melitz (2003), they know with certainty their production technology. Firms face instead an industry-wide uncertainty over foreign demand. Industry-specific demand is uncertain because industry level expenditures in destination country j, denoted by Rj , are subject to random shocks. Factors beyond the firm’s control that influence the demand realization are climatic conditions, changes in consumer tastes, opinion leaders’ attitudes, popularity of competing products, etc. We assume that Rj is independently distributed with a mean, a variance, and a skewness given by E(Rj ), V(Rj ), and S(Rj ) respectively. Note that E(Rj ) and V(Rj ) are always positive while S(Rj ) can be positive or negative. The economic interpretation of these three moments of Rj distribution is discussed below. Hence, each firm located in country i and producing a variety v faces a downward sloping demand curve in destination country j given by pij (v) = f [qij (v), Rj , .], where pij (v) and qij (v) are the price and the quantity of variety v respectively. We assume that the demand is not known for certain at the time the contracts with the importers are signed. As above-mentioned Rj is subject to random shocks that cannot be observed at the time strategic variables (pij or qij ) are chosen. The actual demand realization 7 is therefore uncertain, and can be either higher or lower than the average expenditures, E(Rj ). As a result, the dependence of price on quantity (and vice-versa) is given for every state of nature. In other words, the marginal revenue of each firm is volatile and not known with certainty at the time the contracts are signed. Our objective is to analyze how risk-averse firms react to industry-level uncertainty in export decisions (both at the intensive and extensive margins), according to their characteristics and the features of destination country. On the one hand, the level of output may decrease for all firms due to demand fluctuations in accordance with the standard theory of production under uncertainty. On the other hand, some producers may not enter the export market or cease to export because of these fluctuations so that the demand for the remaining exporters may rise (due to a reallocation of demand). In addition, even if the demand shocks are common for all firms within an industry, it may modify the relative prices among varieties supplied by the surviving firms in this industry, leading to a reallocation of market shares. Hence, the effects of industry-specific uncertain demand on export performance at the firm level are not a priori clear. Market structure, technology, and firm behavior Varieties are provided by heterogeneous monopolistically competitive firms. Each variety is produced by a single firm and each firm supplies a single variety. This means that producers are negligible to the market, behave as monopolists on their market and their decisions do not account for the impact of their choice on aggregate statistics. Labor is the only production factor and is assumed to be supplied inelastically. The production of qij (v) units of variety v requires a quantity of labor equals to `ij (v) = τij qij (v)/ϕ, where ϕ is the labor productivity and τij > 1 is an iceberg trade cost. We assume that the labor productivity is known a priori but differs among firms. Thus, the marginal requirement in labor is specific to each firm and to each destination, but does not vary with production. Under imperfect competition, the choice of the action variables (quantity or price) merits a discussion. We know from Leland (1972) and Klemperer and Meyer (1986) that, if the choice of behavioral mode by a monopolistic firm is unimportant under certainty, 8 this is no longer the case under uncertainty. The firm has two options: (i) set quantity before demand is known and thereafter the actual demand curve yields the market clearing price or (ii) set price before demand is known and thereafter the actual demand curve yields the market clearing quantity. Ideally, we would determine endogenously if firms choose either a quantity to produce or a price to charge, as in Klemperer and Meyer (1986). In this section, we consider that firms set quantity first, before demand is known. In Appendix (A), we report the case where price is the strategic variable. We show that this configuration yields the same predictions than the case where firms set quantity even if the level of prices and quantities differ according to the behavioral mode. Hence, without loss of generality, we assume that firms determine quantity, qij , for each destination j before knowing the value of Rj . Equilibrium prices pij are determined ex post in accord with realized demand. We assume that firms cannot adjust ex post quantity with respect to the demand shock. The decision to produce for exports has been taken ex ante and thus ex post adjustments of quantity are not feasible. The producer cannot refuse the deal ex post once the price is realized. This implies that products cannot be sent back. They are sold once exported. As the shocks to market demand are unobservable, the impact of quantity on price is uncertain. The expected export profit in a given market is E [πij (v)] = E [pij (v)] qij (v) − wi τij qij (v) − wi fij , ϕ (1) where wi is the wage rate prevailing in the exporting country i. Firms located in country i serving the destination country j have to pay a fixed cost fij to serve foreign markets, which are the costs to maintain a presence, (i.e., maintaining a distribution and service network, minimum freight and insurance charges, costs of monitoring foreign customs procedures and product standards, etc.). We assume that markets are segmented and that shocks are not correlated across countries, such that the covariance between πij and πik , with k 6= j, is zero as Cov(Rk , Rj ) = 0. The uncertain terminal profit of a firm producing variety v and located in country i, πi , can be decomposed into two parts: the profit of domestic sales πii and the profit of to9 tal exporting sales Σj πij , such that πi = πii + Σj πij . Throughout, we assume that the domestic profit πii is known with certainty. Uncertainty and firm behavior We consider an utility function of a manager Π(πi ) representing his/her risk preferences with Π0 (πi ) > 0. The manager is made better off by an increase in his/her terminal profit. Assume that the utility function Π(πi ) is continuously differentiable up to order 3. We follow the methodology developed in Eeckhoudt, Gollier, and Schlesinger (2005). A third order Taylor series expansion of Π(πi ) evaluated at E(πi ) gives 1 000 1 00 0 Π(πi ) ≈ Π(E(πi )) + Π [πi − E(πi )] + Π [πi − E(πi )]2 + Π [πi − E(πi )]3 . 2 6 Taking the expectation and assuming that the moments exist lead to 1 00 1 000 EΠ(πi ) ≈ Π[E(πi )] + Π E[πi − E(πi )]2 + Π E[πi − E(πi )]3 . 2 6 According to the expected utility theory, in the neighborhood of E(x) where x is a random variable, we have EΠ(x) = Π(E(x) − Γ) where Γ is the risk premium. In our case, the risk premium Γ is defined as the sure amount of money a manager would be willing to receive to become indifferent between receiving the risky return πi versus receiving the sure amount E(πi ) − Γ. Because EΠ(πi ) can also be approximated as follows EΠ(πi ) = Π[E(πi )] − ΓΠ0 , we have 00 000 1Π 1Π Γ≈− S(πi ), 0 V(πi ) − 2Π 6 Π0 00 0 000 (2) 0 where −Π /2Π and −Π /6Π are the marginal contributions of variance (V(πi ) = E[πi − E(πi )]2 ) and skewness (S(πi ) = E[πi − E(πi )]3 ) of πi to the risk premium Γ, respectively. 00 0 The term −Π /2Π is known as the so-called Arrow–Pratt absolute risk aversion coef000 0 000 ficient. The term −Π /6Π captures a preference for positive skewness when Π > 0, because it implies a low probability of obtaining a large negative return. Note that skewness to the left (S(π) < 0) is associated with “downside risk” exposure, while skewness to 10 the right (S(π) > 0) is associated with “upside risk” exposure. Two remarks are in order. First, risk aversion can decrease with wealth of the individuals. Under this configuration, decision makers exhibit decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA preferences) implying Π000 > 0. This entails that the risk aversion of the exporter decreases with its level of domestic sales. Second, Π000 > 0 corresponds to “downside risk aversion”, implying that a rise in downside risk (a decrease in S(π)) would tend to increase the willingness to pay to avoid risk (Menezes, Geiss, and Tressler, 1980). Finally, we know from expected utility theory that maximizing EΠ(x) is equivalent to maximizing the certainty equivalent E(x) − Γ. Since expression (2) provides a local approximation to the risk premium Γ, it follows that the objective function of a decisionmaker can always be approximated by Πv (πi ) ≈ E(πi ) − ρv V(πi ) + ηv S(πi ), 00 0 000 (3) 0 with ρv ≡ −Π /2Π and ηv ≡ Π /6Π . Remember that ρv > 0 expresses the absolute degree of the firm’s risk aversion. If ρv = 0, firms are risk neutral. This general formulation does not require a full specification of the utility function Πv (π) and it allows us going beyond a simple mean-variance analysis in the investigation of export decision under demand uncertainty. This may be particularly useful in the analysis of “downside risk” exposure. However, the reader should keep in mind that expression Πv (π) is valid only in the neighborhood of the point E(πi ). In other words, we only consider small risk. Given that the share of export sales in one country to total sales is low, this assumption is not too restrictive. Preferences and demand To study the effect of uncertainty on export decision, we use a simple and tractable utility function yielding a specific demand curve.4 The consumer preferences are identical 4 We could use the general setting in which the demand curve is pij = f (qij , Rj ). However, this increases the complexity of the formal developments while the gains in results are limited. What matters for most of our results is that export prices (1) decrease in export quantities (∂pij /∂qij < 0), (2) increase in destination demand (∂pij /∂Rj > 0), (3) with a diminishing marginal effect as export quantities increase ∂ 2 pij /(∂Rij ∂qij ) < 0. 11 and the utility of the consumption of the differentiated good is given by Uj = Z v∈Ωj uj (v)dv, (4) where Ωj is the set of available varieties v in country j. Hence, as in Dixit and Stiglitz (1977), Krugman (1979) and Zhelobodko et al. (2012), we assume that preferences over the differentiated product are additively separable across varieties. To keep things simple, we consider uj (.) = θv qj (v)1/2 where θv is the quality of variety v and q(v) is the quantity consumed. Given that ∂u(v)/∂q(v) > 0 and ∂ 2 u(v)/∂q(v)2 < 0, consumers exhibit a preference for variety. The budget constraint faced by a consumer is given by Z Ωj pkj (v)qkj (v)dv = Rj , (5) where Rj represents the income of the consumer and its total expenses, while pkj (v) is the price of variety v produced in country k with k = i, j, ..K.5 Notice that deviations from expected demand in individual foreign markets, due to random shocks, may lead to potential gains and losses. By neglecting their effect on total income, which may cancel out, we adopt a partial equilibrium approach. Maximizing (4) under the budget constraint (5) leads to the inverse demand: pij (v) = −1 θv qij (v) 2 , 2λ (6) where λ is the Lagrange multiplier. Plugging (6) into (5) implies λ = Ψj /2Rj with Ψj ≡ Z Ωj 1 θv qkj (v) 2 dv. (7) The expression Ψj can be interpreted as a measure of industry supply. As a consequence, 5 Note that we could extend easily this framework by considering the case where U is embodied in a Cobb-Douglas upper-tier utility. 12 the inverse demand for each variety is now pij (v) = Rj θv qij (v) −1 2 Ψ−1 j . (8) As expected, the price of a variety increases with its quality (θv ) and the market size (Rj ) but decreases with its quantity (qij ) and rivals’ quantity and quality of products (Ψj ). Intensive margin of exports with no uncertainty We start by analyzing briefly the export decision with no uncertainty before introduction uncertainty. Each firm maximizes its profit (1) by setting its output qij (v) to serve market j and by taking into account its impact on prices pij (v) given in (8). Profitmaximizing quantity is given by 1 qij (v) 2 = Rj ϕθv −1 Ψ , 2 wi τij j (9) so that pij (v) = 2 wi τij . ϕ Thus, under certainty, the equilibrium price is equal to the marginal cost wi τij /ϕ times a constant (equals to 2), while exports (in value and quantity) increase with productivity, quality and demand. In what follows, we analyze how uncertain demand curve affect equilibrium prices and quantities at the firm level. Intensive margin of exports with uncertainty Under uncertainty, remember that exporting firms face a downward sloping demand curve characterized by a random shift parameter Rj (common to all firms in a given industry). Rj is not known for certain at the time the contracts with the importers are signed. The expected price prevailing for each firm in the foreign market is therefore given by E [pij (v)] = E(Rj )θv qij (v) 13 −1 2 Ψ−1 j . (10) For the sake of clarity, we first consider a mean-variance utility function such that ηv = 0 (i.e., downside and upside risks are not accounted for). Then, we will consider the role of skewness with ηv 6= 0. The payoff of each firm when ηv = 0 is as follows: Πv (πi ) = E(πi ) − ρv V(πi ) = X j E(πij ) − ρv X j V(πij ), where E(πij ) is given by (1) and Σj V(πij ) = V(πi ) because Cov(Rk , Rj ) = 0 for all k 6= j. Hence, the marginal revenue is uncertain while the marginal cost is known with certainty. The expected export sales E [pij (v)] qij (v) increases with qij but decreases with the industry’s output size (captured through Ψj ). The profit variance is V(πij ) = V(Rj )θv2 qij (v)Ψ−2 j , (11) which increases with the firm’s output size qij and decreases with the industry’s output size. Hence, the mass of rivals serving the same market has an ambiguous effect on the export performance at the firm level. Indeed, a rise in Ψj decreases the marginal revenue of the firm but reduces the variance of profits. First order condition ∂Πv /∂qij = 0 implies −1 wi τij 1 E(Rj )θv qij (v) 2 Ψ−1 − ρv V(Rj )θv2 Ψ−2 j − j = 0, 2 ϕ (12) and it is readily to check that ∂ 2 Πv /∂qij2 < 0. As a result, Payoff -maximizing quantity is given by " θv2 ϕ E(Rj )θv ϕ −1 qij (v) = Ψj 1 + ρv V(Rj )Ψ−2 j 2wi τij wi τij 1 2 #−1 . (13) In accordance with the standard literature related to producer theory under uncertainty, the risk averse firms produce less than they would under certainty (because ρv > 0 so that ∂qij /∂V(Rj ) < 0), for a given mass of exporters. Further, we can readily check that quantities are concave in productivity (∂qij /∂ϕ > 0 and ∂ 2 qij /∂ϕ2 < 0). Thus, the most productive firms are the largest in terms of labor and quantity produced. Another result standard in the trade theory literature is that quantities are convex in trade costs, such 14 that ∂qij /∂τij < 0 and ∂ 2 qij /∂τij2 > 0). Hence, export sales decrease with trade costs, while they increase with productivity. New and more original is the following proposition: Proposition 3.1 For a given positive degree of the firm’s risk aversion (ρv > 0) and industry supply (Ψ), the negative effect of demand volatility on export quantities is strengthened when firm productivity increases and trade costs decrease. As a simple proof, we can establish from equation (13) ∂ 2 qij ∂ 2 qij <0< , ∂ϕ∂V(Rj ) ∂τ ∂V(Rj ) when ρv > 0. Remember that the variance of profits in a given foreign market is equal to the variance of foreign demand times the output size dedicated to that foreign country (see equation 11). Stated differently, the variance of profits of a firm increases with its productivity and decreases with trade costs for a given mass of firms. Using (8) and (13), we can now determine the ex post equilibrium price of variety v prevailing in country j: " θv2 ϕ −2 wi τij Rj 2 1 + ρv V(Rj ) pij (v) = Ψ ϕ E(Rj ) wi τij j # (14) The equilibrium price is equal to the marginal cost (wi τij /ϕ) times a markup. Remember that, under demand certainty, the markup is equal to 2 (because of E[Rj /E(Rj )] = 1 and V(Rj ) = 0). With uncertain demand and risk-averse firms, the markup is higher on average than the markup prevailing under certain demand due to the fluctuations of income. Hence, uncertain demand curve tends to increase prices through a higher markup. It is worth stressing that, unlike models of monopolistic competition with perfect information, the markup is not a constant. Firms charge variable markups even under CES preferences. In other words, demand uncertainty and risk-averse firms allow for variable markups even though demand curve is iso-elastic. Markup depends on the demand volatility, firm’s productivity and features of origin and destination countries. Note also that the markup increases with the firm’s productivity (ϕ) and decreases with trade costs 15 (τij ) and the mass of rivals (captured by Ψj ). Those findings are in accordance with industrial organization theory. However, the mechanisms at work are different. Our results are related to the existence of demand fluctuations and risk aversion. The variance of profits being high for the most productive firms, they charge greater markups. Similarly, low market size induces low variance of profits so that the markup is lower for destinations with a low potential market. Hence, even though preferences exhibit an iso-elastic demand, markups vary according to destinations and firms. In addition, under demand uncertainty, the markup captures two opposite effects associated with the destination income (Rj ). On the one side, higher income raises the markup and, in turn, prices (demand effect). On the other side, higher expected foreign demand increases the competition across firms (which have an incentive to reduce their level of production) and, in turn, decreases the markup. However, on average, both effects cancel each other out (E[Rj /E(Rj )] = 1). The next proposition sums up our results on destination prices: Proposition 3.2 For a given positive degree of the firm’s risk aversion (ρv > 0) and industry supply (Ψ), the markup increases more with foreign demand uncertainty, the higher the firm productivity and the lower the trade costs. Propositions (3.1) and (3.2) are related to the intensive margin of trade, i.e., variation in trade of existing trade relationships. They are established without accounting for the adjustment in the industry supply (Ψ). However, uncertainty leads to an adjustment in the quantities produced by the competitors. This adjustment reinforces proposition (3.2) on export prices but renders proposition (3.1) on exported quantities more ambiguous. Before presenting the effect of the industry adjustment, we study the role of uncertainty on the extensive margin of trade, i.e., on the emergence of new trade relationships and/or the death of existing ones. Extensive margin of exports with uncertainty The mass of domestic firms in each country is exogenously given,6 while the mass of 6 An endogenous mass of domestic firms can be incorporated in the analysis without qualitatively changing any of the main results. 16 exporting firms is treated as endogenous. There is a large supply of potential entrants in the international market. However, firms located in country i serving destination country j have to pay a fixed cost fij to serve foreign markets (see equation 1). The decision to exit or enter a foreign market is taken on the basis of the expected payoff. A firm exports to destination j if and only if ex ante payoff Πv is positive, i.e., E(πij ) − ρv V(πij ) > wi fij . It is straightforward to check that Πv = sij /2 where sij ≡ E(pij )qij with #−1 " E(Rj )2 wi τij 2 Ψ + ρv V(Rj ) sij = 2 θv2 ϕ j (15) . As a result, Πv = 0 when ϕ = 0 and ∂Πv /∂ϕ > 0. Hence, there exists a quality-adjusted productivity cutoff θv2 ϕ above which a firm serves country j. As expected, the probability of exporting decreases with V(Rj ). In addition, we have ∂ 2 Πv /∂ϕ∂V(Rj ) < 0 so the payoffs of large firms are more impacted by a rise in demand volatility than the small n 2 firms. Notice also that ∂Πv /∂Ψj < 0 and sign{∂ 2 Πv /∂ϕ∂Ψj } = sign ρv V(Rj ) wθivτϕij − Ψ2j o so that a higher total supply decreases the ex ante payoff of each incumbent firm. However, the high productivity firms are less affected by a rise in Ψj . Until now, we have studied the impact of V(Rj ) on exports and prices for a given Ψj . However, Ψj adjusts when V(Rj ) changes. Therefore, we have to take into account the indirect effect of demand volatility on prices and quantities through Ψj . In what follows, we determine the relationship between Ψj and V(Rj ) and the total effect of V(Rj ). Let ξ ≡ 1/(θv2 ϕ) ≥ 0 be an inverse measure of quality-adjusted productivity and µ(ξ) is the distribution of ξ. The cutoff for exporting ξbij is such that Πv (ξbij ) = wi fij or, equivalently, Ψ−2 E(Rj )2 j b − ρv V(Rj ) . ξij ≡ 4wi fij wi τij " # (16) It follows that a firm exports as long as ξ < ξbij . As expected, high productivity firms are more likely to be exporters while high fixed and variable trade costs reduce the probability of exporting. However, unlike trade models with heterogeneous firms, the exporting zeropayoff cutoff conditions ξbij can be non positive. No firm finds a priori profitable to serve country j if the expected income E(Rj ) is not sufficiently high relatively to its variance 17 V(Rj ). Hence, we provide a rationale for the prevalence of zeros in bilateral trade without making an ad hoc assumption on the distribution of productivity across firms. Helpman et al. (2008) allow also for zero bilateral trade volumes as the authors assume that the most productive firms exhibit a level of productivity which is below than the exporting threshold. Uncertainty and industry adjustment Although our modeling strategy gives our framework a partial equilibrium flavor, it does not remove the interdependence among firms within industries. We can show that Ψj ≡ − V(Rj ) ∂Ψj > 0, Ψj ∂V(Rj ) or, equivalently, ∂Ψj /∂V(Rj ) < 0 (see Appendix (B)). As expected, an increase in the variance of income reduces the aggregate supply for destination market j and, in turn, the equilibrium prices. Hence, equilibrium prices (14) increase with demand fluctuations through two effects: (i) a direct effect due to risk aversion (as explained above) and (ii) an indirect effect via the exit of firms relaxing competition among surviving firms. In contrast, the effect of demand volatility on the export sales (or profits) is ambiguous when Ψj adjusts to a change in V(Rj ). Indeed, we have dsij (v) ∂sij (v) ∂sij (v) ∂Ψj sij 2wi τij ξΨj − ρv V(Rj )Ψ−2 j = + = , −2 dV(Rj ) ∂V(Rj ) ∂Ψj ∂V(Rj ) V(Rj ) wi τij ξ + ρv V(Rj )Ψj where ∂sij (v)/∂V(Rj ) < 0 while ∂sij /∂Ψj < 0 and ∂Ψj /∂V(Rj ) < 0 (see above). It follows that a rise in demand volatility induces a reallocation of market shares from larger firms to smaller ones as dsij (v)/dV(Rj ) increases with ξ. Hence, the aggregate productivity of exporters can decrease ceteris paribus with a higher uncertainty, in accordance with empirical facts (see Bloom, 2014). In addition, as the larger firms reduce their export sales in high proportion when demand fluctuations increase, the export sales of smaller exporters may expand at their expense (see Figure 3). As a result, the effect of demand volatility on the probability of exporting is also 18 Figure 3: Productivity and reallocation of export sales when demand volatility increases Export Sales (sij /2) A sij (ξ, V + ) sij (ξ, V − ) Production costs (ξij ) Note: V − and V + mean low and high volatility, respectively. ambiguous. Some standard calculations reveal that " 1 dξbij ∂ ξbij ∂ ξbij ∂Ψj E(Rj )2 − ρv V(Rj ) 1 + = + = dV(Rj ) ∂V(Rj ) ∂Ψj ∂V(Rj ) 4wi fij 2Ψj !# 2Ψj Ψ−2 j V(Rj )wi τij where ∂ ξbij /∂V(Rj ) < 0 while ∂ ξbij /∂Ψj < 0 and ∂Ψj /∂V(Rj ) < 0 (see above). Hence, the probability of serving a country decreases with the volatility of its demand provided that fixed trade costs or demand volatility are not too high. If fixed trade costs are low enough, more medium sized firms can export when demand fluctuations rise as the export sales of large firms decrease (see Figure 4). When we focus the total effect of demand fluctuation on quantity, it appears qij (v) wi τij ξ − ρv V(Rj )Ψ−2 dqij (v) j (1 + Ψj ) = dV(Rj ) V(Rj ) wi τij ξ + ρv V(Rj )Ψ−2 j and d2 qij d2 qij <0< dϕ∂V(Rj ) dτ dV(Rj ) so that the effects of V(Rj ) on qij (v) when Ψj reacts to a change in demand volatility are qualitatively similar to the effects on export sales. It also be noted that higher uncertainty can make trade policy (lowering trade costs) or innovation policy (rising productivity) less effective, in accordance with Bloom (2014). To summarize: 19 Figure 4: The impact of higher demand volatility on exporting cutoff Payoff (Πij ) Payoff (Πij ) Πij (ξ, V − ) wi fij Πij (ξ, V + ) A A Πij (ξ, V + ) wi fij Πij (ξ, V − ) ξˆij (V − ) ξˆij (V + ) ξij (a) Low export fixed costs wi fij ξˆij (V + ) ξˆij (V − ) ξij (b) High export fixed costs wi fij Notes: V − and V + mean low and high volatility, respectively. ξij : production costs. Proposition 3.3 A rise in industry-level foreign demand uncertainty decreases industry export sales but (i) decreases the export sales of large firms and increases the market share of medium sized firms; (ii) increases the probability of exporting and the export sales of medium-sized firms when trade costs are not too high. The bad and the good variance: the role of skewness We have considered a mean-variance analysis. The basic intuition is that the exporters prefer higher expected returns and lower risk. However, we should consider that, ceteris paribus, entrepreneurs prefer a high probability of an extreme event in the positive direction over a high probability of an extreme event in the negative direction. In order to take into account the fact that the marginal willingness of exporter to accept a risk increases when the distribution of the risk becomes more skewed to the right, we now consider the mean-variance-skewness utility function where ηv > 0. The payoff of each firm is given 20 by (3). Given the inverse demand of consumers, we have 3 S(πij ) = S(Rj )θv3 qij2 (v)Ψ−3 j . (17) and the Payoff -maximizing quantity is implicitly given by ∂Πo /∂qij = 0, or, equivalently, 3S(Rj )θv3 Ψ−3 1 E(Rj ) τij j 2 −2 2 + η θv Ψ−1 − w + ρ V(R )θ Ψ q (v) qij (v) = 0. i v j ij v j v j 2 ϕ 2 ! (18) Clearly, if the income distribution is positively (resp., negatively) skewed, each exporter has an incentive to increase (resp., decrease) its level of output for a given V(Rj ). The degree of skewness modifies the desirability of risk. It is readily to check that our predictions related to the impact of V(Rj ) on quantity and prices according to the level of productivity and trade costs hold when S(Rj ) 6= 0. Using envelop theorem, it is straightforward to verify that ∂qij /∂S(Rj ) > 0 whereas ∂pij /∂S(Rj ) < 0 when the second order condition holds (E(Rj )Ψ2j − ηv 3S(Rj )θv2 qij (v) > 0). Regardless of the sign of S(Rj ), an income distribution that is more skewed to the right induces higher level of output. More interesting, standard calculations show that ∂ 2 qij ∂ 2 qij >0> ∂ϕ∂S(Rj ) ∂τ ∂S(Rj ) and ∂pij ∂pij (v) >0> ∂τ ∂S(Rj ) ∂ϕ∂S(Rj ) as ∂qij /∂ϕ > 0 and ∂qij /∂τ > 0. The magnitude of the positive impact of a higher S(Rj ) on production is stronger for firms exhibiting a higher productivity and for destination implying lower trade costs. The prices move in the opposite direction. 4 4.1 Empirical Analysis Identification strategy According to our theoretical predictions exporters react in response to volatility by decreasing volumes ∂qij < ∂V(Rj ) 0 and increasing prices 21 ∂pij > ∂V(Rj ) 0 , while in response to upside gains exporters increase volumes ∂qij > ∂S(Rj ) 0 and reduce prices ∂pij < ∂S(Rj ) 0 . The estimations of these predictions may be plagued by potential endogeneity at the aggregate level between trade openness and demand volatility. To mitigate this potential bias we exploit the following strategy of identification. We use French firm exports at the 4-digit level k in a given year as our dependent variable. Then, we regress disaggregated French exports on three different moments of the distribution of demand R in destina K K ) and the skewness ) , the volatility V(Rjt tion j: the lagged expected value E(Rj,t−1 K S(Rjt ) of demand at the 3-digit sector level. We expect variation in French 4-digit exports to be explained by 3-digit demand shifters in destination countries. However, in turn, it is unlikely that a particular 4-digit export in a destination affects substantially a 3-digit sector demand in that destination. The 3-digit demand in a country is made of imports from all sources (including itself) and all 4-digit sub-sectors. To reinforce this strategy of identification, we remove French flows to compute countries’ demand and its moments. Moreover, we exploit the different sources of variation of our panel and use various combinations of fixed effects to control for unobservables: firm f , destination j, 4-digit sector k and time (year) t fixed effects. 4.2 Data Demand R in destination country j is proxied with apparent consumption such as: aK jt = K K ProductionK jt + Importsjt − Exportsjt , where K is 3-digit sector and t year. Our sectoral data on production, exports and imports come from COMTRADE and UNIDO and covers the period 1995 to 2009. Using the absorption formula and the sector data, we construct three important regressors at the industry 3-digit level K in the destination country j. They correspond to three different moments of apparent consumption: K 1. The mean demand or absorption E(Rj,t−1 ) computed in year t as the log of the lagged value of mean absorption over the 5 previous years; K 2. The volatility of demand V(Rjt ) computed as the standard deviation of the yearly growth rates of aK jt over 6 years and the sub-sectors k. As an example, consider 22 the manufacture of beverages (K=155) in the United Kingdom in 2000. We first compute the yearly growth rates of the UK’s apparent consumption over 1995 to 2000, and over the 4 sub-sectors of 155.7 Then, we compute the standard deviation of the 20 growth rates. Figure (5) reports the volatility of demand in the manufacture of beverages in 2005. For a same level of mean demand for beverages in 2005, we observe different levels of demand volatility. K 3. The unbiased skewness of demand S(Rjt ) computed as the skewness of the yearly growth rates of aK jt over 6 years and the sub-sectors k. Figure 5: Demand level and demand volatility of a given 3-digit sector USA 16 JPN DEU CHN GBR ESP MEX CAN 14 POL ITA TUR NLD PRT GRC FRA AUS BLXKOR UKR IND COL NOR ROM HUN 12 PER MYS CYP FIN IDN ECU SVK PAN KAZ MAR IRN LTU EGY OMN LVA TTO URY MLT DNK JOR EST ETH MDA MWI 10 Log of Apparent Consumption (Mean) - 3 digit 18 Manufacture of beverages in 2005 SVNSEN MKD GEO AZE ARM KGZ ERI 8 TJK -2.7 -.7 Log Volatility (standard deviation) of destination county - 3 digit To construct our dependent variable and test our theoretical predictions we use very rich firm-destination specific export data from the French customs over the period 2000 to 2009. We observe volume (in tons) and value (in euros) of exports for each product and destination, for each firm located on the French metropolitan territory. Unit values are computed as the ratio of export value to export volume. 4.2.1 Descriptive Statistics We present in this section some descriptive statistics on French exports and firms, and on the volatility and skewness of demand in sectors and destination countries included 7 The 4 sub-sectors are: 1551 - Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits; ethyl alcohol production from fermented materials; 1552 - Manufacture of wines; 1553 - Manufacture of malt liquors and malt; 1554 - Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters. 23 in our sample. In our empirical analysis, we focus on manufactured exports. French manufactured export flows reach on average 258,062 millions USD and 94,072 millions of tons per year. On average, our sample includes 70,239 firms per year, serving 81 countries and 119 4-digit sectors. Table (1) provides the annual statistics. All sectors are served every year. By contrast, we observe some changes in the number of destinations, with an increase over the 2000-2006 period and a significant decrease during the 2008-2009 crisis. The number of exporting firms is decreasing over time (except in 2006). Table 1: Number of French firms and destinations per year Year Nb. exporters 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Note: 119 Nb. destinations 79151 77115 76509 74304 72021 70871 71207 68400 65803 47011 4-digit sectors per 80 80 81 86 85 83 88 86 79 66 year. The turnover of firms in sectors and destinations is rather high in our sample over the period 2000-2009. On average, a firm is present 2.77 years in one destination-sector (4-digit). Firms serve on average 1.96 sectors per destination-year and 3.14 destinations per sector-year. Each year, exporting firms may export to one sector (4-digit) and one destination (mono-destination and mono-sector firms), to various sectors but to one destination (mono-destination and multi-sectors firms), to various destinations and to one sector (multi-destinations and mono-sector firms) or to multi destinations and sectors (multidestinations and multi-sectors firms). Table (2) presents the share of each of the four categories in the total of exporting firms. The two main categories of firms in our sample are mono-destination and mono-sector firms (col. 1), and multi-destinations and multisectors firms (col. 4). The shares are fairly stable over time. However, the share of multi-destinations firms has slightly decreased in 2009. Some firms, which were present in several destinations, seem to have reduced their international exposure in 2009 because 24 of the world crisis. Table 2: Share of the four categories (mono- vs. multi-destinations/sectors) of firms Year Mono-dest. & Mono-sector (1) Mono-dest. Multi-dest. & Multi-sector & Mono-sector (2) (3) 2000 35.8 2001 36.1 2002 36.1 2003 35.5 2004 34.5 2005 33.3 2006 33.5 2007 32.7 2008 32.9 2009 37.7 Dest. means destination. 8.2 7.9 7.9 7.5 7.5 7.8 7.5 7.6 7.6 8.2 Multi-dest. & Multi-sector (4) 19.3 18.9 18.6 19.1 19.4 19.7 19.7 20.1 20.5 17.7 36.7 37.1 37.4 37.9 38.6 39.2 39.3 39.5 39.0 36.4 Figure (6) reports the distribution of demand volatility (in logs) and demand skewness across 2-digit sectors. The ranking of sectors is not similar for both moments and only one sector (Tobacco) has a negative median skewness. Figure 6: Distribution of volatility and skewness demand Volatility, by industry Rubber and plastics Paper Tobacco Other mineral products Food & beverages Textiles Office, accounting Wearing apparel Wood Leather Chemicals Motor vehicles Basic metals Electrical machinery Furniture, manufacturing n.e.c Fabricated metal products Medical, optical instruments Publishing, printing coke, petroleum, nuclear fuel Machinery and equipment Radio, tv, comm. equipment Other transport equipment Skewness, by industry Tobacco Office, accounting Rubber and plastics Paper Electrical machinery Radio, tv, comm. equipment Medical, optical instruments Wood Motor vehicles Fabricated metal products coke, petroleum, nuclear fuel Leather Basic metals Wearing apparel Chemicals Textiles Other mineral products Food & beverages Publishing, printing Furniture, manufacturing n.e.c Other transport equipment Machinery and equipment −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 −4 Outside values excluded −2 0 2 4 Outside values excluded Figure (7) presents the distribution volatility across the destinations of French exports. For clarity, we select the 20 top main destinations and the 20 minor destinations over the 2000-2009 period. The figure reports the median (log) volatility for each of these partners. For each country, the median is computed using all 3-digit sectors and years for which 25 we are able to compute the absorption (at most we have 10 years * 57 three-digit sectors = 570 observations). We can observe that the main destinations of French exports have lower median volatilities that minor destinations. Note that there is also a composition effect: main partners are often developed countries, which are less volatile than developing ones. This pattern is confirmed in Figure (8), where we try to answer to the question: which are the most/least volatile countries? The United States has very low volatility, as well as the United Kingdom and Canada. By contrast, the most volatile countries (in the left panel) tend to be developing countries. On average, developed countries are less volatile than developing ones. Figure 7: Volatility of demand across destinations Volatility (median), 20 main partners 01−DEU 02−ESP 03−GBR 04−ITA 05−BLX 06−USA 07−NLD 08−JPN 09−CHN 10−POL 11−PRT 12−SWE 13−TUR 14−AUT 15−MAR 16−CAN 17−SGP 18−DNK 19−HUN 20−IRL Volatility (median), 20 minor partners 01−BOL 02−ERI 03−KGZ 04−MWI 05−TTO 06−ARM 07−MDA 08−MKD 09−GEO 10−URY 11−VNM 12−ETH 13−QAT 14−PHL 15−ECU 16−AZE 17−PER 18−KWT 19−ARG 20−LVA −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −.5 0 −2 Outside values excluded −1.5 −1 −.5 0 Outside values excluded Which are the more/least skewed countries? Results are reported in Figure (9). As previously done, each sub-figure presents 20 countries and reports the median (log) skewness for each of these countries over 2000-2009. We keep only countries for which we have at least 10% of the 570 potential observations (we do the same for Figure 8). We can notice that developed countries are often less skewed. The difference for skewness between developing and developed countries seems to be less pronounced than for volatility. However, one limit of our approach is the number of observations per country: for some (developing) countries, the number of sector-year for which we are able to compute the volatility (and even more the skewness) is rather small and this restriction may of course 26 bias the median value that we obtain. Figure 8: Most and least demand volatile countries 20 least volatile countries 20 most volatile countries USA GBR CAN CHN ESP DNK PRT PER DEU JPN NOR BLX POL FIN GRC AUT IRL ITA ISR NLD LTU SVK MYS SEN UKR MLT TUR KAZ ECU IRN OMN ETH KWT AZE MDA ARM GEO KGZ IDN ERI −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 median volat. −.5 0 −1.5 −1 −.5 median volat. 0 Figure 9: Most and least demand skewed countries 20 least skewed countries 20 most skewed countries RUS CHN USA CAN IRN BRA JPN BLX ESP PRT COL MKD GBR CYP URY KOR LVA ARG ROM POL SWE EGY SVN ECU MYS BGR AZE HUN MDA ETH SVK UKR OMN KAZ KGZ ARM ERI GEO MLT IDN −.1 4.3 0 .1 .2 median skewness .3 0 .2 .4 .6 median skewness .8 Empirical results We now present our empirical results on the intensive and the extensive margin of trade. 27 4.3.1 Intensive trade margin Export volumes The estimated equation for the export volumes comes directly from the theoretical model: K K K ) + FE + εkf jt , ) + ηS(Rjt ) + ρV(Rjt ln qfkjt = ln E(Rjt (19) where qfkjt is French firm f export volumes to j in 4-digit k in year t. This variable is regressed on different moments of demand defined in the data section (4.2). FE represents a vector of different combinations of fixed effects. The estimations of equation (19) is reported in Table (3). The sample covers the period 2000 to 2009. Table 3: Firm level estimations: export volumes Dep. Var.: Firm export volumes: ln qfkjt (1) (2) (3) Ln Mean Demand3K j,t−1 0.250a 0.075a 0.060a (0.028) (0.025) (0.21) b -0.017 b -0.029 -0.022b (0.008) (0.014) (0.011) b 0.007 b 0.012 0.009b (0.003) (0.006) (0.004) 0.814 0.377 0.635 Yes Yes - Yes Yes - Yes Yes Ln Volatility3K jt Skewness3K jt AdjustedR2 Fixed Effects: Firm.Destination.Sectorf jk Timet Firm.Destination.Timef jt Sector (4-digit)k Firm.Sector.Timef kt Destinationj Note: Robust and industry-destination clustered standard errors in parentheses. a : p < 0.01, b : p < 0.05, c : p < 0.1. N=5,668,638. The results are in line with our theoretical predictions. An increase in demand level and demand skewness in destination markets increases export volumes. In contrast, an increase in volatility reduces exports. How economically meaningful are the estimates of volatility and skewness? Based on the first column within estimates, we find that in 2005 a one standard deviation increase in the average of volatility of Belgium, reduces aggregate French exports to Belgium by 1.2%, while a one standard deviation increase in the average of volatility of China, reduces aggregate French exports to China by 1.3%. Moreover, if the United Kingdom market would be as volatile as Vietnam, French exports 28 to the UK would decrease by 2.5%. On the other hand, if the UK would be as skewed as Vietnam, French exports to the UK would increase by 0.5%. This implies that both absolute and downside risk matter for exporters. Export prices The estimated equation for the export prices comes from the theoretical model as well: K Rj,t−1 K K + ρV(Rjt ) + ηS(Rjt ) + FE + εkf jt , = ln K ) E(Rj,t−1 ! ln pkf jt (20) where pkf jt is French firm f export unit values to destination j in 4-digit sector k in year t. Table (4) reports the estimates of equation (20) with the same sets of fixed effects as for the export volumes. Table 4: Firm level estimations: export prices Dep. Var.: Firm export unit values: ln pkf jt (1) (2) (3) Ln Demand3K j,t−1 0.022b 0.001 0.001 (0.011) (0.017) (0.006) -0.038c -0.003 -0.004 (0.021) (0.020) (0.008) Ln Mean Demand3K j,t−1 Ln Volatility3K jt Skewness3K jt R2 Fixed Effects: Firm.Destination.Sectorf jk Timet Firm.Destination.Timef jt Sector (4-digit)k Firm.Sector.Timef kt Destinationj 0.014b 0.004 0.002 (0.007) (0.007) (0.003) -0.005b -0.003 -0.001 (0.002) (0.003) (0.001) 0.844 0.658 0.811 Yes Yes - Yes Yes - Yes Yes Note: Robust and industry-destination clustered standard errors in parentheses. a : p < 0.01, b : p < 0.05, c : p < 0.1. N=5,668,638. Results on export prices are in line with our predictions but are not robust across all specifications. The within estimates, reported in column (1), highlight the two opposite effects associated with demand in the destination market. On the one side, higher lagged demand raises export prices (demand effect). On the other side, higher expected foreign demand, captured by the mean demand variable, increases the competition across firms (which have an incentive to reduce their level of production) and, in turn, decreases prices. 29 As expected, the volatility and skewness estimates have an opposite effect compared with their influence on export volumes. Interaction effects of uncertainty Proposition (3.1) establishes that the negative effect of demand volatility on export quantities is strengthened when firm productivity increases and trade costs decrease. Remember that the variance of profits in a given foreign market is equal to the volatility (variance) of foreign demand times the output size dedicated to that foreign country. Given that the most productive firms export more, they are at the margin more affected by the increase in demand volatility. With the same logic, the lower the trade costs, the higher the quantities sold and the larger the effect of demand volatility at the margin. To capture the non-linearity of demand volatility related to trade costs, we use the distance variable to destination markets, which is a usual proxy for trade costs. More precisely, we split the distance variable into quartiles. The four distance intervals (in km) are: [0, 440); [440, 1110); [1110, 1875); and [1875, maximum]. Then, we interact the four categories with the volatility of demand and compute the predicted mean trade volumes (in logs) for the deciles of volatility. Results are presented in Figure (10). Figure 10: Volatility, distance and export volumes Predicted Mean Trade Volume (logs) -.4 -1.2 -1 -.8 -.6 -.2 Predictive Margins with 95% CIs -2.69 -2.45 -2.27 -2.11 -1.96 -1.8 -1.62 Deciles of Demand Volatility -1.4 -1.01 Distance (km) < 440 440 <= Distance < 1110 1110 <= Distance < 1875 Distance >= 1875 As expected and depicted in Figure (10), the lower the distance to a destination, the higher the exports, ceteris paribus. However, the increase in demand volatility affects differently the quartiles of distance. In particular, export volumes to the more distant 30 markets are line with our theoretical prediction: ∂ 2 qij /∂τij ∂V(Rj ) > 0. To capture the non-linear effect of firm productivity and volatility on export volumes (∂ 2 qij /∂ϕ∂V(Rj ) < 0), we use a similar strategy: we split the log of productivity into quartiles and interact the four categories with demand volatility. Then, we compute the predicted mean trade volumes (in logs) for the deciles of volatility and the quartiles of productivity. The different predictions of trade are plotted in Figure (11). This plot shows three interesting results: (1) the most productive firms export more than the others; (2) the larger the demand volatility, the lower the export volumes for all levels of productivity; and (3) the marginal decrease in exports is larger for the most productive firms as the volatility increases. Figure 11: Volatility, productivity and export volumes Predicted Mean Trade Volume (logs) -.85 -.8 -.75 -.7 -.65 -.6 Predictive Margins with 95% CIs -2.69 -2.45 -2.27 -2.11 -1.96 -1.8 -1.62 Deciles of Demand Volatility -1.4 -1.01 Log Productivity < P(25) P(25) <= Log Productivity < P(50) P(50) <= Log Productivity < P(75) Log Productivity >= P(75) 4.3.2 Extensive trade margin Entry and exit We now explore the impact of uncertainty on the extensive margin of trade. We distinguish between the entry of new firms on the international market and the exit of the incumbents from that market. For the entry, our dependent variable is the probability for a firm f to start exporting to destination j in 4-digit sector k in year t. This choice model can be written in the latent variable representation, with y ∗ f jkt the latent variable that determines whether or not a strictly positive export flow is observed from firm f to 31 destination j on sector k in year t. Our estimated equation is therefore as follows: 1 if yf∗jkt > 0 0 if yf∗jkt ≤ 0 P r(yf jk,t |yf jk,t−1 = 0) = (21) with K K K ) + FE + εkf jt . ) + ηS(Rjt ) + ρV(Rjt yf∗jkt = ln E(Rjt K K K As previously, E(Rjt ), V(Rjt ) and S(Rjt ) represent different moments of demand (see section 4.2). This equation is estimated using a linear probability model. The inclusion of fixed effects (FE) in a probit would give rise to the incidental parameter problem. The linear probability model avoids this issue. In all regressions, we account for correlation of errors by clustering at country-4-digit sector level. Results are reported in the first three columns of Table (5). Estimations cover the entry on the international market over the 2000-2009 period. In addition to the probability of entry, one can also study the exit transition. Higher volatility or lower upside gains may indeed increase exit of firms from the export market. In that case, our dependent variable is the probability that firm f in destination j and sector k in year t − 1 stop exporting to this destination that product k in year t. Explanatory variables are the same as for the entry estimations and results are reported in the last three columns of Table (5) Results are again in line with the theoretical model. The probability for a firm to enter the export market is positively and significantly influenced by an increase in demand and in potential upside gains (skewness) in the destination markets, while an increase in volatility reduces the firm’s entry. Opposite effects are observed for the probability of exit: a higher demand and skewness lower the probability of exit, while a higher volatility increases it. Interaction effects of uncertainty We now investigate whether the impact of volatility on the probability of entry and exit from the export market is affected by trade costs. To do so, we interact the volatility 32 Table 5: Firm level estimations: probability of entry and exit from the international market Dep. Var.: Firm’s entry: Firm’s exit: P rob(yf jk,t = 1|yf jk,t−1 = 0) P rob(yf jk,t = 0|yf jk,t−1 = 1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Ln Mean Demand3K j,t−1 0.005a 0.004a 0.002a -0.019a -0.003 -0.012a (0.0002) (0.0001) (0.0002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) a a a c a Ln Volatility3K jt Skewness3K jt R2 Fixed Effects: Firm.Destination.Sectorf jk Timet Firm.Destination.Timef jt Sector (4-digit)k Firm.Sector.Timef kt Destinationj -0.029 -0.019 -0.009 0.020 0.043 0.008 (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.011) (0.009) (0.010) 0.0003a 0.0002b 0.0002b -0.0009 -0.001b -0.001 (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0007) (0.0006) (0.0005) 0.205 0.144 0.066 0.374 0.279 0.259 Yes Yes - Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes - Yes Yes Note: Robust and clustered standard errors in parentheses. a : p < 0.01, b : p < 0.05, c : p < 0.1. N= 52,752,877 for entry and N = 4,308,691 for exit. variable with the distance between France and the destination market j. Results are presented in Table (6). According to our theoretical predictions, we expect a positive estimated coefficient on the interaction term for the probability of entry and a negative one for the probability of exit: trade costs tend to lower the impact of volatility. Empirical estimations are in line with these theoretical predictions. The interaction term is positive and highly significant for the probability of entry, and to a lesser extent for the probability of exit. Furthermore, following the inclusion of the interaction term, the coefficients on the volatility variable remain very similar to the ones obtained in Table (5). 33 Table 6: Interaction of volatility with distance: probability of entry and exit from the international market Dep. Var.: Firm’s entry: P rob(yf jk,t = 1|yf jk,t−1 = 0) (1) (2) (3) Firm’s exit: P rob(yf jk,t = 0|yf jk,t−1 = 1) (4) (5) (6) Ln Mean Demand3K j,t−1 0.005a 0.004a 0.002a -0.019a -0.003 -0.012a (0.0002) (0.0001) (0.0002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) a a a c a Ln Volatility3K jt Ln Volatility3K jt × Ln Distancej Skewness3K jt R2 Fixed Effects: Firm.Destination.Sectorf jk Timet Firm.Destination.Timef jt Sector (4-digit)k Firm.Sector.Timef kt Destinationj -0.029 -0.019 -0.009 0.020 0.043 0.008 (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.011) (0.009) (0.010) 0.004a 0.002a 0.001a -0.003c -0.005a -0.0002 (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) a b b b 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 -0.0009 -0.001 -0.001 (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0007) (0.0006) (0.0005) 0.205 0.145 0.066 0.374 0.279 0.259 Yes Yes - Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes - Yes Yes Note: Robust and clustered standard errors in parentheses. a : p < 0.01, b : p < 0.05, c : p < 0.1. 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Appendices A Price setting The demand for a variety v is −2 qij (v) = Rj2 θv2 Ψ−2 j pij (v) so that pij qij (v) −1 = Rj θv2 Ψ−2 j pij (v) Rj Summing this expression over each variety consumed in country j yields Ψ−2 j = Rj−1 #−1 "Z Ωj θv2 pij (v)−1 dv implying the demand for a variety can be rewritten as follows qij (v) = Rj θv2 "Z Ωj #−1 θv2 pij (v)−1 dv pij (v)−2 = Rj θv2 Pj p−2 ij with Pj ≡ "Z Ωj #−1 θv2 pij (v)−1 dv 36 . Hence, the export profit is πij = Rj θv2 Pj /pij − cij Rj θv2 Pj p−2 ij − wi fij with cij ≡ wi τij /ϕ. The payoff of each firm is as follows: Πo (v) = E(πi ) − ρv V(πi ), Given the demand of consumers, we have E(πij ) = E(Rj )θv2 Pj Pj − cij E(Rj )θv2 2 − wi fi , pij pij and 2 4 V(πij ) = p2ij − c2ij p−4 ij Pj θv V(Rj ) It appears that the expected profit is maximized when the price is equal 2 times the marginal cost cij while the variance is minimized whens the price is equal to the marginal cost. The first order condition implies that the equilibrium price is implicitly given by Φ(pij ) = 0 with 2 Φ(pij ) ≡ − (pij − 2cij ) E(Rj ) + ρv p2ij − 2c2ij 2p−2 ij Pj θv V(Rj ) (22) while the second order condition implies 2 E(Rj ) − ρv 8c2ij p−3 ij Pj θv V(Rj ) > 0 or, evaluated at Φ(pij ) = 0, p2ij − 2c2ij pij − 4c2ij (pij − 2cij ) > 0 Without uncertainty, the equilibrium price would be pij = 2cij , which is identical to the 37 price prevailing when firms determine strategically the level of quantity. However, under uncertainty, pij = 2cij is not an equilibrium as long as ρv > 0. Introducing pij = 2cij into (22) implies Φ(pij ) > 0 so that the equilibrium price under uncertainty is higher than 2cij . Using the envelop theorem: ∂pij E(Rj ) pij − 2cij = >0 ∂V(Rj ) V(Rj ) E(Rj ) − 8ρv c2ij Pj θv2 V(Rj )p−3 ij B Industry supply and income volatility In this Appendix, we show that ∂Ψj /∂V(Rj ) < 0. According to (7) and (13), we have Λ[Ψj , V(Rj )] = 0 with Λ ≡ Ψj − X Mk k Z ξbkj 0 i−1 E(Rj ) −1 h µ(ξ)dξ, Ψj wk τkj ξ + ρv V(Rj )Ψ−2 j 2 1/2 where ∂Λj /∂V(Rj ) > 0 because both θv qij and ξbij decrease with V(Rj ). The envelop theorem implies sign ∂Ψj ∂ 2Λ = −sign , ∂V(Rj ) ∂Ψj as ∂Λ/∂V(Rj ) > 0. Standard calculations show that 1 − Ψ−1 j ∂Λ = ∂Ψj P k Mk R ξbkj 0 1 θv [qkj (ξ)] 2 ∂ ξb − ∂Ψkjj θv h qkj ρv V(Rj )Ψ−2 j −wk τkj ξ ρv V(Rj )Ψ−2 j +wk τkj ξ (ξb kj ) i1 2 µ(ξ)dξ (23) , where ∂Λ/∂Ψj > 0 as the second term on the RHS of (23) is inferior to 1 and ∂ ξbkj /∂Ψj < 0. As a result, Ψj ≡ − V(Rj ) ∂Ψj > 0. Ψj ∂V(Rj ) 38
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