COMPANY PRESENTATION WE TRADE YOUR MONEY I “Wees Alert” ………………………… No rights or claims can be derived from the content of this presentation. Past results offer no guarantees. 1 2 THERE ARE 4 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY 1. Job, you work for someone else. 2. Independent, you work for yourself. 3 4 3. Own company, you let others work for you. 4. Invest, you let money work for you. Which would you prefer? I 1.1 ENG TO BE CLEAR “NO”, you don’t have to ask people to join. “NO”, you don’t have to buy / sell products. “NO”, there are no monthly qualifications. “YES”, as of now you will make “MONEY” with money. Already curious how? I 1.1 ENG “YES”, all you have to do is login to the website and see if your capital has grown. ALREADY FAMILIAR WITH THE FOREX MARKET? Every day billions are traded in currency pairs on the Forex market (this is called “TRADING”). You speculate whether a currency pair inflates (“CALL”) or deflates (“PUT”). Because you only have two options, this is called speculating on binary options. When do you choose “CALL” or “PUT”? I 1.1 ENG When you’re great at trading currency pairs you can make huge profits on short term. But unfortunately not everyone is specialized in doing so themselves and, thus, you can also lose a lot of money. BUT WHAT IF …….. ………. we could outsource trading on the currency market to a specialized company. You will receive on average 75 % profit per trade day, on your investment. Professionals trading for you. I 1.1 ENG Wouldn’t that be interesting? WELCOME TO 24/7 With 24/7 you don’t need any knowledge or experience to make money on the Forex market! After years of research, we have succeeded in developing the right software to achieve high profits for you. Our goal: to become the most popular trading platform in the world. I 1.1 ENG Ownership: Allday Binary Options Trading LTC Address: Level 27, PWC Tower, 188 Quay street Auckland, New Zealand 1010 Established: 2012 WHAT WE DO ….. MANAGED ACCOUNT The unique 24/7 software automatically trades (called “MANAGED ACCOUNT”) from Monday through Thursday with average trading profits of 75 % for you. If you opt for a 24/7 managed account, you’re also appointed an account manager. Your account manager is available from Monday through Friday and is responsible for: 24/7 team working 4 you. I 1.1 ENG • Providing you with demo accounts and activating live-accounts; • Answering any questions you may have. OUR PARTNER WWW.BANCDEOPTIONS.COM BancdeOptions 24/7 Cooperation is the key to success. To be able to trade on the currency market we need a platform that gives us access to buy or sell currency pairs (24/7 only push the buttons “CALL” or “PUT” for you). The company that provides us with access is BancdeOptions (called “BROKER”). Ownership: Managed Options PTV LTD Address: 1 Austin Road West12/F, International Commerce Centre Kowloon, Hong Kong Established: 2011 Together with BancdeOptions we form the right combination that makes it possible to easily achieve great trading profits for you, which is usually only reserved for the professionals and the wealthy. I 1.1 ENG HOW DOES IT WORK First, you apply for a live-account through the person who introduced you to 24/7. 24/7 connects their software to your trade-account at BancdeOptions. 24/7 can now automatically place your trades on the currency market through BancdeOptions. The entire trade process is done automatically for you. I 1.1 ENG With a 90 % success rate in trades, 24/7 is one of the most succesful companies in the world, run by expert advisors which manage customer accounts. HOW DO YOU START REQUEST DEMO-ACCOUNT With a demo-account you can see how 24/7 managed your account and see the profit you can earn. Request for a demo-account through the person that referred you. What we need from you: 1. First and last name (passport) 2. Email address Let us convince you of our results. This information will be forwarded to a 24/7 account manager to create a demo-account at BancdeOptions for you. Do NOT request a demo- or live-account via the BancdeOptions or 24/7 websites. Doing so denies you the option of a managed account. I 1.1 ENG EARN MONEY REQUEST LIVE-ACCOUNT Do you actually want to start earning money? Have your demo-account converted into a live-account. From this point on you are making real money in a convenient way. For a live-account, you must make an international bank deposit to BancdeOptions. The higher the investment, the higher the daily trade-profits. YOUR DEPOSIT PROGNOSE EARNINGS PER DAY € 500 € 35 € 1.000 € 75 €? €? When your deposit is received, your demo-account will be converted into a live-account. I 1.1 ENG EXTRA EARNINGS Besides your daily trade-profits you can earn 3 additional bonuses: 1. Deposit bonuses 2. Referral commissions 3. Special bonuses (are announced) A little extra for our clients. I 1.1 ENG For example: Christmas bonus or seasonal bonuses. You receive 30 % extra on your deposit. DEPOSIT BONUSES When you deposit € 5.000 or higher, you will receive an additional bonus on top of your investment. Your balance grows faster. I 1.1 ENG INVESTMENT EXTRA BONUS € 5.000 € 1.500 € 10.000 € 4.000 € 25.000 € 10.000 Please note, a deposit bonus should have increased at least 30 times in trading volume before you can withdraw it. For example: you receive € 1.500 deposit bonus. You can withdraw this bonus when it has amounted to € 1.500 x 30 = € 45.000 trading volume (±4 month). REFERRAL COMMISSION PERCENTAGES REFERRAL COMMISSION 1. You recruit a new client, you receive 20 % extra. 2. Your client recruits a new client, you receive 10 % extra. Example: You introduce John and he invests € 1.000, then you will receive a one time bonus of € 200 (20 %). When John, introduces Steve as a new client and Steve invests € 500, then John receives € 100 (20%) and you € 50 (10%). You will receive client bonuses up to 2 levels deep. Tell others about 24/7 and you will receive client bonuses on your account. I 1.1 ENG Referral commissions are added to your balance total, as long as you do not withdraw money from your account. The advantage of this is that the higher your balance is, the higher your daily trade profits will be. WITHDRAW MONEY DOWNLOAD To be able to deposit “referral commissions” and “trade-profits” into your bank account, you must do the following: Download the withdrawal form via the 24/7 website and fill out your personal and bank details. Everything made easy….. I 1.1 ENG Send the withdrawal form per email to or to WITHDRAW MONEY IDENTIFICATION Add the following documents as attachments to your email: 1. Copy of passport / ID 2. Copy of bank statement 3. Telephone or electricity bill (no older than 3 months) for name / address check This is necessary in order to eliminate fraud. I 1.1 ENG WITHDRAW MONEY COSTS MANAGED ACCOUNT When you want to withdraw money, you FIRST pay 24/7 a fee (commission) for managing your account. 24/7 works on a “NO PROFIT-NO PAY” basis. Month Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 1 20% fee 2 15% fee 3 10% fee 4 10% fee 9% fee 8% fee 7% fee 5 7% fee 6% fee 5% fee 4% fee 6 4% fee 3% fee 2% fee 1% fee After the 6th month, there is no fee to be paid anymore. I 1.1 ENG WITHDRAW MONEY Things you need to know about refferal commissions: You can withdraw 1st level referral commissions bonuses with the withdrawal form as long as you have a minimum of € 500 built up, at no charge. 2nd level referral commissions cannot be withdrawn. Let’s tell others ….. I 1.1 ENG 1st and 2nd level referral commissions can, however, be used to settle the fee to withdraw trade-profits. WITHDRAW MONEY WITHDRAW TRADE-PROFITS Example: Let’s say you want to withdraw € 1.000 from your trade-profits in the 4th month. I have a managed account by 24/7. Nice and simple, everything is arranged for me. I 1.1 ENG Send in the withdrawal form including attachements. . 1. If you have built up referral commissions, your fee will be settled automatically. 2. If you haven’t built up referral commissions, you will receive your first invoice (4th month at 10% fee is € 100) per email which must first be paid. When the fee is paid, the withdrawal will be deposited on your bank account within 10 working days. HOUSE RULES You must be at least 18 years old to participate. Recruit new clients in an ethical way. Don’t make promises. Don’t develop your own marketing materials. Don’t distribute the name through social media. We abide by the rules, so you too! I 1.1 ENG SUMMARY You don’t have to buy / sell products. You don’t have to build a team. As of this moment you will be making money in a exciting way, in the comfort of your own home (“HOME BUSINESS”). Just an honest Home Business that everyone can enjoy. I 1.1 ENG When you’re ready to start, just ask the person that introduced you, to request a demo-account for you. When you decide to make money, simply transfer a minimum € 500 and your demo-account will be converted into a live-account. 24/7 will strive to achieve 75 % in daily trade profits for you. 24/7 I GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY CREATE YOUR OWN LIFESTYLE I 1.1 ENG
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