S M E A TO N & D I S T R I C T N E W S L E T T E R M ARCH 2015 ~ 127 TH I SSUE MASTHEAD PHOTO: This gorgeous photo cake was shared at Coffee Rowe in Choiceland marking Deanna’s 25 years in the business, more on page 6. PANCAKE BREAKFAST MEATH PARK SENIORS CENTRE Sunday March 8th & Sunday March 22nd ANNUAL AMATEUR HOUR APRIL 4th ** 7 pm Choiceland Elks Hall Admission $6; 5 and under free 9am till noon $7:00 (5 and under free) EVERYONE WELCOME SPECIAL EASTER HAM BINGO Sponsored by the Choiceland Historical Museum MEATH PARK SENIORS CENTRE 2:00pm Sunday March 22nd SMEATON SPRING FAIR at SMEATON REC CENTRE Saturday March 28th 10 am till 3 pm FAMILY DAY CURLERS AT SNOWDEN: Above are the happy participants in the wildly popular kids curling in Snowden this year. Sunday March 8th, Jackpot $75.00 Everyone Welcome EASTER BINGO Sunday March 29th 2pm Choiceland Elks Hall 50/50 Draws Hams and Prizes **EASTER BASKET ** Sponsored by the Choiceland Royal Purple Choiceland Community Services Board Spring Fling March 7th - - Tickets available at Diamond North CU or Choiceland Insurance 20.00/person Supper & Minute to Winit Entertainment July 25 - Choiceland Sports Day Aug. 8 - Alternate day (if needed) POKER HANDS, ELIMINATION DRAW, DOLLAR DRAWS AND MORE BREAKFAST STARTS @ 8:30AM LUNCH SERVED ALL DAY CASH BAR ~~ Social to follow Events go no matter how much snow ALSO TO BE DRAWN AT RALLY 1ST PRIZE : 2 KIDS 125 CC ATVS 2ND PRIZE : HUSQAVARNA CHAINSAW INFO CALL: CHRIS 306-961-7521 BINGO MEATH PARK SENIORS CENTRE 2:00pm BAKING * BOOKS * CLOTHING * PURSES * HANDMADE CRAFTS * JEWELERY * HOUSEHOLD ITEMS * TUPPERWEAR * EPICURE * SCENTSY * PAMPERED CHEF * SEACRET…. OTHER HOME-BASED BUSINESSES Plus...Next-to-new Items — Bargains Galore DRAWS *** 50/50 TICKETS LUNCH WILL BE SERVED For more info call Esther at 306 426-2409 pr Margo at 306 426-2001 FOXFORD SNOWMOBILE RALLY MARCH 7, 2015 RAFFLES / DOOR PRIZE 50/50 DRAWS PRAIRIE WOMEN ON SNOWMOBILES, who stopped in Smeaton for lunch during their 2015 mission, are proud to announce that this year’s mission raised $113,250 for Breast Cancer Research. Furthermore, they were one of 50 individuals or organizations across Canada being presented with the Peace Tower Flag Award by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The awards were given out on February 15th, the day our current flag turned fifty. BOTH SIDES NOW: Many thanks to the Mile “0” Economic Development Committee, who commissioned and financed a new sign for Smeaton. Although we will miss the old sign that had James and Anthony Ahle waving while driving the old Ahle tractor, this sign is truly beautiful. Check it out on the way into Smeaton at the Sports Ground. In the photos are Duane Jordan, Maurice Kirby, Dave Forden and Tom Jensen, who were on hand to set it up on February 19th. It’s official now, our motto is “Where the North Begins”. Page 2 Tom Haugland July 3, 1945—February 2, 2015 Thomas Lloyd Haugland was born to John and Mary haugland at the Smeaton Hospital, as were his seven siblings. He grew up on the farm south of Smeaton and graduated from school in 1963. He lived for a time in Prince George where he became an electrician, married Valerie and three daughters: Tammy and the twins Amanda and Alanna. In 1976 he moved his family back to Smeaton, building a house for his family on the original homestead where his parents still lived. He worked in the bush for a while then operated his company, Haugland Electric Ltd. For 36 years. He was a gentle soul who enjoyed people and took great care of his home and farmyard. He has had the loving support of his partner, Sharon, for the last 34 years. Tom showed strength and courage during his surgeries and health problems, and never complained. He leaves to mourn his life-partner, Sharon, her son Michael (Melanie); his daughters Tammy, Amanda (Rob Hawrysh), Alanna (Ian Conn); his grandchildren Adam, Matthew, Christopher and Jaxon. Also missing him are sisters Sylvia (Lenard Welygan), Patricia (Arnold Young), Mary (Ed Pruner), and Ellen Eby; his two brothers, Ted (Carol) and Ken Haugland, also numerous nieces and nephews. Tom was predeceased by his parents John and Mary, rother James, sister-in-law Jeanne and brother-in-law Roy. Among many other attributes, Tom will be remembered for his positive outlook on life and his wicked sense of humour. The home yard will never be the same without our dear Tom: father, grandfather, brother, friend. Memorial donations may be made to North haven Care Home, Box 158, Smeaton SK, S0J2J0 PHOTO at right: Tip Top Grocery store in Smeaton shortly before it was torn down. Susanna “Baba Sue” Annie Pelech Re-Thomas Haugland's Celebration of Life, Feb.7th, 2015 The Haugland family would like to extend a big thank you to the Smeaton Community. We realize Tom's recent celebration of life at the community hall required time and effort from many individuals. A special thanks to those who contributed to the very fine lunch. it was very gratifying for the family to have such community support at this time. THANK YOU: On behalf of my brothers and myself, I wish to thank everyone for their gifts of food and flowers, many hugs and kind words, following the passing of our mother. You made a very difficult time a little easier to bear. ...Shirley Medynski January 10, 1938—February 9, 2015 Susanna was born to Nicholas and Anna Wasyliw on the farm at Yellow Creek. The family moved to Smeaton and in 1953 at the age of fifteen, Sue married Paul Pelech and moved to Weirdale. They started their family with David in 1955. They farmed in the summer and operated a sawmill in the winter in the Lower Fishing Lake area. Shirley was born in 1962 and in the late 60’s they moved their sawmill to Fort a la Corne. Wayne arrived in 1967, Calvin in 1969 and Mike in 1970. In 1974 the family moved to Smeaton and operated Tip Top Grocery Store. In 1986, Sue moved to Prince Albert where she delivered mail for a few years and worked at a variety of jobs including commissionaire. In the fall of 2000 she moved back to Smeaton to work at the newly opened North Haven Care Home. She retired in 2003 and spent her time gardening, playing bingo, looking after her granddaughter and spending time with family and friends. She is survived by her children: David (Joan); Shirley; Wayne (Wanda); Calvin (Yvette) and Mike (Kim) as well as grandchildren Bobby, Billy (Kelsi), Lori (Brandon), Michelle, Katlyn, Adam, Ashley, Aliya, Brandon, Jesse, Mark, Crystal (Darcy), Chloe and Bradley; her great grandson, Jack. She leaves behind her siblings Nick (Janette); Elsie Pellech; Bill (Lori); Iris (Mike) and Richard (Amie); her sisters-in-law Mae and Trudy. Sue is predeceased by her parents Nicholas and Anna Wasyliw and her brothers John and Pete Wasyliw. She will be deeply missed by family and friends. WEIRDALE MINOR FASTPITCH 2015 ‘OPEN’ COMMITTEE MEETING AND REGISTRATION OPEN COMMITTEE MEETING: Sunday, March 8th 7:30 pm at the Meath Park Arena REGISTRATION at MEATH PARK ARENA: Wednesday, March 11th 7 – 8:30 pm Sunday, March 15th 7 – 8:30 pm FOR CHILDREN INTERESTED IN PLAYING ORGANIZED FAST PITCH! LOCAL TEAMS IN THE MITE & OLDER DIVISIONS, PLAY IN THE ‘PRINCE ALBERT MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION LEAGUE’, WHICH INCLUDES HOME & AWAY GAMES. ‘TENTATIVE’ DIVISIONS & GAME NIGHTS LEARN TO PLAY $25.00 – Born in 2010/2009/2008 (Co-ed) *(Playing days to be determined) MITES $90.00 – Born in 2007, 2006, 2005 *Tentative game nights: (Male: Mon/Wed) (Female: Tues/Thurs) SQUIRT $100.00– Born in 2004/2003 *Tentative game nights: (Male: Tues/Thurs) (Female: Mon/Wed) PEE WEE/BANTAM/MIDGET FEMALE - $100.00 *Born 2002/2001/2000/1999/1998/1997 *Tentative game nights: Tuesday/Thursday PEE WEE/BANTAM MALE - $100.00 Born in 2002/2001/2000/1999 Tentative game nights Monday/Wednesdays For more information contact regarding Weirdale Minor Ball or to become an umpire: Doug Kerley #929-4879 Prince Albert Minor Softball Association (PAMSA) and the AllCan Development Fastball Organization (ADF) now are on Facebook – ‘PAMSA/ADF0’. A new website for PAMSA/ADFO will be available in the near future. Future is bright for softball enthusiasts in Prince Albert and area. Click on the link below for the most recent announcement about future diamond improvements and events. Or you can also check out the project website at www.projecttripleplay.com http://panow.com/article/499363/pa-calls-world-class-ball-diamond SMEATON REC CENTRE USER FEES Since our last reporting, the following have paid their individual or family user fees for the Smeaton Rec Centre: Many thanks to all who help keep the centre open for community events. R/D Willness; G/K Lewis; Merle Chamberlain; J/C Jensen; Terry King; Beth Whitford; L/D White; R/M Cameron BLACK AND BLUE SCHEDULE: For March 6th and 20th put out the black garbage bin. Also Thursday April 2nd is Black Garbage (changed from Friday which is Good Friday) Blue Recycle falls on Fridays March 13th and 27th, as well as Friday April 10th. NORTH HAVEN Manager’s Report by Jeanette Waldner Our condolences go out to the friends and families of Tom Haugland and “Baba Sue” Pellech, well-loved area residents who passed away February 2nd and February 9th respectively. Sue had worked at North Haven soon after we opened in 2000. Thank you to all for their memorial donations in honour of either Tom or Sue. Many thanks to Greg Scarf for treating everyone at North Haven to a KFC supper. Thank you to MaryLou Bond of Choiceland for various donations, much enjoyed by our ladies. We enjoyed donations of groceries on behalf of the Snowden Snowmobile Rally. As well, many thanks to Terry Nickle for bingo prizes. We are accepting applications for workers at North Haven. Bring along your resume or phone for information. As well. call 306 4262766 if you are interested in recertifying your First Aid Course. A one-day Standard First Aid (OHS) CPR.B/AED Recert Course will be offered on Saturday April 11th from 8:30 to 5:30. The cost is around $100 per person depending on how many sign up. We wish to thank Margo Marshall, the Haugland Family, Jack Pickett, Flo Eckdahl, Hazel’s Family….for various items of food and books, all very much appreciated. We are looking towards spring and hope to get volunteers to help look after our flower gardens, especially as we need to do some serious weed control. Thank you everyone for your visits and for help with activities. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER ...Service written this year by the women of The Bahamas. All are welcome at the Choiceland United Church for this ecumenical service on Friday March 6th at 2pm. The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service, we can come to know how our sisters of other countries, languages and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can hear their concerns and needs and can feel ourselves in solidarity with them as we pray with and for them. In this way, it is possible to enrich our Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international, ecumenical expression. Page 3 DROP THE “H” PLEASE Our apologies to the Sumlic Family of Weirdale (Joan and Garry) for repeatedly misspelling their last name in the February issue of the newsletter. It is Sumlic, not Sumlich, we are very sorry. Hi‐Way Harvest Fellowship Regular Weekly Services at 11 a.m. Monthly: First Sunday Communion and pot‐ luck; First Tuesday at 10 a.m. games & coffee morning Office hours with Pastor Tim Giesbrecht (photo above) Tuesday 9 – noon and Thurs‐ day 1:30 to 4, phone 306 290‐6229 EVERYONE WELCOME!! NORTH HAVEN BINGO SCHEDULE: Ask The Pastor by Pastor Darcy R. Cust March 6th North Haven Group March 13th Hi-Way Harvest Group March 20th Smeaton Volunteers March 27th Snowden Community Club April 3rd -NO BINGO—Good Friday April 10th Smeaton Seniors Question: “Is it really the luck of the Irish and the leprechauns that bring the hope of spring?” TORCH RIVER ART GROUP meets most Thursday afternoons in the Smeaton Health Centre multi-purpose room. Above, Judy Paschke (Garrick) shows a finished painting of lilies. Members are working towards an art show for October of 2015. “One pair of hands formed the mountains, one pair of hands formed the sea. One pair of hands made the sun and the moon, every bird every flower every tree. One pair of hands formed the valleys, the ocean the rivers and the sand. Those hands are so strong so when life goes wrong, put your faith into one pair of hands. One pair of hands healed the sick, one pair of hands raised the dead. One pair of hands calmed the raging storm, and thousands of people were fed. One pair of hands said I love you, and those hands were nailed to a tree. Those hands are so strong so when life goes wrong, put your faith into one pair of hands. Those hands are so strong so when life goes wrong, put your faith into one pair of hands; put your faith into one pair of hands.” (“One Pair Of Hands” Recorded by Elvis Presley) As we look at the white stuff dutifully holding on for all itʹs worth, sooner or later it will give way to spring. With spring comes the hope of new life and we express our gratitude not to the little leprechauns with the four‐leaf clover, but to the One whoʹs hands lovingly brought about each season with its unique beauty and intricate qualities. It was those loving hands of the God who created this world we call home that blessed us not with “the luck of the Irish” but the love of His Son, who allowed His hands to touch and heal and bring life to all. So, as we celebrate St. Patrickʹs Day, let us give thanks for the hands that truly blessed, not with good luck and the fortune of the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but the One who made the rainbow as a promise that there would continue to be seasons and the uniqueness of each one. Then, begin to allow your sights to be set on Good Friday and Easter next month and allow your hearts to be prepared for the hope it will bring. Side Note: Still looking for questions from anyone and will attempt to answer them the best I can. Until next month then. Page 4 BRIDGE OVER THE BISSET Canada Bridge, a subsidiary of Minty’s Moving from Onanole Manitoba, has been working to replace the bridge over the Bisset Creek, 1.5 miles north of Smeaton on the Hanson Lake Road. They are the same company that capably replaced the bridge at St. Louis, south of Prince Albert. A number of their workers are from El Salvador and they have an efficient system where smaller crews, up to 20 people, rotate in and out of the work site for different stages, such as preparing the creek bed, building a detour, putting in pilings, placing the roadway beams, and so on. They expect to have the bridge completed and the detour eliminated around the middle of March. Their workers are not bothered by working in the cold. They have been staying in hotels/motels in Choiceland and Smeaton. They have been getting breakfasts and lunches at Kritters and Krumpets and suppers in Choiceland. A couple of local workers have been employed with Canada Bridge as well on this project. Canada Bridge provides a variety of services besides bridge building, namely repairs to bridges and water structures, and rental of equipment ranging from cranes to excavators and temporary bridges. They work mainly in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.Everyone loves a construction site especially when there is large earth-moving equipment involved. Below, the roadway beams are unloaded from the truck and put in place by a large crane. Many thanks to Esther Chamberlain for taking these two photos for us. I wonder if she wore a hard hat. WINTER EVENTS IN SNOWDEN by Roxanne Lee Where is winter going? Chances are you spent a great deal of February in SNOWDEN. The Annual Spiel was held Feb. 1st to the 8th. 13 rinks came out . We had the camo girls if you couldn't see them you certainly could hear them !! They did great and of course had a lot of fun. It's all about the bass, right girls? Then we had the bearded men, certainly out for a great time as well. Les came with his "Harem" and the first game he thought he would need a weed whacker with him then they switched from skirts to wigs as the week got colder. (As they say what happens in Snowden Stays in Snowden !!!) The A final came down to Carman Long playing off against his brother‐in‐law Daryl Lee (curling with Tyler Gauthier, Bob Lee and Tyrel Lee). Family feud— son playing against father, brothers playing against brothers, cousins against cousins. But it was a friendly family game as it went into an extra end and Carman’s team won. His team was skip Car‐ man Long, third Mike Fabish, second Koltyn Lee and lead Justin Long. The kids spiel was held on Family Day. 36 kids came out to show off their talent . From Saskatoon, Shellbrook, P.A. to Nipawin out they came. They all played together well, on and off the ice. It's certainly one entertaining day !! Finally the Snowmobile Rally on Feb. 21st. Long range forecast ‐5 days later ‐13 and that day ‐35 with the wind CHILL !!!! 117 riders did come out to fight with the cold weather. Three skidooed all the way from Warman, four hours on snowmobiles... now that's dedication. The winner of top Rider hand was from Langenburg $600; 2nd Kennedy Rein $500 (Snowden); 3rd Dave Wager $400 (Garrick). Top silent hand $300 to Val Rein (Snowden). $200 was second place Tye Castle (Smeaton). It's been a busy few weeks. It has taken many volunteer hours over the last few months to make these events happen. We cannot thank everyone enough who has spent many hours planning and then the rest of the community coming out to give a hand so many could enjoy these events. The Rally benefits the Community Club, Curling Club and Seniors Club. We sure hope you came out to spend some time in Snowden. We know many came to eat at the rink with all the home‐made pies and soups. We thank the surrounding communities for your support in any way. As we will finally say “Mommy It's Over !!!!” —for another year. PLEASE NOTE: Snowden’s Sports Day will be on July 11th this year. PHOTOS : Above: Carman’s winning team; Daryl Lee’s runner up team; at right, the exuberant camo girls. Below: Snowmobiles at warmup. RESULTS OF “LOVE” 44th Annual COMPETITIONS, 2015 10 and under Girls: 1st Kathrine Rees (Garrick); 2nd Teigan Dahl (White Fox) Page 5 2nd Cassidy Vansteelandt. 10 and under Boys: 1st Mitchell Flegel 15 and under Boys: Shaden St. Denis (Love); (Choiceland); 2nd Cole Dahl (White Fox) NAIL DRIVING: 2nd KC Rees (Garrick) 10 and under Girls: 1st Brooklyn Peters (Nipawin); 5 and under: 1st Cameron Keller (N. Battleford); 15 and under Girls: 1st Danyelle McKinnon 2nd Kathrine Rees (Garrick) 2nd Marek French (Saskatoon) (Nipawin); 2nd Cheyanne Davis (Nipawin) 15 and under Boys: 1st Colton Paupst (Codette); 2nd 7 and under Boys: 1st Connor Detbrenner (Nipawin); Ladies: 1st Rae-Lynn Teale (Nipawin); 2nd Jarvis Koe-Carson (White Fox) 2nd Connor St. Denis (Melfort) Randi McKinnon (Nipawin) 15 and under Girls: 1st Shelby dahl (White Fox); 2nd 7 and under Girls: 1st Dakota Williams (North BatMens: 1st Joe Vallier (Lashburn); 2nd Rae-Lynn Danyelle McKinnon (Nipawin) tleford); 2nd Hannah Friesen (Love) Teale (Nipawin) Ladies: 1st Danyelle McKinnon (Nipawin); 2nd 10 and under Boys: 1st Nate Wellsch (Carrot River); SWEDE SAW: Amanda Mackintosh (Nipawin) 2nd Carter Dahl (White Fox) 15 and under Girls: 1st Cheyanne Davis Mens: 1st Joe Vallier (Lashburn); 2nd Zac Derovin 10 and under Girls: 1st Kyera French (Lloydminster); (Nipawin); 1st Kayli Peters (Nipawin); 2nd Brook- (Nipawin) 2nd Emily McGirr (Nipawin) lyn Peters (Nipawin); 2nd Shelby Dahl (White 15 and under Boys: 1st Colton Paupst (White Fox); Fox) KING / QUEEN - (GRANDPA / GRANDMA): 2nd Shaden St. Denis (Love) 15 and Under Boys: 1st Bremt Runn (White Keith and Flora Howitt (Nipawin) Fox); 1st Brayden Vansteelandt (White Fox); 2nd 15 and under Girls: 1st Shelby Bell (Love); 2nd 1st Runner Up: Jackie and Kathy Hazelwood (Love) Dakota Williams (N. Battleford) 2nd Jackson Shelby Dahl (White Fox) 2nd Runner Up: Norbert and Marisa Nemeth (Nipawin) 3rd Runner Up: Lyle Gerski and Sally Schwandt (White Ladies: 1st Elaine Vallier (Carrot River); 2nd Melissa Greenwald (Allan) Ladies: 1st Rae-Lynn Teale (Nipawin); 1st Fox) French (Love) Mens: 1st Joe Vallier (Lashburn); 2nd Glenn Clifford Amanda Mackintosh (Nipawin); 2nd Rhonda KING / QUEEN GRANDPA AND GRANDMA DRAWS: Peters (Nipawin); 2nd Kate Martens (Nipawin) (Love) ( ARM WRESTLING: $100 Les Lokken; $150 Jessica Buck; $250 Judy Mens: 1st Murray Mackintosh (Nipawin); 1st 7 and under: 1st Dakota Williams (N. Battleford); Arcand Zac Derovin (Nipawin); 2nd James Doerksen 2nd Nate Wellsch (Carrot River) 133 1/3 OZ VALENTINE: Eve Temple (Choiceland) (Choiceland); 2nd Kyle Fehr. 11 and under Boys: 1st Colton Paupst (White Fox); 50/50 BOARD DRAWS: Couples: 1st Kathy and Kevin; 2nd Mark and 2nd Jackson Greenwald (Allan) $100: Cole Heaton (White Fox); Tanner and Nicole Lisa Greenwald (Allan) 11 and under Girls: 1st Shelby Dahl (White Fox); Halland (Torch River) KICK SLED: 2nd Kyera French (Lloydminster) $150: Dean Lanning (Porcupine Plain); Dave Branger Adults: 1st Robert Wicks (Nipawin); 1st Joe 14 and under Boys: 1st 2nd Shaden St. Denis Vallier (Lashburn); 2nd Curtis French LOVE COUPLE CONTEST WINNERS: (Love); 2nd Shaden St. Denis (Love) (Blackfoot); 2nd Bill McLean (Nipawin); Jill and Jason Pearse from Snowden 14 and under Girls: 1st Kayli Peters (Nipawin); 2nd 12 and under: 1st Kyera French (Lloydminster); Maxine and Dean Lanning from Porcupine Plain Danyelle McKinnon (Nipawin) 1st Shallan French (Lloydminster); 2nd Cole 17 and under Girls: 1st Kayli Peters (Nipawin); 2nd Dahl (White Fox); 2nd Shelby Dahl (White Fox) Danyelle McKinnon (Nipawin) CONGRATULATIONS to all participants and winners!! PILLOW FIGHTS: Ladies: 1st Kate Martens (Nipawin); 2nd Elaine 7 and under: 1st Dakota Williams (N. Battleford); Vallier (Carrot River) Mens: 1st Joe Vallier (Lashburn); 2nd Aaron Vallier THANK YOU ** THANK YOU ** THANK YOU (Lashburn) Love’s 44th Winter Festival Saturday February 14th ANOTHER HUGE SUCCESS HATS OFF TO EVERYONE—ONE AND ALL ...Love and District Board of Trade HATCHET THROW: 1st Jody Dallbert (Carstairs); 2nd Kelly Pilon (Nipawin) BASKETBALL THROW: 4 and under: 1st Johnathan Friesen (Love); 2nd Nash French (Lloydminster) SMOOSH SMOOSH: 10 and under: 1st Devin Blair (Choiceland) and Wyatt Paschke (Nipawin) 2nd Jackson Greenwald (Allan) and Dakota Williams (N. Battleford) Ladies:1st Shallan French (Lloydminster), Laurrie; Lisa Greenwald (Allan); 2nd Kachina Koe-Carsen (White Fox), Eve Burns (White Fox), Shelby Dahl (White Fox). Mens: 1st Joe Vallier (Lashburn), Bill McLean (Nipawin), Brent Runn (White Fox)); 2nd: Darcy McKinnon (Nipawin), Jaret French (Lloydminster), Ashley French (Saskatoon). SACK RACE: 7 and under: 1st Colbie, Cole Dahl (White Fox); 2nd Johnathan Friesen (Love); Hannah Friesen (Love) 10 and under: 1st Kyera French (Lloydminster); Autumn. 2nd Jackson Greenwald (Allan); Dakota Williams (N. Battleford) Adult: 1st Bill McLean (Nipawin); Joe Vallier (Lashburn). 2nd Kate; Rhonda. LEG WRESTLING: 10 and under Boys: 1st Jackson Greenwald (Allan); 2nd Mitchell Flegel (Choiceland) LON BORGERSON NDP FEDERAL CANDIDATE Email: Lon.Borgerson@ndp.ca Website: lonborgerson.ndp.ca Facebook.com/Lonborgerson Lon is a person of hope, optimism and determination. If elected, he is ready to: - Build a strong economy that is fair, that serves people instead of corporations. - Launch a national child care program to give young parents a choice: $15/day. - Tackle climate change with concrete action, including renewable energy. - Make sure our railways serve farmers by moving grain efficiently and fairly. - Give our seniors and veterans the respect and service they deserve. Page 6 CHOICELAND HISTORICAL MUSEUM 50/50 WINNERS !! The winners, shown above left to right of the Choiceland Historical Museum 50/50 draws thus far are: August- 2014 Linda Friess (won $1,392.50), presented by Edna Dickson; September - 2014 Bea Wilburn ($992.50) presented by Thelma Kelsey; October 2014 Jan Rothwell ($830.50); November 2014 Tim Alcock ($910.00), presented by Jan Misselbrook; December 2014 - Sharon and Lorne Lindbergh ($825.00); January 2015 -Jean Sholter ($702.50), drawn by Doug Johnson, presented by Jan Misselbrook. Draws are made at the end of each month, be sure to support the Choiceland Museum by purchasing your tickets. Museum Board wishes to thank everyone who supports the ongoing 50/50 Raffle. As well, a special thank you to Lawrence Kott and Darcy Trueman, who did an excellent job of installing weeping tile and the new furnace. Plan to attend or perform at our Annual Amateur Hour on April 4th. ANNIVERSARY AT COFFEE ROWE On February 12th Deanna Herman, the Queen of Coffee Rowe in Choiceland, was honoured by friends on the occasion of 25 years in business. There was free coffee and doughnuts and souvenir mugs all around. Cake was passed around. Above left she is joined by staff Marcella Forden, Debbie Smith and Alice McCrae; middle photo with Marion Miller and Alma Garstin, third photo with Rob Mardell, all thanking Deanna for her many years of “feeding us”. At right are Geraldine Adelman and Doreen Long. It was Doreen’s birthday that day (along with two others in the crowd). Deanna says that’s a lot of coffee under the bridge, about 100 cups a day for 25 years comes to about 7500 cups served, not to mention 100 pounds of cabbage a month shredded largely by hand, for cole slaw. That would be a ton and a half of cabbage. We got her secret recipe for cole slaw and it will remain our secret. Many thanks for all your hard work and excellent food and service, Deanna. PHOTOS TOO GOOD TO IGNORE: On the left, Jorun Long takes a break from curling in the Snowden Kids’ Classic. On the right, Doug and Ingrid Chamberlain’s house arrives in Snowden...they hope to have it well set up by spring. SMEATON SNOWMOBILE RALLY 2015 Rally was on February 14, 2015 and despite the cold weather and snow that blew in, we had a fantastic turn–out of 136 Riders. The payouts were the following: Best Poker Hand $595 Ryan Reid ; 2nd Best Hand $ 357 Carson Hutton-Brown; 3rd Hand $238 Karen Brown. Non-Rider Payouts: Best Poker Hand $210 Terry White; 2nd Best $126 Tye Castle; 3rd Best $84 Rick Willness It was a busy day at the Rec Center, Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the Rally, we hope you had a great time and enjoyed the fantastic prizes!! And a HUGE thank you to everyone who volunteered their time before, during and after the Rally… See you in 2016! RM OF TORCH RIVER #488 Page 7 The RM of Torch River No. 488 would like to thank Mike Rudnicki, Terry Cunningham, Rick Pickett, and Kevin Dahl for their hard work and dedication on council. Terry Cunningham Division 1 Councillor 2010-2014 Rick Pickett Division 2 Councillor 2011-2014 Kevin Dahl Division 4 Councillor 2009-2014 Division 3 Councillor 2014-present Mike Rudnicki Division 3 Councillor 1997-2008 Division 3 Councillor 2010-2014 At left is Kevin Langdon, who is part of the Smeaton Rec Board Executive, and who spends a lot of time at the rink. Here he was preparing the curling ice for the Family Bonspiel, held the same weekend as the Snowmobile Rally. The Rally and Bonspiel were very successful, thanks to all the volunteer hours put in. It is wonderful to see the Rec Centre being used for events including kids’ birthday parties. MESSAGE FROM SMEATON & DISTRICT FIRE AND RESCUE After 14 years as Smeaton and District Fire Chief, Lyle White has decided it was time to step down as Fire Chief. Smeaton and District Fire and Rescue has grown, staff has trained, and required equipment has been acquired, all due to Lyle’s desire for the department to advance. Lyle has spent uncountable volunteer hours on the phone, on the road, attending conferences and meetings, fundraising, and has grown the department to what it is today. Elections for executive positions were held on Friday February 13th, and the new positions are as follows: Fire Chief – Randy Fajt; Deputy Chief – Todd Palidwar; Vacant Captain Position: Lyle White Other Captains: of which there is no change at present; (Captain Elections are held in the fall, unless there is a vacancy): Stan White, Earl Onyskevitch, and Crystal Fajt. The entire Department would like to thank Lyle for his leadership and dedication, and are glad he is staying on the Department as Captain. The Department has a strong membership of whom take pride in their service; spending their free time to take training, advancing their skills, mentoring newcomers, fundraising for equipment, and serving their community. This is due to great leadership, and we thank Lyle for all his hard work, getting us to where we are today: a Department we as members and as a community, can take pride in. We look forward to what is to come with the new executive. Above, Mike Rudnicki, retired Division 3 Councillor and Dave Smith, Reeve THE OLD WOMAN SAYS: When you are dreaming and all you are dreaming is searching for a bathroom, it is time to get up. THE OLD GUY SAYS: Sure it’s cold but going to Cuba or Mexico is for pussies...pussies with money. HOW OLD IS THIS BOTTLE? Joyce Flegel of Choiceland has had this among her treasures for some time and wonders about the store referred to on the label: Farmer’s Trading Store, Smeaton, Sask. It is a bottle with turpentine supplied by a paint company. Does anyone know which store this is referring to and does that date the bottle? GARRICK WOODWORKER Gordon Wilmot of Garrick has been working with wood for a number of years and has produced many well-turned bowls and other items such as stacked TV trays. He now has on offer the tables shown at left which are turning out to be very popular. The top is 28 inches in diameter but three sides flap down like a gate-leg table to present a compact footprint. The table is 24.5 inches tall and very well constructed and finished. If you could use one of these tables in your home, call Gordon at 306 276-2365. They sell for $100 and are well worth it. Steve's Septic Service cell 426-7553 home 426-2743 sbeal@sasktel.net Tanks pumped, floats and pumps replaced * Portable Toilet Rentals 24- hour Emergency Service TRENCHING FOR SEWER & WATER NOW AVAILABLE - Serving villages and rural areas from Albertville to White Fox STEVE BEAL (owner /operator) W. McAULEY TAX SERVICES ************** Re-open for Business Monday March 16, 2015 At OLD CHOICELAND POST OFFICE BUILDING PHONE CELL 306 276-7335 SURPRISE!!!! (80th BIRTHDAY PARTY for Mike Rudnicki) Everyone is invited to wish Mike a Happy 80th at the Smeaton Rec Centre on Saturday March 14th from 2 to 4 pm. ***No Gifts Please*** Blades with chains, 20-inch bar, H78 will fit Echo, Homelite or Poulan, asking $45 each set. 2) Several sets Semi Tire Chains TRYGS, will fit 22.5 tires, asking $50+. 3) Parts for 1999 Dodge Dual Wheel, new parts including Heater Core, Emergency Brake Cables, and Rear Brake Shoes. To inquire about any of these items, call Merl at 306 276-1441. 1138 North Industrial Drive, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5R3 Phone: 306‐764‐6893 Fax: 306‐763‐5748 inquiries@dee‐jacks.com www.dee‐jacks.com Mobile, Aluminum, Cast, Stainless Steel, Pressure, Structural & Industrial Welding NEED MONEY FOR YOUR SMALL BUSINESS? (Existing or Start-up) DIAMOND COUNTRY ELECTRICAL, LTD. Call DAVE FORDEN, Smeaton 426-2517 or 981-5046 (cell) Over 30 years experience wiring of housing, farm, industrial and commercial. Will trench for underground cables. FOR SALE: 1) Two Oregon Chain Saw ...MAYBE CHOICELAND BUSINESS LOANS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. CAN HELP ** CONTACT CHOICELAND TOWN OFFICE ** 306 428-2070 * Limit $20,000.00 “available to all area entrepreneurs” SMEATON & DISTRICT NEWSLETTER A. Kirby, Box 28, Smeaton SK S0J 2J0 http://smeatondistrictnews. tripod.com akirby@sasktel.net (306) 426-2447 Editor: Annette Kirby Contributors: Everyone else DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Last week of the month. Although costs of producing this newsletter are rising in 2014, mailed subscriptions will remain at $15 per year and copies to district mailboxes remain free of charge. Emailed and website copies free of charge. Ask for your email address to be added to our mailing list. Look for your copy of the newsletter in your mailbox from Meath Park to Love. White Fox residents will find copies of the newsletter at Shacklock’s (thank you Jeannette Scarf for getting them there.) THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING FOR DONATIONS TOWARDS PRINTING COSTS: Cathie Clark (Nipawin); Lil Kuzniar (Snowden); Beth Whitford; Choiceland United Church; Marion Miller (Choiceland); Lois Leachman (Prince Albert); Evelyn Stensrud (Choiceland); Sharon and Ed Bruvold (Melfort); Sheila Conan Demers (Mission BC). WE STILL HAVE CANADIAN FL;AGS TO GIVE AWAY...SEND US A FLAG STORY.
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