Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi-Pakistan ADMISSIONS IN MBBS / BDS / (Session 2015) at Professor Masood Hameed Khan Tamgha-e-Imtiaz Founding Vice Chancellor Dow University of Health Sciences Dow International Medical College (DIMC) and Dow International Dental College (DIDC) H IG H LI GH T S CURRICULUM All Institutions of Dow University including Dow International Medical College (DIMC) are recognized Internationally and are included in IMED W.H.O directory. Newly constructed building has about 2,00000 sq. ft. covered area. State of the art facilities including spacious and fully equipped laboratories, powerlab, libraries, lecture halls and hostels are provided. Dow University Hospital is located in the same Ojha Campus. FA C IL IT IE S PR OV ID E D Airconditioned classrooms, Laboratories & Libraries. Digital Library has more than 300 computer stations connected to the main high class server to have large storage capacity and HEC connectivity for access to more than 22,000 journals and 45000 text books to help in updating knowledge and acquire information for research, students have access with password even from home. There is also a library having more than 4000 books alongwith spacious reading halls. High standard hostels are available alongwith Air-Conditioning facilities on card basis separately for boys and girls within the same Ojha campus. High Class facilities at Gymnasium and Sports Complex for cocurricular activities. Molecular Lab Inside View of DIMC THE DOW INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE (DIMC) Internationally implemented integrated objective based MODULAR CURRICULUM, as in is also in line with Dow Medical An integrated modular curriculum can be defined as courses with subject matter classified by organ systems rather than according to the departments such as anatomy, physiology or biochemistry. Such a curriculum fosters professional development, and is coupled with systematic and coherent development of clinical and communication skills. The Dow University is the first institute of Pakistan to prepare and adopt modular system to make better doctors, who acquire postgraduation easily besides getting good scores in USMLE. The University has SEMESTER SYSTEM Structured Practical Exams i.e. OSPE & OSCE. ED U C A T IO N A L GO A L S The following three main goals, make up the foundation of the undergraduate medical education programs at Dow University. The program-level objectives are achieved within each of the three educational goals. i) Self directed learning and life long learning skills ii) Core biomedical Science Education iii) Hands-on-training for skills THE SKILLS BASED CURRICULUM is according to the current health requirements , and i ncl udes proficiency in essential skills like monitoring vital signs, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, common procedural skills, infection c o n t ro l s k i l l s a s w el l a s communication skills, necessary for all doctors. Inside View of DIMC The “UNDER-GRADUATE SKILLS LABORATORY” provides hands on training to the students. The skill laboratories are equipped with the LATEST TRAINING SIMULATORS and MANNEQUINS It also has VIDEOS OF ALL PROCEDURES. The skills lab help students in confidence building to deal with human beings in practice as patients. TH E Q U A LI TY E N H A N C EM E N T C E LL ( QE C ) of Dow University of Health Sciences has adopted several measures for quality assurance which includes:i) Self Assessment Report (SAR) ii) Teachers Portfolio iii) Students Portfolio and iv) Mentor System Regular feed back from students helps in quality assessment. Hostel Block for DIMC (Girls) Hostel Block for DIMC (Boys) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR OVERSEAS STUDENTS: The candidate should have passed at least High School (USA / Canada) / A Level (elsewhere) from any recognized institution. Main eligibility requirement is: SAT-II Scores Min. 550 / 800 in 3 subjects: a) Biology b) Chemistry c) Any other subject of student’s choice OR IBCC equivalence certificate (Pre – Medical) group with Min. 60% marks. OR MCAT with minimum aggregate score of 24. Dow University Hospital Please Note: only one of the above eligibility is required not all PMDC rules are being followed for admission. The interested candidates can register themselves for SAT-II exams for May, June, Oct, Nov. and Dec 2015, from any centre, including Karachi. There is no age limit for applicants. Admissions are given to overseas students after the eligibility criteria and the aptitude test on first cum first basis. Important Note: 1. The upcoming regular MBBS / BDS Session 2015 at Dow International Medical & Dental College will start from MONDAY 28th DECEMBER, 2015. 2. However, the Optional courses will be offered, six weeks earlier, from November 2015 which will include, Communication Skills, First Aid Courses, Basic Life Support (BLS) Course etc, for which separate charges will be taken as per course (to be communicated on willingness). Admission Fee (Non refundable) -----------------------600 US$ Tuition Fee (for 2 Semesters) ------------------------18000 US$ Hostel Fee per year (without mess facilities) --------1200 US$ Caution money (refundable) ---------------------------100 US $ Health Insurance ----------------------------------------100 US $ Dow Endowment Fund --------------------------------- 100 US $ Students attending the Class Please Note: Mode of fee payment is through ONLINE, otherwise Govt. Tax will be levied. FEE SCHEDULE: Tuition fee of two semesters (18,000 US $) will have to be paid within one week after the start of 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th Semesters. In case of default late payment charges will be charged as follows: - First month ..............2.5 % of tuition fee (after lapse of first week) - Second month .........5.0 % of tuition fee Location Map Dow International - Third month ............7.5 % of tuition fee Medical College (DIMC) Dow University - Fourth month .............10.0 % of tuition fee Note: As per eligibility, seats will be allotted on first cum first basis. of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus) (for further queries and details please contact on website and emails) Students at Anatomy Museum First Convocation of Dow International Medical College NOTE: Student’s Conduct Rules & Regulations ............ and Bank details for wire transfer of fees can be downloaded from DUHS Website: for queries email on:
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