G RACE M ONTHLY G L C , LCMS RACE UTHERAN V OLUME 10, ISSUE 2 HURCH M ARCH 2015 T HE P ROBLEM OF E VIL person. In fact, sometimes un-believers ask this question to see if Christians really do care. Of course to Christianity is the problem of evil. Christians care – having been freed from sin and death, Typically it’s phrased the following we are free to serve the neighbor in mercy and way: “If a good and loving God exists, compassion. But, how would you respond in truth and why is there evil (i.e., the Holocaust love? and the terror attacks of September Some of the answers Christians usually give are 11, 2011), why is there wide-spread hardly adequate or caring (much less true and faithful suffering in the world (i.e., AIDS in Africa, Avian flu in according to Scripture): Asia) and why does God allow natural disasters (i.e., 1) God is punishing you for your sin. Gerry hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes) to happen?” Falwell said this when New Orleans was hit by Most people draw several conclusions from this Katrina because they were such horrendous dilemma, better known as theodicy: sinners and again when Haiti was struck by the 1) Either God is not good because if He was, He earthquake because they allegedly made a pact would surely not allow evil to exist; with the devil. What did Jesus say when the 2) He’s not powerful enough to stop evil and tower of Siloam fell and killed eighteen people: suffering, otherwise he would have done so by “were these Galileans worse sinners than all the now; other Galileans, because they suffered in this 3) He’s actually the cause of evil and all religion way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you is the ongoing source of evil and suffering in this will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:2-3). world. 2) Perhaps you’ve been suffering because you haven’t been praying enough; maybe you just This often seems to be an Achilles heel when need to have more faith. Christians declare the Gospel in the public arena, 3) God has chosen some for election and some especially when coming in contact with tough-minded for damnation and our course in life – whether skeptics. Atheists will challenge Christians with this for good or ill. – has all been predestined. No problem all while ignoring the overwhelming amount of wonder this leads either to Pharisaism or (more evil that has been done in the name of Atheism in the frequently) despair and unbelief. 20th century alone. Either God is not good or not powerful enough to stop evil therefore He doesn’t exist. But there are also significant logical problems with After all, who would want to worship a god who is petty, the argument made by unbelievers, namely, the unjust, malevolent, vindictive and fickle, or a racist, existence of evil disproves the existence of God. As misogynistic, homophobic, genocidal maniac, to I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : paraphrase Richard Dawkins. C ALENDARS Insert + 8 In many discussions, I’ve found that something horrific has happened in the person’s life– and through EC R EPORTS 3 they challenge you in the form of an intellectual M INISTRY 3 question – their pain and hurt are palpable. Diagnosing M ISSIONS / LOCAL 4 the situation takes work on your part: building trust, P RAYER L IST Insert friendship and demonstrating genuine care for the One of the more frequent objections G RACE M ONTHLY , M ARCH 2015 Lawyer and Christian apologist, Craig Parton writes: P AGE 2 “Contrary to the attitude of benign resignation in eastern religions towards evil (the concept of karma and the essential unity of good and evil emasculate any real ability to aggressively counter the cause and effects of human evil and suffering), Christianity speaks of human depravity being so real and dreadful that it required the entrance into grainy human history by the sinless Son of God in order to make atonement. Thus not only is evil condemned, but God Himself takes on the consequences of that evil in His very body.” “Without an absolute moral standard (which the analytical philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein established is not possible without a transcendent source), one cannot speak of ‘evil’ save in a totally relative or culturally conditioned manner. In short, one must presuppose an absolute standard to even employ the word ‘evil’ in a comprehensible fashion. However, an absolute standard of morality is impossible unless God exists. If there is no God, both good and evil are God knows and understands exactly what we suffer strictly relative concepts and by-products of cultural here on earth better than we know it ourselves. Jesus conditions and sociological-political-psychological factors. If God does not exist, there is no ‘problem of knew what it meant to suffer; He was unjustly treated, He bore the evil consequences of sinful men, evil.’ What is, is and no more can be said.” innocently, unto death. Furthermore, Christ has The fact that there is objectively moral evil in this promised to return and upon that return there will be world does not disprove Christianity’s truthfulness. In no more weeping, no more tears, no more pain or fact, Christianity has the best explanation for the origin death. Yes, in the mean time we live between the cross of evil, namely, in the acts of rebellious creatures, not and the consummation of Christ’s return. We don’t their Creator. know how long the negative consequences of our sin will be allowed to endure until Christ returns. But we “Evil entered the human condition as a result of a completely free moral choice by the creature to do his wait with confidence in Christ on the basis of what He has done for us – His death and resurrection – and has own will in direct contradiction to the edict of God promised – His return. “For I consider that the Almighty. The result was eternal separation from sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing God, as well as suffering and death in this life with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans [Genesis3]. Sin is irrational, however, and does not obey nice, clean rules of cause and effect (i.e. you get 8:18). Not only does Christianity understand the true what you deserve).” nature of evil, but more importantly, the true solution: Such deadly consequences lead many to wonder, Christ Crucified. The problem of evil is so serious that “How long, O Lord? When will You return and put an God sent His only Son into the world, not to die for end to this suffering?” Consider the words of St. Peter: perfectly, deserving, worthy people but for sinners. We “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some have confidence precisely because God has made the count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not most amazing efforts to help our situation even though willing that any should perish but that all should come He was not in any way obligated to do so. to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9) for God desires that all men “For when we were still without strength, in would be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 due time Christ died for the ungodly. For Timothy 2:4). God is long-suffering for the sake of scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet those who have yet to hear the Gospel. perhaps for a good man someone would even Thankfully, the Biblical account does not end with dare to die. But God demonstrates His own man’s separation from God on account of sin. God did love toward us, in that while we were still not sit back and hope that fallen humanity would make sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:6-8). the best of a world gone terribly wrong. In Jesus Christ, death, the wages of sin and evil are conquered and In Christ’s Peace, destroyed forever. Seen through the Cross, the problem of evil is not a problem for Christianity; Christianity has the best (and only) solution to the problem of evil. Pastor Schaaf G RACE M ONTHLY , M ARCH 2015 E XECUTIVE C OUNCIL U PDATES : E LDERS Ushers for March: March 1—Team 1 March 8—Team 2 March 15—Team 3 (Mite Box) March 22—Team 4 March 29—Team 5 (Palm Sunday, plus) Acolytes for March: March 1—Victoria March 8—Hannah March 15—Paulina March 22—Ben March 29—Elijah Altar Guild for March: March 1—Tom & Sue M. March 8—Arnette M. & Jan H. March 15—Bob & Marilyn K. March 22—Ron & Janet J. March 29—Judy L. & Sue M. M INISTRIES /M ISSIONS : M EN ’ S M INISTRY The next Men’s Ministry Meeting will be Saturday, March 21 at 8:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. L ADIES G UILD /LWML All 13 of us had a lot of fun at our Valentine’s Party on Tuesday the 17th of February. We played Bingo, Guess How Many M.& M’s (are in the vase), What Did You See (on the tray)?, and List Songs With Love Or Heart in the Title. We also exchanged gifts and had delicious cheesecake served by our hostesses Gaye Rogers and Pat Lind, who also decorated the tables with hearts & flowers. Jean Poff read some wonderful Poems for our devotions. We meet next on Tuesday, March 17th (Saint Patty"s Day) at 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. Martina P AGE 3 Schaaf will be our speaker. You don't want to miss this!!! Devotions will be led by Virginia Schroeder and our hostesses will be Virginia Schroeder & Carol Wood. That's all for now. Mary Albrecht, President Music Ministry Sunday School musicians will take part in the Palm Sunday service, March 29, singing the refrain to “All Glory, Laud, and Honor,” with instrumentation similar to Christmas Eve. On Good Shepherd Sunday, April 26, the children will sing a short setting of Psalm 23. They are learning some of the words in Hebrew. We are working on a unit called, “David and I Sing to God.” David was a musician from his boyhood, and we will see how God inspired his music and poetry. Jean Poff, Choir Director Sound system news: Did you know? Audio recordings of the sermons are posted to the website each week. Check the Home page at gracelutherangv.org for the most current sermon, or the “Resources” tab for past sermons. We could use another operator to help with sound on Sundays. Young or not, all are welcome to apply. Contact Eric G. if you are interested. B IBLE S TUDY U PDATES : Sundays, 10:30 a.m. at GLC/Social Hall—World Religions Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at Lou’s Lodge—Scripture as It Relates to Participants Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at GLC/Hangout—Romans Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m. at GLC/Hangout— Matthew Fridays (1st Fri/month), 10:00 a.m. at GLC/ Library—Prayer Fridays (2nd & 4th/month), 11:30 a.m. in Penn Valley (bring lunch)—Ways to Study the Bible G RACE M ONTHLY , M ARCH 2015 P AGE 4 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) March 2015 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) History It is the duty of this writer to periodically inform all members of this congregation the names of all personnel that are certified to perform Basic First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and whom have received training in the use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Thirteen years plus one month ago, we had five members that were qualified, however, all personnel were employed and at times were unable to attend church services to render emergency first aid. A program was launched in February 2002 in the training of Basic First Aid and CPR at Grace Lutheran Church (GLC). By the 9th of March, a total of thirty-nine (39) members of this congregation had successfully completed the course and were certified to perform CPR. There have been many personnel changes over the years. The number of personnel now certified to administer CPR and that are trained in the use of the AED are twenty-nine (29) members. CPR plus AED certified at locations other that at GLC The following four (4) members of our congregation have been certified by a training organization at various locations since they are employed and CPR certifications is a requirement of their position: Jim Bierwagen, who is a certified emergency medical technician and Chief of the Chicago Park fire department. Laura DuPee, a critical care nurse at the Grass Valley Surgery Center. Jutie Rodriguez, a registered therapist at the Gridley Hospital, and Jim Wick, employed by a Sacramento building contractor. CPR plus AED certified by American Heart Association (AHA) at GLC The following members of Grace Lutheran Church that successfully completed the Heartsaver CPR plus AED course during May of 2014 are listed below in the order of their seating preference in the sanctuary. Also, congregational members who successfully completed the CPR plus AED course during June of 2013 are shown below with an asterisk before their name. The right side of the sanctuary: Michael Biolchini, Darrell Freude, Richard Gagelin, Ron Jameson, Paul Laufman, Sue Micone, Tom Micone, Teresa Naleway, Carolyn Roth, *Dianne Tiffany, *Diane Totman, Leslie Wick, and Yolanda Williges. The choir platform: Eric Gibbons, Maria Grieve, Mike Hague, *Janice Hundemer, Neil Kosbab, Gabrielle Lawson, and *George Sovey. The left side of the sanctuary: Barry Hundemer, *Gaye Rogers, *Kathy Siering, Bob Slyker, and Peggy Slyker. Of the twenty-nine (29) personnel shown above, fourteen (14) shown in bold letters are presently serving as ushers at Grace Lutheran. The AHA Hearthsaver CPR plus AED course schedule All personnel that are certified to perform CPR are required to be re-certified every two years. Accordingly, the following personnel are scheduled for a class that has been confirmed by our AHA certified instructor for the eve of June 28th from 6 until 8:30. The personnel are: Janice Hundemer, Gaye Rogers, Kathy Siering, George Sovey, Diane Tiffany and Diane Totman. Our AHA certified instructor is Rob Riley. Rob has been employed by the Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital for thirty years and serves as the Manager of the Ambulance Services. All members of our CPR plus AED program are very grateful that we have Rob as our instructor and most appreciative that Rob is willing to conduct classes at GLC instead of at the AHA Training center, Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital, Grass Valley. The course that is scheduled for the 28th of June has two (2) vacancies to fulfill an ideal size class. The following information is provided for possible new students. Topics covered: CPR and AED for Adults; Choking in an Adult; CPR and AED for Children; How to help a Choking Child; CPR for infants and how to help a Choking Infant. The total cost per attendee is a very affordable $40.00 payable to the AHA certified instructor on the eve of the course. The members that are scheduled for re-certification do have a valid CPR plus AED Student Workbook/Manual and all new students will be provided one by GLC at no cost. Please contact Warren Flolo @ 273.0850 should you be interested in taking this most important course. Warren Flolo, CPR plus AED Program Manager G RACE M ONTHLY , M ARCH 2015 P AGE 5 Deaconess Pamela Boehle-Silva will be teaching our Sunday Bible Study on March 1st at 10:30am: Mission Work in Africa Pastor Schaaf is pleased to announce that we have secured our spot as a location for a national seminary extension class! We will be hosting pastors, deaconesses and others from all over the region at Grace from August 10-14th. They will be taking a class with Dr. Jim Bushur and we will need help in hosting our guests. Details will be coming soon but keep this on your calendars. A MAZON S MILE Do you shop on Amazon??? You have an opportunity to increase our AmazonSmile donations by shopping at : http://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-1704711. Remember, only purchases made at smile.amazon.com will result in donations. G RACE M ONTHLY , M ARCH 2015 G IVING IS G REAT . G IVING S MART IS B ETTER Once homeless and hungry, writer Deb Martinson tells us how to donate goods that won’t got to waste. FROM XOJANE.COM P AGE 6 gluten-free food, mark it GLUTEN-FREE in large print. Do he same for allergen-free items. Clear labeling will help get the right food to the right clients. 6) MAKE IT EASY TO OPEN Aseptic—or sterile—packaging and pouches are better than pull-top cans, which are better than traditional cans. It sucks even more than usual to be hungry if you’ve got a perfectly good can of food and no way to get the thing open. And avoid glass jars—-they break too easily. Traditionally, those of us who give to food banks will clean out our cabinets and drop off the rejects. As a formerly homeless person, I’d like to ask 7) ASK WHAT’S NEEDED you to try something different The food bank may want non-food items, like soap, this year: Give like a hungry toilet paper, tampons and pads, diapers, and pet person If all your meals for the next week were coming food, because these can’t be purchased with food from a donation box, what would you put in there? stamps. I never would have guessed the food bank Here are a few suggestions: near my house needs plastic bags. 1) DON’T GIVE OUTLANDISH THINGS 8) CHECK YOUR GROCERY STORE I once received a tub of candied fruitcake fruit fro a Many stores work with local food pantries to food bank. When I ran out of everything else and assemble bags of food you can buy and donate for ate some, I thought, I am so poor, I’ve been five or ten bucks. It’s an easy way to give. reduced to eating other people’s rejects. Some food is just too horrible to wish on anyone else; throw it 9) BE NICE I still remember how finding cookies in my bag out instead. could make me happy all day. When you’re poor, 2) DO GIVE NO-COOK FOODS small things take on more significance. Try to When I was homeless, I didn’t carry my microwave include at least one item you’d choose as a treat for around. Ohers have a hard time cooking if their your kids. Someone else’s kids will love you. landlord won’t fix the broken stove or if the power 10) CONSIDER DONATING CASH company shut off the electricity. So give granola Large organizations can get much better deals on bars, crackers, Spam, tuna, peanut butter, dry food than you can. With $10, Feeding America milk—anything you’d take on a long hike. (feedingamerica.org) can provide 90 meals to 3) LEAVE FOOD IN THE ORIGINAL hungry people. PACKAGING Of course, the important thing is to do what you can. If it needs to be portioned out, volunteers at the Giving food to hungry people is awesome, and I love food bank will take care of it. you for it no matter what you donate (unless it’s 4) THINK SIMPLE candied fruitcake fruit). A boxed cake that says Just add water is better than one that requires milk, eggs, vegetable oil, and XOJANE.COM (DECEMBER 11, 2013), COPYRIGHT © SAY MEDIA, whatever else. Instant coffee is great; ground coffee INC., XOJANE.COM less so. Also good are multitaskers—Bisquick rocks. 5) LABEL SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS NOTE: This article was submitted by members of our People with food allergies or celiac disease often congregation for reprint here. It was printed in Reader’s can’t find donated food they can eat. If you donate Digest (rd.com, 11/2014) G RACE M ONTHLY , M ARCH 2015 P AGE 7 SENIOR HYMN! (Submitted by a GLC congregant, reprinted from the internet) 92-YEAR-OLD PREACHER … While watching a little TV on Sunday instead of going to church, I watched a church in Atlanta honoring one of its senior pastors who had been retired many years. He was 92 at that time and I wondered why the church even bothered to ask the old gentleman to preach at that age. After a warm welcome, introduction of this speaker, and as the applause quieted down, he rose from his high back chair and walked slowly, with great effort and a sliding gait to the podium. Without a note or written paper of any kind he placed both hands on the pulpit to steady himself and then quietly and slowly he began to speak.... "When I was asked to come here today and talk to you, your pastor asked me to tell you what was the greatest lesson ever learned in my 50-odd years of preaching. I thought about it for a few days and boiled it down to just one thing that made the most difference in my life and sustained me through all my trials. The one thing that I could always rely on when tears and heartbreak and pain and fear and sorrow paralyzed me... The only thing that would comfort was this verse"... "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, We are weak but He is strong … Yes, Jesus loves me … The Bible tells me so." The old pastor stated, "I always noticed that it was the adults who chose the children's hymn 'Jesus Loves Me' (for the children of course) during a hymn sing, and it was the adults who sang the loudest because I could see they knew it the best." "Here for you now is a Senior version of Jesus Loves Me": JESUS LOVES ME Jesus loves me, this I know, Though my hair is white as snow Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him. (CHORUS) YES, JESUS LOVES ME... YES, JESUS LOVES ME... YES, JESUS LOVES ME, FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO. Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His I'll go On through life, let come what may, He'll be there to lead the way. (CHORUS) When the nights are dark and long, In my heart He puts a song... Telling me in words so clear, "Have no fear, for I am near." (CHORUS) When my work on earth is done, And life's victories have been won. He will take me home above, Then I'll understand His love. (CHORUS) I love Jesus, does He know? Have I ever told Him so? Jesus loves to hear me say, That I love Him every day. (CHORUS) If you think this is neat, please pass it on to your friends. If you do not pass it on, nothing bad will happen, but you will have missed an opportunity to "reach out and touch" a friend or a loved one. God Bless Us All!! “Serving our community by sharing Christ’s love” through Gospel-powered, Christ-centered worship Respectful, open dialogue Active, generous community service Compassionate, Christian fellowship Engaging, faith-enlarging Bible study REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 with Communion, Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. a.m.Divine DivineService Service with Communion, Sanctuary 10:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School, Classrooms 10:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School, Classrooms 10:30 Studies, Classrooms 10:30 a.m. a.m.Youth YouthGroup Group Studies, Classrooms 10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study, Social Hall 10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study, Social Hall MONTHY COMMUNION SERVICE: 11:00 a.m. on the last Wednesday each month WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDIES: WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDIES: Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at Lou’s Lodge (Family) Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at Lou’s Lodge (Family) Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at GLC/Hangout (Adult) Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at GLC/Hangout (Adult) Wednesdays, 9:00a.m. a.m. GLC/Hangout (Adult) Wednesdays, 9:00 at at GLC/Hangout (Adult) Fridays (1st/mo.), 10:00 a.m. GLC/Library (Ladies) Fridays (1st/mo.), 10:00 a.m. GLC/Library (Ladies) Fridays (2nd&&4th/mo.), 4th/mo.), 11:30 a.m. in Penn Valley Fridays (2nd 11:30 a.m. in Penn Valley (Adult—at Buttermaker’s Cottage/Western Gateway (Adult—at Buttermaker’s Cottage/Western Gateway Park) Park) HIGH SCHOOL HANGOUT: M–F 2:30—6 p.m. (Closed on School Holidays and Minimum Days) HIGH SCHOOL HANGOUT: M–F 2:30—6 p.m. March 30-April 5: Spring Break (Closed on School Holidays and Minimum Days) 2015 MASTER CALENDAR (subject to Break change): December 21-January 2: Winter Holiday March 1: Deaconess Pamela Boehle-Silva/Bible Study March 1: Martina Schaaf Organ Recital+Children’s Choir March 4: Lenten Services, 12 & 6 p.m. Services March 8: DAYLIGHT BEGINS 2015 Master CalendarSAVING (subjectTIME to change): March 11: Lenten Services, 12 & 6 p.m. Services January 9—Remove Christmas decorations March 15: New Member Dinner, Social Hall, 4:30 p.m. January 10—Parish Planning Meeting (9:00 a.m.) Possible events: March 17: LWML Mtg, Soc. Hall, 10:30 a.m./St. Pat’s Day Jan-Feb-Mar: March 18: Lenten Services, 12 & 6 p.m. Services Souper Bowl Sundays March 25: Lenten Services, 12 & 6 p.m. Services Apr-May-Jun: March 28: Folding of the Palm Crosses, 10 a.m. Clean Up Day March 29: PalmSpring Sunday April 2: Jul-Aug-Sep: Maundy Thursday Service, 7 p.m. Rummage Sale 7 p.m. April 3: Good Friday Service, VBS April 4: Holy Saturday Service, 7 p.m. Church Picnic April 5: EASTER SUNDAY Oktoberfest April 15:Oct-Nov-Dec: LWML Meeting, 10:30 a.m. May 2: Colla Voce LoveConcert Loaves & Flowers May 10: Mother’s Day Thanksgiving Service Operation Christmas May 14: Ascension Day Service, 7 Child p.m. (Samaritan’s Purse) Change for Life (Living Well) May 16: Spring Clean-up Day, 8 a.m. Advent Services/Soup Suppers May 20: LWMLAnnual Luncheon, Tofanelli’s, 11:30 a.m. Congregational Meeting May 22: HS Hangout LastService Day Candlelight Christmas Service May 23: Cemetery Clean-up Day, 9 a.m. Dates TBD:Pentecost May 24: 31: Trinity MaySunday School Open House 31: Sunday School MayProgressive Dinner Party Open House Dinners for Eight (quarterly) G RACE L UTHERAN C HURCH , LCMS 1979 Ridge Road Grass Valley, CA 95945 Phone: (530) 273-7043 Fax: (530) 273-4206 Office email: admin@gracelutherangv.org Pastor email: pastor.schaaf@gmail.com Newsletter email: webmaster@gracelutherangv.org Web: www.gracelutherangv.org
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