Waikouaiti School Concerns & Complaints Procedure The Community Process Parent/Caregiver has a concern about something happening at school. Parent/Caregiver asks for an appointment with the child’s teacher. Issue dis- Matter unresolved or has resurfaced. Make an appointment and discuss with principal. Matter unresolved. Complaint put in writing and addressed to the chairperson of the board of trustees. The chairperson then follows the board process for handling complaints. Matter resolved to both parties satisfaction—either concluded or an understanding in place for After an agreed period of time e.g. two weeks, action unsuccessful i.e. problem has resur- Matter resolved to both parties satisfaction—either concluded or an understanding in place for After an agreed period of time e.g. two weeks, action unsuccessful i.e. problem has resur- 1. While minor issues may able to be discussed informally with staff before and after school, arranging a time to discuss concerns is the preferred option. 2. If complaints are addressed directly to the board without following the complaints procedure the board will return any letter of complaint to the writer and ask that they follow the procedure first. 3. Complaints involving staff or principal should be taken to the principal or board chairperson. 4. The board will only act on formal complaints in writing. Any concerns about expressing the matter clearly in writing should be discussed in confidence with the board chair, or delegated board member who will assist. 5. All parties to a complaint may bring a support person to any meeting where the issue is to be discussed. REMINDERS The Friends of the School meeting is to be held on THURSDAY 5th MARCH at 3.30pm in the school staffroom CAMP HELPERS meeting to be held Monday 9th March at 6pm in the school Staffroom. If you are unable to attend please see the classroom teacher to fill out travel and medical forms. Our newsletter covers are currently being reprinted. Please note new sponsors will be advertised on the back of the cover. We encourage you to use our school sponsors whenever possible. WAIKOUAITI PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 4 March 2015 Term 1 Week 5 Dates to Remember - Term 1 2015 2,3,4 March Interview week 5 March Friends of the School meeting 3.30. 10-13 March School Camp Yr. 4,5,6. 18 March Dunedin School s Triathlon 19 March Nigel Latta - Events Centre 20 March Elgregoe 22 March Trail Bike Fundraiser 24 March BOT Meeting 25 March Senior Cricket 27 March PALS - Year 6 30 March Teacher Only Day - school closed 1 April Marae visit. 2 April Last day of term one. 20 April First day of Term two Our Vision “Together we will treat each other and our environment with care and respect. We will be individually valued on our journey to achieving our best in a safe and caring environment.” Kia roa koutou Our focus for the last 2 weeks for ‘Play is the Way’ has been, ‘Do your personal best no matter who you work with.’ It looks like this: We don’t compare ourselves with others We help others to be involved We don’t always choose our friends to be our partners We compete against our own previous time, score or mark We listen to others ideas politely We persist when faced with difficulty We know that being better than others at something does not make us a better person than them We work on our strengths and our weaknesses We listen to good advice even when it comes from people we don’t like We don’t blame others for our failures. I was lucky to be out of my office all day yesterday. First I took some really well behaved children to the swimming at Palmerston. I was really impressed with all the children’s efforts and how they supported one another. My second adventure was to take Room Rata to the Events Centre to work with two people from the Science Department at our Otago University. This was organised by our local library and it was very exciting, entertaining and we learnt a little about physics and chemistry. The senior children attended this week and the junior children will be attending next week. A super effort all the competitors and helpers and the organiser Lisa Hall last Friday with the school Triathlon. I have heard 3 really positive comments about our school in the last 3 days. The children really care and support one another at our school. We are very accepting of others differences and our children stand out when we are out and about with their manners and behaviour. Well done Waikouaiti School. I will add; we looked very smart in our track suits yesterday when we went to the swimming. Please find attached our complaints procedure to be used if you have any concerns. Have a good week everyone. Trudy Pankhurst Educational Assessment Australia For interested families of Year 4/5 & 6 children we are able to offer Australian Education Assessments in the following subjects : Digital Technologies $8.50 Science $8.50 Spelling $10.50 Writing $19.50 English $8.50 Mathematics $8.50 These test results are measured against all children in New Zealand and Australia who take part in the test. Each student is awarded a certificate of High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Participation depending on scores. If you wish your child to take a test/s please contact the school office and make payments before 31 March. SCHOOL FEES 2015 Activity Fees 2015: Juniors Years 1-3: $12 per term Seniors Years 4-6: $17 per term School Donations: (Tax deductible) $45 1 child $75 2 children $95 3+ childn. Dear Parents and Caregivers, We need your help! As you know the Nigel Latta evening is a fantastic opportunity to raise funds for our school. But we do need your help by way of donations for the platters which are going to be served at the event. Please send along at least two items from the list below (more if you are able). These items can be left in the office. We really do appreciate all the help you can give us so we can keep the costs of running this event to a minimum. Crackers Cheese Dips Pate Potato chips Gherkins Olives Anything else you can think of to add to the platters Once again thank you for your help. Kind regards, Louise Ritchie We still have tickets available, $30 per ticket, Don’t miss out! Bank details if paying online: Waikouaiti School 03 1737 0023252 00 Please see Jill if you would like to set up automatic payments to cover your childs fees for the 2015 year. CAMP Years 4,5,6 Please note the dates for camp are: 10th March - 13 March Fees: $130 per child Please pay at the office or online Waikouaiti School 03 1737 0023252-00 Reference: camp If you would like to pay by automatic payment please advise Jill that fees will be paid in instalments. 2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY –ELECTION The election process is underway to elect 3 parent representatives on to the Board of Trustees. All parents / caregivers should have received their voting papers in the post. Please make the effort and vote. A ballot box is available in the school office foyer - or post your voting paper in the return envelope provided. Please note your votes will be invalid unless received in the envelope provided. Polling day closes at Noon, 12 March 2015. MUSIC All fees for music lessons at Waikouaiti School tutored by Brenda (keyboard and piano) and Che (Ukulele and Guitar) $80 per term are to be paid direct to the tutors. Fees cannot be paid to the school. Please organise your payments with Brenda and Che. Che’s bank details are: Che Long: 03 0883 0624713 017 Brenda phone: 02040016743 EASTER JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB Hi everyone the Eastern Junior Rugby Club would like to extend its welcome to all the East Otago Cluster Schools. The club home ground is Waikouaiti Sports Ground. We are holding our registration night for the 2015 season on the 18th March 2015. This is open to all children who are interested in playing age group Rugby and Ripper Rugby for U7’s and also Nippers Ripper Rugby. We have all age group grades playing. Come along and support the local Club. Registration starts from 5pm. For more information please contact Victoria Fleming - 02102461276, Neil Martin-022 351 6462, Katie Barnes - 4657811 WAIKOUAITI MUSEUM FUNDRAISER Mosgiel Brass Band Sweet Adelines Anna Lindsay from Palmerston East Otago Events Centre \ 7 March \ 7.30pm Tickets available from the Green Room or from Judy 4658448 KIDS CLUB Fridays at the Waikouaiti Presbyterian Church Hall, Kildare Street. From 6.30pm Lots of fun and games. For more information contact Jinnette 4657736
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