Issue 3 Term 1 Wk 6 - 6th March,

Bordertown High School
Issue 2
20th February, 2015
Governing Council
At the recent AGM Jason Rodda was
elected the new Chairperson replacing
Michael Hutchinson. I thank Michael for
his strong contribution to the school and
leadership of the Governing Council and
to Jason for accepting the role. Michael
will continue on Governing Council for
another year allowing a very smooth
transition period. Newly elected were
David Makin and Nathan Grosser, who
were already are involved with school
through their membership of the Verco’s
Farm Committee and I look forward to
their contribution to the school in their
new position. Continuing on Governing
Council are Jacquie Halliday and Sharon
Leigh while Josie Williams, Jason
Rodda, Anne Wagenknecht and John
Burgess were reelected for a new term.
Ken Modra and Kathy Pietsch have
retired, as they no longer have children
at the school, while Catherine Obst did
not seek reelection. Ken and Cathy have
had a long association with the school,
with Ken being a Vice Chairperson of
Governing Council and a member of the
Bus Committee and Verco’s Farm
Committee, while Kathy has been a
stalwart of Parents & Friends and the
Governing Council Representative on
the local Chaplaincy Support Group. I
thank them very much for their significant
contribution. In addition to the new
Chairperson in Jason Rodda, Michael
Chairperson, Jacquie Halliday Secretary
and John Burgess Treasurer.
Sport has a high profile during the school
in Term 1. Recently our students
competed in D Grade at SSSSA
(Secondary School Sport SA) level in
Adelaide with a creditable fourth result.
Since then we have turned to our
athletics program with a successful
Standards Day, where all students have
the opportunity to try out for the House
Athletics Team. The Athletics Carnival
Program includes the popular novelty
events for those students without a
particular strength in athletics. The early
start for the Athletics Carnival resulted in
most events being completed before the
Ph: 87521455
Fax: 87521091
pronounced. The smooth running of the
day is a credit to the hours of preparation
by the Physical Education Faculty, with
excellent support from the House
Captains, parent volunteers, staff and
students. Congratulations to Canara on
winning the day.
In the Knock Out Sport Competition
Cricket has dominated the calendar with
the Open Boys winning their first round
match and losing their second and the
Year 8/9 Boys losing their first match.
The next sporting event is the SESSSA
(South East Secondary School Sports
Naracoorte. The students are currently
training at lunch time and before school,
in addition to other private training in
preparations for the interschool carnival.
Innovative Community Action Network
The Department of Education and Child
Development (DECD) is committed to
engaging and supporting students to fully
participate in education and training up
until Year 12. Despite the diversity of
options available to students to complete
their education, some students disengage
with school and need additional support
and flexible learning processes to
complete their schooling and transition to
Statistics indicate that students, who
leave school early, have a higher
likelihood of experiencing financial
hardship, shame, family tensions, crime
and low self-esteem.
ICAN is one option to support students,
who have already disengaged with school
or are at risk of this happening, through a
program called Flexible Learning Options
(FLO). Depending on the level of
disengagement students can either be
assigned a case manager to work with
them, separate to the school site, or be
managed from the school through a range
of specifically targeted support programs.
Since 2007 70% of FLO enrolments
across the state have been successfully
re-engaged in accredited learning, further
education or employment.
Diary Dates
Monday 10th
Thursday 12th-Yr 8
Friday 13th-SESSSA
Open Tennis
Wednesday 18thSESSSA AthleticsNaracoorte
Friday 20th Lucindale
Field Days
School Dismissal
Return Slips
∗ Continental
Term 1 Week 4 89.0%
Term 1 Week 5 82.9%
March 27th
HATS to be worn in
Term 1
Mick O’Connell
Open Boys Cricket
The Open boys cricket team had progressed to the second round of this year’s competition and
played Grant High School at Naracoorte on Tuesday of week 5. The boys were full of confidence
and Captain Cody Tucker won the toss and elected to bat.
Cody and Cane Forrest opened the batting looking in control putting on 32 runs before Cane was
dismissed for 20 runs. This ended up being the top score for the innings as things went downhill
quickly, with the team all out for 88 runs.
As Bordertown went out to bowl they were looking for some inspiration and hope taking 2 wickets quickly. From there
Grant settled and slowly accumulated the runs as Captain Tucker gave everyone a bowl. Grant reached the total with 4
overs to spare and only 3 wickets down.
This eliminates us from this year’s competition.
Shane Orrock
HPE Faculty
Start Smart
The Year 10’s had a presentation from the Commonwealth bank early in week 5 about financial literacies. This
was a very interesting and informative presentation. Some of the interesting points that the students learnt
were; an introduction to the fair work website which informs people about their rights at work and award wages for different jobs, the difference between part time and casual work and the importance of having saving
This was a thought provoking seminar that all students should have taken something away from. We thank the
Commonwealth bank for taking the time and effort to visit.
Shane Orrock
Year 10 Coordinator
56th Inter-House Athletics Carnival
Following a very successful Standards day, our Inter-House Athletics Carnival was held last Friday and saw Canara
win with 2134pts, from Walamba with 2060pts, 1909pts, Pinjali 1779pts and .Glenora 1766pts.
There were 4 records broken :
Female Under 15 Javelin
Melanie Hinge
(previous C Rogers 24.23m)
Male Under 15 Javelin
Tom Gaden
(no previous weight-new weight)
Male Under 14 400m
Leyton Hinge
(previous B Hayes 1:01.64)
Female Under 21 Triple Jump
Kate Krause
(previous N Hutchinson 9.66m)
Record breakers
The results of the Age Group trophies were :
Under 14 Girls
Whitney Rowett 125pts
Runner Up: Hanna Dinning 73pts
Under 14 Boys
Lachlan Makin 113pts
Runner Up: Leyton Hinge 110pts
Under 15 Girls
Melanie Hinge 130pts
Runner Up: Kellsey Hinge 122pts
Age Group Girls Winners& Runners Up
Under 15 Boys
Lincoln Weatherald 142pts
Runner Up: Tom Gaden 95pts
Under 16 Girls
Lucy Murch 172pts
Runner Up: Alice Fry 122pts
Under 16 Boys
Matthew Leigh 112pts
Runner Up: Zac Staude 98pts
Under 21 Girls
Kate Krause 102pts
Runner Up: Georgia Exton 82pts
Under 21 Boys
Jake Perry 67pts
Runner Up: Ben Jarrett 66pts
Age Group Boys Winners& Runners Up
Other trophy results were as follows :
Milne Sprint Trophy
Junior Girls
Senior Girls
Junior Boys
Senior Boys
Melanie Hinge
Kate Krause
Leyton Hinge
Bradley Paech
Murch Throwing Trophy
Junior Girls............ Melanie Hinge
Senior Girls ........... Lucy Murch
Junior Boys ........... Tom Gaden
Senior Boys .......... Jake Perry
Milne Sprint Trophy Winners
Burge 1500m
Junior Girls Winner:
Senior Girls Winner:
Whitney Rowett
Caitlin Kupke
Lexi Virgin
Jess Grosser
Maddern 1500m
Junior Boys Winner:
Senior Boys Winner:
Lachlan Makin
Lincoln Weatherald
Ben Jarrett
Adnan Geeves
Murch Throwing Trophy Winners
Burge & Maddern Winners
Canara House Captains
The SESSSA / SSSSA Athletics team has now been selected and will be training in preparation for the
SESSSA Athletics carnival on Wednesday March 18th at Naracoorte High School and the A Grade SSSSA
Athletics Championships on Thursday April 9th. The trainings continue before school on Tuesday and
Thursday mornings and every lunchtime leading up to SESSSA.
A HUGE thank you to our parents, staff and past students who officiated on the day, the World Challenge
Students who catered for the popular breakfast, Huk Scown and Norm Warncken for their work in making the
grounds look good and Jessie Hayes and her helpers in the Canteen. Thank you also to the House Captains
for their organisation and the spectators on the day, who added to the atmosphere, especially at the early start
HPE Faculty
SSSSA Swimming
On Tuesday of Week 5, 41 students travelled to Marion Aquatic Centre to compete in
the D grade swimming championships. This was the first time in many years’ that we
had been in D grade having been relegated last year. It was an early start, departing
Bordertown at 5:30am.
Following warm up’s the competition got underway with a fast moving program. The
swimmers performed well with our swimmers achieving 3 first places, 10 seconds and
10 thirds. At the conclusion of all the events the boys finished 2nd and the girls 6th,
which placed us in 4th position overall out of 10 schools. This was a good result and
will see us maintain our position in D grade for future years.
This concluded a busy few weeks for the swim team with training 3 times a week. Well
done to the students involved for their commitment and the parents for transporting the
students and assisting with timekeeping.
Shane Orrock
HPE Faculty
Continental time is fast approaching. This annual event is a tradition
within the school and is considered the main fundraising event for the year. It is well
supported by the students, staff, parents and members of the community.
The school quadrangle is turned into a large alfresco dining area where patrons are able to socialise and
purchase a variety of fine foods including Yiros, roast lamb, pasta, curry, BBQ and hot chips. Sweets
available include pavlova, cheesecake and donuts. Drinks are available, the Coffee Café is always popular
and fun activities are provided for entertaining both children and adults including face painting, knock-emdowns and ice cream eating competition.
Parents volunteer to act as convenors for each stall and each stall also has one or more home groups
attached to help set up the stall, prepare food as needed and also provide any required help on the night.
Chicken & Veg Curries
Roast Lamb
Bottle Stall
Cool Drinks & Lollies
Bakery & Produce
Cup Cakes
Hot Chips
Coffee Café
Pavlova & Cheesecakes
DONATIONS are vital to the success of the Continental and they
enable everyone to contribute. Items can be left at the Front
Office before Continental day and will be distributed to the various
conveners. Some items needed are :
Tomato Sauce
Coleslaw dressing
Paper towel
tinned fruit
penne pasta
BBQ sauce
Passionfruit pulp
Cans chopped tomato
Tea bags
Cans tomato puree
Cashew nuts
Eating apple (home grown fruit and veg)
♦ Money can be donated to help with the purchase of meat and other ingredients
♦ If you are interested in cooking for a stall, eg. pavlovas, cakes etc. for the coffee shop, slices & cakes for the
Produce Stall, please contact the school.
♦ In order to plan efficiently, would you please indicate on the reply slip your anticipated contributions. Please return
as soon as possible.
♦ We would prefer non perishables in by Thursday 19th March and perishables in by Wednesday 25th
March and baked items on Continental day Friday 27th March.
Each student in the school is requested to bring one bottle or jar containing anything from lollies,
perfume, jam, drinks, sauce, bubble bath, pencils, balloons, vegie/flower seeds, textas, bouncy balls etc.,
which has a value of at least $1, to be sold on the Bottle Stall. (House points awarded!!) Please no pre
loved toys etc or out of date items. Thank you
. Please return to the High School front office as soon as possible
STUDENT'S NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________
∗I am available to help on a stall on the night (please tick) Parent____________________Student__________________
I/we will donate_____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone No:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Surplus goods for Sale at the Bordertown High School Continental on 27th March 2015 5‐6pm on the court area adjacent to the School Hall, Corner of South Tce and Naracoorte Road. View and make an offer. Can be purchased earlier by contacting the front office. 9 Folding Trestles 1 pine kitchen table with chairs 2 Televisions 1 large and 2 small Bookcases 2 Hot Plates 5 large wooden desks 1 Metal Cupboard 2 double desks 1 Sit up Machine 1 small Cupboard 2 Mini trampolines 1 Sweeper Stools 2 Welders Stereo machine 1 Mig Welder 3 Gas Stoves Strip Shelving 1Film Projector 18mm Music stands Filing Cabinets 2x4 drawer 1 Video player 2x2 drawer and 3 Stainless steel sinks 20 tables‐Coloured tops and kidney shaped 2 large square tables and 1 tall table 1 Drum kit 2 Screens 1 Dress Manikin Year 11 Work Education
Year 11 students will all be involved in a work education programme in Week 3 of Term 2, 11-15 May. Students have already indicated their preference for attending the Careers Trip or completing a Work Experience placement. Careers Trip
students will spend the week in Adelaide visiting Universities, TAFE, residential colleges and generally getting acquainted
with Adelaide. Students completing a Work Placement need to ensure that they contact an employer and arrange a placement. Their will be no school for Year 11 students during this week.
Please contact Mrs Clarke if you require any further information.
Only Year 8 students will receive immunisations this year. Consent forms will be sent home with your
student at the beginning of week 6 and need to be returned by Tuesday 10th March.
Year 8 students
3 doses of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for male and female students at 3 separate
1 dose of Boostrix vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Whooping Cough) .
1 dose of Varicella Zoster (Chicken Pox) vaccine for all students.
Thursday 12th March
1st HPV (Gardasil) for male and female students
Chicken Pox (Varicella) for all students
Thursday 21st May
2nd HPV (Gardasil) for male and female students
Boostrix (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Whooping Cough) for all students
Thursday 3rd September
3rd HPV (Gardasil) for male and female students
Tips for getting motivated
Motivation is what drives us to make the things we want happen – but staying
motivated isn’t always easy. Get some tips on how to find (and keep!) motivation, and suggestions for what to do if you just can’t get into gear.
Why motivation is important
To make things you want to do or achieve happen, you need motivation. Motivation is what drives you towards a goal,
gets you up in the morning, and keeps you working through a task, determined to succeed when things get tough.
Everything that could possibly motivate you can fit into one of two categories:
Positive motivations, which focus on the positive things that will happen when you take action. For example, ‘Finishing
this assignment means I’m only a step away from being qualified'.
Negative motivations, which focus on the negative backlash that will occur if you don’t take action. For example, ‘If I
don’t finish this assignment in the next few hours I will fail'.
Both negative and positive motivation can be effective in different circumstances. However, people are much more successful when they’re doing something because they actually want to, rather than if they’re acting to avoid an outcome
they don’t want. That means positive motivation usually has a bigger and better impact.
Negative motivation can sometimes be quite dangerous. That’s because it only works if you know exactly what steps you
are going to take to reach your goal. If you don’t have a positive plan of action, using negative motivation to approach a
task can make you feel really helpless, and actually reduce your motivation.
Knowing how to find effective motivation strategies is really important to getting stuff done.
Tips for finding/keeping motivation
Set goals. When you set a goal you make a decision to act upon what you want. This gives you a direction to focus on one that’s measurable and has an end point; all factors which can help a person stay motivated.
Choose goals that interest you. You’re much more likely to stay motivated if you are working towards something that
you genuinely want to do or achieve.
Find things that interest you within goals that don’t. Sometimes other people set goals or tasks for us that we don’t
find interesting or want to do. So, try and find something within that task that does motivate you. E.g. ‘I hate maths, but it’s
going to help me become a builder, which I want more than anything.’
Make your goal public. If you state to someone else you are doing something, or write it down, you’ve essentially promised to keep your word.
Plot your progress. When you are working towards something, it can be really motivating if you can see evidence that
you are making progress. Draw or create a visual representation of how you are coming closer to achieving something.
Break up your goal. Start with easier tasks and work your way up to bigger challenges. Breaking up a task in your mind
into achievable chunks helps build confidence.
Use rewards. Promise yourself some sort of reward each time you complete a step/task.
Don’t do it alone. Join a class, find a teacher or someone you can share the experience with. Other people’s encouragement to keep going can be a big boost to your motivation, particularly when you’re doing it tough.
Free Keeping teens and pre‐teens safe online seminar for parents and carers of children aged 10–15 years Paren ng SA is providing a free seminar for parents and carers of children and young people aged 10–15 years. Internet safety experts and a child and adolescent psychologist will discuss how teens connect online, how to talk about safety, make agreements and set limits, and how to deal with cyberbullying.
The event will be held on Tuesday, 17 March from 7–9pm in the Panorama Room, Adelaide Conven on Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide.
Register online to attend in person, or email, ph 8303
Register for the webcast only. When you register
you will receive login details.
For more information contact Senior Health
Promotion Officer, Parenting SA Dorian
Marsland-Smith, ph 8161 7159.
Bordertown and District Women’s
and Children’s Hospital Auxiliary
22ND March 2015
8.30 set-up 9.00 start $15 per car
Bordertown Basketball Stadium
car park
Food : sausage sizzle, pancakes,
juices, soft drink, coffee and tea
Enquiries: Fiona 87586222 or
Vanessa 87542041
All proceeds to the Women’s and
Children’s Hospital – Adelaide