6th March, 2015 - Tauranga Boys College

Tauranga Boys’ College
Friday 6th March 2015
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Friends of the College
It is with considerable sadness
that we learnt of the recent
passing of Celia Lashlie. Celia
was well known for her work in
boys’ schools and with young
men throughout New Zealand.
She was the first woman to work
in a men’s prison as a prison
These experiences, as
well as that as a solo mother,
influenced her later career and
life. She was held in high regard
as a social commentator. In 2004
she completed the “Good Man
Project” working with twenty-five
of New Zealand’s boys’ schools
including Tauranga Boys’ College.
This project was aimed at
creating a definition of what it is to
be a ‘good man’. Her research,
based on conversations with
adolescents and adults in the
t w e n t y - fi v e d i f f e r e n t b o y s ’
schools, established a pathway
T̄ ā tai whetu ki te rangi
which many of those
schools follow as they
endeavour to establish in
t o m o r r o w ’s a d u l t s , t h e
characteristics of good men.
Celia has been a regular
visitor to the College over
the last decade and her
ideas are used as the
platform from which we have
developed the concept of
being a good man. These
qualities are emphasized
frequently in a variety of forums to
our boys as they journey through
the college from young boys into
good men.
Celia’s life was
devoted to helping young people,
in particular young men such as
those at Tauranga Boys’ College,
to develop the desirable qualities
we want all our old boys to
Ko Tauranga Moana ki te whenua
Celia’s death means we have lost
an influential and inspirational
New Zealander.
We define a good man as one
who is: trusting, loyal, humorous,
honest, motivated, hardworking,
compassionate and respectful.
Tihei Mauriora!
An Invitation to all parents and caregivers of
Year 9 Maori boys to attend our
“Maori Parents Evening”
Wednesday 18th March
in the
Graham Young Youth
Starting at 6.00pm
664 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112 New Zealand: [64] (07) 578 4029: Principal R W Mangan: www.tbc.school.nz
Academic Captain, James Thwaite’s Speech at Scholarship Assembly Friday 20th February
“Good morning boys, parents and
For those of you who don’t
know me, my name is James Thwaite,
and it is my privilege to address you as
Academic Captain for 2015.
So, first a little about myself. As a
Year 9 student, my initial motivation for
coming to TBC was the accelerate
programme, which has enabled me to
study at a year ahead as well as
providing me with many opportunities
that I would otherwise not have had.
However, during my time here at
Tauranga Boys’, I’ve also tried to make
full use of the huge range of cocurricular activities available.
particular, one has stood out, and that
would have to be kayaking. Kayaking
is my passion, and it has provided me
with some great highlights over my
time at school - {as Mr Mangan said}.
Some of the other boys and I jhave ust
returned from competing at the
Australian Open, and in a few months
we will travel to Brazil to compete
again at the Junior World
Championships. If you look at the
other Scholarship winners, many have
combined academic interest with sport
or culture. Tom and Theo both do
kayaking; Liam’s in Big-Band; Ben
plays volleyball, just to name a few.
Balancing time between all these
things and school can be difficult,
which brings me to my second point.
Like it or not, academics always
comes first. If you want to do well at
school – or indeed anything – you’ve
got to put in the time and the effort.
You won’t get to the Olympics by
skipping trainings. Likewise, you won’t
get that good grade in class if you just
mess-about the whole time. Look at
the scholars up the front – not one of
them got there without putting in the
graft. It all comes back to hard work.
I don’t think that there are any of you
who couldn’t at least pass this year if
you’re prepared to put in the effort.
Even if you’ve not tried that hard
during your time at TBC, it’s never too
late to start.
Thankfully, you won’t be alone in these
efforts, as you’ll be assisted by the
great teaching staff available at
Tauranga Boys. I know it’s easy to say,
but it’s always been my experience
that they are willing to go the extra
mile to provide assistance. In addition,
we are again looking to run the RPM
tutoring this year, which should start
up around Term 2.
In closing, I’d just like to leave you with
a quote from KD. “Hard work beats
talent when talent fails to work hard”
If you put in the effort this year, you’ll
honestly be amazed with what you can
achieve. Thank you”
Sports Captain, Israel Turner’s Speech at Sports Assembly
Friday 27th February
For me, academics are equally
important as I have been part of the
accelerate programme since year 9.
Sport for me is an outlet..
Good morning staff and school.
My name is Israel Turner and I have
the privilege of being your Sports
Captain for 2015.
Sport has been an important part of
my life and especially during my time
at TBC. My sporting life has
predominately been occupied by
cricket and rugby. I had the honour of
wearing the 1st XV jersey last year
and am currently playing for the 2nd XI
cricket side.
Sport has given me a good balance to
my academics. Getting involved with
sport provides three thing that have
benefited me.
First, staying fit and healthy: second,
camaraderie and teamwork and, lastly,
for the exceptional athlete its can
become more and more a career
Being in sport at TBC has allowed me
to travel throughout New Zealand and
at the end of this year l am looking
forward to
a tour of the UK and
France with the 1st XV squad.
So I strongly encourage you to get
involved in sport. TBC provides a
range of sport whether you are social
or competitive.
If you are unsure of how to get into
sport, ask me or any of the prefects
and we’ll do our best to point you in
the right direction.
Finally I want to leave you this with this
thought… Winners don't wait for
chances, they take them.
So be a winner fellas, don't wait for
your chances; take them and who
knows what opportunities you might
have waiting for you.
Good luck for all the fixtures over the
weekend and I cant wait to hear about
the successes of TBC sport this year.
664 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112 New Zealand: [64] (07) 578 4029: Principal R W Mangan: www.tbc.school.nz
A s i g n i fi c a n t a c h i e v e m e n t w e
recognize at the College is that of
This term is used to
describe those boys who have gained
100% of their Achievement Standard
Credits in their NCEA qualification in
one year. All boys who gained 100%
of their Credits will receive a certificate
and acknowledgement of this success
at either a full school assembly or a
House assembly. This achievement
recognizes diligence and application to
studies throughout the whole of the
year, with both internal assessments
and external exams, and it is a goal a
large number of our boys can aspire to
Year 10, 2014
Flynn Alexander
Jonathon Barnett
Daniel Bartley
Josh Bell
Cameron Black
Alexander Blakeway
Ryan Carter
Daniel Courtis
George Creighton-Syme
Jackson Currie
Oliver Donald
Kane Drake
Blake Elliott
William Esterman
Conner Farrant
Jackson Filipo
Michael Fitzpatrick
Joshua Forward
Anthony Fraser-Leitch
Jordan Gilmore
James Hitchiner
Lewis Hubbard
Flynn Kelly
Joo Yong - Henry Kim
Taylor Kite
Finley Mason
James Pettitt
Quinn Porteous
Jordan Ralph
Jake Rankin
Matthew Rea
David Rout
Campbell Smith
Hayden Stewart
Jack Wade
Jeremiah Wake
Kieran Washer
Robin Yang
Year 11, 2014
Nathaniel Adams
Duane Alcala
Jacob Allum
Neko Appelman
Matthew Ashton
Connor Bamford-King
Daniel Barron
Cullen Browne
Bradley Burrell
Benjamin Campbell
Dean Clinton
Logan Cruickshank
Jonathan Dallas
Duncan De Wet
Carlos Del la Varis
Joshua Dempsey
Andrew Devitt
Isaac Dickson
Clay Dixon
Akash Dutta
Nathan Ellison
Aiman Fariz
Wilson Fisher
James Green
Manaia Harawira
Matthew Hobbis
Justin Howard
John Hunt
Zak Jacobs
Tom Johnson
Cameron Johnson
Shafin Khan
Hiranya Khullar
James Koti
Thomas Lamberton
Seth Leetcher
Jake Malbon
Luke Maxwell
Chase McNeilly
Angus Murray
Mitchell Nemeth
Lewis Newton
Kyle Parkes
Michael Pasquali
Adam Payne
Carlos Price
James Puchner
Jay Reeves
Tom Renouf
Jordan Roberts-Radford
Dominic Rogerson
Kirk Ross
Jake Rothwell
Kane Sefton
Finn Shaw
Gagandeep Singh-Bhangu
Benjamin Stephen
Brad Stockman
Elijah Taula
Taylor Thomson
Daniel Tomlinson
Cody Torwick
Hayden Van Beek
Sean Weenink
Logan Williamson
Bryn Wilson
Keegan Witney
Christopher Wooller
Year 12, 2014
Benjamin Allan
Kyle Bosselmann
Griffin Burkhart
Johann Einarsson
Michael Ellerington
Jason Everard
Casey Garner
Joshua Godkin
Thomas Guest
Michael He
Edwin Heerschap
Brad Hemingway
Daniel Jeong
Jacob Magee
Josh McConnell
Sean McKenzie
Ihaia Ngata
Nathan Oakley
James Opie
Luke Oxford
Campbell Porter
Liam Ransley
Andrew Robinson
Michael Saily
Daniel Sorce
Benjamin Stewart
George Strang
Cedric Targett-Jones
Scott Thomas
James Thwaite
Ben Warren
Patrick Washer
Tyler White
NOTE: Boys’ names highlighted, have
achieved all Achievement Standard
Credits during their time at the
664 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112 New Zealand: [64] (07) 578 4029: Principal R W Mangan: www.tbc.school.nz
Nga mihi maioha ki nga akonga kaiarahi o nga whare o Tauranga Boys’
In addition to our Prefects another level of student leadership is
the Student House Leaders. The House Leaders in 2015 for
each of the areas are:
House Captain: Israel turner
Deputy & Academic Captain: Liam Bass
Sports Captains: Brad Armstrong, Luke Robinson
Arts Captain: Kane Bidois
House Captain: Todd Reardon
Deputies: Matthew Shaw, Sean McKenzie
Academic Captain: to be announced
Sports Captain: to be announced
Arts Captain: to be announced
House Captain : Hamish Hahunga
Deputy House Captain: Charlie Baldwin
Academic Captain: Ben Stewart
Sports Captain: Josh McConnell
Arts Captain: Luke Buxton
Cultural Captain: Te Manea Wihape
House Captain: Jared Taylor
Deputy House Captain: Reece Thompson
Academic Captain: Jarred Tutty
Sports Captain: Denym Clarke, Daniel Hintz
Arts Captain: Rowdy Walker
House Captains: Mitch Holton, Daniel Elyashiv
Deputies: Jake Brettkelly, Scott Thomas
Academic Captain: Michael Saily
Sports Captain: Ben Donald
Arts Captain: Brad Hemmingway
Cultural Captain: Jordan Urwin
House Captain: Te Purihi Moana
Deputies: Harshill Mistry, Caven Lane, Jason Everard
Academic Captain: Andrew Robinson
Sports Captains: Ben Warren, Rhys Hamilton
Arts Captains: Luke Oxford, Adam Herbert
History of House System
The House System was reinstated in
2009 and revived two of the original 4
houses of Tauranga Boys’ College, being
Rutherford and Freyberg.
Four new
houses were added - Halberg, Hillary,
Ngarimu and Ngata.
Each House
consists of ten Form Classes, with
students from every year group in those
classes. Individual Form Classes meet
twice every week as a class, as well as
meeting with all other form classes in
their House for a full House Assembly.
Freyberg House
The House logo is based on the Victoria Cross (VC)
which was awarded to Sir Bernard Freyberg for his efforts
in WW1’s Battle of Somme. The VC is the highest
military decoration and is awarded “for valour in the face
of the enemy”. The logo reminds members to be
“courageous under fire” - to fight on and be determined
under pressure.
Halberg House
The House logo features the bell used in middle distance
track running events. It signifies the last lap of these
races, representing that one is close to achieving their
goals, and ultimately success. The stripes across the bell
represent the athletics track and Sir Murray Halberg’s
achievement in sport.
It also represents a lifetime
dedicated to supporting others in their endeavors to
overcome their own personal challenges.
members strive to be determined, humble and to
demonstrate the values of Sir Murray to make a positive
difference to New Zealander’s lives.
Hillary House
The House logo is a stylized version of Mt Everest. It
represents not only Sir Edmund Hillary’s success at
Everest but also his determination that allowed him to
succeed in such a difficult situation. Members of Hillary
House seek to follow Sir Edmund’s example by being
determined, courageous and showing concern for others.
Ngarimu House
The House logo is based around the Maori weapon, the
Wahaika. This weapon required great skill to wield it. It is
symbolic of the fighting spirit and courage Te MoananuiA-Kiwi Ngarimu VC showed at Hikurangi. Members of
Ngarimu House look to follow Ngarimu’s example and
strive to be courageous, proud and determined in the face
of challenge.
Ngata House
The House logo features the Tukutuku pattern of the
Ngata whanau of Ngati Porou. This is a reminder to
House House of Sir Apirana Ngata’s tireless service to
others. Members of Ngata House seek to follow Sir
Apirana’s example of being forward-thinking, hardworking and putting the concerns of others above their
Rutherford House
The House logo is an atom, in recognition of Sir Ernest
Rutherford, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, being the first
person to split the atom. It is also in recognition of his
hard work that led to this discovery.
Members of
Rutherford are determined to exhibit the traits of hard
work, humility, cooperation and perseverance, all traits
that Rutherford himself exhibited.
Leadership roles in each
House are taken by two teachers who
form the roles of Head and Deputy Heads
of the House. The other leadership roles
are taken by students. Significant
emphasis is placed on these captains
leading their House in the various House
activities throughout the year.
The Houses compete against each other
throughout the year in sporting, arts and
charitable events such as Athletics Day,
the Talent Quest and the Food Bank
Each House is awarded points for their
placing in these events; these points are
tallied up and they decide which House in
the over winner of the House Shield at
the end of the year. These events, and
the friendly rivalry they inspire, are
designed to promote House and school
pride and also to imbue the boys with the
characteristics of ‘good men’ characteristics such as perseverance,
loyalty, humility and cooperation and
664 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112 New Zealand: [64] (07) 578 4029: Principal R W Mangan: www.tbc.school.nz
NZ Super 8 Schools Competition
Super 8 Golf, Hamilton 2015
The Tauranga Boys’ College Golf team won the Super 8 Golf Competition at St.Andrews Golf Course in Hamilton, by a margin of 9
strokes. New Plymouth finished in 2nd place with Rotorua in 3rd.
Kingsley Wright, Wyatt Amerson, Sam Bodnar and Byron Willis made up the team of four. The prize for the top individual was won
jointly by Tauranga’s Kingsley Wright and Dallas Williams from Hastings. Kingsley’s winning score was 224 (73, 76, 75)
To complete a successful couple of days for TBC, the ‘B’ team also won their Nett stableford competition by an impressive 21
strokes. Fraser Blakeway, Ethan Larsen, Matthew Fairweather and Mitchell White made up the team of four.
The boys can take credit for the way in which they represented themselves and their college, both on and off the golf course.
Pictured with Mr Peter Young (from left) are Sam Bodnar, Wyatt Amerson, Kingsley Wright and Byron Willis
Super 8 Volleyball New Plymouth 2015
The Tauranga Boys’ College Volleyball team won the Super 8 Volleyball Competition held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of this
week at New Plymouth Boys’ High School.
The team of Thomas Reid (Captain), Daniel Kilpatrick, Rhys Hamilton, Kyle Hamilton, Luke Carter, Josh Dumper, Bryn Fredheim,
Jordan Urwin, Andrew Sommerfield and Carl Clarke made a clean sweep of games against Hastings Boys’ High School 3-0: New
Plymouth Boys’ High School 3-0: Gisborne Boys’ High School 3-0: Hamilton Boys’ High School 3-0.
664 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112 New Zealand: [64] (07) 578 4029: Principal R W Mangan: www.tbc.school.nz
12th March, 2015
Graham Young Youth
6:00 pm
2015 Dinner and Lecture
Professor Sir Mason Durie is one of New
Zealand’s most respected academics.
He was knighted in 2010 for services to
public health and to Māori health. He
has a Bachelor of Medicine and a
Bachelor of Surgery from the University
of Otago, worked in mental health and,
in 1988, was appointed to the Chair in
Māori Studies at Massey. He chaired the
Taskforce on Whānau Ora and has
published widely on a number of
contemporary themes including futures
In 2015 a group of students from Tauranga Boys College will be embarking on a tour of Europe, tracing
the steps of the Māori Battalion – and experiencing different cultures, economies, and lifestyles. The
experience will contribute to a wider aim of growing Māori leaders for the future. To assist the tour a
dinner will be held at the College on the evening of 12 March 2015.
During the dinner Professor Sir Mason Durie will speak on Te Pae Tawhiti Māori in 2040. He will
explore the opportunities and challenges for Māori over the next 25 years and will discuss future trends
in demography, health, education, post-settlement options. and New Zealand’s future constitutional
arrangements. His address will highlight four key pathways for the future: a fair and just society, a
knowledgeable society, a healthy society and an enduring society.
A limited number of tickets to the Dinner can now be purchased and special rates are available for the
purchase of tables (for ten). For further information, details can be obtained from:
Pere Durie
664 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112 New Zealand: [64] (07) 578 4029: Principal R W Mangan: www.tbc.school.nz