5th March 2015 From the Principal Making Thinking Visible—Parent Strategy #3 Challenge but don’t rescue—we learn a lot from making mistakes, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone and taking risks to try new things. Encountering challenges, mistakes and even failure can help build a growth mindset and develop intellectual resilience. When your child encounters difficul es, resist the urge to jump in immediately and solve the problem and rescue him/her. Instead, ask ques ons that will help him/her to think through the problem, iden fy and choose a course of ac on for moving forward. Every Day Counts If a parent was told their child had a 90% School a endance rate, they probably wouldn't be too worried. A few days off—what’s the big deal? However, a 90% a endance rate means one day missed in every ten school days. By the start of Year 10 that means a child will have missed a full year of school! Most parents would find that alarming. School a endance data recently released reveals that in 2013 almost one in five Australian schools had an average a endance rate of below 90%. While Good Shepherd’s a endance rate is 93%, it s ll represents many missed days of School. Of course a certain percentage of missed school days are related to ill health and cannot be avoided, however, many days are missed for other reasons. Research shows that absenteeism does cause difficul es and impacts on student learning. A student’s level of school a endance in many cases does have an influence on academic achievement. A day off here and there may not seem important, but the effect of absence accumulates over me. While governments and schools have a role to play in promo ng school a endance, the prime responsibility is with parents to ensure their children a end School every day they can. Government Educa on departments do encourage schools to raise the issue of a endance and absenteeism with their school communi es. In 2015, Good Shepherd, along with all Australian schools, are required to record student a endance for Semester 1 and report it to the Australian Government as part of its data collec on process. Student a endance for each Australian school is included on the MySchool website. Of course, there are occasions when a student’s health prevents him/her from a ending school. If a child is genuinely sick it is important they are cared for at home. At Good Shepherd we do ask you to no fy the school first thing in the morning if your child will be absent from school and the message will be passed on to your child’s teacher. When children return to school following an absence, they are required to provide a note of explana on which is retained by the school. Note templates explaining absences have been included in the back of your Family Directory for your convenience. Thank you very much for your coopera on. Greg Schneider Principal 09/03/15 Labour Day Public Holiday—No School for students 10/03/15 Monday Timetable 11/03/15 Year 5 Camp commences 11/03/15 Share Care Leaders Inservice 13/03/15 Year 5 Camp concludes 15/03/15 Sunday Chapel @ 6.00pm 16/03/15 Crea ve Arts Performance 18/03/15 LAP Training Day 18/03/15 Year 3 Excursion to Taskworks 19/03/15 School Council Mee ng @ 7.30pm 23/03/15 Parent Teacher Interviews—No School for students 24/03/15 Parent Teacher Interviews—Evening only 24/03/25 Prep 2016 Informa on Evening @ 7.30pm 25/03/25 Mobile Farm visi ng Preps 26/03/15 Senior Athle cs Carnival 26/03/15 Prep 2016 Informa on Evening @ 7.30pm 27/03/15 Term 1 concludes @ 2:30pm 03/04/15 Good Friday 05/04/15 Easter Sunday 06/04/15 Easter Monday 13/04/15 Term 2 commences for students Sunday Chapel – 15 March – Cross Shaped Our worship at this me of the year draws our focus towards the drama c events of Good Friday and Easter. Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, combined with his resurrec on to life, are the focal points and founda on of the Chris an faith. At our next Sunday Chapel I would like to highlight two young men men oned in the story of Jesus’ suffering – two men whose names are hardly remembered. You have probably never heard of them! Yet they are men oned in the story for a very good reason: the story of Jesus’ crucifixion has a family link and, as o en happens in families, the experience of one person impacts and shapes the lives of all in the family. Please join us for a bite to eat [provided] at 6.00pm in the Mul purpose Centre, followed by worship at 6.30pm. We finish by 7.15pm. You are always welcome to bring family and friends to share this worship and fellowship with us! Looking ahead: while our coming Sunday Chapel worship will focus on Jesus’ suffering and death, the first Sunday Chapel for Term 2 will celebrate his resurrec on and life! (And ours!) Mark your diaries for Sunday 19 April, the end of week 1 of Term 2. Pastor Mark Greenthaner CanteenNews The Milkshake flavour for March is lime. Sushi and Rice Paper Rolls are available for order on Thursdays only. Sushi cannot be ordered on Flexischools. A PDF order form has been uploaded to our website for future orders. Our Canteen offers online ordering for lunches. Please follow the easy instruc ons below. If you have any queries, contact Tania, Canteen Manager. Sushi and Rice Paper Roll Orders Parent Teacher Interviews Orders for Sushi and Rice Paper Rolls must be received by the Canteen on Tuesday of each week, to have for lunch on Thursday. For addi onal order forms please go to our website : www.gslps.vic.edu.au, click on “All About Us”, “School Services”, “School Canteen” and download the Sushi Order Form PDF. Sushi and Rice Paper Rolls are not made in the Canteen. They are ordered from an outside supplier, therefore no altera ons can be made to items on the Sushi list. Parent Teacher Interview Request forms have been distributed. Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 23rd March all day (no school for students) and Tuesday evening 24th March. Bookings are open on www.schoolinterviews.com.au. Enter the school event code 94ZZ9. Enter your details, choose your teachers and choose your mes. Bookings will close on Friday 20th March @ 9.00am. If you have any queries please contact the Administra on Centre. Principal Awards Congratula ons to the following students who were presented with Principal Awards at our Chapel service on Friday 27th February. CanteenVolunteersfor2015 Please log onto www.carebookings.com.au and enter the booking code 3KXHX. A er you have entered your details, an email will be forwarded to you with a number. Please enter this number and then select the days of the week you would like to volunteer. The whole calendar for 2015 is available for days to be selected. You then select an op on—Volunteers (Mon‐Thur), Friday Volunteers (Friday only) or Sausage Sizzle Volunteers (last Friday of each term) and press OK. If you have any queries please contact Jacki Jenkins in the Administra on Centre. Volunteers are necessary for our Canteen to operate. Canteen Volunteer Roster February / March 2015 Friday 27th Belinda Freestone Jenny Evans Melanie Cook Monday 2nd Cindy Myers Help Needed Tuesday 3rd Monica Barnes Monika Keuken 6LP Eddie Carlton Jordan Fitzsimons Emma Peter‐Budge 6RK Charlie Cai Chris na Fouras Freya Morton 6DW Ronan Harding Laura Huber Kiarra Lalla 5JN Ka e Anders Ma hew Parker Isabelle Balkin 5ST Bayley McKenzie Kiele Adams Samuel Benson 5AK Claire Haeusler Tammi Taylor Harry Murray 4KF Sarah Columbine Solomon Brown Phoebe MacDonald 4KL William Lowden Montanna King Helen Jia 4JS Ally Southall Samuel May Noah Larkin 3AP Nicole Shen Thomas Smith Nadia Geeves 3MT Andy Soong Imogen Frost Ryan Farley 3SM Nadia Ruzic Sam Mar n Aidan Kukielka 2DN Noah Wya Evie Hoen Luca Braun 2JS Alex Rigby Bailey Keuken Mia Cuteri 2TQ Josiah Thomas Georgia Bell Chloe Grubb 1AD Helena Farley Ryan Higgins Emily Boer 1JC Ava Parlee Isla Thomas Max Williams 1AH Charlee Gentner Toby Andrews Cordelia Gaussen PMM Mathew Gleeson Lexi Denholm Chrys e Barnes PMW Jimmy Dong Serissa D’Mello Zarriah Dredge PLJ Nadia Bell Declan Launer Abigail Vanderjagt Specialists Mackenzie Lee Holly Miniken Dante Reid Jacob Dalziel Angus Fenton Ben Denman Wednesday 4th Help Needed Help Needed Isabella Missen Brad Williamson Joshua Rigby Thursday 5th Alison Daly Help Needed Dominic Walkenhorst Emmanuel Cheung Flynn Kelso Friday 6th Gabrielle Liedel Help Needed Tyler Downes Holly Jervis Julia Stahl Swim Squad members 2 Good Shepherd News Student supervision at the end of the day Parents are reminded that students are to wait in one of the two supervised areas un l collected at the end of the day. Students with last names beginning with A‐K are to wait adjacent to the LOTE room, while students with last names beginning L‐Z are to wait under the shade sail area. Students are not permi ed to wait on Plymouth Road or at the McAdam Square Shopping Centre. Unfortunately we have been made aware that some students are crossing the road a er school to purchase from the shops and are either wai ng across the road or returning to Good Shepherd. Students do not have the School’s permission to visit the shops while they are wai ng for their parents to collect them. Please assist us as we do all we can to ensure your children are supervised safely un l you collect them. Labour Day Public Holiday Monday 9th March— Labour Day Holiday Tuesday 10th March— The School will be running a Monday metable. All classes will be as per a Monday. Introducing Miss Ashley Payet Hi! My name is Ashley Payet and I am the new Year 3 teacher. Previously I have been teaching at a school in East Doncaster for four years. Year 3 at Good Shepherd is an exci ng and fresh change! I grew up in the area and a ended Good Shepherd and Luther College from Prep to Year 12. I must admit it does seem a li le strange but also very humbling to now be working alongside some of the teachers who have taught me throughout my primary school years. In my spare me I am a ballroom dancer compe ng in the Professional Standard category. I teach dance to all age groups and also train other dancesport couples. I have been compe ng for about 17 years and have had the honour of represen ng Australia overseas at World Championships. I am very much looking forward to the year ahead as I am sure it will be a wonderful adventure. Please come and say "Hello". AROUND OUR SCHOOL A – Z C for Chromebook It has been an exci ng few weeks at GSLPS with the ‘deployment’ of mobile devices into each of the classrooms. Prep students will have iPads to use as a tool to support their learning, whilst Years 1‐6 classes will have both iPads and Chromebooks. What is a Chromebook? A Chromebook is a user friendly, lightweight, touch screen laptop running Chrome OS as its opera ng system. The devices are designed to be used primarily while connected to the Internet, with most applica ons and data residing "in the cloud". Chromebooks power on and are ready to use in around 8 seconds and can have up to twice the ba ery life of a standard Windows laptop. Both features are very important in a school se ng. Teachers and students can use the Chromebooks to access any online teaching and learning program, such as Reading Eggs, Mathle cs and Study Ladder. They will also serve as an addi onal tool for research as well as mul ple other applica ons in the class context. The portability of the Chromebooks also allows for their use by the Learning Enhancement Department ‐ further suppor ng student learning in small group se ngs or for individual instruc on. Merril Van Asperen ‐ Director of Learning Good Shepherd News WorshipServices Friday, 6th March 9.00 a.m. at The Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School Sunday, 8th March 8.30 a.m. at Outer Eastern Lutheran Church, Immanuel, Lilydale Sunday, 8th March 10.00 a.m. at Open Door, Luther College Chapel. Wednesday, 11th March 9.00 a.m. at The Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School ChapelServices Our Chapel service yesterday, Wednesday 4th March, was led by Pastor Mark Greenthaner. Friday, 6th March, our Chapel service will be led by Mrs Sonia Miniken and 3SM. Wednesday, 11th March, our Chapel service will be led by Mr Michael Kleidon. All parents and friends of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School are most welcome to join us for these mes of worship. ThoughtsandPrayers We con nue to keep Mrs Trish Smith in our prayers as she recovers from surgery. Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris and Deborah James (Harrison 4KF, Ma hew 4KL) on the recent death of Deb’s mother. Prayer Group Our Prayer Group meets fortnightly to have a cuppa, a chat and a me of prayer with a special focus on the people and ac vi es in our school community. Students in the school are able to write down prayer requests for us in their classrooms. We also have a li le blue box in the Admin Centre in which prayer requests can be placed. We meet on Thursday mornings, 9.00am – 10.00am in “The Lounge” Our Prayer Group dates for this term: Thursdays, 12 March, 26 March. 3 The Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School Senior School Athle cs Year 3—Year 6 Posi on Vacant Buildings and Grounds Maintenance The Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School is an independent Primary School located in the outer east of Melbourne. The School shares a large campus with Luther College. The School takes great pride in the presenta on of its facili es and grounds and provides an a rac ve learning environment for its students and staff. The Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School is seeking to employ a suitably experienced person to join its Buildings and Grounds team. The posi on is part‐ me (19 hours per week) actual days/hours of work to be nego ated with the successful applicant. The posi on is responsible to the School Facili es Manager. Positon Descrip ons are available by contac ng Jacki Jenkins, Execu ve Assistant at goodshep@gslps.vic.edu.au or 9725 8255 or from the School administra on Centre. Applica ons close Friday 6th March Applica ons are to be directed to; Mr Dale Hewi Facili es Manager goodshep@gslps.vic.edu.au We are seeking parents to assist at the Senior School Athle cs Carnival to be held on Thursday March 26 at Proclama on Park from 9.15am‐2.30pm. Parents can help for the whole day or part of it. Please email Mr Flangan on jason.flanagan@gslps.vic.edu.au or send him a note with your availability. Jason Flanagan PE / Sports Coordinator Are you interested in Science? Science at the speed of light The Australian Synchrotron is a world‐class research establishment located in Clayton. They are holding a public access event targeted at primary school aged children and their parents. This free event, “Science at the Speed of Light” will be held on Monday 30th March @ 2.00pm. Registra ons are required. Visit h p://bit.ly/ Sciencea hespeedoflight_speakerseries. If you have any queries, contact Mary Morris at mary.morris@synchrotron.org.au Year 5 Camp Fees are now due and payable. Next Week’s Activities MONDAY TUESDAY WENESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Before Care Activities Communica on pictures Architects and Builders Design your own home Rainbow Names Draw My Family After Care Activities Inven ons! Design a Gadget Ac vi es list Paper Plane Survivor Free Cra We are halfway through Term 1 and our numbers are star ng to increase as the children se le back into school and the families se le into their work rou nes. The children seem to be ge ng used to the rou nes at the program and most of them are remembering to follow them which is great to see. Thanks to the fine weather we have been able to take the children outside for some group games and free play. This week we will be concentra ng on comple ng of the children’s profiles and the children will also be decora ng their names so we can put them up on our wall. Many thanks Sue and the team at OSHClub. Just a quick note to families if you could please book your children in online as this helps us with staffing and catering. If you find you are unable to book them in please make sure you check OSHC program phone: 0423 777 355 your enrolment as it may be incomplete. Coordinator: Sue Naylor A reminder that opening hours are 7:00am to 8:50am and 3:30pm to 6:30pm Assistants: Tracy Robinson, Maddy Gordic, Alex Thompson All families must be enrolled to a end the program, remember this is free!! Please create an account online at www.oshclub.com.au all bookings and cancella ons can also be managed via OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. 4 Good Shepherd News A er School Basketball Results Girls Result MVP Year 1 Swans Lost Isla Thomas Year 2 Mermaids Lost Isabella Murray Year 2 Seals Won Emmerson Auhl Year 3 Cougars Won Hannah Taylor Year 3 Bu erflies Lost Brooke Niksic Year 5 Possums Lost Daisy Nicholas Boys Result MVP Year 1 Lions Lost The whole team Year 2 Pythons Won Oliver Pa erson Year 3 S ngrays Drew Aston Bell PTFA Do you have any new and fresh ideas for fundraising ac vi es for GSLPS? We would love for you to join us and help plan our 2015 year. Our next mee ng is Thursday 12th March @ 7.30pm in the Staffroom. Come along and help support our school community. For more informa on please email Tanya – Vice Chair tanya.huppatz@gmail.com Welcome Evening We enjoyed a wonderful evening last Thursday night as we welcomed our new families and staff members to our School community. It was a lovely, relaxing evening and a wonderful opportunity for people to begin to get to know each other. Introducing our new staff members: Tamara Quilligan (2TQ), Dani Worlley (6DW), Amanda Kay (5AK), Ashley Payet (3AP), Jason Flanagan (PE), Ruby Bunne (Music), Bernard Dana (Piano) Premier’s Ac ve April Premier’s Ac ve April encourages all Victorians to undertake 30 minutes of physical ac vity a day during April. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to get more people ac ve and healthy. Use the online Ac vity Tracker to log your daily ac vity and track your progress throughout the month. Plus, you can create and join teams, compare the progress of team members, discover events near you and win awesome prizes! Just by registering every par cipant receives*: 10 free YMCA passes 15% off at Sportsmart in store and online one hour free tennis court hire at Melbourne Park or Albert Reserve a 2 for 1 cket offer to SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium a chance to win some great prizes including four ckets to the 2015 Toyota AFL Grand Final, a $1,500 bike voucher or a GoPro Camera a chance to win Sportsmart vouchers and coaching clinics at your school with high‐profile athletes Register today at ac veapril.vic.gov.au *Terms and condi ons for all prizes and offers apply. Visit ac veapril.vic.gov.au for details. Community Sport OELC Installation Service of Pr Tom Pietsch Sunday 22nd March at 2:00pm. Afternoon tea will follow in the Luther College Dining Room. All welcome Norwood Junior Football Club— Players Wanted Under 10 and Under 12 players wanted Free club bag for all new players in 2015. For enquiries, please contact Wayne Knight on 0418 607 890, or email njfc.regos@gmail.com Sth Croydon Junior Football Club – Players Wanted Come down and register for the upcoming season. This year we are planning to field sides from under 8’s to under 14’s and two under 17 sides. First me players to the club will be offered free registra on, this is a saving of $150! Round 1 starts on the 12th April, so get in quick! If you have any queries, please call either: Simone Crapper on 0404 096 180 or Lynne Tull on 0409 113 879 5 Good Shepherd News
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