The First Word - First United Methodist Church

March 2015
First United Methodist Church
264 North Main Street
Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Vol. 3, No. 7
The First Word
Palm/Passion Sunday
Sunday, March 29 at 8:45 and 11:00
The service begins with the waving of palms and the joyous singing of All
Glory, Laud and Honor. But then the mood becomes more reflective as the
choir leads us in the cantata, Arise, My Soul, Arise, where, we will not just
explore Christ’s final days on earth, but also dare to look within ourselves .
Holy Thursday Service of
Holy Communion and Tenebrae
Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 pm
We recall the last hours Jesus spent on this earth as we celebrate Holy
Communion and then participate in the dramatic Service of Tenebrae, or
“Shadows,” hearing the story of his passion and death.
Easter Sunday – Resurrection Day
Sunday, April 5
7:00 am
Community Easter Sunrise Service at Rutherfordton Cemetery.
8:45 and 11:00 Joyous Easter Worship in the First Church Sanctuary with
the release of the butterflies following the 11:00 service.
By the time you receive this newsletter, we will have mourned the death of the beloved coach
Dean Smith, been outraged by the brutal terrorism of ISIS abroad and had our hearts broken by
the murders of innocent young people in Chapel Hill. We also will have had the ash pressed into
our foreheads reminding us of our common humanity, with the call to “be reconciled,” whereby
WE are entrusted with “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18, 20). And then the
charge: Live a holy Lent. Dare to follow Jesus.
There is a cost to following Jesus that is much more than giving up chocolate. Living in a world
of brokenness and division, how do we stand apart, not succumbing to the prejudice and calls
for more violence, but as living witnesses to God’s Light that has come into the world?
The charge to “live a holy Lent” is sometimes thought of as a call to separate ourselves. But as
Christians, I believe this is a call to engage our neighbors in a Godly way by showing mercy
through extending the reach of our compassion. As we prepare for the 50th anniversary of the
march from Selma to Montgomery, March 7-8, dare to look at how you can reach out to those
whose race or lifestyle or religion is different from yours.
In Romans 12, Paul charges his congregation: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your minds.” Let the non-violent, crucified Jesus renew and reform your heart and mind from the inside out this Lenten season. Allow Jesus greater space in
your life and dare to follow him.
Much has been written about Dean Smith in the aftermath of his death. Nearly everyone who
reflected on his life said that as great a coach as he was, he was a better person. He
confronted the racial bigotry he encountered in the 1950’s and 1960’s and allowed his faith to
move him to move society forward in the acceptance of all people as equals.
How will you dare to be different, remembering who you are as God’s child, and following
Jesus? Below is a Prayer for Lent authored by a staff member of the General Board of Global
Ministries of The United Methodist Church.
Holy and Gracious God,
In this season of Lent, thank you for time set aside for reflection and sacrifice.
Give us courage to shed some of our comforts so that we can be humbled in
simplicity to care for our neighbors. As we consider what we will “give up” of
ourselves, I pray that we will be encouraged to “take on” qualities of Christ to
serve your people.
Journeying through these 40 days, help us to walk with Christ—understanding how
his ministry crossed boundaries of race, gender, religion, language, age and
ability. Just as Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick and welcomed the outcast,
remind us to reach out to our sisters and brothers around the world.
Thank you for the promise of resurrection so that as we move from prayerful
sacrifice to the foot of the cross, we might find redemption through your son, Jesus
Christ. Amen.
(Melissa Hinnen, director of Content and Public Information, General Board of Global Ministries
and Pastor at Asbury United Methodist Church, Croton-on-Hudson, NY)
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All services begin at 12:00 noon
March 4
St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church
Jessica Tidwell-Weinzier
March 11
First United Methodist Church
Bob Ward
March 18
St. John’s AME Zion Church
Chris Beebe
March 25
First Baptist Church
Rick Miller
April 3 (Good Friday)
St. Francis Episcopal Church
Connie Jensen
In January we are looking forward to seeing
Bobbie Tedford for Bible storytelling and
drama, Jack for answering questions about
God, Becky Wright
for reading
April 25 a book and
sharing a craft, and Glenda Fuhrmann for
article from John Kinlaw
music. We will take the children to Main Street
Coffee & Ice Cream and then to the Library.
March 15
Friendship Club will be going to Camp Tekoa
June 22-26. We have six first graders and five
second graders attending Elementary Day
Camp ($200 per child). Four third graders and
two fourth graders will be attending
Adventure Day Camp ($215 per child). The
children will be transported to and from camp
each day. If any individual or group would
like to make a donation for a child to attend
camp please contact Cindy Hill in the church
2015 marks the 75th anniversary of the launch
of Methodism’s relief agency. The 1940
General Conference responded to an
appeal from Bishop Herbert Welch to create
an agency that will serve as a “voice of
conscience among Methodists to act in relief
of human suffering without distinction of race,
color, or creed.”
On Sunday, March 15, we join United
Methodists everywhere by participating in the
special offering that supports the vital work of
The United Methodist Committee on Relief
(UMCOR), the relief arm of The United
Methodist Church. Gifts to One Great Hour of
Sharing lay the foundation for UMCOR to
manifest God’s steadfast, unconditional love
throughout the world.
As always we are grateful for all of your
prayers and support. Thank you for making a
difference in these children’s lives.
Friendship Club Staff,
Connie Mills and Alice Wright
March 18 at 12:00 noon
Every Monday at Noon
Operation Inasmuch
Send your Newsletter/Bulletin information,
inserts, etc. to:
Saturday, April 25
Page 3
(I don’t know whether this story is true or not,
so read it as you might read a parable. It was
passed onto me by one of our members.)
Jesus said, “Whoever
welcomes [a] child…
welcomes me”
(Matthew 18:5).
A group of salesmen were attending a sales
meeting in a large city. They had promised
their wives that they would be home in time
for Friday night dinner; however; in their rush
to catch their flights, with briefcases and
luggage in hand, they inadvertently kicked
over a table that held a display of apples.
Apples flew everywhere. In their hurry to make
their flight, they rushed on.
Children are our present and our future, our
hope, our teachers, our inspiration. According
to policy, a child that is not in the direct line of
sight at all times of the parent/guardian or
their designated attendee is an unattended
child. We are noticing children left
unattended prior to the start of Sunday
School. Please make sure that the teacher/
attendee is present before leaving your child.
Thank you, Children’s Council
ALL BUT ONE!!! He looked back to see the
wrecked apple stand and a lone girl standing
there. Compassion for her hit him. He told his
buddies to go on and “please call his wife to
tell her he would be on a later flight”.
He returned to the terminal where the 16 year
old stood frustrated. She was softly crying
and, at the same time, helplessly groping for
her spilled produce. You see the young lady
was blind! No one had given her situation a
glance as they hurried about.
We will have the opportunity to give the
designated amount of $10.00 (that each
flower would have cost) in honor or memory
of a loved one or friend. Money collected will
be donated to the Sisters In Christ Restoration
& Recovery Ministry to be used for the new
Homeless Shelter. On April 5, the list of all
memorial and honorarium "Mission Easter
Lilies" will be shared in the church bulletin.
The salesman knelt on the floor with her,
gathered up her apples, and helped organize
her table display. It was then that he noticed
some of the fruit was scared or bruised. He
pulled out his wallet and said to her, “Here,
please take this $50.00 for the damage that
we did”.
I (we) would like to be a part of the Easter
As the man started to walk away, she called
out to him, “Mister….Are you Jesus?”
He stopped in mid-stride startled and
wondering what to say. Gently, he replied,
“No, I’m nothing like Jesus. He would never
have bumped into your display in the first
In Honor Of _________________________________
The girl nodded with her sightless eyes, but
continued, “I only asked because I prayed for
Jesus to help me. He sent you. Thank you for
hearing Jesus!”
In Memory Of _______________________________
Are you Jesus to someone? Is someone Jesus
to you?
Please include your money with this form and
return it to the office or place in the offering
THAN SUNDAY, March 22.
Given By ____________________________________
Given By ____________________________________
(Share your stories of Christ’s Light Shining. Call
or email Shirley Koone at 287-3730 or
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March: Preparing for Easter
Bible Verse: My help comes from the
Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:2
Leap of Faith: God is with me in difficult
Scripture Reading: John 12:1-8, Mark
12:41-44, Luke 22:7-23, Mark 14:32-42,
John 12:12-19
Highlights for this month; Butterflies are
coming, St. Patrick's Day party and a
special study on Lent.
Come and Join us each week for
Sunday School as we "Leap into our
Faith". We will have fun with music, bible
study, crafts, fellowship, and much more!
Let's all grow together in our faith by
leaps and bounds!
In memory of Lucy Phillips, mother of
Nanette Edwards, from Craton & Teresa
Stephens, designated for the Welcome
In memory of Linda Anderson, sister of
Brenda Gibson, from Vanessa Harbison,
designated for the General Operating
In memory of Lib Walker, from Ron &
Dorothy Parker, designated for Soul
In memory of Marjorie Schultz, from Ron
& Donna Watkins, designated to the
ministry of Newt & Susan Hamlin.
Greeters (8:45)
First Sunday
Second Sun.
Third Sunday
Fourth Sun.
Fifth Sunday
Greeters (11:00)
First Sunday
Second Sun.
Third Sunday
Fourth Sun.
Fifth Sunday
Dennis Toney & Earl Furbish
Tommy & Andrea Harmon
Russ & Linda Armentrout
Greg & Brooke Turner
Jimmy & Ellyn Tanner
David & Debbie Best
Randy & Louanne McDaniel
Van & Susie King
Joyce Gray & Margaret Britt
Connie Hicks & Ginny Moore
Ushers (8:45) Rory Kiser, Russ & Linda Armentrout, Earl Furbish
Ushers (11:00) Bud Deck, Jimmy Dancy, Mel Bunch, Greg
Hodge, John Lewis, Jeff Powell, Ralph Hier
First Sunday
Second Sun.
Third Sunday
Fourth Sun.
Fifth Sun.
(8:45 am)
Amanda Griffith
Nicole Mercer
Maris Rogers
Andrew Harris
David Griffith
(11:00 am)
Taylor Wright
Hannah Shelton
Laurie Griffith
Jackson Powell
Campbell Powell
Children’s Time
Second Sunday
Third Sunday
Fourth Sunday
Adam Myslinski
Eric Wells
Susie King
Sound System
First Sunday
Second Sunday
Third Sunday
Fourth Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Ed Bosgra
Greg Turner
Joy Piper
Russell Wicker
Eric Wells
Bread Makers
First Sunday
Second Sunday
Third Sunday
Fourth Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Jeannie Kiser
Bobbie Tedford
Donna Carver
Donna Watkins
Cheryl Maszkiewicz
Door Steppers
First Sunday
Second Sunday
Third Sunday
Fourth Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Dillard & Carolyn Morrow
Bud & Joy Deck
Jane Waters & Vanessa Harbison
Charlie & Emily Yelton
Dan & Nancy Smith
First Sunday
Second Sunday
Third Sunday
Fourth Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Emily Yelton
Naomi Yelton
Nanette Edwards
Susan Keever
Margaret Britt & Barbara Keever
Prayer Steward
First Week
Second Week
Third Week
Fourth Week
Fifth Week
Don & Betty Harris
Bob & Teresa Bourne
Bud & Joy Deck
Jimmy & Ginger Dancy
Betty Lane & Helen Rogers
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First United Methodist Church
264 North Main Street
Rutherfordton, NC 28139
We’re on the Web!
Find us on Facebook!
Phone and Extension: (828) 287-3704
Jack Knoespel, Ext. 102
Glenda Fuhrmann, Ext. 114
Organist and Interim Director of Music
Cindy Hill, Ext. 101
Business Manager
Pam Craft, Ext. 100
Administrative Assistant
Connie Mills, Ext. 107
Friendship Club Director
Kathy Watson, Ext. 103
TLC Preschool Director