Second Sunday of Lent

Lent - what will you give up?
Lent is a time for prayer, reflection and going deeper in to our faith. If you do not
normally attend a midweek service such as Morning Prayer or the Wednesday
Communion, or home group, consider giving up something else to attend just one
midweek event. If you are involved in a midweek service or group, consider giving up
your normal group for just a few weeks to meet with a different group of people. This
can give us valuable new insights as we listen to different voices.
Monday Home Group Lent Course - Songs of Praise in the New
Testament, using the York Course material. The 5 sessions remind us of who
God was, and is and will be; what he has done and what he will continue to do
for each one of us. All are most welcome to come along, if you want further
information contact Judy Hill 462888 or Brenda Edwards 463227.
Wednesday Home Group Lent Course - Les Miserables - 7.30 at
Pippins, Giddy Green Lane. All welcome. Chris C
Thursday Churches Together in Wool Lent Course - Songs of Praise in the
New Testament - Starts 26th February at the Methodist Church, 2.30pm. A different
leader each week from across our Churches Together Group.
Licensing Service - Holy Rood, Tuesday 10th March, 7.30pm
You are all cordially invited to attend the service of Holy Communion at which Rhona
will be instituted as Vicar of Wool & East Stoke and as Rural Dean of Purbeck by the Rt
Revd Graham Kings, Bishop of Sherborne. Drinks will be served afterwards in the
School Hall. We would love everyone to be there for this major event in the life of our
parish and deanery.
Conference on Child Sexual Exploitation, Slavery and Human Trafficking
The Bishops of the Church of England want to raise our awareness and encourage us to
act on these issues, as they say, “No child should ever be for sale. You need to know
about it!” A day conference is being held in Salisbury on Tuesday 28 April, from 9.30am.
Details on the church noticeboard and diocesan website.
In preparation for the Church's APCM, the electoral roll has to be updated. A copy is
in the church porch. Please check that your name is on it.
If not please contact John Matthews (462128)
Mothering Sunday—Sunday 15th March
We invite you to the Family Service for Mothering Sunday at 10.00am in The Holy
Rood Church. We look forward to welcoming all ages to this service.
East Stoke Quiz Update
Thank you to all who supported this fund raising event. Congratulations to the
‘Woollies’ Team which came top out of 14 teams! A good time was had by all and over
£400 was raised for the village hall fund. The next event will be an Easter Tea Party.
Details soon.
Readings for next Sunday
1 Samuel 1.20–end
Colossians 3.12–17
John 19.25b–27
Welcome to the Church of the Holy Rood
Sunday 8th March 2015
Third Sunday of Lent
A loop system is available, and people with hearing aids should turn them to T
What’s on this week
Holy Communion
REVIVE in the School hall
8.30am Morning Prayer, in church
7.30pm Lent course, 23 Hillside Rd
8.30am Morning Prayer, in church
7.30pm Licensing Service , see back for
10.00am Holy Communion
7.30pm Lent Course, Pippins, Giddy Grn
8.30am Morning Prayer
2.30pm Churches Together in Wool,
Lent Course, Methodist Church
Services Next Sunday
Holy Communion
10.00am Mothering Sunday
Suggestions For Your Prayers This Week
Situations that are reported in the media.
The work of the church, especially the Dioceses of Canterbury Down and
Dromore and the Diocese of Wau in South Sudan, also Five Talents and our
Teapot Club.
This parish, especially the Youth clubs and children’s uniformed organisations in
Wool and Bovington and also for the residents of Heath Close, Bovington,
Hethfelton, East Stoke, High Street, Wool, High Street Close, Wool, Higher
Wood, Bovington, Highwood, East Stoke, Hillside Road, Wool.
Those who are ill, especially for those who have asked for our prayers among
them Maureen and Geoff Long, Rosemary Legg, Jacky Hourahane, Heather Goff,
Jane McKaigg, Maisie Barnes, Wally Baker, Michael Smith, Ray Baker, Gordon,
baby Elliot, Ken and Chris Makepeace.
The families and friends of those who have died in recent days among them,
Donald Charles Freeman and Archibald Tulloch, and the families and friends of
those whose anniversary of death falls at this time.
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You can receive the pewsheet and bulletin direct to your email each week/month. Please
contact Jenny Hunt on if you wish to be added to the mailing list..
Information for the pewsheet
Please send to by the preceding Monday for inclusion.
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