Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation invites valuable suggestions from different RWAs /SHGs/CBOs and Slum Dwellers Associations for incorporation in the draft plan for Operation & management of all Community Centre in BMC area on or before 20th March 2015. The suggestion may be submitted to the Deputy Commissioner (Projects) through by person/speed post /Corrier and Email in the below mention address. Deputy Commissioner (Projects) Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Vivekananda Marg, Bhubaneswar – 751014, Tel: 0674 – 2431403, Fax: 0674 – 2432895, Email : : Operation & Management of Community Centre Under Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Area Definition of Community Centre “Community Centre”- An area or building used substantially for community services or activities, which promote the physical, cultural, or emotional wellbeing of persons within the community. Community centres are not designed to be monopolised by a specific user group Community centres are buildings providing physical resources that are used for community development and community services activities, including: Meeting and function rooms for community activities; Offices and Spacious rooms for delivering services Specialised activity and performance spaces for particular groups of people Outdoor areas, fenced playgrounds with safe play equipment; Support facilities such as kitchen, toilet, and furniture; Purpose of Community Centre BMC aim is to provide community centres that meet the diverse needs of our residents and visitors. Community facilities enhance the community’s capability to conduct activities, develop links amongst people, and build self-help and mutual support. As well, they should meet the recreational, cultural and community support needs and strengthen local community networks. Community Centre is the place and resources where: 1) Residents can meet, organise, and carry out safe, enjoyable activities; 2) Community interaction contributes towards developing a friendly, supportive community with lively, viable local centres where people come to meet each other and find the social support they require; 3) People can build relationships, and provide a focus for building community identity; 4) Strengthens the life of the community; build strong, responsible, and safe communities; and 5) Delivering community services, including space for the Volunteers who provide these services. Principles for Community Centre Operation 1. MULTI-PURPOSE- To allow community facilities to be used for varying purposes, the internal and external areas and the equipment should be able to be used in different combinations for different types of activities. 2. GREATEST USE-To optimises community benefits. BMC intends to maximise the number of people using the facility, the intensity with which it is being used, and the number of times it is used. 3. WIDEST USE- To spread the benefits of community centres amongst the community, BMC intends that it should be used by as many different people and groups as feasible. 4. ACCESSIBLE- To promote equitable access, all new community centres should be equipped for disability access, be accessible by public transport, be promoted in community languages, and have well maintained informative signage on the facility and adequate direction signs to it. 5. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY- To allow all residents the opportunity to use centres, Each should have a clear and non-discriminatory usage and booking policy. 6. RESPONSIVE-It is crucial to ensure that community centres respond to community needs, and not imposed- participation on residents. OPERATING GUIDELINES 1. Operation and maintenance of the community centre should be managed by the Basti Management Committee or the Resident Welfare Associations (RWA) 2. Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) will form a Community Centre Management Committee (CCMC) for Operation & Management of the Community Centre. 3. Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation reserves the right to utilise the facility for activities that are beneficial to the community in negotiation with the management groups at no cost to Corporation, if entering into an incorporated Management Agreement. 4. The charging policy for community centres will be determined by Management bodies and approved by BMC. Fees should be maintained at a level that ensures access and equity to community users. 5. All income from user charges is used for facility maintenance, general running and specific usage costs, or facility improvement. 6. Clubs and societies wishing to use the facility for meetings or activities should accordingly be charged as per price schedule. 7. There should be an efficient, “user friendly” booking procedure to facilitate this use. Management Committees will develop policies for booking procedures for the facilities. 8. Where an organisation wants use of a facility or part for the purpose of providing nonprofit community services, Management bodies may charge a reduced fee and consider waiver of fees on an application basis. 9. Where an activity is for community benefit and particularly where it aims to benefit more disadvantaged citizens then the usage fee may be reduced or waived. 10. The Management Committee is responsible for ensuring that use of the facility is maintained in a clean, safe condition; does not unduly disturb the neighbours, and is properly managed. 11. Management Committees will provide all consumables such as, Water, hand towels, light bulbs, cleaning materials, etc. 12. Management Committees will be responsible for cleaning of the community centre or hall. 13. The management group will be required to make the facility accessible to the Community 80% of the time. 14. Management Groups may establish usage guidelines relevant to the facility. 15. BMC reserves right to engage the Non Profit Organization or Firm or Charitable trust or Community Based Organisation for managing the community centre to conduct business administration for the centre and the group. Asset Management The asset management is: “To ensure the provision of the right range of public assets in a cost effective manner to facilitate the economic, social, environmental and recreational services for our community by maintaining sustainable infrastructure”. In each Community centre there must be an asset management plan to set a broad framework for undertaking asset management in a structured and coordinated manner. The plan establishes the context for asset management, sets the objectives for providing asset management, identifies broad responsibilities for asset management of the centre and provides broad timeframes for achieving the objectives. To ensure the right assets are provided to meet the community needs; To provide sustainable infrastructure through leadership and vision; To be financially responsible by providing appropriate resources for the delivery of services; To manage all assets in a manner that is fair for present and future users in terms of benefits and cost. 1. BMC/Management Committee will progressively develop an asset management plan for each community centre so that each can be managed in an appropriate manner according to its purpose, use and capital needs. 2. Each facility’s asset management plan should be developed in conjunction with the managing body or Community Centre management Committee (CCMC). 3. The asset management plan should specify, for each facility , its current and evolving purpose, desired usage targets, identify capital works requirements for the next five years including major maintenance and disability access requirements, and describe its management requirements, and arrangements. General body meeting under CCMC The General Body shall comprise of the following members: S/N Members Designation 1. Local Corporator Chairperson 2. Community Organiser Convenor 3. Junior Engineer of the Ward Member 4. Ward Officer Member 5. AWW Member 6. ANM/ ASHA Worker Member 7. President of Basti Committee/ Community Development Society (CDS)/ Slum Development Association(SVA)/ Resident Welfare Association (RWA) Member Representative of CBO/NGO Member Social worker/Activist (To be nominated by the Honourable Mayor) Member 8. 9. General body meeting will be convened once in a year to review the management & maintenance of community centre. In case the President of any Basti committee/RWAs have been changed, the new President will be member of the general body. Convener of the meeting- concerned C.O. and to be issued a formal request notice to the participants. The meeting will be convened by the concerned C.O to discuss the operation and maintenance plan of community centre & its utility. Venue – The said meeting will be organised in the existing Community Centre Agenda - Operation and maintenance plan of community centre & its utility or any other issues. Role of General Body 1. To work in a common vision for use of the Centre. 2. To have a common understanding of what services and activities they already provide to prioritised the same in terms of the common vision 3. To develop their common vision to agree what steps need to be taken 4. Preparation of actions they need to take over a period of time 5. Preparation of time line to achieve these actions 6. Management of the resources (Need & Assessment) Formation of Executive Committee under CCMC After the General body meeting, an Executive committee will be formed consisting of Presidents of Basti Committees/RWAs as the case may be and ward officers & COs will be the official members of the said Sub-committee. • The CO will be the convenor of the meeting. • The local Corporator will be the special invitee. The Chairperson of the Executive committee will be elected / selected by the members of the committee except the official members of the committee & the Corporator by voice vote. Members of the Executive Committee: S/N Members 1 Local Corporator 2 Community Organiser 3 Ward Officer 4 AWW President of Basti Committee/ Community Development Society 5 (CDS)/ Slum Development Association(SVA)/ Resident Welfare Association (RWA) Designation Special invitee Convenor Member Member Member .Time Line of Executive Committee Meeting • The Executive committee will meet once in a month on a particular date to discuss the issues relating to the management of the Community centre. • A monthly date & Time will fixed by the General Body of CCMC. Tenure of Executive Committee • The tenure of the Chairperson of the Executive committee will be one year and in case within the tenure of the Chairperson, • If the Executive committee feels that the activities of the Chairperson is not satisfactory or acting against the principles for management of community centre, the Executive committee will request the concerned CO in writing to convene a meeting to elect/select the new Chairperson, • The tenure of the new Chairperson will be one year from the date of election /selection. Operation & Managements 1) The key of the community centre will be with the Chairperson of the Executive committee & the concerned ward officer. 2) A joint A/C will be opened in the name of the Executive committee, which will be operated by the Chairman of the Executive committee & the concerned Ward officer. 3) The funds will function as O & M fund of the community centre. The Ward Officer will maintain the Cash Book of O & M fund. 4) Utilisation of Community Centre A. The community centre will be utilised free of cost for public purposes such as Immunization Programme, Pension distribution, Skill development training, IEC activities, SHG meetings, Literacy programme Shelter for Urban Homeless Activities under NULM & NUHM Any other govt. programmes. B. User Charges If the community centre is used for any social functions such as marriage ceremony, thread ceremony, birthday function or any other function by any private individual or any organisations, user charges will be collected from them flowingly. 1. Marriage Below 500Sqfit 1000Sqfit 2000Sqfit More than 5000Sqfit ceremony 2. Thread ceremony, Rs. 750/ Rs 1000/ Rs 1700/ Rs 2000/ 3. Birthday function or any other function C. Collection of User Charges The Chairperson will collect the user charges and deposit it in the joint A/C, by maintaining the register & receipts. Monthly collection of user charges must be reported by the Ward officer after verification to BMC in a prescribed format. D. Maintenance of the Community Centre The user charges will be utilised for maintenance of community centre including sanitation & Electric. The sub-committee can spend up to Rs.2000/- for minor maintenance. If maintenance cost will be higher, then the concerned J.E will do the maintenance work departmentally, but the funds will be spent out of user charges of the concerned community centre. E. Other Work There are some shops in the community centres, Concerned Community Organiser will submit the proposal for fixation of fair and equitable rent of the shops by the concerned Engineering Division. Thereafter the Community Organiser will make publicity in the concerned ward for rent of the shops to the SHGs for the marketing support of their products The shops will be given on rent to SHGs on competitive bidding for three years with rise of 5% in rent every year, The SHGs will pay the bill of the electricity consumption. The rent of the shops will be deposited in the above said account. After the end of three years, the same procedure will be repeated. Role of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation 1. Support management Committees in their conduct of Centres 2. Provide and maintain fire safety equipment for Community Centres and halls 3. Maintain and modify Community Centres for improved use of amenities and ensure safety. 4. Time to time Investigate available funds, assess community needs and identify gaps Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation
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