09433 A0 I OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Order No. 20/09-15 HRL (1) Dated, Panchkula, the 13.02.2015 Smt. Shashi, (094804) Lecturer in Political Science, Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Manesar (Gurgaon) [879] is hereby granted child care leave w.e.f. 01.03.2015 to 29.05.2015 (90 days) as per F.D. letter No. 11/102/2009-3FR dated 05.02.2010 and letter No. 11/102/2009-3FR dated 05.11.2012. M.L. KAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. Even DATED, PANCHKULA, THE 02/03/2015 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Education Officer, Gurgaon w.r.t. their Memo No. E-2/2014/2023 dated 22.01.2015. Principal, Govt. Girls. Sr. Sec. School, Manesar (Gurgaon) [879]. Smt. Shashi, Lecturer in Political Science, Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. 3. School, Manesar (Gurgaon) [879]. Technogy Officer, I.T. Cell. uperintendent HRL for Director Secondary Education Haryar., panchlcula AD, (P- fti t ut-t1 tam -6NrurT, ct),,elf -6T ftur 31tWftr, 1 ftiiR I 1T1 4 / 87 - 2015 .. 1331- 1c*-io 7-1TT fjf Litcpc\dt 4r4A e% mmild cni qti O 1. 9O 11PT R11-01W " `"1 -19RI)Dc1 9r9 it41r (2) /ftzr9I 11TfTT 3TfMT Fqr-Tr-T-iR wth tr-4 Smt. Santa Rani, Guest Lecturer Hindi foffitd TRH GSSS Hansi (Hisar) [14411 ‘461 A ITiTt TEF cr) t GGSSS Narnaund (Hisar) [13051 Due to workload 3Qal -r-qTR0R-60 ffTETfauORERDTT, qt cPc,(11 TIT-HO Tci 31T4F14) cb-14-40 -) 1. 311taf-c 1 ,_5--- .r)-ka :- -urNi Technology Officer (I.T. Cell) I o.t 34a-ro5 T03THoR-6o tall .6-ftulTT, ftvr-4) Itri cOsil I yield( Directorate of Secondary Education PlICINF 91411 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / firms, vi'Smilffbr 'yrni feren-rvr Education, Culture and Development TtIPTIT Office of Director School Education vryieit volfertfnu From Darkness lead me to Light Off.: 30 Bays Building, 3rd Floor, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh - 160017 (India) Tel: 91(0172)-2701333 Fax: 91(0172)-2701347 eicifelci: 30 tv g lZ4 4r,Ole ea, INEZ 174 ilitTra.-160017 ('RS) Vitif : 91 0174 2701333 Thif: 91 (0172) 2701347 e-mail: edusecondary@hry.nic.in 1411ci el ftrur o Second al c17' 65/40/ leiei TT e Senior Se condary Sc 74 6141 ici,3TROttO&O H1 4-I 2001 74. tl i-l e4—TPITI 1:Fvi I cOltilc1.1 vio-crgoo p 'V fkOrw Acous ql %et, (nun, Litictisil I . lboictri Tff-4 ITT{ wf Cen • :— R4 5 2 l t:— 3TTWIT Second iii lil q, Illt1111T114, Ce aTriattota I kiticroi 1 era, Off.: 30 Bays Building, 3rd Floor, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh 160017 (India) Tel: 91(0172)-2701333 Fax:) . 91(0172)2701347 dal: 30 iW W411, Ole EiN, *MI 174 VOW —160017 MO VqM1T : 91 (0172) 2701333 *it 91 (0172) 2701347 GAback up old computer file no 1 \Issued noc\school name change\ Central Sr. Sec. School, Kalthal.doc OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No. 22/10-2015 HRL (1) Dated, Panchkula, the 16.02.2015 Sanction is hereby accorded under Notification No. 15/136-2010 Co (1) dated 26 th April, 2011 to re-employment of Sh. Ram Niwas, Lecturer in Sanskrit, Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Siwana '(Jhajjar) who has been retired on 30.11.2014. He will retain in the same institution with immediate effect upto 31.03.2015 or till the vacancies are filled in by promotion or fresh recruitment or from the date of actual joining whichever is later on the following terms and conditions :There is no adverse remarks regarding integrity during last three years service and service record during last three years is good or better than that. No charge sheet U/R 7 or 8 of Haryana Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules 1987 is pending against him/her. Medical fitness Certificate from the Government Medical Officer. No case involving moral turpitude is pending and no charges have been framed by the competent Court. 5. The salary will be paid as per provisions of CSR Vol-II i.e. last pay drawn minus pension. M.L. KAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula, the — )--6/dli A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Education Officer, Jhajjar. Principal, Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Siwana (Jhajjar). 3. Official concerned. Technology Officer (Local). \\ Superintendent HRL for Director Secondary Education, H aryan tPanchkula
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